The right side of the sensor does not work. The touchscreen does not work after replacement - Basic ways to solve the problem

If you notice that the sensor on your tablet does not work, be sure to read our instructions. We will try to help you solve this problem.

Technology and electronics make our lives much easier every day. For the most part, we cannot live without tablets and phones, because almost all areas of our lives depend on them: social, economic, and sometimes even political. Therefore, when we discover that the sensor on the device does not work, this becomes a very big problem, because there are practically no buttons for them, everything is controlled by the sensor.

Unfortunately, damage may sometimes not be visible to the naked eye. The reason why the sensor stops working is not always water/dust getting inside or careless handling.

So, what are the main reasons why the sensor on a tablet stops working:

1. Liquid or contamination has entered the sensor. This also includes contamination of the screen with fingerprints, which can lead to decreased or loss of touchscreen sensitivity.

In the first case, immediately after detecting liquid getting inside the tablet, turn it off and, if possible, disassemble it, clean it and let it dry. If stains appear on the screen that cannot be wiped off, then you should replace the screen and clean all internal components of the device to prevent oxidation.

2. Mechanical damage to the tablet (falls, shocks) or severe temperature changes. Even if the device screen does not have any visible defects, and the sensor still does not respond to touch, then most likely you will have to replace the touchscreen. If the sensor stops working due to exposure to too low or high temperatures, then the best solution is to wait, the malfunction should go away on its own.

3. Damage or detachment of the cable that is responsible for connecting to the touch coating.

4. There is a problem with the tablet software.

The simplest thing that can be done in this situation is to restart the tablet and give it a rest for a while, since the gadget could “freeze” due to a large number of running applications, which led to malfunctions of the sensor. It is worth considering not only open applications, but also applications running in the background, since they also load RAM.

If a simple reboot does not help and the sensor on the tablet still does not work, then you can try checking it for any viruses and removing all unnecessary or questionable applications. After these operations, you must reboot the device.

The next way to solve the problem with a non-working sensor is to reset the tablet to factory settings. Please note that in this case, all information stored on the device will be erased and cannot be restored. A device that has been reset to factory settings will be the same as it was on the day of purchase - crystal clear. Therefore, you should remove the flash drive and try to transfer all important files to a computer or other accessible device.

1. Soft reset.

Experts insist that regardless of the problem with the tablet, you should first perform a soft reset, and then, if unsuccessful, try to bring the device back to life using a hard reset.

A hard reset is carried out in two ways: through the “Settings” menu, the “Recovery and reset” submenu and through the “Recovery menu”, or “Recovery menu”. Since in the case of a sensor, control through the main menu is not possible, only the second method remains.

1. To enter this mode, you must turn off the tablet. Please note that the tablet must be fully charged, otherwise it may turn off at the wrong time and it will be more difficult to restore the system.

2. After the device turns off completely, you need to hold down a combination of several keys (power button and volume button) and hold until the following screen appears:

Photo: Recovery menu

3. You can navigate through the recovery menu using the volume key, and select items using the power button. You need to select “wipe data/recovery reset”.

Photo: Recovery menu

4. The next step is to agree to delete all data from the tablet by clicking on the “Yes – delete all user data” option.

Photo: Recovery menu

5. Now you need to proceed directly to reboot the system by selecting “Reboot system now”.

Photo: Recovery menu

After a little thought (which may take a while), the tablet will perform all the necessary actions and begin to start.

Please note that this method does not guarantee that the tablet’s sensor will start working. This is just one of the possible manipulations for his resurrection.

Photo: Touchscreen on tablet

Another reason why a tablet's sensor isn't working or isn't working accurately (opening apps instead of just swiping through menus, tapping twice instead of once, etc.) could be that it's poorly calibrated (this applies to older devices with resistive displays). In order to calibrate the sensor, you must either use the standard setting using Android OS services, or download calibration applications (for example, Touchscreen Calibration (Download)), or contact the service center when all other methods do not help.

All the tips offered above are not direct instructions to action. If you are not entirely sure that you can handle fixing the sensor on your tablet yourself, it is better to contact a service center, where experienced specialists will be able to determine exactly what the problem is and how to solve it.

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Good afternoon, dear reader!

Today I will tell you a story from my life. This is not just a story, this is practical advice. It’s not for nothing that this article is located in the “Everyday Affairs” section.

I have several phones. Yesterday, on one of them, the touchscreen (or touch screen) “died” - a touch screen that completely replaces the physical keyboard.

As usual, he “died” partially, but this was quite enough to completely paralyze all work.

light spot

The sensitivity on the narrow strip on the right has disappeared. The phone was turned off at night, and in the morning I tried to turn it on. This procedure is accompanied by entering a password. And I need this narrow stripe on the right, since I will use the number located there.

As a result, I couldn't even turn on the phone. As usual, calls began to service centers and answers: “Leave your phone number - we will call you back once we check whether we have such a touchscreen or not.” As a rule, everyone promised to call “today or tomorrow.” What should I do right now?

In general, there was only one bright spot in this whole story - the Internet. Why light? Because you will always find answers to 99% of your questions on the Internet! I found the answer too.

Which? I'll tell you now.

Where can I get it?

If the touchscreen on your phone is “covered with a copper basin,” you will need a piezoelectric element to “resurrect” it. Where can I get it? Of course, in a piezo lighter. But I don’t have a piezo lighter at home: with a handle, on a wire or a battery - there’s no such thing.

But there is a piezoelectric element. It is installed on the hob of my gas stove. Turning the burner knob, I open the gas. At the same time, I push the handle down and turn on the piezoelectric element. This is how I light the burner.

In general, I need a piezoelectric element, but I don’t need gas. I turned off the gas valve. Turned off my phone. I brought it with the screen to the piezoelectric element: the place where my touchscreen “died”. I turned on the piezoelectric element and moved the screen for a few seconds so that the spark covered the “dead” area of ​​the touchscreen.

After that, I turned on the phone, and - lo and behold! – the touchskin is working! He really recovered! He became fully operational!

The effect lasts...

Various sources on the Internet report that the effect of such resuscitation lasts from several days to one month. Today is my second day since the touchscreen “came to its senses” - everything works perfectly.

Of course, it is necessary to replace the touchscreen, but resuscitation from a piezoelectric element as an immediate method is simply great!

If my solution helps you, I will be only glad! Have you ever experienced a sudden “death” of your touchscreen at the most inopportune time? How did you solve this problem?

A touch screen phone is a very functional and convenient thing. However, the more high-tech the device, the easier it is to damage it. The sensor (touchscreen) is the “Achilles heel” of modern gadgets, because it is very fragile and is constantly subject to mechanical stress. Careless users can place a bag on it, sit down, flood it, or even throw it against the wall in a fit of anger. And now the long-suffering phone comes to a point when the touchscreen sensor no longer responds to finger touches. What to do if the phone no longer obeys its owner?

There are many reasons why touchscreen does not respond to touch. The main triggers are hardware damage, which can only be diagnosed and repaired at a service center.

What to do if you have The touchscreen on the phone does not work:

  • First, pay attention to the neatness of your phone. Dirt or oil stains may cause the touchscreen to respond incorrectly to user touches. Therefore, do not be lazy to regularly wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth. This simple cleaning can get it back into working order. In addition, make it a rule not to handle your phone with dirty or wet hands.
  • An incorrectly installed protective film may be the reason why the touchscreen does not respond to finger touches. This happens due to air bubbles and dirt collected between the surface of the touch screen and the film. To solve the problem, you need to re-stick the film.
  • Sometimes the touchscreen does not work because the signals received by the device may not be perceived correctly. In this case, a reboot or reset is enough to bring the system back to life.
  • Carefully inspect the screen for cracks. Even small cracks can cause... As a result, the touchscreen partially responds to touches only in certain areas. The only way to restore your phone to full functionality is to replace the sensor on your phone at a service center.
  • If the touchscreen on your smartphone does not work, this may be due to a breakdown or malfunction of the sensor control chip. As a rule, failure of the microcircuit occurs due to shocks and falls. This may also be caused by moisture penetrating into the housing. Replacing the microcircuit with a new one will help solve the problem.
  • In addition to everything mentioned, part of the touchscreen on the phone does not work due to the breakdown of various components. For example, failure of a printed circuit board or its components due to moisture penetration, physical or mechanical stress may result in loss of functionality. Only a complete diagnosis will help determine what exactly has gone wrong.

As practice shows, in cases where the sensor on the phone does not work, the problem lies in the touchscreen. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, replacing the glass on your phone will help restore full functionality. And only in 10% the reason lies in other details.


If your touchscreen doesn't work, don't try to repair your phone yourself so you don't have to buy a new one later. Replacing the glass on a phone should only be done at a specialized service center using original parts, since counterfeits quickly become unusable and cannot be repaired.

The site's service center technicians will promptly identify and efficiently fix the problem at an affordable price.

Ergonomic touch devices have arrived. What has changed with the use of new technology? Yes, almost everything related to management functionality. Therefore, the tricky situation when the sensor on the phone does not work requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in some cases, the user has every chance to make repairs on his own. However, we read about this and much more below.

Why did the sensor stop working?

There can be an incredible variety of reasons. Despite the high technology, in most cases the control element is fragile and quite “picky”. The functional abilities of such a modern “miracle” are completely dependent on a variety of influencing factors:

  • weather conditions,
  • mechanical damage,
  • contact with conductive liquid.

A software glitch or spontaneous system failure may also be responsible for the fact that the sensor on the phone does not work. Of course, all these disadvantages are conditional, because it plays a major role in the life of the mobile device being used. The performance of the device and its operational efficiency depend specifically on our actions.

Common touch screen problems

Mechanical damage most often leads to various breakdowns. Falling and deformation are unique champions of the common excuse: “I didn’t do anything, I was just riding in a crowded minibus” or “It’s not my fault that it’s so slippery.” The consequences of impact and excessive pressure on the device can be different. From an innocent chip on the case cover to the cobweb-like pattern of a cracked display. The case may endure, but the touchscreen and screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor on your phone does not work, you should pay special attention to the structural parts of the mobile phone. In the case when the body part of the device moves away from the touchscreen and you visually see a gap formed or find that it has moved, you need to install the parts in place. Sometimes a smartphone loses its sensor functionality due to a small amount of liquid getting inside the gadget. Moreover, you often have no idea how water ends up in the depths of the device. Although you should know that condensation will choose the most unfavorable moment to show its destructive abilities. Check contact pads and connector sockets for oxidation. Physical defects: screen flickering, image distortion and other non-standard manifestations in the phone’s operation may indicate that the device needs emergency repair. Procrastination and delay in seeking professional help is not in your best interest...

What you're capable of: doing it yourself doesn't mean it's counterproductive

If the sensor on your phone is not working well, first calibrate the touchscreen. Typically, this function is available in the main settings window of your device. Such actions are carried out when the device is clearly in good working order, when the body is intact, no signs of deformation or oxidation are found, and the sensor reflects the glare of light with an impeccably smooth surface. Given the not entirely rosy forecasts, you will have to reincarnate as a mobile device repair engineer. Since subsequent actions require certain skills and specific knowledge.

Removing oxide and positioning the touchpad

Arm yourself with a special (mobile) tool: Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers, an unnecessary plastic card (bank or other type). Prepare alcohol, a clean toothbrush, an eraser and regular table napkins.


If all your manipulations have a favorable outcome, your touchscreen should work. If everything remains unchanged and the sensor on the phone also does not work, then only replacing this component of the control system will help you. What is not recommended to do at home? Therefore, you cannot avoid a visit to the workshop. Take care of your sensor!

Touchscreen devices have replaced push-button phones. What has changed since this technology became firmly established in our lives? Almost everything that is in any way related to the functioning of the device. That is why a situation in which the sensor stops working requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in many cases a person has almost every chance of restoring his device. We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Why did the sensor stop working?

There are quite a few reasons why the sensor on your phone does not work (what to do is described below). Considering the technology of the touchscreen, as a rule, most often this control element is quite fragile and finicky. Its performance is highly dependent on weather conditions, damage, and liquid ingress.

If a software failure occurs or the system spontaneously fails to work, problems with the operation of the sensor may occur. These disadvantages are, in principle, conditional and can be easily avoided. We can seriously say that a person is the most important factor in the performance of a mobile device. It is the actions of the owner that will determine how long the device will be in use and why the sensor on the phone does not work.

Common touch screen problems

Often, breakdowns occur due to mechanical damage. If the phone is dropped or deformed, the device will not function properly as a result. Impacts or other mechanical influences can cause various consequences. As a rule, they can be ordinary chips on the cover at best, or a cracked display at worst. If the deformation of the case does not affect the operation of the gadget in most cases, then the screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor stops working, then you need to pay attention to the components of the mobile device. If the case part moves slightly away from the display and you can notice a gap, then you should immediately take the phone in for repair.

Sometimes a smartphone may stop working if liquid gets into it. Many people have absolutely no idea how water manages to get on the board, but this is a common problem.


If the sensor on your phone does not work, it is not clear what to do, then first you need to go to the device settings. There you need to calibrate the touchscreen. This feature can often be found in the main settings. These steps can be carried out if the screen is completely in order, the body is intact, and there are no signs of deformation or oxidation. If the sensor has a perfectly smooth surface, then it is likely that the touchscreen has simply turned off.

If the forecasts are not entirely optimistic, the sensor on the phone still does not work, what should I do? It is better to immediately start looking for a solution to your problem. In order to perform the following actions, you must have certain skills.

Oxide Elimination

In order to eliminate the oxide, you need to use a special tool - a Phillips and flat-head screwdriver. An unnecessary plastic card will also work. You should take alcohol, a toothbrush, an eraser and napkins. Before you disassemble your device, you need to watch a video that describes how to do it. To do this, just type your phone model into a search engine and look at reviews of it.

You need to be careful when separating parts of the housing. There is a risk that a person’s cable may fly off, wires may break, or any parts may break. In order not to get lost with the screws, you need to draw a diagram of the phone and arrange the screws according to the drawing. All accessible places where liquid can get into should be wiped with alcohol, then with an eraser and then blotted with a napkin.

In order to eliminate corrosion of the board, you need to use a toothbrush. Often this is the reason why the phone’s sensor has failed. Where the cables are connected, especially when it comes to the touch screen connector, it is necessary to treat it with alcohol and remove the deposits with an eraser. As a result, the surface will be dry and clean.

If the screen peels off or shifts, then this is probably the problem. Often in such cases the phone’s sensor fails. To put the screen in place, you need to use a hairdryer. You can peel off the touchscreen from the display simply by heating it. The glue will dry, and then it will be easy to move the sensor to the desired location.

The device must be assembled carefully and carefully, installation must be done one at a time. Don't forget about screwing in the screws. It is also necessary to put protective housings back on the microcircuits.

Other methods: how to fix the problem

There are many other reasons why a sensor can fail, so a person’s actions will directly depend on the failure. Sometimes you can solve this problem yourself, remembering that repairing touch phones is an expensive service. For example, if the sensor does not work due to surface contamination and does not respond to touch, then you need to wipe the screen with liquid. You should also use a soft cloth. This is necessary if the question arises about what to do - the sensor on the phone does not work.

If the protective film was installed incorrectly and now the lower part of the sensor on the phone does not work, you need to replace this coating by cleaning the screen from dirt. Dust and dirt often get trapped under the film. This is what makes working with the sensor difficult.

In other cases, the cause may be a software failure. This problem can be easily solved by resetting the settings or flashing the device. In the most urgent cases, you should contact the service center. We'll talk about this below.

If the sensor on your phone does not work for no obvious reason

If the sensor stops working for unknown reasons, then it is better to contact a service center and conduct a full diagnosis of the phone. This is the only way to find out the true cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without harm to yourself or additional money spent. If the phone is still under warranty, then you can easily replace the sensor or solve the problem itself. As a rule, experts answer the question of why the sensor on the phone does not work quite quickly. This method is the most effective. If a person does not want to harm his phone, it is best to immediately contact the service center as soon as a breakdown occurs. If you are not confident in your abilities, you should not try to solve this problem yourself.


To summarize, it is imperative to say that the phone should be treated with the utmost care. Replacing the sensor on your phone is quite a complicated process and also expensive. Therefore, it is best to provide your device with the most ideal operating conditions. There is no need to throw it away or treat it carelessly. You should definitely wipe the screen periodically and change the protective film, only then can you really achieve excellent and long-term operation of the touch screen. If the gadget is under warranty, then replacing the sensor on the phone will be a free service.