Commercial inquiries: how to get to the TOP. Classification of requests into “informational” and “commercial” Non-commercial requests

Search queries are divided into different types. An overview of the types of SEO queries is below.

Queries without and with accumulated statistics

Grouping by accumulated statistics. The search engine separates queries into queries with accumulated statistics and new queries.

From a search engine point of view, search queries will be divided into:

  • With accumulated statistics;
  • No statistics.
Consequently, the method of promoting site documents depends on the accumulated statistical information.

The ranking of documents by queries also depends on accumulated statistics, which means that promoting a website for queries with accumulated statistics is more difficult than promoting a website for new queries.

Basic types of requests

Types of search queries:
  • Commercial and informational;
  • By frequency: high, medium, low frequency queries;
  • Geo-dependent and geo-independent queries.

Commercial inquiries

There are commercial search queries and non-commercial ones. Promotion is different.

Commercial queries are queries that, from a search engine's perspective, are for the purpose of a potential transaction.

Examples of commercial requests:

  • House rent;
  • Sale of an apartment.
But there are also non-obvious commercial requests.

Example of commercial requests:

  • Air conditioners;
  • Furniture in Moscow;
  • Website creation in Moscow.
For the most part, commercial queries in a search engine are geo-dependent.

A number of commercial queries have commercial tokens, for example:

  • Buy
  • Price;
  • Price.
It is recommended to use commercial markers in the text of documents (commercial pages), even if such words are not included in the semantic core of the site.

Information requests

Information requests are requests whose ultimate goal is to consume information from the Internet.

Examples of information requests

  • Air conditioner;
  • Attractions;
  • Embassy address.
For commercial and information queries, various factors and formulas for ranking search results are used.

Basically, information requests are geo-independent. Promoted by content.

Promotion of commercial and information requests on the same page is prohibited.

You can check whether a request is commercial or not by analyzing the search engine results.

As for promotion. The amount of text content for information documents should be from three to five thousand characters of text.

Information requests are promoted in search results through their influence on host factors and the authority of the resource.

Based on search engine results analytics, a conclusion is made about which pages the query should be promoted on, and specifically a conclusion about whether to promote keywords, queries on the main page or internal documents.

High-frequency, mid-frequency, low-frequency queries

The semantic core consists of a list of search queries. Keywords are selected by analyzing services or products and analyzing search engine statistics. Typically, search queries vary in frequency.

Types of search queries:

  • High frequency queries;
  • Mid-frequency requests;
  • Low frequency queries.

High frequency queries

A high-volume query is a primary keyword phrase or word that is searched with high frequency in a search engine.

New sites are not suitable for promoting high-frequency queries. For new domain names and sites, you should search for lower frequency search terms.

Mid-frequency requests

Mid-frequency queries are high-frequency queries with clarifying phrases.

The frequency of queries is usually 3-10 times lower than the popularity of high-frequency queries. Often, mid-frequency queries are characterized by high conversion.

Low frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are best used by sites that have not previously been promoted in organic search results.

Low-frequency queries are promoted due to internal factors.

Dividing requests into groups

Grouping of queries occurs according to the principles of mutual complementation of queries and synonymization of queries.

Example of complementary queries:

website promotion
website promotion Moscow
Example of synonym queries: and
office furniture
Another example:
plastic windows

Top analytics for the intersection of search results is effective.

Grouping occurs according to needs.

Search query analytics result

Ultimately, it is important:
  • Overall frequency;
  • Accurate frequency;
  • Level of competition;
  • Page address;
  • Position in Yandex;
  • Position in Google;
  • Geodependency.

How to determine the relevant page for a search query

The selection of relevant pages for query promotion occurs by analyzing the search results through a request with the site operator, and the page that will be at the top of the results is the most relevant document and immediately an example of a request to the search engine to determine the most relevant page for the query “query” for the site at the address in Internet


Classification and grouping of search queries

The semantic core is the main promotion. This is the initial stage of work. In promotional work, classification is important.

Query classification is the distribution of search queries from the semantic core database into certain classes.

Purposes of classification:

  • Determining priority search queries for promotion;
  • Removing junk requests;
  • Grouping requests.
Query grouping is the process of building a site's structure by identifying queries that can be promoted on the same page.

The basic principle. 1 page - 1 user problem and see how the grouping of competitive pages occurs.

There are a lot of services for clustering key phrases. However, clustering services based on organic search engine results are all paid because they are expensive. All except one.
Free grouping of keywords based on the results of organic search engine results Google, Yandex provides a service

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

A commercial request is a request aimed at purchasing a product or service. It is typical for them. Each user searches for a product primarily in their region or city. Unlike information, commercial requests have a higher level of competition.

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What is a commercial request: we explain it with a simple example

Let's imagine that the Internet is a huge market, and there are millions of sellers offering various products. Often the only sure way to find the thing you need is to ask a person who knows the market, in our case, a search engine. And it is the question posed that will determine how quickly you find a seller. After all, the question can be asked in completely different ways.

For example, by asking “I need a chandelier,” in response you can get a lot of information about the rules for choosing them, features, installation secrets and the history of their appearance.

But if you ask a knowledgeable person “where on the market I can buy a chandelier,” he will indicate in as much detail as possible the location of the sellers. Or even leads directly to the seller, especially if they agreed in advance.

This is their main difference: commercial requests should lead the user to the seller, that is, to the page for purchasing the product, and not to the page with the secrets of its acquisition and use.

Main differences between commercial requests

Commercial requests are divided into several groups. The two main groups are high and low margin queries. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. High margin requests. They make good money, especially if you manage to choose the right key phrase that matches the central audience. Keywords may contain words indicating goods and services that are not included in your offer. Be careful when compiling a semantic core, exclude unnecessary words so as not to mislead a potential client.
  2. Low margin requests. They are usually used to sell related products and services of the company (from the category “We also have...”). Therefore, it makes no sense to focus entirely on them.

A characteristic feature that allows you to easily identify a commercial request is its selling component. These are words such as “buy”, “price”, “wholesale”, “cheap”, “with delivery”, etc. It is their use that gives the key phrase a commercial focus.

There are also mixed types of requests. If you enter the word “sofa” into the search bar, the results will show you both furniture manufacturing sites and online stores.

Why you need to know the needs of your target audience

You need to identify commercial queries in Yandex and Google for the following reasons:

  1. This will help to correctly compose the semantic core of the online store.
  2. To develop an effective strategy for promoting goods and services.
  3. This will allow you to study demand, which as a result can help your business choose the right direction for further work.
  4. The use of commercial queries in product cards allows you to further develop the semantics of the site by filling it with articles with informational or mixed queries.

But you should not strive for an exact match of words when selecting. Clumsy and unreadable phrases will not bring the page to the top.

Promotion based on commercial requests: what is the difficulty?

Your goal is to sell and make a profit. Therefore, you need to promote your website for commercial queries. They will bring potential buyers who are truly interested in purchasing the product to the pages of your resource. But in the process you may encounter some difficulties, namely:

  • High competition in the field of commercial requests.
  • The risk of falling under filters due to spam in texts, in internal links, in Title, Alt, H1 tags.
  • Pessimization of the site in search results due to useless information on the pages.

What to do if you want to successfully promote your website for commercial requests and not lose positions in search results:

  • Evaluate your site against commercial ranking factors.
  • Do not use direct keywords too often, and do not spam keywords in texts and tags. In a word, keep a close eye on the content and remember.
  • Properly distribute external links: 30% - links with commercial anchors, 70% - natural links.
  • Build the right image of the company so that they can link to you themselves - from social networks, review sites, forums and other platforms.

And most importantly, always think about your visitors and what they want.

“Chief editor of the GetGoodRank blog, web analyst, blogger.
To reach the TOP, commercial words and links are not enough; it is important to improve commercial factors. This is a necessary optimization stage and the least painful for the site. After all, we are only talking about the correct presentation of commercial information to the user.”

Commercial requests are most interesting to business owners, because they are the ones who bring customers ready to buy to the site. At the same time, they are the most competitive. In this newsletter we will tell you how to move up in the TOP commercial niche and increase your reach of your target audience.

In this issue:

  • Commercial "non-commercial" requests
  • Promotion strategy for commercial requests

Problems of promotion for commercial requests

High competition

This problem is self-explanatory. She just is. For commercial queries, search engines show users tens of thousands of sites:



Promotion in any commercial niche is difficult, expensive and dangerous. The problem would be less critical if it were not for the habit of users to view only the first 2-3 pages of the search results. Getting even into the TOP 30 (let alone the top ten) is almost impossible. Competing with niche leaders (large stores, brands) is even more so.

GetGoodRank checks PF and CF, determines commercial and informational relevance, and makes recommendations for improving the site.

Any work on the quality of the site is positively perceived by search engines and becomes an advantage for higher rankings.

Many times I have heard shouts that Sapa is dead, that rented links no longer give the same effect as before, but along with this you can always see answers such as - “You just don’t know how to buy links” or “Your hands are growing from the wrong place”. Where is the truth and how links with Sape actually work.

In fact, both opinions are like two sides of the same coin. But the coin is monolithic, so the truth is somewhere in the middle. Ever since the introduction of the Snezhinsk algorithm, Yandex has stopped taking into account the full weight of rented shitty links, not always... The essence of this issue lies much deeper, namely in the type of query being promoted.

Three types of search queries

There are quite a few methods for classifying search queries, but in this case, we only need one. We will classify requests according to the commercial-non-commercial criterion, and this will determine what links do you need to buy for the site? for promotion upon request. Based on this classification method, three groups of search queries can be distinguished:



-non-commercial (informational)

But how can we understand what type of request our request is? And you don’t need to understand anything - your opinion doesn’t play any role, because what matters to us is how exactly Yandex presents this request. Let's look at a small example.

Let's take a request - "buy a refrigerator" and enter it into the Yandex search engine:

The first 10 search results are of a commercial nature; therefore, according to Yandex, the request is completely commercial. Go ahead. Now enter the request "fridge":

In this case, Yandex mixed a site with information about refrigerators into the search results, which means that this request is mixed. Finally, enter the query - "how does a refrigerator work". As expected, in response to our request, Yandex provided only information resources, therefore the request is completely informational. Try typing the query into the search -...

If I were Yandex or the philosophy of link ranking

Now, let's imagine for a few minutes that we are the Yandex search engine. We are a smart enough machine that can easily identify a rented shitty link, we can distinguish unique content from non-unique content and much, much more. What is our main goal? Of course, getting the maximum possible profit! But where does this profit come from? Of course from our users. Means… The more users we have, the more money we can bring to our creator. Everything is as simple as two and two.

To increase the number of users you need to know how to make your site visited. For this, various methods are used, one of which is: site promotion in the search engines Yandex and Google, which I wrote about.

That is, now the whole conversation is moving in a different direction - we need to please users so that they recommend us to friends and remain users for a long time. And for this we need to ensure the cleanest possible results with accurate provision of the required information. Now we will not talk about AGS and similar things. We are only interested in the question of how the type of request (commercial, non-commercial) can affect link ranking.

We accept a non-commercial request. By asking it, the user wants to find comprehensive information. But if this request is promoted by rented sublinks, then most likely the optimizer is trying to artificially increase the position of this request, although it is not worthy of them. To please users, Yandex must accurately provide good sites that use a minimum of link influence methods, so you may have noticed more than once that, as in the case of information requests, linking only worsens the site’s position. For information requests, links should be as natural and high-quality as possible!

We take a commercial request. Let's say two companies sell refrigerators, but how can a search engine determine which company has better refrigerators? Search technologies will not reach this level soon, so a simple law comes into force here - Whoever has the fattest sum is better That is, in this case, shit links will have the exact opposite effect - the site on them will grow just as well as in Google. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it’s enough to buy outright shit and get to the TOP. No, here it is also necessary to increase the heterogeneous link mass and carefully, it’s just the effect of shitty links definitely will be.

Well, the third type is mixed requests. Everything is simple here, these requests incorporate the features of both commercial and non-commercial requests, although the output is to some extent randomized by the Spectrum algorithm.

Which links to buy on a website to promote a commercial request?

Not so long ago, I already wrote about. But let's answer the question - which links to buy to promote commercial requests?.

If you use only links from SAPE, then you will only be able to promote a low-frequency request or, if you’re lucky, a middle-class query, but no more. To promote more complex and competitive queries, you will have to use higher quality and natural links and articles.

In general, promoting competitive queries in Yandex is a topic for a separate article, which will soon appear on this blog (there have been a lot of requests by email).

But you don’t have to push complex queries. Many optimizers are increasingly promoting large arrays of LF NK queries(100-500, or even more). This approach allows you to get a lot of visitors for less money and in less time. Therefore, this is the method I recommend to you, because... For such requests, only links from SAPE are sufficient.

And finally, I would like to bring you the latest information from the life of this blog. It now contains a block Top Commentators, where you can place an end-to-end link to your site completely free of charge. All that is required of you is to actively comment on various posts.

If you have not yet subscribed to and received a huge database of techniques, hurry up, you still have time.

Do you want to increase website traffic? Then order!

Users usually turn to search engines for two reasons: when they want to find useful content (tips, instructions, entertainment, etc.) or to purchase a product or service. In the first case, they will enter information requests, in the second - commercial ones. What is the difference between them and how to learn to distinguish them?

Why divide requests into informational and commercial?

Even at the stage of forming and grouping the semantic core, it is important to correctly classify queries. If this is not done, errors will be made that make it difficult for pages to reach the TOP:

  • promotion of commercial pages based on information requests, and vice versa;
  • mixing of queries, as a result of which search engines will not understand which keywords to show the page for;
  • using a strategy to promote information requests for commercial pages, and vice versa.

Distinctive features of requests

Information requests

Information requests usually begin with the words “how”, “why”, “how much”, “when”, “where”, “why”, “what is”, etc. The presence of nouns is also typical (“characteristics”, “reviews” ”, “instructions”, “properties”, “description”) and references to the process (“with your own hands”, “independently”, “by yourself”).

Such queries are used for articles on information sites and blogs of commercial web resources. The peculiarity of promotion is that even from 20-30 positions there can be traffic for such requests. SEO is more about page relevance and content value than external links.

Commercial inquiries

People enter commercial queries when they are planning or are ready to buy a product or order a service. Here are their features:

  • “selling” semantics: the words “buy”, “order”, “price”, “delivery”, “discount”, etc. are used. But this rule does not always work. For example, the request “buy tea” is commercial, but “where to buy tea in Sri Lanka”- informational;
  • geodependence: for example, you need the services of a plumber in Tver. You enter “plumbing services” in the search and get a list of plumbers working in Tver. But if you enter a query “how to improve the rank of a plumber”, you will probably get approximately the same results regardless of the region, since this is an information request;
  • names of cities or districts in queries: obviously, if you enter “translation of texts in Moscow” in the search, you want to find a translator. Although there are exceptions. For example, request “where to go out with a girl in Moscow” will be informational.

Related article: What will change if you remove SEO texts from the site?

Commercial requests lead the target audience to landing pages. There is very high competition for them, so when promoting commercial pages, not only content comes to the fore, but also high-quality external links, usability and commercial factors.

How to classify requests

There are several ways to classify requests. First of all, you can do this manually, sorting them according to the criteria described above. If you are in doubt which group to assign a key phrase to, enter it in the search.

Consider, for example, the phrase "shoe prices".

In the search results we see contextual advertising, online stores, aggregators and catalogs. This is clearly a commercial request.

Now let's enter the phrase “how shoe prices are formed”:

In this case, the search results contain pages with educational materials. There is no contextual advertising. Accordingly, this phrase is informational.

Now let's set the phrase "yellow shoes":

Everything is not so clear here. The search results include contextual advertising, information materials, photos and online stores. Such phrases are called mixed. The search engine does not understand what exactly the user needs: buy yellow shoes, see their photos, or find out what to wear them with. That is why such a variety of pages is offered.

You can classify requests manually if there are few of them. But when the semantic core consists of hundreds or thousands of phrases, you cannot do without automation. This is where the SeoPult system comes to the rescue. If you don't have an SEO project added yet, you can create one - it's free. In the first step “Words”, the System will generate a list of keywords according to the specified parameters: those close to the TOP, competitor phrases, based on the content of your site, from the statistics counter and many others. For the found list of keys, two filters are provided: “Commercial” and “Informational”. By clicking on the filter, you will receive the queries you are interested in: