Broken iPhone se. What to do with a broken iPhone screen. Conditions for purchasing broken iPhone displays

A broken iPhone display is not a rare thing these days. Even a fall from a small height can cause cracks on the screen, and this applies to both older iPhone models (like the “five”) and the new iPhone 11 Pro, which, although it has become stronger, is still not able to withstand a collision with tiles on the floor without consequences.

Broken iPhone X screen

Those who are far from repairing iPhones know what to do in this case - of course, change the display. Whether the entire module needs to be replaced, or is it enough, is another question, as we recently talked about. In this case, the old display is often simply “gifted” to the service center technicians, unaware that it may still be useful.

What to do with a broken iPhone screen

How? For example, there are programs to buy back broken displays. Often the screen may be broken, but the backlight works properly (or there are small glares). The better the condition of the internal components of the display, the more you can get for it. So, in the iReplace store they give 1,000 rubles for a broken screen (with a working backlight) - you can at least slightly offset the cost of repairs to replace the display.

How much can you get for a broken display?

From a couple of hundred to several thousand rubles - it all depends on the iPhone model and the condition of the screen. For example, in some cases, a broken display will not be accepted at all (if the spare part is from an old smartphone and the sensor does not work). It is important that the display has a whole original matrix - without black spots, stripes, and other defects. Here are approximate prices for buying back a broken display:

Price of a broken iPhone display

In any case, you can find out the final cost of your screen after checking several points - based on its results, an individual calculation is made. Details can be found at this link.

Why is this necessary?

One of our editors damaged the display of his iPhone X a couple of months ago. The cost of repairs was quite high (a new screen for this iPhone itself costs a lot), and if he had traded in his old screen, he could have saved money. And even now there are already enough factors that pollute our environment - few people deal with the proper disposal of old displays, they are often simply thrown into the trash. Therefore, iReplace has a solution that allows you to once again avoid harming the environment in the form of unnecessary waste.

By the way, you can contact the Apple Pro service center, where they will always help and install a high-quality display with a guarantee for the work performed.

It's no secret that one of the most common iPhone breakdowns is a broken screen. No matter how Apple assures us otherwise, the displays of modern smartphones are no stronger than the iPhones that were released several years ago. Therefore, when you leave a cafe on a Friday evening and drop your favorite phone on the asphalt, you will most likely find cracks on the screen.

We strongly recommend using , but damage is often inevitable. It's one thing when this happens to an iPhone 6 or older - repairs there won't cost that much. True, even in this case it is necessary to determine whether only the glass or the display module itself is damaged. But what should you do if the screen is broken on your iPhone X, iPhone XS or? Indeed, due to the fact that they have an OLED screen, repair work is considered much more complex. And expensive - often costs as much as a good Android smartphone.

The Apple Pro service center found a way out of this situation - they are replacing the damaged display with their own restored one. This is an original spare part (and not Chinese fakes for 10,000 rubles), on which the engineers did a good job so that the restored screen will last no less. At the same time, it will cost significantly less than a new module.

What kind of damage occurs when an iPhone falls?

Only a qualified service center engineer can find out the exact nature of the breakdown. For example, the glass of an iPhone may be broken, but the touchscreen continues to work - in this case it will help. Or, conversely, the touch screen does not function, and there is not a scratch on the screen. The design of the display of the iPhone X, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max allows you to change the glass or touchscreen separately - that is, you can do the work of replacing just glass, as well as replacing glass with a touchscreen, which is impossible on earlier generations of iPhone.

How to replace glass on iPhone X

After removing the display module, the engineer performs the necessary checks that identify defects. For example, after a fall there may be no visible damage to it, but in fact the module turns out to be faulty. Not only the screen condition is tested, but also the touchscreen.

Then the film is glued to the screen and the module is placed on a vacuum separator.

Using tools, he removes the old display frame and old glass.

In the next step, the engineer cleans the surface of the display. Work should be done very carefully, since OLED screens are much thinner than their LCD brothers. One wrong move, and the display will be damaged - so such repairs should only be trusted to qualified specialists.

In a special dust-free room, the engineer cleans the display module and prepares new glass. The OCA film is glued to the latter, after which the display module and glass are glued.

Gluing and lamination occur automatically, and at the end the engineer receives a solid display module.

Something is missing? That's right, a new frame! To make the frame and module become one again, the engineer uses glue and a press.

When the assembly work is completed and the module is operational on the tester, it can be installed on the iPhone.

What if after a fall the matrix is ​​damaged, but the glass remains intact? The only thing that will help here is replacing the entire display module - as is the case with this iPhone. And to make repairs cheaper, Apple Pro restores the displays themselves and installs them.

An important point is that after installing a new module, you need to restore the True Tone function. You've probably noticed that this feature makes using your phone in different lighting conditions much easier, and your eyes are less tired. Brightness control information is stored in the iPhone's screen controller and must be synchronized with data on the device itself, so to restore True Tone, you can't do without a programmer.

Then the engineer carefully connects all the cables and the battery back, and also installs a special waterproof rubber seal. This is a special layer between the case and the glass that protects against unwanted liquids.

Another diagnostic - everything works, including True Tone, as evidenced by the corresponding item in the settings.

Since this type of repair is considered one of the most difficult, in this case it is better to contact qualified engineers. This is done in a similar way. The Apple Pro service center is distinguished by a high-quality approach to repairing Apple equipment (and here it helps to save money), provides a guarantee on the work performed and - plus, gives a pleasant 10% discount for all readers of the site.

By the way, if you don’t have the opportunity to contact an Apple Pro service center to replace the display, you can do it yourself - there are both original restored displays and completely factory ones.

Selling a broken iPhone to us means earning a decent amount of money on a non-working device. We extract the maximum benefit from the purchased device:

  • we disassemble for spare parts to repair other equipment that is brought in for restoration;
  • we collect complete sets for selling used phones;
  • We are improving our skills in repairing phones that seem to have completely lost their functionality.

Why is it profitable to cooperate with us?

No other buyer of broken iPhones will offer you such a convenient package of services that comes with every deal:

  • free visit of the appraiser to the agreed location for a complete technical diagnosis of the device and determination of the final cost;
  • communication with a personal manager who can answer all questions and solve the problem as quickly as possible;
  • high professionalism of employees at all stages of work on each specific transaction;
    convenient office location;
  • 24/7 reception and processing of requests from clients.

You will not find a better place than our service center where you can sell a non-working iPhone and at the same time get a decent monetary reward for the transaction.

If you own mobile equipment from a company from Cupertino, but have broken or damaged it and do not want to deal with repairs, then simply sell this product within our service center. We will buy your phone at the highest price.

Together with the site we are starting a special project.

We will be making issues dedicated to the most popular types of repairs for Apple equipment. We will tell you which spare parts are best to choose - how they differ from each other, how the repair itself goes, how much it will cost you, and, perhaps most importantly, what you can do to avoid a trip to the service center. The result will be a kind of FAQ and answers from experts on repairing Apple equipment.

Today we will answer the most popular questions related to replacing the iPhone display.

If cracks and chips appear on the iPhone screen, first of all you should try to protect yourself - the upper part of the display module consists of glass. It sounds funny, but we often have clients come to us who manage to cut their fingers on a broken device a short time before visiting the service center. If you do not have a protective film installed, we recommend covering the broken glass with transparent tape; this will protect your fingers and also protect against liquid getting inside the device, because if this happens, you will have to repair not only the screen.

What is the difference between the original display and the copy?

Let's understand the terminology. At the moment there are 3 main categories of spare parts on the market:

– a completely original spare part (removed from another device);

– a spare part made from original components;

It is important to understand that Apple does not supply spare parts for open sale at all, therefore, a completely original spare part is taken from another device (at best, from a new one). Finding such “originals” is quite difficult. Spare parts made from original components are as close in quality as possible to the original. Only a person knowledgeable in the intricacies of Apple repairs can distinguish such a spare part from a factory one. A display module belonging to this category will have an original matrix and touchscreen, which guarantees high image quality.

A copy is a spare part of low or average quality, consisting of non-original components. - a copy is visible to the naked eye. It is not difficult to distinguish such modules - a simple example would be the quality of the picture: slightly distorted colors reveal themselves - less or more saturated, white, for example, when viewed from a slight angle turns into a slightly bluer color.

It is extremely difficult to obtain a completely original display, so we recommend installing one consisting of original components. A copy is always a temporary solution, the service life is shorter, the quality is not “Apple” at all. As for prices, usually the difference between the price of a good screen with a guarantee and the cheapest one on the Internet does not exceed several thousand rubles, so whether it’s worth saving is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but as they say, the miser pays twice!

Is it possible to change only the glass and not the entire display?

Of course, this is technically possible - on modern models the modules are a so-called “sandwich”: the display module consists of a matrix with a touchscreen and glass and a frame glued on top. But this requires special equipment and almost factory conditions, otherwise problems may arise, for example:

1) The glass will most likely gradually peel off and stick out from the body of the device:
2) During the process of replacing glass, dust may get onto the matrix and remain there forever;
3) There is always a possibility of damaging the matrix or touchscreen during the process of removing old glass, and then you will have to replace the entire module.

Keep in mind that, according to our statistics, only 50 percent of iPhones need glass replacement - the rest may have a broken matrix, or the touchscreen may be damaged from a strong impact, or may already have a non-original display. Replacing the display assembly, of course, costs more, but the quality and performance are guaranteed.

After replacing the display, it began to move away from the body, what is the reason?

Most often, the problem is due to the fact that the iPhone case is curved, which is why the glass comes off. Therefore, when sending the device for repair, be sure to inspect its body for dents and bends. If this happens, it must either be straightened or replaced.

Why does the glass peel off? When the case deforms, a gap is formed due to the glass peeling off from the display frame. The frame consists of plastic that can take the shape of the body, but glass does not have such properties. If this happens, contact service, you need to try to straighten the case or change it.

How to avoid breaking your iPhone a second time after repair?

There are a lot of tips here - from the simplest ones like “be more careful” and ending with hardcore cases that will allow you to almost play football with your iPhone. We recommend installing protective glass with a hardness of 9H, because cheap analogues can sometimes burst without any reason.

That's all for today - stay tuned!

Do not forget that for all readers the site 10% discount applies for all types of repairs at the service center.

Broken iPhone? Don't rush to change the glass. It is better to replace the entire display module. Why? To understand this, it is worth studying its structure and repair features. Let's start with this!

Glass and module – which is which?

Using adhesives, a special film and sensors are attached to the glass of the iPhone, turning the touch of a finger into an impulse and transmitting it to the device. If the glass is damaged, the picture on the screen is not distorted, but the pixels “burn out,” which leads to deformation in the form of spots of various shapes.

A display or matrix is ​​understood as an indivisible assembly that includes glass. On some third-generation models, the glass and matrix are independent units from each other. There are also display modules - indivisible assemblies from:

  • display;
  • glass;
  • sensory;
  • fasteners;
  • loops.

Photo: Structure of the display module in the iPhone

Requirements for high-quality glass installation on iPhone

  • Glass replacement is only possible under perfectly sterile conditions. Even a speck of dust caught between the glass and the module will, after some time, cause a break, deformation of the screen, or more serious damage.
  • Broken glass cannot be completely removed from the device in makeshift conditions. Even many hours of cleansing does not guarantee perfect cleanliness. This adds time costs to the “minus” from the first point.
  • Equipment for repair work must be highly qualified, since iPhones are quite thin and fragile equipment. The glass replacement process involves heating the phone to a certain temperature. Departure from the recommended temperature standards may result in deformation of the device.
  • To guarantee high-quality operation of the iPhone, all nodes must interact without interruption. This is very difficult to achieve with little experience working with such equipment. In most cases, gluing does not guarantee reliable interaction, since it is not always possible to completely remove the remnants of old glue that worsen the contact.
  • Replacing the glass requires almost complete disassembly and subsequent reassembly of the iPhone. If you are not completely confident in the high-quality performance of this set of works on your own, then it is better to seek help from professionals.

What is the solution: is it possible to replace the glass in an iPhone?

The only way out to guarantee long-term and high-quality operation of the iPhone is not to replace broken glass, but to replace the entire module. Despite the fact that it is more expensive than ordinary glass, the costs are fully compensated by the savings in time and nerves, as well as positive emotions.