The phone does not connect to the Wi-Fi network. Android does not connect to WI-FI, what to do, how to fix it. Endless Obtaining an IP Address

Sometimes a problem arises such as not being able to connect Android to wireless point WI-FI access. How to solve this problem? Find out in this article!

And so you came to visit or are in a cafe, or perhaps you bought new router We configured it so that it distributes the Internet via WI-FI, but the Android smartphone or tablet does not want to connect to the network or does not even see it! Don't worry, there is a way out!

Possible problems and solutions

1. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, make sure that you enter correct password!

2. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it - maybe Android does not support protection type installed in the router, change the type of protection (read router settings below)

3. If Android does not see the network, make sure that WI-FI network is functioning, reboot the router (on/off)

4. If Android does not see the network, perhaps Android do not support WI-FI standard

5. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, restart Android and the router

6. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, install it on the device from the store Google Play special application- Wi-Fi Fixer. After installation, reboot Android and if it doesn’t start wifi app Fixer, launch it yourself, then try connecting to the access point (no need to enter any settings into the application)

7. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, although the password is entered correctly - perhaps Android does not support the WI-FI standard on which the router operates (read below for setting up the router)

8. If you have on your tablet or Android smartphone If you have custom firmware installed, it might be the problem, reinstall it to the official one

9. Reverse advice to the previous one, if installed official firmware, then you should change it to a custom one (for example, CyanogenMod), since it’s possible that the WI-FI driver has already been updated there

12. Perhaps you have a Dlink router?

Setting up the router

First of all, you need to get into the router settings.

Go to router settings

For this it is better to use a computer, as well as FireFox browser or Internet Explorer. Let's open one of them. Next, you need to find out the entry address, which can be found by knowing the network gateway.

This address must be entered into the address bar and go. Next, you will be asked to enter your username and password, which, as often happens, is located on the bottom of the router case.

Setting up WI-FI

1. First of all, if Android does not connect, you should switch the WI-FI channel to auto

2. Change the mode standard WI-FI transmissions on mix or only G

3. It is also worth checking the number of allowed device connections to wireless network

4. Try changing the network security method, change the encryption type from open to WPA

5. Another point worth paying attention to is the enabled DHCP server, which allows you to give internal IP addresses on the network. If you disable the DHCP server, you may experience problems connecting to WI-FI and not only with Android devices!

6. Make sure that it is not installed in the settings MAC filter!

MAC address is personal (individual) serial number network device.

Depending on the router, there may be white lists of MAC addresses or black lists.

Blacklisted- devices that are prohibited from entering the network, but other devices can.

White list- only those devices that are in this list and no other devices can connect.

To find out the personal MAC address of Android you need to go to

Settings -> About smartphone (Tablet) -> General information

Try disabling the MAC address filter to resolve the connection problem.

If after all the data Android settings does not connect to WI-FI, then you should update the firmware either on your smartphone or tablet, as well as on the router, in rare cases there is simply incompatibility, then nothing can be done!

Problems with the Internet are always unpleasant. They can interfere with work or entertainment, or limit other online experiences. If we are talking about a cable connection, there may not be many possible causes for this problem.

The laptop detects an available Wi-Fi network, but does not connect

One fairly common network problem is when your computer sees a network available to connect to, but for one reason or another cannot connect to it. This problem may occur for one of the following reasons:

  • a problem with the hardware drivers on the laptop - for this reason, the connection may not work or may be interrupted immediately after a successful connection to the network;
  • communication interference - Wi-Fi should not be connected too a large number of devices, and you should also make sure that nothing can interfere between your laptop and the router;
  • the password for connecting to this network was entered incorrectly - if you entered the security key incorrectly, the connection will not be completed;
  • network mismatch - if the connection settings on your computer and the network settings do not match, the connection will not succeed;
  • failure of the operating system - in case of some problems with operating system connection will not be made correctly.

Solutions to problems with connecting to a wi-fi network

Let's look at the solution to each of the problems mentioned above one by one, and also study general recommendations for those who encountered this problem in their system.

Error “Windows could not connect to Wi-Fi” and how to solve it

When you try to connect, you may see the message “Windows could not connect to the Wi-Fi network.” This error can have several causes. You can determine the source of the problem as follows:

Video: fixing internet connection problems

Security key mismatch when connecting to a Wi-Fi network

The security key is security code for your Wi-Fi network. The user sets it independently so that strangers cannot connect to the network. And if you encounter an error about entering incorrect password, then it was probably entered incorrectly. Do the following to be sure to correct the situation:

You should not tell your security key to strangers - this will lead to additional connections, which in turn will slow down your Internet speed.

Inconsistency between saved network parameters

After creating a new connection, you may often see an error with the text “The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network.” This problem often occurs after self-configuration router. To fix this situation, all you have to do is delete the connection and then create it again. This will update all settings and establish a connection again. This is done as follows:

In Windows 10, this problem is solved a little differently:

The problem may arise, for example, due to a careless change in the data in the connection settings.

Other ways that can help you connect

And now let's look at a few general solutions who can help you with different problems connections. In our case, when it is not possible to connect via Wi-Fi, these methods will also help.

Reboot the router

The simplest method, which is recommended by all providers first of all. Of course, this will not help with serious problems, but it can eliminate one-time connection problems. The best way to reboot is as follows:

Checking and installing network drivers

Update network drivers no more complicated than drivers for any other equipment. Do it with automatic system You can download drivers as follows:

  1. Press the Win+X key combination to open the menu quick access and select the “Device Manager” section there. Another way to get to this menu is to right-click on the Start icon.

    Select the "Device Manager" section from the quick access menu

  2. In Device Manager, find the Network Adapters section. Expand this tab and you will see your network devices. And then right-click on the available equipment. After it opens context menu, select the “Update drivers...” action. In order to determine whether a device needs to update its drivers, pay attention to its name and the presence or absence of an icon indicating the need to update drivers.

    Open the "Network adapters" section and click "Update drivers" on the desired device

  3. You will be asked for an update method. If you have an Internet connection (for example, using a cable, since a Wi-Fi connection is not available), then just click on the “ Automatic search updated drivers."

    Select "Auto Search" updated drivers» if you have a network connection

  4. Wait until the search, download and installation of drivers is completed.

    Wait for the drivers to be searched on the network and installed

  5. If there is no network access, you must download the driver for your network adapter from another device and select “Browse for driver software on this computer.”

    For independent search drivers, select “Browse for driver software on this computer”

  6. Specify the location of the folder with drivers for further installation.

    Specify the location of the drivers on your computer and click on the “Next” button

  7. After the installation is completed in one way or another, restart your computer.
  8. Try connecting to the Wi-Fi network again to see if your problem is resolved.

If a simple update does not help, try completely uninstalling the driver and installing it again using the same method.

Resetting the router

If problems with the Internet do not go away and you still cannot connect to Wi-Fi, you should resort to a more radical way to fix this problem. Namely, reset the router settings and configure it from scratch. You should not do this if you are unsure own knowledge and attentiveness - you risk being left without Internet access.

You can reset the router in the following way:

After performing the reset, the device will return to factory settings. Most likely, you will not have to configure anything manually after this and your Internet problems will already be resolved. But in case you still have to make the settings yourself, this is done as follows:

This will complete the setup of your router. Depending on the equipment model, some items may be named slightly differently, but the setup will occur in the same way.

Video: how to configure a router If your laptop finds a Wi-Fi network available for connection, then the problem is not so bad. And after studying this article, you will surely be able to install stable connection

. Use the Internet for work and entertainment, and most importantly, do not panic in case of problems. Because now you know how to fix them at any time. Every smartphone user has once encountered such a problem as endlessly obtaining an IP address - phone doesn't connect to WiFi and that's it! In this article I will tell you what to do if the phone does not see wifi, but instead constantly writes something like “authentication error”, “receiving IP” or “saved”. But I’ll immediately make a reservation that it is assumed that, firstly, the smartphone itself is in good condition. And secondly, WiFi network

it is also configured correctly on the router and everything works on other phones or computers.

  1. I will list the most popular reasons for the error:
  2. Invalid IP address
  3. Radio channel Wireless
  4. Encryption type

China, mother...

To immediately dismiss problems when the phone does not see wifi, which may be related to the router, try rebooting it and making sure that the DHCP server is enabled on it. That is, the router automatically distributes IP addresses to devices connecting to it. In addition, you need to make sure that Network SSID not hidden in parameters wireless communication on the router - often to protect the connection from " prying eyes

", activate this function, due to which the phone does not see the wifi network, although it actually works.

Now about each point in detail. The first thing I immediately do if my phone does not connect to WiFi is set a static IP address on it.

For Android and iPhone this is done almost the same way - go to “Settings> WiFi”, we see our active connection to the network and click on the arrow (on Android) or on the “i” icon on iPhone/iPad.

  • IP for the phone from the range of addresses specified in the router and available for use. If the router address is, then the phone can be assigned, for example.
  • Subnet mask -
  • The router is the IP of the router. On most models, the default address is either or - try them, if that doesn't work, contact your network administrator.
  • DNS is also the router’s IP, or you can use one of Google’s public addresses - or

On Android phones you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to the “IP Settings” drop-down menu and change DHCP to “Custom”. Will open additional forms to enter the same parameters.

What to do if your phone doesn't see WiFi?

And a few more ways to solve the problem if we're talking about that the phone does not connect to WiFi.

Possible reason authentication errors may lie in the choice of radio channel for your wireless signal. I talked about it in detail in the article about, so I won’t explain for a long time how to set it up. And here it is worth noting that modern routers support up to 16 channels, while the older standard, which smartphones adhere to, had only 11 channels. If your router is set to automatic selection channel, then it can easily switch to channels 12 or 13 (exactly 13 channels are allowed for use over WiFi in Europe), and accordingly, the phone simply will not see it. So if you want permanent and stable connection on all devices, configure the channel on the router manually from 1 to 11.

If the phone is on Android, I want to disappoint you a little - the Android kernel does not always work correctly with the WPA2-TKIP encryption type, so if you have this type configured, then this may be the cause of problems with the Internet, and that the phone says “connection saved” , “getting ip” and other nonsense. This is especially true for cheap Chinese products.

The topic of China cannot be ignored regarding the routers themselves - often their products are not entirely standard modes work - both in terms of channels, encryption and other indicators, so the modes of a Chinese router may not be fully understood by a “purebred” Android. The solution is to change the router to production more famous brand and a model of a higher class.

For those who are planning to start for the first time Wi-Fi connection, it will be useful to learn how to set up Wi-Fi on your phone at home.
Select and connect the router
The first thing you need to do is purchase a router or Wi-Fi router, having previously read the instructions for the device you plan to connect. The most important parameter in this case is the type of radio signal. Based on this, you need to choose a suitable option. The device may only receive signals from specific network with a specific WER security type. Ideally, you need to choose a router that can create an access point with necessary parameters. After the router has necessary characteristics purchased, you can connect wifi to your phone by following a series of sequential steps.
1. Connect the router to the network.
2. Connect the Internet cable to the corresponding connector on the case.
3. Enter the IP address into the address bar of the browser and open the settings web interface.
4. Select the WAN menu and begin the process of setting up an Internet connection.
5. Go to the menu Wi-Fi settings, where we set the access point parameters for the connected device.
6. Save the settings and reboot the router.
7. Open the Wi-Fi settings in the phone, add new network, enter a name, select an authentication protocol and enter a password.
This completes the connection process.
But even if you did everything correctly, the phone may not connect to Wi-Fi, notifying you of an error.
Connection errors
It happens that mobile phone works great with Wi-Fi in public places and flatly refuses to see home network. The reason for this behavior, strange at first glance, is not in the phone at all, but in the router, or rather in its settings. Solving this problem is very simple and does not matter, the phone does not connect to a Wi-Fi router of the Zyxel, Asus or any other brand. Go to the router settings using any Internet browser and enter its IP address in address bar. You can find out the router's IP like this:
1. Go to “start” and click “run” (Win + R).
2. B command line We type CMS.
3. Then in the “MS-DOS” window, type “Ipconfig /all” and press “enter”.
4. In the “Default Gateway” window, find the router’s IP and type it in the address bar of the browser.
5. Go to the DHCP section and check the box next to Enabled.
6. Register the IP in the Primary DNS and Default Gateway windows.
If everything is done correctly, your problem will be successfully resolved.
Sometimes the message “Authentication” appears on the device screen. It can occur in two cases: when an incorrect password is entered or security settings are configured incorrectly. The first thing to check is the password. It must be eight characters long. If there are no problems with the password, you should check your security settings and set the type to WPA2.
Sometimes it happens that the settings have not changed, but the phone does not connect to wifi tp-link router, d-link, asus, Rostelecom and others. The reason may be a change in the operation of the channel of the router you are using, or the appearance of another one that creates interference. In this case, you can solve the problem by changing the Wi-Fi channel.
There may be other reasons why Samsung phone, or any other does not connect to Wi-Fi, but before diving into their search, just try rebooting the router. In most cases, this helps solve the problem.

The phone does not connect to the wireless hotspot WiFi access- This is a mistake that occurs quite often nowadays. The fact is that smartphones with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter have already become a part of people’s lives, and almost everyone already has such a device. Smartphones have become so widespread due to their undeniable qualities. After all, they allow you to use the Internet and solve problems no worse than a computer, but at the same time they are mobile and compact.

Unfortunately, although in most cases connecting to a WiFi network goes without problems when you press just one button, sometimes you still encounter various errors, which not every user can solve independently. That is why in this article we will look at why the phone does not connect to the home WiFi network, as well as how to fix this error.

Reasons why your phone does not connect to the WiFi network

In fact, there are many such reasons. Moreover, there may be problems that require an individual approach. This is explained by the fact that on domestic market available great amount wireless equipment, which has individual characteristics and unique solutions. Therefore, it is impossible to sort out absolutely all errors, just as it is impossible to find universal solution, panacea.

We will look at the problems that occur most often and also look at how to solve them. Their list includes the following:

  • Incorrectly entered.
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi router settings.
  • The router malfunctions (freezes).
  • Failure of the Android platform (rare, but still occurs).

So let's look at all these errors in more detail.

Why the smartphone does not see the Wi-Fi network: Video

Incorrectly entered security password

Very often, the phone does not connect to the wireless home WiFi connection due to an incorrectly entered key. Try entering it again, but this time check the box next to “Display characters” (or “Show password”). Be careful where you use capital characters, and also pay attention to what language the key is entered in.

At the bottom of the screen, click “Advanced settings”. Now in the window called “WiFi” we find the “Security Settings” section. First line " Network authentication" is a type of data encryption. Second line "Key" PSK encryption" - this is the password for our network. This is what you need to enter when connecting your phone.

Checking your router settings

The phone fails to connect to the WiFi network, often due to incorrect settings router. The fact is that modern Wi-Fi routers support DHCP technology. This means that all data about the router connection is automatically sent to the phone. This is exactly what smartphones and tablets are aimed at. If you disable this function, the phone will not be able to obtain an IP address and, accordingly, connect to the network.

The solution to the problem is to enable this feature if it is disabled. To do this, you should return to the router settings and open advanced settings. Now we are interested in the window called “Network”. In it we go to the “LAN” section. These are the local network settings.

This is where you can enable or disable DHCP. It is worth noting that to enable the function in the “Mode” line you should set “Allow”. Below is a range of IP addresses, you can also change it. After enabling the DHCP feature, apply the settings and save the changes. It is also recommended to reboot the router. After this, try connecting your phone again.

How to connect to a WiFi router in Windows 8: Video

WiFi router malfunctions

Another reason why the phone sees the WiFi network, but does not connect to it, is that the device is simply frozen. In this case, for example, a laptop can work normally and access the Internet. The fact is that when talking about freezing, one should understand failures and stoppages of some functions. For example, due to overload or power failure, DHCP may stop working. In this case, devices that were connected to the access point before have already received an IP address and can work normally. Other functions of the Wi-Fi router may also stop working.

The solution to this problem is to simply reboot the device. And you don’t even need to go into the settings to do this. It is enough to unplug the router's power supply from the outlet for 7-10 minutes. After that, turn it on and wait for it to load. Try connecting again from your phone. Such freezes can occur not only on budget models routers. The only difference is the frequency of such errors.

If you have completed all the above steps, but the Wi-Fi network connection error on your phone remains, then it is quite possible that the failure occurred in the smartphone itself. The fact is that mobile devices use regular wireless adapters, which can also freeze or work with errors. But, unlike a computer, Android platform no advanced settings. On such platforms, all parameters are entered initially, and there is no way to change them. This means that this problem can be solved in the same way as in the previous case - just reboot the device.

Worked as a manager for two years service center, specializing in connecting subscribers to the Internet and computer assistance.