Is it worth buying an iPad? He had his A9x processor cut off. Pros: support for unique accessories

iPad has been sold since 2010. During this time, such a tablet has found a place in the lives of many people. It is used in both professional and for entertainment purposes. In some cases, tablets (in particular iPads) have become a replacement for a computer. At the last one, where the iPad Pro 9.7 was shown, Phil Schiller said that there are now 600 million computers in use in the world that were released more than 5 years ago, and their owners can replace the old device with a brand new iPad. I spent several weeks with a gadget that recently went on sale and will now share with you my experience of using it.

This material is a reflection of the author’s purely personal thoughts about the device. you can read it.

Externally the same as iPad Air

I've been using an iPad mini for several years, but often I've gotten older models. As soon as the iPad Pro 9.7 arrived, I didn’t feel like a new device. This is the same Air with minimal external differences: protruding camera eye, flash, Smart Connector and 4 speakers. These are all little things that not every user will pay attention to. Therefore, almost all users of previous generations are unlikely to have a feeling of novelty when meeting the iPad Pro 9.7.

Despite exact match size (and even weight) of the Pro and Air models, most cases and similar accessories won't fit. But car mounts(depending on the design, of course) should work. At least those that hold the tablet by the corners. Fortunately, Apple is a very popular company, and accessories for its devices do not take long to arrive, and sometimes go on sale even before the presentation of the new product.

As you yourself understand, in everyday use The iPad Pro 9.7 is exactly the same as the Air. Fairly large frames big button Home and everything else are in their usual places. There is no point in talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the iPad case once again. But it is worth recalling that when choosing between a dark and light model, it is better to choose the latter. A white frame completely hides fingerprints, while a black frame will be very easily soiled. And to the fans (more precisely, fans) Pink colour case, Apple has provided the popular Rose Gold color, in which only the iPad Pro 9.7 is currently available.

Display and True Tone

In my opinion, the huge advantage of the hero of this material over all other tablets is True Tone technology. High resolution and perfect color rendition are now available in all top devices; stylus support is no longer surprising, but such adjustment color temperature I haven't met yet. At initial setup The tablet prompts the user to quickly get acquainted with this functionality and enable True Tone.

After that, you can completely forget about it and not pay attention to the display of colors. But as soon as you look at, say, an iPhone display, you'll notice how this technology works when the picture on your smartphone seems too cold. The adjustments handle color display so seamlessly and clearly that only a direct comparison with another device under the same lighting conditions stands out. No f.lux can be compared, as well as relatively new feature in iOS Night Shift. After working with this technology (True Tone), I want to have it in all my devices: smartphone, laptop, and so on.

The only case when you should disable this function is when working with a picture (drawings, photos and videos). Then you need to see colors as they are, and changes in color temperature will affect this. During all other tasks, disabling automatic adjustment is unlikely to be necessary. I would like to believe that soon we will see such an option not only in all devices from Apple, but also from other manufacturers. This is clearly one of those things that should be widely adopted.

4 speakers

Unlike other iPad lines, the Pro version has 4 speakers located with different sides devices. The sound quality is excellent. Watching movies is accompanied by simply excellent sound, listening to music also evokes only positive emotions. Few tablets or even laptops can produce such sound. Again, as with True Tone, I would really like to see speakers like these in the next iPad versions Air and mini.

There is still a small fly in the ointment. When using the tablet suspended in horizontal position The speakers are covered with your hand. Of course, this doesn’t affect the sound that much, but sometimes you can still hear it. In the same way, the sound is distorted when, in portrait orientation, the user rests the device on a table, stomach, or something else. But the solution to this minor problem is quite simple.

At the moment, placing speakers on the front panel is not so difficult. A striking example of this is. If Motorola was able to achieve such sound from the smartphone speakers, I don’t see a problem for Apple. If you place the speakers in the direction of the user, the sound will be completely directed towards him, and covering the speaker will become much more difficult, especially if there are 4 of them. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has a slightly different view on this. However, the sound in the iPad Pro 9.7 is excellent.


Given the popularity of Apple devices, you won’t have to look for accessories for long. Both branded and from other manufacturers. Depending on the model of use, all kinds of stand cases, keyboards and styluses will be the most useful. Unfortunately, I didn’t have these gadgets with my device, but I can’t help but mention them.

iPad Pro differs from other iPads in having a special connector for the proprietary keyboard – Smart Connector. It’s difficult to judge the convenience of the accessory, but it’s worth paying attention to another point. Apple does not release these keyboards with Cyrillic characters, only with Latin alphabet. Of course, for those who are proficient in touch typing, this will not be a problem. There are also good news, in online stores you can already find keyboards with Russian layouts. The quality of engraving may vary from store to store. But the very fact that it is possible to purchase a keyboard with the required layout is very pleasing.

Apple Pencil, according to professionals, is very good. For designers, fashion designers, draftsmen and everyone else who is faced with the need to draw/draw, this will be an indispensable accessory. And only the iPad Pro “pencil” is supported.

Be prepared for the fact that accessories for an expensive tablet are priced accordingly. So, the price tag for the keyboard case “weighs” $150 (and in our stores it’s even more expensive) for the iPad Pro 9.7, and the Apple Pencil – $100. With a keyboard, everything is a little simpler; you can find solutions cheaper and, in some cases, more convenient. But no one has yet replicated the functionality of the proprietary stylus.

A must-have accessory for me is the branded Smart Cover. I don’t type text on a tablet so often that I need to buy a keyboard for it, but a convenient stand in the form of “ smart cover“I use it regularly. In addition, the branded Cover survives washing very well and is easy to clean without losing its appearance.


Another thing that sets the iPad Pro 9.7 apart from all other tablet models from the company is the camera. The fact is that it uses a module from the iPhone 6s - flagship smartphone from Apple. Thus one of the best mobile cameras Now also available on tablet. The same goes for the front camera. You can get acquainted with their capabilities in our review. The need to have such a powerful main camera in a tablet can be debated for a long time, but it depends more on personal needs and preferences. I almost don’t need it there, because I almost always have a smartphone with me. The only use for me of a camera on a tablet is scanning documents. But this clearly does not require 12 MP and all the accompanying capabilities of such a sensor.

But the noticeably increased quality of the front camera is definitely a pleasant bonus, especially for those who use video calls from a tablet.

Touch ID

A fingerprint sensor has long been present in Cupertino devices. New smartphones already have the second generation of scanners, but the iPad Pro 9.7 is still the first. However, during the entire time I worked with the device, I did not have any comments regarding its operation. Literally a couple of times in a few weeks it happened that the sensor did not work the first time. Otherwise I was pleased with his work.

What's great is the introduction of support for this authentication method third party developers BY. So, for example, in Outlook you can once again protect yourself from the fact that your child, while playing with a tablet, opens the mail application and accidentally deletes something important. It is very convenient to use access to passwords in 1Password. Identification in the bank application makes the login procedure quick and convenient. And the introduction of this technology does not end there.

Performance and software

Loading the iPad Pro to its limit with something today is not the easiest task. The average user who uses a tablet for browsing and entertainment is unlikely to get the most out of the device. The A9X processor is capable of showing higher results in synthetic tests than many netbooks and even laptops, so this tablet is no longer suitable only for simple entertainment, but also for serious work.

For what purpose does the above to a simple user may be required high performance? The first thing that comes to mind is editing a small video in iMovie and new demanding games. WITH this kind The iPad Pro handles tasks without any hitches. Needless to say, any social media, email clients, browsers and similar applications The tablet processes easily and quickly. The gadget also handles two applications at the same time with ease - fortunately, iOS has recently been taught to work in multitasking mode.

In my use case, I did not encounter a task that would at least somehow load the device to the limits of its capabilities. Even “warming up” the processor was not particularly successful. And this is a good foundation for the future. The closest threshold that can stop support for current operating systems is 2 GB random access memory. Judging by how Apple is increasing the RAM in its mobile devices, iPad Pro will be supported for many more years. The only thing that is not clear is why the 12.9-inch Pro has 4 GB, and the 9.7 has only 2, but other parameters (camera and display) are better in the younger model. But this is a topic for another discussion.


Apple works very well on the autonomy of its tablets, and my test subject was no exception. All Cupertino tablets promise 10 hours of work with a Wi-Fi connection or 9 hours via mobile networks - my iPad Pro worked just that long, depending on the tasks, it could last a little more or less. Most often, only watching movies could greatly affect the battery life, and when working on the Internet and other non-resource-intensive tasks, the tablet lasted for a long time as usual.

Would I buy one for myself and do you need it?

No, I wouldn't buy it. It would seem like a beautiful device with excellent parameters and capabilities, what more do you need? The point is, if you don't need Apple support Pencil for drawing and there is no urgent need to use exclusively branded Smart keyboard Keyboard, then you don't need an iPad Pro. Air 2 or mini 4 will do the rest of the tasks perfectly. Yes, there are more speakers and their location is more convenient. Yes, the camera is many times superior to any other camera on the tablet. But I've never heard of anyone buying an iPad solely for photography or being unable to come to terms with the placement of the speakers. Something tells me that future iPad models from other lines will also have good cameras, more speakers and True Tone, so there is no particular rush to update. And for iPad purchases The Pro (any size) needs to know exactly what you need for its special features, otherwise you'll just overpay for a Jeep when a sedan would suffice.

More than twenty facts that will help you make a decision.

On March 21, at the spring presentation, Apple presented not only, the active discussion of which has already set teeth on edge, but also. If we ignore the nuances, the latter turned out to be not even a smaller copy of his older “brother”, but upgraded version of iPad Air 2.

The manufacturer decided not to talk about many of the features of the new iPad Pro, while others were mentioned only in passing. We have collected all the most Interesting Facts In one place.

1. It only has 2 GB of RAM

This will be more than enough for most people, but not for everyone. The difference will be especially noticeable when moving from a large 4 GB RAM.

The new product will be able to keep a much smaller number of applications open, which power users will definitely not appreciate.

2. He had his A9x processor cut off

This is visible both in synthetic performance tests and in the marking on the official Apple website. The latter indicates that the A9x processor installed in the new product is superior to the A7 in 4.3 times. Whereas a similar solution from a 12.9-inch tablet makes it 5 times.

The difference is about 15% , but taking into account the much lower screen resolution of the subject in real work It's unlikely that anyone will notice.

3. Smart Cover from iPad Air 2 does not fit

In the new tablet, the manufacturer had to change the location and polarity of the magnets installed in the case.

Therefore, the Smart Cover from iPad Air 2 will fit in size, but it will not work It’s okay to use even if you really want to.

4. But some iPad Air 2 cases are fine.

The dimensions of the new product do not differ from the second revision of the “air” Apple tablet. Therefore, some cases and other additional accessories from the latter can still be used with the new iPad Pro.

It's a pity, most of them have cutouts for speakers and other things that simply don't match those on the device.

5. The display of the new product has been well upgraded

Yes, its resolution remains the same, but other characteristics have been improved. Brightness, color, and so on - in terms of these indicators, the new firmware surpasses everyone.

Plus - up to 40% less glare in the sun, which makes its use on a summer day at least somewhat possible.

6. He was also the first to receive True Tone

“Wang” the emergence of technology True Tone in iPhone 7 and other new Apple devices.

It is strange that the pioneer in the field of innovation in in this case turned out to be an iPad. But it was the tablet that first learned to adjust the color of its screen to suit environment. The first owners have already appreciated what they saw.

7. The camera sticks out like on the iPhone 6/6s

The main complaint about the “six”, which still worries many, is the bulging chamber. Now this “feature” is also available in Apple tablets.

By the way, sticks out even more than before. But the large area of ​​the body makes “swinging” on any flat surface almost impossible - it does not wobble.

8. But she's very cool

The 9.7-inch iPad Pro camera is in no way inferior to the iPhone 6s - 12 megapixels with shooting capability 4K video plus a number of additional features.

It's a pity, on optical stabilization from the 6s Plus, the manufacturer simply did not have enough inspiration.

9. And with LED flash

Before this subject, Apple tablets had never had flashes. And users didn’t really like the iPad as a shooting tool - they said it all looked funny from the outside.

Will everything change now? More than sure!

10. Frontalka didn’t disappoint either

Unlike the iPhone SE, the compact iPad Pro still got 5 megapixel FaceTime camera, which takes excellent quality selfies.

It's interesting how a video communication tool managed to create an entire movement in photography in just a few years, isn't it?

11. And it supports Retina Flash

It works like this - in low light conditions, the screen momentarily lights up white at maximum brightness when taking a selfie.

Oddly enough, the photos actually turn out to be of much higher quality.

12. Lightning without USB 3.0 support

With USB you need to pay attention to two points - the type of connector and the data transfer speed. That is, the notorious USB Type-C can be either 2.0 or 3.0. The same situation with the Type-A plug and so on.

Closer to the topic - the 12.9-inch iPad Pro has support USB 3.0, and the younger brother was deprived. Therefore, data transfer through the “cord” in the second case will not be the fastest.

But the question here is even different - does anyone still actually use wires today? I have everything via Wi-Fi only.

13. Current Touch ID

According to tests, the new iPad Pro received Second generation Touch ID from iPhone 6s. It works even more than quickly - for many, even too fast.

It’s a pity, you just have to guess about such nuances on your own or make long and painful comparisons - Apple simply doesn’t indicate them anywhere.

14. Excellent autonomy

Despite all the power of the new device and the small battery, its time battery life It turned out to be at the level of the same iPad Pro. AND “This is good!”.

15. Even more LTE networks

Large iPad Pro supports 20 various networks LTE. The new small is 23. Perhaps avid travelers will appreciate this “incredible” innovation.

16. Supports Apple SIM

The 9.7-inch iPad Pro is the manufacturer's first device with built-in Apple SIM.

This allows you to use the tablet in cellular networks a number of global operators without any additional equipment.

17. “Sexy” LTE

It's finished! Apple has replaced the awkward plastic rectangle on the back of the new iPad Pro with LTE support on metal with a thin plastic rim to match the body.

And yes - it looks great "sexually".

18. Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard

It was the support for these accessories that we were all waiting for most.

Apple Pencil will help professional and lesser artists create, but Smart Keyboard Makes it easier to type large amounts of text.

19. 256 GB of internal memory

To be honest, 128 GB of memory is quite enough for me. MacBook Pro for any tasks that I set for him. The only thing is that all the content hangs in the clouds - a large personal photo archive simply would not fit here.

However, for many, this volume on the new iPad Pro would not seem enough - it was for them that Apple made a model with 256 GB.

20. “Hey Siri!” wirelessly

The appearance of the iPad Pro 9.7’ in the traditional iPad format it suggested itself and was expected by everyone. Its actual release has changed little in the understanding of who needs this tablet and why, but now it is reliably known what exactly it received from the older version.

A graduate student dug into the shortcomings of the new iPad Pro with 256 GB of memory, keyboard and Apple Pencil for two weeks. Department of Geochemistry, Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University. Lomonosov Georgy Dzhedzheya, blogger Pavel “Executioner” Gorodnitsky meticulously searched for its dignity.

Georgy: Price in rubles for maximum iPad package Pro for your attention. Scary? Unpleasant? Do you want money? Try converting it into dollars, the figure will be smaller and even more adequate at first glance.

However, this is still about one and a half thousand, if you count with the Apple Pencil (and without it there is no need to count). And the vast majority of you will still have to pay in rubles, so transfer back.

Paul: You gave the price in the maximum configuration, and I will give it in the minimum configuration. 53 thousand rubles for an iPad Pro 9.7 with 32 GB of internal memory - is that some kind of unaffordable money? Even if you add 10 thousand for the Apple Pencil, it turns out to be quite a reasonable amount.

By the way, I don’t understand why the Apple Pencil is a must-have accessory for absolutely all potential buyers. In my opinion, it all depends on what a person needs from a tablet.

Georgy: Well, after all, Apple Pencil support is the most striking difference. Otherwise you can just take regular iPad Air 2 with 64 GB (very cool), which costs significantly less. It would be more logical to compare versions with the same amount of memory, but you won’t find the 128GB Air 2 on

Apparently, so that it is impossible to open two tabs with two, essentially similar tablets and evaluate how much the Pro prefix in the name is now. The iPad line on sale for “professionals” consists of versions of 32, 128 and 256 GB, and for “amateurs” - only 16 and 64.

Paul: Georgy, I suggest you be objective. Let's begin with Apple iPad Air 2 was presented back in 2014, that is, already a year and a half ago. After the release of this tablet, Android manufacturers finally closed their shop and went into the mid-range and budget categories, so the Air 2 really had no competitors.

As a result, Apple, while developing the Pro model, was competing only with itself. The iPad Air 2, as you said, is cool, but the Pro is the best. And you have to pay for the best. With the amount of memory, I think everything was also done correctly. 32 GB - for those who usually do everything online and store files in cloud services. 128 GB - for those who take it with a reserve. 256 GB - personally for Steve Wozniak, who begged the company to release a tablet with such a drive. I think the co-founder of Apple deserved to be given such an honor.

Georgy: The difference is not only in the name, the hardware is also not the same. But this has some impact on the notorious user experience. If you are a rogue bubbling from the bottom of credit slavery, you can stop reading at this point. After all, your old collector friends are already knocking on your doorframe with their thick, tattooed fingers. It’s better to take a break from them.

“If you are a poor person bubbling from the bottom of credit slavery, you can stop reading at this point.”

Paul: If a person is ready to go to a microfinance organization to unpack a new tablet in the evening, and a month later see the inscription “Debtor” on the balcony or car, then his choice is quite obvious - iPad Pro.

Such people buy gadgets based on the principle of “which is cooler”. If iPad Pro 9.7 had not come out, they would have taken iPad Pro 12.9, so Apple, in fact, even helped those who cannot calculate the budget. And one last thing: whining about the price at the beginning of 2016 is a shame. Longing for a dollar for 30 and a euro for 40 is banal. The crisis has lasted longer than a year, it’s time to accept it and work hard - then there will be money for any tablet.

“It’s banal to yearn for a dollar for 30 and a euro for 40. The crisis lasts longer than a year, it’s time to come to terms and work hard - then there will be money for any tablet”

Georgy: Still, it’s worth taking a closer look at the hardware. To begin with: why only 2 GB of RAM? This is Pro, isn't it? Therefore, only top components are needed. And there is no need for stories about how 2 GB is enough. There should be not enough of them, there should be an abundance of them. In such and such a device.

Paul: You have Android ideas about life. Let's think not in numbers, but in facts. I feel like the iPad Pro 9.7 is the fastest tablet I’ve ever touched in my life, and I’ve been touching them for seven years now, that is, since the time when there wasn’t even the first iPad. Two gigabytes of iPad are enough to not think about this characteristic at all.

Georgy:“640 KB is enough for everyone!”, of course. For the next one, maybe that's enough. But the technology that is being sold to us as Pro should be more viable. Well, what about the screen resolution? Is that enough? Pixel density 264 ppi - isn't it enough? This is an indicator for a strong average peasant, but not for a super tablet, if you remember that we are in 2016.

Paul: I’ve never understood people who hold a gadget to their eyes and say: “Wow, I see a pixel.” Take the iPhone 6s, ignore the resolution and appreciate the screen. Agree, the printing quality is excellent, although the pixel density of the iPhone is not outstanding. The same situation is with the iPad Pro. The people at DisplayMate have declared the Pro 9.7 display to be the best on the market - I agree with them.

Georgy: Why no 3D Touch? Okay, it's not on any tablet yet, but it's obvious that the only reason it wasn't built into the big little iPad was the wiggle room, the ability to introduce one more feature next year. This function was simply locked out for you.

Paul: I think this feature is just being improved. I have an iPhone 6s Plus, and I can’t say that I often press on the screen - it’s not necessary yet. Perhaps 3D Touch will soon become more useful and functional, then it will be added to tablets.

Georgy: It’s on tablets that 3D Touch would take off, it’s more relevant there complex species interaction with the device. Okay, let's now turn to the built-in memory. The argument is that maximum capacity 256 GB is a reason to buy a tablet, it looks far-fetched.

If you spend six months in the taiga, where there is no unlimited internet, it may be relevant to you. But in general, here, in 2016, we have Apple Music, Yandex.Disk and all sorts of other Youtubes that do not need your memory, but the traffic you purchased.

Paul: I am sure that not only Steve Wozniak needs the almost premium 256 gigabytes. On the iPad you can edit videos, edit photos, create your own tracks, and collect a music collection.

After all, 256 GB is not the only option, but rather an optional one. If you need to worry, it’s because of the lack of a 64 GB model in the line. But you can also come to terms with its lack.

Georgy: But the improved camera in the new iPad - can’t we do without it? You won’t be able to shoot serious things with it anyway, but what’s more simple, you have a smartphone.

Paul: It is believed that shooting on a tablet is bad manners, but people have done and will continue to do so. And if they come to a concert, raise a gadget above their head and record a video that they will then watch at most once in their life, then let this video be good quality. Yes, and photographs too.

Georgy: They are quite normal on Air 2 too. Well, one more minus: there is no moisture resistance, no additional degrees protection. If you knock him down, then for sure. Walking around with this tablet and checking utilities is a risky business.

Paul: You just need to use it carefully and not drop it - it's not as hard as you think . Let's say that Apple had a choice between security and thickness of the iPad. But the security has no longer justified itself: you don’t remember how many Sony sold its “armored” Xperia Tablet? 100 pieces worldwide?

Georgy: In the deceased Nokia Lumia there were a lot of good and required functions, which did not cease to be good and necessary because Nokia sold poorly.

My take: You're being asked to pay twice as much for four speakers and a slightly more powerful processor. I assure you: you can do just fine without both. The collectors behind the door probably agree with me.

“You are being asked to pay twice as much for four speakers and a slightly more powerful processor. I assure you: you can do without both of them just fine. The collectors behind the door probably agree with me.”

Paul: Then you can do without an iPad altogether. Take an Android tablet for seven thousand, add a couple of games to it, and when you get tired of playing them, watch Game of Thrones.

Georgy: Then it's better to buy a laptop. You can also watch TV series from it, and it stands more stable on the table. And it’s also really convenient to work on. Now we smoothly come to the next problem.

Georgy: Having watched for many years the suffering of a huge number of manufacturers in attempts to finally produce a device suitable for both creating content and consuming it, Cupertino had to come to the conclusion that this was not very feasible. But instead they decided to screw it up along with everyone else.

Paul: You remind me now of Artemy Lebedev, who after his release first iPhone whined that it was inconvenient to dial a number while driving.

Georgy: Well, it's really inconvenient. It’s just that there is still not a single sensible device that can be used comfortably to work on the go. These things generally seem to be mutually exclusive. Completely concepts released into the market in fright. Amusing freaks, nothing more.

Paul: Is the iPad Pro also a funny freak?

Georgy: Yes. They are all doomed. After all, remember, once a new viable form factor emerges, it does not require any additional effort to become popular. Touch smartphones instantly gained popularity, tablets immediately killed netbooks. Regular users are not divorced from reality: unlike engineers and programmers, they live in it. And they have a good idea of ​​what they really need.

Paul: Apple's philosophy is to anticipate people's desires and show them what they will soon use and enjoy. Let me give you at least a well-worn example from the first iPad: Steve Jobs admitted that at first he didn’t understand why people needed a 10-inch touch rectangle. But it took off.

Georgy: It’s not always possible to predict, and the iPad Pro was made more “at the request of the workers,” rather than invented out of the blue. But is such a device really necessary?

That's why questions about the price and configuration of the conditional Mac Pro Doesn't this happen to anyone? But because people really need a computer from time to time, not only for Safari or even covering up pimples in Photoshop, but also for heavy resource-intensive tasks. But there is no such software on iOS. And it won’t be soon, if at all.

Paul: Apple stimulates developers by releasing a tablet with powerful hardware. Now there are few resource-intensive applications, but then there will inevitably be more of them - within a year or two. By the way, why do you think it’s impossible to edit a video? Once upon a time it seemed that long texts You can’t write on a phone, but now, as far as I know, longreads are written on four-inch iPhones.

Georgy: They are composed, perhaps, but they are not typed. You yourself confirm that 4 inches is enough to jot down an abstract for an article.

No matter what a person does on his iPad, it will look ridiculous. It is still always more convenient to do work under any circumstances on a full-fledged desktop operating system, and not on the knee. Come on, name an example of a program that would be more relevant on the iPad than on the Mac that isn't called Angry Birds?

It seems that Apple itself doesn't believe that this device is suitable for work. Otherwise there would be no 12-inch Macbook. If the iPad Pro with a fastened keyboard can do all the same things, and can also work with a miracle pencil, then why this laptop?

“No matter what a person tinkers with on his iPad, it will look ridiculous. It’s still always, under any circumstances, more convenient to do work on a full-fledged desktop operating system, rather than on your knee.”

Paul: Are you now complaining about Apple giving you choice?

Georgy: No, I'm saying that it would be better if they taught this pencil to work with their 12-inch Macbook, allowing it to open 180 degrees. But, oops, then it would be too similar to what the competitors have. And that has already failed. Apple is testing the market and doing it at our expense.

Paul: Why ours? At the expense of competitors. After all, it was they who made the darkness, as you say, funny monsters with lids that open 180 degrees. And they deservedly failed. And Apple separates tablets from laptops and does the right thing. A tablet is a lighter, more compact, more entertaining thing.

Georgy: I’ve already appealed to the market, but perhaps I’ll do it again. Judging by indirect data, sales of the iPad Pro 12.9" in both Russia and China are close to catastrophic. They were sold almost less than Windows Phone smartphones, that is, vanishingly few. Yes, according to Adobe sales statistics, in Russia There are about three designers working, but you and I know that this is not entirely true.

People who might need this tablet exist, but they didn’t need it. At least not at this price and not in this form. The market has already abandoned the large iPad Pro. So why does he need a 9.7-inch version, which is even less “pro” than the previous one? Is it just a matter of size?

“The market has already given up on the large iPad Pro. So why does it need a 9.7-inch version, which is even less “pro” than the previous one? It’s just a matter of size?”

Paul: More than two million iPad Pro 12.9 were sold worldwide in the first quarter. The more affordable Microsoft Surface 3 and Surface Pro sold 1.6 million copies over the same period.

According to January statistics, the large iPad Pro took 12% among all Apple tablets. Is this a failure for a completely new product? Of course no. That's why Cupertino presented a smaller version for those who need power, sound, and sometimes a pen and keyboard.

Georgy: For a company like Apple, it's definitely a failure. Most designers are firmly rooted in the Apple ecosystem; of course, they would prefer, all other things being equal, an iPad rather than a Surface. Compared to how things went with the first iPads and even Apple Watch- heaven and earth.

Pavel: B That's right, that iPad was the first. And the iPad Pro is already a modification. We need to make a discount on this. Two million is very worthy.

Georgy: Everyone has already laughed about the fact that Apple returned to its roots and returned the stylus. But this is nonsense, because the Apple Pencil is not a stylus. Moreover, I say this with regret, because the stylus, unlike the AP, could always be conveniently shoved into the shelter intended for it inside the same PDA, and everything would be fine with it.

You will have to put this same device in some other place. Where exactly, everyone decides for themselves to the extent of their inner freedom. Very inventive, Apple. This is a breakthrough.

“You will have to put this same device in some other place. Where exactly, everyone decides for themselves to the best of their internal freedom. Very inventive, Apple. This is a breakthrough.”

Paul: Bravo, Georgy. PDA! The last time I heard this abbreviation was six years ago, when jailbreaks for the iPhone were in vogue. Yours main mistake The point is that the Apple Pencil is not a stylus for 300 rubles, but a full-fledged accessory for 10 thousand.

Georgy: What difference does it make if this wand is either broken or lost anyway? By the way, it charges in an original way. Still funny. And this is not to mention the fact that it will not be possible to charge both the tablet and the pencil at the same time.

You won't be able to attach the AP to the case either. Such a possibility is not provided there. Why even this greasy rag, which every Apple case invariably turns into, was not created in a proper way - this is the question that you will ask yourself more than once.

Paul: The pen is fully charged in six minutes, and fifteen seconds in the connector is enough for 30 seconds of work. Six minutes is the amount of time you can unplug your iPad. Or did you need another connector for the Apple Pencil so that the ends of the tablet resemble holey cheese?

Now on the topic of losses and breakdowns. Both the pen and the keyboard are quite expensive accessories, so the user must understand what he is paying 10 thousand for if he buys an Apple Pencil. And, I assure you, if this feather really matters to its owner, he will not lose it, but will put it in his bag or in his inner pocket. In general, the argument “there is no hole in the case for the stylus” is in favor of the sloppy ones: they would have installed an AP with a hole.

Georgy: It doesn't have to have holes, it could at least be magnetic. You forget about the cost of the device as soon as you get used to it. It looks like they just forgot about it. And it’s very good that you remembered the keyboard.

In Cupertino they are not very keen on questions like “How do they use all this in Russia?” This is no secret to anyone. This thin case with a keyboard seems cool, but it only comes with with Latin letters, but not with the Russians. "Write blindly!" - a rigid Apple fan will object.

Of course, it’s always very easy to justify someone’s poor performance by saying that you are not sufficiently adapted to it. But why? Why should you adapt to technology at all? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

“In Cupertino they’re not very keen on questions like “How do they use all this in Russia?” This is no secret to anyone. This thin case with a keyboard seems cool, but it only comes with Latin letters, and with Russian letters No"

Paul: There is an option not to type blindly, but to apply Russian letters from those who provide such services. Well, or wait for the official Cyrillic keyboard: since Tim Cook called our market one of the most important, we will believe that the keyboard will be localized to our needs.

What do you say? A useless alloy of glass and aluminum or a powerful working tool? A pointless waste of money or a justified gadget investment? Worthless, expensive and impractical accessories or irreplaceable assistants that allow the iPad Pro 9.7 to fully replace a laptop?

It is the most affordable tablet Apple you can buy today. Let's see how it stacks up against the iPad Pro 9.7, which has several advantages over its lower-end counterpart.

Apple's latest iPad came out without the fanfare that usually accompanies the company's lineup updates, but that doesn't mean it's a completely unexpected tablet. While in Lately Apple's new tablet, simply called iPad, displaces the 9.7-inch iPad Air 2 and positions itself as an affordable alternative.

Costing from 25,000 rubles for a 32 GB model, the new iPad is Apple. Its price is lower than the 7.9-inch, which was previously considered the most budget offering in the Apple tablet line. It also saves you about RUB 20,000 over the starting iPad Pro configuration, making it best choice if you are on a limited budget. But before you rush to the store, there are some compromises that allowed Apple to knock down the price of the new tablet. Read on to see how the tablets compare.

NewiPad vsiPadPro 9.7: Design and Display

From a design perspective, you're looking at two similar and very attractive tablets. Both feature high-quality aluminum in Apple's unibody construction, a Touch ID fingerprint scanner on the front, and a traditional array of buttons and ports on the sides. However, there is a difference in size. Measuring 240 x 169.5 x 7.5 mm (H x W x D) and weighing 469 grams, the new iPad is slightly thicker and heavier than its Pro counterpart (240 x 168 x 6.1 mm, 437 grams), but most people , probably won't notice the difference.

The main compromise is the display. And although both tablets have a 9.7-inch Retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels at a density of 264 pixels per inch, you will notice that iPad display looks different. This is because it is not laminated, does not have an anti-reflective coating, and does not support extended color scheme. No and True technologies Tone, meaning the screen will not use the light sensor to dynamically adjust white balance to make text more readable.

What does this mean in practice? Compared to the iPad Pro's screen, the new iPad's display will perform worse outdoors, most likely blurring the image under straight lines. sun rays and will generally show less vibrant colors. If you work outside important factor for you, it's worth choosing Pro.

NewiPad vsiPadPro 9.7: Processor, battery and camera

Under the hood of the iPad is a 64-bit A9 processor and an integrated M9 coprocessor, making it faster than the A8 on the iPad Mini 4, but not as powerful as the A9X chipset on the Pro. From a practical point of view, the performance difference shouldn't be too big. A9 offers quite passable performance, this chipset manages iPhone smartphones 6S. In our experience, it still works great with iOS 10, without any issues, stuttering, lag, or performance dips. However, if you are buying a tablet with an eye to the future, you should again choose the A9X iPad Pro 9.7.

The new iPad is expected to offer 10 hours of battery life when watching videos over Wi-Fi, but we're not ready to draw conclusions until the tablet has been tested. full review with tests. For reference, the iPad Pro lasts 5 hours and 38 minutes while streaming video over Wi-Fi at maximum brightness. The older iPad Air 2 could only offer 5 hours and 15 minutes. We expect the new iPad to offer times in this range.

The iPad is equipped with a main camera with an 8-megapixel sensor that can record video in 1080p resolution. The image it captures probably won't be as sharp or colorful as the Pro's 12MP camera, which also supports Live Photos, add True Tone flash, and 4K video recording. The Pro's front sensor is better too. The tablet boasts a 5-megapixel front-facing camera compared to the new iPad's 1.2-megapixel sensor, hence the Pro's better selfies and video chatting.

NewiPad vsiPadPro 9.7: Software

Both tablets run iOS 10, so you won't notice much of a difference. The difference comes with additional accessories, which you can install on iPad Pro, including and . The new iPad is not compatible with them, so if performance is your requirement, you should choose the iPad Pro. He has best characteristics among those available, which, however, will cost you more. Of course, the iPad will work with any standard one, and at 25,000 rubles, it is a much more affordable option, which makes it excellent choice for the user with a limited budget.

The situation may change with the release.

How to choose the right iPad? The cheapest iPad in 2018, which tablet from Apple is best to buy this year? Is it worth buying used and refurbished tablets? We will answer these and other questions below. Don't rush to choose the best iPad 2018 - there is one for everyone!

Choosing the best iPad 2018

Since 1997, Apple's philosophy has been: make one specific product, but do it right. Quite a lot of time has passed since then, and Apple company slowly, confidently, but steadily ascended to the Olympus of the world market electronic devices. If you remember the days of the release of the sensational iPhone 4s, then the consumer was faced with a choice between white and black iPhone. But the situation has changed a lot.

Available to us today huge selection phones, tablets and computers: from super-compact to giant, from less powerful to super-efficient. And sometimes it is very difficult to make your choice in favor of one product or another. Simply because you get lost in your main preferences and begin to get confused. The same can be said about tablets.

Are you going to buy a new one? Apple tablet, but don’t understand which model is better to choose? Our detailed guide will help you choose an Apple iPad in 2018. So, let's go!

The best and most technologically advanced iPad 2018

We will evaluate the “best” iPad option based on following criteria: power, price, compactness and autonomy, as well as the availability of accessories.


  • The most powerful iron for now
  • Four speakers, sound: stereo
  • Thin screen bezels


  • High price

The 10.5-inch version of the iPad Pro has the best balance between price, size, performance and accessory potential. It has the most powerful hardware currently available in the iPad lineup (Apple's six-core A10X Fusion processor and 4GB of RAM). Aesthetes will appreciate the reduction in the thickness of the frames around the perimeter on the front side of the device.

It is also worth noting higher quality and technological materials, speakers capable of inimitable surround and deep stereo sound, support for Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard, which can be purchased if necessary.

Unfortunately, there is a rather significant drawback of the model - its price. iPad Pro 10.5 can be purchased in the company store for $649 for the version with 64 GB of memory and exclusively with Wi-Fi. If you want to add features mobile communications, this will instantly increase the price by $130. The final price stops at $1,129 for the 512GB model with support mobile network. Despite such high price, if you want to buy an iPad Pro 10.5 and save a little, follow our tips:

  1. If you need an option with mobile Internet, spend $779 for a model with cellular support and 64 GB memory.
  2. If you think you can cope without mobile Internet, spend $799 for 256 GB with Wi-Fi and enjoy a significant amount of data storage.
  3. If you just want a cheaper tablet, you might want to check out the iPad 9.7, which can be purchased starting at $329 at Apple Store. But we have another idea for you...

Best buy

iPad Air 2 (used or refurbished)


  • Smaller and lighter than iPad 9.7
  • Anti-glare screen
  • Possibility to take with increased memory capacity
  • LTE models can be found for the price of iPad 9.7


  • Lack of stereo speakers.

iPad Air 2 still holds high positions in the rankings mobile devices and everything also works smartly under iOS 11. If you think that Apple has considered this model outdated, think about the iPad Mini 4, powered by the A8 chipset and with 2 GB of RAM, which is still available in the Apple Store. iPad Air 2 has just over powerful processor A8X and 2 GB of RAM. Thus, the model remains valid as before. The iPad Air 2 also features an anti-glare display coating, while the current iPad 9.7 does not have such a coating. Plus it is thinner and lighter than the modern “budget” iPad 9.7.

If you think that the lack of stereo speakers in this version may influence your choice, let's reveal a little secret: this is nothing more than a marketing ploy by the company, as the iPad 9.7, although it has two stereo speakers, is located on one side under the home button. Even though the iPad 9.7 does separate the left and right audio channels, it doesn't really matter since the sound is coming from one direction and you won't get the stereo effect.

Now that we know the hardware specs are still strong and the Air 2 has a number of advantages over the iPad 9.7, let's talk about storage capacity and pricing. The iPad Air 2 initially launched with the lowest storage capacity of 16GB, but more than Apple of the Year slightly adjusted the specifications, increasing the memory of the cheapest Air 2 to 32 GB. So, when buying second hand, remember that the secondary market can be a little confusing and skewed, but if you know the nuances, you can easily make the right choice.

Our advice:

In general, we can find a refurbished iPad Air 2 with 16GB of storage starting around $260. Enough storage to install necessary software, a couple of games and use the tablet as an Internet browser or for online viewing films. Unfortunately, sooner or later you will feel limited by the lack of data storage space.

But with a little luck, a modicum of patience, and a willingness to overlook the shortcomings, you can find a 32GB or even 64GB LTE iPad Air 2 for the same price on the secondary market. Such a solution in to a large extent the best option with available mobile internet and storage space.

iPad Pro 9.7


  • Four speakers, sound: stereo
  • Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard support
  • Best price for powerful tablets in the primary and secondary markets.


  • Apple Pencil and keyboard not included
  • Screen smaller sizes than the modern iPad Pro

Since we started talking about refurbished versions, let's remember the iPad Pro 9.7 - the original, small one Pro line, which only lasted a year before being replaced by the iPad Pro 10.5. The sporting interest of users who are chasing new products influenced the rapid replacement of models that ended up on the secondary market and in service centers recovery. It is for this reason that we are interested in the iPad Pro 9.7 on Apple chip The A9X has 2GB of RAM, has 32GB of storage as standard and certainly isn't too shabby. A quick look at Amazon and we see that we can buy a new tablet (from old stock) for $450 or a refurbished one for $380. It's pretty interesting offer, if you're looking for a productivity machine and don't mind a marginally smaller display than the current iPad Pro 10.5. As with the Pro models, you're free to use the Apple Pencil and your own smart keyboard.

The smallest iPad


  • Compact and lightweight
  • Can be found cheaply, but not in the Apple Store


  • Apple only sells the expensive 128GB variant

Certainly, iPad model Mini is for those who like to hold the tablet with one hand and use it on the bed without fear of it falling on their face. However, there are a few nuances to consider:

The iPad mini4 is the latest in the line and its hardware has not been updated for a long time. As we already said, the model is equipped with an Apple A8 processor, the same as the iPhone 6, plus 2 GB of RAM. If you're going to buy it from the Apple Store, you'll only be able to buy the 128GB+ Wi-Fi version for $399.

Our advice:

If you have not changed your desire to buy a compact iPad sizes, we'd say it's not the best way to spend $400. It's best to check the secondary market for a refurbished or used version of other models or the iPad mini 4 at a lower price, or skip the "compact" option in favor of the new iPad 9.7 with more memory or LTE modem.

In search of the biggest iPad


  • Powerful and productive hardware
  • Four speakers, sound: stereo
  • Apple Pencil and smart keyboard support.


  • Quite a high price
  • Apple Pencil and keyboard not included
  • The size is like a netbook.

Of course, we can't do without mentioning the biggest "guy" in the lineup. The iPad Pro 12.9 is as big as a MacBook Air and costs the same. This is clearly a narrowly targeted device, intended either for professionals or for those who use the tablet very seriously.

iPad Pro 12.9 runs on six-core processor Apple A10X Fusion with 4GB RAM, and it's a real beast - both in performance and in size 305.7 x 220.6 x 6.9 mm, weight - 692 g. Price starts at $799. Add $99 instantly to this if you are ready to purchase an Apple Pencil.

We can say that the iPad Pro 12.9 is definitely on its own narrow rung. iOS doesn't let you talk about it as a PC, but the power and performance says otherwise, with its own set of unique features and apps that even the MacBook family can't boast of. If you're looking to buy the iPad Pro 12.9, you probably have a pretty good idea of ​​what you're looking for, but still...

Our advice:

The $949 256GB Wi-Fi model appears to be the best deal in the mid-price range. Plenty of storage, plus the purchase of an Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard, brings the total to $1,217. For comparison, a 13-inch MacBook Air with 256 GB of memory will cost $1,199.