iPad equipment. What's inside the box? iPad battery life

I decided to make a small photo review of the components iPad boxes Air 64 gb + Cellular, so that before purchasing, readers know in advance what is inside the sacred box with iPad inscription Air on board. The equipment of other iPad models is not very different and I will also write about the differences. This review will also help a newbie differentiate an iPad from a fake.

Here is the snow-white box itself. On the front there is an iPad. On the top and bottom of the box there is a silver bitten apple - the Apple symbol. Right and left black paint the designation of the tablet model is written - in my case it is iPad Air. The box must be wrapped in film. If there is no film, then iPad already boo. In the photo the box is already without film.

On the back of the box there is some helpful information. For example, I finally learned that the service life iPad Apple Allows 5 years. Also on the back side you can see information about specific model devices.

Open the box. Inside there is a tablet in film. Removing it is not difficult, it is dense and even after removal it has the shape of an iPad.

We carefully take out the iPad. Under the tablet there are three things: a charger, a wire for recharging and communication with a computer, and a cardboard mini-folder.

Let's start with the charger. It should be partially covered with a thick film. We're filming. In the photo below you see a charger with a European plug, which is suitable for any outlet in Russia.

The charger can be disassembled into two parts with a slight movement of the hand. This is necessary to painlessly change the plug (for example, if you are traveling to another country).

Also included in the box is a Lightning to USB cable. IN new iPads(from iPad 4 and first iPad Mini) iPad has an output for Lightning charging. Second end USB cable necessary either to connect to a computer or to charge. Accordingly, in iPad 1,2,3 old cable and a wider end.

There is a metal little thing attached to the cardboard mini-folder, which makes it convenient to remove the SIM card slot in the iPad. This little thing is included only if your iPad model supports cellular communication.

Inside the mini-folder there are 4 things:

  • A piece of paper with general information about iPad
  • A piece of paper with warranty information
  • Leaflet with two Apple logo stickers
  • A card that explains appearance iPad. WITH reverse side Apple website advertising

This is what an empty iPad box looks like. If you take out the plastic organizer, you will see that there is a lot of air in the box.

Today it is difficult to imagine humanity without various gadgets,. iPad and iPhone are very popular among them. However, not everyone knows how to properly handle such devices. Often the most a big problem The problem with this technique is that after a short period of time, its battery begins to run out quickly. As a result, the owner has to charge it 2-4 times a day. Then people bring their iPhone here for repairs to have the battery replaced. Not everyone knows that if you change some parameters and know the basic operating rules, you can significantly extend the life of the battery. There is nothing supernatural in the following advice, but for some reason many people do not adhere to them.

Exposure to nature

Summer is the most unfavorable time of year for a battery, as extreme heat greatly affects its performance. And if you leave the device in the sun, then direct exposure to the rays will completely “kill” the battery. In addition, during rain, hide your gadget as far as possible, since even slight moisture oxidizes all internal parts, and this will entail large costs for further repairs. The same problems await other gadgets, after which you will need apple repair for the same reasons.


The battery spends most of its resources on the screen. Modern displays with standard parameters have very high brightness. By going into the settings and lowering it, you will not only reduce negative impact on your eyes (especially at night), but also extend your battery life. The recommended value is no more than 25-35%.


IN iPad manual It is indicated that with Wi-Fi turned on, the device works for about 10 hours, and with 3G only 8-9. Both the first option and the second will drain the battery sooner or later. But if you have to choose the lesser of two evils, then it is naturally Wi-Fi. Also, do not forget to turn off various notifications from applications, leaving only the most necessary ones.

System Settings

Many system settings such as vibration, sound accompaniment and backlighting while the screen is locked are simply not needed. Yes, some people like it, but there is no urgent need for them. All of the above gradually discharges the battery and reduces its service life.


At least once a month, completely discharge the battery and then charge it to 100%. This will help keep the charge for a longer time.

There are also many programs that show which process the phone spends the most energy on. After looking at the statistics, you can draw conclusions and optimize the settings of your gadget yourself, after which you won’t need to repair your iPhone.

One of the most common problems faced by owners of iPad Air tablets is rapid battery drain. This creates a lot of inconvenience, since it significantly limits the portability of the gadget. There can be many reasons for excessively rapid battery discharge, ranging from a simple system failure to malfunctions motherboard or batteries. What to do in case fast discharge battery? First of all, it is necessary to identify the real reason malfunctions. This can be done using diagnostic equipment at the APPLE-SAPPHIRE company.

iPad Air discharges quickly. What to do?

Initially, it is worth checking the device settings and the set energy consumption pattern. After this, you need to do the following manipulations:

  • You must disable all software updates and location services.
  • Reduce the time you use the Internet and LTE network.
  • It would also be a good idea to reduce the brightness of the display. Most optimal solution The Auto Brightness function will be enabled.
  • If necessary, you must install the most latest version software for iPad Air.

Professional assistance from APPLE-SAPPHIRE specialists

If your iPad tablet Air (iPad Air) discharges quickly, our service technicians will conduct a quick and free diagnostic of the systems, which will allow us to identify the true cause of the breakdown. In some cases, battery replacement is not required; repairs are sufficient. Due to modern professional equipment and high-quality parts that we use in our work, clients receive a guarantee for the repairs provided.

All smartphones and tablets Apple are completed Li-ion battery, which allows iPhone and iPad to work without the need to be constantly connected to a source of electricity. Unfortunately, everything lithium ion batteries have their own life cycle, which is measured by the number of charging cycles.

Any battery iPhone generation and iPad is rated for approximately 500 charge cycles. This means that the device must total discharged to 50,000%. It is worth noting that one charging cycle is equal to 100%. For example, if you discharge your iPhone or iPad to 25% in one day, charge it overnight, and start using it again in the morning, then one cycle will end when it reaches 75%.

If you count, then 500 cycles iPhone charging and iPad is about 1.5-2 years of daily use of the device. After this period, the battery loses approximately 20% of its capacity and also becomes more vulnerable to temperature changes, due to which the iPhone even with 25% of the remaining charge.

Upon reaching the 1000 cycle mark, the capacity iPhone batteries or iPad will drop to 50%. On average, this figure can be achieved within 3-4 years of using the device. This period is best to visit service center, after all, with a half iPhone capacity It can hardly work for 2-3 hours with the screen on.

If the device was purchased on the secondary market, then find out the condition battery iPhone or iPad is quite problematic. It is for such cases that the definition of “Cycle” exists. You can find out the number of charging cycles using the program Battery Life, available in the app store.

In the Battery Life program menu, you need to select Raw Data, and then look at the Cycles value, which displays the number of battery charging cycles.

You can also find out this data using a computer on Windows based or Mac OS X. To do this, you will need to download and install iBackupbot. After launching the program, you need to connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, and then select the connected device in the Devices section.

On the page that appears, you will need to click on More Information, which contains the CycleCount indicator. It displays the number of battery charging cycles.

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Nowadays it is fashionable to criticize Apple and its products, saying that without the company the company is not the same, the devices do not cause the former excitement and trepidation, but are rapidly rushing into the abyss of oblivion. Maybe you're just used to good things? After all, you can understand this only by temporarily losing the good, which is what happened to me.


Since November last year, I have been actively using the iPad Air 2, saving various thoughts about it in notes for a future article on the topic of operating experience with the device, and enjoying this gadget like a child. Although it would seem that I’ve been living with tablets for more than five years, it’s possible to get used to this kind of device in such a short time. long term. And I’m used to it, but recently a favorite incident happened to me - the biometric sensor was covered with a copper basin Touch ID. I will tell you about the details of this adventure in a feature article, but its result was sending the gadget for repair and living without a tablet for a week. This is the second time in my life in the last five years that I have been left without a tablet for a long time. The first time this happened was in 2011 when switching from to .

With this processor, the company made a splash and once again gave the market a good kick. The first mobile 64-bit processor, which appeared in mass quantities and in several commercial products at a time when competitors and prototypes do not have normal ones. Moreover, Apple almost immediately began to optimize the software for it and offered developers the appropriate tools. The result is a 2-core 1.3-1.4 GHz processor running ARMv8 instructions, complemented by a 4-core PowerVR G6430 GPU and 1 GB of high-speed random access memory LPDDR3 was much faster and more efficient than 8-core competitors running at over 2 GHz.

The same chip was used in and in . I was not interested due to the fact that the 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro has been changed to latest generation, and a compact typewriter was no longer needed. Her role was played by small laptop(I chose it for its 10-hour autonomy and minimal dimensions - an ideal work machine for the road, in which I spent a lot of time). Naturally, iPad fourth generation also turned out to be sold, and I started life with Retina iPad mini.

In terms of characteristics, it is identical, except for the display diagonal and. Actually, because of her, I was thinking for some time about what to take - large tablet with a display ideal for color rendering, or completely identical, but small Retina iPad mini with a screen of lower quality in terms of color. Nikita Goryainov spoke about this feature in detail.

In the end, I still chose a small model in an uncompromising configuration with 128 GB of flash memory. The transition to a new product happened somehow unnoticed. Yes, a clear display (without a direct comparison it would be a sin to complain about color reproduction), high performance, but it’s still the same iPad with its familiar software. So there was puppy delight for a week, and then the usual comfortable work with tablet: mail, RSS (there is still no alternative on any platform - best RSS client, IMHO), web surfing, social media, videos on the road, sometimes typing, toys.

True, over time, the too small font in the browser began to irritate me a little, and in general it seemed that somewhere Apple had made a mistake and the system was not optimized for a 7.9-inch display everywhere and not always. It was then that I began to go into an “android frenzy” with a search for an alternative on the side, as a result of which I acquired and researched in every possible way , and .

What's the result? All gadgets based on the Android OS were sold, the Retina iPad mini was given to my wife and children to be torn to pieces, and I discovered tablet zen with the iPad Air 2.

iPad Air 2. No alternatives

I will be brief in this section because iPad theme Air 2 is vast, interesting, and I will focus on it in detail in a material on the topic of operating experience with the device, which will be published soon.

The iPad Air turned out to be so good that it couldn't have been better. By the way, the same applies to the Retina iPad mini. Accordingly, there was a kind of intrigue, what would Apple whip up to replace these devices? As a result, the third generation iPad mini turned out to be almost a copy of its predecessor, but with touch sensor ID, but this is a new word in the tablet world, although this fact is difficult to understand at a glance.

To be honest, I didn’t plan to buy the iPad Air 2, deciding that it would easily replace the tablet, which is what it did in the case of the iPad mini. But when the pandemonium began with the dollar exchange rate, and for some time in Russian retail a large Apple tablet turned out to be even cheaper than in the USA (and we are talking about the price excluding American taxes), the “soul of the poet” could not stand it. I ordered a device in the top configuration, deciding to return to the scheme of using the tablet as a typewriter. ( MacBook Air 11.6“ by that time had long been replaced by a much larger and heavier Retina MacBook Pro 13" due to the need for more high performance to work in Final Cut X Pro, which I unexpectedly switched to from iMovie.)

What can I say - Apple has once again released the perfect tablet, the best of its kind on the market, a truly top-end and uncompromising product. There are no alternatives to it and here's why.

Firstly, display with anti-reflective coating and without an air gap. This is the best tablet display on the market with perfect color reproduction, excellent brightness and contrast, and minimal glare in any environment. Now at 11 am I am typing this text, sitting almost opposite the window and I do not see the reflection of my face and the surroundings on the screen. The anti-glare works 100% and makes using the tablet much more comfortable than any other model on the market.

Secondly, the tablet is really thin (6.1 mm versus 7.5 mm for its predecessor) and very light (444 g versus 478 g). Someone complained, saying, why was it necessary to make it even thinner, it would be better if Apple squeezed in a more powerful battery. But there is an effect from the reduced weight and size characteristics, and it is very noticeable, believe me. You take the Retina iPad mini in your hand, you take the iPad Air 2 and it seems that they weigh the same. Yes, the body deceives us and the difference is 100 g, but it is unnoticeable due to the different dimensions of the devices and the minimum thickness of the iPad Air 2. The tablet is comfortable to hold for a long time even in one hand in portrait orientation. In general, it’s a great feeling to have a thin high-tech plate filled with the sea in your hands. interesting content. Yes, the sensations are only at the level of feelings, yes, someone will think that all this is nonsense and lordly whims, but I write as it is. Every time I pick up the tablet I am amazed by the feeling described above.

Third, he is very fast, VERY! Apple didn't cut corners and use the same processor in all new devices. A separate chip was developed for the iPad Air 2 Apple A8x, which is 40% more productive than its predecessor in terms of computing power and 2.5 times - graphically. No less important is 2 GB of RAM, with which iOS reveals itself in all its glory. operating system and all applications just fly. Perfectly smooth operation, instant switching between applications, super-fast loading of web pages, gorgeous graphics and excellent quality in games. Add here a powerful speaker (it’s really loud, bassy and doesn’t wheeze even at maximum volume), a really good tablet camera and maximum networking opportunities and you will get the perfect tablet without alternatives.

Again, I actively use it as a typewriter for typing texts and in this format, together with the keyboard, it is beautiful, fast and powerful. By the way, all this text was typed on a tablet.

But, as mentioned above, more details about the experience iPad operation I will talk about Air 2 in a separate article - there will be something to discuss there.

Tablet leader

This is how the retrospective turned out and my 5-year life story with the iPad. Yes, competitors are watching. Yes, there is one on the market great amount tablets on Android based, and they are selling very quickly. Yes, the tablet market is stagnating and sales volumes are declining. But all this does not negate the fact that Apple gave the world a wonderful product, made another revolution and gave a powerful kick in the ass to all competitors, forcing them to move and create cool devices. At the same time, the American company retained both economic leadership in the market it created and technical leadership. It is Apple that collects all the cream, selling its tablets, although in smaller volumes than its competitors, but earning more. It is the iPad Air 2 that is currently the most technically advanced tablet, and all its power is used for its intended purpose - it works perfectly, without a hitch. Exactly Apple tablets boast the highest quality third-party software on the market.