Standard Windows 7 Explorer. Download Explorer program

The conductor is computer program, which is the core of any operating system Windows family. Users are able to navigate between folders and directories, move, delete and copy documents. There are various panels that allow you to enable quick search in any folder. Unlike many other file managers, it uses only one work panel. If you have ever downloaded and worked with Total Commander, where two working panels are located, Explorer may not seem very convenient at first. However, working with the program is very simple and convenient, so in the near future you will definitely love this software. Moreover, if you manage to download the QT Tab Bar Explorer program, the main purpose of which is to improve and add new functions.

Most users use the most different programs to optimize the operation of the computer, browser, but no one thought that Explorer could also be significantly improved. It is for these purposes that a wonderful utility called QT Tab Bar was developed, which any user can download. The software is in free access, so there should be no problems with downloading and installation. Despite their status, the benefits of which are minimal and will only pollute the hard drive.

Another advantage of the free QT Tab Bar program is its full Russification. The only thing you need for this is to download special file V xlsx format and send it to the folder with installed utility. Now you will have access to all settings and options in Russian, which will significantly simplify the process of processing information and managing software.

Download QT Tab Bar Explorer for free to improve functionality

What new functions will the user receive if he managed to download and install free program QT Tab Bar for Explorer? First of all, it is necessary to note the wonderful tab system copied from browsers. That is, links to your folders and directories will appear on the toolbar. Naturally, you yourself will set the settings for the tabs, adding the folders that you visit most often. Everything looks very nice and compact, and the time spent moving between different folders is significantly reduced.

If you download the QT Tab Bar Explorer program, you will have access to preview files, toolbars from Windows Vista and Windows 8, hotkeys and many other functions. Overall, QT Tab Bar is a great program that should make working with system utility Conductor.

Program to improve functionality standard Explorer Windows. It allows you to integrate some functions into Explorer popular browser Google Chrome, such as working with multiple tabs in one window and creating bookmarks for frequently used files and folders.

Many people often make jokes about work operating systems Windows family. These are most often “advanced” users who switched to Linux and others like them :).

Many people, reluctantly, endure the inconvenience of working with a PC, gradually getting used to it. And only a few try to improve their system in any way by adding various useful features, which greatly facilitate the performance of everyday tasks.

In our article today, I would like to touch on the topic of improving Windows Explorer. Some users decided to get rid of it once and for all and use third-party file managers.

This is also an option, but usually many remain “attached” to standard means access to files. And precisely for such users third party developers They write dozens of different applications that significantly improve the good old Explorer.

It's no secret that the Explorer is based on the notorious Internet Explorer, only stripped down and adapted to work with the local file system. Program developers Clover, which will be discussed today, we decided that since the basis for the standard viewer Windows files is a browser, then let it be... Chrome!

Accordingly, by installing Clover, we will get a “Chrome-like” appearance of Explorer with the ability to create multiple tabs (instead of opening new windows) and bookmarks to quickly navigate to the desired directories!

But about everything in due time, for now I offer a small comparison of Clover with paid analogue, which improves working with files in Explorer - Xplorer 2:

Comparison with a paid analogue

Clover is not as functional as other similar utilities, but I liked it primarily because it practically does not change the appearance of Windows Explorer. This allows you to comfortably use standard sidebar tasks. That is, there is no need to relearn and remember what and where (in terms of functions) is now located - everything remains as it was, and even better :)

Program installation

Installation will not take you much time. Just download the archive with the program and run from it installation file. In the window that appears, click the “Next” button, and in the next window, select (if necessary) the installation location, click the “Install” button and wait for the installation process to complete.

After installation is complete, a program icon will appear on your desktop and the “My Computer” window will open, which will now look like this:

As you can see, virtually everything remained in its place, but three new things were added: it became possible to create tabs, the bookmarks bar was activated and a button was added in the form wrench to configure our program.

Clover program settings

First of all, let's take a look at the Clover settings menu:

To be honest, it slightly disappointed me... The fact is that, in fact, there are no settings at all :). All we can do is open new tab, new window and hide the bookmarks bar. Not too much, though I didn’t really want to :). Indeed, the fewer customization options, the less chance there is to mess up somewhere ;)

Interestingly, by selecting the “About Clover” item, we will see a window in which we can check if there are any updates for our program. By the way, it looks the same as the Chrome browser.

The “Help” item will send us to the official website of the program (by the way, it’s Chinese :)), and “Exit”, contrary to expectations, will not disable new functions, but will simply close the current window.

Working with bookmarks

As we found out above, bookmarks in Clover are the only thing that can be customized, so let's start with them:

There are several ways to add a bookmark to the desired folder or file:

  1. Drag the folder (or file) icon to the bookmarks bar;
  2. Select the folder and press the key combination “CTRL+D”;
  3. Call the context menu of the bookmarks bar and click “Add page”.

In addition, as in “Chrome-like” browsers, we have the ability to group our bookmarks by certain folders. Call the context menu of the bookmarks bar and activate the “Add folder” item:

In the window that appears, in the “Name” field, enter the desired name for your folder and click “Save.” If you need to create several folders, this can be done by pressing the “ new folder" Bookmarks are added to the resulting folders using the same principles as to the bookmarks bar.

Using bookmarks, you can access any folders, files and even programs, thus getting great tool For quick call required functions!

Working with Tabs

Clover's main trump card is the function of adding tabs to Explorer:

As with working with bookmarks, the most convenient way to open the desired folders in new tabs is to drag them to the tab bar. In this case, the cursor will take the form of an arrow, which indicates whether you need to insert a new tab after the existing one, before it, or open it in the current tab (see screenshot above).

However, in reality there are much more possibilities for creating a tab:

  1. The already mentioned drag and drop (opens the selected folder in a new tab);
  2. Clicking the parallelogram button to the right of the last open tab (opens a new “My Computer” tab);
  3. Keyboard shortcut “CTRL+T” (opens a new tab “My Computer”);
  4. The “New Tab” item in Settings and in context menu tab bar (opens a new My Computer tab).

Regarding the last point, I would like to talk separately:

In the context menu you can find another pretty convenient way creating a new tab - “Duplicate”. It allows you to quickly create a copy of the currently selected tab.

Besides useful points here will be “Open closed tab", which allows you to bring back recently viewed tabs that you closed, and "Pin a tab." Last function allows us to keep the necessary open tabs even after turning off Explorer!

In addition to the simple convenience of displaying several directories in one window, you can also easily drag and drop files and folders between open tabs, so that the need for multi-panel interfaces disappears by itself!

That's probably all there is to it :). It's time to take stock.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • expanding functionality without changing the appearance of Explorer;
  • support for opening multiple folders in different tabs one window;
  • a developed bookmark system for quickly jumping to the necessary folders and files;
  • convenient tab management functions;
  • moving files and folders between open tabs.
  • not detected:).


The conclusion suggests itself - if you are not used to using a variety of file managers in your work, then Clover will become great addition to your standard Explorer.

With its help you will not only simplify navigation through file system and copying data from one folder to another, but you can also organize your own shortcut panel for any programs or folders! And all this - without significant changes in the functionality of the standard Explorer!

P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote this article subject to indicating open active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

For computer? Unlike many other applications for mobile devices, which migrated safely to desktop systems, things are not so simple with ES.

And the solution may not come from where we expect it... Having appreciated the advantages of ES developments, many users logically asked: is there one for PC? Alas, they had nothing to answer. If in the world Android file there are many managers (but few smart ones among them), then in Windows environment

or Linux vice versa.

ES Explorer for a computer, unfortunately, is still only a dream for many users

The best file managers have long been known, ideally designed to work with a keyboard and mouse (and not a touch screen). Some of the advantages of the explorer are that menus successfully duplicate each other, connection network resources or a bookmark system - already in existing programs

for PC. For other tasks (checking files for danger or tracking new files of a certain type), specialized programs are better suited.

In short, the developer - ES Global, also known as Estrongs - does not offer anything similar to ES Computer Explorer for either Windows 7 or Windows 10. Moreover, the developer did not share such plans or just ideas anywhere. And yet unexpected options exist...

Computer for EU Explorer No, not a typo. Today, computers (even if they are called differently) running Android are becoming more and more popular. The most common models of this type are transformable tablets with a plug-in keyboard and set-top boxes

, connected via the HDMI port. If desired, Android can also be installed on regular computer or a laptop - say, if you want to use a very light system , play mobile games

or refuse illegal software.

Nowadays, tablets are so powerful that they can completely replace a computer.

  • Such solutions are especially suitable for entertainment and gaming purposes. However, you can also:
  • communicate via instant messengers or Skype;
  • play light games;
  • use office programs;

surf the Internet. classic Android for the hardware of regular PCs. And for today he proposes huge selection interesting solutions.

Of course, buying an Android computer just to use one application is a wild idea. Nevertheless, PCs on mobile OS have already become a reality, so it is possible that your next laptop will be on Android.

And then you can download EU Explorer to your computer for free, moreover, it can become your main file manager. And it will be a great choice!

There are several worth noting unique features, which ES Explorer can provide. First of all, this is cloud storage where you can store the most important files. The application supports several cloud services, the number of which is constantly increasing. In it you can also easily edit text files, work via bluetooth, extract zip archives. In addition, it is worth noting the program interface itself. It is not only pleasing to the eye, but can be completely customized by the user. There is even a choice of folder style and customization options background picture. The program is equally easy to use for both phones and tablets.

ES Explorer is great app for Android in Russian, which is convenient to use in Everyday life. Simplicity is surprisingly combined with versatility, and is complemented by a pleasant appearance. Thanks to this, the program can satisfy any user, and is suitable for both work and banal viewing of pictures.

Get fast access to any file, manage programs, use cloud storage and transfer necessary files over the network. To get access to all the functions of the application, you just need to download ES Explorer for Android for free and install it on your phone or tablet.

Free multifunctional file manager, application manager, task manager, with access to cloud services(Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Yandex.Disk, Box, SugarSync, Amazon S3 and Ubuntu One), access to ftp and samba servers. With its help, you can manage, view and listen to media files (images, music, videos), edit text files using built-in tools.

Main features:
*copy/move*image thumbnails
*multi-select files and folders
*text editor
*application management
*backup (backup)
*file transfer
*file search
*zip unzipping
*media via FTP
*remote access to PC
*Access to cloud storage

Useful additions:
- “Help” is an explanation of the pictograms
- “Application Manager” is useful because you can reserve an application and send it if necessary. You can also launch the application or switch to properties. Another very useful function is “creating a shortcut”. Sometimes it happens that a program shortcut disappears from the menu, although the program itself has not been deleted. Using EU Explorer, create a shortcut and launch the program. (A shortcut can be created for any file or folder)
- Using the “bookmark manager” we create a bookmark desired folder and quickly go to it from the star icon
- “SD card analyzer” shows how memory is being used
- Built-in text editor with a bunch of encodings will help you read, edit or create a text file.
- Archive manager allows you to create .zip and view .zip .rar archives
- Built-in simple image viewer, video and audio players allow you to open media formats supported by the phone
- There is also interesting feature"hide" After hiding the file, no fm can see it except the “explorer” itself. You can find it in settings>hidden list
- In addition to the file manager, Explorer has a tool for working with networks
Under the menu button>show tabs, the display of tabs with networks is enabled: PDA, LAN, FTP, BT, Network
- You can also call them with the “PDA” button in the upper left corner
- The “PDA” displays the built-in memory, SD card and those connected using OTG cable(if supported by phone) USB storage devices
- LAN allows you to connect to existing local networks
- FTP allows you to connect to FTP networks and WEBDAV
- VT scans for Bluetooth devices and allows you to connect to them to exchange files
- “Network” allows you to connect to cloud storage to manage and change files (I myself actively use, which was given to me when I bought my phone).
- In the settings it is possible to show hidden files and for those with root rights ( full access To system files), makes changes to the phone's memory.
- Among the useful features in the settings, there is the ability to hide the status bar (battery icons, network icons, new events, etc.) - settings>interface settings>hide status bar.
The remaining settings are not significant and you can figure it out yourself.

Changes in versions:
*Fix crash issues, improve compatibility
*Enable to change color of Navigation bar(left&right) from Theme
*Double Toolbar Style can be applied from Display Settings
* Fixed some devices failed to download Applocker
* Fixed playlist display issue
* Bugs fixed
*Fix video player crash issue
*Fix Android 4.1 hang issue
*New language Kannada.
*Fix Image upload to Facebook issue
*Fix android5.X backup app to external Sdcard issue.
*Bug fixes.

*Remote control for Android TV on phone
*Writing to ext-sdcard on android 5.0 devices problem fixed
*Bugs fixed
Error -24 can't update?
-Google Play issue. Clear data/data/ root)
Cannot write on ext-sdcard in Kitkat(4.4)
-System limitation. Root or update to Android 5.0

*Add Permission:CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE for Android 5.0
*Icon res for tablet
*Update Dropbox
*Fix issues on Android 5.0(theme...)
*Dozens of improvements(unmount OTG...)

- Support Toshiba Wireless Devices
- Release Chromecast Plugin
- Unzip tarcabbz2...
- Dozens of improvements

-Enhanced zip plugin, support 7z
-Can add shortcuts for SDcard, App, Music Player from Fast Access
-Scan faster
-Dozens of improvements

-Clear data/data/ (for root)

-All network Window
-Clipboard is moved to Window
-Dozens of improvements
Meet Android bug error -24 (not ES issue) & can't update?
-Clear Google play cache,reboot
-Clear data/data/ root)

- OTG Supports NTFS
- Mediafire cloud
- Improve SMB performance
-Dozens of improvements/

In the distribution:
1. ES_File_Explorer_v3.2.5.5.apk - the latest official version of the program.
2. ES_File_Explorer_v3.2.5.5_mod.apk - mod from panatta-sport of the latest official version of the program. (In the mod, everything is replaced blue colors windows, frames, highlighters, etc. were changed to green and all black and white icons were completely replaced with colored ones. In addition, the functionality of the program increases from version to version, but new functions are not translated. In fashion, everything that is found untranslated is translated into Russian.)
3. ES_TaskManager_v1.4.2.apk - Official version TaskManager from ES with untranslated translation.
4. ES_TaskManager_v1.4.2_mod.apk - TaskManager mod from ES with translation of the untranslated and with the replacement of black-and-white-dirty-gray-poor icons with colored ones from panatta-sport.
5. ES_Classic_Theme_1.14.apk - classic schemes for Explorer.
6. ES_AppLocker_1.0.apk - application blocker.
7. ES_File_Explorer_v4.0.2.1_Mod_NoAD.apk - mod from LiuFengQingYin
Difference from the original:
1. Remove Programs application homepage toolbox option.
2. Removing favorites list associated with Baidu advertising practices.
3. Removing the task manager and application download pop the lock.
4. Adjusting the root directory of fragmented files to the same data folder.
5. Disabled by default to automatically detect application upgrade can be updated manually.
6. Streamlined a lot of extra language files retain only Simplified and Traditional British.
7. Optimized content and other details of the interface options menu.

Drop the file onto your device anywhere and install it using any file manager for Android (for example ES Explorer) by clicking on the file (In the security settings of the device there should be a checkmark " unknown sources"). Set Explorer and TaskManager from ES to choose from - the official one or its mod.