Open a closed page. How to open closed tabs in different browsers

In the settings of any browser, you can specify that every time you open it again, all the tabs that were opened last time will appear. In the end, you won’t even remember what you had there and why, but it was definitely incredibly important.

A few years ago we had to suffer and restore sessions manually. Browser developers have heeded the voices of dejected users; now, in most cases, browsers themselves cope with the problem and restore tabs. Where to look for them?


In Chrome, closed tabs can be restored one at a time using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T.

A list of tabs that you have closed recently is in the settings menu. Select “History” → “Recently Closed”. The browser will offer to open several tabs at once that were closed.

It was possible to restore the session by using the Last Session file and renaming it to Current Session. Unfortunately, this method no longer works, so you’ll have to say goodbye to tabs that are closed and not tracked by the Chrome browser.

You can, of course, open the history file in Notepad and sort all the links. But this is shamanism, subject to specialists, not ordinary users. The solution is extensions. At the end of the article there is an example for each browser.


The browser home page itself, by default, offers to restore the previous session. The corresponding button is located in the lower right corner, you only need to click it.

If your home page is not Firefox by default, you can restore closed tabs in the History menu → Restore previous session.

The browser also has a session recovery page that appears in the window after the program crashes. The page can be called manually by typing in the browser line about:sessionrestore. Firefox will offer to restore the tabs from the previous session or start a new one.

Alas, if these measures did not help, then most likely it will not be possible to restore the tabs: they were not recorded in the history.

There are still chances, but for this you will have to arm yourself with patience, knowledge, or even a tambourine. That is, try to recover data from files with information about the current session. To do this you need:

The trouble is that this may not work either. Just bad luck. For insurance, it is better to use the already mentioned extensions.


Working with runaway tabs in Opera is similar to working in Chrome. This is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T that saves tabs and works with recently closed tabs in a special menu.

If the menu of recently closed tabs does not help, you will have to rummage through the history and install extensions for the future.

Extensions to help

To insure users against troubles, special add-ons have been invented for working with tabs that solve most problems with losses and sudden closings of browser windows.

Many of us can call ourselves active Internet users. We use many resources, actively visit social networks, and so on. But sometimes, due to carelessness, we can accidentally close the desired tab. How can I get it back? Let's talk about this, consider different browsers.

How to open a closed tab in a browser: methods

Internet Explorer (IE)

Note that Internet Explorer is the default browser after installing the Windows operating system. This program does not have a function to restore closed tabs. However, you can go the other way. Take advantage of viewing the general history of visiting sites by pressing the key combination Ctrl and N (in the Latin layout).

Google Chrome

To view recently closed tabs, do the following. In the upper right corner of the screen, find the “Call Settings” button (in the form of three horizontal bars). When you click on the button, a menu will open where you will need to select the “Recently closed tabs” option. After following the link, select the "Recently Closed Sites" option.

In Chrome, there is also another way to open the last closed tab. Right-click on the open tab at the top. From the list that appears, select the "Open closed tab" option. This will open the last closed tab that appears next to it. In this way, you can open several recently closed tabs one by one.

Yandex Browser

The new browser from the search engine originally from Russia has not yet acquired the function of calling the last closed tab. Apparently, the developers have not yet felt the user's need for this option. However, as in Internet Explorer, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl and H to go to the history of open tabs, where you can find the site you need.


Opera is rightfully considered the most convenient browser for the task assigned to us. It saves about 50 last closed tabs. This should be enough for even the most demanding users. To view this information, click on "Opera" in the upper left corner of the browser window. This way you will open the “Menu”, where from the list you need to hover over the “Recently Closed” option. In the list that appears, you need to select the required tab. To view the full list, you need to click on "Recently Closed".

Mozilla Firefox

To view closed tabs, click on "Firefox" in the upper left corner of the screen. This will open the “Menu”, in which you need to go to the “Journal” section. In it, select the "Recently closed tabs" option. It may happen that the browser will not save these tabs. To avoid this, check your privacy settings (look for it in the “Menu”). You must select "Will remember history".

Also, to quickly restore the last closed tabs, right-click on any open one. From the list that appears, select the "Restore last tab" command. This way you can restore several tabs one by one.


In order to get back a tab that you accidentally lost, you just need to press the Command and Z key combination.

Working on the Internet, we are faced with a huge number of web resources. Sometimes a user can open more than twenty tabs at the same time. Now imagine that you are looking for the page you need, but it is not in the list of open tabs. In what situations can this happen:

  1. If you closed the page due to inattention. Often when working with multiple tabs, we can accidentally close a site that we still need.
  2. If incorrect restoring tabs . If work with the browser was completed incorrectly (emergency shutdown of the personal computer, failures in the browser, which often occur when working with a large number of pages at the same time, etc.), then in some situations the automatic saving of all open tabs fails.

What to do in such situations? The main thing is not to panic. The developers have done everything possible to allow users to quickly restore all closed pages.

Restore tabs in Google Chrome

When using the well-known browser from Google, we often open several different sites at the same time, maneuvering through resources and switching to one or another. This is why problems often arise when completing tasks - we completely accidentally interrupt work on the necessary sites. Therefore, if you lose the web resources you need, the developers have thought of several options bring back closed Chrome tabs.

It should be noted that this browser has been operating since September 2008. During this time, he managed to gain enormous popularity around the world. And of course, this is primarily due to the fact that all the manipulations that can be carried out in the program are thought out down to the most seemingly insignificant details. Let's look at a few of the simplest steps torecover closed pages in Chrome:

  1. Keyboard shortcut. Working with the hot layout is one of the fastest ways to open web resources that were previously removed from the panel. However, do not forget that such a layout will allow you to restore only the last of all closed pages. Any subsequent press of the key combination will open the previously closed page. Remember this very combination: to use it you will need simultaneously hold down Ctrl+Shift+T. By the way, this method is perhaps the most universal. It is available for use not only in Google Chrome, but also in some other browsers.
  2. Using the browser menu. This method is similar in principle to the previous one. However, in such a situation, you are not dealing with a key combination, but with a special (context) menu of the browser. So, so that you can quickly and easily restore tabs in Google Chrome , you will need to select an empty area in the program, right-click and from all the items select the option called “Open closed tab”. Next, you need to click on it, and you will see that among all the tabs the site you need will also open. You can use the method with the program's context menu until you find the resource you need to work.
  3. Browser history. This method will take a little more time. To use it, you will need to go through your browser history a little. However, it is precisely this option for opening sites that allows you to find a resource that has been closed for a long time. Google Chrome browser history is launched in two ways. The simplest option is to simply combination of two keys ctrl+H. You can also open your browser history through the menu. Everything is quite simple here. At the top right there is a menu icon (three stripes or dots). It is in it that the necessary section is located - “History”. The main feature of using the “History” section is that with its help you can find resources that you opened on other devices from your account.

    In the section itself, search by folder works. Now you can quickly find a page by its web address, title or keywords.

Any of the above options is easy to implement and allowsopen closed tabs in chrome in 15-20 seconds.

Restore tabs in Mozilla Firefox

The Mozilla Firefox browser appeared more than 10 years ago (in 2004). During this time, the program has undergone a huge number of changes in order to appear in a completely improved format.

The developers have tried to prevent problems that unexpectedly appear while using the program (including problems with erroneously closed web resources). So don’t worry about closed sites - Mozilla Firefox makes it easy to resume all information. Choose any of the options below:

  1. Mozilla Firefox hidden menu. To call the program menu, you need to find a free area and activate the hidden menu by using the right button of the computer mouse. Then you will see several browser commands. Of them you need to stop at the command "". If the user wants the penultimate closed site, it will be necessary to repeat the manipulation again. You can use the context menu until you restore the needed web resource.

  2. Hotkeys. A universal method that allows open closed tabs in Mozilla Firefox . It works on the principle of a context menu. Just press and hold simultaneously on your personal computer keyboard combination Ctrl+Shift+T and you will see the site that you closed last appear on the screen. If you want the penultimate one, press the hot layout again. You can use this recovery method until you find the desired site.
  3. Library. A way to find a tab that you finished working on several weeks ago. Just find the icon that displays the browser menu and select the item called “Library” from all the options.

    This is where your browser’s “Journal” is located, where absolutely all the tabs you used are stored. There, the user can select the period of time during which he visited a particular tab (for example, find all the web resources you visited over the last week). If you want to perform a more advanced search, activate the box "Show entire log".

    When you see the page you need, simply hover over it and click.

Restore tabs in Opera

Like all the browsers described above, Opera can offer several ways to restore erroneously closed web resources.

Therefore, if users incorrectly completed one or another work with the site, do not worry. The program offers the following options restore tabs:

  1. Using the context menu. The context menu in Opera works a little differently (if you compare it with the browsers described above). And thanks to this functioning Opening closed tabs in this program is quite simple. This method is more suitable for users who want to return one of the last 10 sites that was mistakenly terminated. The fact is that in the upper right corner of the program there is a toolbar icon. By clicking on it, you will launch a hidden menu with many items. In it you need to find a section called "Recently Closed Pages". According to the browser rules, the last 10 resources you visited are stored there. Find the one you want to restore and it will appear in the list of open sites. In the newest versions, it is located on the right and when clicked, previously closed tabs will immediately be shown.
  2. Layout. Using the hot layout already described above is also relevant for this browser. The already classic simultaneous typing of Ctrl+Shift+T allows you to activate the last closed resource. Using the combination further, you will open all previous sites you closed. The main disadvantage of this method of restoring web resources is the fact that they are all opened in order (from last to first). That is, you will not determine which specific resource will be restored next. Therefore, in some cases you will have to press hot keys several times until you find the entry you need. However, to open the last page you closed, this option is the most optimal.
  3. Search by history. Of course, Opera also has a browser history. Opening tabs with its help is especially important if you exited the browser or reloaded it. You can enter the program history by clicking on the corresponding section in the menu in the upper left corner of the program. A faster way to view the history is the keyboard shortcut ctrl+H. This method allows you to open closed tabs in Opera using search.

    By specifying the name of a web resource, its address or keywords, you can find sites that you visited even a few months ago. Once you select one site that is important to you, you will see it appear as a tab at the top along with other web resources currently in use.

Restore tabs in Yandex Browser

Today there are several options for how restore tabs in Yandex Browser . These methods are also not much different from the previous options. However, like every browser, Yandex has its own interface and menu features. It is with them that you need to become familiar in order to quickly restore closed pages.

  1. So, in the first place is the simultaneous use already familiar to you keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+T to restore the last web resource. If you repeat the manipulation over and over again, you will return previous sites. So the resource that was closed last will open first, and the first one will open last.
  2. Browser panel. By right-clicking on any empty area on your computer mouse, you will launch a hidden menu. There is a graph there. As with the first point, this method can be repeated until you open the required page.
  3. Browser menu. Using the settings icon, select the item called “History”. A window will open in front of you with all the sites that you closed the day before. When you see the resource you need, click on it - it will immediately appear in the browser. In this way, Yandex Browser offers to return exclusively 8 previous tabs.

  4. In the case when the user has closed more than 8-10 pages or wants to find a resource that he viewed several days ago, it is necessary to use a more extended version of the history. This can be done on the “History” item (see above in the picture). All resources in the history are sorted chronologically depending on the date the page was visited. So you can easily find a site that you opened, for example, yesterday.

Restore Tabs in Safari

It happens that when you close a huge number of unnecessary pages, you accidentally get rid of the one that is still needed. Above, you may have noticed that many browsers have similar principles for restoring a page. This plays into the hands of all users. After all, remembering the basic principles of working with closed resources and typing keys at the same time is not difficult if they are more or less similar.

However, not all browsers are capable return closed pages according to the same principle. Safari browser– the only one that stands out from all the others in the good sense of the word. It, like its analogues, offers several ways to restore tabs. Some of them work on the same principle as, for example, in Google Chrome or Opera. But here are some that will pleasantly surprise you:

Plugins and Addons

In addition to using direct browser functions, users today can download special extensions that allow restore browser tabs . Many of them have several additional options that make working with open pages much easier. Let's give an example of several plugins for the browsers described above.

Session Buddy

Now let's take a look at the session saving manager for the Google Chrome browser. With it, you can leave open only those pages that you need at the moment. Agree that it is not very convenient to use a browser when more than 10 different sites are open in it at the same time. And this is not even a critical number, because some users manage to simultaneously switch between several dozen open tabs. Such clutter is not only distracting, but also noticeably slows down the browser.

By downloading the Session Buddy app, you can save all the pages you need under the guise of a so-called session. After this, opening the extension, you will receive a list of saved web resources. In addition, you can organize several tabs under one session and give it a name for easier searching. If necessary, you can rename the session or delete it completely. Session Buddy is freely available and available for download from the Google Chrome Extension Store.

You can install and configure this plugin in just a few minutes.

Session Manager

The most common official plugin, which is used for the Mozilla Firefox browser, is also available for Google Chrome. Its main advantage is that the program not only restores all closed tabs, but also allows you to conveniently save and organize them. Using Session Manager, you can create your own page registries and use them at any time convenient for you. By the way, users who do not use such a plugin cannot restore closed pages from previously used sessions.

How to install a plugin with a manager? Everything is quite simple here. You need to download from the link or go to the extension store, holding simultaneously Ctrl+shift+A. It presents all available paid and free applications. In the search bar, enter the name of the plugin and click on “Install”. As soon as the program starts, you can go in and configure the saving of a particular session. The Session Manager program allows you to save 30 Mozilla Firefox sessions in archives.

Session Manager - add-on for Mozilla

Tab Hamster

The Opera browser, in turn, also has a special plugin for working with open and closed tabs. The Tab Hamster application is available for download in the Opera extension store and is absolutely free. Released in 2015, the plugin is popular among many users of the program.

Of course, it’s good if you managed to remember the name of the site that you just closed. However, if you need to restore a tab that was closed several weeks ago, or if you simply forgot the name of the resource or its address, various methods will come to the rescue to quickly return tabs to Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Safari. To do this, you can use the keyboard, context menu, browser history, or additional extensions of your choice.

How to restore a closed tab in a browser? For example, if this happened by accident or, conversely, intentionally in order to protect against lovers who suddenly burst into the room to see what we are doing on the computer in their absence. Sites from favorite, bookmarks or visual tiles on the browsers express panel restore easily— you can simply re-open them. But what if the work was carried out with a web resource that was not one of those, and with a page opened through many confusing transitions?

Restoring last closed tabs and hotkeys for this function

To quickly open the last closed tab in almost any browser, a corresponding team. It is usually available in the context menu called up on any of the remaining active tabs. The same command can be activated using hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+T. When you press these keys, browsers Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge And Opera restore tabs closed in the current window. And in Chrome, Yandex.Browser and other representatives of the Chromium platform, these keys also work for windows. IN Mozilla Firefox and its clones - browsers based on the Gecko engine - the combination is also used to open tabs Ctrl+Shift+T, and closed individual windows are restored using the keys Ctrl+Shift+N.

Recovery in browsers

But a special command and its hotkeys return only one tab to its place - the one that was last. If, for example, there is a question of restoring several pages, including those visited relatively long ago, you need to use the ability to access recent tabs And browser history. Let’s look at how all these features are implemented in different browsers using the example of the six most popular ones.

Google Chrome

To open the latest website in a Chrome window, call context menu on any of its active tabs and select the option indicated in the screenshot below.

We’ll get more options in the browser menu by selecting “ Story" The sequence of recent sites will be displayed in chronological order in the column “ Recently closed" Access to the full list of pages visited over a long period of time will open in the history section by clicking the option “ Story».

Yandex browser

Yandex.Browser is a typical representative of the Chromium platform, inheriting most of its functionality. Therefore, here we will see a mechanism similar to Chrome recovery the latest closed resources.

As well as access path to the history section.


Another successor to the Chromium platform - the Opera browser - offers to open tabs that were closed by accident or for the good of the cause, same mechanism, like other Chrome clones.

Only Opera No access to a selection of several sites that have been closed recently, right in the main menu, as other Chromium followers offer. Important web resources will have to be restored to history section.

Mozilla Firefox

Of all the browsers discussed in this article, Mozilla Firefox is most concerned about ensuring that its users do not lose important information they once obtained on the Internet. Restore last tab feature implemented traditionally, as in other browsers.

We will get details on previously visited web resources in the browser history section - “ Magazine" Here, in one click, you can restore several recently visited sites, and even an entire one. session, if it disappeared when you exited Firefox, since it is configured to launch from the home page by default. A complete list of web pages visited over a long period of time will open when you click the option “ Show entire log».

Microsoft Edge

The standard Windows 10 Microsoft Edge browser provides access to the latest sites using the command “ Reopen a closed tab».

A full list of previously visited web pages opens in the sliding panel on the right when you click history buttons on the browser toolbar.

Internet Explorer

Far from the concepts of interface usability and functionality, Internet Explorer can give odds to any other web browser in terms of providing access to closed sites. In the context menu on active tabs Internet Explorer next to it contains both the option to open the last closed web page and the option to access several web pages - those that were closed in the near future. And at the bottom of the list there is an opportunity recovery them all in one click.

You can find an important web resource visited a relatively long time ago in the history section - “ magazine" The sites here are presented in chronological order by default, but for ease of searching they can be sorted in every possible way using the proposed filters.

Accidentally closed a tab in Yandex Browser? It's not a problem. Even if you don't remember the name of the site. The main thing is that the browser saved all this. Therefore, you can easily restore a tab in Yandex. And in different ways. Which is better? It's up to you to decide.

The easiest way to restore a closed tab in Yandex is using the “Last Page” function. Therefore, if you accidentally closed a site, you can easily open it again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

This combination opens one last tab. But you can press it again, restoring the penultimate page. And then again...

Yandex Browser stores a certain number of closed websites in its memory, so you can open a couple of them. However, this method is used only to quickly open the last tab. In other cases, it is better to choose another option.

By the way, this method is universal and works in many modern browsers. For example, using the same combination you can.

To avoid constantly pressing keys, you can right-click on any page and select “Open a just closed tab” from the menu that appears. Perhaps it will be more convenient for you.

Smart Back Arrow

If you did not close the current tab in Yandex, but opened another website in it, then you can restore it using the smart “Back” arrow. This button is located in the left corner of the address bar.

Each press takes you back one step. This way you can return to previous pages visited earlier.

By the way, if you right-click on this arrow, a list of all sites loaded specifically in this tab will open. And you won't have to constantly click on it trying to find the page you need. Just click on the RMB arrow and select any site from the list.

That's why the Back arrow is called smart. By the way, you can do it in the same way.

Recently closed pages

Another method of how to restore tabs in Yandex is using the “Recently Closed” element. It displays the last 8 pages that were closed in the current session. They are saved until you exit the program.

To open closed tabs in Yandex Browser this way:

By the way, here, just below, websites that you opened on other devices (smartphone, tablet or laptop) can be displayed. But only on condition that they were synchronized with the Yandex account. Otherwise there will be something like this:

What should I do if the site I need is not in the “Recently Closed” list? For such cases, there is another method with which you can restore previous tabs in Yandex Browser.

Browsing history

If you want to open a site that you visited yesterday, 3 days or even 2 weeks ago, you can restore tabs in Yandex Browser using the history manager. To open it:

After this, a new tab will open in the browser, where the sites you have visited will be shown.

By the way, you can enter “History” differently. Click Ctrl+H and the same window will open.

So what's going on here? And here just look for any site that you need. All previously opened pages are sorted by day and time of visit, so there will be no difficulties with this.

If you visited that site a long time ago, then in the “Search in history” field, enter its address or page name (partially possible) and press the Enter button. After this, only those options that meet the specified criterion will be displayed.

By the way, this method is also universal and works in all popular browsers. For example, in the same way you can.

How to restore tabs after reboot

And finally, let's look at another popular question among users - how to restore tabs in Yandex after a reboot. The fact is that the default settings can be set in such a way that after closing the browser, all open pages disappear.

Of course, you can restore open tabs in Yandex through the “History” or the “Recently Closed” element, but this is inconvenient. And why such sacrifices, when it’s enough to simply configure Yandex Browser to open the previous pages when you restart it.

For this:

From this moment on, even after closing the browser, all previously opened pages will not disappear.

That's all. Now the browser has become much better and more convenient, right? After all, you know how to restore a closed tab in Yandex. And at the same time - in 4 different ways. Use them all, choosing the most convenient one depending on the situation.