Download popup panel for windows 7. Nexus Dock - the best dock for Windows

Many users store program shortcuts on the desktop, but open windows block the view of the desktop. Panel quick launch solves this problem because it is located on the taskbar, visible even when windows are open. For example, if you add a web browser shortcut to the Quick Launch toolbar, the user working on a document does not have to minimize the document window to open the web browser. Instead, just click the web browser icon in the Quick Launch bar.

Recently used files, documents, folders, and other items are located in the Start menu in the Recent Documents list.

Find recently used items in the Start menu

For more information, see Add or remove Recent Documents from the Start menu and Customize the Start menu.

Don't store files on your desktop

To increase computer performance and quick search files, it is recommended to store files in the Documents folder rather than on the desktop.

To open files from your desktop, create file shortcuts on your desktop. For more information, see Create and delete shortcuts.

Task No. 2. START menu (overview)

    Getting started with the START menu.

To open the Start menu, click Start in the lower left corner of the screen. Or press the Windows logo key on your keyboard. The Start menu will appear on the screen.

The Start menu consists of three main parts.

    The large panel on the left shows short list programs installed on the computer. Your computer manufacturer may change this list, so it may appear different. Clicking the All Programs menu item displays full list installed programs(this will be discussed in more detail later).

    In the lower left corner is a search field that allows you to search for programs and files on your computer using keywords.

    The right pane gives you access to your most frequently used folders, files, settings, and features. Here you can end your Windows session or turn off your computer.

    Launch programs from the START menu.

Most often, the Start menu is used to launch programs installed on the computer. To launch a program displayed in the left pane of the Start menu, click it. The program will launch and the Start menu will close.

If the program you need is not in the list, click All programs at the bottom of the left panel. The left pane will show a long list of programs in alphabetical order, followed by a list of folders.

Clicking the icon for one program launches that program and closes the Start menu. So, what's inside the folders? Even more programs. For example, if you click the folder Standard, a list of programs located in this folder will appear on the panel. Click any program to launch it. To return to the list of programs that were displayed when you first opened the Start menu, click Back menu below.

If you don't know what a program does, hover your mouse over its icon or name. A window will appear, which often contains a description of the program. For example, when you hover over “Calculator”, the following message will be displayed: “The electronic “Calculator” is quite capable of replacing a regular manual calculator.” This trick also works for items displayed in the right pane of the Start menu.

To use the search field, open the Start menu and start typing. There is no need to click inside the search field before typing. As you type, search results appear above the search field in the left pane of the Start menu.

Search everywhere Search on the Internet

    Search field.

The search field is one of the most convenient ways to search on your computer. The exact location of the items doesn't matter—you can search for programs and folders using the search box in your Personal Folder (which includes Documents, Pictures, Music, Desktop, and other common folders). Search is also carried out among messages Email, saved instant messages, meetings and contacts.

To use the search field, open the Start menu and start typing. There is no need to click inside the search field before typing. As you type, search results appear above the search field in the left pane of the Start menu.

The program, file, or folder will appear in search results in the following cases:

    Any word in the title matches or begins with the entered search criterion.

    Any text in the file contents (for example, text in text editor) matches or starts with the entered search term.

Click any search result to open it, or click the Clear button to clear the search results and return to the main list of programs. You can also click Search everywhere to search the entire computer or Search on the Internet to open a web browser and search the Internet.

In addition to programs, files, folders, and contacts, you can also search your Internet browser favorites and your list of visited sites. If any web pages contain the text you are looking for, they will be displayed under the "Favorites and History" heading.

    What is the right panel?

, where you can find reference information on

Click the arrow next to the lock button to open a menu with more options, such as switching users, logging out, restarting, and shutting down the computer. For more information, see End your Windows session and Turn off your computer FAQ.

    Setting up the START menu.

You can customize the display of items in the Start menu. For example, you can add icons for frequently used programs to the Start menu to quick access to them or remove the program from this list. You can also show or hide some items in the right pane. See Customize the Start menu.

    Switch the START menu to classic view.

Open the taskbar and start menu properties by clicking Start by selecting items Control Panel And Design and personalization, and then - Taskbar and Start Menu.

On the tab Start Menu select item Classic Start Menu and click OK.

    Search for a file or folder.

It is better to select the “Search” folder if:

    It is not known where the file or folder is located.

    Search results must include files from more than one folder, such as the Pictures folder and the Music folder.

    You want to search using more than one file name or property.

By default, the search is based on a set of locations called indexed locations. These include all folders in your personal folder (Documents, Pictures, Music, Desktop, and other locations), email, and offline files. If your files are typically saved in other locations, you can add those locations to those that are indexed. For more information, see Improve Windows Search with an Index FAQ.

As you type, files from various locations on your computer that match the text will be displayed.

    Now do any of the following in the search bar.

or in any other location.

Hello, friends. Today we will look at very interesting program. Which will work for us every day, every minute. She will become main program on your computer. Why am I so sure of this? Do you doubt the quality of a Japanese Lexus car? In its convenience, comfort, reliability? No? Right. This wonderful program is beyond competition. Nexus Dock — the best dock panel for Windows!

I hope you don't need to explain what it is dock panel? Necessary? The dock panel is a panel on the desktop on which you can place anything. Program shortcuts, folders, files... And all this is mega-beautiful and convenient. With special effects and sounds. The desktop is clean and tidy. At the same time, everything necessary for comfortable work always at hand. Just some kind of fairy tale. Well, I’m praising the Nexus Dock - watch the video review of this dock panel for yourself.

Yes, I almost forgot. By coincidence it came out today a new version this wonderful program. I spent the whole day running it in and setting it up. Now I am sharing with you. Of course, it is free and in Russian.

Please don't hit me with your feet - this is my first attempt at creating video reviews. I agree, the quality is not very good, the settings are hard to see. I already realized the mistakes, but it’s already one in the morning and I don’t have the strength to correct them, sorry. The next ones will be better, for sure. Double click in the video you will expand it to full screen. Back - the same. Watch and if you are impressed by this video, move on to Nexus installation Dock. So, ladies and gentlemen, His Majesty Nexus Dock!

Is it really a miracle? Let's download and install it. I give you three archives - the program itself and two archives with animated icons for it. I spent half a day searching for them on bourgeois sites. All you have to do is download...

Download Nexus Dock: 31 MB

And the promised archives with live icons (55.3 MB)…

...and 57 MB...

Yes. Archives are not small size, but they're worth it. You will spend a lot of time looking for such icons, but here everything is already ready.

Have you downloaded Nexus Dock? Let's install it...

If I were you, I would uncheck the box and click “Close”. All tips are in English.

We remove unnecessary icons that you don’t need. And go to settings by right-clicking on the dock panel.

There are a lot of settings - for every taste and every user. Everything is in Russian. Change them, don’t be afraid, everything will work out. Don't forget to click "Apply". I hope that from the video review a lot has become clear to you. You can make such a beauty, wow!!!

The number of panels is unlimited (in free version Unfortunately, you can only make one panel). You can sculpt them on all four sides of the desktop. And I removed the taskbar altogether. It was removed, not hidden. This can also be done in the panel settings by checking just one checkbox.

Shortcut panel on the desktop. There are probably almost no people who would not want their computer desktop to be not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Personally, I love decorating as much as I can. It’s much more pleasant to work when at least something pleases the eye.

I have this pretty and very nice one installed on my desktop. convenient panel with labels of the most necessary programs. When you hover the cursor over it, the icons seem to float to the foreground and increase in size. This panel is called - RocketDock.

Shortcut panel on the Desktop. Installation

The panel is installed easily and simply. Just type in the search engine the phrase “ program RocketDock download", go to the website with the program and download it to your computer. Then run installation file, and follow the installation instructions.

Your new panel will appear at the top of the Desktop.

Setting up the desktop shortcut bar

To customize your shortcut panel, you need to click right click mice by empty space on the panel and select the item in the drop-down list Setting up the panel .

A window will open Setting up the panel .

Customize the panel to your taste. Pay special attention to the tab Style. Open the list Subject, and choose a style that suits your Desktop.

Don't forget to save your settings with the button OK .

In order to add a program icon or folder, you just need to drag it directly onto the panel. In the same way, you can swap icons.

The panel can be made invisible. To do this, again right-click on the free space in the panel and check the box next to the entry Automatically hide panel . Now it will only appear when you move the mouse cursor to the place where the panel should be.

By the way, you can place it at the top, right, left or bottom of your Desktop.

Now all your icons will be placed on the shortcut bar, and your desktop will be clean. And the most convenient thing is that all shortcuts will be available in all open windows. Whether it's a browser window, Photoshop, text Word editor or Excel tables.

You can download animated icons from the Internet and replace uninteresting shortcuts with them. Often on sites with the program they offer to download entire sets of such icons for free. different topics. Like these

Use and enjoy.

Video: Shortcut panel on the Desktop. Installation.

When the computer is initially turned on, initial testing and configuration of its external and internal devices are performed. The self-test result is displayed on the screen. At the end of testing, the Windows 7 operating system begins to load.


In the end Windows boot 7 The welcome page is displayed on the monitor screen. If you have multiple users or accounts on your system, this page will list all the account names. To log in, click on desired name and if necessary, enter a password. If there is only one account, usually Administrator, then the account selection procedure will be skipped and you will immediately log in to the system.

For every user who regularly works on this computer, it is recommended to create your own account and assign it your own individual password.

Accounts are created by an administrator (a user with administrator rights), and they also set the rights that certain users can use.

Please note that when you enter your password, it is not displayed - all letters are replaced by circles. This is done to prevent others from snooping on the password when you enter it.

If you enter incorrect password a message will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter it again. An error when entering a password may be due to the fact that you forgot to switch the Russian keyboard layout to English or accidentally pressed the " Caps Lock", which led to the input in capital letters. Check this and try to enter the password again.

The keyboard layout is usually Russian, and the additional one is English. Switching layouts will be done by simultaneously pressing the “Alt” + “Shift” keys.

Aero Windows 7 interface. Desktop

After logging in, the Desktop appears on the screen, with icons or shortcuts related to those programs that were previously installed on the computer.

The desktop is a space for placing icons or program shortcuts for quick access to them, or windows, thanks to which it is so convenient to work with information on the computer. A desktop can be compared to a desk on which office supplies (icons or labels) and paper (program windows) are scattered. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the appearance of the Desktop after the system boots is determined by the settings of the account under which the user is logged in, i.e. whatever settings the user has set for his account remain the same.

For each user who works under his own account, you can customize your Windows decoration 7.

On the Desktop, immediately after installing Windos 7, there is only one icon - the Recycle Bin ( Recycle Bin). If a computer is purchased in a store with Windows 7 already installed, then several icons will most likely be placed on the Desktop.

These icons are used for quick access, and it does not matter what kind of data, it can be files, folders or programs. Keeping these icons at hand, meaning Desktop, makes working on the computer much faster and easier.

In your work, you can add icons to the Desktop yourself or remove them as you wish. Removing icons or shortcuts from the desktop does not affect the operation of the system as a whole.

Taskbar and Start button

The Taskbar is located in the lower left part of the Desktop in the form of a strip.

On the left edge it starts with the “Start” button, and in Windows 7 this button has undergone changes - it has become round and the word “Start”, which is found in previous versions Windows.

After opening a document, folder, or program on Taskbars the corresponding button appears, indicating the document, folder or program. Thanks to this, the taskbar serves as a quick access to running programs or open documents at a time when several of them are open.

No less useful feature, which is available in Windows 7 – . It allows you to quickly jump to the applications, documents or web pages that you use most often. To open the Jump List, point the cursor over the program icon on the Taskbar and click the secondary (right) mouse button.

The button of the currently displayed document or application appears pressed, as if slightly “recessed”. When you hover the mouse pointer over it on the Taskbar, a miniature image of the corresponding window is displayed above this button.

Preview allows you to quickly view thumbnails of open windows without opening them entirely. Simply hover over a button on the taskbar to display thumbnails of open applications.

Note! IN Windows versions 7 Initial thumbnails are not available, but if you hover your mouse over the button running application on the Taskbar, all items open for this program will be displayed.

In Windows 7, as in previous versions, it is possible to automatically group similar elements under one button. For example, if in a text editor Microsoft Office open several documents, they will be grouped under one button on the taskbar.

Clicking this button will open a full list of thumbnails open documents, after which you can select the one you need. Thanks to this grouping of similar elements, it is convenient to use the Taskbar when opening large quantity documents.

On the taskbar, in addition to open windows, you can display various panels: In addition to buttons for open windows, you can display various panels on the taskbar: the address bar, links bar, desktop panel, and others.

Windows 7 window interface

Windows 7, like its predecessors, has a windowed interface, that is, everything opens in it using windows: documents, programs, settings settings - everything opens in windows. Also, with the help of windows, the user interacts with the system and the system with him. Windows is translated from English as windows.

Managing windows is very simple. They can be moved, stretched, collapsed and adjusted to suit your needs. Thanks to simple operation windows, they can be grouped differently on the desktop. The window can be maximized to fill the entire screen or minimized so that it does not interfere with the viewing of other windows.

The standard window shape is rectangular. You can switch between windows either by selecting the button on the Taskbar that corresponds to this window, or by using the mouse by clicking on their visible part on the screen. The selected (active) window is always displayed on top of the others.

There are a number of programs that can be launched without opening windows. Typically, such programs are configured so that their parameters cannot be changed.

In addition, there are programs, such as games, that run in full screen mode, occupying the entire monitor screen. Most of these programs allow you to switch to windowed mode and back.

Windows 7 has new features that make working with windows easier.

– allows you to open windows in a three-dimensional column, opening one at a time.

Aero Shake– allows you to restore order on your desktop when opening a large number of windows. Just touch the window with the mouse pointer, and while holding the main (left) button, shake it. All open windows except the selected one will be minimized. Shake the mouse again while holding the window and the minimized windows will return to their original position.

– makes windows transparent, thereby allowing you to view your desktop. Just move the mouse pointer to the right corner of the Taskbar and the windows will become transparent; move the pointer to the side and the windows will return to standard.

Note! Function Aero Peek included in next versions: Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate.

Snap- allows you to more effectively manage windows by simply dragging them to the edges of the screen.

If you move the window to the right or to left side screen, then it will take up half of the monitor screen; if you move the window up, it will be maximized to fill the entire screen.

A very useful feature for those who do not use file managers, for example, Total Commander.

Context menus

The context menu is often used when working on a computer, as it allows the user to quickly call the necessary command to specific application. In Windows OS, the context menu is widely used.

You can call the context menu using the secondary (right) mouse button. Moreover, its content depends on what object the mouse pointer is located over and at what moment it is called.

This menu is called contextual because it depends on the context - that is, on the current environment. For example, if the mouse pointer is over the trash icon, calling the context menu will refer to the trash, and if over text document, the document context menu will appear.

Sidebar - Windows 7 Gadgets

In the operating room Windows system 7 appeared Side panel(Sidebar in English) - new element interface, which was not present in previous versions, for except Windows Vista. By default, the Sidebar is located on the right edge of the Desktop and is used to place small mini-programs, in most cases intended to display some kind of useful information(time, weather, CPU load from RAM etc.) or any useful tool(calendar, notes, etc.).

If the Sidebar is not visible to you, you can launch it by selecting Start - Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Desktop Gadgets.

The computer desktop is the main thing workplace user, appearing on the screen immediately after loading operating system. Just like on a regular desktop, the user can place on it all the tools necessary for work, given that we're talking about about computers it would be more accurate to say programs, as well as documents, media files and everything that he might need for work.
Naturally, in order for it to be convenient to work at the desktop, everything you need should be located on it in an order that is most suitable for a particular user. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize your workplace before starting work, and in our case, set up the desktop and all the tools on it.

Desktop customization

First of all, you should place shortcuts on your desktop for all programs and files that may be useful in your work. Most programs automatically create a shortcut on the desktop when installed, and if not, you can create it by going to the Start menu, which we will talk about later. If some shortcut seems unnecessary to you, you can easily remove it from the desktop, and, if necessary, restore it using the same “Start” menu. You can place shortcuts in a convenient order for you by simply dragging them across the screen while holding the left mouse button.

But desktop customization does not end with simply placing shortcuts. In order to make your work as comfortable as possible, it makes sense to use the settings menu. To call it, just right-click in any free space desktop.

Using the settings menu, you can increase or decrease the size of desktop icons, as well as change the size of text and other elements. In addition, using the “Personalization” section, you can change the design of your desktop, screen saver and “wallpaper”, the appearance of menus and folders. In a word, your desktop can be made not just functional, but also as attractive as possible.

At the bottom of the desktop there is the so-called “Taskbar”. It consists of several tools, each of which we will consider in more detail.

Customizing the Start Menu

In the left corner of the Taskbar there is a “Start” button, when clicked, the menu of the same name opens. Its use simplifies access to frequently used programs, the Internet, email, and so on. In addition, the Start menu gives access to the computer control panel, in which you can configure all of its components. Just like the desktop, the Start menu can be “customized.” To do this, right-click on the “Start” button and in the window that opens, select the “Properties” section. Using the “Customize” button, you can change the size of the icons in this menu, set the number of programs displayed in it (from 3 to 30), select your preferred Internet browser and mail client, as well as “pin” frequently used programs to the menu. After making changes, click on the “Apply” button.

Customizing the taskbar

The taskbar shows everything open source software and files, as well as program icons pinned to the panel to provide quick access to them (one click with the left mouse button). To customize the taskbar, just like to customize the Start menu, you need to right-click on it. Using the menu that opens, you can pin or remove programs from the taskbar (more on this in the next paragraph), determine the location of the taskbar on the computer screen, hide the panel in automatic mode, change the size and layout of icons, and so on.

Customizing the Quick Launch Toolbar

As already mentioned, on the taskbar there is a “quick access panel”, with which you can launch the program you need as quickly as possible.
In order for the Quick Launch panel to be displayed, you need to check the box next to the corresponding item in the taskbar settings menu. To change its size (by default, 3 icons are placed in the Quick Launch bar), as well as to add and remove programs, the checkbox in the “Lock the taskbar” section must be unchecked. After this, the width of the panel can be changed simply by moving the limiter with the mouse, add programs - simple drag and drop, and delete by right-clicking on their shortcut and selecting “Delete”.

Setting up the clock panel

There is a clock in the right corner of the taskbar. To configure them, you can use the “Control Panel”, which opens from the “Start” menu, or right-click on the clock and select “Set Date/Time”. Using the menu that opens, you can set the time and date, select the time zone, and so on.

Language selection panel

Next to the clock on the taskbar is the language bar. It displays the current text input language (the first two letters). To configure the language bar, again use the right mouse button. The menu that opens will give you the opportunity to expand language bar(it will be displayed at the top of the screen), make it transparent, change the placement of the panel from horizontal to vertical. By clicking on the “Options” tab, you can select the default input language, add or remove languages, and also select a keyboard shortcut to change them. Naturally, after making all the changes, you need to save them by clicking on the “Apply” button.

Notification area

The notification area is located on the right side of the taskbar and contains icons that inform you about the current state of the computer, Internet connection, antivirus operation, receiving email, and so on. Some notification icons are located in the panel “by default”, others can be added (some programs do this automatically) or, if not needed, removed. To do this, as in previous cases, just right-click on the unnecessary symbol and select the appropriate item in the menu that opens.

We hope that our tips will help you make your desktop beautiful and organized, and your computer work enjoyable and comfortable.