Gta 4 parallel configuration is incorrect. Error: The application could not be started; the parallel configuration is incorrect

A standard task for software developers is to configure an application. The solution is specific for each platform. Configuration features include:

  • process synchronization;
  • collection of results;
  • distribution of work;
  • launch, etc.

The applications use a parallel processing technique that allows multiple actions to be performed simultaneously.

In the process of using programs together, a situation arises when the program does not start and displays the error: “The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect.”

Causes of manifestation

The nature of the error can be assumed knowing that application development is carried out in a specific environment using a set of tools. Most often, it lies in damage to the C++ library files (Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable).

To solve the problem of launching the application, we will use the proposed application configuration diagnostic program -. The command line program finds the problematic manifest. The user's task is to restore damaged manifests (system components).

Program commands:

Sxstrace trace sxstrace parce

In the resulting logs, using the word “Error” or “Error” we will find the damaged component. Our task is to restore it.

Recovery algorithm

Let's carry out the algorithm for restoring the application launch:

  1. To eliminate problems when installing operating system updates, install the system update readiness tool from the link. We select the version corresponding to our architecture.
  2. Now let's eliminate errors from the application development environment by reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++. Download MS Visual C++ with SP1, which corresponds to the bit depth of the installed operating system. Before installing the downloaded version, you need to:
    • remove the problematic program;
    • remove existing Visual C++ redistributable package;
    • reboot the system;
    • install the downloaded Visual C++ package;
    • reboot the machine.
  3. Let's eliminate errors in the toolkit environment and program execution. To do this you need to reinstall the .NET Framework:
    • download the component from the link;
    • delete the previous version;
    • update the system registry, reboot;
    • install the downloaded package.
  4. Install the application that caused the error.
  5. Reboot the computer.

In most cases, the manipulations performed solve the problem.

Additional options for solving the problem

If recovery doesn't help:

  1. You can use it - do a rollback.
  2. If this tool does not help in solving the problem, you will have to resort to a last resort - reinstalling the operating system. Can be placed on top of the existing one. In this case, problematic files may remain and this will increase the time to resolve the problem. It is better to reinstall with full formatting.

To install the operating system, a licensed distribution kit is desirable so that in subsequent work you do not have to deal with installation problems:

  • drivers;
  • software products;
  • non-existent fonts, etc.

Advice! Do not use third-party assemblies such as Beast, lDimm, filk, etc.

If you have any questions about troubleshooting, ! Please indicate what the problem was and what you have already done so that we can help.

Today we’ll figure out what a parallel configuration is and what to do if the application fails to start because its parallel configuration is incorrect. How to fix this problem?

How the apps work

Parallel configuration allows you to specify in a special application manifest all versions of the libraries used to run it. It is written when the software is created. Accordingly, when you try to launch the application, the system reads this manifest and looks for the necessary resources. Their absence results in the application being unable to launch. And the reason is an incorrect parallel configuration. If the situation is not corrected, then you will not be able to launch the application (and often this is your favorite game).

The very concept of parallel configuration was introduced by Microsoft, whose software creation platform .NET Framework is used everywhere. The conflict begins due to multiple releases of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable software product. This is a programming system in which a huge number of programs are created. Its installation often occurs during software installation. You can see for yourself which versions you have. To do this, go to the program overview:

Parallel configuration is wrong - how to fix?

Various methods are known to fix incorrect parallel configuration when running an application. But first, you must understand: Windows is not at all to blame here, and even after reinstalling it, you will not be able to run the old game. Therefore, you can rollback to a restore point that was created BEFORE the conflict occurred. Other actions on the OS will not help fix the problem and launch the application.

The very first thing to do is to reinstall the application that failed to start. For example, Yandex browser does not start - the parallel configuration is incorrect. Download a new installer from the developer’s website and run it. You may now be able to launch the application.

When you cannot reinstall the software causing the error (for example, there is no installer) or nothing has changed after reinstallation, proceed to fix the bug.
We offer you three options that, as practice has shown, help fix the “incorrect parallel application configuration” error:

  1. Reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  2. Analysis of errors in system manifests.
  3. Cleaning the registry.

Reinstalling MSVC packages

This is the most acceptable way to fix an incorrect parallel configuration. Most users note that after these steps they were able to launch the software. First of all, write down which versions you have so you don’t forget to download the right one. 64-bit PCs require x86 and x64, while 32-bit PCs require only x86. You need exactly the indicators x## and year.
Uninstallation is simple: in the Programs and Features window, right-click on the application line and select “Uninstall”. Or click the button at the top of the toolbar.

Restart your PC. There is no point in running anything - most of your programs will no longer work, since nothing has been fixed yet.
Next, you should sequentially download and install remote versions. You can find them on the official Microsoft website:

Select "Download" or "Download". The installer file will appear in your browser's download bar (bottom). Click on it and follow the instructions.

After all installations, restart the OS by restarting the computer. If the application still fails to launch, reinstall it again. You may have been able to fix the incorrect parallel configuration.

Attention! The list contains all addresses for updates of packages of different versions. Choose only the ones you need!

Also, to correct the incorrect parallel configuration, you should reinstall the .NET Framework itself. Download addresses:

Manifest Analysis

If you carefully read the incorrect parallel configuration error message, you will be prompted to use the sxstrace.exe program to fix it. This is a system application that allows you to save all data about application launches in a separate file. To use it, do the following:

Fix via Registry Editor

Sometimes the cause of an incorrect parallel configuration is a glitch in the registry entries. So that we can fix this problem, let’s launch the registry - RMB on the main menu button, “Run”, enter regedit.

Create a copy of the registry. To do this, run the command in the “File” - “Export” menu and indicate where you are saving. If you mess something up, you can then use the “Import” operation. Also create a restore point.
In the Registry Editor, follow the path highlighted in the screenshot below. To be able to correct the error, be very careful.

In the folder that opens, find the entries:
AND ....

Go to the 8.0 folder and look on the right side.

The default is the version of the last parameter. If it's not, change it. Click RMB on the first line.

And enter the desired value.

Do the same in the 9.0 folder. Close the editor and reboot. Try running the program. Most likely, you were able to fix the parallel configuration.
Once again we would like to remind you that it is better not to open the registry unless absolutely necessary and you should not change anything in it yourself. In any case, save a copy of it, create a recovery disk or flash drive and a restore point in advance. And then experiment.
We hope that the information will help you solve the problem of incorrect parallel configuration.

A standard task for software developers is to configure an application. The solution is specific for each platform. Configuration features include:

  • process synchronization;
  • collection of results;
  • distribution of work;
  • launch, etc.

The applications use a parallel processing technique that allows multiple actions to be performed simultaneously.

In the process of using programs together, a situation arises when the program does not start and displays the error: “The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect.”

Causes of manifestation

The nature of the error can be assumed knowing that application development is carried out in a specific environment using a set of tools. Most often, it lies in damage to the C++ library files (Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable).

To solve the problem of launching the application, we will use the proposed application configuration diagnostic program -. The command line program finds the problematic manifest. The user's task is to restore damaged manifests (system components).

Program commands:

Sxstrace trace sxstrace parce

In the resulting logs, using the word “Error” or “Error” we will find the damaged component. Our task is to restore it.

Recovery algorithm

Let's carry out the algorithm for restoring the application launch:

  1. To eliminate problems when installing operating system updates, install the system update readiness tool from the link. We select the version corresponding to our architecture.
  2. Now let's eliminate errors from the application development environment by reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++. Download MS Visual C++ with SP1, which corresponds to the bit depth of the installed operating system. Before installing the downloaded version, you need to:
    • remove the problematic program;
    • remove existing Visual C++ redistributable package;
    • reboot the system;
    • install the downloaded Visual C++ package;
    • reboot the machine.
  3. Let's eliminate errors in the toolkit environment and program execution. To do this you need to reinstall the .NET Framework:
    • download the component from the link;
    • delete the previous version;
    • update the system registry, reboot;
    • install the downloaded package.
  4. Install the application that caused the error.
  5. Reboot the computer.

In most cases, the manipulations performed solve the problem.

Additional options for solving the problem

If recovery doesn't help:

  1. You can use a system restore point to do a rollback.
  2. If this tool does not help in solving the problem, you will have to resort to a last resort - reinstalling the operating system. Can be placed on top of the existing one. In this case, problematic files may remain and this will increase the time to resolve the problem. It is better to reinstall with full formatting.

To install the operating system, a licensed distribution kit is desirable so that in subsequent work you do not have to deal with installation problems:

  • drivers;
  • software products;
  • non-existent fonts, etc.

Advice! Do not use third-party assemblies such as Beast, lDimm, filk, etc.

If you have any questions about how to resolve the error, write to us! Please indicate what the problem was and what you have already done so that we can help.

Just the other day I had a problem. I think from the title of the article you already understand which one it is. When installing one of my favorite toys on my PC, I accidentally rejected the installation of C++ and DirectX. The installation was successful. But when I started the program, I saw a system error message that the application could not be started because its parallel configuration was incorrect, etc.

90% of the time, this error occurs due to conflicts or missing required Visual C++ components. Most likely it is the absence. If, when installing a program or game, you unchecked the installation of additional software, it turns out that all the system libraries and components necessary for correct operation were not installed. This could also happen as in my case, simply by canceling the installation of these same components.

This can be solved very simply.

Another solution

As I wrote above. The described methods help in 90% of cases, but what about the remaining 10? Read below.

Don't forget the end of our error message: "Check the Application event log for more information, or use the sxstrace.exe command-line tool for more information." That's why let's run our sxstrace program. You need to run it on a command line running as administrator.

To launch the console follow these steps:

Enter the command sxstrace trace -logfile:sxstrace.etl
Without closing the console, run the program with the error. Then just close the error message.
At the command prompt, enter the command sxstrace parse -logfile:sxstrace.etl -outfile:sxstrace.txt
Open the sxstrace.txt file itself

In this file you can find out the bit depth and the required version of Visual C++ components. Feel free to go to the Internet and download, install, reboot and launch our program. In the end, everything should work perfectly!

Constant Windows updates have resulted in a number of programs not running on modern versions of operating systems. Not all developers keep their games and applications up to date, which can lead to errors when trying to launch them. Most of these errors can be resolved by installing compatibility, but not all. If a message appears when you launch the application that the parallel configuration is incorrect, this can be corrected in a number of ways, which will be discussed below.

Parallel configuration is incorrect: what does it mean?

When the “Parallel configuration is incorrect” error occurs, the Windows operating system independently prompts the user what needs to be done to diagnose it. The error message box indicates that you can check the application event log for more information about the cause of the error. If the program does not have it, you can use the sxstrace.exe command, which allows you to determine which specific module in use has an incorrect parallel configuration.

To diagnose the cause of the error using sxstrace.exe, you need to do the following:

  1. Run command line as administrator;
  2. Run the following command: sxstrace trace /logfile:sxstrace.etl
  3. Next, run the application, which reports that the parallel configuration is incorrect. When an error message appears, click “OK” and return to the command line;
  4. Execute on the command line: sxstrace parse /logfile:sxstrace.etl /outfile:sxstrace.txt

Please note: If necessary, you can vary the path to the etl log and the final name of the txt file.

After completing the steps described above, all that remains is to open the created txt file using Notepad or another text editor and examine the results.

Parallel configuration is wrong: how to fix

It is not at all necessary to perform the diagnostics described above, but often it allows you to understand the cause of the error in question. To fix the problem and the “Parallel configuration is incorrect” message no longer appears when starting the program, most often it is enough to resolve the conflict between Windows and the Visual C++ package or make some changes to the registry. Let's look at both options below.

Parallel configuration is incorrect due to Visual C++

When installing games and applications along with them on a computer, most often a package of additional software is installed. This package may contain the libraries Visual C++ 2008, Visual C++ 2010, and so on. If they conflict with Windows, a "Parallel configuration is incorrect" message will appear. In such a situation, you can fix the error as follows:

After this, the “Parallel configuration is incorrect” error should no longer bother you.

Please note: If, after following the instructions described above, the program that caused an error when launched refuses to open, try reinstalling it.

Parallel configuration is incorrect due to a registry error

Another reason for the “Parallel configuration is incorrect” error to appear is problems in the registry. If the default versions of libraries set by the system differ from the latest installed versions, then the failure in question may occur.

To fix the problem, run Registry Editor. To do this, press Windows + R on your keyboard and enter the command in the “Run” window regedit. The registry editor will open, in which you need to follow the path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – SOFTWARE – Microsoft – Windows – CurrentVersion – SideBySide – Winners - letters and numbers) - 9.0

In this section, you will see a Default value and two options. Please note that the parameter name matches the default value. If they do not match, change the Default value so that it is identical to the parameter name.