Polish your phone glass to erase scratches. Toothpaste or powder. Removing scratches using vegetable oil

The touch screen today is an integral part of the life of a city person. Phones, tablets, e-books - these conveniences have become so deeply and firmly integrated into modern life that we have difficulty remembering the times when they did not exist. With a slight movement of a finger we can open our favorite book, watch any movie, contact friends on the other side of the country - it’s hard to resist such opportunities, and why?

However, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. As for the touch screen, its drawback is scratches. They appear on your favorite devices after a long period of regular use or due to simple carelessness and carelessness. After their appearance, the visualization of the electronic device and, of course, its appearance suffer sharply.

To remove scratches from the screen of a phone or tablet, you need to determine the extent of the damage caused to the electronic device. If the scratches are deep and multiple, you may need to immediately replace the touch screen at a service center.

If you want to remove scratches on your tablet or phone yourself, you have two options.

1. Remove scratches from your phone screen using professional means

Professional touch screen polishes are paste-like substances created specifically for this task. They come in several types:

  • Displex paste. To polish your phone screen with this product, you need to squeeze a little paste onto a light, soft cloth and gently rub it into all the imperfections. As soon as the cloth darkens, finish the process, wipe the glass and check the result. If it doesn't satisfy you, try again;
  • Set "Polyrun". This product contains nano-components that heat the screen when rubbed. Low-abrasive substances polish the edges of scratches, allowing other components to fill the voids. The principle of working with this paste corresponds to the previous one;
  • Disc Repair paste, originally used for CDs. Apply to a cotton swab and then rub into the surface of the phone. After drying, you can repeat the process.

2. Remove scratches and abrasions from the phone screen using folk remedies

It is possible to remove scratches from touch screen glass at home, but this does not guarantee success. Before you start, be aware that there is a risk of making the situation worse.

So, you decide to take a risk, then you need to carefully prepare for the procedure:

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. Wipe your phone screen to remove dust and other small particles.
  3. Seal all external ports and connectors with tape or tape, thereby preventing accidental penetration of liquids into the device.
  4. Be patient throughout the “treatment”. Sometimes it can take not even minutes, but hours.

Now you can proceed directly to removing scratches from the surface of the phone using home remedies.

Getting rid of scratches on the surface of the phone screen using toothpaste

Toothpaste is one of the most commonly used methods, given its prevalence. You need to choose toothpaste, not gel.

  1. Apply some toothpaste to a cotton swab.
  2. Rub into the surface of the screen using slow circular motions.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wipe the touch screen with a damp cloth.

Remove scratches from your phone and tablet using GOI paste

GOI paste is commonly used for polishing jewelry and uses chromium oxide as an abrasive. Polishing the screen with this paste is possible only with minimal abrasive ability.

  1. Apply some paste to a clean piece of cloth.
  2. Gently rub the paste onto the surface of the screen.
  3. Wipe the screen until the surface is completely clean.

Minor cloudiness and small scratches can still be removed with this paste, but deep ones can never be removed.

Getting rid of scratches on your phone screen using car polish

For the procedure using car polish to be successful, you need to purchase a phone polish with cerium oxide. If you purchased the powder, dilute it with water to a paste-like consistency. Watch carefully to ensure there are no lumps.

  1. Apply phone screen polish to a cotton pad.
  2. Use deliberate circular motions to rub across the surface of the screen until the scratches disappear.
  3. Carefully wipe off the car polish from the screen.

Removing scratches with baking soda

You cannot use baking soda in powder form. You need to dilute it with water in a 2:1 ratio to obtain a paste. Make sure the consistency is even.

  1. Apply a little of the resulting paste onto a cotton pad.
  2. Treat the surface of your phone screen.
  3. Wipe the touch screen dry.

Removing scratches using vegetable oil

Ordinary vegetable oil can also help for a while in such a difficult problem, especially when the scratches are shallow.

  1. Apply a drop of vegetable oil to the screen.
  2. Rub into the surface of the screen.
  3. Clean the screen from any remaining oil.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen and body using a mixture made from egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

In order to obtain the mixture, you need to combine one egg white with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate (which can be purchased at any pharmacy). Then heat in an aluminum container to 65 degrees. Moisten a piece of microfiber in the resulting mixture and place it on aluminum foil, placing it in an oven preheated to 150 degrees until the fabric is completely dry. Next, soak the microfiber in cold water and repeat the whole process again 3 times. The cloth can be used to polish the touch screen two days after the procedure, once completely dried.

How to remove scratches from a tablet or phone camera

We've looked in detail at removing scratches from the surface of phone and tablet screens, but what about the camera? How to polish a tablet and phone camera?

Any method described above for polishing a touch screen will also work for the camera. However, you should be even more careful and careful due to the smaller surface area. And also, if necessary, seal the edges of the camera with tape.

Preventive measures

How to protect your phone from scuffs and scratches? To do this, you can take some precautionary steps:

  1. Use a screen protector. Pros: thin, almost invisible coating. Cons: If the phone falls, it will not protect the screen.
  2. Buy protective glass. Pros: Much stronger protection. Cons: not all models have suitable protective glass; it is not scratch-proof.
  3. Buy a convenient phone case. Pros: ease of use, protection not only of the screen, but also of the entire structure. Cons: If dropped on the screen, it will not protect against scratches.


All of the above leads us to several main conclusions:

  1. A scratched touch screen of a phone or tablet can only be polished with professional means, however, this does not guarantee a 100% result (only a case or protective film with glass will save you from deep scratches).
  2. From the very beginning, you can and should avoid the whole situation; to do this, you should take preventive measures and always treat your electronic equipment with caution and respect.

Even if you use your mobile phone extremely carefully, scratches sometimes appear on it. Small and invisible damage to the touch screen can cause discomfort to the owner during operation. What should you do if these flaws appear on the display, and how to care for your gadget so that even after long-term use it looks like new?

The most common causes of damage

A new smartphone rarely manages to maintain its perfect appearance for a long time. The back panel of the device usually wears off and small “abrasions” appear on the display. What leads to their formation? Large cracks are most often caused by the phone falling from a height onto a hard surface. This mostly happens by accident, for example, when the owner drops the gadget while trying to get it out of his pocket or purse.

It should also be remembered that scratches can result from contact of the screen with hard objects - for example, keys, a lighter, and even small change. Therefore, it is important to carry your smartphone in a special case in a separate pocket. Also, your fashionable gadget will quickly lose its presentation if you take it with you to the beach. Even the smallest grains of sand are hard enough to leave damage on the surface of the display.

Ways to get rid of scratches

You can remove scratches at any service center, where specialists can restore the damaged screen to its original appearance.

But you can try to do this at home.

We must immediately warn you that removing scratches from a touch screen using these methods is always risky. Therefore, before you begin, consider whether you can carefully carry out the necessary procedures.

Useful information: Before you begin to remove scratches from the touch screen, close all connectors on the phone to prevent moisture or foreign objects from getting into them. This can be done using regular tape.

Toothpaste or powder

Toothpaste can help get rid of minor scratches

The most common option for removing scratches from a touch screen involves using tooth powder or toothpaste.

After this, small scratches will become less noticeable. But if there is deep damage to the touch screen, you will not be able to get rid of it using this method.

Baby powder or baking soda

Baking soda is also used to remove damage from the display.

These two points can be combined into one, since they differ only in the ingredients, but the principle of application is the same. So, to remove scratches from the screen, dilute baby powder or baking soda to a mushy consistency and use a cotton pad or sponge to apply the mixture to the damaged areas of the screen. Then wipe off any residue with a tissue and wipe the display dry.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil will restore the lost shine to the screen

This method is less effective than the others. Using vegetable oil can only get rid of minor scratches, and even then only for a short time. But there are also advantages: after applying the oil to the screen, it will acquire its former shine.

Car and furniture care products

Special car care products will help remove shallow scratches from your touch phone screen

Polish and special furniture care products can also be used to remove scratches from the touch screen. Apply the selected product to the phone screen and use a cloth to polish the surface. You can also use furniture polish for the same purpose. The effectiveness of this method depends on the depth of damage on the screen and the quality of the selected polish. Judging by the reviews, the described method helps get rid of superficial scratches that are shallow in nature.


Sandpaper must be used very carefully

This method seems simple only at first glance. In fact, only patient and careful people should use it.

Abrasive fine-grained sandpaper is ideal for polishing. It must be used as a roller. In the process of polishing the screen, do not rush in any way, so as not to spoil it.

Useful information: After the work has been done, you will notice that the touch display has become dim and matte. Sandpaper gives this effect. To restore the screen's shine, apply a little GOI paste to it. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with microfiber.

Paste GOI

GOI paste is the most effective remedy

GOI paste was created back in Soviet times at the State Optical Institute. This is a fairly soft abrasive material that is used for polishing ceramic, metal and optical products. It is also suitable for smartphone displays.

This paste is perhaps one of the most effective and affordable materials for polishing a touch screen. When choosing GOI, consult with the seller, since there are 4 different types of this substance. It must be applied to the surface of the touch screen with a special cotton cloth or napkin.

To begin, take a small amount of paste on a cloth and wipe the touch screen without pressing too hard. Do not hurry. Apply the abrasive in layers, one after the other. It is advisable to take short breaks and let the paste dry. The desired effect may not appear immediately. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with a previously used cloth (do not forget to rinse it in clean water before doing this). Finally, wash your hands thoroughly.

Special products for polishing displays

Special products for polishing displays can be bought at any hardware supermarket.

Special products were invented to remove various scratches from the screen better than others. We recommend purchasing a polishing substance for touch screens at any hardware store. This product will not completely remove the scratch, but it will help hide it. Any damage to the display will become less noticeable.


The effectiveness of using suede is extremely doubtful

Despite the positive reviews, this method is less effective than most. A soft cloth will not help you get rid of noticeable scratches, no matter how much you rub it on the screen.

For devices with tempered glass (Gorilla Glass)

Gorilla Glass - impact-resistant glass for smartphones

This method is ideal for removing scratches from screens made of protected Gorilla Glass. This material is more durable than regular material, but, unfortunately, it is not immune to scratches. The main disadvantage of Gorilla Glass is that it is difficult not only to scratch it, but also to get rid of the damage. Toothpaste definitely won’t help here; you’ll have to use more radical methods.

You should think about bringing the Gorilla Glass touchscreen into proper shape only as a last resort: if the display is severely damaged and scratches prevent you from using your smartphone. Instead of replacing your screen, try polishing it. Polishing your display at home will help you save a lot, and the risk of worsening the damage is minimal.

Grinding machine in combination with GOI paste

A grinding machine and GOI paste will help remove scratches from Gorilla Glass

A sander will help you do the job of removing scratches more smoothly. Thanks to the high rotation speed of the tool, you will be able to polish the screen efficiently and eliminate even the largest and most noticeable defects. If you don’t have such a tool at hand, you can use a simple drill.

First, use a sponge or microfiber cloth to create a buffing wheel (called a roller). Apply a thin layer of paste onto it and proceed to polishing.

Helpful advice: Start with low speeds, constantly monitor the process. Do not polish one area of ​​the display for too long, as you may overheat the glass.

Preventing scratches on the display

To avoid scratches on your smartphone screen, remember the prevention rules

In order to avoid even the smallest damage to the screen, it must be properly cared for from the first days of use. Follow a few simple rules. Namely:

  • From the first day of use, keep your phone in a silicone or rubber case.
  • Be sure to put a protective film on the screen.
  • Do not take your smartphone with you to the beach and do not carry it in the same pocket with keys and other metal objects.

Using protective film

To protect the screen, you can use either a special film or stationery tape. The second option is more budget-friendly. To apply a strip of tape to the screen, it is important to precisely cut a piece of the desired size. And remember: if you apply the tape carelessly, the phone will look terrible.

It is better, of course, to use a special protective film, and you should not save money when purchasing it. To hide all scratches, use a film with a silicone base. It will fill in small scratches on the screen, making them invisible. It is better to do this immediately after purchasing a smartphone; replacing the screen will cost much more.

It is worth noting that all of the above methods for removing scratches from a phone’s touch screen are only suitable for shallow scratches. And do not forget that if you use many of the methods suggested above ineptly, you can completely ruin the screen and make scratches more noticeable. Therefore, before you start eliminating screen defects at home, think carefully about whether you can do it carefully and accurately. To make sure you don't damage your favorite phone, first try the method you choose on any old phone.

Hello everybody!
It all started when I bought an iPhone 4, no, not for 14,000 rubles in 2011 :). I bought it in 2016 for 3700, the average price for Avito 5500. Its screen had a couple of scratches, which of course annoyed me a little, and I decided to fulfill my dream and buy a polish for phones, which I had been dreaming about since the days of the Sony Ericson K790 :) whose screen was pretty scratched. My choice was conscious and I knew what I wanted, having reviewed the offers of offline sellers, I did not find an offer that would suit the price and moved to ebay and aliexpress. I searched by name for what was sold offline and chose “Displex.”

So, order on Ebay:

Ordered 05/25/2016. The mail was delivered on 06/09/2016. The seller is German, sends from Germany. Here is the polishing paste, made in Germany:

Polishing paste


Description of the paste in the offline store siriust.ru:

“When using cell phones without special protective cases, abrasions or scratches will inevitably appear on the surface of the case or display. This makes the phone unpresentable. It is not always possible to replace a cell phone display or its case. And sometimes this comes at quite a cost. In this case, a convenient and rational solution to the problem is to use special DISPLEX paste.
DISPLEX offers a simple solution to a pressing problem. This is a completely new type of polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. End users can use the paste to remove scratches (including deep scratches) from cell phone displays. The procedure for removing scratches and abrasions is quick and, most importantly, cost-effective. The user can easily use the paste himself, without involving a cell phone repair specialist.
You just need to apply DISPLEX paste to the surface to be treated, and then rub it with a soft cloth with some force. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times until deep scratches on the cell phone display are removed. The contents of the tube (5 grams), when used correctly, are enough for 8-10 polishings (depending on the area of ​​the surface being treated).
The paste does not contain abrasive elements, and scratches are removed as their volume is “rubbed” with the contents of the paste. After using DISPLEX paste, your cell phone display will not become cloudy or glare.

So, here's what I wanted to fix:

Scratches on the phone screen

Scratches on the phone camera

And here is the result:

After 1 hour polishing:

When polishing the screen, the cloth did not stain at all; when polishing the camera, it turned black. Surely the camera could be polished in 5 - 10 hours, because... the coloring of the cloth indicates the removal of a layer of polished material. But apparently the scratches are quite deep and will take much longer to remove.
We can say that the result = 0. Displex paste could not remove scratches on the phone screen or on the rear camera.

In order not to be at all upset by the result, I did the same experiment on a BluRay drive, which was pretty scratched and did not look presentable.

BluRay before polishing:

During polishing:

After 20 minutes of polishing the surface:

The result is excellent, the surface shines like new. Of course, you could notice the remains of scratches, but the appearance of the BluRay changed for the better. After polishing, the surface has restored its shine, the roughness is not visible, unless you look closely the scratches are not visible.
P.S.: Displex paste is suitable for screens made of plastic and plastic glossy surfaces. It’s unlikely that any Gorilla Glass can be polished, and hard glass too.

I'm planning to buy +34 Add to favorites I liked the review +22 +44

How to remove scratches from your phone screen to return it to its original appearance? The telephone is a technological discovery. Ten years ago, every person dreamed of it, however, now every schoolchild has this gadget. Improper use of the phone may result in scratches and other defects.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen: remedies

Before work, you need to prepare the device. To do this you should:

  1. Turn off the phone;
  2. Seal the connectors. To do this, you can use electrical tape or tape. The procedure is carried out to prevent dust from entering the device.

There are several items that can help remove shallow scratches from your phone screen.

  • Regular toothpaste can cope with this problem. To do this, apply a small amount of white liquid and take a cotton pad. Next, you should wipe the screen in a circular motion until the scratch disappears;
  • To prevent defects, furniture polish is suitable. Polishing is carried out in a similar way. After treating the screen, wipe the surface with a soft cloth;
  • The most effective remedy for scratches is paste GOI. You need to wipe the screen with a substance applied to a soft cloth or cotton pad;
  • Simple components that are found in every home and in every kitchen are also suitable for removing defects. We are talking about soda and oil. A small amount of the component needs to be diluted with water. Further polishing can be done in a similar way;
  • You can prepare a mixture to remove scratches yourself. To do this, you need to combine egg white and one teaspoon of potassium sulfate. It can be purchased at hardware stores. This component is sold in the form of a concentrated chlorine-free fertilizer. Also has a name - potassium sulfate.

How to remove scratches from a touch phone screen?

Delete deep scratches difficult to use from a touch phone screen. However, if you wish, you can at least improve its appearance. You can choose toothpaste as the main component for cleaning. It is worth considering that powder is not suitable for this purpose, as it can damage the surface. The material also needs to be selected carefully. Only suitable for touch screen processing soft napkins or cotton pads. If you don’t want to remove scratches from your phone screen with toothpaste, you can use a special liquid. It is sold in digital stores. Using this solution, you can remove scratches, dust and plaque from the touch screen.

You should know several features of this procedure:

  • Before processing, the touch screen must be wiped with a soft cloth. The movements should be circular. Do not press hard on the screen;
  • A cotton pad with the selected component for removing scratches must be placed in an even layer on the screen. Once the paste or liquid has absorbed a little (this will take a few seconds), you can begin to work the surface in a circular motion;
  • The procedure can be repeated several times until micro-scratches disappear;
  • If a special liquid was chosen as the main component to remove defects, then after processing it is necessary to wipe the screen several times with a soft cloth. Otherwise, you may harm the device or the health of the phone owner.

In this way, scratches can be avoided.

Also, for a better understanding, there is a step-by-step photo instruction:

(To view instructions, click the "Show" button)

Removing small scratches from a smartphone screen

Polishing- This is the most common way to remove scratches. However, this method can erase the top layer of the coating, which may impair the functionality of the device. Some modern cellular devices are produced with oleophobic coating . It repels oils, preventing fingerprints from appearing on the screen. To prevent this from happening, you need to purchase microfiber to treat the surface.

However, if such material is not at hand, then another can be used. Screen polishing can be done in several ways:

  • Suede treatment- This procedure will remove minor scratches. Suede is used as the main material. Use vigorous movements to rub the screen until the defects disappear. If the appearance of the smartphone has not improved after long-term use, then you should choose a tougher rag;
  • Paste GOI will have a positive effect on the phone screen only if it is used with additional components. For example, machine oil, polishing machine or aviation kerosene. The mixture must be applied to a cotton pad in a small amount. Otherwise, you may damage the surface of the smartphone;
  • The most effective and safest method is to remove scratches using special liquid. The solution that is used to treat compact discs is also suitable for this purpose. This procedure can be repeated several times.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose the most suitable one depending on the scale of the problem. If the phone screen is severely damaged, it is better to entrust this work to a specialist.

Screen treatment with protective film

Minor scratches on your phone screen can be removed with protective film or tape. To do this you should:

  1. Cut a square from tape or film, the size of which will correspond to the size of the screen;
  2. Apply it to the surface and wait a few minutes;
  3. Remove the film or tape.

If necessary, you can repeat the procedure several times. You should not pay attention to protective films from Chinese manufacturers; as a rule, they are not able to remove scratches. The work should be done very carefully. The main advantage of this treatment is its low cost. However, there is no guarantee that the appearance of your phone's screen will improve.

The main causes of scratches

As a rule, defects do not appear on their own. There are several main reasons why scratches appear:

  1. Incorrect operation. You should not carry your phone in your pocket with buttons, keys, metal coins, in a bag with other hard objects, or throw it into the glove compartment of your car. It is advisable to carry the device only in a special case for it;
  2. You should handle your phone with the utmost care. It is necessary to prevent it from falling and hitting other objects;
  3. If the screen is a touch screen, then you need to work on it with your fingertips, but not with your nails;
  4. When choosing a special case, you need to take into account the size of the device;

When purchasing a new cellular device, you make sure that it does not fall, always put it in a case, and generally handle it extremely carefully. But time passes and, for example, by accident, when you put the device in your pocket next to your keys, hateful damage appears on the display. Toothpaste, varnish, GOI paste, jewelry powder, polish, Displex will help remove scratches from your phone screen.

Useful information for owners of mobile gadgets: How to get rid of scratches on your phone.

Getting rid of minor damage

Since you can only remove small scratches from your phone screen with toothpaste, do not use it if the screen is severely damaged, so as not to damage it. For this procedure, take a paste for smokers or for children, which contain a minimal amount of abrasive particles. Apply it to the scratch, take a cotton swab and rub in in a circular motion. After a few seconds, minor flaws will either completely disappear or become less noticeable.

You can remove them using GOI paste, machine oil and a soft cloth. Take the damaged glass from your cell phone. Using fine sandpaper dampened with water, remove a thin layer of coating from the surface of the screen. Apply machine oil with a piece of GOI paste to it, and rub the display with a cloth. If necessary, add more of these products and continue scrubbing. Thanks to this method, not only small but also large imperfections will disappear.

Jewelry powder and polish will remove scratches, and varnish will make them invisible

Jewelry powder is made from wax with the addition of aluminum oxide. Take some powder and polish the area where the flaw is found. Carry out this procedure using sheep wool with leather. Clear varnish will help disguise the damage and protect the area. To avoid any “blunders”, apply it carefully and carefully.

Purchase display polish from a computer store or use it in gel form designed to remove damage from disks. Apply it and rub the composition over the screen for 2-3 minutes with a piece of cotton wool. Remove any residue with a cloth or lint-free wipes. Now you know how to remove scratches from your phone screen using polish.

Displex can handle deep scratches

Remove the damaged glass. If this is not possible, cover it with masking tape, leaving only the part where the damage is located free. Apply machine oil and polishing paste, wait until this mixture is absorbed. Polish the screen with a cloth for an hour. Add mixture a little at a time if necessary. Once the procedure is complete, wipe the surface of the display with a dry cloth or cloth.

The easiest way to disguise a scratch is a protective film for your phone. Thanks to it you will not get rid of damage. But your device will be protected from the appearance of similar imperfections in the future. And to prevent these problems from occurring, apply the film immediately after purchasing it.

Using these tips, you will learn how to remove scratches from your phone screen at home. But if they are serious enough, do not experiment, but take the device to a service center.

Spend some money and buy a case, handbag or silicone shell for your phone. After all, the miser pays twice.