How to remove scratches from an aluminum phone case. Removing scratches with sandpaper

During long-term use or for other reasons, scratches may appear on your mobile phone. Their appearance on the device screen is especially unpleasant and inconvenient. However, it is possible to eliminate minor damage and return the device to its previous appearance.

Removing scratches from your phone screen

  • Method one

Removing scratches using a special polish used to remove similar damage on CDs. The polish must be applied to the screen and carefully polish the surface with a cotton swab;

  • Method two

Removing scratches using machine oil and GOI paste. To do this, it is better to first remove the scratched screen. Then drop a little machine oil on it and gently rub the glass with a piece of GOI paste with a cloth for an hour. When the oil and paste are absorbed into the fabric, you need to add both and continue rubbing. After the scratches are eliminated and the surface of the glass becomes smooth, you need to consolidate the achieved result. To do this, you need to wipe the surface of the screen with a clean cloth;

  • Method three

Removing scratches using Displex paste. To avoid unwanted damage to the case that may occur if paste gets on it, you need to use masking tape to cover the phone. Then rub the surface of the screen with the paste vigorously in a circular motion. It is worth remembering that you cannot press hard on the glass at the same point, otherwise the plastic in the screen may be partially removed with polish;

Removing scratches from the phone case

For convenience, it is better to remove the damaged panel from the phone

  • Method one

Removing scratches using a Brown or Panasonic linear drive electric razor. You will also need a soft cloth, as for wiping a monitor;

A piece of fabric napkin in the form of a circle, folded in half, should be placed on the razor blade. Before doing this, you must remove the grid from the device. It is especially important to secure the napkin at the edges so that it does not move while the razor is working. This is done using silk threads.

Polishing the scratched panel is done very carefully with the razor turned on for several minutes. While working, you need to be extremely attentive and careful, making sure that the napkin does not move and new damage does not occur;

  • Method two

Removing scratches using GOI paste and a piece of durable woolen fabric. Rub a piece of fabric with a piece of GOI paste, then rub the phone panel thoroughly with this cloth for 20 minutes;

  • Method three

Removing microcracks using wheel polish. A little polish should be dripped onto the scratches of the case. Then, using a soft cotton cloth or cotton swab, carefully distribute the polish over the surface of the panel and rub. When the damage disappears, the remaining polish must be removed with a clean cloth.

During use portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets get scratched. Most often, the screen suffers if the owner does not cover it with a protective film. But even if minor scuffs appear on the screen, you can get rid of them in several ways.

We use a special paste

Most best wayuse specialized tools that are often used in workshops.

Very often they use for such purposes GOI paste. It was developed by the State Optical Institute, in honor of which it received this abbreviation. It does not damage the surface, but makes it smooth. This paste is used for polishing almost any surface.

Another option is to use paste Displex. This is a specialized tool that allows paint over scratches and scuffs on the screen. However, in case of deep chips, it will not help.

Use The above remedies are very simple:

  • We apply Not a large number of pastes on the screen
  • Take a small piece of fabric and smoothly, in a circular motion rub
  • After the scratches have disappeared, carefully remove leftovers.


Everyone has this product at home. You can also use toothpaste polish screen. But for the procedure it is necessary toothpaste (gel-like the composition will not work).

Operating principle the same as described above. Apply a little product to the screen and rub gently. Remove any remaining residue with a slightly damp cloth.

Toothpaste contains tiny abrasive particles, which polish the glass.


You can use regular home remedy for polishing cars or furniture. A small amount of composition should be apply onto a cotton pad and start moving it across the gadget screen in smooth circular movements.

After some time all the defects disappear. After the procedure, carefully wipe the display from any residue.

Baking soda

This product is found in almost every home. It is used for washing, cleaning surfaces, dishes and some household appliances, but not everyone knows that it can be used to polish a smartphone display.

Of course, you shouldn’t pour soda on the screen; for this you need to prepare a special compound:

  • Need to take one part of soda and two parts of water
  • All stir until a homogeneous mass is formed
  • Apply the resulting composition to the problem area and begin with circular movements. rub
  • Leftovers delete with a slightly damp cloth

Vegetable oil

If the damage to the smartphone is very small and shallow, then you can fix it vegetable oil. You can choose any: corn, olive, sunflower, etc.

To remove defects it is enough one drop applied to the screen. Subsequent actions are the same as in the previous paragraphs.

Baby powder

If there is a home a small amount of baby powder, you can make an excellent gentle polish. Take some powder and dilute a few drops of water.

Mix until you get a homogeneous mass. Apply to the display and use circular movements rub. Remove residues with a damp cloth or napkin.

Excess funds need to be removed wet with a rag or napkin. Precisely wet, as a large amount of water can damage the smartphone.

You should not use untested methods. Some craftsmen advise using sandpaper with the least amount of dusting. But you shouldn’t risk the “health” of your gadget and use methods that raise doubts and can cause harm.

Better than removing scuffs to avoid at all. Just stick it on your gadget protective film and “dress” it in a bumper. It's not that expensive and save appearance phone is in excellent condition.

You can easily remove scratches from iPhone cases using an abrasive polish or fine sandpaper. On the back iPhone surface Scratches remain relatively quickly, which can also be quickly and easily removed. No matter what you use to remove scratches from your iPhone - toothpaste or sandpaper, you must be extremely careful not to erase protective covering device body.

Warning: Use the techniques below at your own risk. MacDigger is not responsible for your iPhone experiments.

Method 1: Remove Scratches from iPhone Using Toothpaste

It sounds crazy, but toothpaste is a mild abrasive polish that helps get rid of minor scratches on iPhone.

  • Squeeze a drop of toothpaste onto the iPhone case.
  • Using a soft cloth, rub the iPhone body in a rotating motion.
  • Leave the toothpaste on for a minute or two and let it dry.
  • Wash the paste off the case with soap or a mild detergent.

For achievement best result Spend some time on the process of rubbing the paste. Using this method, you can easily remove minor scratches from your iPhone. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVDs or CDs.

When using this technique, make sure you don't get any toothpaste into the iPhone's ports or access holes! Failure to use this method carefully may result in warranty repairs being rejected.

Method 2: Remove Scratches from iPhone Using Sandpaper

You can also get rid of small scratches on the iPhone case using fine sandpaper. The effect will be the same as using toothpaste, but you must choose the right grit of paper. Judging by various recommendations on the Internet, a suitable sandpaper grit is 1200. On the MacRumors forum they wrote that it takes about half an hour or more to remove all small scratches on the body.

When rubbing the iPhone case, do not use much force! Remember that you must polish out any scratches on the surface of the device. If you remove the protective coating from the case, you will have to resort to a third, more intensive method.

Method 3: Remove Deep Scratches from iPhone

If you decide to completely clean the iPhone case from any scratches, including the deepest ones, you can use wet sanding and completely polish the device, restoring its original shine. This is not the fastest or easiest method, and I would advise resorting to it only if absolutely necessary. After using this method, you will have to say goodbye to the Apple logotype and text on the back of the iPhone.

On the MacRumors forum you can find from the iPhone (including disassembling the device). It's the most intense, but reliable method which includes complete withdrawal protective layer from the iPhone, which can be avoided by turning to the first two methods.

A mobile phone just purchased from a store initially has a sparkling appearance. Several months pass, and the original factory shine becomes dull, and the screen becomes covered with small scratches and abrasions, reducing the aesthetics of the gadget’s appearance. You can use several proven methods that allow you to restore the shine and beauty of your mobile phone without visiting a repair shop. In this article we will look at how to remove scratches from a phone case at home.

Service center

If your mobile phone is still under warranty, then similar problem you can visit the service center. They can replace the screen and return you an updated device. If the warranty has expired, the screen replacement procedure will be very expensive.

Important! But the service center does not always meet you halfway, and may find you to blame for the damage that occurs. In this case, the repair becomes paid service. Therefore, this method is not effective. But it's always worth a try.

If unable to resolve this problem when visiting service center, then it is advisable to read all the information about the structure of your phone screen. This recommendation allows you to apply the most safe option polishing Without preliminary theoretical preparation, you may not be able to save the gadget, but will only aggravate the situation.

Or maybe this is a reason to update your smartphone, change it to a newer one and reliable model? from different manufacturers With practical advice choosing the best according to its characteristics will help you get real pleasure from your purchase!

How to remove scratches from the phone case or screen?

Modern smartphones are constantly exposed to unintentional impacts. Somehow, they end up in the same pocket with the keys, then they are thrown into a bag, where there are many other small things, then they accidentally fall. As a result, after some time the screen and body are covered with small scratches, and this gives the gadget a sloppy appearance. In order not to have to replace scratched surfaces and save your budget, you can use several proven methods that help you independently eliminate cracks on the screen and panel of your mobile phone.

Important! Most effective method Protecting your smartphone from cracks and scratches means treating it with care and precision. A protective film and a durable case can also extend the life of the gadget.

Finding minor scratches on the body of a smartphone is not yet a reason to be upset. Most problems of this nature can be solved through the use of simple improvised means.

Polishing with toothpaste

Using a dentifrice is one of the available ways eliminating scratches.

Important! In this case, use ordinary tooth powder or white paste, rather than a gel-like multi-colored mixture.

How to remove scratches from your phone using toothpaste:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton pad, piece of cotton wool or soft cotton cloth.
  2. Using gentle movements, rub the substance into the damaged area of ​​the screen.
  3. This procedure must be completed within 4-5 minutes.
  4. To remove toothpaste residue, wipe the screen with a dry soft cloth.

Done, the appearance of our gadget has improved significantly, the scratches have disappeared!

Important! This method allows you to hide scratches both on the smartphone body and on the gadget screen.

Baking soda

IN home use Baking soda is used when you need to clean pots, pans and polish the ironing surface of the iron. It also perfectly cleans furniture, clothing, and, in some cases, plumbing fixtures.

Ordinary baking soda successfully helps to polish a smartphone screen, as well as eliminate small cracks, thanks to the abrasive component of its structure. In addition, the use of such a substance helps smooth out minor irregularities.

To get rid of scuff marks on your mobile phone using baking soda, you need to do the following:

  1. In a deep container, prepare a solution consisting of soda and water in a proportional ratio of 2:1.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth, and gently wipe the damaged area of ​​the surface of the mobile phone with gentle movements.
  3. Then wipe the display with a damp soft cloth and check for scratches.

Done, the device has its original appearance!


You can also use sandpaper, but it should have the finest grain structure. Before use this method V mandatory you need to try to process the selected sandpaper any similar surface. If the result is positive, you can begin polishing the damaged body of the gadget.

Important! Using this method You need to be as careful as possible so as not to create new scratches on the device’s body.

Baby powder

Regular baby powder can also help remove minor scratches on your phone's surface. Baby powder contains talc, which serves as a base for the polishing mixture.

How to remove scratches from a phone cover using baby powder:

  • We prepare a product consisting of powder and water in a proportional ratio of 2:1. The prepared paste should have a thick and uniform structure.
  • Apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth and rub the damaged area of ​​the gadget.

Important! The polishing process can also be done with a piece of felt or a napkin, which is used to wipe glasses.

  • When polishing, talc is driven into irregularities, thereby creating the impression of a complete surface structure.
  • After finishing the process, use a damp cloth to remove any remaining paste.


You can also use a regular piece of suede fabric, which helps disguise small scratches on your smartphone screen. To do this you need:

  1. Take a small piece of suede, which should be very clean and dry.
  2. Rub the damaged surface until it shines, since the presence of perfect specularity hides minor mechanical damage.

Vegetable oil

There is a way to remove minor cracks and scratches using vegetable fat. For this procedure, any vegetable oil is used.

How to remove scratches on a phone cover using vegetable oil:

  1. Distribute a drop of the selected product over the entire screen or back of the lid. The layer should be very thin.
  2. Use a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth to polish damaged surface to a state of shine.

This procedure hides microscopic damage, and the mobile phone returns to its original appearance.

Varnish fixer

You can also use a varnish fixer. For this method, prepare:

  • varnish fixer or dryer;
  • ordinary alcohol;
  • clean napkin.

To remove scratches from your phone case:

  1. Wipe the scratched screen with alcohol and let it dry.
  2. Afterwards, carefully apply the varnish fixer and polish the surface.

Computer polish

In almost every computer store and in departments selling household equipment you can buy computer polish. This tool helps to hide minor and minor damage on the smartphone screen.

Important! Computer polish is ideal for removing scratches from screens sensory models when they are not very deep.

How to remove scratches from a phone cover at home using computer polish:

  1. Apply this product to a cotton swab, a piece of cotton cloth or a napkin for wiping glasses. Light movements polish the damaged area touch screen.
  2. Rub the remaining computer paste with a damp soft cloth. This procedure takes no more than five minutes.

Also check out a separate review of ways to help you protect your phone from damage, and before that!

Car polish

You can also use car polish. It is advisable to use this product only for polishing touch screens and metal case. With absence own car This method is not practical.


  1. Apply a small amount of gel to a cotton swab or piece of soft cloth.
  2. Rub the damaged surface of the touch screen with light movements.
  3. The rubbing procedure should be performed for 20 to 30 minutes until shine appears.

You can also use furniture polish, such as Pronto. After purchase, such a product is successfully used in everyday life. The process of rubbing the touch screen or case takes a little longer.

Important! Most effective option- this is the use of a special polishing agent to eliminate minor scratches from screens mobile phones, televisions and computers.

Paste GOI

GOI paste was developed specifically for polishing and grinding all kinds of damaged surfaces at the State Optical Institute. You can purchase such a product at any optical store, and at a low price.

Important! This method is ideal for cases where deep scars and large scratches have formed. If you try to remove microscopic minor cracks with this method, the result is completely opposite - the screen becomes dull, as if dirty, and with shiny depressions.

How to get rid of scratches on the phone cover using GOI paste:

  • You need to drip a little machine oil onto the screen.
  • Then, using a small piece of paste, using a small cloth, lightly rub the damaged surface.

Important! This procedure is quite long, since polishing the screen will take from 30 minutes to one hour. It depends on the depth of the scratches and the force applied.

  • The procedure must be carried out until the paste and oil completely disappear.
  • Add another drop of oil and a little paste and continue polishing until the final result.
  • At the end of the polishing process, apply a regular polishing agent for mobile phone screens to a clean, soft piece of cloth, and clean the glass surface for 2-3 minutes.

Important! If a protective film is applied to the touch screen, but minor damage still appears on the screen, then you can use this method to remove scratches.

Using an electric razor

You can also eliminate scratches on the damaged surface of a smartphone by using an electric razor with a linear drive. How to remove scratches from a metal phone case using an electric razor:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the protective mesh from the razor blade.
  2. A piece of soft fabric or a napkin must be folded into a semicircle and placed on the razor blade.
  3. It is necessary to fix the soft cloth or napkin, while carefully straightening the edges so that crumpled cloth does not occur during the process of polishing the case.
  4. Next, you need to turn on the electric razor and polish the damaged surface with gentle movements for several minutes.

At the end of the procedure touchscreen phone has a pristine appearance.

Preventing scratches on your phone

To prevent scratches on the phone case you need to:

  • Buy protective film. For several months it will reliably protect your mobile screen from various mechanical damage and will reduce the risk of minor scratches.
  • Clean the screen as often as possible. If there is no accumulation of dust particles, then scratches and microscopic cracks are much less likely to form.

Important! Wipe special napkins. Otherwise, you yourself may scratch the screen with your own actions.

  • Carry in special pockets or apply protective covers. You shouldn’t let your smartphone just lie around in a bag where there are many small items at the same time.
  • Buy a phone with a recoverable display. This device is equipped with a plastic coating that can smooth out minor damage. But this option does not always solve this problem. If used carelessly, more or less significant cracks will be visible even on such a display.

The best way to prevent it is if you are very active image life - from the rating we proposed.

A mobile phone just purchased from a store initially has a sparkling appearance. Several months pass, and the original factory shine becomes dull, and the screen becomes covered with small scratches and abrasions, reducing the aesthetics of the gadget’s appearance. You can use several proven methods that allow you to restore the shine and beauty of your mobile phone without visiting a repair shop. In this article we will look at how to remove scratches from a phone case at home.

If your mobile phone is still under warranty, then if you have a similar problem, you can visit a service center. They can replace the screen and return you an updated device. If the warranty has expired, the screen replacement procedure will be very expensive.

Important! But the service center does not always meet you halfway, and may find you to blame for the damage that occurs. In this case, repairs become a paid service. Therefore, this method is not effective. But it's always worth a try.

If you were unable to resolve this problem when visiting a service center, then it is advisable to read all the information about the structure of your phone screen. This recommendation allows you to use the safest polishing option. Without preliminary theoretical preparation, you may not be able to save the gadget, but will only aggravate the situation.

How to remove scratches from the phone case or screen?

Modern smartphones are constantly exposed to unintentional impacts. Somehow, they end up in the same pocket with the keys, then they are thrown into a bag, where there are many other small things, then they accidentally fall. As a result, after some time the screen and body are covered with small scratches, and this gives the gadget a sloppy appearance. In order not to have to replace scratched surfaces and save your budget, you can use several proven methods that help you independently eliminate cracks on the screen and panel of your mobile phone.

Important! The most effective way to protect your smartphone from cracks and scratches is to treat it with care and attention. A protective film and a durable case can also extend the life of the gadget.

Finding minor scratches on the body of a smartphone is not yet a reason for frustration. Most problems of this nature can be solved through the use of simple improvised means.

Polishing with toothpaste

Using a dentifrice is one of the available ways to remove scratches.

Important! In this case, use ordinary tooth powder or white paste, rather than a gel-like multi-colored mixture.

How to remove scratches from your phone using toothpaste:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton pad, piece of cotton wool or soft cotton cloth.
  2. Using gentle movements, rub the substance into the damaged area of ​​the screen.
  3. This procedure must be completed within 4-5 minutes.
  4. To remove toothpaste residue, wipe the screen with a dry soft cloth.

Done, the appearance of our gadget has improved significantly, the scratches have disappeared!

Important! This method allows you to hide scratches both on the smartphone body and on the gadget screen.

Baking soda

In household use, soda is used when you need to clean pots and pans and polish the ironing surface of the iron. It also perfectly cleans furniture, clothing, and, in some cases, plumbing fixtures.

Ordinary baking soda successfully helps to polish a smartphone screen, as well as eliminate small cracks, thanks to the abrasive component of its structure. In addition, the use of such a substance helps smooth out minor irregularities.

In order to get rid of scuffs on a mobile phone using baking soda, you need to do the following:

  1. In a deep container, prepare a solution consisting of soda and water in a proportional ratio of 2:1.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth, and gently wipe the damaged area of ​​the surface of the mobile phone with gentle movements.
  3. Then wipe the display with a damp soft cloth and check for scratches.

Done, the device has its original appearance!


You can also use sandpaper, but it should have the finest grain structure. Before using this method, you must try to treat any similar surface with the selected sandpaper. If the result is positive, you can begin polishing the damaged body of the gadget.

Important! When using this method, you must be as careful as possible so as not to create new scratches on the device’s body.

Baby powder

Regular baby powder can also help remove minor scratches on your phone's surface. Baby powder contains talc, which serves as a base for the polishing mixture.

How to remove scratches from a phone cover using baby powder:

  • We prepare a product consisting of powder and water in a proportional ratio of 2:1. The prepared paste should have a thick and uniform structure.
  • Apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth and rub the damaged area of ​​the gadget.

Important! The polishing process can also be done with a piece of felt or a napkin, which is used to wipe glasses.

  • When polishing, talc is driven into irregularities, thereby creating the impression of a complete surface structure.
  • After finishing the process, use a damp cloth to remove any remaining paste.


You can also use a regular piece of suede fabric, which helps disguise small scratches on your smartphone screen. To do this you need:

  1. Take a small piece of suede, which should be very clean and dry.
  2. Rub the damaged surface until it shines, since the presence of an ideal

Vegetable oil

There is a way to remove minor cracks and scratches using vegetable fat. For this procedure, any vegetable oil is used.

How to remove scratches on a phone cover using vegetable oil:

  1. Distribute a drop of the selected product over the entire screen or back of the lid. The layer should be very thin.
  2. Using a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth, polish the damaged surface until it shines.

This procedure hides microscopic damage, and the mobile phone returns to its original appearance.

Varnish fixer

You can also use a varnish fixer. For this method, prepare:

  • varnish fixer or dryer;
  • ordinary alcohol;
  • clean napkin.

To remove scratches from your phone case:

  • Wipe the scratched screen with alcohol and let it dry.
  • Afterwards, carefully apply the varnish fixer and polish the surface.

Computer polish

In almost every computer store and in departments selling household equipment you can buy computer polish. This tool helps to hide minor and minor damage on the smartphone screen.

Important! Computer polish is ideal for removing scratches on the screens of touchscreen models when they are not very deep.

How to remove scratches from a phone cover at home using computer polish:

  • Apply this product to a cotton swab, a piece of cotton cloth or a napkin for wiping glasses. Using light movements, polish the damaged area of ​​the touch screen.
  • Rub the remaining computer paste with a damp soft cloth. This procedure takes no more than five minutes.

Car polish

You can also use car polish. It is advisable to use this product only for polishing touch screens and metal cases. If you don’t have your own car, this method is not practical.


  1. Apply a small amount of gel to a cotton swab or piece of soft cloth.
  2. Rub the damaged surface of the touch screen with light movements.
  3. The rubbing procedure should be performed for 20 to 30 minutes until shine appears.

You can also use furniture polish, such as Pronto. After purchase, such a product is successfully used in everyday life. The process of rubbing the touch screen or case takes a little longer.

Important! The most effective option is to use a special polishing agent to remove minor scratches from the screens of mobile phones, televisions and computers.

Paste GOI

GOI paste was developed specifically for polishing and grinding all kinds of damaged surfaces at the State Optical Institute. You can purchase such a product at any optical store, and at a low price.

Important! This method is ideal for cases where deep scars and large scratches have formed. If you try to remove microscopic minor cracks with this method, the result is completely opposite - the screen becomes dull, as if dirty, and with shiny depressions.

How to get rid of scratches on the phone cover using GOI paste:

  • You need to drip a little machine oil onto the screen.
  • Then, using a small piece of paste, using a small cloth, lightly rub the damaged surface.

Important! This procedure is quite long, since polishing the screen will take from 30 minutes to one hour. It depends on the depth of the scratches and the force applied.

  • The procedure must be carried out until the paste and oil completely disappear.
  • Add another drop of oil and a little paste and continue polishing until the final result.
  • At the end of the polishing process, apply a regular polishing agent for mobile phone screens to a clean, soft piece of cloth, and clean the glass surface for 2-3 minutes.

Important! If a protective film is applied to the touch screen, but minor damage still appears on the screen, then you can use this method to remove scratches.

Using an electric razor

You can also eliminate scratches on the damaged surface of a smartphone by using an electric razor with a linear drive. How to remove scratches from a metal phone case using an electric razor:

  • First of all, you need to remove the protective mesh from the razor blade.
  • A piece of soft fabric or a napkin must be folded into a semicircle and placed on the razor blade.
  • It is necessary to fix the soft cloth or napkin, while carefully straightening the edges so that crumpled cloth does not occur during the process of polishing the case.
  • Next, you need to turn on the electric razor and polish the damaged surface with gentle movements for several minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the touch phone has its original appearance.

Preventing scratches on your phone

To prevent scratches on the phone case you need to:

  • Buy protective film. For several months it will reliably protect your mobile screen from various mechanical damages and reduce the risk of minor scratches.
  • Clean the screen as often as possible. If there is no accumulation of dust particles, then scratches and microscopic cracks are much less likely to form.

Important! Wipe with special wipes. Otherwise, you yourself may scratch the screen with your own actions.

Carry in special pockets or use protective covers. You shouldn’t let your smartphone just lie around in a bag where there are many small items at the same time.

Buy a phone with a recoverable display. This device is equipped with a plastic coating that can smooth out minor damage. But this option does not always solve this problem. If used carelessly, more or less significant cracks will be visible even on such a display.


Of course, it is possible to eliminate scratches and cracks on the surface of the phone. But it is not possible to remove them permanently and effectively in every case. Therefore, it is necessary to treat new gadgets carefully and with care. Then the appearance of the touch screen and housing will be for a long time make you happy without any extra effort.