Yandex start page for firefox. How to make Yandex the start page in browsers

We owe much of the comfort of modern life to the presence of the Internet. Thanks to it, each of us has the opportunity to quickly and easily learn something new, work, and communicate with other users. Of course, the Internet would not be possible without a browser, and this is where the fun begins. After all, it is very important to choose a good browser, one that will meet any user needs.

The Mozilla web browser is one of the most popular all over the world, which, however, is not at all surprising, given the simplicity and ease of use. However, each of us periodically faces problems at work that we are unable to solve on our own. The most common is an unsuccessful attempt to make Yandex the start page of the mozilla firefox browser. So let's discuss this issue in more detail.

Using browser settings

In fact, there are not so many ways to change the start page; by and large, there are only two of them: changing using the settings of the web browser itself or using third-party utilities. Let's consider both options separately.

Now restart your browser and open it again. In most cases, the Yandex start page will appear in front of you, but if this does not happen, the following information is for you. And you will learn how to do the same steps in Google Chrome.

Using third party utilities

If for some reason you cannot use the standard method for creating a start page, I suggest using an alternative method, which involves using additional utilities. For example, on the official Yandex website you can download a download manager and other additional

Comfortable work at a computer largely depends on the user’s habits and requirements. Many have long appreciated the advantages of the Yandex and Google search engines, and try to constantly use them. If the specified search engines are the start page, the workflow is greatly simplified. Immediately after turning on your computer, you have the opportunity to find out the latest news, assess the ambient temperature in your region, and instantly gain access to gigabytes of information. However, these privileges are deprived of those who still do not know how to make the start page of the Yandex and Google search engines in the Opera, Google and Mazila browsers. We are for equality! Let everyone know about this false action. Let’s look at it step by step so that even “dummies” can understand it.

How to make Yandex the main page in Google Chrome?

The first thing a user of the Google Chrome browser must do to achieve what they want is to go to the settings. This is done like this: look at the upper right corner, find the icon in the shape of a wrench, and click on it. This action should cause a menu to appear. In this menu, select “Options”. Among the subsections that appear, look for the word “Basic”, and there you need to select the “Open this page” item. Now enter one of the addresses below here:


and close the page. If everything is done correctly, then after restarting the browser you will see a satisfactory result. Moreover, this browser also allows you to save the pages that open during the previous session for the next one. To do this, click on point 2, and check the box next to the phrase “Restore last opened pages”.

Making Yandex the main page in Opera

Automatically, this browser loads the developers' home page when launched. Those who are not bothered by this state of affairs and who want, for example, to make a Yandex home page, should follow a number of simple steps.

Move the mouse to the upper right corner and click Menu. In the list that appears, we show special interest in the “settings” item. Click. In the list of actions that appears again, we find the item “General settings”. Click. We remain indifferent to the presented tabs, except for the one called “Main”. Now we look for the subsection “when starting, start from the home page”, and in this subsection we make changes in the “Home” item. Here we enter the address of the search engine that interests us. Don't forget to click OK, otherwise you'll have to repeat everything again. Double-check the correctness of your actions by reloading the browser.

How to make Yandex the main page in Mozilla?

This browser also offers you to start working on your computer from a page on its main website. But for those who are accustomed to other settings, it is easy to change the existing orders. To do this, hover the cursor over the word Firefox. Click. Select the “settings” submenu; in the drop-down list, the name of the item will be identical (again, look for the word “settings”). Click and you will be taken to a new window. We are interested in the first tab “main”, where you need to perform the following action: find the item “when Firefox starts”, then find the sub-item “show home page”, then find the “Home site” mark and change the specified address to the one you need. We confirm our actions by clicking OK and finish working with the browser. Re-opening the program should demonstrate your capabilities as an administrator and display the Yandex home page on the screen.

Video instructions, in case something doesn’t work out


In this article I will tell you a quick way how to make Yandex the start page of the Mozilla firefox browser. Today there are many different browsers and each has its own individual settings, and therefore users do not always know how to properly configure the browser to suit their personal interests. Very often people face the problem of changing the browser start page. Not everyone gets it right. Today I will tell you how to set up the start page in the Mozilla firefox browser. As an example, I will set the well-known search engine Yandex as the start page.

Did you know that Firefox does not translate to “Fire Fox” as everyone used to think. Firefox is such a rare animal as the “Less Panda” (Red Panda) from the panda family. It has a fiery color and is listed in the Red Book.

Make Yandex the start page of the Mozilla firefox browser

The first thing you need to do is naturally launch the browser itself. Next, in the upper right corner we find the “three horizontal stripes” icon and click on it as shown in the picture.

Click on the picture to enlarge the image:

After the browser menu opens, you need to click on the “Settings” item. This item contains all the necessary options for changing Mozilla firefox settings, including setting the browser start page.

Now when we go to the settings item, the “Basic” section is selected by default. Then everything is simple, at the very beginning of the page you will see such an item as “Home Page”, this is what we need. All that remains is to simply write the site address. If another address is already registered there, erase it and register it If you have the latest version of the browser, then you don’t need to click or save anything else, just write the address. If the version of the Mozilla Firefox browser is earlier, then click “Ok” or “Save”.

After you complete all of the above steps in turn, each time you open your browser, the main page of the Yandex search engine will automatically load.

Well, we figured out how to make Yandex the main page. As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is to know where the settings you need are located. From time to time, Mozilla developers change the design of their browser, but the location of all items almost always remains the same.

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The Internet is something that has become an integral part of the life of a modern PC user. People of different ages work and relax on the Internet. For surfing, specialized applications are used - browsers. There are a lot of them, each with its own characteristics and disadvantages. One of the most popular Internet browsers is Mozilla Firefox. Visually, this software is significantly different from other browsers. And therefore it is not always clear how to work with it. Next, we’ll try to figure out how to make “Yandex” the start page in Mozilla. Is it even possible to cope with the task at hand?

Possibility of making adjustments

Some browsers make it very difficult to configure any controls. Some Internet browsers do not allow you to edit the home page.

Fortunately, Mozilla does not suffer from such problems. Each user can adjust the home page data at any time in just a minute. The main thing is to know how to act correctly.

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla? Let's look at this problem.

Standard solution

Let's consider the simplest option. It is used most often by users. This technique can be considered a direct instruction for installing a home page in the browser mentioned earlier.

How to make "Yandex" the start page in Mozilla Firefox? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open the Mozilla main menu. To do this, click on the button located to the right of the address bar. On it the user will see several horizontal stripes.
  2. Click on the "Settings" line.
  3. Go to the "Basic" section.
  4. Select the "Show home page" menu.
  5. In the specially designated field write
  6. Confirm the operation.

Now it’s clear how to make “Yandex” the start page in Mozilla Firefox. This is the simplest solution. And every modern user can use it. Especially if he doesn’t want to think about other options for solving the problem.

Using bookmarks

There are several other methods for bringing your idea to life. How to make “Yandex” the start page in Mozilla? If the user carefully studied the previously proposed algorithm of actions, he may have noticed that the “Home Page” menu has different navigation buttons. They can be used to customize the control you are learning.

How to make a Yandex start page in Mozilla? The following manipulations can help in solving this problem:

  1. Open the Yandex page in the browser.
  2. Click on the button with the star icon. It is located in the address bar log.
  3. Confirm the procedure.
  4. Open Mozilla Settings.
  5. Go to the "General" block.
  6. Check the box next to "Use home page".
  7. Click on the "Use bookmark..." button.
  8. Select the bookmark with the Yandex address in the menu that appears.

As soon as the user confirms the actions, the task will be solved. The home page will be changed. In the same way, you can set any bookmarks on the start pages.

Current page

Do you need to make the Yandex home page the starting page in Mozilla? Then users can be offered another interesting scenario. It is used extremely rarely, but it does occur.

If we imagine the procedure step by step, it will look something like this:

  1. Open the Yandex page in an Internet browser. It is necessary to leave only one tab with the corresponding site. This refers to a web service installed as a home service.
  2. Go to your browser's "Settings".
  3. Click on the "Use current page..." button.
  4. Select the "Show home page" menu item. It is advisable to click on this line in advance.

Once all of the above steps are behind you, the user will be able to enjoy the results achieved. We fully figured out how in Mozilla make "Yandex" the start page.

Yandex's conclusion is a non-standard technique

The last method is to set the parameters for displaying the start page in the Internet browser. The thing is that in Mozilla the user can display, when starting the browser, pages opened in the previous session.

This is exactly what you can use. How? It is proposed to make “Yandex” the start page in “Mozilla” in this way:

  1. Open in the browser. It is recommended to leave only this page.
  2. Go to the main menu of your Internet browser and go to “Settings”.
  3. Select "Show windows last closed".

That's all. How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla?

Now answering this question will no longer cause any trouble.

The home page, or start page, is any Internet page that opens when you start the browser. By setting your browser's home page to your preferences, you can reduce the time it takes to get to the web page you need most often. Often, users set an express panel (an area for specifying a set of bookmarks) as the default start page. Many browsers have a special “Home” button that, when clicked, takes you to the home page. Everyone can independently choose what to install as its quality. For example, many people find it convenient to have sites open when they start the browser that were open when they last finished working.

But most Internet users prefer if the Yandex search engine is the start page (in “Mazil,” for example, as the Mozilla Firefox browser is simply called). This search service is the most visited resource on the Russian-language Internet. They love it because, in addition to the search bar, its main page contains a lot of useful information: weather, exchange rates, posters, TV programs, the latest news, the status of your Yandex mail, there are buttons for quick access to numerous search engine services - wallet, cards , dictionaries, market, video, music and much more. The appearance of this home page can be adjusted to your requirements using the “Add-ons” service, installing those from their huge number that are useful to you in your daily browsing of the Internet. If you do not need additional information, but only need a search string, you can install a simplified version of Yandex.

It is useful to know how the home page for your browser is set, since many programs that cooperate with one or another search engine, when downloaded and installed, change the browser settings and you have to restore its start page. Also, viruses distributed on the Internet and some malicious software (software) can replace it and redirect the user to fake pages.

So, how to make “Yandex” the start page (in “Mazil”, for example, and in other popular browsers)? Inexperienced users think that it is set by default and cannot be changed. But in practice, setting your start page in the browser is quite simple. This operation will only take a few minutes if you know the algorithm.

Difficulties in changing the start page may be caused by viruses or malware that prohibit this. To combat viruses, you need to install an antivirus. Malicious software (for example, programs such as Webalta that are embedded in the browser) requires a special approach.

There is an automatic way to set Yandex as the home page, which is universal for any browser. It consists of downloading a special program (from the corresponding official website) and launching it on the computer. The browser is detected automatically. After automatic setup completes, you should restart your computer and check its settings.

Let's consider some popular browsers separately, taking into account that links for automatic installation may not be on the sites that you want to make home.

Set “Yandex” as the start page in GoogleChrome

To do this, in Chrome you need to select the “Settings” item in the menu. Next, in the “Initial group” item, select “Next page”, click “Add” and enter the “Yandex” address. GoogleChrome, unlike other browsers, has abandoned the home page, so in the same way you can add several other pages, which are set as the initial ones when working with Chrome.

That's all the steps to make Yandex the start page in Chrome.

Setting the home page in other Chromium-based browsers

The method described above is generally the same for other browsers based on Chromium: Nichrome, Yandex Browser, Amigo, and so on. Therefore, it does not require a separate presentation.

How to make “Yandex” the start page in “Mazil”

The procedure is as follows:

  1. In the main menu, click "Tools".
  2. In the pop-up menu - “Settings”.
  3. In the new window, on the “General” tab, in the “When Firefox starts” option, check the “Show home page” option.
  4. In the “Home Page”, insert the Yandex address.
  5. Save the result and restart the browser.

After completing this sequence of actions, the problem will be solved: “How to make Yandex the start page in Mazil.”

Similarly, in the “Home Page” you can set any web page you need as the starting web page. In order not to manually enter the address, you can first open it and, after completing the above steps 1-3 settings, select the “Use current page” option. Then it will automatically become the starting one.

By the way, you can quickly go to the home page by pressing the “Alt+Home” hotkeys. They work in many commonly used browsers.

Opera: change the start page

Let's describe how Yandex is installed in another browser. The start page in Opera is set as follows:

  1. Click the Tools button in the upper left corner (you can also press Alt+P).
  2. In the “Settings” item, go to the “Basic” tab.
  3. In it, in the “At startup” submenu, check “Start from the home page”.
  4. In the “Home” window, enter the Yandex website address.

Save the result. Now opening the browser will automatically start with “Yandex”.

For Netscape browser

Enter the Edit menu, select the Preferences item.
Find the Navigator panel.
In the Navigatorstartswith tab, select Homepage.
Below, in the Homepage block, in the Location field, enter the address of the Yandex resource that is familiar to you. Click OK.

For Internet Explorer

Use the following method to configure the Yandex start page: