Why is my blog traffic not growing? Why blog traffic is not growing Search engine filters

The term SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- this is work aimed at improving the visibility of the site and increasing positions in search results. As a rule, users view the first page of search results (TOP 10). Moreover, the closer a site is to the top of the list, the more traffic it has.

We promote websites in popular topics: medicine, construction, industry, online stores, delivery services and others.

On-page optimization calculator

External promotion factors

  • Creating a competent link profile, crowd marketing, link building, press releases and articles.
  • Disavow links (checked by CheckTrust) using the Disavow Links tool.
  • SMM - (social media marketing), we create company accounts on social networks.

Terms and cost

According to the technical audit list, the customer receives the cost of each of the works and the deadlines for completion. At the end of each cycle, a report is sent out detailing the corrections. The minimum cost of work is $300 per month and above.

Getting Results

After carrying out work on internal optimization and external factors, the result is usually visible in 3-4 weeks. The customer is given access to services for checking positions, site visibility, for their own monitoring and analytics.

P.S. Additional work, such as dancing with a tambourine and spelling keys, are discussed individually;)

I work for a company that treats sites for various diseases related to search sanctions, low traffic and conversion. Every day we receive dozens of requests from optimizers and resource owners asking us to “diagnose” the site and help find a way out of the situation.

Among the problems that bother webmasters most often is the lack of search traffic. “I created an SDL, I fill it with unique content, I put natural links, but there are no visitors” - approximately this is how every fourth webmaster formulates his application.

Is this a familiar problem? It seems that the topic was chosen correctly, and the articles are optimized, and the site is not under a filter, but the site’s position is not growing, and visitors are not visiting. You sadly watch the competitors you looked up to when creating the site, and wonder why they are swimming in success, while you cannot even achieve self-sufficiency. Neither adding new content, nor links, nor targeted actions for internal optimization change the situation. And they can’t change it - the problem should be looked for not in titles, linking or reference mass, but in the very idea around which the project was created.

I analyzed the resources whose owners approached us with a request to find the reasons for low attendance (applications for January-May 2014 were taken for analysis). It turned out that in 90% of cases the problems are very similar and are associated not with internal or external promotion factors, but with the concept of the site.

I will tell you about these problems, and you try not to make the same mistakes when creating your website.

1. An attempt to embrace the immensity

Approximately 20% of failed projects are resources that cannot be assigned to any specific topic. These are collections of “useful” tips for all occasions from the series “how to take a screenshot”, “where to get an Inn” and “who to complain about the insurance company”.

The principle of creating such sites lies on the surface, although many of the owners of such resources believe that they have discovered a bicycle. Search queries starting with the words “how”, “where”, “when”, “why”, etc. are parsed from publicly available sources; for each request, a separate optimized article is created with the answer to this question. At the same time, webmasters carefully monitor the technical uniqueness of each article, forgetting about the uniqueness of the semantic content. Why write an article on the topic “how to tie a tie correctly” if this question has long been covered on more than 200 thousand other resources?

As a result, we get a resource “about everything and nothing” with a complete lack of content and without any prospects for development.

Tip: If you want to create a site with universal tips or answers to questions, limit yourself to one topic. And it’s better to first make sure that there are no such resources on this topic yet.

2. Incompetence in the topic the site is dedicated to

You should not create a sports portal if you are not a sports fan and do not understand sports. You shouldn’t start reviewing new gadgets if you don’t have the opportunity to hold these gadgets in your hands. To create a website that is promising in terms of traffic and monetization, you need to have a good understanding of the chosen topic and not only understand how the target audience thinks, but also be a part of it yourself.

Approximately 10% of webmasters who complain to us about the lack of visitors do not understand at all what problems these visitors are worried about. And this should be taken into account when developing the site structure, design, and content.

In such cases, studying the target audience and completely restructuring the site usually helps solve the problem.

Advice - create a website about what interests you personally or what you are good at. If the topic is interesting to you, but is new to you, involve experts.

3. The desire to repeat someone else's success

Many sites that are sent to us for diagnosis remind us very much of someone. More than once I have come across failed counterparts of Kinopoisk, Habra or Banki.ru. These are resources with the same idea and concepts, with very similar structure and design, but are completely non-functional and unviable. Visitors to such sites almost never appear, and those who accidentally visit never return. Webmasters make excuses - they wanted to outdo, not copy, a competitor, but they didn’t have enough imagination and resources. And this is not surprising - it is impossible to breathe life into a large-scale project by relying on filling the site with rewrites from exchanges.

Advice - proceed from your real capabilities. If you are inspired by someone's success and want to repeat it, but you don't have enough resources, don't try to do better, do otherwise. Do you like Kinopoisk? Start by rating films of one specific genre. Although the potential target audience of such a site is not so large, it still has every chance of becoming the best in this topic.

4. Pursuit of glory. Author's blog

Every fifth site that comes to us for advice on increasing traffic is an author’s blog. The owners of such resources initially set themselves a double goal - not only to earn money, but also to become famous.

A blog is being created on a popular topic. Girls and women usually write about cooking, relationships, women's secrets, and men - about travel, politics and cars.
But the audience of such a blog is usually limited to friends and acquaintances of the author. Random visitors do not stay on the site, do not leave comments, and do not subscribe to updates. The problem is the lack of authoritativeness of the author. Nobody is interested in the opinion of the unknown blogger Petit on the introduction of martial law in Thailand. But if the famous traveler Sergei Vinsky wrote this...

Sometimes the problem of search traffic for such resources can be solved using internal optimization. But at the same time, you often have to redo the site structure and make changes to the content, which can disrupt the unique author’s style.

Advice - if you are not a celebrity or a unique specialist in some field, you can start a blog for your own pleasure, but you should not hope for its wide popularity and successful monetization.

5. Bet on marginality

Many novice webmasters firmly believe that to make money on a website you don’t need much effort or large budgets, the main thing is to choose the right topic.
A topic is specially selected where there is a large selection of affiliate programs and where the highest rates for clicks or actions are offered. All key queries related to this topic are collected, and unique optimized content is created for them. On the English-language Internet, casinos and medicines are popular, while in our country loans, file sharing services, coupons and online cinemas are popular. But Yandex is especially attentive to such topics and is constantly tightening its algorithms in relation to such sites. The main danger for such sites when promoting in Yandex is the AGS-40 filter.

Advice: when creating a website on a margin topic, you need to adhere to a clear concept. The site should contain not only text content, but also its own unique service, which will distinguish this resource from dozens of others similar to it. In no case should you start from the semantic core when planning such a site - select and group queries, and then create content for them.

6. Website for selling links

A scheme for earning money that is still popular among webmasters is creating websites for selling links. Just as with the strategy described above, popular commercial topics are selected (construction, tourism, business) and content is created for search queries. Only in this case, the bet is placed not so much on traffic, but on TCI, PR and page indexing speed.
Typically, such sites consist entirely of articles similar to each other, the topics of which have long been covered on thousands of other sites. The problem with such resources is the lack of semantic uniqueness and a real target audience. Many of them almost immediately after their creation fall under a filter, from which it is impossible to recover from any targeted actions.

There is an opinion that the only reason for the failure of such sites is the sale of links. I believe that the mere fact of having external links does not lead to the imposition of sanctions, the main reason is the lack of added value. There is a difference between a site that sells links and a site created purely for the sale of links. You can find many examples of well-known visited sites that post links and are not filtered (at least not yet).

Tip: Don't make monetization your main goal. Think about what user problems your resource will solve, how to make it convenient and interesting. And only when visitors appreciate it, think about monetization.

7. Premature scaling

This error is typical for message boards, company directories, job sites and other resources where content is expected to be added by users themselves. Instead of focusing on attracting audiences from 1-2 of the most popular regions, owners already at the start create several dozen (or even hundreds) subdomains for different regions, where there may not be an audience.
Typically, such resources have no traffic due to problems with indexing. Empty and duplicate content exceeds the number of full-fledged pages several times, and search engines stop indexing even normal documents.

In most such cases, deleting duplicates and empty subdomains helps, but sometimes you have to resort to global changes.

Advice: if your resource is targeting a large number of regions, do not try to cover them all at once, start with 2-3 main ones. And only after you manage to achieve stability in these regions, gradually connect others.

Conclusions. Just 3-4 years ago it was quite easy to receive and monetize traffic, but the old schemes don’t work now. To create a successful website and earn a stable income from it, basic knowledge of website building and SEO is no longer enough; you need to think on a different scale. Instead of thinking about what queries people will come to the site for, think about what real problems this site will solve for visitors. Instead of making traffic forecasts for a future resource based on Wordstat statistics, try predicting how many users will want to bookmark this site or return to it again. Don’t try to make the text of each page 100% unique; rather, think about the semantic uniqueness of the site as a whole.

P.S. I just found out that my friends from WebPromoExperts are launching an educational channel Webpromoexperts.com.Tv next week. IT marketing stars will give useful advice on promoting an online business, successful entrepreneurs will share their experience. So if you are an Internet entrepreneur or planning to become one, I highly recommend subscribing to the channel.

The words “content is king,” said by Microsoft founder Bill Gates in 1996, have recently been repeatedly challenged by SEO industry experts.

Traffic, communications, customer service - everything influences our desires to usurp the throne of Internet marketing. The points raised are valid and true, but I would like to remind readers not to forget about content management.

1. Mediocre articles– No matter how many articles I wrote on the blog, not one of them could offer the reader anything original. Then I realized that the article must have something that would make it stand out from other articles. you need to give a reason for visitors to visit your blog, and not hundreds of other blogs with similar content.

2. Lack of identity– In addition to unique content, articles should show your individual approach, your voice, which would make them stand out from other articles. I was one of the faceless bloggers among the ocean of the blogosphere, writing monotonous articles that did not have a drop of zest that distinguished them. You need to create a connection with your readers, and that starts with identifying your work in a way that they can recognize and embrace.

3. Articles without inspiration– This problem usually stems from the first two reasons, but deserves special attention. I was unable to attract the attention of potential readers due to my writing style, which was often difficult to read. Avoid this pitfall by making your articles easy to read while at the same time enticing the reader to do something.

4. Uninteresting topics– Everything is clear here, but even I must admit, I wrote articles on the most boring topics only to include popular keywords in them. Take some time to read what people are talking about on social media and make a good article on the topic. Just remember, you need to add something interesting to continue communication with readers and don’t write only what has already been said a long time ago.

5. Crumpled articles– The next major mistake would be to describe multiple topics in an article, trying to fit multiple keywords into one post. I jumped from one topic to another and as a result, readers lost interest in the article. Therefore, focus on one or two topics to focus the attention of visitors on them.

6. Unreasonably long articles– Combined with the previous mistake, I tried to insert as much information as possible into one article, creating them almost always over a thousand words long. In addition to the many different topics in the article, the size of the article was extremely taxing for the readers' attention. Of course, there are topics that require detailed consideration, but not all of them.

7. Bad headlines– The headline is the first thing people see, and they won’t read the message if the headline isn’t interesting to them. I had a bad habit of making “poetic” or “clever” titles that didn’t reveal the content of the article. If the audience doesn't get the information they expect from the headline, the article will remain unread. A good title will also help you focus on the topic of the post and not deviate from the chosen topic.

8. Useless article– After reading all my posts, visitors did not receive anything useful for themselves. It turned out that they wasted their time. Thus, each article must be approached in such a way that after reading it the reader is left with the feeling that he found out what he was looking for. This will give them a reason to keep coming back to your blog in the future.

9. Focus too much on SEO– All the best SEO techniques in the world will not produce any desired results if the content is of poor quality. In practice, I came across the fact that by applying all the SEO methods I had found to a mediocre article, I could temporarily improve its search results. However, it was not possible to maintain positions for a long time; low-quality content could not keep visitors on the site. After reading articles like mine about, don’t forget about the content itself.

10. Effortlessly– I started blogging because I wanted to earn extra income. After spending a little time creating the content, even I thought it could look better. For several months I was content with my rather mediocre position and hapless blog content until I realized that I was wasting my time and getting virtually nothing in return. Don't allow yourself to be mediocre, it will bring you nothing but disappointment.

On a final note, I would like to inform you that I abandoned that blog, but I learned a lot from it, and while maintaining it I gained excellent experience, now the question is “why is blog traffic not growing?” I’m not worried, I can already give advice to others.. You had the patience to read this article to the end, which means that you are ready to learn further. Don't give up and don't stop improving your work.

Hello everyone, the topic of today’s post will be promotion. But, in order not to bore you with various terminology from the series that the CEO is dead or you need to write n number of posts, I will write how I see this situation in practice.

As we know, today many bloggers and website owners abandon this idea, even when they have invested a lot of effort, time and money into it. Of course, everything requires motivation; at one time, I had such motivation that someday 1000 visitors would come to my blog in a day. Therefore, in this post I would like to give you some practical advice.

The visitor is not growing... What should I do if 5 people visit my website or blog? I think such questions may have arisen or are arising to you. Of course, it’s easy to say when you have a visited resource and you’re already making money from it. But what to do if you are still at the beginning of your journey and don’t know how to increase Her Majesty’s “attendance”.

Increasing attendance!

1. First of all, prepare yourself for the fact that it will not grow for you. Therefore, you must have motivation. Just a year and a half ago, only 30-40 people came to my blog, now there are already more than a thousand. Yes, becoming a thousandaire is not easy, but believe me, I worked, wrote articles, without seeing any practical benefit.
2. Write large texts and a lot. Now that the entire RuNet is ruled by AGS-40 and Minusinks, it is difficult to promote your Internet resource. But promotion with quality content has been and will be very relevant.
3. Your traffic may not grow due to the fact that you do not use other services and sites. For promotion, you can use social networks, Subscribe, social bookmarks.
4. The ceiling in this niche has been reached. How to understand this? It’s simple, if you’ve read my previous posts, then you know that before creating a website you need to create a semantic core. Therefore, your new site should have a lot of keywords that will allow you, at a minimum, to become a thousand-stronger. Again, traffic is not growing, try to find mid and high frequency queries, write quality posts for them. In this case, a month or two and the traffic on the site will increase, info 100%.
5. Search engines don't like your site very much. This can be checked in multiple ways, for example through a trust. I’ve already written a whole post on this topic, so I won’t repeat it. Make sure that the robot visits your site every day, or even every few hours. To do this, write more often, and also make posts on social networks, especially on Twitter, and we will be happy for you.
6. Filters. This is the real problem... If your site has a filter, then this is very bad and you won’t see the visitors until you remove them. And it’s not easy to do this... I’ll say for myself that it was easier for me to delete the site that had the filter than to display the site under the AGS.
7. There are no external links to your site. Also, not the best thing, but it's a reality for young bloggers. You write, you try, you put your soul into it, but not only does no one read you, there are also no external links. In addition, articles appear only behind 100 places, of course, there can be no talk of any traffic.

Honestly, I managed to promote this site only on the 3rd attempt, while I wrote several posts a day. Tired? It’s not the right word, especially when I wrote 2 posts of 7-8 thousand characters each, and also wrote the same text for the customer somewhere.

Well, nothing, but now I’m not bragging to you about some fairy-tale story where I woke up one day and my visitors became 1000-2000 per day. No, nothing like that, the fact that so many people come to my blog is solely the result of my work, which is what I wish for you too.

In the last six months alone, about 10 people who started running their online projects abandoned them within the first 3-4 months. Why? Yes, because they didn’t succeed, and no one wants to work without seeing results.

So, I wish you more motivation and patience in promoting your resource. I seem to have succeeded, and I wish the same for you.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope that you were able to extract some useful information from it. Have a nice day everyone and lots of profit!

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Beginners who have created their first website will be very concerned about the issue of its traffic. They will look at the statistics every day and see how many people were on the site today. And, of course, decline will occur if attendance does not increase over a long period of time.

In such situations, you want to give up everything and stop working on your project. However, there are still ways out and options to solve the problem. Perhaps you overlooked something and did it wrong. In this article we will talk about why website traffic is not growing.

Previously, a few years ago, in order to promote a project in a search engine, you could write several texts with keywords, buy a lot of links to the site, and wait. Over time, attendance will increase. Now this is not enough.

The search engine is updating and improving its algorithms. And now the text will be analyzed more carefully, the purchased links will no longer make sense. Many old promotion techniques are no longer relevant.

Here are the main methods of promotion that are already outdated:

  • buying links;
  • highlighting keywords in bold;
  • using a large number of keys;
  • using the keywords meta tag.

If site traffic is not growing, then you need to analyze the promotion strategy and remove outdated, irrelevant methods from it.

The site is unavailable for a long time

If a search engine's scanning robot comes to the site and receives an error code in response, this may have a bad effect on promotion. After all, if the page is unavailable for a long time, it means that visitors will not always be able to get to it. Therefore, the search engine decides that it does not need to be shown in good places in the search results. As a result, attendance is falling.

The site may be unavailable for various reasons:

  • If any technical work is carried out. In this case, it is better to install some kind so that the search engine receives a response code of 200, although there will be no content. In general, it is better to repair without harming accessibility.
  • Poor quality hosting that is too cheap can lead to the page being unavailable for a long time. There is only one way out - change hosting or at least the tariff.
  • A bad one can cause the site to overload the hosting and, as a result, stop working for some time. To solve this problem, you need to put everything in order technically.

You can control the constant availability of the site.

If your site's traffic isn't growing, make sure it's always up and accessible.

Non-competitive content

In general, content for modern promotion is the most important thing. Non-competitive content means the following:

  • Poor content, which is significantly inferior in quality to competitors. That is, insufficiently useful, unoptimized and in all facets meaningless unnecessary content.
  • Content that was of high quality, but lost this quality over time as competitors created something better.

To ensure that competitiveness does not become the reason for a drop or impossibility of increasing traffic, you must always take care of the quality of content and analyze what competitors write.

Create useful and relevant content, look at what your competitors write.

Excessive amount of advertising

If site traffic is not growing, then you need to evaluate how much advertising is on the pages. If there is too much of it, then it is bad.

  • A large number of advertisements disturb and irritate the visitor, making the site want to leave. As a result, behavioral factors worsen, rankings fall, and traffic does not grow.
  • The second reason is the external link to which the advertisement leads. Such a link sends to another site, and accordingly the link juice is lost and transferred to the advertiser. It can also impair attendance.

Seasonal requests

If you observe that site traffic was at a certain level, and then fell, then this phenomenon may be due to the seasonality of requests. If the semantic core of the site contains seasonal queries that change their demand at different times, then traffic will also change.

Let’s say that an article with the request “buy a bicycle” will be visited more in the spring and summer, and “buy a sled for children” - in the winter. Such pages will have different traffic at different times of the year.

If site traffic does not grow after a certain rise, then pay attention to whether the semantic core contains seasonal queries - those that become in demand at a certain time of the year.