How to flip an image. How to quickly and professionally mirror an image. Why do you need the mirror function?

Sometimes even minor changes at first glance improve a photo and give it a completely new look. the new kind. For example, you can experiment with composition: flip the image horizontally or vertically, crop the frame, or rotate the image. All of these tasks can be completed quickly and easily if you have some suitable program for photo processing. Movavi photo editor is just what you need. You don’t have to spend a lot of time understanding the settings and spending time learning how to use our program, because it’s simple and user-friendly interface suitable even for beginners.

Below you will learn how to mirror a photo without extra effort using Movavi Photo Editor. Just download the Windows or Mac version and follow the step-by-step instructions.

1. Install Movavi Photo Editor

Open the downloaded file and follow the instructions on your computer screen.

2. Open the photo in the program

After launching the Photo Editor, drag required file from folder to work area programs or click the button Open file and select the image you want to mirror.

3. Flip the image

Open the tab Turn on the toolbar at the top of the Photo Editor window. In chapter Reflection press one of two buttons: if the reflection of the photo should be horizontal, press left button, for vertical reflection, click the button on the right. Pressing the button again will return your image old look, reflecting it again.

4. Save the result

Now click the button Save to save the processed photo. A dialog box will open in which you can specify the desired save folder and, if necessary, change the file format or name. After that click Save.

When working in MS Word the need arises to rotate text, not all users know how to do this. For effective solution For this task, you should look at the text not as a set of letters, but as an object. It is on the object that you can perform various manipulations, including rotation around an axis in any precise or arbitrary direction.

We have already discussed the topic of text rotation earlier, in this article I would like to talk about how to make a mirror image of text in Word. Although the task seems more complicated, it can be solved using the same method and a couple of additional mouse clicks.

1. Create a text field. To do this, in the tab "Insert" in Group "Text" select item "Text field".

2. Copy the text you want to mirror ( CTRL+C) and paste into the text field ( CTRL+V). If the text is not yet printed, enter it directly into the text field.

3. Perform the necessary manipulations on the text inside text field— change the font, size, color and other important parameters.

Mirror text

You can mirror text in two directions - relative to the vertical (top to bottom) and horizontal (left to right) axes. In both cases, this can be done using the tab tools "Format", which appears on the panel quick access after adding the shape.

1. Double-click on the text field to open the tab "Format".

2. In a group "Arrange" click the button "To turn" and select "Flip Left to Right"(horizontal reflection) or "Reflect from top to bottom"(vertical reflection).

3. The text inside the text box will be mirrored.

Make the text field transparent by following these steps:

  • Right-click inside the field and click on the button "Circuit";
  • Select an option from the drop-down menu "No outline".

Horizontal reflection can also be done manually. To do this, you simply need to swap the top and bottom edges of the text box shape. That is, you need to click on the middle marker on the top edge and drag it down, placing it under the bottom edge. The text field shape, its rotation arrow will also be at the bottom.

Now you know how to mirror text in Word.

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Good day, dear readers. Today I will tell you about a simple tool, which is sure to be useful to any web designer: to create a landing page or, if you are creating an online store, to improve the pictures in the product card.

I'll show you how to make an image mirror. First, use two buttons to simply expand the picture, and then professional way reflect an object as if it were in a mirror or on a glass table.

Shall we get started?

Two buttons for mirror effect

So, this method works no matter what version of Photoshop you use CS6, CS5 and even in online versions. I work at CC.

Once you open a photo in Photoshop, you need to unlock it for editing. Without this, you will not be able to use most functions. Click the lock to the right of the layer's thumbnail.

Now press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T.

Right click anywhere free space selected fragment. Will open extra menu with many functions for rotation: vertically, 180, 90 degrees. Now you select "Flip Horizontal".

Done, you have flipped the image as a mirror image. If there are any logos or mention on your photo brands and you don't want readers to see them, this is an easy way to complicate things. Many TV channels now use it.

If you don't like using the keyboard shortcut, you can top panel select "Edit", then "Transform" and "Flip Horizontal".

Well that's all, with simple method figured it out. It's time to make something beautiful. By the end of the second part of this tutorial, you will have an attractive image that can be inserted as a design element or simply as an illustration for a product card in .

Mirror effect

The first step is to prepare the background. As a rule, professionals work with light and black to see the result in different colors. To do this, you will have to learn how to work with gradients. If problems arise, read my detailed step-by-step instructions.

Create a layer, then under the Fill tool find a gradient and fill the layer radially in dark colors. Can be used depending on color #655959 before #3f3535.

Now we need to create another layer with light color. Click on the icon next to the basket. Or in the "Layer" tab top menu select "Create" new layer».

You can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+N. By the way, I recommend that you keep a notebook where you will write down all the hot keys. There are a lot of them in Photoshop, but they make your work much easier.

At first, you can write down the keyboard shortcuts that you use every time. Suppose you forgot - looked and wrote it down again. I managed to remember on my own - there is no need to look for honor, praise and a pen. At one time I studied this way English language. Helps. You sit until the last moment until you remember without prompting, so as not to write the same thing a hundred times.

Fill the top layer in light colors from #cdc6c6 before #948d8d.

Make the drawing a little smaller. To make it shrink proportionally, while you move the mouse, hold down shift on the keyboard. Once finished, apply the changes by pressing Enter.

Click on the layer thumbnail right click mouse and call up an additional menu in which select the “Rasterize layer” function.

In the same menu, also click on “Create a duplicate layer” or use the Ctrl+J button combination.

Now you need to press Ctrl+T, “Transform”, and right-click inside the object, as I described in previous paragraph. Select the Flip Vertical option.

Drag the new layer down; this can be done in its current state. Alternatively, press Enter to finish the transformation, select the Move Tool (overlapping arrows) and drag the new layer down.

Add . A rectangle with a circle inside. I have already described this function in detail. It is somewhat reminiscent of an eraser: it erases objects or makes them transparent.

Now you'll need a gradient again. From black to white, but this time mirrored (indicated by number 3 in the screenshot).

Draw a line somewhere from the middle of the object from the first visible layer to the end of the “reflection”, as shown in the figure.

Be careful when you apply the gradient that the white border should be on the layer mask, the one to the right of the sketch. Double-click on it and you can adjust the density and make the reflection transparent.

Now you need to blur the object a little, since there is no “pure” reflection in nature. Click on the layer's thumbnail to apply edits specifically to it. In my case with the image of an apple. Next, go to the “Filters” – “Blur” – “Gaussian Blur” tab.

Adjust the radius as you like. It all depends on the resolution of the source. In my case 5 is perfect.

You can remove the visibility of the light gradient layer by clicking on the eye next to it, and see how the photo will look on the dark one. All that remains is to choose the best option.

OK it's all over Now. If you liked this tutorial, subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about the world of Photoshop. Now you can create very beautiful pictures on one's own. Well, if you don’t have time to wait, I can recommend the course “ Photoshop lessons improving skills " In it you will find a whole collection of professional techniques and methods.

Well, if you think that your knowledge is not yet enough to increase your level, learn all about the tools in the course " Photoshop from scratch in video format " It will help you learn not just to use some techniques, but to independently figure out how to apply this or that effect of a complex program.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

By mirroring photographs, you can change the perception of the frame and make it more expressive. It is believed that people looking to the right in a photo are perceived more positively than people looking to the left. To the left - as if back into the past. In landscape and city photography, the situation is approximately the same: bridges, rivers, streets going to the right - this is movement into the future.

But, in addition to changing the perception of the image, you can achieve some interesting effects using mirroring and copying.

Let's take a look at how to mirror an image in Photoshop.

Open the image in Adobe Photoshop. Our photo will be opened as a Background layer. And, by default, no changes can be applied to such a layer. This is done on purpose so that when working you always have the original frame. To make it possible to change the base layer, you need to double-click on the lock icon on the right side of the layers panel. This will unlock the layer. Another option is to simply copy the layer and apply all changes to the copy.

In order to mirror a layer in Photoshop, there are two commands. They are on the menu Edit/“Editing” → Transform/“Transformation”.

Flip Horizontal/“Flip horizontally”- allows you to flip a photo horizontally.

Performs vertical mirroring.

Let's look at another example that shows how to mirror a layer in Photoshop and achieve a kaleidoscope effect.

First, let's create a copy of the original layer. To do this, you can either select the menu item Layer/“Layers” → Duplicate Layer…/“Create a duplicate layer…”, or drag the layer icon with the mouse onto the icon for creating a new layer in the layers panel.

Now let's increase the size of the canvas so that all parts of the future “kaleidoscope” are visible.

We need a menu item Image → Canvas Size.

We need to set the parameters in such a way that the canvas expands to the right by an amount equal to the width of the original image - we will add a mirror image on the opposite side. Therefore the settings will look like this:

As an anchor point Anchor/"Location" we set the left edge of the image - it will remain in place. And they indicated that the width of the canvas should increase by 200% relative to the original width. Let's leave the height unchanged for now.

After pressing the button Ok and applying all changes made Photoshop window will look like the picture below.

We make sure that the top layer is active and mirror it relative to the vertical axis using the command Edit → Transform → Flip Horizontal. Then use the mouse to change the location of the two layers so that they align along one of the edges.

For precise and accurate positioning, it is convenient to use the Up, Down, Right and Left keys on the keyboard.

Now let's make a mirror image in another plane.

Let's merge the two current layers into one. This can be done with the command *Layer/“Layers” → Merge Visible/“Merge visible”. Let's increase the canvas size in the same way as we did before, but this time vertically. The anchor point will be at lower limit, and we will increase the height by 200%.

It will turn out like this.

Let's create a copy of the top layer (which already includes the original and mirrored images). And apply the mirror command to this copy Flip Vertical. After that, use the mouse to place the mirrored layer in a new place.

This kaleidoscope effect can be achieved by mirroring pictures in Photoshop.

05.02.2015 27.01.2018

We will make a mirror image in Photoshop in a few minutes. I will describe each step in detail and illustrate everything with pictures. This effect is very often used by designers and photo processors.

I'll show you how to make a mirror image using these fruits as an example. Open the photo in Photoshop.

First we need to select the fruits. To do this, use the Lasso tool, it can be found in the toolbar.

By the way, I recorded a special free video course on Photoshop on the topic "How to highlight in Photoshop". You can download it at . After watching this course, you will easily learn how to select any objects in Photoshop.

Selecting fruits. Upper part You can highlight it with a white background - no problem. But you should try to highlight the bottom one evenly, without unnecessary background, just fruits. Since this part will lie under the image of fruit and serve as a reflection.

Press CTRL+C to copy the selected image. After that, press CTRL+V to paste the image, it will automatically appear on a new layer. This is how we duplicated the image of the fruit. From this copy we will make a reflection.

Now press CTRL+T and the transformation form will appear. Right-click on the fruit, a menu will appear - select "Flip Vertical". This way we turned the image upside down.

Move the reflected fruits down.

Next you need to place them under the fruits that are on top. Press CTRL+T, the transformation form will appear. Move the cursor to the corner of this form, you will see how the cursor will take the form to rotate the image. Now hold down the left mouse button and rotate the image. Turn it so that it stands exactly under the fruit, as if serving as their continuation.

Now set the opacity to 40% for this layer so that the specular reflection is realistic and a little transparent.

It will turn out like this: