Installing and customizing a template on WordPress. How to install a template on WordPress for a beginner

Greetings, dear visitors of the iklife blog.

Surely you know that WordPress is a very functional and multifaceted content management system. With its help, you can turn your website into literally everything you need: from a blog to a full-fledged online store. A huge role is played by the visual component - the theme, or as it is also called, the template. Today I will tell you how to install a template on WordPress. Let's begin.

First in line will be the most common method of installing templates - from a catalog. This option It is notable for the fact that all the themes that are available in the standard admin panel are supplied absolutely free of charge, you can choose any one, click on the install button and the design is ready for use.

However, I hasten to note that to find the desired topic in this very catalog it can sometimes be very difficult. In my opinion, they are very monotonous and simple. And there are not many customization options; all themes, as a rule, do not have any advanced customization functionality. The same cannot be said about premium designs from various stores.

To proceed to installation free themes from the WordPress community, select in side menu: Appearance – Themes – Add new. This will take you to the page of the catalog of free templates for VP.

Presented here simply great amount all sorts of options. To install any of the themes, you just need to move the cursor over the one you want and click on the blue button that appears with the inscription “Install” at the bottom of the picture.

After that, a non-clickable button with installation status will appear in place of this button. If installation is successful, you will be able to see the “Activate” button.

You can do this right away and start customizing the theme, or, if you want, continue searching and installing other options in the catalog. In any case, immediately after the installation is complete, you need to go back a level to see what themes you already have.

On this page you can delete, activate and customize your templates. A link will also be available here with which you can start updating the theme, if it is supported by the developers.

Most Popular free themes are still supported by the authors due to the fact that all such products have a paid PRO version.

Installing free templates using the archive

You can get a free theme in WordPress not only using the native tool. You can download design files as an archive, and then upload them using the admin panel or file FTP manager. In the first case, everything is quite simple, you just need to select “Upload theme” at the top of the catalog. Then point to the downloaded archive.

Choose required file, then click on the corresponding button. Otherwise this method almost no different from the previous one. Installed product you will also need to activate and configure.

Then, if you want, you can delete the topic, but using the standard functionality. To do this, click on established theme and right on the page of the template itself, click on the “Delete” button in the lower right corner.

Installing Premium Themes

And now we have moved on to installing paid templates. In essence, they are almost no different from free ones. Except that paid themes are more thoughtful, optimized for search engines and most likely have their own customization tools that differ from the standard WordPress customizer, we'll talk about that later.

Installing a paid design is also very easy. It is enough to use the previous way installing themes on WP, except that the template itself will be loaded from personal account online store.

Speaking of which, let me tell you about some of them. So, premium templates can be purchased:

  • ThemeForest – largest store digital goods all over the Internet.

It is part of the large Envato company, where in addition to products for VP there are a wide variety of variations. ThemeForest presents a huge number various templates WordPress, suitable for a variety of needs.

Landing pages, blogs, online stores and even business card sites. Here you can find a product for every taste and color. I definitely recommend checking it out here.

However, I hasten to note that this store does not have a Russian-language version of the site. You will have to deal with English, although it is not that difficult. Considering that the interface itself is made in a human-like manner, and anyone, even without knowledge of the language, will be able to figure it out.

  • TemplateMonster is another major supplier of WordPress themes.

So many various options for commercial sites: landing pages, shops, etc.

Unlike the previous store, TemplateMonster templates have Russian-language interface and Russian-speaking support. The site has a full-fledged technical support module, which you can contact with any questions. There are even consultants who can help you choose a product from a huge selection.

I’ll also note here that in addition to premium templates, you can order a unique option for your own website through TemplateMonster. The price, of course, will vary greatly - the cost of creating a unique design starts from $1,000.

  • WPShop is a Russian-language store of themes and plugins for WordPress.

There are not many products there yet, but I hasten to assure that each of them has highest quality And full support our native language.

By the way, in our course “How to create a blog,” we strongly recommend for beginners the Root theme, available in this store. Like all other products, the theme is perfectly optimized for SEO and has convenient tools work for blogs, as well as excellent versatility.

On the Internet you can find other stores with a bunch of different options. Please note that it will be better to buy digital products from reputed stores that are already established in the market and have some reputation. Otherwise, you risk running into scammers or low-quality malicious products.

As I already noted, to install any paid theme, you only need an archive with the files of your theme and admin panel. Go to the design installation page, then select “Upload Theme”.


To change the settings of any product, both free and paid, you have two options:

  1. Native WordPress customizer.
  2. Own customizer from the author (not available everywhere).

Each of these methods will allow you to easily and naturally edit all design parameters on your web resource, forgetting about the pain of html and css codes.

If your own customizer is always individual, and there is no point in considering any specific one, then we can still talk about the standard one. This is what he looks like.

Usually there are not many tabs presented here. But, in rare cases, you may find additional items here.

I’ll briefly tell you about the main points in the WordPress customizer:

  • Site properties: here you can set the name and brief description of the site. In the same paragraph, just below, you can set a favicon (a picture in a browser tab).
  • Colors: Here's everything that concerns color range your design.
  • Header media: picture of a flower above the menu. It can be replaced.
  • Menu: Set up menu items.
  • Widgets: Add, remove and customize widgets.

In general, that's all. Like I said, you might have a little more points. I think it won’t be difficult to figure out what this one is for. new item answers. After all, you can simply go into any of them and, so to speak, “touch” everything by touch.


Today we learned about how you can install a design on WordPress. I am sure that this information will be useful to you when working with your site. Remember that people meet by their clothes, so you shouldn’t lose sight of such an important component of each site as its design. Moreover, installation and configuration takes five minutes.

Here I will allow myself to give you one piece of advice: do not try to find best topic the first time. Sometimes it’s better to stop at one option and understand what you really need. And it happens that people are simply lost because of such diversity. You can reinstall the theme at any time, so you don’t have to be afraid to touch the settings. And if you want to better understand the design for websites, and the websites themselves in general, then I advise you to pay attention to. Here you can understand what it is good design for WordPress and how to interact with it.

Greetings to everyone visiting the site. Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. A few years ago, I didn’t even think about the possibility of creating and maintaining my own blog. She assumed that this required certain skills and that only specially trained people, such as programmers or web designers, could handle it.

Now I realized that this is not so.

Anyone can do this if they have the desire, motivation and certain knowledge. I think you have a desire, for motivation I advise you to read this one, and for knowledge, check out our blog more often.

In the last article I talked about... Next step After installing it, the next step is to choose a template so that your blog has a beautiful and finished look.

WordPress, in my opinion, is the most common platform for creating websites, because you can create any project on it: be it an online store, a blog, a portal. Therefore in open access, there are a huge variety of themes available online that are suitable for WordPress.

I am sure that each of you wants your project to be different from others found on the Internet, so that it is beautiful and attracts as many visitors as possible. Each blog is a prototype of its author, since it is by appearance that we can draw initial conclusions about the author’s character, his taste, etc.

Therefore, choosing “your” template must be approached with all seriousness.

Before installing a template on WordPress, you need to decide on its choice. So let's get started.

What is a theme and its types

A template (theme) is a tool that helps customize the functionality of a website in accordance with the needs and desires of the user. A topic is a collection of files, each of which is responsible for a specific block of information.

Themes can be paid or free. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of free templates, since most beginners will probably want to use them.

Free themes:

Saving Money. To create a web resource, you will only spend money on paying for a domain and hosting.

Easy to use. Free themes have simplified functionality and you can easily figure it out on your own.

Huge selection. You can download and try many themes on your resource and ultimately settle on the one you like best.

- not a unique design. Search engines (Yandex, Google) love everything original and unique. And they try to promote precisely such resources faster and higher. With a non-unique design, you will need more effort and time to promote.

— presence of malicious codes, viruses, links. Very often, free themes contain various garbage that negatively affects the operation of the site. It takes effort to find and remove harmful links.

- difficulty in making changes. To independently refine the theme and add your own touch of uniqueness, you need to have special knowledge. Accordingly, to search up-to-date information and studying it takes time. If you have a problem with free time, you will have to contact specialists. Thus, correcting something in a free theme will require you to either have the time or money to pay for the services of professionals, such as layout designers.

When we were choosing a free template for our other project, we experienced difficulties in choosing a theme. Of all the many templates presented, it was difficult for us to decide on one that was worthy and suitable specifically for us. We spent a lot of time trying on different topics to your blog. If we liked general form and design, then I didn’t like the functionality and vice versa. Thus, we found “our” template only in paid versions.

Which template should you choose?

At the beginning of their journey, most beginners think:

I’ll first try to do everything on a free template, and then when I get promoted and start making money, I’ll buy it. Why invest money now, what if nothing happens?

Did you guess right? Most new bloggers have these thoughts. Our opinion – YOU CAN’T THINK SO! If you start your project with the thought that you might not succeed, then DON'T START, because then you really won't succeed.

Running a website or blog is a kind of business. If you were opening your business in real life, then they would probably invest the first time in the development of the business. So here, the first investment is a template. First you invest, then the return comes.

1. Try different free themes on your project to decide what kind of template you would like to see on your site, what you would like to “dress” your project with (how many columns are in the sidebar, do you need a sidebar on the left or right side, what kind of hat, etc.). Trying out free templates will allow you to imagine what your blog will look like and evaluate what blocks you need for the resource to fully function.

Note: Many themes have a preview feature or demo version. By using it, you will be able to evaluate whether it is suitable for you, without even downloading or using it.

2. Find a similar template and buy it. We often encountered this situation: short version template is free, and the complete one with all options is paid.

3. Install the purchased theme and customize it for yourself, for your project.

How did you choose the template? Which one did you choose: paid or free?

Where to find and buy templates

Finding themes for WordPress will not be difficult, you just need to use search engines(Yandex, Google). When you find something that suits you, download it to a folder on your computer (when we were looking for a theme, we created the “Templates” folder and downloaded everything there).

I’ll write some resources where you can look for templates:


I’ll tell you about the first resource in more detail. This is a platform on which there are many various topics I think that the variety of templates presented will satisfy the taste of any user. By paying once for the template, you will save a lot of your time and effort.

let's consider this resource closer.

By visiting the site, you find yourself on home page. You can select the tab " Best Products” and then “WordPress Theme”.

Will open to your attention different templates. On the right are different categories, which you can use when searching for a specific topic.

By clicking on the name of the template, you can take a closer look at it: watch a demo, read a review containing specifications and hosting requirements, read the details.

If you are happy with everything, buy the template. I will tell you in more detail about the operation of this site and purchasing themes on it in the next article. I advise you to update so as not to miss it.

How to install your chosen Wordpress theme

Installing a template on WordPress is done in a few simple steps.

Step 1. If you found suitable topic on some resource on the Internet, for example on, then you first need to download it to your computer.

Step 3. You can either upload a theme downloaded from any resource or install a theme located in the WordPress panel. For the first option, you need to click “Upload theme”. A window will open for you to select a file on your computer, select the file and click “Install”.

For the second option, you need to hover over the template you like, a window will appear with the “Install” and “View” buttons. By clicking on “Preview” you can evaluate how the selected theme will look on your blog. Accordingly, clicking on “Install” will install it.

As for the templates in the panel, for ease of searching there are sections “Favorites”, “Popular”, “Recent”, as well as a characteristics filter. He will help you select topics according to your requirements and wishes.

That's it! It’s so easy and simple to install a template on WordPress.

And in conclusion, I want to give a couple of tips:

  1. Take your time when choosing a template. Choose what you really like and what will reflect the essence of your site.
  2. Think carefully before choosing between a free and a paid template.

Where do you usually buy themes?

Ekaterina Kalmykova

Hello dear friends!
In today's article I will write about how to install wordpress theme. The article is intended primarily for beginners and in it I will write in detail 2 ways to install a template on a WordPress site. I will say right away that this is done very simply and quickly: smile:.

So, before you proceed to install the template, you need to purchase it somewhere. For this, for example, I know 3 ways:

  1. Download a free template online;
  2. Download on the Internet and remake it appearance;
  3. Order a theme from a web studio or .

The first method is the worst, since it is almost impossible to find a ready-made free template that will immediately suit yours. With any template there will be some flaws that need to be corrected. If you just take standard template and install it on the site, then most likely the resource will not look very professional: smile:. Although I happen different cases, as they say, whoever seeks will always find. But at least you should in this template, if there is one, of course.

For example, I, not wanting to spend money, simply download a free template on the Internet and rework it to suit my taste and theme. Many people believe that the topic must be unique, but for example, I don’t think so. After all, what difference does it make for the visitor? unique code inside or not, the main thing is that the template is pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. Therefore, the second method suits me best: smile:.

Well, let's say you already have a ready-made template on your computer, and you want to install it on your website. To do this I know 2 ways - automatic installation through the site control panel and manually through the hosting control panel. Everything is the same as in the case with . Of course, you can also install the theme on the site via an ftp client, but I don’t really like this option, so I won’t write about it: smile:. So let's get started.

How to install a WordPress template automatically

To install the theme automatically, first go to the control panel of your resource:

Then click on the “Add new” button:

Here we have 2 options. We can already find ready-made templates, to do this you just need to click on the “find themes” button, or we can download the template from your computer. Install ready theme, as you already know, this is not the most the best option, so we will download it from our computer. To do this, click on the “upload file” button:

There is also one more small detail here. Make sure your topic title is English language. This is necessary so that all the files that you upload inside the folder with your theme have English addresses.

After clicking the "install now" button you should see 3 options: see how the theme will look, activate it, or return to the theme page. I advise you to first see how the theme will look, if everything is fine, then you can activate it.

But sometimes it happens that installing a theme in automatic mode If it doesn't work, some error may occur. Therefore, we will use the second method and install the template through the hosting control panel.

How to install a WordPress template manually

In order to install a theme for a site manually, you must first log in to your hosting control panel. Then go to your website, and from there to the folder wp-content/themes. You will see everything in it free templates, which are installed on your site. If you don't need them, you can safely delete them.

Installing the theme is quite simple. Find the “upload file” button or something like that, select a theme on your computer, then click “open” and “upload”. Of course, the buttons will be called differently on each hosting, but I think the meaning of installing the theme is clear, there is nothing complicated.

If after installation your site stops working, then simply go again through your hosting control panel to the “themes” folder and delete this theme.

That's all for me. Now you know how to install wordpress template. Bye everyone.

2 votes

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today you will learn how to install a template on WordPress, where to look for quality designs and how much you can save if you learn how to work with them.

Design is a significant part of any modern proposal. No one will spend a long time on the portal if they are not satisfied with the graphics. In future articles we will talk to you about trends, consider the main provisions, you will learn to satisfy the tastes of your target audience, subscribe to the newsletter. Now we will focus on choosing, installing and modifying WordPress templates.

Why you shouldn’t contact designers

This chapter is primarily intended for beginners. For large companies and people seriously involved in website development, I, of course, advise you to find a responsible employee who will approach the matter conscientiously and fulfill unique orders.

If you are just starting your journey in this field, do not contact designers under any circumstances. There are several reasons for this:

  • They charge a lot of money.

It’s not good, of course, to try to take bread from colleagues in the field of activity, but I don’t want to deceive you. You can already find a lot of articles on the topic of how professional Oleg will do this job perfectly or what kind of return you will get by trusting the most wonderful Vadim in the world.

However, I am telling you about my experience. I'm not happy working with web designers. Sometimes I have to work with them, but it’s up to me... Maybe I was just unlucky, this happens. If you do decide to turn to a professional, I sincerely wish you good luck.

But, in any case, templates are much cheaper than freelance work, that’s a fact. And this is not their last advantage.

  • You pay for what you don't see.

Before you buy and install a theme, you choose it. You immediately understand what you need to change and draw conclusions.

When communicating with the performer, you draw a rough description in the air with your fingers. Perhaps he sees things a little differently. It is not a fact that you will like the final work. I wouldn’t want to harass a person by redoing it. Believe me, after 18 times and long weeks of waiting, you will no longer care. You will agree to any design, just not to continue to languish, dreaming of moving on to the next stage.

  • It is possible (and most likely) that you will be deceived.

If you want a simple design (as understood by the artist), then no one guarantees that he won’t find something suitable among the free themes and won’t work for five minutes on the adjustments that you could do yourself. Over time, you will understand exactly what he did and you will be very sad to find out how much money you wasted.

  • Deadlines.

Designers – creative people. They are often waiting for the muse or working on more profitable orders. At this time you are just sitting, instead of earning money.

One sad thing is the ubiquity of English, but this can be solved, in subsequent articles I will definitely write detailed instructions translation of templates into Russian.

Step by step installation guide

Now, let's talk about how to connect the template. Once you have chosen the theme you like, you need to download it from local computer, this is a small folder in the format .zip. Then you can proceed to installation.

There's nothing complicated about it. Today we will not discuss how to install a template via FTP, because... This will be understandable only to advanced users, and I assume that you are still a beginner.

Login to your WordPress admin panel. If you have not yet paid for hosting and domain or installed the engine, then my site has everything necessary materials that will help with solving these problems. Let me remind you that, most likely, your site now looks like this.

Let's go to the admin panel. To do this, we assign to your domain /wp-admin/. That is: Next, enter the username and password for the administrator panel. I hope you saved them.

Now let's go to "Appearance - Themes".

Select “Add new” at the top of the panel or click on the corresponding icon in the panel under existing topics.

If you, like me, selected the button at the top, then this window appears in front of you. We need to “Load Theme”.

Select a file.

Find it on your computer and click “Open”.

We install.

Let's activate it.

You can go to the website and see what happened.

Now my site looks like this. It’s not that difficult to insert the pictures I need and add texts. But, let's talk about this later.

On the left side of the screen, in the toolbar appeared new button“Customize Theme.”

As you can see, working with such a menu is much easier and more convenient, because here you can find everything you need and correct it using buttons, not code.

You don't have to insert the template into the text. By the way, on at this stage your site already looks something like this. Imagine how much you would spend on self-study and writing code?! And so, a couple of buttons and you're done.

We are far from studying these elements. And in general, it’s not a fact that you will ever start poking around in this terrifying code. It all depends on what decisions you make. Subscribe to the newsletter to simplify and speed up the work on creating your own website.

Video instructions: download and install the theme on WordPress

I took the free cooking theme from here .

We will talk in more detail about how to customize the template for yourself, install your own images and change something in future articles. I wouldn’t want to overload this publication; it’s already quite lengthy.

Now, you can tinker with the settings yourself. If something breaks, then deleting the theme and installing it again is not a problem. Now you know how to do it, go through all the steps discussed in this lesson again.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. In this article I will show you how to install a theme, or as it is also called a template based on the WordPress engine four different ways, to your taste and I will also introduce you to its structure itself in case you want to correct anything in the files of your site in the future.

Let's start with the fact that choosing a theme is a very important event at the initial stage, because the theme (template) should not only correspond to your theme, but also not be too variegated, colorful and crooked. I recommend that you choose a design theme mainly one in which the color structure is very harmoniously followed. That is, the background of the publication itself should be white and the text black. But to be honest, this is not that important if you know at least the basics or have ever tinkered with templates like me ^_^.

If you have had such experience, then it will not be difficult for you to correct the color component in the WordPress theme template , which you liked. So I'm getting distracted, let's continue... In addition to all this, you need to take into account not only the style of the theme, but also its structure, which may be too confusing for a novice webmaster. Basically, they are all similar in design and differ only in the location of the sidebars (columns), which are most often located on the left or right, or on both sides at the same time. By the way, there are also themes that have two sidebars on one side, like, for example, Mikhail Shakin.

There are also topics with and without spoilers. This is a slider that shows publications or just pictures, scrolling through them under the menu. Ok, let's assume that you have already found the theme that you like, if not, just type into Yandex: download translated themes (templates) for WordPress. I recommend downloading from those sites that allow you to preview what the theme looks like in full size. Also, when choosing a topic, consider its translation into Russian. In this case, it will be much easier for you to understand the structure of your site and the ability to change various elements in it.

By the way, I completely forgot to tell you something. Here's a gift from me, a selection good topics(templates) that were prepared by me for my projects. You can download them. The themes are quite beautiful and of high quality, since I once spent three whole days searching for them. By the way, I once had a rather funny story with these templates.

I collected them a long time ago and put them in drive C to the service folders. Since then, I have been denied access to them, despite the fact that I read a mountain of articles on how to remove this bug (error), none of this helped. And now the time has come to write an article on installing a theme (template) on WordPress, and it would be a great sin on my part not to win back these templates from my insidious computer, which appropriated them for itself for six months. Here's the story.

So, once you download the template you need, first check it with any antivirus program on your computer just in case, then unpack the archive, one folder should appear with the name of the theme. If there are any other files, I recommend deleting them, since they often contain . If you open such a file through any html editor, then at the very end you can see a very strange code a whole kilometer long, but located on only one line. This is the virus.

Ok, now open your theme folder, there should be only the following files: header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php, index.php, comments.php, functions.php, page.php, single.php, archive. php, searchform.php, search.php, 404.php style.css, as well as folders with design images. If there are other auxiliary files, such as, for example, fgrs.php, serc.php, etc., then it is better to abandon this topic for two very serious reasons.

Most often, such topics are crooked and very difficult to understand, since what should have been in one file was shoved into another. All this creates confusion, which makes it very difficult later to fix those parts of the site that you don’t like or don’t need. Such files, by the way, are not easy to create. When translating a template into Russian, the programmer inserts a link, most often in the footer.php file (bottom of the blog) to his site in encoded form, when removed, the entire site stops working.

This happens due to the fact that this code is associated with those left files in which the important function for a blog that will not work without finding this link. All this was done so that the webmaster could not even remove the link without breaking the entire site. Of course, this is not always the case and there are auxiliary files, but often they are not needed at all. So, let's get started with the installation.

How to automatically install a theme (template) on WordPress?

1 ) To do this you need to go to your administrative panel blog (admin panel) and in the left column click on “appearance” “themes”. At the top, click on “add new” then “upload”. Here you will need to select the theme archive, which should be on your computer in zip format. If anything, WordPress does not download themes in rar format and displays an error. After downloading the theme, go back to the “appearance” of the “theme” and activate your theme. If something is unclear, look at the pictures below.

2 ) Ok, as you have already noticed, the theme does not need to be downloaded from your computer; it can also be found through the “characteristics filter” that is built into WordPress. Here you can specify by what criteria and keywords to search for a topic (template). By the way, since design themes are created mainly by Europeans, and ours simply translate them, then you need to enter into the search keywords in English, not Russian. In my case it would be , . I also don’t recommend that you set too stringent requirements, otherwise there may not be any topics at all, despite the fact that there are this moment already more than a thousand.

How to manually install a theme (template) on WordPress?

3 ) A long time ago, back in 2007 WordPress engine There was no autoloader for themes or plugins yet, and all this had to be uploaded manually through a special FTP client, which, by the way, is still used by many experienced webmasters, ignoring the ability to upload files through the blog’s administrative panel.

To download the theme you need to open, enter your data, such as: host, login, password and connect to your site. After that, you need to go to the following address: httpdocs (or public_html, www, domains) /wp-content/themes and upload the already unpacked theme to the themes folder, where all the blog themes are stored. After that, you need to activate it in the admin panel, as in the first example.

4 ) Here we come to the very the last method installing a theme (template) on WordPress. You can download it through your hosting website. I will show my example on, which I have been using for quite a long time. By the way, great hosting with cheap prices, I haven’t seen anything better yet. So, there is nothing difficult here, the whole procedure is similar, as with FTP client. In the right column of “service management”, click on “sites” then “file manager”, open the themes folder and upload the already unpacked theme into it. Then we go to the blog and activate it.

Which files in a theme (template) are responsible for what in the WordPress structure?

I think after installing the theme, you will definitely not like something about it, and you will want to fix it, but how will you do this without knowing which files are responsible for what? As I wrote above, a design theme consists of just a few files, which, like a Lego (constructor) piece, puts your entire site together. So here you go clear example and a description of their functions.

header.php– is responsible for creating the top part of the site (header), which contains the logo (header) of the blog, menu and sometimes a spoiler.

sidebar.php– is responsible for forming a sidebar (column), which is located on the left or right depending on the design theme.

footer.php– responsible for forming the bottom of the blog (footer). Most often, left links are hidden in it and various counters are installed.

index.php– is responsible for the formation and output of content (articles, pages).

comments.php– responsible for the formation and operation