Where you can chat. Where can you speak English? English language discussion clubs

The main goal of the service is to learn any language first-hand, from a person for whom this language is native, etc. only this path is the shortest for perfect mastery of a foreign language(for love, meeting foreigners - - ->> inter-perepiska.ru).

The network is international and constantly growing, p.e. it is possible to find representatives of any language groups, incl. Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Italian.

Go to registration on - - - >> .

2. Facebook group for finding foreigners to learn the language.

Very friendly group on Facebook to communicate with foreigners, with over 20,000 members, many foreigners. Join can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learningrussian/

3. Community of foreigners "Learning Russian with Russians" those who want to learn Russian together with real Russians.

The community is small by Internet standards, about 8,000 members, but the people who gather there really want to learn Russian and are open to helping Russian speakers learn any foreign language (English, Spanish, Italian, etc.) that is native to them or that they know well. In order to join the community, you must have a Google account - here is how to get one - https://accounts.google.com/SignUp. A lot of interesting topics are raised that allow you to sense and feel the unknown world of another culture, a different worldview.

Go to community -- - - >> "Learning Russian with Russians".

4. Language group on VK.

Group for learning languages ​​on VKontakte with approximately 6,000 members. A very good, interesting group for learning the language with native speakers. There are many foreigners who are eager to communicate with Russians, especially with Russian girls.

5. English-Russian pen pal club "Edelweiss".

Anglo-Russian respectable, conservative club for meeting English and Russian speakers for various purposes, including exchanging languages, communicating with foreigners, finding a pen pal and even your soul mate, marrying a foreigner.

Think about who you want to communicate with. If you want to talk to friends or family, you can do so on the regular site. If you want to meet and chat with strangers, you will need completely different sites.

  • Use instant messaging services to communicate with friends and family. If you want to talk to someone one-on-one, you can sign up for an instant messaging program or a social network.

    • Facebook is a social site that has an instant messaging program. If you add your friends and family as friends on the site, you can chat with them and exchange messages, photos, and so on.
    • Skype is one of the most popular programs for instant messaging, audio and video calls. It is used by millions of people around the world. Skype is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and any mobile device. MSN Messenger recently evolved into Skype. You can use video chat, text messaging and group chat.
    • Messaging on a mobile device - If you have a smartphone, you will find it easiest to use it for messaging. You can download Snapchat, Kik, Whatsapp programs. Create a profile - it's free.
    • AIM is an instant messaging program. This is a very popular program that is also used by many people around the world. You can communicate with users of this program from an Internet browser or download and install the program on your computer.
  • You can use instant messaging programs in your browser. There are many sites where different groups of people communicate - those sites are called chat rooms. There are group chats and one-on-one chats. Many of them offer video calling and video conferencing right away.

    • Chatroulette and Omegle sites are the 2 most popular chat sites. You will have absolutely no control over who you communicate with. If you have a video camera, you can use it for video chat.
    • There are many anonymous chat rooms available on various sites such as Yahoo chat, Tinychat, Spinchat and many more.
    • Try using Yahoo chat.
  • Use different programs to connect with different groups of people in different countries. You can use the IRC service - many groups of people from different countries communicate on it on all topics that can come to your mind. This site may be quite difficult for a new user to understand, but over time you will get used to it and understand all its advantages, and also appreciate them. Chat even allows users to exchange files with each other.

    • The most popular IRC messaging client is mIRC. You can also use Trillian or Pidgin to connect to IRC servers.
  • Communication on the Internet is an invariable component of the life of any modern person. At the same time, online communication has some unique properties that face-to-face communication cannot boast of. These include:

    • anonymity - not a single person can reveal himself anywhere as much as this can be done on the Internet. At the same time, the user himself determines how much he is ready to open up to a particular interlocutor, which of his character traits he would like to show and which to hide, and, importantly, the person himself regulates the duration of his communication, devoting to it exactly as much time as he can afford;
    • a huge audience of potential interlocutors. Only through the Internet is it possible to communicate with people whom a person has never seen before and, perhaps, will never see;
    • the opportunity to find not only friends with similar interests, but also a life partner, if you’re lucky.

    In our article we will talk about existing programs for communicating on the Internet, discuss their main differences from each other and their advantages for the user. In addition, we will give you some tips on how to more organically join the Internet crowd in order to avoid discomfort and create an interesting social circle for you.

    Programs for communicating on the Internet

    Programs for communicating on the Internet today are quite diverse. Some, by modern standards, are already considered a little outdated, but still hold their positions. Such programs, with the help of which communication via the Internet was initially organized, includes e-mail. By logging into your mailbox on the selected service, you can read and write letters. Examples of such services are mail.ru, hotmail, yahoo.com and other mail sites.

    Of course, mail is great, but first it is logical to find those to whom you can write letters. Traditionally, forums and chats are considered convenient for finding new acquaintances, where you can organize a discussion on a topic that interests you, make inquiries on topics that interest you, receive answers to questions asked, and ultimately form a certain circle of communication, the unifying factor for which will be common professional or personal interests.

    Forums can be highly specialized (for example, a forum about computing and digital technology) or general topics, which cover a variety of topics that are interesting to a specific target audience. There are also universal forums where you can just chat with people “about nothing.”

    A more dynamic program for communicating via the Internet is chats such as ICQ, Skype and others. There are thematic and general chats. It is in chats that you need to be active and quickly respond to events! Probably one of the most common chat programs today is ICQ, and this is quite understandable: the program allows you to quickly and easily communicate with online users. At the same time, the program does not load PC resources and takes up minimal space on the monitor. Using this program you can send files, links to pages, SMS.

    Some useful tips for chat life newbies:

    1. Always say hello when you arrive and goodbye when you leave. This is a basic rule of politeness, do not neglect it.
    2. Try to choose chats with fewer visitors, then there is a greater chance that you will be able to find interesting interlocutors with whom it will be easier to communicate in the future in real life.
    3. Avoid large capital letters! In chats, this is considered a sign of bad taste, since it means shouting, and screamers are not liked.
    4. Add emoticons to your phrases, especially if this is the only way to determine your true attitude to what is written.
    5. Don’t have a complex about inserting yourself into someone else’s conversation. The whole point of chats is that if the conversation is open, the other person can join in at any time. However, intervene as tactfully as possible, do not start communication with accusations or arguments.

    Of course, sooner or later you will be faced with the question, what next? Should we limit ourselves to written communication or meet live with interesting interlocutors? You decide! Most chat rooms traditionally gather in certain places where people can chat with each other live and make new friends.

    Social networks for communication

    Now we invite you to talk about such a modern phenomenon as “social networks for communication.” There are countless of them!

    WhatsApp is currently considered the most popular service for communication around the world. The program can be installed on any mobile device and is suitable for any operating system; WhatsApp can be used by Apple fans, BlackBerry lovers, and owners of Windows Phone smartphones. The essence of the program is that it searches for all users known to it by phone numbers, with its help you can send text messages to these users for free during the first year of using the application, and starting from the second year, pay $1 per year for this service. In addition to text correspondence, using this service you can exchange photo, video and audio files.

    A program similar to WhatsApp that uses the subscriber’s number as a subscriber identifier is Viber. In addition to the listed functions, the program makes voice calls. And unlike its main competitor, this program is free.

    The ChompSMS/Textra program has been developed specifically for the Android platform. This program sends a message to any number, bypassing the mobile operator’s network, but not for free, but in accordance with the prices on the official website.

    Naturally, we couldn’t ignore the global giant – Facebook Messenger! This program allows you to exchange text messages with friends from Facebook without going to the network's website, as well as view your news feed and notifications. In addition to text messages, you can also send voice messages, but only if you are in a Wi-Fi zone.

    The developer of the most famous social network in our country, VKontakte, Pavel Durov, created the Telegram messenger, which is essentially similar to WhatsApp. One feature is that sent messages can be prohibited from being forwarded to anyone else and the program can be configured so that they self-destruct after some time. Registration is carried out by phone number.

    Surely we will not be mistaken if we say that the main purpose of using social networks is to communicate with the opposite sex on a variety of topics. And indeed, communicating with a girl on the Internet is easier and simpler for those who find it difficult to overcome their shyness and start freely communicating with a person immediately after seeing him for the first time in their life. In this context, social networks play the role of a kind of “bringer” - when people communicate with each other for some time, get used to the communication style, and subsequently it is easier for them to interact in reality. However, we should not forget that not a single one, even the most advanced chat or forum, can replace a sincere conversation face to face in the company of a pleasant interlocutor. So get acquainted, communicate, find new friends and be sure to meet! We wish you good luck!

    Learning to speak English fluently is the dream of every student. And this can only be done with constant speaking practice. Where can you chat with native English speakers and other people learning English? Today we will tell you about the “habitats” of English-speaking citizens on the Internet and offline.

    Where to communicate in English offline

    1. English language discussion clubs

    I do not have anyone to talk to? Find someone to talk to in English! Joining English speaking clubs is inexpensive and will allow you to speak English with language enthusiasts. Often a native speaker is also present at such meetings; do not miss the opportunity to communicate with him. How to get the most out of visiting such a club? The topic of communication at the event is usually announced in advance. Prepare for the conversation: find and learn new vocabulary on the desired topic, master several useful conversational structures that you have long wanted to learn. At the event itself, try to use all your “blanks”: what you use in your speech will be remembered for a long time.

    2. Meetings of couchsurfers

    Two undoubted advantages of such meetings are that they are free, and at least one native speaker is present. Topics for communication are chosen on the spot, so there is no way to prepare for them. But spontaneous communication promises to be interesting and informative. You can read more about couchsurfing in the article by our teacher Victoria, “Practice English with Couchsurfing.”

    3. Chatting with friends

    The most interesting option is to speak English with someone you know well. Find some of your friends who are learning English and start a discussion club in a nearby cafe or at someone's home. The advantage of such meetings is that everyone knows each other and is not embarrassed to speak with an accent or make mistakes - that is, psychologically it will be easier for you to talk with friends than with strangers. In the article “” you will find 15 more valuable ideas on how to get rid of difficulties that arise while speaking in a non-native language.

    4. English courses

    Communication will be paid, but varied. You will be able to talk with both your classmates and the teacher. The advantage of the courses is that you have the opportunity to hear English spoken by a variety of people with different accents. Moreover, the teacher will be able to find mistakes in your speech and suggest how to correct them. On the other hand, if your classmates make mistakes, you risk catching them.

    5. Lessons with a tutor

    Pleasure is not cheap. But you will be given 100% of the time in class, and you will be able to not just say a couple of phrases, as when communicating in a discussion club or a meeting of couchsurfers, but speak throughout the entire lesson. At the same time, your speech errors will be noticed and corrected, which no one does at free events.

    6. Language courses abroad

    Language courses abroad are incredibly interesting. But will they bring the desired result? The most expensive option of the above. On the one hand, this is the most interesting way to learn a language: you will visit another country and gain experience communicating with native speakers. On the other hand, judging by the reviews of former students, not all courses bring the desired effect. Today you can find several dozen schools offering study courses abroad; choosing a really good one from them is quite difficult. But, compared to other options, courses abroad provide you with the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in the language environment for the entire period of study.

    Where can I speak English online?

    1. Specialized online services

    There are special sites where you can communicate with native English speakers completely free of charge. You can find someone to talk to on the resources italki.com, es.coeffee.com, polyglotclub.com. Some native speakers may offer you just a conversation, others a language exchange. That is, you will learn English and help your new friend master Russian or any other language that you speak well.

    2. Correspondence sites

    Sites where you can find pen pals will also be useful to you. Some of the most popular are interpals.net, pen4pals.com and mylanguageexchange.com. There you can find a pen pal, chat for a while by e-mail, and understand whether you would be interested in talking with this person “live.” And after that, you can safely offer your interlocutor communication via Skype.

    3. Dating sites

    An option for the bravest and those who want to find their soulmate far from their home country. You can search for an interlocutor in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. Be careful when choosing a new friend: not all people on such resources are adequate, but sometimes you can find a completely decent and pleasant native speaker there.

    The main disadvantage of this and the two above methods of communication is that you will be taught by an ordinary person, and not by a qualified teacher. That is, they are unlikely to be able to clearly explain to you the grammar or subtleties of using this or that construction. But such communication will help get rid of the language barrier.

    4. English courses via Skype

    Spoken English via Skype is a great opportunity to improve your speaking. The option is not free, but it is effective. English classes via Skype are conducted using a communicative method, so you will speak 70% of the lesson time. In addition, you will communicate with an experienced English teacher, Russian-speaking or native speaker. - the only option for an online conversation in which you can not only talk about topics that interest you, but also improve your grammar, master some specific vocabulary, etc. You can read the article “” to find out how our teachers teach their students communicate in English.

    As you can see, there are many places where you can speak English online and offline. To improve your speaking skills correctly, we recommend using 14 tips from the article “”. Remember, not only will you not be able to pull the fish out of the pond without difficulty, but you will also not find an interlocutor to improve your spoken English. Therefore, choose the option of finding an English-speaking friend that interests you and talk to him as often as possible.

    Have a good time, make new acquaintances, find like-minded people, get useful advice - for this there are forums on the Internet for interests and chat rooms for communication.

    Using them is not difficult at all - just study our recommendations.

    Shall we chat? Chat is a place on the Internet where people communicate with each other in real time and exchange instant messages.

    By the way, the word “chat” came into Russian from English, in which “chat” means “chatter.”

    This communication looks like this: in front of you is a list of people who are currently in the chat. Click on the name of the person you want to talk to, type a message on the keyboard and press Enter - your message will immediately appear on the Internet. All chat participants will see it. And if a person wants, he will print you an answer. In the same way, you can send a message to everyone.

    Well, if you need the message to be seen by only one person - the one to whom it is addressed - you can make it personal (private). Typically this feature is called “Send Private Message.” Sometimes they also say “write in a personal message.” Usually, to do this, just click on the user’s nickname and send him a private (personal) message.

    Chat is usually part of the site. For example, there is a games portal games.ru, and on it there is a chat for communication:

    But there are portals that are created only for chatting:

    How to register to chat

    In most cases, you will need to register before you can chat. Come up with a login (that is, a name under which you will appear in the chat). Usually people do not indicate their real names, but make up others. In Internet slang they are called.

    Then create a password using numbers or letters of the English alphabet. In the email field, enter your email address. Afterwards you will see a picture with distorted numbers or letters. In the empty field next to the picture you need to enter the characters from the picture - this is how the site checks whether you are a human or a bot. Finally, after you have completed all the forms, click the “Submit” button.

    You may now be prompted to log into your email to complete your registration. There you will receive a letter from the chat, which you need to open, read and follow the link to the chat (the letter will tell you exactly where to click).

    After this, you will be able to enter the chat, indicating the nickname you came up with during registration and the password. However, some chats do not require registration.

    5 rules for chatting

    To make chatting enjoyable, remember five simple rules:

    • Dating and communication should be unobtrusive. Ask your interlocutor about his mood, opinion about music, weather, politics.
    • Don't be afraid to joke and change the direction of the conversation abruptly - this will relieve boredom.
    • Sometimes the chat creates a series of rooms for communication based on interests - try to follow the main topic in this room.
    • When leaving the chat, do not forget to say goodbye to your interlocutors and, perhaps, agree on the time of the next conversation.

    Free chat without registration as your online consultant

    Chat rooms can often be found on websites offering various services. These are more likely not even chat rooms, but online consultants. You can ask questions and get answers almost immediately. If you have questions or doubts, then such a free chat without registration is quite convenient.

    An example of an online consultant is the free chat site sweb.ru, which offers professional paid hosting services.

    Rice. 1 Free chat of paid hosting sweb for consultations

    By clicking on the “LiveChat” button on the sweb website, circled in a red frame in Figure 1, we get into the chat (Figure 2).

    Rice. 2 How to ask a question to an online consultant in chat?

    The communication algorithm in this chat is simple, namely:

    • Enter your email (number 1 in Fig. 2).
    • We print the question (number 2 in Fig. 2). For speed, you can first type the question in a text editor. Then select it and press the hot keys Ctrl+C. This will copy the question into a text editor. Then click the mouse in the chat and press the Ctrl+V keys. After this, the question will appear in the chat.
    • Click on the “Chat” button.
    • We are waiting for a response from the online operator. If there are still questions after the operator’s answer, we print them and wait for an answer.

    You can also find a legal or medical (or other) site on the Internet, enter a free chat without registration and get online consultation on an issue of interest.

    Interest forums

    A forum is a separate site or section of a site intended entirely for communication. It looks like a set of discussion sections. Inside them, visitors can create topics and discuss them. Therefore, unlike a chat, any forum has a hierarchy: section - topic - message.

    As a rule, the forum does not discuss everything in a row, but some specific topics (in Internet slang they are called “topics”), and its participants are united by common hobbies and ideas.

    So, forums are very useful if you are trying to get an answer to any question. After all, many people read them, and some of them may turn out to be experts in what concerns you. Moreover, this will be effective not only for you - the amount of valuable information on the Internet is increasing. Help other people too if you know the answers to the questions that concern them. After all, the World Wide Web appeared because people wanted to exchange experiences.

    Let's say you are passionate about landscape design and want to transform your dacha. There are many publications, books, and magazines on this topic on the World Wide Web, but difficulties still sometimes arise. If something is unclear or doesn’t work out, you can’t do it without help. It's great to have someone to ask. But if there is no such person nearby, interest forums help.

    Just find forums on a topic that interests you, register (the registration process is the same as described above for registering in a chat) and start communicating with like-minded people. True, on a forum (unlike a chat), the answer will not always come immediately, because communication is delayed in time: a message in the forum is stored indefinitely, and a response to it can be received in a day, a week or a minute.

    How to find a forum of interest?

    Finding the forum you need is not difficult. To do this, enter into a search engine, for example, google.ru or www.yandex.ru, the word “forum” and the topic you are interested in - “movie forum” or “cars forum”, etc.

    Of course, forums have also been created for older people. For example, “Advanced Pensioner Forum”. Here is his address: forum.pc-pensioneru.ru.

    Rice. 3 Advanced Pensioner Forum

    The forum discusses topics related to mastering the computer and solving problems that arise when working on a computer.

    www.age60.ru – or “Forum of Young Pensioners”. A wide variety of issues are discussed here, from nutrition to movies. The activity of the forum can be judged by the number of messages: there are topics where it exceeds 14 thousand.

    Interest groups on Subscribe

    Instead of forums based on interests, you can find interest groups at subscribe.ru/group/, where there are more than 7,000 groups - you can find groups based on your interests.

    Rice. 4 Group on Subscribe “Computer literacy”

    This group discusses issues related to computer and Internet literacy.

    Commenting on blogs and websites

    Some sites even hold commentator competitions with cash prizes. The idea of ​​such competitions is simple. The site author needs to receive comments on his site. In order for visitors to have an “interest” in writing comments, the author of the site pays some cash prizes to 2-3 commentators who left the largest number of comments.