When you turn on windows boot manager. Windows Boot Manager: what is it? Basic concepts, errors and methods for correcting them

The operating system starts on the computer with Windows startup boot manager operating systems. This subroutine runs everything necessary for normal functioning systems processes.

Windows boot manager complex of programs and commands, responsible for booting the system and initializing computer components. Its operation allows you to boot the operating system (OS) on your computer. Since it is a complex of components, it is impossible to influence it directly. Eat special utility, located in the "" section when opening " msconfig».

Through this window, modules are connected or disabled in the launch configurator, which changes the settings of bootmgr (short name for the boot manager).

Interaction between Windows boot manager and BIOS

In general, it can be argued that the functions of the BIOS and bootmgr complexes are interrelated and somewhat similar. First starts all components computer, puts them into operation and configures the ability to exchange commands between the user and the computer. Second after that takes control on itself and launches others system programs, to which control will be given later. The following diagram most clearly illustrates the procedure for transferring control of a computer to the operating system.

The starting order means that when BIOS initialization turns on system disk(not a disk partition, but a hard disk with an OS), where bootmgr is located, which is unloaded into RAM. Next under Windows management boot manager is happening launching OS components and control passes to them.

Download Manager Features

When the OS starts, the following actions are performed:

  • initialization of components computer for working as part of the system;
  • kernel write OS to RAM;
  • initial setup loaded kernel;
  • transfer of control core.

Next time the manager will be called only at system startup. It will be in standby mode while the computer is turned on.

Bootloader types

It should be noted that for the Windows operating system there are only 2 types of bootloaders: NTLDR andBootmgr. Other operating systems use their own. Regardless of which manager is used, you can only make it work with another through the BIOS.

Loader location

Physically Windows Boot Manager located on the hard drive. But you won’t be able to access it through Explorer (except when the configuration is done specifically for this purpose). The physical location of the manager is tied to the hidden system partition on the disk - “”.

Bootmgr structure

The structure is entirely owned Microsoft, so the file was disassembled by enthusiasts and not fully studied. Basic information concerns the order of using components: MBR - PBR (VBR) - BOOTMGR - winload.exe - NTOSKRNL.EXE - HAL.DLL. Let's try to understand the purpose of these components:

  1. MBR– main bootloader record (approximate translation). This is the first 512 bytes of the media, which stores basic information about the initialization of the device and its contents. This information tells you what to download and from where.
  2. PBR (VBR) – partial bootloader entry (or partition bootloader entry). Control passes to it when the MBR provides information about all PBRs present on the disk. In turn, this record stores information about which code needs to be run first.
  3. BOOTMGR– download manager. It is referenced by PBR during computer startup. From the moment this utility starts working full download Windows 7, 8 or 10. This is where you prepare for the system to start. Within this utility, the disk controller is reset (transferring powers from previous elements to the next) and the bus, which is responsible for the operation of the devices, is initialized.
  4. Winload. exe– launches drivers within the OS. This in turn allows Windows to take control of the computer.
  5. NTOSKRNL.EXE– operating system kernel. This element is responsible for full launch Windows.
  6. HAL.DLL– an abstraction library that allows other components to freely interact with real computer elements.

But Bootmgr itself has not yet been fully studied. Conventionally, it is divided into the following blocks:

  • 16-bit segment. There are only theories, because interpreting the code is difficult. This code fragment is responsible for preliminary preparation processor to start loading.
  • P.E.-image. Enthusiasts are at a loss about its purpose. The most plausible theory is that this is a dummy that will be filled in later with the necessary data.
  • Packed bootloader. Based on the theory about the previous section, it follows that after recording the image, the bootmgr.exe file will be used, the task of which is to process the previous “blank”, filling it with the necessary information.

The complexity of disassembling the code and reading it later slows down learning the boot manager. And it doesn’t make it one bit easier for the user to correct his mistakes.

Disabling the download manager

You can disable Windows Boot Manager in the BIOS. Directly instead of initializing the selected system, another will be initialized from the specified location. IN " Boot Priority» BIOS is set another launch queue.

Common mistakes

The download manager has the following errors.

Bootmgr is missing

This error indicates that the manifest is missing on the disk. It can occur in different situations:

Solving these problems is possible through installation correct order boot into BIOS. If the file is damaged, then the next paragraph will indicate the solution.

Bootmgr is compressed

An error occurred when starting the component. This event may be the result of a damaged hard drive or bootmgr itself. The fix is ​​complex, but still accessible even to the average user.

Will need to find installation diskWindows, start the OS installation and go to the point where you select the installation location. Instead of crashing your hard drive, go back a step and run command line. It is introduced into next command: bootrec.exe /fixmbr. Thus it will be written standard view boot manager and Windows can start in normal mode. This measure is extreme!

The method also fixes the problem - Bootmgrismissing.

Windows boot manager boot failed

This is an error when starting bootmgr itself. Overall it helps fix this problem. But if it repeats after a reboot, the method described above will be more useful.

Is not full list errors, but rewriting the component is almost guaranteed to solve them. Otherwise, the hard drive is extremely likely to fail and must be replaced.

Today, all users who work with computers know that it is impossible to do this without an operating system. Thus, the operating system must first boot, and after that you can use all its functions. Taking this into account, the question becomes relevant, which is related to Windows component Boot Manger.

In this article we need to try to understand in more detail what it is. In addition, you need to pay attention to some fairly common types of errors that can occur during the system startup process.

Windows Boot Manager: what is it?

You should start from the very basics. First you need to consider yourself Windows term Boot Manager. It's not hard to guess what it is. It is enough to simply translate this phrase from in English into Russian. The translation is: “manager Windows boot" In other words, these are system programs that allow you to load all the required components of any operating system in order to ensure not only its interaction with the user through its interface, but also to organize correct work all “hardware” components through their preliminary identification and configuration. Windows Boot Manager (Windows 8, 7 or 10) loaders in architecture IBM computers PC represent software, which is contained in the BIOS, and recorded in computer system ROM. We should consider the main functions of bootloaders and determine how they work.

Main functions of Boot Manager Windows 7, 8, 10 As you know, loading the operating system cannot always be done only with hard drive. Most simple example are network operating systems, where the start of all components of the operating system, even on terminals that do not have their own hard drives, can be done through local network, when the main “mother” OS resides on a remote server.

When considering the main purpose of the bootloader and its functions, it should immediately be noted that when the device starts, it makes it possible to select the type of operating system desired. This is suggested when there are several of them installed. In addition, you can bring the “hardware” components of the terminal to the state required for startup, load the system kernel into random access memory (RAM) and into the device ROM (if the startup is done over the network), and generate the basic kernel parameters.

Types of bootloaders Today, there are many types of boot managers for operating systems. For example, for network “operating systems” created on Windows based NT, these are:

NTLDR (kernel loader) service;
Windows Boot Manager itself, which is a kernel loader for systems starting with Vista, in the form of the files winload.exe and bootmgr.exe;
LILO (loading system Linux kernels);
BootX (bootloader for Mac systems OS X);
SILO (typically used with Solaris systems supporting the SPARC architecture);
Bootman (manager for BeOS) and others.

For the reason that this article discusses the operating Windows system,Boot Manager interacts with the boot process both at the BIOS ,hardware level and using system files. For example, the boot paths of operating systems with the definition of some main parameters exist in the configuration of the boot.ini file, which is known to many.

Download errors

It's a shame, but there are situations when the bootloader crashes. And that's putting it mildly. The most common error is the problem of its initialization. The message appears Windows type Boot Manager boot failed. Sometimes there are notifications like BOOTMGR is compressed or BOOTMGR is missing with a suggestion for a further restart using the standard combinations Ctrl+ Alt + Del.

Basic fixes

Next, we need to consider what can be done to correct this unpleasant situation. So there is a Windows Boot Manager error. What can be done about this? First, it is proposed to use elementary methods that make it possible to restore the bootloader. In the most simple version there is an option to simply download from installation disk with the system or use something like a Live CD. IN in this case you just need to go to the console and select to start system recovery with further instructions control point.

If this does not help, you must select the boot recovery partition in the same console. This usually helps. This solution is especially relevant when failures are associated with software part, not with physical damage Winchester. In some cases, problems may occur due to the fact that the system disk has been compressed in order to save space. It is worth noting that this is not advisable. In this situation, after booting (from the same Live CD), you need to go to “Explorer”, and then in properties system partition uncheck the compression option. Next, in the console menu, you need to use the command line, and then enter several commands in sequence. When the system drive is designated with the letter “C”, the sequence will be as follows:

1. From:.
2. Expand bootmgr temp.
3. Attrib bootmgr -s -r –h.
4. Del bootmgr/
5.Ren temp bootmgr/
6. Fttrib bootmgr -a +s +r +h.

There is probably no need to remind you that after each command you need to press the enter key. The results of these commands should not be given so that the average user does not strain his brain. For the average user, it is enough that they function and are able to restore the bootloader. If such methods do not help, you will have to use drastic methods in the form of the commands bootrec.exe /FixMbr, bootrec.exe /FixBoot and bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd. However this method It is better to use only if all of the above does not help.

Thus, this is all that can be briefly described about what Windows Boot Manager is. Surely, the reader will immediately understand what’s what after reading this material. Of course, there may be many more problems and errors, as well as ways to fix them, than described in the article, but the methods described are the most common. Finally, it should be noted that if for certain reasons the boot area of ​​the hard drive is damaged or deleted system folder operating system, which is also quite common, usually none of the above options helps. Thus, it remains or execute hard testing disk, or reinstall the operating system again.

The article answers the questions: Windows Boot Manager: what is it? The main concepts, errors and ways to correct them are considered. Perhaps this material will be useful for large number users who will learn valuable lessons that can be useful in life when using a computer.

The first versions of Windows did without a bootloader, since they could only be called full-fledged operating systems conditionally. Essentially it was graphical shells– programmable add-ons for MS-DOS. The bootloader that appeared in systems based on NT technology (Windows 2000 and Win XP) was called NTLDR and had an additional configuration file boot.ini, which listed all the operating systems loaded on the machine and indicated the order in which they would be loaded. The boot.ini file is a regular one text file With clear structure, easy to edit.

New Windows boot loader received with exit Vista versions. It is called "Windows boot manager" and has one interesting feature– enters information about yourself in the section Bios downloads. This information looks like an indication of the name of the service itself and the name of the partition from which the operating system is loaded. Approximately as shown in the figure below:

As usual, when the computer starts, the BIOS reads this information and creates a menu for selecting the operating system, which is ultimately presented to the user. After a number of reinstallations of an OS such as Windows, this list becomes cluttered, and it becomes difficult to figure out which system corresponds to a specific line in the start menu.

In addition, a long list of unused operating systems looks extremely unaesthetic and annoying by its very presence. In XP and Win 2000 this problem The solution was very simple: you opened the boot.ini file in notepad and deleted unnecessary lines. After saving the edit, the items corresponding to the deleted entries disappeared from the boot menu.

It could have been done differently: use the system tools for editing the download list, but both of these options are completely equivalent and boil down to adjustments to the specified file.

In older versions Windows file Boot.ini is missing. And we, obviously, will have to deal with the BIOS, since this is where entries similar to those previously written to the file are contained. How can I edit this list?

BCD and its parameters

If you delve into the depths file system seniors Windows versions, then you can find a hidden small partition with the Boot folder in it. This is where the so-called boot configuration data store is located, represented by a file called BCD. Unlike boot.ini, this file does not allow direct editing manually.

To manage the data it contains, a command line interface is used. But before you start entering commands into the console, you need to at least get acquainted with the structure of the storage.

For each loading point there is a separate BCD record containing the following fields (we will describe only the parameters that are significant for us):

  • Item ID – individual number in GUID format, which uniquely identifies each OS installed on the disk.
  • The partition of the hard drive from which Windows starts (device parameter).
  • Relative path to the bootloader (path parameter).
  • The name of the menu item visible to the user when the computer starts (description parameter).
  • The language used by the menu (locale parameter).
  • ID of the OS booted by default (default parameter).
  • The order of the line in the menu (displayorder parameter).
  • Timeout for waiting for user selection (timeout parameter).

Instead of viewing storage records on the console screen, you can view them in a more comfortable environment. To do this, you need to enter a command like BCDEDIT > C:\bcd.txt to redirect the output to a text type document, and then view its contents with any editor. Please note, edit BCD in text editor it is forbidden!

Editing BCD in the console

Now let's see how you can delete an entry from the BCD without affecting all the others. This is a common task: let’s say we no longer use the OS located on a particular partition (it may even be damaged), but a record of it remains in the storage, and therefore in boot menu the corresponding line remains. Approximately the same information remains in Computer BIOS. If we enter the command: bcdedit ID, where ID is the identifier of the Windows being removed, then all this information will be lost. We will no longer see them either in the menu or in the BIOS, and this is exactly what we are trying to achieve. An example of such a command.

Today, absolutely all people who work with computers know that without interaction between the machine and the user it is impossible. It goes without saying that the operating system must first boot, and only then can you use all its functions. In this regard, a question often arises related to the Windows Boot Manger component. We will try to figure out what this is. At the same time, let's look at some of the most common types of errors that may appear during system startup.

Windows Boot Manager: what is it?

Let's start with the basics. First, let's look at the term Windows Boot Manager itself. It’s not hard to guess what it is if you simply translate this phrase from English into Russian - “Windows boot manager”.

In other words, which allow you to download everything necessary components any OS to ensure not only its interaction with the user through its own interface, but also to organize the correct operation of all “hardware” components by means of their preliminary identification and configuration.

As for Windows Boot Manager (Windows 8, 7 or 10), such boot loaders in architecture are software contained in the BIOS and written into the computer system ROM. To make it clearer, let's look at the main functions of bootloaders and determine how they work.

Key features of Boot Manager Windows 7, 8, 10

If anyone doesn't know, booting cannot always be done only from the hard drive. The simplest example would be network operating systems, in which all operating system components, even on terminals that do not have their own hard drives, can be launched via a local network, when the main “mother OS” is located on a remote server.

If we talk about the main purpose of the bootloader and its functions, we can immediately note that when starting the computer, it allows you to select the type of desired OS (if there are several of them installed), bring the hardware components of the terminal to the state required for startup, and loads the system kernel into RAM (RAM), and in the case of a network start - in the ROM of the device, generates the basic parameters of the kernel, after which it transfers control of the system to it.

Bootloader types

Today there are quite a few types of operating systems. For example, for network operating systems based on Windows NT, this is the NTLDR service (kernel loader), in fact, the Windows Boot Manager itself (kernel loader for systems starting with Vista, in the form of winload.exe and bootmgr.exe files), LILO (boot system Linux kernels), BootX (boot loader for Mac OS X systems), SILO (mainly applied to Solaris systems supporting the SPARC architecture), Bootman (manager for BeOS), etc.

Since we are considering Windows OS, Boot Manager (what it is is probably already a little clear) interacts with the boot process not only at the BIOS hardware level, but also through system files. For example, the boot paths of operating systems, indicating some basic parameters, are contained in the configuration of the familiar boot.ini file (boot initializer).

Download errors

Unfortunately, very often there are situations when the bootloader, to put it mildly, “crashes”. The most common error is a problem with its initialization (a message like Windows Boot Manager boot failed).

In some cases, you can see messages like BOOTMGR is compressed or BOOTMGR is missing with a suggestion for a subsequent restart using standard combination Ctrl + Alt + Del.

The simplest fix methods

Now let's see what can be done to correct this unpleasant situation.

So we have Windows error Boot Manager. What to do in this case? First of all, you can use the simplest methods to restore the bootloader. The simplest option is to simply boot from the installation disk with the system or use something like a Live CD.

Here you just need to go to the console and select to start, followed by a checkpoint. If this does not help, in the same console select the boot recovery section. In many cases, in particular, if the failures are related to the software part and not to physical damage to the hard drive, this helps.

Sometimes problems can arise because the system disk has been compressed to save space, which is generally not recommended. In this case, after booting from the same Live CD, go to “Explorer”, and then in the properties of the system partition, uncheck the compression option, after which we select the command line in the console menu, and after that you will need to enter several commands sequentially.

If the system drive is named "C", the order will be as follows: c:, then expand bootmgr temp, then attrib bootmgr -s -r -h, now del bootmgr, then ren temp bootmgr and finally attrib bootmgr -a +s +r +h.

After each command, as is already clear, the enter key is pressed. The results of these commands are not given on purpose, so that the average user, as they say, simply does not overload his brain. It is enough that they work and restore the bootloader.

If this does not help, we use drastic methods in the form of the commands bootrec.exe /FixMbr, bootrec.exe /FixBoot and bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd. But this method is best used only if all of the above did not help.


That, in fact, is all that can be said very briefly about Boot Manager. What this is, probably became clear to the reader after reading the material. Naturally, there may be more problems and errors, as well as methods for correcting them, than are described in this article, however, the most common ones have been described. Finally, I would like to draw the attention of users to the fact that if for some reason the boot area of ​​the hard drive was damaged or the system folder of the “OS” was deleted (yes, yes, this also happens), in most cases none of the above methods will help. You'll either have to test HDD, or reinstall the system again.