What does bios provide? BIOS system and its settings. Initialization and testing of computer nodes

Read, how to access BIOS or UEFI settings and how to change their settings. The computer's BIOS is the first thing that loads when the computer starts. It initializes the hardware before loading the operating system from hard drive or other device. Many low-level computer system settings are only available in the BIOS. Modern computers mostly already come with UEFI, which is the successor to the traditional BIOS. But these firmwares have a lot in common. Sometimes even UEFI interface difficult to distinguish from BIOS.


BIOS and UEFI: what is the difference

BIOS stands for “Basic Input/Output System” ("Basic I/O System") and is a firmware that is stored on a chip on a computer's motherboard. When you turn on your computer, before it starts loading the operating system from the hard drive, the BIOS loads and tests the computer's hardware.

UEFI stands for “Unified Extensible Firmware Interface” ("Extensible Firmware Interface"), which replaced the traditional BIOS. This interface firmware supports boot partitions larger than 2 TB, more than four partitions on one hard drive, boots faster and has more modern features and opportunities. For example, only UEFI systems support the “ Secure Boot”, which prevents hacking and unauthorized use OS protects the boot process from rootkits.

At normal use computer for the user does not matter the BIOS on the computer or UEFI. Both interfaces control low-level hardware functions and are launched during computer startup, designed for correct initialization hardware when turning on the system. Both have interfaces with which you can change a large number of system settings. For example, set the boot order, configure overclocking options, protect your computer with boot password, enable virtualization support at the hardware level, as well as other low-level features.

How to access BIOS or UEFI settings

On different computers installed different ways access to BIOS or UEFI. But, in any case, you will need to restart the computer. To get to the BIOS menu, you must press a certain key while the computer boots. As a rule, which key needs to be pressed is indicated on loading screen computer: “Press F2 to access BIOS”, “Press to enter setup”, etc. The most common keys that must be pressed in order to get into the BIOS are: Del, F1, F2, F10 or Esc.

Often, to get into UEFI you need to press the same keys as for the BIOS. But to find out for sure, it is better to read the manual of your computer or motherboard.

On Windows 8 or 10 computers, you may need to go to the boot menu to access UEFI. To do this, select your computer's Start menu while holding the Shift key.

The computer will reboot in a special boot menu, in which select Diagnostics / Extra options / UEFI Firmware Settings.

How to change BIOS or UEFI settings

As we mentioned above, the appearance of the BIOS or UEFI menu on different computers may differ. BIOS has text interface which can only be navigated using the arrow keys, and selections can be made by pressing the Enter key. The keys that can be used in the menu you are in are listed at the bottom of the screen or on the right (depending on the firmware configuration).

UEFI usually has GUI which can be navigated using the mouse and/or keyboard. But many computers still use a text interface, even with UEFI.

Be careful in the BIOS or UEFI menus and only make changes to settings if you are sure of what you are doing. Making changes to certain settings(especially overclocking) can make your computer unstable or even damage your hardware.

Some settings are less dangerous than others. For example, changing the boot order (Boot Order or Boot Device Priority) are less risky, but difficulties may arise as a result. If you change the boot order and delete HDD from the list boot devices, then Windows will not boot on the computer until their order is restored.

Even if you know exactly what you are looking for, on different computers, on different BIOS and UEFI, the same menu may be in different places and have a different look. Therefore, it is better to use supporting information for each menu, which deciphers what a particular menu means.

For example, menu "Enable Intel's VT-x virtualization technology" usually found somewhere on the menu "Chipset". But on some computers you need to look for it in the menu "System Configuration". This menu usually has a name « Virtualization Technology» , but can also be called “Intel Virtualization Technology”, "Intel VT-x", “Virtualization Extensions”, or "Vanderpool" etc.

If you cannot find the necessary menu in your BIOS, then look at the manual for your computer, motherboard or on the manufacturer's website.

After necessary settings have been implemented, you must select "Save Changes" to save your changes and restart your computer. You can also select "Discard Changes" to restart your computer without saving changes.

If, after changing the settings, problems begin to occur in the computer, then try to find an item in the BIOS or UEFI menu called “Reset to Default Settings” or “Load Setup Defaults”. This will reset the BIOS or UEFI settings to those set by the manufacturer by default, canceling all changes made by the user.

Basic input-output system or BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) intended for an initial check of the functionality of the equipment when starting the computer. If this test runs without errors, the BIOS transfers further control of the hardware to the operating system loader.

The entire BIOS market in the world is divided between three major players:

American Megatrends Inc, producing

Intel, which developed and produces for motherboards own production:

Phoenix Technologies, which produces Phoenix Award BIOS (other trademark– Award BIOS):

Modern successor to BIOS – UEFI, the name of which is translated from English as “advanced firmware interface”. Was originally created by Intel. But, five years later, the project was transferred under the wing of the Unified EFI Forum, the organization that has since been responsible for its development.

BIOS allows ask quite wide range initial settings operation of the hardware of your computer or laptop. To the most frequently used can be attributed:

  • Setting independent date and time parameters;
  • Selecting a device to boot (hard drive, CD-DVD-ROM, flash drive);
  • Enable or disable the motherboard's built-in hardware.
  • Speed ​​up OS loading by disabling some POST tests.

For advanced users, many provide the opportunity to more fine-tuning settings computer hardware. These include:

The main differences between UEFI and the “legacy” version of BIOS

Technical differences between BIOS and UEFI are quite large; for ease of perception, the main ones are collected in a table:

In modern motherboards it is present by default, but in some cases users try disable it to avoid some problems when installing 32-bit or non-32-bit Windows operating systems systems

How consequence such a disabling will cause a notification about using the “legacy mode” BIOS to appear in the system properties. In fact, this means that if the motherboard has a more advanced UEFI mode, the BIOS is used to boot the OS and therefore MBR breakdown hard drive.

What does the BIOS look like and where is it located?

BIOS chip located on the motherboard and usually its installation location can be found in the supplied documentation. You can also find this microcircuit by its characteristic signs.

In most cases, next to it, on the motherboard case, is installed CMOS battery, characteristic round shape. Some hardware manufacturers additionally supply a BIOS chip holographic sticker with its own name.

Of course, the battery is needed not only to make it easier for the user to find a chip with a hardwired BIOS. The main one task consists of providing non-volatile power supply, allowing save the settings for a long time.

It is for this reason that if you remove the battery from the motherboard for 15-20 seconds, it allows " reset to zero» BIOS, or in other words, return it to factory settings.

For the same purpose, a special jumper jumper. Changing its position gives the same result - returning to factory settings.

Finding a jumper on the board is quite simple; usually manufacturers mark it with the appropriate inscription (“CLR_CMOS”, “CCMOS”, “CLRTS”).

If you came to our website, then you most likely have seen this abbreviation of four somewhere more than once Latin letters and wondered what is BIOS? If so, then we will try to briefly tell you about this concept.

When we turn on a computer, hardly any of us think that its functionality is ensured only by the programs contained in its electronic “brains”. And not only those application programs that we usually use every day, for example, editors, browsers, games, etc. After all, even the operating system itself in which they work is essentially a very large and complex program. But in order for it to work, a certain bridge is needed that would connect its functions with the capabilities computer hardware.

The BIOS system serves as such a bridge. This abbreviation stands for Basic Input/Output System, which translated from English means “ basic system input-output". Very often, however, the abbreviation BIOS is written in Cyrillic as BIOS. This is also a well-established name in Russian-language computer journalism, so in the article we will use it along with the traditional one. English abbreviation.

BIOS is a set of microprograms that provide basic functions access to the hardware capabilities of a computer, no matter whether it is a desktop desktop or a laptop. BIOS is the foundation on which everything else rests. software computer, including operating systems and application programs. Although the most complex operating systems, such as Windows, are now able to access the computer hardware, bypassing standard features However, the BIOS BIOS value How liaison There is still a big difference between hardware and software. In addition, at the boot stage, no operating system can do without the tools provided by the BIOS.

A little history

Majority personal computers, which we are used to using, belongs to the IBM PC family. This architecture was developed by IBM back in the early 80s. At that time, the main manufacturers of BIOS firmware for PC architecture were three companies:

  • Phoenix Systems
  • Award

And to this day, BIOS developed by these companies are used most often.

It should be borne in mind, however, that although computer devices, related to some other architecture, systems similar to BIOS are also used, they are called differently. Thus, it is correct to use the term BIOS only to refer to the basic input/output system in computer systems with IBM architecture. The first analogue of BIOS appeared back in 1975 in operating system CP/M, designed to work on computers with Intel processors.

I don’t know about you, but for me the process of turning on and booting a computer is a kind of sacred action, even if it has turned into a routine procedure due to its frequency. The process of reviving the soulless “hardware” of microcircuits and turning it into a working and entertainment unit obedient to the will of man is akin to some kind of magic.

And this truly magical process begins with this very BIOS system. It is quite small - size permanent memory occupied by it is only about 1 MB, which according to current computer times, operating with such units of information as gigabytes and terabytes, there are very few.

Perhaps the most important function The BIOS, which it begins to perform immediately after turning on the computer to the network, checks the functionality of the entire hardware of the computer. This verification procedure is called the POST procedure. If the health check of one of the computer components fails, the BIOS informs the user that something is wrong. The message may be displayed on the monitor screen, but in case something is wrong with the computer’s video system itself, the BIOS, in addition, provides a series of sound signals, by which one can judge the nature of the malfunction. In addition to checking the computer when booting, the BIOS also searches for special ROM modules that expand the capabilities of the computer.

After checking the devices for functionality, the BIOS sets low-level operating parameters for each of them. If the check is successful, then control of the computer is transferred to the operating system (of course, if it is installed on any available media).

Other BIOS Features

Second, no less important BIOS function– this is the storage of data about the hardware characteristics of the computer, as well as custom settings, with the help of which the owner of the computer or System Administrator can optimize the performance of its hardware. The average user most often encounters this BIOS.

I mean the interface that is probably well known to most readers BIOS settings, so-called BIOS Setup, which can be accessed while booting a computer or laptop by pressing a specific key (usually Delete) on the keyboard. Many users believe that, strictly speaking, BIOS is this very interface, but in fact it is only a means of communication between BIOS and users. In the BIOS settings interface, you can set many parameters for the operation of various computer subsystems - processor, sets of chipsets on the motherboard, memory, video card, controllers, buses, hard drives and disk drives. Very often, these parameters are used to “overclock” hardware devices such as the processor, RAM and video card. In practice, however, to a simple user, not particularly experienced in the intricacies of optimizing computer hardware, the most interesting parameters are setting the system time and date, as well as the priority for choosing boot devices. Other parameters are unlikely to be touched unless you clearly understand their purpose, otherwise your computer or laptop may simply become non-functional.

And finally, far from the least important task of the BIOS is to provide access to various devices from application programs. As a matter of fact, this aspect of the BIOS was the function for which it was originally developed. This is even evidenced by its very name - “basic input-output system”. The BIOS contains drivers for standard devices I/O, as well as special software interface(interrupt system) thanks to which it provides control of devices and access at a basic level to the processor, I/O ports, controllers, video system and disk drives. By the way, many computer devices also contain their own BIOS, but this article refers only to the BIOS that is located on the motherboard, since its functions are most important for the average user.

The newest BIOS versions also contain a special SLIC data table, which contains information about licensed software.

BIOS hardware features

Like any program, the BIOS must be written down somewhere and stored somewhere. This place is a special chip on the motherboard. For food BIOS chips uses a special battery. Previously, the BIOS was tightly hardwired into ROM (computer read-only memory), and it was impossible to change it if necessary. Of course, this situation did not suit many - both manufacturers computer equipment, and end users. Therefore, now in most modern motherboards, if new BIOS versions are released, it is enough to just update the BIOS version located in a special rewritable CMOS memory. This type of memory is characterized by low power consumption, thanks to which the information contained in the BIOS can be stored for an extremely long time. And there can be a lot of reasons for updating BIOS versions - from detecting errors to the need to introduce any new functions or add support for new equipment.

In some BIOS versions You can also find a number of built-in utilities that, in their capabilities, can compete with similar application programs– for example, checking and formatting a disk. There are even antiviruses and browsers built into the BIOS.

The future of BIOS

BIOS, like any other computer technology, is constantly evolving. New, previously unused functions are introduced into it, and many old ones disappear. Even new technologies are being proposed (and not just proposed, but are already widely used) that should replace the traditional BIOS, for example, EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) technology. However, this technology is not yet widely used and the traditional BIOS still holds its ground.


As a conclusion, we list once again the main functions that the BIOS performs in a computer or laptop:

  • Checking the functionality of the motherboard and computer peripherals;
  • Preparing the computer to boot the operating system;
  • Providing programs basic funds access to hardware devices;
  • Storing data about equipment settings and the ability to change these parameters.

So, if you used to be intimidated by the acronym BIOS itself, then, most likely, this is already a thing of the past. For end user it is important to understand that the BIOS is special shell software low level, on which the work of programs is based more high level, and her correct setting, and timely updating can improve the performance of your computer or laptop.

Hi all. It often happens that we need to find out what BIOS is on the computer. You have definitely asked yourself this question at least once, or even more. You may have read on the Internet that in order to do this, you need to go into the BIOS, but you don’t know how to go into the BIOS. But to enter different versions bios need to be pressed different keys when the system boots. But most often these keys are written somewhere at the bottom of the computer boot screen. But it may last so short that you do not have time to read what is written there. So today I will tell you how to find out what is the BIOS on the computer and how to enter it. This may make your life a little easier.

But let's understand everything in order. There is no such thing as too much information. That is why we will expand the topic a little, and I will answer some questions that indirectly relate to it.

What is BIOS?

Let's start with the fact that if you want to call yourself an advanced PC user, then you simply must know what a BIOS is. Of course, you can use a computer and play games without this knowledge, but still... let's get started.

So, what is a BIOS? Let me try to explain to you its “nature” in simple and understandable human language. In English, BIOS stands for Base Input-Output System. In other words BIOS is powerful tool on setting up computer components and managing them. The BIOS carries the minimum required functions (base), which allows all the parts and devices of your computer to work together as a single organism.

Call bios the “soul” of the computer if you want.

", perhaps the most main question today's topic. And, if you don’t know how to enter the BIOS, then you are most likely new to computers. Therefore, I will try to explain as clearly as possible. Write it down.

To enter the BIOS you need to restart your computer (or just turn it on if you have it turned off). Have you ever noticed that when you turn on your computer, a screen (usually black) appears for a few seconds with a logo at the top and big amount information about the computer (processor frequency, amount of RAM, etc.)? This is it! The same portal to the BIOS!

Whatever BIOS you have on your computer, this black screen at the bottom should contain information about which key you need to press to enter the BIOS. The inscription next to it may be SETUP or BIOS or settings or something else. And most often this button will be F2, F8 or Del, but other options are also possible.

And the most important thing - to enter the BIOS settings, you must have time to press this treasured key before it starts to bootWindows from hard drive.

If you did everything correctly, then congratulations, you are now in the right place, you are in the BIOS. Most bios do not have a graphical shell, so do not be alarmed by the blue (or gray) screen and the clutter of menus on English language, this is the BIOS interface. By the way, more modern bios ( UEFI) still have graphical shell and know Russian.

Keys to enter BIOS!

I present to your attention the keys for entering the BIOS on all currently popular devices (laptops and motherboards desktop computers). I hope there won't be any problems. It was not possible to check all the models, but the ones I checked, I was able to enter the BIOS. Plus I took information from different sources and weeded out potentially incorrect ones.

But if suddenly you were unable to enter the BIOS using these keys, then be sure to let me know in the comments. We will solve your problem and update the information. Thank you!

PC/Laptop Motherboard BIOS Entering the boot menu Key to enter BIOS
MSI motherboards AMI F11 DEL
Gigabyte motherboards Award F12 DEL
ASUS motherboards AMI F8 DEL
Intel motherboards Phoenix Award Esc DEL
AsRock motherboards AMI F11 DEL
ASUS laptops AMI Esc F2
Acer laptops Insyde H2O F12 F2
Acer laptops Phoenix F12 F2
Dell laptops Dell F12 F2
HP laptops Insyde H2O Esc, then F9 Esc, then F10
Lenovo laptops AMI F12 F2
Samsung laptops Phoenix Secure Core Esc then Esc F2
Sony Vaio laptops Insyde H2O F11 F2
Toshiba laptops Insyde H2O, Phoenix F12 F2

What kind of bios are there?

In fact, to answer the question “What kind of BIOS are there?” not so difficult, because the modern generation of BIOSes is represented mainly by 3 representatives. I wouldn’t even say that they are all modern. Oh yes, they also have several versions, which depend on how ancient (or modern) your motherboard is. But in order to know how to enter the BIOS, it is enough to know the BIOS brand, but the version is not necessary.

The three types of bios I talked about are AwardBIOS, AMIBIOS And UEFIBIOS. Actually, here's some information about them.

American Megatrends Incorporated (AMI BIOS)

AMI BIOS- this is probably the oldest BIOS that can now be found in everyday life. Or as they say – not old, but experienced! American Megatrends Incorporated was founded back in 1985 (well, at least AD). Now this type of BIOS is widespread on ASUS laptops, MSI, Lenovo and some others.

Award BIOS (Phoenix BIOS)

Once upon a time, in the good old days of Award BIOS and Phoenix BIOS were different, competing companies. Moreover, Phoenix was noticeably inferior in position to Award. But at some point the unthinkable happened - Phoenix bought Award. Since then it has been one company that still operates under several brands.


UEFIBIOS– this is the youngest and most modern of all BIOSes. It has a graphical interface and also supports many languages ​​(including Russian). UEFI BIOS is not even exactly a BIOS, but rather a successor to BIOS. Through it you can even access the Internet without starting Windows.

How to find out what BIOS is?

There are many ways to find out what the BIOS costs. For example, the simplest of them is to pay attention to the BIOS logo on the computer boot screen and compare it with those presented a little higher.

Another easy way to find out what the BIOS is is to use special programs. For example necessary information you will be able to provide programs such as AIDA64, Everest, CPU-Z or Speccy, as well as many others. In each of them you can find an item that contains a description of the BIOS. If there is no such item, then look in the description of the motherboard.

If you have already entered the BIOS and you need to find out the BIOS version, say, not for logging in, but for some other purposes, then pay attention to the very top of the page or the very bottom. There will definitely be information about the BIOS company and its current version, which, by the way, can be updated to the latest one.

Most quick way find out what BIOS you have without even looking up from reading this article - through Windows component « System Information" To do this, press the key combination Win +R and enter there next command msinfo32. A window will open with information about your system, including information about the Bios.

Windows System Information component

Also, if you disassemble your computer (or laptop) and carefully examine the motherboard (maybe even with a magnifying glass), you will find a version of your BIOS written on one of the chips.

I think I answered more than enough to the question “How to find out what BIOS is worth.” And if suddenly you still have questions, then ask them in the comments under the article.

Why do you need to know what BIOS you have on your computer?

In fact, there are quite a lot of reasons why someone would need to find out what BIOS is on their computer. And they can all be purely individual.

Here's another example. You've decided to upgrade your computer a little. And with the new components, some glitches began to appear on your computer from time to time. You read somewhere on the forums that this could be due to outdated version BIOS and that you need to update it. So you will need to find out what BIOS you have and, specifically, what version is installed. Otherwise there will be no way to update.

There can be a lot of such examples. And what should I tell you? If you are interested in your BIOS, then you probably have a need for this. Right? Although perhaps you wanted to go into the BIOS purely out of your human curiosity.

Which BIOS is better?

If you carefully read the article, then you yourself understand perfectly which BIOS is better. Of course, modern bios UEFI have a range of undeniable advantages. Let's summarize these benefits:

  1. Availability of Russian language;
  2. Possibility of Internet access;
  3. Nice graphical interface;
  4. The set of tools is tailored for modern equipment.

BIOS UEFI with Russian interface

And that's not even getting into technical features, which, of course, are improved and modified, so to speak. That's why UEFIBIOS can easily be called the best BIOS.

Exiting BIOS...

Or an exit from the matrix... Well, in general, you understand, we are completing our journey into the world of BIOSes.

We can summarize a little what you have learned today. You learned what a BIOS is, you learned what it is for, what types there are and how they differ from each other, and most importantly, you learned how to enter the BIOS of any version and on any device!

Congratulations! The lesson is over for today, come again!

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13. 05.2017

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

BIOS - what is it and what is it used for?

Hello, guests of my blog.

Anyone to modern man It’s worth knowing what a BIOS is on a computer. After all, without it, a computer is a simple set of pieces of hardware. It is important to be able to understand this issue in order to independently configure the system and determine which components are faulty. Knowing your BIOS will help you understand your computer better. This article will be somewhat superficial.

Just about the incomprehensible

The subject of our conversation is an English abbreviation that stands for “basic input/output system”.

This translates to basic input/output system. By the way, in Russian it is correct to pronounce “bios”, but the word “bios” has already become established in the slang of IT people.

This concept means a set of microprograms that implement software for working with computer components and those connected to it. peripheral devices(printer, modem, etc.). That is, in other words, this very BIOS determines and starts the operation of all devices on your computer - this is the main function.

If it is not there, then the hardware of your computer will simply not be detected and will not start.

This is roughly what it looks like software part BIOS:

An analogue of BIOS is faster and modern technology, which operates in 64-bit mode, while the BIOS operates mainly in 16 and 32-bit mode.

This is what the software part looks like:

Physical parameters

Where is the bios located? In the motherboard, which is quite logical, because it is the motherboard that is responsible for the operation of all elements of the computer.

There are 2 types of BIOS chips:

  • EEPROM Modern option. Its contents can be erased with a special electrical signal. Moreover, even if the chip is not removed from the system unit.

What else should you know about BIOS? That it has its own small battery. It looks like a lithium coin and may have different capacities(80-230 mAh).

This element feeds the CMOS memory, where custom parameters and BIOS settings. The battery has a lifespan of several years: over time, it depletes and must be replaced.
If she sits down, there will be no fatal consequences. Minimum: settings will be reset, which will have to be restored manually after replacing this part. Maximum: programs will start to glitch and the computer will not start.

What does the BIOS do?

When you press the computer's power button, it reads the BIOS code from read-only memory (ROM) and writes it to RAM(RAM). Then control is transferred to the BIOS itself, which:

  • Checks equipment for functionality;
  • Analyzes settings from ROM and applies them;
  • Looks for bootloader code in master record on your hard drive or boot disk on CD-ROM/floppy disk/flash drive/on the network;
  • Transfers the code to the RAM;
  • Shifts further control to the bootloader.

Without these steps, your computer will not start. If some part is broken or there is a system failure, the BIOS will tell you about it at the initial boot stage.

Features available to you

WITH using BIOS You can:

  • Set the time;
  • Set download priority;
  • Set power options for hardware;
  • Turn on/off this or that equipment.

How to work in BIOS?

Entering the BIOS is very simple - when rebooting or starting the computer, hold down Delete key or F2 (depending on the type of motherboard). To control you, you will need only a few buttons: arrows to move between sections, Enter to enter them and apply settings, ESC to exit.

In addition, you can return to factory settings using the F9 key, and confirm new parameters using F10. By the way, in new BIOS versions you can control it with the mouse.

Let's go through some of the tabs:

But don't forget to put the CD-ROM in the "2nd Boot Device" ("Second Boot Device") in case you ever have to boot the system from an optical disk.

The “Advanced” and “Security” tabs can be left untouched. The first is responsible for the operation of the equipment. The second is for computer security, but for home use These settings will not be useful to you.

That's all there is to know to the average user computer about BIOS.

See you on the pages of our blog.