A program for checking and testing a hard drive. Methods for checking a hard drive. Task management window

Many PC users hardly think about checking the status of their HDD. Checking the hard drive is, first of all, necessary for early detection of errors in it.
If you manage to identify problems with your hard drive in advance, you will be able to save all the important information stored on it until it finally fails.
In this material, we will describe, using specific examples, the procedure for checking the status of the HDD, and also tell you what to do in a situation if your hard drive is faulty.

How to check the status of your hard drive

You can check the status of your hard drive using various utilities that read the status of your hard drive from its self-diagnosis system SMART. SMART technology is now installed on every hard drive produced. SMART technology was developed back in 1992 and is still being improved to this day. The main goal of SMART is logging the hard drive aging process. That is, information such as the number of HDD starts, the number of spindle rotations and many others is collected. More SMART keeps track of errors"screw", both software and mechanical and, to the extent possible corrects them. During the monitoring process, SMART performs various short and long tests to identify those same faults. In this material we will look at such programs that can read information from SMART:

  • Ashampoo HDD Control 3;
  • Defraggler;
  • HDDlife;
  • Victoria.

Each program on the list, in addition to reading SMART readings, offers a number of functions and tests that, to one degree or another, extend the life of the hard drive. But the most interesting is the program Victoria. The Victoria program, in addition to determining the HDD state, can also produce REMAP of bad sectors. That is, she can hide bad sectors by replacing them with spare ones, if available. Essentially, the REMAP procedure can completely restore the hard drive. It is also worth noting the possibility of fixing the hard drive thanks to the console application “ chkdsk" The console program "chkdsk" can fix file system errors, which will allow you to avoid reinstalling Windows.

Ashampoo HDD Control 3

First we will look at the program Ashampoo HDD Control 3. Let's run this utility on a computer running Windows 10.

The Ashampoo HDD Control 3 window displays the message “ ✓ OK", as well as the inscription " This hard drive has no problems" This information means that the hard drive in question is in perfect order. If when opening the program you see the message “ Error", as well as the inscription " This hard drive has a problem", this means that it has bad sectors or is overheating. To view complete information about the health of the “screw” taken from the smart, you need to click on the footnote “” located in the central block.

In addition to viewing information from the smart device, Ashampoo HDD Control 3 can launch self test S.M.A.R.T. And surface inspection test. You can test these tests in the "" block.

By performing these tests, you can also identify problems with the HDD. In addition to taking readings from smart devices and tests, Ashampoo HDD Control 3 can:

  • Perform defragmentation;
  • Clean the system of debris;
  • Find and delete duplicate files;
  • Securely erase files from the HDD, without the possibility of recovery.

The presence of such functionality of Ashampoo HDD Control 3 in monitoring the health of the drive and additional functions puts the utility in first place.


Utility Defraggler primarily intended for defragmentation, but besides this she can read SMART readings. The utility is free and any user can download it from the website www.piriform.com. After launching the utility, you need to go to the “ State».

In the window you can see that the utility displays a message about the status of the screw, like “ GOOD" - this means that he is completely fine. If you see the message " Error" in status, this will mean that the hard drive has bad sectors and it’s time to change it. The utility is quite simple and is suitable primarily for novice PC users who want to monitor the health of the HDD and defragment it. I would also like to note that the utility supports all current operating systems, from Windows XP to Windows 10.

How to check your hard drive using HDDlife

Utility HDDlife It has a nice interface and immediately provides the information we need, which is responsible for the serviceability and breakdown of the screw.

From the image above you can see that in the health block there is " OK!", which means that everything is fine with the HDD. To view smart details, you just need to click on the link “ click to view S.M.A.R.T. attributes».

If you see a message in the health block " DANGER!", this means that your HDD will soon become unusable.

In this case, you need to replace the old hard drive with a new one. The HDDlife utility is, first of all, suitable for novice PC users, since its simplicity will make it easy to monitor the health of the “screw”. In addition to the standard utility, the developer also releases HDDlife for Notebooks, which is designed for laptops. The laptop version has the same functionality as the standard version, but can also perform HDD noise level control. It is also worth noting that the program supports all current operating systems, from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Program Victoria is being developed in a version for DOS and by Windows. For our example, we will use the Windows version of Victoria, which can be downloaded from http://hdd-911.com. Victoria is currently available in version 4.47. By launching the Victoria utility, we will be taken to such a window.

Victoria does not have a beautiful interface, as in previous utilities and is written in such old languages ​​as Delphi And Assembler.

In the first tab of the quiz " Standard"is all information about installed hard drives to the computer.

Second tab " SMART» needed for smart reading. To display smart results, you must click the Get SMART button, after which the results will be displayed.

In the hard drive in question, Victoria discovered 1212 bad sectors. This number of BAD sectors is critical, so in this case it is necessary to full backup all data from the HDD. To repair a hard drive using the REMAP test in Victoria, you need to go to the “ Tests" and select the mode " Remap" After these steps, you can begin the procedure of reassigning bad sectors to backup ones with the Start button.

The REMAP test in Victoria can take a very long time. The test time depends on the number of BAD sectors. This test of the Victoria utility does not always help, since there may not be any spare sectors left in the screw.

Please note that using Victoria tests, you can damage the serviceability of the HDD and the information on it.

How to check if a disk is healthy using “chkdsk”

It may happen that by checking the S.M.A.R.T. values. Using the utilities described above, you did not find any problems, but the system still behaves unstable. Instability can manifest itself as blue screens of death and freezes in programs. This behavior of the Windows operating system is caused by file system errors. In this case, the console command “ chkdsk" By running the "chkdsk" command, you can fully restore functionality Windows OS. For this example, we will take a computer with the new Windows 10 operating system. First of all, we will open the console in Windows 10 as an administrator. This can be easily done by right-clicking on the “ Start» and selecting the item we need.

In the running console, execute the following command CHKDSK F: /F /R After checking using the command application “chkdsk”, the result of the check will be displayed in the console.

Now let's look at the command " CHKDSK F: /F /R» more details. Immediately after the command “chkdsk” comes the letter “ F" - this letter local disk, where we correct errors. Keys " /F" And " /R» fix errors in the file system, and fix bad sectors. These keys are almost always used, unlike the others. You can view the remaining keys with the command chkdsk /?

It is also worth noting that in Windows 10 the capabilities of the chkdsk application have been significantly expanded thanks to new keys.

How to check your hard drive's health using DST

Abbreviation DST deciphered Disk Self Test, that is self test disk. Manufacturers specifically integrate this method into the HDD, so that later, using special software, they can perform DST self-diagnosis, which will identify problems. By testing the “screw” using DST you can get information about possible hard drive failure. It is especially convenient to use DST on servers and computers of enterprises, where reliable storage of information plays an important role. Now let's look at using DST using HP laptops as an example. For new HP laptops with support UEFI BIOS There is a special diagnostic menu " Startup Menu" This menu is launched using combination of power key and key ESC.

To run system tests, press the F2 button.

In the window that appears, DST is called Hard Disk Test. After selecting it, a self-test will start.

Other manufacturers also have a DST method, only the launch on a PC from other manufacturers differs from that discussed above.

Checking your hard drive in Linux

For example, let's take a computer based on the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. To do this, let's launch a terminal in Ubuntu. In the terminal, type the following command: sudo apt-get install smartmontools This command should install console utility Smartmontools.

Now that the Smartmontools utility is installed, you can use the command sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda which will display all the information of the smart hard drive in the console.

If you don't like working in console mode, you can install a graphical utility Gnome-disk-utility. In it you can see everything you need about the HDD and its condition.

Let's sum it up

In this article, we described how you can monitor the status of the HDD, as well as how to fix its sectors and file system, if possible. From the material it becomes clear that monitoring the status of hard drives is very important, as it allows anticipate HDD failure.

If you have discovered that your hard drive is problematic, then do not put off replacing it until later. The problematic “screw” can fail at any moment, and you will lose all the information stored on the computer.

We hope our material will be useful to our readers and will completely help solve the problem of checking a hard drive.

Video on the topic

Perhaps the most important component of a PC is the hard drive (HDD), since it contains all the information created by the user. Of course, any HDD needs timely maintenance, namely checking for errors and bad sectors, in order to avoid the loss of important information.

A “bad sector” is an unreadable sector on a hard drive. It can be natural: the factory state of some sectors of any hard drive, an inevitable manufacturing defect, or acquired - a successful power failure, a shock, a leak. Few people are interested in the appearance of bad sectors one by one; this is a routine that SMART successfully grinds up.
The emergence of interest in bad sectors is usually associated with the fact that you have a partially or completely unreadable disk. From this point of view, the classification is simple:

  1. Broken sectors are permanent, for example, those associated with surface damage - something that cannot be restored.
  2. Broken sectors are temporary, associated with non-fatal errors in logic, which is what you can try to pull out; strictly speaking, the question of the operability of the restored sectors remains open.

The number of bad sectors on the disk can be:

  • Constant within normal limits (live hdd). No action required.
  • Constantly above normal (usually the consequences of a blow). Sometimes it can be done with manual intervention.
  • Growing (crumbled due to age or design). Requires urgent replacement of the hard drive.

Reasons for the appearance of a bad HDD sector

To put it simply, the modern hard drive is a product of the evolution of the gramophone. The record spins, the head reads the record sector by sector, the control unit glues files from the read pieces. The head hovers above the surface of the plate, and when it stops, it falls. There are readable and unreadable sectors on the tracks; a sector itself is the minimum part of the track, Wikipedia will confirm.

This model is sufficient to demonstrate the main problems:

  1. Damage to the surface of the disk—mechanical contact of the plate with the head—may cause the disk to shed, or may remain a fixed area.
  2. A partial change in the surface properties (magnetization) of a sector (a typical reanimated sector) can be extended by referring to neighboring sectors.
  3. Various logic errors, SMART arbitrariness, fs errors (everything corrects itself during operation and based on the results of self-diagnosis).
  4. Shedding of the magnetic layer from the surface is known as a sign of old age, but may be a consequence of loss of tightness.

Contrary to popular belief, a blow to the case of a working HDD is not as bad as vibration. The head is held above the surface by such cunning magic that touching the surface requires a significant force, which is unlikely to occur upon impact, but is easily achieved by resonance.

How to check a disk for bad sectors and errors

It is worth remembering that the disk is checked for reading, checking sectors for writing will erase everything that was on the disk! Well, it’s also worth keeping in mind that for a proper test, the disk must be free from other tasks at the time of testing. Checking a hard drive for bad sectors is not a common task; Windows does everything that is necessary automatically.

Windows has long had a utility that checks and corrects hard drive errors, chkdsk. You can find the utility in the disk properties, the button is called “check disk”.
Any self-respecting manufacturer, when releasing a disk, puts on the website a diagnostic utility that not only monitors the condition of the HDD, but can also carry out service actions designed to alleviate its suffering, sometimes even including calibration. Checking hard disk sectors is a must for this class of programs.

In addition, there is a zoo of diagnostic, repair, “professional” tools, in which the devil himself would break his leg for a long time. And quite a large number of truly professional programs for analysis and repair. It is worth noting that most of them are destructive, that is, with their help you can kill a working hard drive in a way that not every master can restore.

Programs for checking your hard drive for bad sectors

For those who do not believe in chkdsk, graphical programs for checking the hard drive, or rather more or less gentle tools that do not punish for the wrong key, are HDD Regenerator, HDD Health. Graphical utilities show a health graph, tell you what parameters are being tested and, importantly, have adequately labeled buttons that make it easy to understand the program. Linux users are less fortunate; most utilities are console-based and require an understanding of the parameters.
Among the utilities from the manufacturer, it is worth remembering Seagate SeaTools - a convenient, powerful program, all its power is manifested only on native hard drives, but checking hard drive sectors is also available for “outsiders”

Checking HDD using Windows 7 and 10

Checking your hard drive for errors using Windows always involves running chkdsk in recovery mode. This launch can be done using the button in the disk properties.
“My Computer” -> “Properties” -> “Tools” → “disk check” “Run check”.

Or, if the button is missing, this occurs in some editions of Windows 10, this check can be easily launched from the command line as an administrator using the command
chkdsk c: /f where c: is the letter of the drive being checked. Checking the hdd for bad sectors in the case of a system partition will begin after a reboot, since checking requires exclusive access to the disk.

You should not run this command often, but the check window that appears at every boot is the reason for the question: “how to check a hard drive for errors” and the answer to this question, since it is usually associated with disk problems.

What to do if you detect bad sectors on your hard drive

Not so long ago, hard drives were released on which it was possible to manually reassign sectors, and this is why many people are convinced that formatting from Bios cures all illnesses. But alas, now calibration is so complicated that it is carried out once at the manufacturer. It should also be understood that most changes in surface condition are irreversible and nothing can be restored. It can often be reassigned without loss of capacity, although it all depends on the condition of the “patient”.

Options for hard drive states and subsequent actions:

  • The disk is working, works well, is stable, the percentage of bad ones is not growing - make a backup, forget that there are bad sectors on it and enjoy life.
  • The disk is basically working, the number of bad sectors is not growing, but when accessing a certain area there are problems - try to divide it into partitions without affecting the problem area, save for a new one.
  • The disk is not working, strong brakes, smart and BIOS warnings - change the hard drive.

Programs for recovering HDD drives

Victoria and Mhdd, any of these programs allows you to conduct a complete diagnosis and save the drive from many problems. They are launched from DOS and require careful study of the manual before starting, as they can irreversibly destroy the data or logic of the hard drive! In general, do not start without knowing what you are doing, especially since such hard drive maintenance has long been entrusted to the controller and in most cases he copes with it. If it's not broken, don't fix it; this old advice is most relevant when it comes to the broken sector.

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A hard drive failure can lead not only to the need to replace it, but also to the loss of all data stored on it. This is why it is so important to regularly check the HDD for errors in order to have time to transfer all important information to another medium. There are several programs for checking your hard drive. Windows users can use the built-in utility or download applications from third-party manufacturers.

Utility to check your hard drive in Windows

The utility for checking HDD in Windows OS is located in the system called chkdsk.exe and can be launched both from the graphical interface and using the command line. To run chkdsk.exe, you need to select Properties in the context menu of the My Computer section and in the window that appears, go to the Tools tab. To start the program, click the Run scan button.

In the window that appears, check or uncheck the boxes, depending on what parameters you want to check. The item Checking and repairing bad sectors will cause HDD diagnostics to take a long time and can last up to several hours. Checking the disk without correcting errors will allow you to perform the operation more quickly, but will not fix existing problems, if any.

Scanning the system partition will begin only after the computer is rebooted, since while the OS is running, it is used by Windows.

Run chkdsk.exe from the command line

To run the disk check program from the command line, run cmd.exe and in the window that appears, enter the command chkdsk c: /f /r. In this case, the system will also warn you that it is impossible to scan the system partition.

To continue testing, type Y and press Enter.

Hard drive testing programs from HDD manufacturers

In addition to the Windows utility, there are many other programs that allow you to identify hard drive errors and fix them. Typically, hard drive manufacturers include all the necessary utilities on the included disk, where, in addition to them, drivers are located. You can also find a diagnostic tool from the corresponding manufacturer on its official website. Below we provide a list of the most well-known official programs for checking HDD:

  • Western Digital: Data Lifeguard Tools,
  • Seagate: SeaTools,
  • Hitachi: Drive Fitness Test,
  • Samsung: Shdiag.

One of the most famous programs for checking a hard drive is the Victoria utility, which is distributed absolutely free. Victoria runs under Windows and DOS systems.

The main advantage of this utility is that it contains all the necessary diagnostic tools. In addition, Victoria works with all HDD models from any manufacturer without restrictions.

Despite the fact that the program is designed for use by both professional service center specialists and ordinary users, the Victoria utility must be used extremely carefully. Without understanding the built-in program options, an inexperienced user can easily damage the media or destroy the data on it.

Another program that allows you to diagnose HDDs of any manufacturer is another free utility, MHDD, which also allows you not only to check the hard drive, but also to eliminate errors on it.

This utility runs exclusively in pure MS-DOS. Especially for Windows users, the program is distributed in the form of a bootable ISO disk image and a boot floppy disk.

The main functions of MHDD are:

  • diagnostics of the mechanical part of the HDD,
  • viewing SMART attributes,
  • low level formatting,
  • correction of bad sectors.

In addition, the program contains several types of tests.

The MHDD program includes three files: the executable utility mhdd.exe itself, the help file mhdd.hlp, and the file where the cfg/mhdd.cfg configuration is saved.

When using this program, it is necessary to take into account that due to working with drives at the lowest level, MHDD, in addition to a unique diagnostic tool, is also a very dangerous application that, if handled incorrectly, can not only damage the drive, but also irreversibly destroy everything stored on it. him data.

The main difference between MHDD is that it accesses the drive through the IDE/SATA controller, bypassing the BIOS, which avoids its limitations, as well as obstacles associated with the features of the file system.

Program for checking your hard drive for Windows

In addition to professional utilities for diagnosing and fixing HDDs, there are simpler programs that even an inexperienced user can understand the functionality of. Such applications include Crystal Disk Info, which has several versions.

Installation and launch of the program are standard and will not cause any difficulties. After launching Crystal Disk Info, a window will appear in front of you, where all the necessary information about the hard drive will be displayed - temperature and technical condition, errors, operating time, etc.

In the figure above, mark 1 means the place to switch between disks, 2 – temperature and technical condition, 3 – information about the model, 4 – decoding of SMART parameters.

Crystal Disk Info, although it does not allow you to fix bad sectors, however, makes it possible to quickly identify the presence of a problem, after which the user can move on to more detailed diagnostics.

Have you started to hear extraneous creaks in the system unit? Has the system performance somehow dropped completely intolerably, although the processor and memory should not allow this to happen? Well, it's time to check the hard drive. Find out how to do this in our article.

This is quite an important matter. Besides the performance hit, although that's certainly important, it's about your data. You don't want to one day be left without all your data simply because your drive decided to fail? Here. Therefore, it is important to check the condition of the disc and its health level more often.

Correcting errors in a timely manner also helps increase the lifespan of the disk. Whether it's a regular hard drive or an SSD, file system errors wear it out at a rapid pace, so it's important to keep it in good condition. Otherwise, the data will be lost even faster.

If you understand the importance of this event, then let's get started.

Checking using standard Windows tools

This is the simplest method and can give you quite a lot of information about the hard drive and even try to fix some errors.

Read interesting information and reliable tips in the article -

Command line

If the previous scenario of using standard Windows tools is not very effective, then the command line method can try to supplement it. Its essence is that it is launched from the bootable installation media of the system, that is, the system itself is not running and cannot block some of the requirements of the verification program.

Important! This method has one disadvantage: you need installation media, and it is desirable that it comes with the exact version of Windows that is installed on your computer.

  1. Create bootable media and insert it into your drive or USB port. In your computer's BIOS, select to boot from this media. Wait for the operating environment to load.

  2. When the program reaches the window labeled “Start installation,” press the Windows key combination + F10.

  3. Enter the following command in the console window that opens: chkdsk /f. Press Enter.

  4. The scan will start. The program will display the results right there on the command line. She will immediately try to correct all the errors found.

Simple third party software

Let's look at a few programs that will help you identify most problems with your hard drive without going into too much detail about the process.


Using this program, you can understand in which sectors the writing and reading speed is high, and in which - not. The program is completely universal; with its help you can diagnose anything, as long as it is an information storage device.

The principle of working with her is extremely simple: you start scanning and wait for her report on the work done, from which it is quite possible to draw some conclusions.

Crystal Disk Mark

A more narrowly focused utility, although it essentially also monitors speed. The program can’t do anything else, but based on the write and read speeds, you can quite understand what’s happening with the disk and how much longer it will last.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use this program if you want to check the SSD drive. His death when using this software will be even closer: this program fills the entire space with some data, and although it is weightless and deleted without a trace, for the SSD this is also wear and tear.

More complex software

If neither standard checking tools nor simple programs satisfy you, then you can move on to more complex checking programs. So, let's begin.

Victoria HDD

The most common program for troubleshooting hard drive problems.

Its advantages are that there are both quick and deep scans of the disk, and also that it monitors its temperature. This is also an important indicator, but it does not affect wear as much.

HDD Regenerator

Pro tool in our article. Corrects everything it finds in its path. Its huge competitive advantage is Russification. It is therefore very easy to use, despite the impressive range of functions.

The principle of its operation is much more complex than that of other programs, and these differences clearly benefited the program. She manages to restore what others could not. Also, unlike other programs, it does not destroy your files that were in the sectors it corrects, but preserves them culturally. Well, not life, but a fairy tale.

The program has two versions - graphical and console. If you are not very knowledgeable about this topic, use the graphical one with the Russian language, everything is intuitive there. In the console, its capabilities are much wider, because there is less pressure and restrictions from the operating system.

Let's look at the graphical interface.

On a note! However, this program has one significant drawback - it is paid, and the trial only allows for verification. Well, that’s good too.

Programs from hard drive manufacturers

Who, besides the manufacturers themselves, can know better how to work with hard drives? Some of these programs work only with disks of a certain brand, some - with all. Experiment.
Let's begin.


Essentially a simple program:

Data Lifeguard Diagnostics

This is the name of the verification program from the manufacturer WD. The functionality is approximately similar to the previous program, but has a number of advantages.

  • firstly, it can be used with any disk. This is a huge plus, despite the prevalence of discs of this brand;
  • secondly, she knows how to destroy information;
  • thirdly, it can simply cut off dead sectors so that the disk runs longer at the same speed, albeit with a slightly smaller volume. Definitely an extremely useful feature.

All options are in context menus. That is, to start scanning a specific disk, you just need to right-click on it (of course, in the program interface) and select the desired action. That's all the work.

We hope these methods helped you deal with the problems of your machine, repair it, or prevent damage. Good luck!

Video - How to check your hard drive yourself

If your computer is running slowly, then one of the reasons is the slow speed of the HDD (hard drive). Today we’ll look at two free small but useful programs for testing your computer’s hard drive.

CrystalDiskMark is a program designed to test the performance of computer hard drives.

CrystalDiskInfo– a program that allows you to diagnose HDD/SSD drives, USB-HDD drives.

Both programs are small in size and do not require installation ( Portable- portable software). They are very easy to use.


To conduct a test in the program CrystalDiskMark you only need to select the hard drive (if you have several), the size of the test file (from 50 to 1000 MB) and the number of runs (from 1 to 9). After a short test, the average speed of reading and writing to the hard disk of the main file, 512 and 4 KB blocks will be given.

CrystalDiskMark is a useful application that allows you to conduct a comparative analysis of the performance characteristics of computer hard drives and storage devices.

CrystalDiskMark measures the speed of reading and writing data. Upon completion of testing, it visually displays the average indicators and saves them for further analysis.

CrystalDiskMark— a free program, available in Russian localization, small in size, supports SSD drives.

After starting the program, a window will open in which you indicate the disk you are going to test, the number of runs and the size of the test file.

After pressing the button All the full test will run.

Button "Seq Q32T1" you can run a random write/read test (block size 512 KB)

Button "4K Q32T1"- Random write/read test (block size 4 KB, queue depth 32) for NCQ and AHCI.

Button "Seq"- Sequential write/read test (block size 1024 KB).

Button "4K"- a similar test, only for blocks of 4 kilobytes.

Below is an example of a window with scan results:

Here the left column is the speed of reading information.

The right column is the recording speed.

CrystalDiskMark is a free program that is designed for comparative analysis of the performance of hard drives and other computer storage devices. Its performance affects the speed of the computer as a whole.

The program works in all versions of Windows operating systems (from 9x to Vista/7 32 and 64).

CrystalDiskMark also allows the ability to change the theme, has a simple user interface with support for the Russian language.

  • Update: 03-02-2016
  • Version: 5.1.2
  • System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Vista, Windows XP
  • License: free
  • Size: 2.9 MB Portable (zip)
  • Developer: hiyohiyo


CrystalDiskInfo– a program that allows you to perform hard drive diagnostics for a PC, monitoring for HDD/SSD drives, USB-HDD drives. The CrystalDiskInfo program is very easy to use; after launch, information appears about the status of the hard drive or other drive that needs diagnostics. You can download the CrystalDiskInfo program in Russian at the bottom of the page.

  • Update 02/03/2016
  • Version: 6.7.5
  • System Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Vista, Windows XP
  • Interface: Russian/English, etc.
  • License: free
  • Size: 4.5 MB Portable (zip)
  • Developer: hiyohiyo

CrystalDiskInfo— detailed diagnostics, determining the parameters of the disk, external drives and plotting graphs of the characteristics of the disk or drive, the ability to use the function of comparing different graphs.

While using the utility, you can view any necessary information about the disk: model, capacity, firmware version or serial number.

You can also find out the type of interface used, the mode for data transfer, and the rotation speed. The program determines the cache size, the total operating time of the device, and the number of starts.

After launching the CrystalDiskInfo program, it immediately displays the S.M.A.R.T. values, temperature, and general condition of the disk, including values ​​such as “Wear,” “Number of read errors,” “Erase errors,” “Alarm!” and others.

The programs described above were developed by a programmer from Japan Noriyuki Miyazaki (nickname hiyohiyo).

Analogs of programs

You can also consider similar programs for testing, analyzing, and treating HDD:

HDDSpeed ​​- A free utility whose main task is to determine the speed of the hard drive. Displays information about physical characteristics and speed parameters. Can diagnose hardware problems and identify faults that could lead to failure.

HDDScan - A free software product that tests and diagnoses hard drives. Checks them for errors, regulates their operation and displays useful information.

Victoria - A free program that allows you to test your hard drive and check its overall health. It has all the necessary tools for analyzing performance and finding errors.

P.S. HDD– one of the important components of any computer or laptop. It stores very important information, which if the disk fails is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to recover. Now hard drives are replacing solid-state drives (SSDs) - they are faster, but more expensive and not yet as large in size. After purchasing a new hard drive, you need to test it with the above or similar programs.

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