How to reprogram a phone battery. How to restore a phone battery: methods for resuscitating a mobile device battery

Modern batteries remain one of the biggest challenges for both manufacturers and consumers. And the point here is not so much the potential risk of fire, but the gradual depletion of the power source itself. Therefore, you should not be surprised that with daily charging, batteries can withstand a year or two of active use, after which their capacity drops catastrophically and using your favorite gadget becomes problematic.

It is impossible to completely revive a dead battery, but you can extend the period of active use while you are busy looking for a replacement. This is what we will talk about today.

The recommendations below are designed for a technically trained user, therefore, if you do not know which side to approach the soldering iron, it is better to either contact the services of a service center or immediately go to the store for a new battery.

Phone with modern Li-Ion battery

Method No. 1

It can help in cases where, due to prolonged operation, gases begin to accumulate inside, as a result of which the battery swells and does not hold a charge well.

    Tools and materials needed: soldering iron, some epoxy resin, thin needle, flat heavy object for alignment.

    As carefully as possible, disconnect the battery case from the upper block with the sensor.

    Separate the electronic sensor. Under it there should be a cap, inside of which the control electronics are hidden. We carefully pierce it, for which a thin needle is well suited.

    Remember that if the filling is damaged, it will no longer be possible to revive the battery.

    The most crucial moment. Place the battery on the table and press it with a press. Keep in mind: excessive force can damage the battery, while insufficient force, on the contrary, will not lead to the desired result. It is also strictly not recommended to use a vice or similar devices during repairs.

Once everything is ready, drop some epoxy onto the hole and solder the sensor.

Tools and materials for diagnosing your phone battery

It is not able to revive a battery with a significantly reduced resource, but it can extend its life a little.

You shouldn’t count on much, but a reconditioned battery can provide power to a modern smartphone while you look for a replacement.

    Necessary tools and materials: any power supply (5–12 V, current at least 0.1 A), voltmeter or tester for voltage control, resistor (power at least 500 mW, resistance from 330 to 1000 Ohms).

    If you don’t have a spare power supply, almost any complete one from active network equipment (switches, routers, modems) will do. You must first make sure that the parameters of the current it produces correspond to the required ones.

    We release the contacts of the power supply and connect them to the dead battery: the “minus” of the power supply with the “minus” of the battery, and add a resistor to the “positive” line. Be sure to check the correct polarity of the connection using a multimeter.

When everything is done, connect the power supply to the network. The procedure time is no more than 2–3 minutes. If possible, monitor the process using a tester: the maximum permissible voltage is no more than 3.3 V.

    A few important notes

    Do not leave a problem battery unattended during repairs. Cases of spontaneous combustion are not a theory, but a harsh reality.

    Periodically check the temperature of the “client” with a remote thermocouple, an electronic thermometer, or simply with your hand. If the surface feels hot rather than just warm, stop repairing immediately.

    Excessive charging currents should not be used. The maximum you can afford is 50 mAh. This parameter is calculated as follows: divide the power supply voltage by the resistor capacitance. For example, if the first parameter is 12 V, and the second is 500 Ohm, then the charging current will be 24 mAh.

    Instead of a resistor, you can use a standard 80mm computer fan.

To avoid spontaneous combustion, it is also recommended to monitor the initial charging of the reconditioned battery.

Method No. 3

The technique is controversial and dubious, but, according to reviews on specialized forums, it helps some users, so the responsibility for possible negative consequences lies with you.

    Tools and materials needed: working refrigerator.

    Remove it from the device, let it warm up to room temperature, and then charge it as usual.

Method No. 4

A harmless but ineffective resuscitation technique. But if you think that the battery in your smartphone has completely failed, then why not try it?

Required tools and materials: smartphone with standard charger.

    Bring the battery to full discharge (when the phone no longer turns on). Any resource-intensive game or AnTuTu utility can help with this.

    Fully charge the battery to 100%.

    Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times.

Method No. 5

Almost all professional electricians will consider the procedure below to be sacrilege, but it has helped many users of old batteries.

Necessary tools and materials: razor blade, thin screwdriver, moment glue.

    We remove the battery from the phone.

    Peel off the sticker with technical characteristics.

    We cut off the top plastic cover as much as possible, behind which the control electronics are hidden.

    We find the main contacts.

    We briefly close them with any metal object.

    Glue the top cover and let it dry.

We remind you once again that none of the above methods of resuscitation guarantees a 100% result, and all responsibility falls entirely on your shoulders. But if the battery has completely turned off, and the purchase of a new one is postponed for several days, it’s worth a try. But if you rarely pick up a soldering iron and consider yourself a humanitarian, it’s better to turn to a friend who knows the subject for help.

Video instruction

All batteries are designed for a certain service life, after which normal operation ceases.

This manifests itself in a decrease in charge, rapid loss of energy or. We will understand the reasons for premature failure and provide several options for how to restore your phone battery at home.

Reasons for battery failure

Will be useful

Currently, three types of batteries are widely used: nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride and lithium-ion. The latter provide twice as much energy per kilogram of weight, which determines their use in mobile devices, where not only autonomy, but also overall weight is important. A lithium-ion battery is designed to last 500 full discharge and charge cycles on average. This figure is enough for the smooth operation of the smartphone for 2-3 years.

However, the service life may be significantly reduced for one of the following reasons:

Before you begin recovery procedures, you need to make sure that the battery is to blame for the malfunction of your mobile device. The battery is removed from the smartphone and visually inspected. If there is swelling, deformation or cracks, the element must be replaced, and until then it cannot be placed back into the phone.

If the battery looks normal externally and has been in use for less than three years, then the voltage should be measured.

  • You will need a multimeter that can be used to measure DC voltage within 20 volts. The probes are applied to the positive and negative contacts of the battery. The obtained values ​​are interpreted as follows:
  • 3.7-4.2 volts - smartphone battery restoration is not required. The charge is at the maximum level, which means that the reason for the smartphone’s inoperability should be looked for elsewhere.
  • 2.1-3.5 volts is the average charge level at which the device should still turn on.

0.0-2.0 volts - the battery is deeply discharged; the smartphone will not turn on without a recovery procedure.


If a value in the range of 0.0-2.0 volts was obtained, you need to start pumping up the battery.

Battery recovery methods

The procedure is performed in several ways. The choice depends on personal skills, as well as the equipment and components required.

Using the Imax B6 device

It is not difficult to purchase this device in a specialized store, and car owners often have it.

  • With its help, you can restore your phone battery yourself.
  • The procedure includes the following steps:
  • Connecting contacts to the smartphone battery.
  • Setting the appropriate mode (for a lithium-ion battery) with a voltage of 3.7 V and a charge of 1 A.
  • Wait until the voltage rises to 3.2 V.

Disconnect the battery and install it back into the phone. Check functionality.

If the procedure is successful, recharging is carried out using the supplied charger.

Using a Krona battery

Battery failure is a fairly common problem with modern devices. After a long period of discharge, the battery may stop responding to the power adapter. In addition, after using a smartphone for 2-3 years, its capacity decreases significantly, and charging takes longer. Below is how to revive your phone battery.

There are quite a few recovery methods, but if your phone is more than one year old, none of them will bring long-term results. Malfunctions can be divided into two main categories:

  1. Physical aging of the device and loss of battery capacity.
  2. “Deep discharge” of the smartphone, making it impossible to use the standard charging adapter due to insufficient voltage on the controller.

Modern lithium batteries cannot be refurbished in the same way as older alkaline batteries. If the battery has already expired and has seriously lost capacity, it is recommended to replace it with a new one. Below is how to restore a completely dead phone battery.

Important! All methods give only short-term positive results, and the best solution in most cases is to purchase a new module.

How to “push” a phone battery

If the gadget has been turned off for a long time, it may stop turning on and respond to being connected to an outlet. A "deep discharge" has probably occurred and the power controller is unable to begin charging. You can correct the situation using improvised means.

To carry out the repair you will need the following tools:

  • Multimeter - to check the current and input voltage.
  • An adapter from any device capable of output voltage from 6 to 12 volts.
  • Power supplies from other smartphones, tablets and routers are suitable.
  • Trimmer resistor with a power of at least 1.5 W.
  • Soldering iron, roll of electrical tape, clamps and copper wire.

If all the necessary tools are in place, follow the instructions:

  • Output "plus" and "minus" from the power supply. First, you should strip the wire braid, then connect one wire (plus) inside the connector, and the other (minus) to the outside. Secure with electrical tape.
  • Connect the other ends of the wire to the battery itself, observing the polarity. You can also secure them with electrical tape for a while.
  • The trimmer should be connected to the positive wire.
  • Connect the resulting structure to the network and regularly check the current with a multimeter. For charging, 50 mA is usually sufficient.

It is also possible to carry out a similar procedure using a “frog charger”. Finding such a device will not be difficult in electronics stores and markets. The output current is usually 200-500 mA, but this is quite enough for charging. Instructions for working with frogs differ for each model. This method can slightly extend the life of an old battery or “push” a discharged module.


We revive the battery using cold

Using a refrigerator to recondition a lithium battery is useless. Alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries can “add” a little capacity, but this type of element is not installed on any modern smartphone.

Storing the battery in the refrigerator will lead to its complete discharge, but will certainly not help start the charging process. If you remove an element from your phone, store it at room temperature on a dry surface.

Important! Overcooling of Li-ion cells will lead to their failure and loss of the manufacturer's warranty.

Restoration by closing contacts

If all the above methods do not help, try shorting the battery contacts using a metal object.

  • Remove the sticker from the front of the battery (near the contacts for connecting to the smartphone) using a flat-head screwdriver.
  • Close the two contacts for 1 second using tweezers or any other metal object.
  • The functionality of the element will be restored for some time.

Important! This method only works in some cases. Use it only when all else fails.

Using another battery for recharging

In some situations, recharging with a “donor battery” helps.

  1. Find any 9 volt battery, a roll of electrical tape and wire.
  2. Connect the non-working element to the “donor”, ​​observing the polarity. Secure the wires with electrical tape.
  3. Wait 5-10 minutes while it charges. If everything is connected correctly, the battery will heat up slightly.
  4. Disconnect the non-working module from the “donor” and install it in the smartphone.

Release of gases from a swollen battery

If the batteries become swollen, they should be replaced with new ones as soon as possible. A faulty battery can damage the display and even bend the board, not to mention a fire. However, if you pierce a defective battery and release the gases, you can extend its life for a while.

  • Disconnect the controller with sensors from the housing.
  • Using a thin needle, pierce the end of the can from the contact side.
  • Gently press the battery with a heavy object, trying to release the gas without damaging the case. Use an object larger than the body of the damaged module.

Battery calibration

  • Wait until the smartphone is completely discharged and turns off.
  • Connect the gadget to the outlet without turning it on. Usually the screen will show the current charge level even if Android is not loaded.
  • Wait until fully charged to 100%, then disconnect the device from power for 3-5 minutes.
  • Put your phone back on charge. Please note that the charge level will be a couple of percent below the maximum.
  • Repeat the procedure starting from point 4. The battery is considered calibrated when, when connected after several minutes of inactivity, the level is 100%.


Smartphone and tablet batteries lose their original capacity over time. After a long stay in a discharged state, a “deep discharge” process occurs, from which a “frog charger” or a standard set of tools will help to remove it.

Repair by cooling is possible for alkaline batteries, but absolutely useless for Li-ion modules. Closing contacts is a method that is effective only in a number of situations. It is recommended to calibrate the module once every 2-3 months - this will help slow down the degradation of lithium cells and increase service life.


One of the most serious problems of telephone batteries is their gradual depletion, that is, a decrease in working life and complete loss of performance. Even under light loads, batteries discharge very quickly. Thus, the period of active operation is on average 2-3 years. Sometimes, due to current circumstances, it is not possible to purchase a new battery, and many gadget owners are faced with the question of how to restore their phone battery.

Existing methods can extend battery life for a short time. However, such operations can only be performed by technically trained users who have skills in working with a soldering iron and certain knowledge of radio electronics and electrical engineering.

Internal processes in the battery during operation

The telephone battery is the main element of the device, without which its normal operation is impossible. Thanks to the battery, phones have become mobile, functioning regardless of external power sources.

Smartphones are especially stressed when they go online every day, watch videos, play games, listen to music and other activities that require increased energy consumption. Therefore, devices have to be charged every day, and sometimes several times during the day. This operating mode significantly reduces the battery life, and the loss of nominal capacity is 15-20% annually.

Before using one of the proposed methods and deciding whether it is possible to use a mobile phone battery, you should take into account that all methods give a certain positive result, but for a very short time.

When the battery reaches its end of life, it must be replaced. A complete restoration will require what is called a repack, during which the old battery can is replaced. The cost of such repairs is comparable to buying a new battery, so this operation is only advisable when restoring the battery of an old phone that is no longer on sale. Thus, the most relevant and cost-effective methods are those that extend battery life for a short period of time.

What to do if the battery is swollen

When a battery is used for a long time, a build-up of gases will form inside the battery. This leads to swelling of the battery and loss of charge. To solve this problem you will need a soldering iron, a thin needle, epoxy resin and a suitable object with which the swelling will be leveled.

  • The battery housing is carefully separated from the upper unit sensor.
  • Next, the sensor itself is disconnected, under which there is a cap with control electronics.
  • The cap is carefully pierced with a thin needle without damaging the internal filling. Otherwise, it will be impossible to restore the battery.
  • Then you need to find a flat object with dimensions greater than the surface area of ​​​​the battery. The smartphone battery is placed on the table and pressed with this improvised press. In this case, it is important to calculate the effort, since excess pressure will simply ruin the battery, and insufficient pressure will not give the desired result. When performing this operation, do not use a vice or other similar devices.
  • At the end of the procedure, all that remains is to drop epoxy resin onto the hole of the phone battery and solder the sensor in place.

Push recovery

This method is considered most suitable if the lithium battery has not been used for a long time. It is typically used for older models from which stored information needs to be retrieved. Recovering from a deep discharge will allow you not only to turn on the phone, but also to use it for some period.

To carry out the operation you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Power supply (charger) from a tablet, router or other phone, providing an output voltage of 6-12 V.
  • Trimmer resistor with a minimum power of 0.5 W.
  • Multimeter for measuring voltage and current, clamps, soldering iron.
  • The materials you will need are copper wires and electrical tape.

Recovery process

  • Plus and minus are output from the power supply connector using copper wires. After stripping the braid, the positive wire is inserted inside the connector, and the negative wire is attached to the outside. The entire connection point is fixed with electrical tape.
  • The free ends of the wires are connected to the phone battery terminals. For this purpose, the battery is disassembled, and the connection itself is made to the positive and negative contacts of the can, located after the controller. For connection, suitable clamps are used or the wires are simply soldered to the contacts. The tuning resistor is installed in the gap of the positive conductor.
  • The initial current is set within 50 mA. Finally, it is regulated by a trimming resistor or a resistance with a certain value is selected, which is calculated according to Ohm’s law.

Upon completion of assembly, the power supply must be plugged into the network through an outlet. An output voltage is generated at the terminals, which is periodically measured with a multimeter. Gradually its value should increase and come as close as possible to the rated voltage of the restored battery.

If the process is too slow, you can try to speed it up by increasing the current. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the resistance while simultaneously monitoring the battery condition, capacity and temperature. In the event of excessive overheating or swelling, the power supply should be immediately unplugged.

During charging, the battery should not be left unattended, since the entire procedure is carried out directly. There is no automatic stop of charging the phone battery. Therefore, upon reaching a certain voltage level, it is recommended to install the battery back into the device. When it is turned on normally, it is better to carry out subsequent charging in this position.

Other battery recovery methods

In some cases, so-called cryotherapy, that is, “treatment” with cold at home, can help. The battery that has lost capacity should be removed from the phone, placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer of the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes.

After the allotted time has passed, the battery should be inserted into the phone and charged for 1 minute. After that, it is removed from the phone again, warmed up to room temperature and then charged as usual.

This method is not suitable for batteries containing lithium; it only works for alkaline batteries, which form so-called dendrites during operation. In this regard, the active elements of the electrodes are partially excluded from the operating mode, and the battery capacity decreases. After cooling, the dendrites become brittle and are destroyed by tapping or shaking. Thus, the performance of alkaline batteries is partially restored.

Another method involves full charging and discharging, repeated several times. The battery must be charged to 100% and then completely discharged until the phone stops working.

What are the ways to restore a mobile phone battery?

The phone battery is the key element of a mobile phone, without which it stops working. It is thanks to the battery that a phone is called a mobile phone. At the same time, the battery is the weakest point of smartphones. , which are installed in modern phones, last 2-4 years. Their service life is 400-500 charge-discharge cycles. A smartphone on which you constantly go online, play games, watch videos, requires charging almost every day. As a result, battery life is significantly reduced. A battery can lose up to 15-20% of its nominal capacity per year. This material provides some tips on how to restore your phone battery.

If you want to restore your smartphone's lithium battery for a long period, then only repacking will help.

The procedure is to replace the battery bank with a new one. This will require the purchase of a similar can, the process will result in a full battery repair. It makes sense to do such things if you need a battery for an older phone model. Otherwise, it's easier to buy a new battery.

This article will look at ways to restore your phone battery for a short period.

How can you “push” your phone battery?

If the battery has been left idle for a long time, it can be restored using this method. You shouldn't expect any miracle here, but the method will help restore the battery to such a level that it can turn on the phone.

What can this be useful for? For example, you changed your phone and abandoned your old one. The battery voltage dropped below the permissible limit and the controller blocked it. And the contacts and valuable photographs remained in my memory. To avoid buying a new battery, you can use this method to turn on your smartphone.

  • What might you need?
  • Power supply from a modem, router, another phone, tablet. At the output it should provide a voltage of 6 to 12 volts;
  • Copper, wires, clamps, soldering iron, electrical tape;
  • Construction resistor. The power must be at least 0.5 watt;

Multimeter. For measuring current and voltage.

We also advise you to read the material about.

  • What do we have to do?
  • Using wires, bring out the plus and minus from the power supply connector. To do this, strip the braid, insert one inside the connector (plus), and attach the second to the outer part (minus). And secure the wires with electrical tape;
  • Connect the other ends of the wires to the terminals of the battery bank. To do this, you will need to disassemble it and connect to the plus and minus of the can already behind the controller. You can do this with appropriately sized clamps or by soldering;

A trimming resistor is installed in the positive wire gap.

To start, set the current to about 50 mA. To do this you need to calculate the resistance. To do this you need to use Ohm's law. Resistance is calculated using the formula R = U / I. If the power adapter you are using has an output of 12 volts, then R will be equal to 12 / 0.05. This gives 240 ohms. It is necessary to include in the circuit such a resistor with such a resistance or a trimmer. The latter is much more convenient because it allows you to change the value on the fly.

Do not leave the battery charging unattended. The can is charged directly, which means the controller will not stop the process automatically. Lithium batteries should not be overheated. This is fraught with fire. It is better to charge the battery to a certain level and try installing it in the phone. If the controller turns on the battery, then it is better to carry out the remaining charging process in the phone.

You can try to “push” the battery with a car battery. Connect the negative terminals of the can and the car battery and the positive wire to the telephone battery. Then use the other end of the positive wire to quickly touch the positive terminal of the car battery. In this case, sparking may even be observed.

If you need, read the material at the link provided.

Touches must be made quickly so that the wire does not stick. After 3-4 touches, measure the battery voltage. Do this procedure until the tension stops growing. After that, continue charging your phone.

Using cold to restore the battery

Quite often this method is found on forums as a recommendation for restoring a phone battery. But apparently, we are talking about alkaline Ni─Cd and Ni─MH batteries. The fact is that dendrites form in such batteries during operation. It turns out that some of the active elements in the electrodes are excluded from the process. The battery capacity decreases. In such a situation, this method can help restore the battery.

Read also the article about.

As a result of cooling in the refrigerator, the dendrites become brittle. Subsequent light impact or shaking destroys them. In this way, the lost capacity of the alkaline battery can be partially restored. But we are talking specifically about alkaline batteries. For lithium-type telephone batteries, such a procedure can be not only useless, but also harmful.

If you want to know why, read the article at the link provided.