Rounded corners photoshop. How to round the corners of an image using CSS without Photoshop

In this quick tutorial, I'll show you how you can create rounded corners in Photoshop using simple masking techniques and filters.

You can adjust the corner radius to round the edge of your shape, text, etc. This is a quick and easy method that will create rounded corners. To create them you can use a layer mask.

Using a series of simple steps in Photoshop, you can create a rounded rectangle. Photoshop doesn't have a filter or any tool to make a round corner right away, but you can do it using Illustrator. It will allow you to create a rounded corner effect for almost every object. In it you need to go to the menu Effects > Stylization > Rounded Corners(Effects > Stylize > Rounded Corners).

Step 1

In this quick tutorial, I'll show you a simple method to create rounded corners in Photoshop using rasterized text, a shape, or an image. Let's take a vector image of a star with sharp corners (this method will also work well with right angles).

Step 2

Now you need to rasterize the layer. To do this, right-click on the star layer thumbnail in the layers palette and select from the context menu Rasterize layer(Rasterize Layer). You should do the same if you are using a text layer.

Step 3

Go to menu Filter > Blur(Filter > Blur) and select Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur). The blur radius will depend on the size of your image and the result you would like to achieve. I'll choose a radius of 5 pixels.

Step 4

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the layer thumbnail to activate image selection. Next we go to the menu Selection and choose Refine edge(Select > Refine Edge). You can experiment with the parameters Antialiasing(Smooth) and Shading(Feather) to select the desired effect. Contrast(Contrast) make it 100.

Step 5

Take the color of the shape, in our case it is yellow and fill the entire selection with this color. You can do this by pressing the key combination “Shift + F5”.

Step 6

Without removing the selection, you must add a layer mask by clicking on the icon that is located at the bottom of the layers palette. That's all, now the star has rounded corners.

You can use the same method to create text with rounded corners as shown in the image below. Now you can come up with your own font.

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In this tutorial you will learn how to smooth out sharp corners of shapes in Photoshop.

First, let's create a shape. You can do this by selecting the Custom Shape Tool from the toolbar. The hotkey for calling the submenu of tools for creating vector shapes is U.

There are two ways to make this tool active:

1. While holding down the Shift key, click on the group of tools and a submenu will open to select the desired tool;

2. Long-clicking the left mouse button on a group of tools will also open a submenu.

Load all available shapes into Photoshop (click on the shape’s thumbnail in the top panel and click on the “gear” on the right to open additional settings):

From the drop-down list, select a shape with sharp corners, for example, this star with 10 corners:

When creating a figure, do not forget to hold keyShift- this will help maintain proportions.

Now you need to rasterize the figure - Right-click on the layer with the shape - Rasterize Layer.

We select the radius depending on the size of the canvas and the desired result, I chose 6 pixels.

Now we need to load the selection of the layer with the shape, to do this, hold down keyCtrlclick on the layer thumbnail with a figure on Layers panel.

When the selection is active, press the button "Refine edge" (Refine Edge):

A settings menu will open in which we need the parameter Feather leave on 0 , and the parameter Contrast increase to maximum 100%. Parameter Smooth customize it to your taste, it will help round the corners of the figure. In the case of the 10-sided star, I set it to maximum, but you may have completely different settings.

In the parameter Output to... leave the default setting - allocation.

Press the Enter key to apply the settings. Create a new layer and use Paint Bucket Tool or by going to the menu Editing-Fill fill the selection with the desired color, for example, black, as in the original figure. Turn off the visibility of the original layer with the shape and get this shape with rounded corners:

That's all. In this tutorial we learned how to round corners of shapes in Photoshop. I hope the lesson was useful to you.

Everyone has long been tired of traditional rectangular corners in website design. Rounded corners are in fashion, which are made not using images, but through styles, for which the border-radius property is used. This property can have one, two, three or four values ​​separated by a space, which determine the radius of all corners or each individually.

In table 1 shows a different number of values ​​and the type of block that is obtained in this case.

Code Description View
div ( border-radius: 10px; ) Rounding radius for all corners at once.
div ( border-radius: 0 10px; ) The first value sets the radius of the top left and bottom right corners, the second value sets the radius for the top right and bottom left.
div ( border-radius: 20px 10px 0; ) The first value sets the radius of the upper left corner, the second - both the upper right and lower left, and the third value - the lower right.
div ( border-radius: 20px 10px 5px 0; ) Sequentially sets the radius of the upper left, upper right, lower right and lower left corners.

Example 1 shows how to create a block with rounded corners.

Example 1. Corners of a block

HTML5 CSS3 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


Me is the suppletive form of the accusative case of I.

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Block with rounded corners

An interesting effect can be obtained if you set the rounding radius to be greater than half the height and width of the element. In this case, you will get a circle. Example 2 shows how to create a round button with a picture.

Example 2: Round button

HTML5 CSS3 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Round button

In the Opera browser, rounding to