When you turn on the iPhone, iTunes and a USB cable are displayed on the screen. There is a cord and an iTunes icon on the iPhone screen, what to do?

Owners of Apple gadgets often have to deal with such an unpleasant problem as iTunes freezing . And this usually happens when connecting an iPhone or iPad to a PC.

This material discusses the main factors of such freezes and ways to solve these problems.

The source of the problem usually lies in the following factors:

  • “stale” software (or applications malfunction);
  • difficulties with data exchange on the machine;
  • installed podcasts;
  • the account itself;
  • exposure to spyware and virus software.

If iTunes is frozen: what to do?

Let us analyze the algorithm of actions in each specific situation.

1 “Stale” version of iTunes. In such a situation, it is necessary to check the relevance of the version of the utility installed on the PC/laptop. Only the latest released software can 100% guarantee the correct interaction of a PC with iOS devices. You can check if there are updates for the application directly from your iPhone, in the software section. You can also go to the Apple resource on the Internet, to the desired section, and check the current data. You can download the software directly from your iOS device (provided you have a stable Wi-Fi connection). 2 Check the status of the RAM. In the process of connecting an iPhone or other Apple device to iTunes, the system load increases significantly. As a result, the application hangs. In such a situation, you should open the Device Manager window, which you can get to by pressing a simple combination of Ctrl+Shift+Esc elements. In the pop-up window, iTunes (as well as other software) is terminated, since they are rapidly consuming system resources. At the moment of interaction with iTunes, the need for them disappears. Then open the task manager window and try again to start the utility and connect the device to the PC. 3 Difficulties with data exchange on the machine. When you connect the iPhone to the PC, the utility starts data exchange without any commands, itself. The backup process involves transferring previously purchased products and creating a “fresh” copy. In such a situation, it is necessary to check whether data exchange on the machine is the cause of the freeze. To do this, disconnect the device from the PC, and then restart the utility. At the top of the window, click on the edits section and go to settings. In the pop-up window, go to the devices section and check the box to prohibit synchronization on the machine. Save your edits. After all the above steps, connect the Apple gadget to the PC. If the freezing difficulties are successfully resolved, do not activate synchronization on the machine yet. It is likely that the problem will be resolved, which means that this option can be made active again. 4 Malfunctions in the functioning of Windows accounting. Some accounting software, as well as a number of settings, can be a source of difficulties. In such a situation, you need to create an account on your PC that will check for the presence of this particular factor. To create such an account, go to the control panel window and set the small icon settings at the top right, and then go to the user accounts section. In the pop-up window, you need to select the management section of another account. If you have OS version 7, in the same window you can proceed to creating an account. If your PC is running an older operating system, at the bottom of the window, click on the adding a new user section in the PC settings window. The system will take you to where you need to select the option to add a new user for this PC, and then create a new account. After going to it, install iTunes on your PC and log in. Connect the device to the PC and check if the problem is resolved.

5 Presence of spyware. This is one of the most serious problems. To scan the system, use the capabilities of an antivirus program or a healing utility. It will scan your PC for any threat and eliminate what it finds. After completing the check and cleaning, you will need to restart the operating system. 6 Incorrect operation of iTunes. This may be due to the impact of virus software or other installed applications on the PC. In this case, to fix the problem you will need to erase the utility from your PC. Moreover, this must be done completely, that is, other software from Apple must be removed. Upon completion of the operation, the system is restarted again, and the “fresh” iTunes distribution is downloaded from the Apple company’s resource on the network. The final step is to install the application on your PC.

So, if you often start seeing iTunes freeze when you connect your iPhone, don’t rush to panic. The situation with iPhone freezing is quite common. And there can be at least six reasons for such an unpleasant situation. The most serious problem is when the utility hangs due to problems with itself. In this case, nothing can be done other than simply updating iTunes to the most recent version.

Many iPhone 7 users will see a USB cable and an iTunes icon on the screen after updating to iOS 10/iOS 11, usually in this case, it is assumed that your device has already entered recovery mode. After a series of “Unknown errors” it came to a black screen with a picture of a cord and an iTunes icon, the service said that there was a problem with the board. Or did your iPhone 7 have a problem with a black display where a cord and an icon in the form of the iTunes program logo appeared, after a forced reboot, the phone does not respond to anything at all and does not turn on or charge. This article is written, what to do, iPhone 7 stuck on iTunes string after iOS 10/iOS 11 update?

Free recovery method using Tenorshare ReiBoot

Free program will solve your problems, iPhone 7 is in recovery mode and after iOS 10/iOS 11 update stuck on connect to iTunes icon, Tenorshare ReiBoot will help you exit recovery mode and your device will reboot itself after some minutes.

First download and install Tenorshare ReiBoot on your computer. Connect your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch to your computer using a USB cable. Then Tenorshare ReiBoot recognizes your device in recovery mode, click the “Exit Recovery Mode” button. Wait a little and the device will reboot safely. Do not disconnect the device during this process.

Solve stuck on iTunes logo in iTunes

The way to get rid of the cable and iTunes black screen is to restore to iTunes. But it will erase all the content, so make a backup before using it.

  • Download and install iTunes on your computer.
  • Open iTunes, connect your device to PC using a USB cable.
  • Wait until the image of the iPhone with the cable connected appears on the screen.
  • Click the “Restore” button in iTunes. The device will start working as usual again.

Fix your operating system with Tenorshare ReiBoot

The usual way is to force restart, but after the force restart, which is used to exit the normal recovery mode, the iPhone 7 still continues to boot into a black screen in which we see the cord and iTunes again and again. This situation means that the iPhone 7 is in the so-called Recovery Loop mode. Getting into the Recovery Loop can happen for various reasons, for example, as a result of errors after updating or restoring the iOS 10/iOS 11 firmware. Then you need to fix the operating system.

What to do when you find that your iPhone 5S is hanging? Why iPhone 5S hanging on a cord? DIY instructions and repairs Will it help in such a situation or will I still have to contact the service center?

Instructions: In such a difficult problem, when the iPhone is frozen and there is a string on the screen, there may be several options for breakdowns and, accordingly, you will also have to eliminate them in different ways:

  1. The software of the communicator in question has crashed. New licensed firmware is needed;
  2. The Baseband processor has broken down due to voltage surges or strong shocks to the device;
  3. The power management chip is damaged. It will have to be replaced with an original analogue;
  4. Due to corrosion or other consequences of wetness, mechanical influences, the components of the printed circuit board do not function correctly - it is necessary to carry out preliminary computer diagnostics.

Result: The first option can be done independently at home without any special difficulties, but if you have the 2nd, 3rd or 4th option, then they can be safely eliminated exclusively at a service center.

We have offered you 2 troubleshooting options - choose the one that is more comfortable for you.

Repair at the Apple Telemama service center

DIY repair

Our advantages

  1. We constantly select only original, high quality spare parts.
  2. Price. We purchase factory components in wholesale quantities, which we then sell to you at a reduced cost.
  3. Repair time. On average, a standard replacement of displays, speakers, connectors, etc. lasts 20 minutes. Another 20 minutes are needed to diagnose complex defects in a mobile phone.
  4. 1 year warranty.

If your mobile phone is broken or not functioning correctly, we will certainly help you repair it. It will be quite difficult for you to cope with such a task on your own.

Bring your communicators to our Telemama service in person or use the services of a courier service to save your time.

When we finish repairing your iPhone 5S, come to the service center to pick it up yourself, or call a courier for delivery. A 1 year warranty will be provided in any case.

In the future, you and your friends will receive a discount on equipment maintenance from us, but to do this you need to provide your order number.

We have been performing high-quality repairs of iPhone 5S communicators for many years; in addition, we teach clients how to repair the devices in question themselves, and we sell original components for them. Read about the price of services and spare parts provided in the price list. You can only carry out preliminary diagnostics at the service center, and then connect the component parts at home.

Regular customers do not need discounts, because we always serve them at minimum prices. New promotions are held quite often, making it possible to repair an iPhone 5S at cost and with a long warranty.

Your iPhone won't turn on and asks for iTunes? Well, what can happen here in the life of users of Apple technology? Either they drown the device and it doesn’t turn on, or they break the screen, or there are generally incomprehensible cases. One of these problems happened with a device called iPhone 5s. Namely: the phone was sent in for service, the problem was that it would not turn on. When I tried to turn it on, a cable with an iTunes icon appeared on the screen. As repair specialists say: “Hanging on a cord.”

So what to do in such a situation?

  1. You need to figure out in detail what’s wrong with the phone, because it could simply freeze and reset the firmware, or there could be a problem with the board of the device itself, so the first thing you need to try is updating the device’s firmware. This is quite easy to do if you follow these steps:
  2. Download the current version of iTunes.
  3. Download the required OS version.
  4. When turned off, connect the gadget to iTunes.
  5. Hold down the “HOME” button, after 5 seconds press and hold the power button. This operation takes approximately 10-15 seconds.
  6. Next, iTunes should find the device and display the appropriate icon.
  7. Press and hold the “Shift” button, then select “Restore”.
  8. In the window that appears, select the required firmware (.ipsw file)

If during the installation of the firmware a window with error No. 9 appears. This error means problems with the nand flash chip, that is, the chip is inoperative. Most often, when hit, it can simply “fall off”, that is, the knurled balls on which it rests fall off and the connection with the board is interrupted. In this case, a Nand-Flash iPhone transplant is required. If you have special equipment and available tools, the master performs this operation in 1-2 hours.
Step by step reinstallation of the chip looks like this:

1. A complete disassembly of the device is required:
A) Turn off the phone.
B) Unscrew the bottom two bolts.
B) Carefully remove the module.
D) Unscrew the protection from the module and battery connectors.
E) Disconnect the module and battery.
E) Next, remove the board by unscrewing all the guides and retaining bolts.
G) Remove the protection from the board using a hair dryer and pliers (it is held on by a series of latches on several sides, remove carefully).

2. Using heating (hair dryer, temperature should be 340-370 degrees) and a scalpel inserted under the microcircuit after heating, remove the nand-flash microcircuit with extreme caution.

3. Clean the microcircuit from the old compound (thermoplastic polymer resin), the microcircuit and the board in place of the microcircuit using the same hair dryer and scalpel.
4. Using a special stencil, liquid tin (ppd) and a hair dryer, when heated to 330 degrees, the Nand-Flash microcircuit is rolled and sat in place.
5. After carrying out all these operations, the board must be allowed to cool. To do this, it is best to leave it alone for 10-15 minutes, during which time you prepare the battery, system connector cable and module for testing.

6. Having connected the battery, the lower cable and the module, connect the phone in DFU mode to the computer and re-flash it. If it is flashed, then the chip has been transplanted correctly and the device is now ready for use.

7. If everything works and everything is done correctly and according to the instructions, then the iPhone should be assembled following the reverse order of these instructions.

This is the kind of work a repairman does when he replaces microcircuits on an iPhone board. As you gain experience in this area, your skill in performing targeted, technically complex repairs increases every day. The main thing is to have qualities such as perseverance, because you have to deal with small, multi-hour operations.

The army of smartphone fans is growing day by day; the more devices are used every day, the more problems arise with them. In today’s article, we will analyze the situation when an iPhone (any model) asks to connect to iTunes and does not turn on.

The problem is common and well known to servicemen; fixing it takes about half an hour of work and 1500-2000 rubles of money. In order not to waste the family budget, we will try to turn on the iPhone on our own, at home.


There are many reasons, it is difficult to systematize them, but several popular ones can be identified:

  • The firmware crashes - this is precisely why the iPhone 5, 6, 7 models do not turn on, iTunes and the cord are on fire. We'll look at how to reflash the device in the next section.
  • A hardware error, as a result of which some system files were deleted or corrupted, again, flashing will help. Experts call it “iPhone stuck on a cord.”
  • The error may occur after falling onto a hard surface.
  • Water gets inside the device.

What should you do if your iPhone seems to be loading, but won’t turn on, displays a “string” and asks you to connect to iTunes? Let's look at the options for solving the problem below.


To turn on a broken iPhone, follow the steps strictly according to the instructions. If you don’t understand something, at the end of the article there will be video instructions on how to turn on an iPhone of any model through the official iTunes software if it does not turn on. The instructions apply to all models of Apple smartphones, 4, 5, 5S, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 plus.

  1. Download a program called iTunes from the official Apple website (link).
  2. Install iTunes and download the firmware for your iPhone model.
  3. Turn off the iPhone and connect it to the computer using the standard cable included (can be replaced with a good copy).
  4. Press the “HOME” and “POWER” buttons together for 5 seconds and wait about 10 seconds.
  5. After 10 seconds, release “POWER” (aka lock), but leave “HOME” pressed!
  6. After some time, iTunes will display a message about DFU mode, now we can proceed to restoring the firmware.
  7. In iTunes, find the “Restore” button and hold down “Shift” and press it.
  8. In the window that appears, select the previously downloaded file with the extension .ipsw and confirm the choice.
  9. The firmware recovery process has begun, now we are waiting for completion.

You need to remember that when flashing, all data will be erased. If you don't have a backup or you stored all your photos on a dead device without using iCloud, it won't be possible to restore them. In this case, you need to immediately contact authorized service centers, they will help you, but they will ask for good money for the work.

Possible difficulties

If errors occur during the flashing process, for example a warning appears with error No. 9, then the situation is much worse. Most likely, an important microcircuit inside the phone is damaged; it is unlikely that you can fix it yourself. In this case, you will have to contact a repairman, since without special equipment it is not possible to re-solder the microcircuit. Although our craftsmen have learned to do this too, I’ll leave a video about re-soldering a microcircuit with your own hands, in case it comes in handy for someone.

It happens that other types of problems arise when the iPhone does not turn on, a daisy appears on the screen and nothing happens. Most likely you will have to reflash the device, but first we’ll try to do a hard reboot, maybe it will help. Don’t be alarmed, there’s nothing complicated or scary; you won’t even lose data, as if you decide to reflash your iPhone.

Instructions on how to do a hard reboot, if the iPhone does not turn on, the iTunes icon and cable appear on the screen

  • Press and hold the lock button and the home button
  • We wait about 5-10 seconds
  • There is a chance that phone glitches will disappear
  • If it doesn’t help, look at the previous section and repeat everything according to the instructions.


After several attempts, your smartphone still doesn’t come to life? In this case, the optimal solution would be to turn to experienced specialists, although this will not be free, you will protect yourself from the risk of completely “bricking” an expensive device. What to do when the iPhone 5 s does not turn on and in an ultimatum form demands to connect to iTunes, you now know, read carefully and watch the video, in 90% of cases this will solve the problem.

Video instruction