Which Hollywood star do I resemble? Quiz: Which celebrity do you resemble?


The topic of doppelgangers has long haunted many people: some want to be like some star, others simply dream of finding a person similar to themselves, while others became interested in it just by chance. As a rule, these people (especially if they are not very good at computers) have one thing in common: they ended up on some site that promises to find their double, sent an SMS (most often the service did not even say that it would withdraw money, but simply under the guise of checking) - and as a result, instead of a found double, they saw a message that a search was carried out, the double was not found (and a certain amount of money was withdrawn from the phone...).

In this short article I want to tell you a few simple (in my opinion) ways to find your double using a photo, without any tricks or loss of money. So, let's get started...

What do you need to find a double?

1. A computer with an Internet connection (this is obvious 🙂).

2. A photograph of the person for whom you are going to look for doubles. It is best if it is an ordinary photo without processing by different editors (Photoshop, etc.). The most important thing is that the person captured in the photo looks straight at you, so that his face is not turned to the side or down (the accuracy of the search depends on this). Yes, one more detail, it is desirable that the background in the picture be some kind of neutral (white, gray, etc.). A full-length photograph is not needed - just the face is enough.

Option No. 1 - searching for doubles among celebrities

Website: http://www.pictriev.com/

The site PicTriev.com is the first one worth paying attention to. It's very easy to use:

  1. go to the website (link above) and click the “Upload image” button (upload picture);
  2. Next, select your prepared photo;
  3. then the service pauses for 5-10 seconds. - and gives you the results: the age of the person in the photo, his gender, and famous people who the photo resembles (by the way, the percentage of similarity is calculated automatically). The service is especially useful for those people who want to be like someone - they changed their image a little, took a photo, uploaded the photo and looked in which direction the percentage of similarity has changed.

Rice. 1. pictriev - search for doubles using a male photo (photo similar to Phoenix Joaquin, similarity 8%)

By the way, the service (in my opinion) works better with women’s photos. The service almost accurately determined the gender and age of a person. The woman in the photo is most similar to Phoenix Edwige (26% similarity).

Option No. 2 - searching for a double through search engines

This method will live as long as search engines live (or until they block the option to search for pictures based on pictures (sorry for the tautology)).

In addition, the method will give results more and more accurately every year (as search engine algorithms develop). There are quite a lot of search engines, I will give a short instruction on how to search in Google by photo.

1. First, go to the website https://www.google.ru and open the image search (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Google Image Search

3. Then upload your photo and Google will search for similar photos.

As a result, we see that the woman in the photo looks like Sofia Vergara (the results found will contain a lot of photos similar to yours).

By the way, in a similar way you can find similar people in Yandex, and indeed any other search engines that can search by photo. Can you imagine the scope for testing? What if a new search engine comes out tomorrow or new, more advanced algorithms appear?! Therefore, this method is the most reliable and promising...

Where else can you look?

1. http://celebrity.myheritage.com- on this site you can find a double among celebrities. Before searching, you need to register. While it is free, it is possible to install an application for a mobile phone.

2. http://www.tineye.com/ - a site with a huge number of photographs. If you register on it and upload a photo, you can scan it for similar people.

3. play-analogia.com is a good site for finding doubles, but lately it has often been unavailable. Maybe the developers abandoned it?

This concludes the article. To be honest, I have never been specifically interested in or deeply studied this topic, so I would be very grateful for comments and constructive additions.

And lastly, do not be fooled by various promises about finding similar people via SMS - in 90% of cases this is a scam, unfortunately...

Even though we always want to be different from everyone else, when we are compared to one of the celebrities, it is very pleasant and flattering. Are you really that similar to a famous person or are your friends just exaggerating? Or, on the contrary, you consider your appearance too boring and ordinary and don’t even suspect that there is your “double” among the stars.

Test which celebrity are you?

To determine which celebrity's appearance suits you perfectly, you don't have to spend a lot of time on numerous photo analyses. Today, all you need to do is take a free test, thanks to which anyone can find out exactly who they are like.

The analysis is carried out based on answers to questions that relate exclusively to your appearance. As a result, you will receive an answer to which celebrity you resemble or resemble (there may be several options). Most users are very impressed by the testing, because the similarities are amazing!

Do people often hint that you look like a famous public figure? Which world celebrity do you closely resemble in appearance? You can get answers to many questions you are interested in by taking a simple test online.

There are a lot of similar people in the world, and there are probably personalities among the stars who have the same type of appearance as you. You are, of course, very interested to know who you are most similar to. An online test will help you with this, which you can take right now on our website.

They are loved, admired, imitated, striving to be at least a little like their idols. Or maybe you are exactly like one of the famous Hollywood personalities and don’t even know it? Take a special test and look at the results!

Many people dream of their appearance being as similar as possible to some on-screen celebrity, sports star or other well-known person in society. It is a fact. Considering the enormous popularity of the Internet, it is quite natural that such people do not mind finding specialized online services where they can easily make a comparison by photo and find the most similar options.

How to find out which star a person has external similarities with

Naturally, you can rely on the opinions of people around you. But, unfortunately, sometimes, wanting to please or not to offend, they can speak completely unreliably. Therefore, the ideal option is one of the many Internet services that allow, especially girls, to answer the question - what celebrity do I look like in a photograph?

What is needed for this:

  1. A well and high-quality photograph of a person’s face, saved on a PC or mobile phone.
  2. Knowing the address of one of the online resources of this kind.
  3. The desire to find your star double.

With the Internet, everything is simple today!

Review of online programs for identifying celebrity doubles

So, which celebrities look like me in photos? Review of the best services for determining such similarities:


Website with the ability to include a Russian-language interface. How it works:

  • After going to the page, you need to upload a photo or specify its URL;
  • Click on the “Search” button;
  • Image processing begins and ends with the selection of the face area;
  • The result is given in the form of photographs of various stars, with an approximate percentage of similarity.

The program also estimates the approximate age of the person in the proposed image, as well as the percentage of his male and female traits.

Although this option works in English, it is simply outrageously simple:

  • Go to the main page;
  • Click in the center of the screen in a special window to upload a photo from your computer;
  • Literally a couple of seconds pass and the program produces one result with the name of the celebrity and her image.

Below is a button to return to the original tool. It is noteworthy that by specifying the same graphic file several times, you can almost always get completely different results. Although, they undoubtedly have certain similarities with each other.

An alternative resource from Microsoft. By the way, it is also perfect for the phone. In addition, this application was originally designed to search for similar famous people based on their avatars on Twitter and Facebook.

If you want to check the classic version, then you need to do the following:

  • After entering the site, click on “use your own photo”;
  • Select a file on your PC hard drive. It is recommended that this be a photo of the person’s face, otherwise the application may report that nothing was found;
  • After processing the file, the most similar (with percentages) option appears on the screen, as well as several alternative ones.

Returning to the selection of another file is done by clicking on “Try another photo”.

A highly specialized Internet service, as it allows you to evaluate/compare only photos from personal Facebook profiles.

It works, of course, also very simply:

Result – the result of the comparison is displayed on the screen.

This is a kind of game, a test that gives results based on receiving answers to certain questions. Although everything works in English, there is nothing complicated:

  • Click on “Let`s play” to start;
  • There are seven stages in total: eye color, hair color, hair style, skin tone, shape of the nose, lips and the face itself;
  • Each stage is accompanied not only by the question itself, but also by possible answers in a graphical display, which allows those people who are not strong in linguistics not to worry too much.

Upon completion, an image of one of the world’s famous people appears on the screen, with his name and some interesting phrase uttered by him.

That is, there are a lot of similar Internet programs. Therefore, it is always possible to try a large number to get the maximum comparison. A number of alternatives have been developed for mobile device users:

  • Owners of Apple equipment can install Celebtwin or Photo2Celeb;
  • Owners of Android devices have the opportunity to take advantage of the Celeb Like Me functionality.

In addition, there is a universal option that functions perfectly in both types of the most popular operating systems for mobile phones - Celeb You Look alike.

According to statistics, there are at least seven similar-looking people in the world, but the likelihood that they will ever meet is very small. However, this does not mean that it is zero. Miracles happen. The similarity of some completely strangers to each other is noted by the whole world, because they are similar celebrities. Their appearance is almost identical, so they are easy to confuse. This effect is achieved not with the help of makeup, hairstyles or plastic surgery - the magic of nature and that’s all!

Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman

It’s worth starting with the most famous comparison, because these two similar celebrities are a Hollywood phenomenon! Both are beauties, talented actresses and incredible women. They are worth being at the top of the list called “Who is like who among celebrities.” The photo is presented below.

Natalie Portman is four years older than Keira Knightley, and therefore her career began earlier. It was a Star Wars movie. In it, Miss Portman got the role of Queen Amidala. Miss Knightley later played her double in the Star Wars saga.

Now both Natalie and Kira are popular actresses. Both of them have an Oscar to their name, and Natalie also received a Golden Globe for her work. But there is no point in comparing their victories. One can only marvel at the similarity and beauty of the girls, who, contrary to the paparazzi’s “ducks,” are not at all “twins separated in childhood.”

and Zooey Deschanel

These two sparkle on red, but still they have chosen slightly different areas of activity. Katie is a shocking and talented singer, and Zoe is an equally talented actress, famous for her roles in “500 Days of Summer” and the TV series “New Girl.” But for some reason the second is often compared with the first, and not vice versa. Although most recently Katie complained on her blog that she was called on the street as Zooey Deschanel, which, apparently, did not sit well with her.

Well, similar faces of celebrities haunt neither fans nor paparazzi. But it’s a shame for these girls to complain - both beauties are pleasing to the eye. Although both Zoe and Katy prefer their individuality to similarity: just as Perry reacted sharply to the incident described above, Deschanel has repeatedly complained about such “attention” from the singer’s fans. There’s probably something in this, because you always want your work to be appreciated, and not for someone completely stranger, albeit famous.

Jennifer Morrison and Ginnifer Goodwin

Celebrities who resemble each other have the right to use their similarities. That's what Jennifer Morrison and Ginnifer Goodwin did in the TV series Once Upon a Time, because they played mother and daughter, respectively. In real life, the girls are close friends and often appear (due to work duties as well) together on Hollywood carpets. There really is something elusively similar in their features that cannot be ignored. Some character traits apparently also coincided, since both get along so well with each other.

It’s interesting that Miss Goodwin’s real name is also Jennifer; she officially changed it. Otherwise, the actresses’ friends would have found another similarity. Is it possible that this is a confirmation of the theory that a name influences a person’s fate and personality? This looks very much like her proof.

By the way, celebrity doubles who are not related by blood confirm another guess: that people who are similar in appearance choose similar professions. So, if you have a desire to find your “twin,” then the field of activity is the main guideline.

Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Not only Hollywood girls have found twins: the similarity of some male actors is also quite remarkable. Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan - sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish them. Whether it’s a hairstyle, or a wide smile, or a beard - the point is not how they are similar, but how much they are similar.

It is impossible to directly say that one is clearly more successful than the other, but the fact remains that Bardem has already received his Oscar, and Morgan is not even planning one yet.

Milla Jovovich and Linda Evangelista

The actress and model are two beauties whose resemblance is simply amazing. It is complemented by a similar style of clothing and makeup, which makes the girls almost indistinguishable from one another. And this despite the fact that Linda Evangelista is a successful and still in demand model, 10 years older than her “twin”. Well, this clearly does her credit. But Millet, whose career took off after “Resident Evil” and “The Fifth Element,” has nothing to be ashamed of when compared to someone who can only afford to get out of bed for a fee of ten thousand dollars.

Ms. Jovovich and Ms. Evangelista apparently don't even know each other, but they are clear representatives of the list called "Which Celebrities Look Like Whom." Photos of them are presented above in the article.

Matt Bomer and Henry Cavill

Externally similar celebrities are actors Matt Bomer and both drove girls from all over the world crazy. Mr. Bomer played a charismatic criminal in “White Collar,” and Mr. Cavill easily inhabited the role of Superman.

But the guys take different sides not only on the screen, but also in the real world. And if Harry’s fans still have a chance to settle in his heart while he is in search of “the one,” the one and only, then with Matt everything is much more clear - his heart is already occupied, and by a man. Bomer does not hide his preferences, he has a strong relationship with writer Simon Hall, and the couple has three children together.

Bradley Cooper and Ralph Fiennes

All the celebrities who look alike cannot be listed without mentioning these two enviable Hollywood beauties. Ralph Fiennes is familiar to many from the magical epic about Harry Potter, in which he played the main villain, Voldemort. Of course, with a layer of makeup on his face and after using computer graphics in these films, he doesn’t even look like himself. But in the world, he and Bradley, who won women’s hearts after the famous “Bachelor Party in Vegas” and “My Boyfriend is Psycho,” have the same deep blue eyes and swashbuckling smile. The similarity intensifies when both appear in photographs with similar hairstyles - slightly grown hair, and few will be able to distinguish them.

Angelina Jolie and Tiffany Klaus

Despite the fact that Jolie is often compared to Megan Fox, Tiffany Klaus is much more like the famous actress in her appearance: the same cheekbones, eyes and unforgettable lips - the dream of any girl. In this case, however, Angelina clearly wins in popularity. It’s not for nothing that Tiffany is called a double on the Internet, and not vice versa.

on celebrities

But, just as there are doppelgängers on screens and on the red carpet, some of their idols have “twins” who did not build a dizzying career as actors, singers and models. These are ordinary people who look like celebrities. For example, a girl who looks like a copy of Katy Perry. By the way, her name is Francesca Browni. Or the second Rihanna from Instagram named Andel Laura. Fourteen-year-old “Cara Delevingne” was also found in Uruguay. The real name of the star “twin” is Olivia Heard. The resemblance to the model brought her thousands of new subscribers on Instagram, so she is only happy about it.

Assessing their appearance in the mirror, many girls sometimes try to understand which world cinema star they might resemble. Catherine Zeta-Jones or Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart or Nicole Kidman - which celebrity is exactly like you? Suggesting that you do not guess on the tea leaves, but turn to the help of network services that, based on neural networks and various digital algorithms, will give a suitable answer. In this article, I will list services that can determine your resemblance to a celebrity from a photo online. I also suggest using the service to search among all people.

There are a number of resources on the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) that allow you to determine your similarity with a celebrity online. Working with them is quite simple - you launch such a resource, upload your photo to it (or provide a link to it on the Internet), and click on the verification activation button. A verification procedure is performed, and then you receive the result in the form of a photo of a celebrity similar to you and the percentage of similarities identified.

At the same time, some of these resources may provide other information on the photo being processed (the gender of the person in the photo, his age, etc.), which, of course, should not be taken seriously.

Let's move on to the list of services that allow us to figure out what kind of celebrity I look like online.

Celebslike.me – will select the celebrity most similar to you

The celebslike.me service is the most popular network resource for determining similarity with a star online. It was created by Microsoft for those users who would like to understand which Oscar nominee they might be like.

  1. To start the search procedure, you need to go to celebslike.me.
  2. Click on the “USE YOUR OWN PHOTO” button and upload your full-face photo to the resource.
  3. Literally immediately you will receive a photo of an Oscar-nominated celebrity similar to you (with a percentage of similarity), as well as three more celebrities below who are not nominees.

Another Russian-language service that allows you to identify which celebrity you resemble is pictriev.com. A special feature of the online resource is to find not only a movie star who looks like you, but also to determine the gender and age of the person in the photograph. Of course, you should not expect accurate determination from this algorithm; take it as entertainment, in a humorous way.

  1. To work with the service, log in to pictriev.com.
  2. Click on “Upload image” and upload your photo to the resource (frontal photos up to 200 kilobytes are accepted).
  3. In a few seconds you will receive information about the similar celebrities found (with the percentage of similarities), the estimated gender and age of the person in the photo.

Celebritymatch.io – perfectly identifies photos

The English-language resource celebritymatch.io was written by the author in the Wolfram programming language and is designed to search for a celebrity similar to you. Unlike other resources, it gives only one star similar to you with a percentage of similarity (there are more than 2 thousand stars in the resource base).

  1. To use the resource, go to celebritymatch.io.
  2. And click on the “drop a photo here to find your celebrity match” button.
  3. Upload your photo to the resource, and in a couple of seconds you will receive the name and photo of the star most similar to you.

En.vonvon.me – determine similarity using a Facebook profile

There are several entertainment services that work based on analysis of a user’s profile on Facebook (for example, ru.namestests.com, popular on the Runet). I suggest using another popular service, vonvon.me, which will analyze your photo on Facebook and tell you which star you resemble online.

  1. Go to en.vonvon.me and select “Continue with Facebook” (you will need to give the service permission to analyze your public profile).
  2. The service will analyze your photos and, if necessary, ask which photo from those available in your profile to choose, as well as your gender (male - male, female - female).
  3. Then you will receive your result.

Search by photo from Facebook profiles “Vonvon”

Playbuzz.com - entertaining search in the form of answers to questions

The Kate Walker test posted on playbuzz.com will ask you to answer 6 basic questions about your facial features. Based on your answers, the system will select the celebrity who is most visually close to you.

  1. Go to playbuzz.com and click on the “Let’s play” button.
  2. In the first question, select the color of your eyes and hair color.
  3. Features of hairstyle (hair style), skin color (skin tone), shape of nose (nose), lips (lips), and face (face).
  4. At the end you will get your result.

Complementary mobile applications

In addition to the network services listed above, it is worth using various mobile applications to determine your similarity to a star. Among such applications, I would highlight the following:


The online resources and mobile applications listed above will allow you to find out which celebrity your photo resembles. The results obtained with their help should not be taken too seriously - this is just fun entertainment, and nothing more. Happy coincidences!

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