ITools is a universal iTunes substitute. Miro with built-in torrent client. Syncios - Free Alternative to iTunes

iTunes is among the most popular applications running on the Mac platform. It is part operating system and plays music perfectly.

The application also allows you to use iTunes Store, which allows you to purchase other applications, and supports Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, iPod for playing movies, music and can enjoy games.

But not all users are happy with this program, if only because there are .

Alternative options exist, and although iTunes is necessary to synchronize an Apple device with a computer, it does not work with music files It is not at all necessary to use it.

Many programs do an excellent job with this function, but not all of them are free. Below we will look at several alternative applications, capable of successfully replacing iTunes.

Sonora with integration with social networks Facebook and Twitter

A relatively young program, the beta test of the second version of this program was only recently completed. Getting acquainted with the first version allows you to evaluate the level of its development - it contains modern means to manage music databases, but the interface remains surprisingly simple.

It does not have a confusing menu and many complex settings that most users will not want to understand - all the functionality is hidden in a few keys.

For example, the volume control will provide access to other sound-related settings, such as the equalizer. The program is capable of independently sorting information in albums and weighs extremely little.

Vox is an analogue of iTunes with many advanced features

This analogue of iTunes, unlike other applications, has many excellent features that created the popularity of the program. It contains thin system music settings, more advanced than in iTunes, a built-in browser based on Finder, which searches for tracks on the Internet.

By selecting one song in an album, you can add the rest of it to the playlist with one click. Alternative program At first glance it looks complex, but the relative complexity is compensated by many additional functions.

In addition, the menu contains one that allows you to modify scales.

Ecoute is one of the most interesting analogues

The proposed application is very original. If we translate Ecoute from French, we get the word “listen”.

The focus of the application was precisely on this. The most notable of additional features is the playback of art clips icon in the dock.

Ecoute can be controlled directly from the menu, but the control method is a little more complex than in Vox. This application will be quite interesting for music lovers who are tired of the intricacy of iTunes, who want only one thing - to get pleasure from.

Tomahawk for finding new music

The proposed application is more complex than those listed above. It is truly capable high level compete with iTunes.

Many characterize this program as revolutionary. There are no frills, only necessary functional elements.

This option will be useful for those who like not only to listen to their own music collection, but also to search for new music files on the Internet without buying new albums.

Tomahawk is able to independently scan the music database, connect with leading music resources and offer new music from your favorite authors.

Miro with built-in torrent client

The Miro program can be called an analogue iTunes programs in the sense that with its help you can not only listen music recordings, but also view videos and use .

It also opens access to Amazon stores and Google Play, where you can use it to purchase new music files and applications, download video files to local computer and convert it to the required format.

In the video you can find out which application can replace iTunes for Windows.

That is why it is not surprising that new music players are now regularly released and consistently supported by developers. Today we will talk about the coolest of them. And best of all, almost all of them are free, so you can sit back and put away your wallets (or bottle of rum).


The Plex suite of tools has been around for quite some time and has gained its audience thanks to the ability to stream your music in mobile applications or through a desktop browser, but directly music player appeared in the “family” relatively recently. And its name is Plexamp. And yes, this is definitely a reference to Winamp - not only in the name, but also in general style registration

The main task of Plexamp is to collect all your audio files and present all playlists and albums in the most convenient and attractive way. To do this you can play with big amount built-in templates. As a result, you can ensure that your music library will be amazing not only in content, but also in design.

The app is new and definitely needs a little more polishing at the moment. In addition, for correct operation Plexamp also needs to install Plex Media Server (it's free and pretty cool). But in general, if appearance Audio libraries are important to you and you are looking for something simple, but at the same time stylish - we recommend trying Plexamp.


Among iTunes alternatives, it's hard to find a more functional and well-designed app than MusicBee. It presents, perhaps, all the features that could be useful to a music lover: from built-in digitization and an accurate CD equalizer to scrobbling on

The application quickly finds all the music on the computer - if desired, you can configure import iTunes libraries- and will offer various templates to organize files. If the interface seems overloaded to you, you can activate the alternative Theater Mode.

MusicBee supports smart playlists, a range of Winamp plugins, cross-device syncing, a wide selection of themes and an active user community. If your computer is on Windows, this player is definitely worth trying.

Vox Music Player

While the app itself is free, some features are only available to Vox Premium ($4.99/month) account holders. A subscription allows you to synchronize your library and playlists between devices, play tracks in maximum resolution, adds support for Sonos speakers and advanced playback settings.

There's also native support for SoundCloud tracks and YouTube videos, which is a great option if you want to have full control over playback, but at the same time don't want to put up with the chaotic organization of functions in iTunes. An iOS version is also available.


For many years MediaMonkey has been an excellent alternative iTunes and Windows Media Player and offers users everything they need to organize a media library on their computer. Despite a large number of functions, the player is well optimized and “flies” even if you have a lot of files.

In addition to functions tailored for library organization, there is support for podcasts, CD digitization, file conversion, fine tuning sound, the ability to download missing tracks from an album from the Internet, as well as synchronization with iPhone and Android smartphones. You can also send files via local network and search for tracks by metadata.

The interface, of course, is not the most modern, but the wide functionality compensates for this shortcoming (of course, if for you design is not the most important element of a media player). The premium version ($24.95 per unlock, no subscription fee required) offers enhanced digitization, more fast conversion, advanced search, advanced options for creating playlists and much more. The main thing here is that standard features more than enough for daily tasks most users.

VLC Media Player

You've probably heard of this player - or even used it! – but thought of VLC solely as “a player that will open any format.” Yes, it really can do that - but at the same time it surprisingly copes with the role of replacing iTunes.

With its help, you can create and manage a full-fledged music library and create simple playlists (there is no support for smart playlists yet). You can try different variants design, but the main advantage, as already mentioned, is the support of the majority existing formats audio and video files. You'll also have access to several filters and EQ effects in case you want to tweak or diversify your sound.

VLC, frankly speaking, does not have enough stars in the sky when we're talking about about the design and interface, but it provides everything you might need for free (including transferring files over a local network) - so if you're looking for an advanced program and don't want to pay for premium accounts in other players, VLC may play for you new colors.


Swinsian – this word literally translates as “to publish nice sound” – designed to be both comprehensive and fast, even when dealing with a large number of files. The application is designed in the style of iTunes, so you will feel at home the first time you launch it.

You can change the display modes of the library from standard album covers and grids to columns a la Finder. The program has all the features for organizing your collection, including a tag editor. You can import a library from iTunes.

Thanks to the ability to view the application in a small window mode and a proprietary widget, you can control playback without being distracted from the application you are working with. This program is paid ($19.95), but the developer offers a trial period.


Kodi is another app that you may have heard of or even used, but never thought of it as a competitor to iTunes. This name is usually associated with video rather than audio, but powerful features for working with music files and support for most existing desktop and mobile platforms have earned Kodi a place on our list.

This player works with almost all audio file formats and allows you to browse tracks by album, artist, genre, etc. He even knows how to create smart playlists based on given criteria– just like iTunes.

Import files from specific folder or iTunes is quite easy and intuitive and, although Kodi is originally intended for large screens TVs, on a PC or laptop it works no worse. Available great amount themes and extensions, which allows you to completely customize the program for yourself.

Many smartphone owners and Apple tablets They still can’t get used to the proprietary data synchronization tool. Indeed, despite the huge number of useful things, iTunes is quite difficult to master. Especially new users. In this article, we'll tell you about three programs that you can use to sync content between your iPhone and iPad.

The most famous iTunes substitute. Can work with both regular version firmware, and with a jailbroken iPhone. Can synchronize music, videos, books, install applications and games, produce various operations with files. To copy data, you just need to drag it into the program window. Just like with a regular flash drive. A nice bonus: iFunBox has a wish list. You bring it there paid programs and the games you want for yourself. As soon as these applications start being distributed for free, the utility will download them and install them on your gadget the next time you connect.

Download iFunBox from the official website (free)

A powerful and advanced program for managing your iPhone or iPad. In addition to standard features (content synchronization, working with files), iMazing can create backups gadgets, work with phone book and messages, and can clone the contents of your phone to a new device. The program connects to a smartphone via USB or wi-fi.

Download iMazing from the official website ( $30 , 14 days trial mode)


The simplest and convenient utility to download content to your device. Can add music, videos, ringtones, books, and photos to your device. There is no additional functionality. The best choice for the undemanding user. In addition, the application is absolutely free.

Many people note that using iTunes to interact with iOS devices is not very convenient. After all, the transfer of any data is carried out in several stages, through synchronization. And sometimes I would like to bypass this stage. In such cases, iTunes analogues will help.

Replacements for iTunes

There are quite a few replacements for this computer program. But the article will talk about three of them: iFunBox, iTools, CopyTrans. They are considered one of the best. Each user will find the best software for their own purposes.


iFunbox is the most famous and functional analogue of iTunes for Windows. It makes it very convenient to move music, videos, photos and other data in both directions. One more interesting function installation of applications from ipa files is considered.

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No less famous program offering similar functions, is iTools. Just connect your iPhone to your PC, then it will appear in new devices. You can immediately transfer any supported files. From interesting opportunities It is worth noting the synchronization of books and contacts. There is also an application manager.

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The first thing that catches your eye when using CopyTrans is the appearance of the program. It has a fairly attractive interface, with intuitive placement of elements. It is paid, but there is a trial period.

The application has a “smart restart” function
reservation." If you activate it, the specified data from the iPhone will be automatically saved on the computer. But you can call it manually.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the limitation of one hundred operations. If they are exhausted, then further use programs will only be possible if they are purchased. But the limit can be expanded if you repost in one of social networks(Facebook and Twitter).

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