Disabling one drive win 10. Windows OneDrive: what it is and how the program works

In Windows 10 storage service OneDrive data starts with the OS and is constantly in an active state. The cloud is also integrated into Explorer. However, not all users need cloud storage services at all, and some prefer to use other products. And here the question arises: how to disable OneDrive in Windows 10?

Below is step-by-step instruction, in which we will tell you how to completely remove the Microsoft cloud from the system, make it so that it no longer starts, and also remove the icon from the tray. The action algorithm will be different for home and professional versions Windows. There are also slight differences when working with 32 and 64-bit systems. All manipulations that we will perform can be rolled back and... therefore, restore OneDrive in Windows 10. But we will also describe an option that involves complete removal clouds from the system.

On OS Windows 10 home edition To deactivate OneDrive, you only need to take a couple of steps simple steps. We do the following:

  1. Initially, click on the cloud icon in the tray right key our mouse and click “Options”.

  1. In the window that appears, go to the “Options” tab and uncheck the item shown in the picture. Then click “OK”.

  1. Close the options window and click on the cloud icon again, this time selecting “Exit”.

After this the service cloud synchronization will be disabled. However, in some cases, OneDrive will later turn on on its own. To remove it completely, read the article further.

An easy way to remove OneDrive on Windows 10 Pro

This OS has another way to deactivate OneDrive, no more complicated than the one in Windows 10 Home. We will use the editor group policy.

  1. Let's run the tool through the Run utility. To do this, press Win+R on your keyboard at the same time. In the window that appears, write the operator gpedit.msc and click “OK”.

  1. In the editor window, follow the path that we opened on the left side of the window, and in the right half, select the key with the name that we circled in red and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

  1. Another window will open. Here we need to set the checkbox, which we circled in red, to the “Disabled” position and press the “OK” key.

After this, the Microsoft cloud will be completely disabled, its icon will disappear from the taskbar, and there will be no folder in the system explorer.

Disable via the registry

This cloud deactivation option is suitable for all versions of Windows.

  1. Turn on the registry editor. To do this, open the “Run” utility by pressing the Win+R button combination. In the window that opens, enter the word regedit, as shown in the screenshot, and click “OK”.

  1. In the registry editor window, follow the path indicated in the screenshot and click on the parameter indicated by the number “2” with the left mouse button. In the right window we do double click on the cloud shutdown key (marked with the number “3”).

  1. In the small window, set the value to “1” and click the “OK” button.

After that OneDrive cloud will be disabled.

Note: Sometimes you may need to restart your computer for changes to take effect.

Disable using Task Manager

There is another option to disable the cloud. To do this, in “Ten” you can use standard dispatcher tasks. Let's look at the procedure for disabling OneDrive.

  1. Launch the task manager by simultaneously pressing three Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys and select the “Processes” tab in it. Here we need to find the OneDrive process and click on it right click mouse by selecting “End task” in the context menu.

  1. Next, go to the “Startup” tab and right-click on the application we need, disable it.

After this, OneDrive will be disabled and will not be activated the next time the system starts.

Note: if your task manager is launching for the first time and there are no tabs in it, click on the “More details” button and expand the tool.

How to remove OneDrive from File Explorer

To remove Microsoft cloud commands from Explorer, we need to tweak it a little Windows registry 10.

We do the following:

  1. Launch the registry editor through the Run application (press the Win + R buttons, write the word regedit and click OK).

  1. On the left side of the window, go to the address indicated in the picture (to simplify the search, keep in mind that all entries are sorted alphabetically), and on the right we find the System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree key.

  1. Double-click on the entry and in the window that opens set the value to “0” then click “OK”.

  1. In the case of working with a 64-bit architecture, you need to do the same thing, but at a different address.

After this, the OneDrive item will disappear from Windows Explorer.

Usually in order to this method worked, there is no need to reboot the system, but this is not always the case.

  1. It is not necessary to restart the entire computer; one explorer is enough. In order to do this, launch the task manager (press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc buttons together), find “Explorer” in it, right-click on the object and click “Restart”.

But that's not all. OneDrive still remains in the File Explorer menu if you open it from any program.

To remove an unnecessary entry from here too, delete the registry key indicated in the screenshot. This is done by right-clicking on the entry and calling the context menu for it.

As a result, we completely figured out how to remove OneDrive from Windows Explorer 10.

Remove completely

In OS Windows 10, starting with update 1703, to remove OneDrive we don’t have to dance with a tambourine and do what users did before. Now everything is easier. There are two ways to delete a cloud: simple ways. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. We launch the system parameters using the Win+i button combination and go to the “Applications” section.

  1. On the left side of the window you need to select the line “Applications and features”, and on the right side find the entry we need, click on it and click “Delete”.

  1. All that remains is to confirm our choice.

After a short pause, the application icon will disappear and OneDrive will be completely removed from the PC.

Let's consider the second method, in which we will use the control panel.

  1. Go to the control panel. To do this, enter its name in the search engine. Windows tool 10 (magnifying glass icon in the left half of the taskbar) and click on the result.

  1. Select the item “Uninstall a program”.

  1. We right-click on the entry we need and click “Delete” on the entry.

Ready. OneDrive is permanently removed from your PC.

There is another way to remove OneDrive from Windows 10. We present it for completeness, since one of the above options should have already worked.

The only caveat that I would like to mention before we begin is that it is unlikely that you will be able to restore OneDrive in the future. If this doesn't scare you, let's get started.

  1. Launch the command line as superuser. To do this we open Windows search 10 and write cmd in it. When the result we need appears, right-click on it with our manipulator and select run mode with superuser rights.

  1. Once Command Prompt is running, type taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe and press Enter. This will stop the OneDrive service.

For 32-bit architecture:

C:\Windows\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

For 64-bit architecture:

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

Attention: when updating the OS, the cloud from Microsoft may be reinstalled. If you want to exclude this option, use .

Now you know for sure whether OneDrive can be deleted in Windows 10. If you have any questions, write to us in the comments. We, in turn, undertake to answer them and provide a solution to this or that problem.

Video instruction: how to disable OneDrive in Windows 10

In the new "OS" under named Windows 10, an incomprehensible OneDrive service appeared for many, tied to the standard Explorer, and constantly hanging in the tree background processes, which, according to many users, significantly slows down both the system itself and the Internet connection. Therefore, almost everyone is wondering how to disable OneDrive in Windows 10. Let’s look at the most simple methods shutdown and the appropriateness of such actions.

What is OneDrive?

As for the service itself, it is not new. Almost all users of any Windows versions encountered her.

Essentially, this is the so-called “cloud” storage in which user files. It in the “top ten” replaced the SkyDrive service, which was present in Windows 8, and even earlier was known under the general name of a complex of Internet services and Windows services Live. But let's look at this service from the other side. How to disable OneDrive in Windows 10 if such a service is not used or simply not needed? Nothing complicated here. There are several options for this.

How to disable OneDrive in Group Policy settings?

For the most simple shutdown of this component systems should use Change Local Group Policy settings.

The editor is called standard command gpedit.msc, entered, either in command line, or in the “Run” section, which corresponds to Win combination+R.

In the computer configuration, you need to go to the administrative templates section and use the system components section current settings In the right window, you simply select the data synchronization option corresponding to the OneDrive section, where the settings are set to prohibit and then save changes to the configuration.

How to disable OneDrive Windows 10 synchronization through the system registry?

WITH system registry the situation is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that changes to any parameter are not automatically saved even when you exit. Therefore, you should first make a backup before editing.

If we consider the question related to how to disable OneDrive in Windows 10, you should go into it using regedit command, introduced according to the principle described slightly above.

Here you will have to use the Software section located in the branch and then (again) find the Policies group policy settings menu, and then go through the Microsoft tree - Windows partition OneDrive (the SkyDrive service will be listed in the registry if just an update is installed). On the right there is a window with main keys and records. In it, you need to right-click to call up the submenu and create a DWORD parameter called DisableFileSync, which is assigned the value of one (“1”). All that remains is to reboot the system (note, as mentioned above, saving will only be required when setting the main parameter, and not when exiting the registry editor).

Disabling OneDrive completely

Basically, if you pursue a goal related to the problem of how to completely disable OneDrive in Windows 10, you should delete it. At the same time, you need to understand that you can return the service even if you roll back (system restore) to control point condition will be impossible. IN in this case only can help complete reinstallation Windows.

So, first we end the OneDrive process through the “Task Manager” (but better through the command line with the entry “taskkill” - space - “/f /im” - space “OneDrive.exe” (all without hyphens and quotes), because in some cases standard method process completion may not work).

Now, in the question of how to disable OneDrive in Windows 10, let's get down to the most important thing. We use the command “/uninstall” (without quotes), entered through a space in the command line after writing for a 64-bit system “%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe” (also without quotes), for 32-bit systems - “%SystemRoot% \System32\OneDriveSetup.exe." After this, the service is disabled (deleted) forever.

As you can see, this is exactly how the problem of how to disable OneDrive in Windows 10 is solved. But you need to act very carefully (you never know, when this service may be needed at the most inopportune moment).

In the Windows 10 operating system, most of the built-in applications have been completely redesigned. Some of them just got new cover, allowing you to work in a windowed format, and not on the entire screen, as in Windows 8.1, and some have undergone a radical redesign, and all that such applications inherited from their counterparts in the Windows 8.1 system is just the name. And some applications have disappeared altogether, such as the OneDrive Metro client.

Features of standard OneDrive inside Windows 10

Not on Windows 10 separate application for working with OneDrive – a cloud service from Microsoft. Interact with him inside operating system There is only one way - using Explorer or a third-party file manager.

As in version 8.1, in Windows 10 the OneDrive cloud service is integrated into the system as a separate service, which is activated during its first launch and authorization using a Microsoft account.

Externally, you will not see any changes in the operation of the service inside Windows 10 compared to the G8. As in the latter, the cloud service inside version 10 is represented by a folder labeled “OneDrive”, to which it is implemented fast access in the Explorer navigation area. And here is how OneDrive works with Windows times 8.1 has changed. So, in the latter, the standard OneDrive folder contained only file shortcuts, but in fact they were located in cloud space. And only when these files were launched on the computer were they downloaded from the Internet. In Windows 10, the contents of not all, but only selected OneDrive folders and files are located directly on the computer and are constantly synchronized with the cloud service. Thus, the selected folders and files of the cloud storage are available to the user instantly, even if he does not have the best fast internet. Other OneDrive content that is not synced to a folder on your computer can be accessed in the web interface cloud service,

and also when it is connected as network drive via WebDav protocol.

As before, folders and files on your computer (as long as the size does not exceed 10 GB) can be easily sent to the cloud service - they need to be placed in the standard OneDrive folder.

Data added to synchronized folders will soon appear in the service web interface, as well as inside standard folders and client applications OneDrive on other computers and mobile devices Oh. The same applies to renaming data or moving it inside the OneDrive folder. The consequence of deleting the contents of synchronized folders on your computer will be, accordingly, the deletion of this data both on the cloud service and on other devices. If necessary, data deleted inside synchronized computer folders can be found in the Recycle Bin in the OneDrive web interface.

Start and configure the OneDrive service

When you start the OneDrive service for the first time in Windows 10, it will start step by step wizard settings of the standard service folder. Path on system disk, set by default, can be changed by physically locating the folder, for example, on a non-system disk partition, so as not to clutter up the space on drive C.

Next step- This is the so-called “Access files from anywhere” function. We will see a preset option to allow OneDrive service access to all files of this computer device.

Microsoft is now diligently concerned about the mobility of user information. If you leave this option active, all existing files user on their computer, the shortcuts will appear in a separate section of the OneDrive web interface. And, accordingly, they can be uploaded to a cloud service while working on another computer. Thus, any file stored on one computer, even if it was not previously placed in the OneDrive folder, will be available in the service’s web interface, and then synchronized on all other devices.

To download files stored on another computer, you will need to enter the Microsoft security code sent by email. This can be done by connecting to Windows account Microsoft records, and directly inside the OneDrive web interface.

If such a service is of no use, you can uncheck the option to allow access to all files when connecting OneDrive. The “Access files from anywhere” function can be activated at any time later in the settings of the standard cloud service.

After starting, the OneDrive service will settle down in the system tray, from where, using the context menu, you can quickly open the service’s web interface in a browser window, as well as make some settings. Let's look at the basic OneDrive settings.

In the first settings tab, there are options to activate/deactivate the above-mentioned “Access files from anywhere” function and start the OneDrive service along with the start of Windows 10 itself. The OneDrive autostart option is pre-installed, and, of course, this move is primarily aimed at taking care of the user - so that had access to the current state of his synchronized data at any time. However extra service, which immediately loads the computer’s resources by accessing the network while the operating system itself is starting - this is a luxury for low power devices. Data synchronization with the cloud service can also be carried out at the time the OneDrive service is launched at the user's request.

Here, in the settings tab, the function of disabling the OneDrive service from a specific account is also available. After unlinking one account and launching the OneDrive shortcut again, you can set up another account to connect to the cloud service.

In the second settings tab, you can reassign OneDrive folders for synchronization - remove some and add others.

OneDrive inside Microsoft Office 2016

About all the benefits of integration software products office suite Microsoft Office It’s too early to talk about 2016 with OneDrive, since the package itself has not yet been officially presented. However, its trial version already includes the function public access, allowing you to directly in the desktop interface Microsoft programs Office 2016 save edited documents to OneDrive and also invite to working together other users, as happens in the web interface of the Office Online service.

Another user to whom the link was sent to co-viewing or editing Microsoft document Office will be able to access it in a browser window within one of the Office Online web applications. In this case, it will not matter at all whether he has an account Microsoft entry or not.

For reference

The OneDrive cloud service offers 15 GB from the start of registration free space to store files that can be increased by paying a small monthly fee according to the size being increased.

You can increase your starting 15 GB of OneDrive space for free by meeting Microsoft's terms and conditions.

Have a great day!

Hello! We continue to disassemble the Windows 10 operating system! Today you will learn how to launch OneDrive app on Windows computer 10. OneDrive is an online storage that is available to all users Windows systems 10. You can save files to OneDrive and they will always be available to you from any computer or mobile device. It's very easy to connect OneDrive on your Windows 10 computer!

To launch OneDrive, open the menu at the bottom left of the screen "Start". In the window that opens, in the list of all applications, find the English letter O. Under the letter there will be a tab "OneDrive", click on this tab.

Next, you will see a window for connecting OneDrive. Enter your address in the field Email which is tied to yours account on a Windows 10 computer. Enter your email and click on the button - Login.

Note! The OneDrive icon should show green tick, which means OneDrive is synced with your computer.

All is ready! That's how easy it is to connect the OneDrive application and store important files in it that will never be lost!

Note! To always have access to OneDrive from your mobile device, you need to download the OneDrive mobile app from the official OneDrive website.

You will always have access to your files that you have saved on your computer in the OneDrive folder. You can access your files from any computer. Go to the official OneDrive website, log in, after which all your files will be available to you.

Windows 10 uses OneDrive as the primary service for synchronizing settings across devices, storing files, and hosting backup copies in the cloud. Many users who are not interested in these functions, or who use other cloud services, are wondering: how to delete OneDrive in Windows 10? We will tell you how to do this in this article.

OneDrive is part of the operating system itself, so you can't simply uninstall it from your computer. We can either disable OneDrive synchronization and auto-upload, or delete it using a non-standard method.


Disabling synchronization can be done in several ways.

In settings

To disable OneDrive, just change its settings. For this:

After these changes, OneDrive will not boot with Windows, but it will remain in the system itself.

Using the Local Group Policy Editor

Microsoft is constantly changing the settings interface OneDrive programs. Therefore, disable synchronization of the Documents folder in cloud storage or prevent the use of OneDrive for storing files, the “Local Group Policy Editor” will help.

Important! The Local Group Policy Editor is only available in Windows 10 Pro. If you are a Windows 10 Home owner, go to

Disconnection process:

  1. Press the Win+R key combination and enter the command: gpedit.msc
  2. In the editor that opens, open the branch Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows components→ OneDrive.
  3. In the right column, select “Save documents to OneDrive by default.” To turn off Documents folder syncing, change the setting to Disabled.
  4. For complete shutdown OneDrive sync in the item “Prohibit the use of OneDrive for storing files”, set the value to “Enabled”.

Using Registry Editor

Important! You need to work with the Registry Editor carefully. An incorrectly changed value in one parameter can lead to critical failures V Windows work 10. To be on the safe side, create a system restore point.

To get started with the registry:

Uninstall via command line

To remove OneDrive you will need:

The deletion will be performed in quiet mode, without progress status and any dialog boxes. It is worth saying that after these operations you will still be able to restore OneDrive.

Removing the OneDrive icon from File Explorer

Both after disconnecting and after deleting, the OneDrive icon in Explorer does not disappear anywhere, but it can also be deleted. To do this you need:


Clearly see deleting OneDrive You can see the video instructions.


The described methods are successfully applied without causing errors or damage to the operating system. And if you want to return OneDrive back after deleting, you just need to go to the System32 folder (for 32 bit system) or SysWOW64 (for 64) and open the OneDriveSetup. After that, the installation of the cloud service will start and you will be able to use it as before uninstallation.