How to get special VKontakte offers for votes. How to get special VKontakte offers for votes

Most advanced sites introduce virtual currency for commercial purposes. VKontakte is no exception. Users strive to get the maximum number of votes, as this allows them to have certain advantages:

expand your sticker collection and much more.

Recently, this question has been so popular that the Internet has developed a whole industry of various services ready, under certain conditions, to help users earn the desired votes.

Ways to earn votes on VKontakte

  • buying votes for money;
  • getting votes is free.

The first method involves officially receiving votes. In order to use it, go to the “my settings” section, then click “balance” and “get votes”. This way you can buy votes using a bank card, sending paid messages or using electronic currency.

In the same menu, you can get votes for free using special offers. This method can be classified as the second. By selecting a specific task from the list and completing it, votes will appear on your virtual account. Here's a simple way to earn virtual currency.

Users have another opportunity to get free votes by taking part in the competition. Some public places often host similar events. By fulfilling the specified conditions, you receive votes.

The last three methods are more attractive to social network members. Next, you can familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail and understand which one will be more acceptable to you.

Earning money on third-party sites

There are a large number of services on the Internet through which you can get votes for free. You can see the ranking of the most popular sites:

You need to register on the site and then you will be able to familiarize yourself with an extensive list of tasks for which you can earn points and later exchange them for votes. For example, you need to join a group or repost.

– the resource appeared on the network more than 4 years ago and during this period it has established itself as a reliable project. On this site you can get virtual currency for almost any service by completing simple tasks.

Today it is difficult to find a person who is not registered on the VKontakte social network or has not at least heard of it. Less than a decade has passed, and the service has become one of the most visited in the world. And today developers continue to improve it, offering new services. But some of them are only available for a fee. For example, to send a sticker or a gift to a friend, you need to pay, and the internal currency is votes.

Voices on VKontakte: essence and description

Any reputable and large-scale online project has its own monetary equivalent. Anyone can. For one of the most famous social networks (VK) the currency is votes. Many users are looking for ways to earn them quickly and for free, as they provide a number of advantages and open up new opportunities:

  • you can send gifts to friends, each of which is worth from 1 to 50 votes. These are colorful original pictures in different versions. They can be given to a friend on a special day or simply to lift the mood;
  • voices for various applications, online games;
  • raising the rating;
  • purchasing VK stickers, which are constantly updated and improved.

All of the above actions require money, or rather, their equivalent.

How to earn votes on VKontakte?

Today, there are two options for obtaining votes – official acquisition and free.

In order to buy them, you need to go to your VK page and go to the “Settings” section. In it, find the “Payments” item, then click on the “Top up balance” tab.

In order to top up your account, you can use:

  1. bank payment cards;
  2. your mobile (send a message to the specified number);
  3. online wallet.

You can also earn votes by performing certain actions absolutely free. For this purpose, there are special offers based on completing simple tasks that anyone can do. They consist of subscribing to the specified public pages, installing a browser, and participating in an online game. Some applications allow .

After the action is completed, 1 vote is credited to your account. In order to earn more of them, you need to follow the tasks that are updated periodically. There are also more complex requirements. The quantity and specificity depend on the social portrait of the user - age, gender, place of residence, activity.

Many people are looking for and even buying programs for making quick money on VKontakte. It’s true that some people online offer to purchase such software. Remember, there are no programs to earn votes. All proposals are the development of scammers that will bring nothing but monetary losses.

Sites for earning VK votes

Voices are a specific, but full-fledged currency in the VK social network. In order to earn them quickly and for free, you need to subscribe to pages and communities, add them as friends or like them. If you do not want to “clog” your page with unnecessary information, you can register a fake account (fake) to complete the specified tasks and quickly earn internal currency.

Advice: You should not provide links to resources offering to earn votes for free, since the VK system often blocks transitions to the specified address. In addition, for disseminating such information, your page may be frozen until the circumstances are clarified.


Roboliker is a site that allows you to earn money from your account. Standard tasks - adding friends, joining groups. The points you receive can be spent on votes or transferred to a WebMoney or Qiwi e-wallet.

The Roboliker service also gives you the opportunity to make your public page popular, order subscribers for your group, or get likes for a specific post.

Cost of completed tasks in Roboliker:

  1. joining the specified communities – 2 points;
  2. adding as a friend – 2 points;
  3. likes – 1 point per post.

On some days, promotions are held where the cost of each completed task increases by 1 point.


WASDclub is an advertising and gaming project that gives everyone the opportunity to receive virtual money to buy VKontakte votes. For most of us, social media is entertainment, and not everyone is ready to give their hard-earned money for certain activities and privileges. WASDclub helps to earn money for VK based on completing elementary buildings, for this the user receives internal currency (RCH, but it is also called richiki). He can exchange them for VKontakte votes or for the internal currency of the equally well-known Odnoklassniki network. The equivalent looks like this:

  • 1 VK vote = 70 richiks;
  • 1 OK in Odnoklassniki - 10 richiks.

Also, the received richiki can be used in online games. If you are not going to waste precious time on VK entertainment, pay attention to, who is an expert in the financial market.


Money2Game is a universal service that allows you to earn money in VK. It was originally developed as a gaming tool to provide assistance in completing online games. The internal currency of the service is coins; they can be exchanged for votes on VKontakte or OKi for Odnoklassniki.

It’s easy to earn votes here - you need to go to the Money2Game website and log in through your VK account. After this, tasks and bonuses for certain actions become available. For example, you can increase your earnings by inviting a friend.

For completing the specified action, internal currency is credited to the account. The user can select one of the presented tasks:

  • go through the registration stage on the site;
  • leave a comment on the specified forum;
  • “Like” on social networks;
  • leave a comment about online shopping;
  • download the specified programs;
  • join VKontakte communities.

Payment for each such building depends on the degree of complexity. For example, you will receive less for clicking “Like” or watching a video than for registering on a site with further activity.

40 friends

40 friends is an exciting Internet project that gives everyone the opportunity to quickly and freely vote. The site has a user-friendly interface; after visiting it, you need to register and select the “To a group” or “To a meeting” tab. After clicking, a list of friends of your VKontakte page will open who need to be invited to the specified community or to one of the events. You can invite an unlimited number of users to a meeting, and up to 40 users every 8 hours to publics.

For sending out each invitation to a group, the system counts 1 point, and the same amount can be obtained for five invitations to a meeting. After you have managed to accumulate points, you need to visit the “Store” section and exchange them for votes.


Soleech is another popular resource that gives everyone the opportunity to earn money. To get started, go through a simple registration step. Log in to the site by entering your VK login and password. After successful registration, tasks will be visible, among which select those available to you. For each completed stage, points will be added to your account. Once you collect 100 points, they can be exchanged for 1 vote.

You can study the cost of each proposed task in the corresponding section of the exchange. For joining the community, the user will receive 1.4 points, for “Like” - 0.4 points.

The advantage of the service is efficiency and speed of processing. Points are awarded within 24 hours and can be exchanged immediately. In addition, there is a lot of work on the site, everyone will find something suitable for themselves. Navigation on Soleech is simple, without unnecessary tabs or additions. It’s easy to understand the task on an intuitive level - after reading the requirements, you are asked to press the green button, which will redirect the user to the VKontakte page, where you need to carry out certain actions. Once everything is done, you need to return to Soleech and confirm completion. Now all that remains is to wait for the points to be awarded.

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All the proposed options for earning VK are popular among registered members of the social network. The list is unlimited - new exchanges appearing every day that offer votes. But before you start working with one of them, study the rules of the service, since proposed tasks and high activity can result in punishment, as a result of which your account will be blocked.

In contact with

The first way is to play in applications. To receive free votes through the apps, you will need to make a contribution for the initial bet by spending all the same votes. Next, you will be given votes for winnings and for friends invited to the game.

Previously, VKontakte had applications that gave users votes for free. To date, the site administration has not only closed these applications, but also prohibited the withdrawal of votes from games.

Method three - complete several special tasks. Many VKontakte users have no idea that on this social network you can receive free votes through offers. Look for tasks that various companies and online stores set for users. They may offer you, for example, to register on their website, leave a review of their products, place a link to their store on your page, etc. For such simple actions they will reward you with votes.

To find these tasks, go to My Settings. Next, go to the “Balance” tab and click on “Get votes”. Select the "Get Votes" and "Special Offers" sections. A list of offers will appear on the screen, from which you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

If there are not enough tasks, change the city in your profile settings and select any major one: Moscow or St. Petersburg. The fact is that many tasks are offered to people from large cities.

How to get votes through special promotions in groups

Participating in competitions of thematic groups on VKontakte is the latest and best way to get votes. If you have any talents, for example, you are good at writing poetry, songs, drawing graffiti or taking wonderful photographs, this method is ideal for you. The winners of such competitions not only receive coveted votes, but also have a great time.

Most importantly, do not trust programs that are supposedly created to get free votes. Almost all of them are created by scammers who want to gain access to other people's pages. Using such a program, you may lose access to your page

Obviously not enough, today we’ll talk about how to get free votes in VKontakte.

Those of you who are active users of this social network. networks are probably familiar with the concept of vote. This is a kind of site currency, with which you can buy gifts and pay for various services in applications, for example, buy a super gun in a gaming application and go kill your friends)

Previously, as far as I remember, there was even an online store on VKontakte, where you could buy all sorts of clothes and various small things for votes, but for some reason I don’t see it now, apparently they closed the shop. Most likely this is due to the fact that the withdrawal of votes from applications was prohibited, which of course closed a lot of opportunities for honest swindlers and cheaters.

Average rate approx. 7-10 rubles for 1 vote, the more you buy, the more the bonus goes and, accordingly, they cost less.

However, not everyone knows that VKontakte also has a completely legal way to get them for free.

Free VKontakte votes - how to get votes on VK for free

This is done using the option Special offers, which allow you to receive votes for simple actions. You can find them by going to My settings- tab Balance.

The tasks can be: join a group, register on the site, download the toy and install it after playing a little, post the link on the social page. networks and so on.

And sometimes there are tricky tasks - you can get votes only after purchasing some kind of juicer, etc. that is, you will still have to spend money. True, the bonus here is quite decent.

Thus, after completing a task, you receive votes to your account, on average 1-3 for simple tasks and 10+ up to 50 gift votes for complex ones or those requiring you to buy something. Be careful, read the conditions and follow them exactly, so that you don’t end up wasting your time.

To be honest, this whole system seemed painfully familiar to me. Did you guess it? That’s right, the hated boxes that many freebie lovers have encountered :)

I noticed that offers for gaming sites are very popular - apparently they produce good results. Having gone in to complete a task, say, level up a character to level 5, a person may well get hooked on this toy if he likes it, and then more than recoup the costs.

  • If your list of offers is empty, or there are no tasks of interest, then try changing the city in your profile settings ( I advise you to put large cities), or even country) Some offers are only available to users of a certain geographical location.
  • After changing important information in your profile, access to special. offers will be temporarily limited. The same is true when creating a new account - first in special. the offers will be empty, and only when the profile is more than 1-2 months old will tasks appear.
  • They are updated periodically, old ones disappear, new ones appear, so it makes sense to check in regularly to see if anything tasty has appeared.
  • In addition, I noticed that the number and quality of tasks is affected by the age of the account and the number of friends. Because my newly created fakes have a special section. there are no offers 🙁
  • I’m almost sure that users’ personal data also plays an important role, such as gender, age, etc. since the advertiser determines the target audience of the advertising company. So you can experiment here too)

By the way, about other opportunities to get votes on VK for free. They can be won in various promotions and competitions held in numerous groups.

Another option is that you can quickly earn money on VKontakte votes if you don’t want to spend cash, on the same freelance exchange Kwork. Anyone can type texts, they taught you at school =) And if on top of that you know how to do something - draw, layout websites, edit videos, promote public pages, etc. then this can become the main source of income for tens of thousands per month.

Do not mess with programs and scripts that promise free vote boosting! At best, this is just a dummy, but most likely they are scammers who want to gain access to your account and personal data.

Now you know more ways to get votes in contact without spending your money.

There are no similar entries.

Along with a scholarship and basic income. Young people, and even schoolchildren, collect free votes, which can be earned in several ways. There are not so many of them, and any of them still requires some work.

How and where you can earn votes in contact for free, read below.

First of all, do not fall for buggies and advertisements like “Free votes for a contact or quickly earn votes in a contact,” because such services have not existed for a long time and all groups have ceased to exist forever.

If there are still not enough votes, then the best option would be to create the next account and register on special platforms, where the people to whom you will give the votes will give you votes. Such a beneficial exchange and very convenient.

You can also earn VK votes by completing various types of tasks. Some people need a repost, others need a like or a review. All this is sold and bought for mere pennies if you decide to earn 1 vote in a contact and no longer act. But if you are full of determination and perseverance, then making money on social networks can bring you a lot of pleasure and additional benefits from an overflowing wallet.

website is the most popular platform related to contact. When registering, you will be asked to link your account to your workplace, and you can start immediately. Trying to complete tasks and getting votes in contact for your work is no different from watching the news feed every day, only in this case you definitely need to complete the task that you took on. And it's all.

Some groups hold special competitions where you can also earn free votes in contact if you take some place.

Http:// ;

These are the groups that exist and thrive. Thanks to them, you will learn how easy it is to make money in contact while sitting at home at your computer.

If you need votes immediately and don’t want to join any groups to get them, then just ask one of your friends. Surely there are acquaintances who will be happy to share one or two voices with you in contact completely free of charge, i.e. for nothing.

You can also write a status - a cry for help, in which you simply ask to receive votes in contact for free or list your capabilities for which you would be happy to exchange other people’s votes. For example, you write poetry well or have some Photoshop skills. Surely there will be people in a huge network who will need your services. Of course, this is considered earnings, but it is also a nice way to earn free votes in contact, since you are doing a hobby - something you love and getting the votes you want - everything is fair and fun.

To be honest, it is almost impossible to get free votes in contact. As you already understood from the text, everywhere there is a return. In any case, you have to work hard. In some places it’s minimal, in others it’s not much of a pleasure. However, while there are such opportunities as getting a free vote for a like or repost, you can and should use this and be able to survive in a situation where it is not possible to buy votes for a very necessary cause or for a gift to a loved one.