What a Russian-speaking self-learning voice assistant can do. Recommendations for the voice assistant Dusya How much does the Dusya assistant cost on Android

1. Turn off all types of activation and activate using the “Dusya Start” shortcut, or hang the Dusya Start application on the desktop gesture.
How to do this, you can listen to Oleg’s podcast on apex launcher:

People also successfully activate it by shaking, but it depends on the device. It all depends on the presence of the necessary sensors in the device.
2. Speak exclusively only after the sound signal.
3. In the user settings, clear the flags: show answers, show recognition results, other checkboxes as desired!
4. I recommend a speech synthesizer
Google TTS.
Download Russian voice pack through speech synthesis settings, google synthesizer settings.
Note: With other speech synthesizers, some commands are not executed, for example, open Skype, next song, previous song, pause.
5. You also need to download an off-line recognition package, in the settings language and input, voice search, management of voice packages.
6. In the Dusi settings, functions, navigation, select osmand as the default navigator.
Attention, when moving with swipes, that is, swipes, these items do not open; you need to feel them on the left side of the screen and activate them by double tapping.
You can always download the latest version of the osmand navigator on the website
Some navigation related commands:
Let's go to work, Dusya says: "dictate the address", we dictate like this: city street house, you can simply say while at work: the work is located here, it will save the address in its navigation settings, in the future you no longer need to dictate the address.
Where is the nearest stop, super market, hairdresser and so on, Dusya tells how many meters it is, what address it is at, if it suits you: we activate Dusya again and say let’s go, plots the route in osmand.
Let's go to a city, a street, a house, or significant objects: a zoological park, a museum, a cinema, and so on.
You can change addresses in Dusya's settings, functions, navigation, contact addresses and others, or simply with the command: change work address, Dusya asks for a new address.
7. In the places section, select maps and, if possible, turn them off in the system so that Dusya does not open maps, but simply tells where this or that object is located; in the future, a checkbox may appear: open/not open.
8. In the “vkontakte” section, to listen to any music from the Internet, you must enter the login and password for the social network “vkontakte” and set
BubbleUPnP player.
We tell her: find a song: gas sector fog, when requested, the player must be running in the background, so as not to launch the donut every time when searching for music, you can write a script.
Attention, music search only works with Wi-Fi, it doesn’t work with a mobile network
9. For notes you can set
Google Keep.
10. In Yandex news, uncheck the box to open the browser, other settings are optional.
11. In the RCC mailing section, go to the RCC list, activate the add RSS button, enter the name of the newsletter in the first edit field, and what you will say.
in the second field: the URL address of the newsletter itself, you can check the box to read only the headlines or the entire news.
You can also choose how many news items you want to read at once. We command Doucet, for example: to read the typhlocomp, that is, the name of the mailing list.
Here you can take some working
RSS mailings.
12. In the applications section, you can assign synonyms to applications, for example, to the BubbleUP player - bagel, and to Blind-Droid Wallet - how much money.
13. In the default search, it is advisable to select google.
14. Remote browser.
check the Connect to browser checkbox,
follow the link:
save it in your bookmarks, activate the connect browser button, a window will appear with a code that needs to be entered into the browser identifier in Dusi’s settings. This needs to be done once, the code will remain the same the next time this window is opened, now you can give Dusya various questions, she will open the results of the browser found in the computer window.
15. Here you can take examples of some
16. Now that we have configured everything, we can save our settings in the item of the same name, and if necessary, we can always restore them from a remote server on any device with the same Google account.
Note: Also, if your Android is version 4.4 and higher, then do not forget to read the help in the settings of Doucet itself. If your Android is below version 4.4, this TalkBack help will not be available for non-visual reading.

That's it, good luck everyone, train.

an increasingly popular voice assistant for Android devices that will answer any question of interest and complete the task. It understands voice commands and easily automates control of a smartphone or tablet.

Application Description

Assistant Dusya was created to facilitate the process of using a mobile device. It differs from similar programs such as Siri or Google Now in that it adapts to each user.

Before you start, you will have to make some settings. First of all, this is the activation of the microphone, its calibration, and changing the sensitivity. The program has a clear interface in Russian with voice control.

The assistant is activated by voice, wave, shake, bringing it to the ear, or headset buttons. To execute the desired command, just slide your palm across the screen. Dusya also understands written commands well, which is convenient when there is no way to speak.

The application is based on a Russian speech synthesizer and voice search from Google, supports Android OS 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x.

Assistant Properties

  • High-quality voice recognition.
  • Works in the interface and background, depending on the selected setting.
  • Drawing up routes, searching for public transport.
  • Finding contacts in your address book.
  • Make voice calls and send messages on command.
  • Searching for information on the Internet, opening the necessary sites.
  • Calculations on a calculator.
  • Change the settings of your smartphone or tablet by command.
  • Voice notifications coming to the device.

The assistant not only carries out commands, but can also be taught new functions. The owner of the smartphone can independently create new commands and place them in the library, where they become available to other users. You can download the Assistant Dusya application for free on our website without registration and SMS.

Android OS: 4.0.3+
Latest version: 2.0.2
In Russian: yes

Assistant Dusya for Android– the first and only free Russian-language assistant with voice control for Android devices. It is able to learn and adapt to each user individually. Considering many factors, unique character and habits, your assistant can be multifaceted and amazing. Use your full potential to implement bold ideas, fine-tune your interaction with a girl, who, by the way, can easily be changed to a guy. You can choose the assistant’s appearance, choose clothes, chat on any topic, and perform important tasks.

Features of the full version of Dusi:
- Set up activation and calling of the assistant in any convenient way: gesture, phrase, touch, combination
- Have fun and solve daily problems, communicating with Dusya as with a living person, your personal secretary
- Artificial intelligence is capable of constantly learning, adapting to each interlocutor separately
- You can dress up your assistant as you wish: from sexy to strict, or entrust the job to a man
- Trust important matters and simple tasks by saying the necessary phrase, and instructions will be made immediately
- Call or quickly find the files you need, go to specific sites, take notes

Regardless of preferences and goals, the program will become a faithful companion in any situation. When you're bored, you can chat about any topic, because Dusya, like any girl, is extremely chatty, knows a lot of stories and is always full of news. It is enough to call an assistant, ask him for anything, and your wishes will be fulfilled in an instant. Call, find something on the device or on the Internet, book a hotel, buy tickets, show the weather forecast, translate a phrase, find out the latest news, exchange rates, get directions in the navigator - everything is within her power.

Many people don’t know how to use and how to set up the Dusya assistant. But the answers to these questions are already in the application itself. Just launch the assistant and click on the “How to use” or “Functions” tab that interests you. There you can easily customize it for yourself. Download the full version of the Assistant Dusya application for Android You can do it for free and without registration using the link below.

Dusya is a virtual assistant who controls a mobile phone using her voice. The program does not have its own interface. Due to the lack of its own interface, the voice assistant is not suitable for everyone, but at the same time, Dusya, in our opinion, is one of the first voice assistants in the form that implies voice control, i.e. work without an interface in the background (this is how smart speakers from Yandex and Amazon work - Yandex Station and Amazon Echo, respectively). The only platform Dusya works on is Android.

What devices and operating systems does Dusya work on?

Virtual assistant Dusya works on smartphones running the Android operating system. Not available on PC.

Dusi's assistant functions?

Assistant Dusya full version - how much does it cost?

After downloading to the phone, the user can use the voice assistant for free for about a week. After this period has expired, the user must pay about 400 rubles or 160 hryvnia. The trial version, which lasts 1 week, does not reveal the full potential of the voice assistant. Most of the functions are in the full version of the device.

Where can I download the activated version of Dusya for free?

You can download the activated version of the voice assistant via torrents, but we strongly do not recommend doing this. Since not all sites can download the program without viruses. At a minimum, read reviews and preferably on third-party sites, and be sure to install or update your antivirus.

How to use the application?

How to enable and disable?

In order for the program to accept your requests, you must enable it. Let's start the activation by launching “Dusya Start”. Then a signal will sound, after which the program is activated. By the way, there are other inclusion methods that can be configured. For example, shake the phone or put it to your ear.

Setting up Dusi

The application does not work, errors in the application

In one of our previous publications, we found out that when it comes to Russian-speaking users, then “Dusya” and Google Now, and Siri, and Cortana.

The assistant can do a lot of things, and with its help you can build things at home.

The reason for today’s article was a very important innovation of “Dusya” - self-learning. That is, the assistant literally knows how to learn new commands from its owner. And at the same time, the owner of a smartphone does not need to be a programmer at all to create his own voice functions.

The assistant has been around for almost two years and is actively developing. “Actively” here means “daily”. New features appear every day, and these features are created and published by the users themselves. Such functions are called scripts.

How it works

Have you ever wondered how Siri and Cortana work? Your voice turns into text, then some magic happens and the program fulfills your request. Or doesn’t do it if she didn’t understand what you meant.

"Dusya" provides the opportunity to look inside this "magic" and create your own voice functions. Moreover, their possibilities become truly limitless as you study the scripts.

Having opened the list of functions, in the first line you can see the very scripts behind which an entire internal analogue of the App Store is hidden from additional functions created by other users. Except that in this directory all the features are free.

Each script is like a mini-program that has an author, title and description, as well as the number of active installations. Here, as in Google Play, there are tabs with the best, new and most popular scripts. Each of them can be installed in one click - and in a couple of seconds your assistant will learn to perform new voice commands.

At the same time, if you command your assistant something that he does not yet know, “Dusya” will immediately offer you to install a suitable script, if there is one in the online database.

What scripts can do

If we talk about what those scripts that are already available for download can do, then there are functions for every taste.

Need to order a taxi? Say: “Taxi home” or “Taxi to Mira Street, building five.” The Yandex.Taxi script will launch the application of the same name in a second with the fields already filled in and immediately show the cost of the trip. All you have to do is click on the “Order” button. The same script is available for the Uber service. If neither one nor the other is in your city yet, then the “Call a Taxi” script will allow you to simply automatically dial a taxi number to order.

Another example: you can easily train your assistant to carry on a conversation. The Chatbot script will force Dusya to respond with something interesting every time your phrase does not fit any of the 25 built-in functions or installed scripts.

Do you want to teach your assistant to play cities with you? There is also such a script. True, it is very difficult to beat artificial intelligence.

The list of such functions could take a long time. There is a search for music on the social networks VKontakte and Yandex.Radio, a function for calculating loan payments, quick saving of expenses in Excel, jokes, online TV and much, much more. Moreover, functions can be either very simple or very complex. Several such examples are clearly demonstrated in a short video that shows the work of new scripts.

How to create your own functions

Creating your own scripts is really not difficult once you understand all the available tools. For this, the developers created the official blog of the project blog.dusi.mobi, in which they talk about all the intricacies of this process. Full documentation on scripts is also available there.

Several videos are also offered, which show step by step and sequentially with examples how to create voice functions, both simple and complex.

If you look at scripts from a technical point of view, they are a mixture of voice patterns that the assistant responds to and a list of actions that it performs when the appropriate phrase is spoken. Moreover, the phrase may contain some necessary data that the assistant extracts from the phrase, and then it can be used in actions. For example, text, dates, times, contact names and others.

The list of supported actions is impressive:

This is not a complete list of possible actions. To get acquainted with other functions, we recommend downloading the most interesting scripts and seeing how they are made. Each of them has detailed help that will help you figure out what's what.

“Dusya” is a really interesting and powerful tool for realizing your ideas in the field of voice control. The process of creation will truly captivate those who love to create something new and explore the unknown, and user communities in