GRUB operating system loader: settings, description. Installing and restoring GRUB

But in this topic, I want to tell you how you can deal with already rough skin on your fingers. Whether to do it yourself or seek help from a specialist is up to you to decide.

Let's start with simple way– contact a specialist. A qualified specialist will easily help you remove rough skin on your fingers, as well as treat the skin and the area of ​​the side rollers. But for the effect to be long-term, you have to homework– daily care of hands using hand cream.

You can do it at home too remove rough skin on fingers:

  • Let's use a simple one. For our purpose, a file with an abrasive coating of 150-180 grit is suitable. This file will easily exfoliate dry skin on your fingers and side rollers, the main thing is to use it on clean and dry skin of your hands. This method is safe, because you won’t be able to overdo it. the skin will heat up from friction and there will be a feeling of increasing warmth.
  • If the skin is damp, the file may not be able to do the job on its own. They will come to the rescue for the skin/cuticle. Important! They can only be used on well-softened hand skin. To do this, you can use baths or professional removers.

When working with wire cutters, it is important to remember possible consequences and do not give free rein to thoughts of “a little more and a little more.” Try to cut off no more than ½-2/3 of the overgrown skin. To prevent any snags/burrs from appearing in the future, the cut area can be sanded with a nail file (but on dry skin).

To consolidate the result, you can use the following hand care techniques:

So, to remove rough skin on your fingers, you can contact a specialist or use the tools in your cosmetic bag (nail file and cuticle nippers). But in any case, home skin care is important, as well as protecting your hands from aggressive external influences.

The matter today is simple. But when there are two operating systems, and one of them needs to be removed without affecting the other, this is where difficulties can arise. Selected problems appear when restoring the Windows bootloader.

Some users install in parallel with Windows Linux, it has many advantages, for example, completely free use. But two systems on one electronic computer They still begin to conflict, so one has to be deleted. And if you decide to remove Linux, leaving Windows intact, you will have to decide how to remove the Grub boot loader. But erasing the program is not enough, you need to know how to restore it Windows boot loader immediately after removal to start the OS. Our recommendations will help you complete all the procedures; first determine which OS you have and follow the right path.

Grub is an abbreviation of the English GRand Unified Bootloader and is an OS bootloader developed by GNU. The utility allows you to select the operating system from the installed ones when turning on or restarting the PC, namely the one that the user needs. Latest version The program supports several operating systems, such as Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD. Unsupported OSes are loaded by Grub passing this function to another boot loader (NTLDR on Windows).

Grub 2 is built with a multi-module design and can even be configured to load games. Externally it may look like a black and white table or have stylish design. Provides normal functioning different file systems: FAT 16, 32; NTFS, XFS, ext, ISO.

Removing Grub

Some users find it difficult to figure out how to remove Grub. Although the process itself is simple, applicable various ways, depending on installed second systems.

Removal with Windows XP installed

If the PC is running Windows XP, the problem of how to remove Grub is not solved so quickly, but without any particular difficulties. Launch the manager hard drive which will remove software components, marked ext. Well suited for the removal procedure of Power Quest PartitionMagic 8.0. You will then need to restore the Windows boot loader to run your PC after uninstalling Linux. Follow the algorithm.

Using the utility, delete partitions labeled ext

  1. Bottom of the application window color designation sections. After deleting exploited Linux, free up space, it will be grayed out.
  2. The smart machine will reboot and the message “NTLDR is missing” will be displayed. It says that the system cannot start Windows OS and files need to be restored.
  3. Launch the Recovery Console and connect the CD or bootable USB flash drive.
  4. The console will ask you to specify which copy of the OS should be logged into. Put "1".
  5. You will be asked for an administrator password, enter it.
  6. Then enter the fixmbr command, which repairs the partition tables and overwrites the boot area.
  7. The console will display a warning and ask you to confirm the process, enter "Y".
  8. The boot area is created, then enter fixboot command to write the boot sector to the main disk.
  9. Confirm the operation when prompted by typing "Y".

The computer will reboot, bootloader recovery will be completed successfully, and Windows XP will start.

Removal with Windows 7, 8 installed

Procedure for installed Windows 7-8 is easier than the one described above. IN in this case you don't need bootable flash drives or running the console. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Go to “Start” - “Run”.
  2. In the field of the utility opening window, enter list disk, press Enter, after which you will see a list of devices available on your PC.
  3. Enter “select disk No...”, indicating the number of the disk with Grub installed.
  4. Press Enter. A message will appear indicating that the disk has been selected.
  5. Type the command “clean” - “Enter”.
  6. A message appears indicating that the disk was erased successfully.

Removal with FreeDos

When FreeDos is installed, the loader program can be removed using the command line. You simply format the disk with the boot area.

  1. Launch Command Prompt.
  2. View the contents of the disks by issuing the "dir" command.
  3. Having discovered boot sector, format the entire partition by entering the “format” command and indicating on the same line required disk, for example, "with:".
  4. After completing the procedure, Grub will be removed from the hard drive.

Removing Grub4Dos

If you have the Grub4Dos bootloader installed, you can easily remove it via the command line. Type the command “sudo apt-get purge grub2 grub-pc” there and Grub will remove itself. Further using boot disk, use a special console to restore the bootloader and launch the existing OS.

Although Linux has many advantages over other systems, modern OSes are often chosen or two systems installed. But transitions between them are difficult, conflicts arise in software, and you have to remove such a familiar, convenient Linux. Above, we described in detail how to perform the removal without disrupting the operation of the second system. Now you can, by removing Grub, leave only one OS on your PC; Do you know how to restore the Windows bootloader? Carry out the operations carefully, follow the manual supplied with the loader, and you will successfully complete everything necessary.

Many owners of laptops that came with a pre-installed Linux operating system (usually Ubuntu or Fedora) eventually decide to upgrade it to Windows 7 or Windows 8. The second common case is when the user installed Linux for evaluation purposes, then removed this operating system, and As a result, he is unable to load Windows - an error is displayed when loading. Now I will tell you how to fix this and remove the GRUB bootloader to restore the Windows bootloader.

What is Grub

GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) is a universal operating system boot loader. At its core, it’s like a menu that allows you to choose which operating system to boot on your computer or laptop.
Today, the second version is being installed - GRUB2.

Removing Grub using an installation disk or flash drive with Windows 7, 8 or 10

Step 1 . We exhibit in BIOS loading from the installation disk or flash drive and boot from it.

Step 2. When loading, select the Recovery section.

Step 3. In the list of tools, select “ Command line».

Step 4. In the window that opens Windows console we type the commands:

The result of both commands should be like this:

Step 5. Close the window and reboot.

The same thing in the video example:

The Grub bootloader is the default bootloader used by most Linux distributions. Grub stands for GRand Unified Bootloader, it supports booting not only Linux, but also Windows and DOS.

If you installed Linux, and then for some reason decided to remove it and return to Windows or create a bootable Linux flash drive, but now you no longer need it, you need to remove the Grub bootloader. In this instruction, we will look at how to remove the Grub bootloader from the MBR or from the UEFI, and we will also talk about how to remove Grub from a flash drive.

How to remove Grub bootloader and restore Windows

If you have two operating systems installed on your computer, Windows and Linux, and you want to erase Linux and its bootloader by restoring the Windows bootloader, and you are using an MBR table, then this is very easy to do.

The network often recommends a method: take the installation Windows disk, boot from it in recovery mode and run the commands:


This is truly the answer to the question "how to remove Grub and repair the Windows bootloader?" and it works. But there is a much simpler way. You don't even have to restart your computer. The Bootice utility allows you to restore the Windows bootloader and remove Grub from your hard drive in a few clicks.

You can download the utility from softpedia, because everything on the official website is in Chinese. Just choose the correct bit size for your system. Launch the utility, highlight the drive on which you have Grub installed, then click the button Process MBR:

Then Windows NT 5.x/6.x MBR:

And press the button Config/Install:

And that's it: you were able to successfully remove the Grub bootloader completely. You can reboot and check.

How to remove Grub bootloader in UEFI

This problem can also be solved using the Bootice utility. Only this time you need the 64-bit version of the program.

One of benefits of UEFI on MBR is that here you can install several boot loaders on a special partition at once. To remove the Grub boot loader and restore Windows functionality, simply move Grub a little lower in the UEFI boot queue.

Open the program, go to the UEFI tab and click Edit Boot Enteries. The following window will open:

Here you have two options. Or lower Grub below the Windows bootloader using the button Down, or completely delete the bootloader entry using the button Del. But in both cases, the bootloader files will remain on the disk. You need to completely remove the Grub boot loader with all its files from the command line. That's not a lot difficult process, but we’ll still look into it.

Click in the lower left corner of the screen with the right mouse button, in the opened context menu select Command line as administrator.

Then look at the available disks:

And we select our only disk on which Windows is now installed, and Ubuntu was previously installed:

Once the disk has been selected, we can view the list of partitions on it:

Among these partitions there is also a section with EFI files, for conventional system it is hidden, but not for this utility. In our case, this is Volume 2. As a rule, this is a small partition with the FAT32 file system and marked as system.

We selected this section as current using the command:

Then we’ll assign a letter to it so we can work with it:

assign letter=D:

Go to the EFI folder:

Delete the folder with the Ubuntu boot loader files:

Done: Grub boot loader removal is complete and its files are no longer on the system.

How to remove Grub from a flash drive

On flash drives, as a rule, a table is used MBR partitions. To remove the Grub bootloader from a flash drive, it is not enough to simply format it. The bootloader is written to MBR table, and therefore we will have to recreate it. I strongly do not recommend using this method to remove the Grub bootloader from your hard drive, because you will lose all your data.

We will work in Linux system. First, look at the device name of your flash drive, for example, using the Gparted program or in the terminal with the command:

Then delete it completely existing table sections:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc count=512

Now, using the same Gparted, we create new table sections:

Create a partition on the flash drive and format it in file system FAT32:

Now you know how to remove MBR from a flash drive, just don’t erase it from your hard drive, because it will be difficult to restore later.


I don't know why you needed to uninstall Linux. This is an excellent operating system, although there are still hardware that it does not support or does not fully support. Don't give up quickly: if Linux doesn't work on one device, maybe in the future you'll get another computer or the kernel will start supporting your laptop. Try and experiment. In any case, now you know how to remove Grub from your hard drive. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.