Asus keyboard does not light up. How to turn on the keyboard backlight on an ASUS laptop. Is any keyboard suitable for transformation?

How to turn off the keyboard backlight on a laptop? The keyboard backlight is a fairly useful feature that allows you to type even in complete darkness. The cost of a keyboard with this feature depends on the device manufacturer, additional functions and other innovations.

For most of these gadgets, it is not at all necessary to install drivers and other programs. Before purchasing, be sure to make sure that both English and Russian layouts are highlighted. This is very easy to do - just turn on the backlight and see what is highlighted.

Unlike personal computers, for which you can purchase a backlit keyboard separately, it is difficult to select an additional accessory for a laptop. Some manufacturers offer backlit keyboards for laptops; such a device can be purchased and replaced at a service center.

Before you deal with the problem of turning on the keyboard backlight, you need to make sure whether your laptop model even has it. Accordingly, if the computer is not equipped with this accessory, then you will have nothing to turn on.

Carefully read the specifications of the laptop and make sure this function is available. Typically, the keyboard backlight is indicated in the instructions that come with the laptop.

Turning on the backlight is easy - just press the Fn key along with another key. Which? This depends on your laptop model. The easiest method to determine the correct key is to visually inspect the function keys (F1–F12). This is where the equipment manufacturer puts additional symbols.

As a rule, turning the keyboard backlight on/off is indicated by a pattern in the form of a light bulb and keys or something similar. If you haven’t found such a picture, then you can search using simple manipulations: press Fn and the F1 to F12 keys alternately until the backlight starts working.

It is very important that these clicks do not activate other laptop options, such as going to sleep mode, turning off the display, and so on. Important! If you accidentally enable a function you don’t need, you can disable it using the same key combination - the main thing is not to press everything.

If the above method did not give any results, but you know for sure that your laptop is equipped with backlit keys, then you can use other key combinations. In this case, the following combination options can help you: Fn together with F6 and pressing the right arrow, or pressing Fn together with a spacebar.

If this does not help, then your laptop model either has a faulty backlight or does not have it at all. To find out exactly about this, we recommend consulting with the laptop manufacturer’s service center or laptop repair specialists.

How to turn on the backlight on a laptop?

Master's answer:

On modern laptop models there is such a function as keyboard backlighting. This function is very useful especially if you work on a laptop at night. If this function is present on your laptop, then you need to know how it turns on. To turn on the backlight, you need to press the Fn key and, while holding it, press one of the additional keys on the laptop. Which key you need to press depends on the model of your laptop.

Basically, this combination can be identified visually. Manufacturers, in order to make it easier for us to use the computer, put additional symbols on additional keys (row F1-F12). The symbols are printed in the same color as the Fn key label. You just need to experiment by pressing keys with additional symbols together with the Fn key. You need to find the illuminated keyboard symbol on the key.

Please note that when you press some keys, other options may be activated, which can lead to the screen turning off, entering sleep mode, and other actions. To cancel this action, you need to press the same combination again.

If you are unable to identify the function we are interested in from the pictures on the keys, but you are sure that your laptop has a key backlight function, then you need to try the following combinations: - Fn + F6 or Fn + right arrow; - Fn + SPACE (space); - Fn + F5

If your laptop does not have a keyboard backlight, you can make external key backlighting yourself using only USB power (+5 V) and one or more white LEDs. We will need to insert the two outer contacts (left and right) into the connector. The white LED operates under a supply voltage of 3.5 V. Therefore, you will need a resistor that will extinguish the extra 1.5 V. The LED current is 20 mA, or 0.02 A. As a result, the resistance of the additional resistor will be 1.5 V/0, 02 = 75 Ohm.

If you feel that one LED is not enough for you, then you can connect another one with the same resistor. It is imperative to control the current consumed by the LEDs, since if it differs from 18-20 mA, this may negatively affect the service life of the LED.

Also, some laptops have a dedicated key to turn the backlight on and off. It may be located in the upper left corner of the keyboard.

The functions have basic ones, there are additional important ones and not so important ones. Sometimes we chase the brand name and are not entirely aware of whether we will really use all this. However, keyboard backlighting will be a necessary addition for both the business person and the average person. This time we will try to figure out how to turn on the keyboard backlight on Asus.

How to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop?

We will move towards the answer to this question using a method from simple to complex. So, how to turn on the Asus keyboard backlight:

  1. On the layout you will find the Fn key, which is completely inconspicuous at first glance. Only advanced users know about all its abilities. It is an auxiliary one and should be combined with others to obtain a particular effect. In the question of how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop, it may well be the final answer. It is likely that the purchased equipment does not support the mode of pressing this key without additional ones. Not all models activate the backlight using this method, and further information may well be relevant to you.
  2. You can turn on the backlight on an Asus laptop using a key combination, since this is how various additional functions of laptops are often activated. Now we will use the already familiar Fn in combination with other keys. Almost certainly, it will be a key from the top row from F1 to F12. First we study the icons or images on the keys of this row. If you haven’t sewn anything similar to the keyboard image, you will have to follow the selection method. Press each key in the row one by one while holding Fn. This is where the sound and screen control buttons are always located, so the backlight will almost certainly be in this area.
  3. Before you turn on the Asus keyboard backlight, look for the desired icon among the other keyboard buttons. In modern models, new types of combinations often use directions for simple settings. For example, these could be up-down, left-right buttons. When you look for a key with an image or try in tandem with direction keys, do not forget to hold down Fn.
  4. Sometimes, to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop, you need to search hard. The answer may be in the most visible place. For example, there is a possibility that the backlight is activated by pressing the Fn key and spacebar in combination. Sometimes you need a more complex combination, when you also need to press F5 in addition to the first key. In short, you will have to really rack your brains to get results.

How to turn on the keyboard backlight on Asus from the outside?

When you have already tried all possible options and did not get results, most likely, your equipment still does not support the backlight mode. But even in such a situation you should not be discouraged. There is always a place for ingenuity and additional gadgets.

You can turn on the backlight even on equipment where it was not originally provided. LEDs work wonders, they will need a little help and a separate USB input. As a rule, you need about five to fully illuminate the keyboard.

The calculation is as follows: the LED power supply is about 3.5 V, while the connector itself supplies a power of 5 V. This means that you will also need a one and a half volt resistor. For a person with basic knowledge in this area, building a backlight and activating it will not be difficult. If such ideas seem fantastic to you, you can always contact a specialist who can easily solve your problem.

Today, the backlight of a laptop keyboard is for many a determining factor in the purchase of this gadget. After all, this is a useful and convenient function for lovers of work and leisure at night or in poor lighting. But few users know how to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop and what can be done if this model does not have one.

How to set up the keyboard backlight on a laptop

It's worth noting that there are several ways to enable this useful feature. Differences exist depending on the manufacturer and the specific device model. Don’t forget that most budget models do not have such a useful feature, but don’t be lazy to check it again.

It is also possible to make the lighting yourself: all the parts can be bought in specialized stores. And then you will need a few simple operations. Or you can order a similar device from an online store - it won’t cost that much money.

How to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop

The first step is to determine whether your laptop has a keyboard backlight function. If it exists, then the whole process consists of pressing a special key combination. Each manufacturer in this case assigns its own button, but it must be located among the keys of the top row F1-F12. On them you can see special symbols printed in a different color (usually blue or red).

In order to turn on the keyboard backlight on a laptop (Acer, HP, Dell, Samsung, MSI and others), you need to hold the Fn button (located in the lower left corner) and press an additional key, unique for each manufacturer. For exact information, please refer to the user manual. It should be remembered that by experimenting with key combinations, you can disable or enable a number of other device functions (turn off WiFi mode, put the laptop into sleep mode, turn off the screen). You can undo changes by pressing the used keyboard shortcut again.

If you are sure that this function is available, but the desired combination does not enable it, then make sure that the Fn button works (for example, by trying another key combination you know). Check the availability of the appropriate drivers, BIOS settings (Setup Utility - System Configuration - Action Keys Mode - Enabled), try activating the button using the Fn+NumLock combination.

As already written, different manufacturers have different combinations for LEDs (we will give a few examples):

  1. How to turn on the lighting on an HP laptop - Fn+F5.
  2. How to turn on the lighting on an ASUS n76v laptop - there are three brightness levels, Fn+F3 and Fn+F4.
  3. How to turn on the keyboard lighting on a Lenovo laptop - Fn+Space (spacebar).

Plus, you can make external LEDs yourself. To do this, all you need is knowledge in the field of electronics, an LED, a resistor and a little time. However, it is worth considering that it is much easier and safer to purchase this accessory. After all, if you close the electrical circuit with the wrong side, then you will not only not achieve the desired result, but also risk damaging your computer.

As you can see for yourself, LEDs are an incredibly useful and convenient device. If you don't have it by default, you can always purchase additional hardware and also attach it to your laptop. And thanks to our tips, you can do this easily and quickly.

In some cases, there is a need to provide additional illumination of the working surface. Keyboards with backlit keys can be purchased, but if such an option is suitable.

If the price of such devices does not correspond to the user’s capabilities, it is enough to reserve time and do everything yourself. For this procedure you will need some knowledge of working with a soldering iron and connecting a diode strip.

Why do you need a backlight on your keyboard?

A backlit computer keyboard is essential for people working at night. Night owls often wonder how to achieve keyboard illumination if touch typing has not been mastered. Also, for some operations it is necessary to look at the keys, which is difficult in poor-quality lighting.

Additional illumination is necessary for:

  • IT employees;
  • gamers;
  • night shift dispatchers;
  • technical personnel testing equipment on site with the keyboard connected to the device.

Lighting the work surface is not only a beautiful fantasy for aesthetic pleasure. The need to see the necessary keys in the complete or partial absence of light requires such a measure. Taking care of proper operation can save time and provide an acceptable option for interacting with devices.

In some cases, the required keyboard option is difficult to obtain, or is not possible at all. Taking an option similar in configuration, it is enough to simply make backlit keys in it. This procedure will require some soldering skills and knowledge of basic principles of radio electronics.

Required Tools

Backlit Keyboard Reviews demonstrates the different options for backlit keyboards:

  • standard rectangular;
  • gaming;
  • laptop keyboard;
  • wireless analogues.

To repeat a similar experience, illuminating standard options without additional special effects, you need certain tools and materials:

  • LED strip (up to 1 m);
  • soldering iron;
  • batteries (in the case of a built-in backlight recharge option);
  • network cable (about 3 m);
  • adapter 2-4-pin to 1-6-pin;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • insulating tape;
  • switch;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue (for some options with a change in the key panel);
  • tester for the final check of the functionality of all circuit elements.

Almost all the required materials can be purchased at any specialized store. This also applies to LED strips for Multi-color lighting systems.

Backlight power supply

Any illumination option requires a power source. This task remains the No. 1 solution for everyone who wants to create additional special effects on the work surface. It is worth considering the resource consumption of the diode element, since most of the recommendations boil down to introducing a connection to the computer’s power supply.

A factory-produced backlit gaming keyboard for a computer is built precisely on this principle. Since all the elements are already enabled, they directly take resource from the internal elements of the computer. This process requires a lot of resources.

Electronics engineers suggest making a separate output for connection to the system filter socket connector, or installing an additional power supply to relieve the load on the main one. There is some truth to this, as excessive power consumption wears out your computer.

Advantages of using diode strip

Backlit mechanical keyboards are all built on the principle of using an LED strip. This approach was preceded by numerous not entirely successful experiments. The choice of diodes was based on the following requirements:

  • compact location inside the keyboard box;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • resource consumption;
  • convenience when replacing a worn-out element;
  • light source brightness requirements;
  • resistance to multiple mechanical damage;
  • possibility of adding additional colors.

The last point is important for the built-in Multi-color system. Gaming keyboards or laptop panels require contrasting backlighting. This is due to the orientation requirements of the gamer or tester during the work process. Areas painted in different light colors allow you to quickly find your way and prevent confusion. In addition, LEDs interact harmlessly with computer or laptop systems.

Is any keyboard suitable for transformation?

Any three-dimensional keyboard can be suitable for transformation. Backlit gaming keyboards of various configurations all have a certain height. Backlighting that is not based on the principle of using LEDs is possible only in factory conditions. Therefore, for an experimental project it is necessary to take a device of a certain height.

For the first experiments on installing a light element, experienced electronics engineers recommend practicing on mechanical keyboards from the following companies:

  • Assus;
  • Genius;
  • A4tech;
  • Gmej;

These keyboards have sufficient height and simplicity of design. They have a certain margin of safety, since they are designed for the average user.

You can use them to practice many different techniques, including completely replacing the key area with a similar option with transparent inserts. In addition, when several options are compiled into one for decorative effects, their standard configuration allows for similar manipulations.

A backlit wireless keyboard has its own specifics related to the signal element. When adding this option to the LED component, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • make accurate measurements of all keyboard parameters;
  • distribute all mounting points of the LED strip on the diagram at a sufficient distance from the pulse supply boards;
  • choose a reliable place to mount the battery;
  • decide how the backlight will turn off/on;
  • make some changes to the housing for the button output.

The main goal of this process is to install the tape without damaging the key functions of the keyboard. When dismantling the key panel, you must remember the main rule, which applies to all other keyboard options:

If the rubber backing is peeled off, it will be impossible to reinstall it properly. There is an additional option for mounting on a transparent backing sheet, however, in some sensitive models this will lead to a complete lack of response of the key when pressed.

Where can I get an LED strip?

To solve the question of how to turn on the keyboard backlight, you need to have an LED strip. The standard version of the tape is sold in all construction stores and markets. If the conditions for developing a project for installing lighting require any special properties or requirements, analogues can be found through Internet sources.

The standard tape consists of:

  • elastic polymer tape;
  • a row of series-connected diodes;
  • output points of power connection elements;
  • separation zone marked with special markings.

There are some differences in the tape options for the Multi-color system. Diode pairs of different colors are connected in parallel at some distance opposite each other. Otherwise, all soldering (connection) points of twisted pair wires have a standard output.

According to the markings, one output point has 5 volts, the other 12 volts. This must be taken into account when connecting the backlight circuit to the connectors. In addition, when connecting the blade through a charger, it is necessary to take into account that the charger must be a transformer, and not a pulse one.

Enable keyboard backlight on Asus laptop

One of the frequently asked questions is how to turn on the keyboard backlight on an Asus laptop. Because models of this type have a very moderate glow. Some users are not satisfied with the quality of the luminescent element. However, the machine itself is satisfactory in terms of its parameters and quality of work.

To install an LED element, you should immediately decide on the type of lighting. For beginner electronics engineers, it is recommended to do backlighting along the contour. Because this will minimize possible damage to performance due to inept installation.

The rules for installing diode strip require:

  • disconnect the battery;
  • remove all fasteners (some are recessed and hardly noticeable at first glance);
  • carefully remove the hard drive;
  • remove DVD rom;
  • release the key panel from the fasteners;
  • disconnect the display cable suitable for the motherboard;
  • disconnect the cable;
  • remove WLAN.

The LED strip itself must be installed along the free contour of the edge of the keyboard. In this case, take into account the mounting location of the battery or any battery that is flat enough to be mounted in the case. One of the inconvenient moments of such a process will be the need for similar dismantling when replacing the power element.

No. 1 The easiest way to backlight

Attach the tape to the bottom of the monitor or the inside of the keyboard drawer. This is one of the simplest options for backlit keyboard. This method is suitable for those who are little familiar with the principles of electronics. The installed bracket has a simple connection type:

  • a twisted pair (similar to an Internet connection wire) is soldered to the output points of the internal connection of the diodes;
  • connection via a molex power connector to the hard drive;
  • the yellow-marked connector is designed for 12 volts;
  • The connector with red markings is reserved for 5 volts.

Installation can be done inside the tabletop, which provides bright illumination of the surface of the keys. In this version, you can attach a switch under the surface of the table cover, with which you can remove the lighting during the daytime.

Switch fastening

In various systems, an important point is to turn off the backlight when it is not needed. If we are talking about standard mechanical keyboards, then everything is simple. An additional groove is cut into the body, where the shutdown button is located. Accuracy and aesthetics depend on your efforts.

In models with a more complex structure, this approach does not have its functional meaning. Since damage to the integrity of the housing can affect the operation of the entire device. On laptops this option is basically not acceptable.

Factory backlit keyboards have special keys to turn off the backlight. Such keys have an additional LED located on the body, which does not light if the backlight is turned off. This principle can be applied to turn off a homemade keyboard backlight LED circuit on a laptop.

Keyboard key illumination principle

Light from the diodes reaches the surface in two ways:

  • through the gaps between the keys;
  • through the transparent parts of the keys.

You need to pay attention to this when working with the keyboard. LED lighting is considered the most optimal and correct. The light source produces an even beam that has a clear dispersion radius. This option is especially noticeable if the symbols themselves glow.

On standard keyboards, all buttons are not transparent. The situation can be corrected by cutting out the area of ​​the working surface and replacing it with a more progressive one. When performing such manipulations, it is worth considering the moment of coincidence of the location of the button area.

Also, such a process requires care when processing joints and adjusting to the hole area. A new panel with keys is glued in using specialized glue. It is necessary to carefully monitor the joints so that the structure fits tightly. In any embodiment, the light supplied by the diode is reflected from the hands, creating additional illumination of the panel.

No. 2 Installation of LEDs in the body of the 760 keyboard

Before installing the backlight strips, you need to draw up a diagram of all the exit points of additional elements. This applies to:

  • switch;
  • wires to the power supply;
  • connection of the console system for Multi-color.

Thus, the diagram must include:

  • exit points for additional wires;
  • location of rubber key pads;
  • internal fastening points for all wiring and connections.

Since all the planks are connected into one assembly, a well-thought-out plan for laying this part is needed. So that its volume does not interfere with the installation of the panel with keys.

Do-it-yourself keyboard backlighting requires some care. When installing the tape, the first task is to dismantle the housing. All fastening elements must be carefully disconnected, paying attention to the possible outputs of the various connectors.

In the case of a solid key panel, it makes sense to melt holes for the output of the diodes with a soldering iron. For such a manipulation it will be necessary to accurately calculate the location of the diode along the guide and the places where the keys are attached. It makes sense to attach the wire connected to the beginning of the circuit with adhesive tape to the main wires of the keyboard for greater ease of use.

A connector adapter for the power wires of the diode strip is mounted on the wire. We connect it directly to the power source. The button to turn off the backlight can be inserted into the place where the boards exit by breaking out one strip.

Multi-color rainbow backlighting of a regular keyboard

The multicolor lighting system is based on the use of RGB diode strip. For this option you will need:

  • keyboard with transparent key symbols;
  • RGB diode strip;
  • RGB controller designed for 12v;
  • power unit;
  • mode switching remote control;
  • power connector;
  • signal reception sensor.

The ribbons are unraveled into the required lengths. They are attached in a clearly defined place under the keys. They are connected in parallel and connected to the controller. Additionally, the remote control signal reception sensor is displayed. A groove is cut into the housing to remove the power connector. When the final preparations are made, the body is assembled.