What is affected by the output current of the charger? How to choose the right charger for your smartphone? Charger Specifications

Along with increased functionality and performance mobile phones, the requirements for batteries are also increasing. A typical battery can power the device for 2-3 days, but if operation involves activity on social networks, the use of multimedia and frequent conversations, then you can expect discharge in the coming hours. Moreover, carrying a charger with you is not always convenient - it’s not only about the need to find the treasured outlet, but also about attachment to it as such. The optimal solution problems may become portable accumulator for mobile phones, also called Power Bank. Such accessories also cause some trouble, but with them the user still gains some autonomy.

Selection by capacity

When you first get acquainted with the characteristics external chargers inexperienced user may be fascinated by the enormous capacity of such devices. For example, there are models with a capacity of 10,400 mAh. It would seem that such an arsenal would be enough for 5 sessions of replenishing the energy of a mobile phone whose battery contains 2,000 mAh. In reality, everything is not so simple. The fact is that a portable phone battery has a nominal voltage of 3.7 W. In its turn, mobile devices are charged at 5 V. This difference leads to a loss of up to 30% of the energy potential in the volume. And this is in best case scenario because they are cheap Chinese models and provide no more than half of the declared volume.

But you still have to rely on official data - everything depends only on the brand of the manufacturer, based on whose reliability a discount should be made in the actual amount of energy. By the way, if a portable battery for a phone is purchased for the purpose of emergency maintenance of the device for a short period of time, then it is necessary to large capacity no, and you can limit yourself to a compact, but high-quality and reliable accessory.

Selection by current strength

For most users of mobile devices dependent on a power source, the charging speed indicator is also important. This characteristic is determined by the current strength, which is measured in Amperes (A). Typically phones and smartphones charge at 1A, while more demanding tablets require 2A. You should be guided by these indicators when choosing, by the way, it can be equipped with two outputs - 1A and 2A. As a rule, such models also have a decent volume - at least 7,800 mAh. Such devices, of course, are more expensive, so you may think about using an external battery with one output for maintenance different devices. But such a solution is inconvenient and risky, since the discrepancy in current strength is harmful to the phone. And this is not to mention that the charging process itself will take longer in the case of a tablet.

Buying a Power Bank without a battery

For the most economical ones, we recommend purchasing a separate Power Bank case and battery. This option is beneficial for the reason that you can initially be confident in the reliability and characteristics of the battery. In turn, the Power Bank will act only as a shell for the battery, ensuring interaction with the phone. True, there are also disadvantages to such a solution. The fact is that the portable battery for the phone in this case will operate on a weak outgoing current. Therefore, it will take more time to charge. On the other hand, the owner will have the opportunity to change the battery to another one, while maintaining the main Power Bank.

Manufacturers and prices

The importance of the quality of the charger has been noted more than once. In many ways, reliability, durability and performance properties external sources power supply are determined by the manufacturer. As experts note, the greatest trust is generated by korean models from LG and Samsung. Usually the sellers themselves do not hide the affiliation of the batteries with these brands. If the label does not indicate the manufacturer at all or if a little-known company appears in it, then it is better to refuse the purchase. It is also worth mentioning manufacturers specializing in the development of such devices. You can safely choose a portable external battery from the Melkco, YooBao or Momax lines. As for prices, they are quite affordable for the average user modern phone. Models with a capacity of 10,000 mAh or more usually cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles. By purchasing the 5,000 mAh option, you can even spend 1 thousand rubles. And these prices, by the way, apply to branded models.

Easy to use and a necessary accessory. Used almost every day. Most likely, you have several of them at home. What is this? Charger! For phone, tablet, reader, smart watch...

Types of chargers – mains, car and induction

Network Charger is an accessory that allows you to charge devices using electric current straight from the socket. This means that you can use it not only at home or at work, but wherever you have access to electricity. Detachable from power supply USB cable Allows you to charge your device using the USB port on your computer or laptop.

Car charger is an accessory that charges devices from the cigarette lighter socket in the car. Most often it consists of a power supply that connects directly to the cigarette lighter with a USB output on a cable that has a USB connector on one side and a micro-USB or micro-USB on the other USB type C. As a rule, it only provides energy when the key is inserted into the ignition.

Inductive charger is modern solution, which allows wireless charging of devices. The accessory consists of a power cable, as well as a platform on which you place the phone for charging. The charger plugs into an outlet, and when the phone is not in use, it can be placed on the wireless charging platform. When you pick up the phone again, charging will stop.

Inductive charging will work with your smartphone if it is adapted to this technology. Metal back panel prevents the use of induction, unlike the glass body. Wireless charger only possible with certain models, which meet this condition. You will find information on this topic in the device specification.

Charger with technology Power Delivery – this is usually a device with a USB type C connector. Thanks to this, it can be used simultaneously to charge a phone or laptop if they have compatible USB ports C. Some charger models also have standard ports USB 2.0 and can be used to charge other mobile devices.

Charger parameters

Once upon a time, each phone manufacturer used solutions suitable only for its devices. Later, by general agreement among manufacturers, most moved to the micro-USB standard to limit the generation of e-waste. Thanks to unified standard, theoretically, a charger from one smartphone can charge any other. You can also use it to replenish energy in your e-reader or camera.

In practice, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the charger, such as charging voltage , expressed in volts (V) and current strength, expressed in amperes (A). As a rule, these parameters are selected so as to effectively and safely charge the device that came with the charger. The very fact is that the charger has an identical connector micro USB does not guarantee that it will reliably charge a phone or reader of another brand.

Yes, you will charge your smartphone faster with a charger with a current of 2A and a voltage of 5V than with a charger with a current of 1A and a voltage of 5V. However, remember that high charging rates reduce battery life.

In most cases it is more optimal slow charging. We are talking, of course, about Li-Ion batteries, which are used in most modern devices. We know, however, that sometimes we don't have enough time to connect our phone to the charger for two hours. Sporadic use of a powerful charger should not harm.

How long does it take to charge different devices?

Each charger supports its own levels amperage And voltage, resulting in longer or shorter charging times for devices. Much depends on the type of charger - be it a wall charger, a car charger or a plug-in cable laptop usb. Another variable is the battery capacity of the device being charged. When you add all these elements together, you can even predict the approximate charging time for your device.

Majority network chargers For mobile gadgets has a voltage of 5V. The difference lies in the amperage, and the values ​​range from 1 to 2.1 A. The device with the highest amperage will charge faster. Remember, however, that high intensity may cause the battery to overheat. As a rule, both mobile devices and the chargers themselves have protection that turns off the current after fully charged battery, however, it is also worth remembering to turn off the phone after the battery level is restored.

When car chargers the range is certainly wider: voltage from 3.6 to 20 Volts and current from 0.7A to 4.8A. Remember, however, that more high values characterized by chargers designed for simultaneous charging of several devices. Thus, both the voltage and current strength are “divided” into several ports - from 2 to 5. Which, however, allows for fairly fast charging.

Induction chargers allow you to use a voltage of 5-9 Volts and a current of 1-2A. In a word: they also provide relatively fast charging of devices.

Charging via USB(cable connected directly to the computer) is a slow option, but also the safest for your device. Of course, a lot depends on USB standard: 2.0 provides a voltage of 5 Volts and a current of 0.5 A. In the case of USB 3.0 and 3.1, this is already 0.9 A. Latest standard USB-C provides current from 0.5A to 3A.

Fast charging technologies

Increasingly, you can find information about support in the characteristics of smartphones technologies fast charging . Most often they concern models that have high-capacity batteries and their charging in a standard way would be too long. These technologies allow you to quickly “recharge” the battery within a few or tens of minutes so that it lasts for several more hours of operation.

Advantages fast charging technologies:

  • ability to charge the device in a short time
  • adaptation for equipment with large capacity battery

Flaws fast charging technologies:

  • Batteries that “don’t like” high-intensity charging wear out faster
  • possibility of excessive heating of the smartphone and battery

QuickCharge is a technology developed by Qualcomm. Operation requires both a charger that supports this standard and a device compatible with it. All versions of QuickCharge technology are backward compatible. Devices compatible with the technology do not need to be equipped Qualcomm processor, because it is not the processor, but, first of all, the external controller that is responsible for supporting this solution.

The solution is based on applying high voltage and current to the power supply, which increases the charging power - for example, a 5V, 1A charger provides only 5W (watts) of power during charging. A charger with a voltage of 5V and a current of 2A provides twice as much power - up to 10 Watts.

As technology developed, it came to the point that the voltage could vary from 3.6 to 20 Volts, and the maximum power was increased to 18 Watts.

Technology Quick Charge also takes into account characteristics lithium batteries. This type of battery works well when it charges quickly at the beginning and then gradually reduces the charging current.

Adaptive Fast Charging works on a similar principle to Quick Charge. The charger provides the device with more current high voltage and strength. Thanks to this, the battery is charged in a shorter time.

The main idea of ​​this technology is to provide as much more power battery in as soon as possible. This makes it enough to connect the charger for 10 minutes to top up the energy for the next few hours.

The charger adjusts settings to the device's needs and charging time and reduces power over time. Thanks to this, charging may take less or longer, but in each of these situations safety is ensured.

SuperCharge is a technology that has appeared in some Huawei devices. The point is that the charging process is controlled by the charger - thanks to this, the controller in the phone can be much simpler.

The charger provides the smartphone with a standard voltage of 5V and very high current - up to 4.5A. Because charging is managed by the charger, the phone does not generate excessive heat.

Phones usually run out of charge at the most inopportune moment, when there is catastrophically little time to charge. We turn on the first charger we come across with a wire and wait... Sometimes the charge occurs quickly, and sometimes it takes a treacherously long time, and after a while we are again left without communication.

Let's look at the process of charging a phone and all its components. And we’ll try to give recommendations that will help you choose the right chargers and always stay connected.

Modern communication devices are charged from 5 Volts, this is the voltage present on USB output connector of a computer, router, TV, and so on. Chargers that are plugged into a socket are usually equipped with this connector. But in addition to voltage, an important parameter is the current with which the charge occurs.

If we talk about a computer, then the standard maximum current value for USB 2.0 is 0.5 A (amps), which is not very much for modern devices. If the charging device requires a higher current (1-2 A), then charging will take a painfully long time and may never be completed.

Another USB 3.0 standard (the connector is indicated by blue plastic inside) provides a current of up to 1 A, which is much better, but such connectors are only available on modern computers(TVs, routers and other devices are usually equipped with a USB 2.0 or even USB 1.1 connector). That is, if we need to charge the phone from a computer, we should, if possible, choose the blue USB 3.0 connector; the device will charge much faster.

It is no coincidence that universal chargers have different prices; in most cases they differ in the maximum possible charging current - the higher the price, the usually more current, accordingly, the device’s charging time is potentially shorter (in in this case We do not take into account the markup for brand and design).

Of course, it is important to know the capabilities of your device in order to choose a charger with the required parameters. As a rule, most manufacturers indicate a maximum current of 1 A. But not all actually provide it. To compare different chargers, we will use a tester showing current and voltage, as well as simulating a consumer with different current consumption.

Ideally, the charger should output 5 Volts and the maximum current that the device being charged can consume. But in reality the picture is different. To eliminate the influence of the cable connecting the charger and the phone, we will connect the tester directly to the charger.

Test 1 (5 Volts and 1 A stated):

We see that the voltage is 120 mV lower than declared and the current is 70 mA less.

Test 2 (5 Volts and 1 A stated):

We see that the voltage is slightly higher than declared and the current differs from the declared one by only 40 mA.

Test 3 (5 Volts and 1 A stated):

We see that the voltage is slightly higher than declared and the current corresponds to the declared one.

Test 4 (stated 5 Volts and 0.7 A):

The voltage and current are significantly lower than the previous ones; you should not expect fast charging from this device.

Test 5 (stated 5 Volts and 1 A):

Voltage and current correspond to the declared ones.

Test 6 (parameters not indicated):

The voltage and current are lower than the previous ones, you should not expect fast charging from this device.

Test 6 (charger combined with a block of sockets, stated 5 Volts and 2.4 A):

Very decent parameters.

Test 7 (charger combined with a tee of sockets, stated 5 Volts and 1 A):

Very good results.

As we see, not all manufacturers were able to provide the declared characteristics, and in those cases where the voltage is lower than required and the current is lower, we will naturally get more long charging phone or tablet.

The second important element in the charging process is the cable connecting the charger to the phone. There are many options for such cables, some even with backlight. However, their main parameters are the material of the current-carrying conductors (preferably copper) and the thickness of the conductor (the thicker, the less the cable will affect the charging process). Let's test several cables.

Test 0 (tester connected directly to charger):

Test 1 (cable included with Sony Xperia Z3):

A good cable for a current of 1 A, at 2 A there is an overload and loss of parameters.

Test 2 (cable purchased separately):

Good cable for 1 A, loss of parameters at 2 A.

Test 3 (cable purchased separately):

Bad cable, charging will be very slow.

Test 4 (cable purchased separately):

The leader in fast charging, according to phonearena.com, is the Samsung Galaxy S6 (1 hour 18 minutes with a battery capacity of 2,550 mAh). In second place is Oppo Find 7a (1 hour 22 minutes with a battery capacity of 2,800 mAh), in third place is Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (1 hour 35 minutes with a battery capacity of 3220 mAh),

In fourth place Google Nexus 6 (1 hour 38 minutes with a battery capacity of 3,220 mAh), in fifth place HTC One M9 (1 hour 46 minutes with a battery capacity of 2840 mAh). Fast charging technology is also supported by: LG G3, OnePlus One, Samsung Galaxy S5, LG G4, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Apple iPhone 6, Motorola Moto G, Sony Xperia Z3 and a number of others.

So, if charging speed is important, you should choose phones that support QuickCharge technology.

Naturally, fast speed charging is possible only when using high-quality chargers and cables that support the required currents and voltages. Of course, it is better to use the charger that comes with your phone. But if it is purchased separately, then when choosing, you should take into account the above described parameters.

The charger (charger) charges the batteries of your gadgets, providing them with energy for work. Any smartphone or tablet uses factory device, but during operation the wires wear out and you have to look for a replacement. How to choose a phone charger? To choose, you need to know the most important parameters, which we will tell you about in this article.

Basic charging function

IN modern world These devices have one USB output for pairing with appropriate equipment. Chargers have an output current strength, which is usually measured in Amperes (A):

  • for phones these values ​​are unlikely to be higher than one;
  • For powerful smartphones and tablets - 2.1 A.

More technologically advanced multifunctional devices may have two outputs for connecting to different devices.

Important! Please note that 2.1 A will only be supplied when one device is connected. If you decide to charge two devices at once, the output will be one Ampere each.

How to choose a charger for your phone? The main determining factor is the conditions of use. Based on them, memory can be classified into several types.


SZUs are powered by standard network at 220 Volts. The device may be factory-installed or simply an adapter for connecting a USB connector. The SZU has a low cost and does not have any restrictions on the use of resources, only the availability of a network is important.

Automotive (ASU)

In this case, your device will be powered by on-board network transport and connect the ASU (car charger) to the cigarette lighter. Most often it has the shape of a cylinder with necessary for the user connectors. This type of device can only be used in cars. Recommended for purchase for those users who are driving all the time.


This equipment looks like a USB cable, one end of which is connected to a PC, laptop, or ASU, and the other to the connector of your gadget. It has a low cost, but the functionality is limited to the devices that are at hand.

The universal type must be used taking into account the input current value, since this parameter directly affects the charging speed. Not all sources are capable of providing sufficient current. Same port personal computer has an input current of 500 mA.


A new stage in technology development. Such devices operate based on the principle of magnetic induction, directing energy directly into the device. The gadget looks like a platform on which your smartphone is placed. The panel itself is charged using a cable via a USB port.

This type of charger is very easy to use, stands out for its safety and can be used in any conditions. Unfortunately, long charging And the high price tag cannot be called an advantage, and this device will not fit every phone.

Power Bank (battery)

The most common (after SZU) and popular type. This battery is not dependent on external conditions and has a large capacity, which ensures long-lasting operation of your electronic device.

Important! The device contains an electrolyte inside the structure, which can be dangerous to your health!

There are two types external batteries PB:

  • Lithium-ion. The most common type, which is available to everyone and has the proper quality.
  • Lithium polymer. They practically do not heat up and self-discharge. They have smaller dimensions and longer service life. The device contains polymer metal instead of the usual electrolyte, but such devices are less well tolerated negative temperature and have a high cost.

Important! The capacity of this equipment is usually measured in milliampere hours (mAh). Capacity values ​​range from 1000 to 70000 mAh.

To find out how to choose a charger for a tablet or phone, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  1. The storage capacity must be higher than the battery capacity mobile device by 20-30%.
  2. If the phone has a 2000 mAh battery, then PB should be at least 2500 mAh.

Important! To correctly select PB, you can focus on these data:

  • For owners smartphones will do device with a capacity of 5000 mAh.
  • For photographers, you will need a PB with 4000 mAh or more.
  • For laptops and others powerful devices You will need somewhere around 10,000 mAh - minimum.

Output connection

This criterion affects the compatibility of the charging device with any gadget. When you purchase equipment, make sure you have a micro- or mini-USB connector, or a lightning connector. The number of outputs ranges from one to four - best solution will purchase a device with two outputs.

Important! Also, do not forget that those connectors that are proprietary will not allow you to connect a device from another manufacturer.


Another interesting nuance is the adapter for the charger. The kit includes cigarette lighter adapters, network adapter and other devices. It is the adapter that can transform one type of memory into another. This “plug” is also useful for recharging a portable charger if it suddenly runs out of charge.


Wires can be classified into two types:

  • Direct is the cheapest, simplest and most common option.
  • Twisted. Such a wire twists into a spring, has smaller sizes and more durable.
  • Roulette. The cable is in the form of a tape measure, taking up very little space.
  • Built-in - attached directly to the charger body and lies there in a special recess. It is small and much more convenient than its other analogues, since it cannot be lost.

Cable length is an individual purchasing criterion. It can be 50 centimeters, 100 and even 200. Too long lengths will create inconvenience, as well as too short ones. For cars, it is best to take devices with a wire length of less than 50 cm.

In modern world tablet computers are gaining more and more popularity among users computer equipment due to its small size, mobility and ease of use. Tablets, as a rule, have a fairly long battery life battery life from a standard battery, which accordingly requires periodic recharging. Charging tablets and other devices of this type, is carried out through a special charger connected to the mains. Quite often, power surges occur in electrical networks, which are one of the main reasons for the failure of the charger, as a result of which your tablet stops charging. If your tablet's charger has lost its functionality and you need to buy new charger, then we offer you some tips and rules that you need to consider when choosing a new power supply.

The main and main criterion that you need to follow when buying a charger for a tablet is its technical characteristics, such as: current, power and voltage. These parameters can be viewed either on the old charger, or many manufacturers indicate them on the body of the tablet itself. It looks something like this, for example: output 15V-1.2A 18W, where V is the voltage, A is the current and W is the power of the tablet charger. Otherwise, if these parameters are not followed, your tablet may not work correctly, or if you use a charger with technical characteristics that do not comply with the parameters recommended by the manufacturer, damage may occur motherboard Your tablet, with its subsequent, as a rule, not cheap repair. It is also worth noting that, for example, using a higher-power charger inevitably leads to the fastest depletion of the tablet’s battery life.

When buying a new charger for a tablet, it is best to take the tablet with you and check on the spot when purchasing how the charger connector fits into the connector on the tablet. The connector should be inserted into the connector tightly enough and should not dangle, but at the same time it should not be inserted too tightly, as this may damage the tablet's power connector. A loose connector that does not fit tightly enough into the connector will sooner or later lead to a short circuit, which can damage both the charger and the tablet itself.

Today you can buy a tablet charger in many stores, and if you need to buy a charger, then you can do it, including in our company. We always have in stock huge selection chargers for tablets of all manufacturers and models, which will allow you to buy from us a charger for a tablet of almost any model. All tablet chargers presented by us have a high degree of quality; our company’s specialists have extensive experience both in repairing a variety of computer equipment and in sales of accessories intended for it, which allows you to accurately determine the type and parameters of the charger that is optimal for your tablet models.

When buying a charger for a tablet, remember that not only the efficiency of the device, but often the performance of the tablet as a whole directly depends on how correctly the replacement for the standard power supply is selected.