Fly tattelecom mobile. Letay operator coverage. Letai operator hotline phone number

Brazil is considered to be the birthplace of cashews. There this tree still grows wild, and wild cashew nuts are also found in the islands of the Caribbean. It was first cultivated in Brazil, and today more than 30 countries are the main suppliers of raw materials to the world market. It is exported to countries with warm climates such as India, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. This type nut does not grow in Russia, but from countries former USSR grown only in the south of Azerbaijan.

The cashew nut shell contains a caustic balm containing toxic substances (kardol), which causes skin irritation.

The cutting of nuts is done manually, and this process is very dangerous: even among experienced “nut cutters”, cases of burns with cardol are often observed. Because of this, nuts are collected with gloves and boiled in a special liquid before consumption, after which the shell is made harmless and fragile.

If you go to some tropical country and have the opportunity to peel cashews yourself, don't even try, as it is very unhealthy!

Benefits of cashew nuts

Consistent consumption of these nuts improves brain activity, increases memory and concentration.

Cashews are particularly beneficial for people with high cholesterol, as well as those suffering from atherosclerosis and poor vascular condition (the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots and heart disease).

The nut is very healthy and has an anti-sclerotic effect. It has an effective impact on work of cardio-vascular system: strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them elastic, and also improves blood circulation. The high content of potassium has a healing effect on cardiac activity: the production of hemoglobin is normalized and the composition of the blood improves.

Frequent consumption of cashew fruit strengthens the immune system, and also helps with bronchitis, anemia (anemia), etc.

Cashews in moderation can normalize blood sugar levels.

Among all beneficial properties The nut is especially valued for its anti-cancer effect. Eating several nucleoli daily reduces the division of cancer cells. This product is recommended for preventive purposes in the early stages of cancer.

Cashew nuts also have a beneficial effect on men's health. It enhances potency and libido. Tocopherol, which is part of nut fruits, improves sperm production and increases a man's stamina.

Women benefit from nuts during menstruation. Nutrients from the fruit replenish blood loss during menstruation, increase reproductive function and improve hormonal levels. Systematic intake of nuts improves skin condition, evens out tone and gives it a healthy glow.

Nuts are also beneficial during pregnancy. Consuming the daily norm replenishes required quantity vitamins that the expectant mother needs. Cashews reduce the risk of dystrophy in the baby and also increase the immunity of the pregnant woman. Most doctors recommend eating 2-3 cashew nuts during lactation to enhance milk production. But still, before eating of this product It is better to consult your doctor.

How much can you eat per day

The maximum intake of cashew nuts per day should not exceed 30 grams.

Nuts are very high in calories and fill the body very quickly.

For people who are obese, cashews are ideal for dieting instead of a filling and healthy snack. Any healthy diet involves eliminating unhealthy trans fats from the diet and consuming only healthy fatty acids like Omega-3,6,9.

For effective weight loss, it is recommended to consume 20-30 grams of cashews during a snack in order to enrich the body with nutrients and to create a feeling of satisfying hunger.

Opportunities for customers in the telecommunications services market in Tatarstan have expanded. - in this article we tried to answer these questions completely. Until recently, Letai Tattelecom provided services exclusively home television

and the Internet. Now you can connect your mobile phone to your provider. All you need to do is decide on a tariff plan. When you connect to it, you will be provided with a SIM card.

  1. Four main characteristics that distinguish the Letai operator from its competitors. Availability company-owned
  2. networks of base stations.
  3. 4G coverage in Tatarstan.
  4. The ability to provide your clients with unlimited Internet.

Calls with a tariff from 0 rub/min Let's take a closer look at the Letay company, tariffs, services, technical support. We will also find out the information necessary to solve everyday issues

problems that you may encounter as a user of the operator's services.

The official website of the Letai operator can be found via two links - directly on your own: and on the Tattelecom link: Tattelecom does not limit speed for users home internet a number of internal operator resources. Such privileged sites include: – media portal; free file hosting service, operator-owned:; and - Safe Tatarstan" - in principle, a site that operates with the direct support of OJSC Tattelecom together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Letai operator coverage

The main indicator that influences a client’s choice of operator mobile communications, this is the coverage area of ​​the services provided. If you look at the map, it becomes obvious that more than 85% of the territory of Tatarstan is covered by 4G Letai communications. Good coverage is provided by an extensive dual-band combined network of 900/1800 MHz.

For information, 4G operates in the LTE 1800 band (Band 3)

Tariffs for mobile communications and Internet Tattelecom Letai 2019 2018

Operator Letai currently offers nine tariff plans that can satisfy a wide variety of customers. It makes no sense to go into detail about each proposed tariff - they can change over time. Today it is worth paying attention to the option without subscription fee– “Per-second” tariff. Interesting are the “Own” and “Azan” tariffs, which include 4G with unlimited internet. It is noteworthy that you can connect to the tariff plan you have chosen by sending the appropriate USSD request.

Sales points for Letai services

Today, 109 sales points for the services of the Letai operator are open throughout the republic, where you can easily connect to the tariff plan you like, or resolve any issue related to the work of the operator. In count open offices there are the most of them: in Kazan – 28; in Nab. Chelny – 11; in Zelenodolsk – 5; in Almetyevsk – 5; and in Nizhnekamsk – 4. Full list, addresses and opening hours can be found on the website Kazan.

Activation of a Tattelecom Fly SIM card

Activation instructions new sim the cards are simple. It is enough to top up the card with at least 50 rubles, then place it in your phone and dial the command *222*01#. Within a short time, your card will be activated and you will be able to use mobile communications from Tattelecom. If activation does not occur for a long time, you should report the problem to the support service to resolve the situation.

Letai technical support telephone (hotline)

The provider's technical support is available around the clock. Individuals can call the hotline free of charge from a landline or mobile phone, and also use Tattelecom short numbers. The hotline, in addition to directly providing technical support, is ready to provide information Services for receiving telegrams in telephone mode; reception advertisements and musical applications; provide information on city codes. Also technical support accepts claims and suggestions from the public.

For enterprises, the operator provides a separate hotline and dedicated short number. As for individuals work 24/7. There is an alternative communication channel. You can always send free message via watsapp to +7 902 718-22-68 or at Email [email protected]

Registration and personal account TATTELECOM.

Once you have become a full user, you will be provided with a personal account. Where you need to register by completing a few simple operations: Indicate in the appropriate Email fields, come up with and enter a password, remembering it first. Specified Email will be the login to enter your personal account. Next, follow the Letai map, use your phone number, and personal account you attach the services connected to you to your personal account. The last step confirm that you have read the terms of use - check the appropriate box, click on “Complete registration” and that’s it - you have registered. Visually, the registration field looks like this:

There is another option to register. With help short command From your mobile phone Letai dial *100*3#. In response, you will receive an SMS containing the password to enter your Personal Area.

With this registration method, the phone number will be the login.
The disadvantage of this registration method is the fact that in the future you will be able to log into your personal account only by phone number or email. Login using your Letai personal account will not be possible.

For today old version personal account is not available. When you try to log into it, the system redirects you to the new version.

How to check your Tattelecom Fly balance

Your task is to prevent negative balance On account. Control is easy to do via a mobile phone - command *100#. In response, the balance will be displayed on the screen. The balance of funds can be seen in your personal account. To do this, you will need the Internet, which is not always convenient.

Ways to replenish the operator Tattelecom Fly

You can top up your Letai account in several ways. The most inexpensive and convenient option– no commissions and additional actions in the form of registration - use a bank card. The link you need to go to: Next, select the mobile communications item, fill out all the required fields, according to the system prompts.

There is also a payment method using the state website for services of the Republic of Tatarstan: Go to it. Then you need to select the payment section for Tattelecom - link: Indicate your account and the amount you want to top up. Click Continue. Enter your information as a user bank card, check and approve the payment with the “Continue” button. Then enter the information on the card itself and “Continue” again. After the money has been credited to your account, within a short time, the phrase “Payment completed successfully” will appear and you can download the receipt by following the link received.

Top up your Tattelecom account Fly through Sberbank

  • by physically visiting the branch;
  • auto payment through Sberbank online;
  • using a terminal;
  • simply using Sberbank online, after connecting it; and finally, using mobile application Sberbank. Important point. For any payment option you choose for Tattelecom services, no commission will be charged.

The optimal solution in order not to worry and eliminate the possibility of your balance going “in the red” would be to use automatic payment for all connected services: Internet, television, telephony, mobile communications. There are three options to choose from based on auto payment parameters.

How to activate auto payment

  • The first is to designate the minimum allowable account balance, for example 50 rubles, upon reaching which the bank card will be debited a certain amount, for example 500 rubles.
  • Second, you can record the write-off date. Every month the indicated amount will be debited from your bank card.
  • Third option automatic replenishment- By USSD request. Typing a specific command on your phone, you can make payments to your mobile phone remotely, for example, top up the account of a relative or child.

Transfer of funds within the Letay operator or to Tele2, Megafon, MTS, Beeline operators

It is possible to transfer money from one number to another. This option is possible within the Letai network, between Letai subscribers. Simple combination*116*115#. To top up Tattelecom numbers from one to another, you need to dial *116*115#, then press the “call” button and successively enter the phone number you want to top up and the amount. The example looks like this:

*116*115# Call key 89392345678 100

How to set up mobile Internet Tattelecom Fly.


Let's move on to the Internet settings for your mobile phone. Each operating system have their own instructions. So for Android you need to step by step: go to “settings”, select “ wireless connection"/"Wireless controls", " mobile networks"/ "Mobile network settings", "Internet access points"/ "Access Point Names (APN)". Here you create a profile by certain parameters: Name should be: Letai; APN you specify: Don't fill out anything else. To complete the setup, select “Menu” and “Save” again. Activate Roaming immediately. Tariffs for the region will remain unchanged.


For iPhone settings or Ipad instructions is simple: select one after another: “Settings”, “General”, “Network”, “ Cellular network data transmission". Specify APN access parameters: Don't fill out anything else.


The most complex instructions for setting up an Internet connection for Windows: Step by step again - “Start”, “Settings”, “Connections”, then “My Internet Provider” (“My ISP”)> “Add a new connection via modem”. Then type the connection name: Letai. Next step: select modem " Cell line GPRS", then "Next", "Access point name": Do not fill in any other parameters in this block - you do not need “Username”, “Password”, and you do not need to specify “Domain”. Click “Advanced” and for the “TCP/IP Protocol” tab, select the following settings: “IP address is assigned by the server”: “on”; “Use software compression”: “off”; "IP header compression": "off". As the penultimate step, in the “Servers” tab, set the “On” option for “Addresses are assigned by the server.” "OK" and "Done".

How to get automatic mobile Internet settings Tattelecom Letai (Internet, MMS).

To obtain automatic settings Internet and MMS mobile communications subscriber “Letay” must:

  • Send “Any text” to 116111.
  • Send "111" to 116111 to receive Internet settings
  • Send “222” to 116111 to receive MMS settings

Communication with the operator.

Sometimes a situation arises that subscribers talk about - the Internet on the phone has disappeared. Typically this happens due to low level signal (no network) - you need to find a place where the reception will be good. It happens that the load on the network increases - you need to wait; if the load is less, the Internet speed will be higher.

Another problem is that when traveling around the country or abroad, SMS messages cannot be received. The most common reason is a violation of the settings for receiving SMS messages. Use the Instructions for restoring and setting up an SMS center number:

  1. In the main menu of the phone, click “Options”
  2. "System"
  3. "Message exchange"
  4. Please indicate “SMS center number”: +795066510101
  5. Next “Messages”
  6. "Settings"
  7. Enter the item “SMS center number” again: +795066510101
  8. "Save"

Basic USSD commands Fly.

  • To receive a password when registering in your personal account *100*3#.
  • Balance request personal account *100#.
  • Find out your tariff plan *116*100#.
  • Registration in the “It’s Profitable Together” program *116*111#.
  • Checking the status of the 4G option before the speed limit and the remaining included minutes, GPRS, SMS, MMS (according to tariff plans with the included package) *116*700#.
  • Requested payment *116*102#.
  • Top up your friend's balance. ( Minimum balance in your account after the transfer - should not be less than 100 rubles) *116*115#.
  • Find out your mobile number*116*106#. Call me back *116*300#. They called you (notifies the subscriber about calls that he missed when he was unavailable): Activating the service *116*701#, Disabling the service *116*702#.
  • List of connected services *116*103#. U
  • "SuperAon" servant: Connection to service *116*500#,
  • Disabling the service *116*501#. Connecting the 4G option
  • “Extend your speed by +1 GB” *116*327#. Connecting the 4G option “Extend speed by +5 GB” *116*328#. Service "Ban mobile internet»:
  • Activation of the service *116*508#, Disabling of the service *116*509#. Service “Banning international communications”: Activation of the service *116*510#, Disabling the service *116*511#.
  • Activation of a universal payment card *116*114#. Changing the SMS encoding (Latin): Activating the service *116*113#; Disabling the *116*112# service.
  • Service “Banning national/international roaming”:
  • Connection to service *116*506#,
  • Disabling the service *116*507#.
  • Find out your tariff plan and Wi-Fi login/password *116*104#.
  • Get login and password for the tariff Wi-Fi plan 20 *116*109#.
  • Get a login and password for the Wi-Fi 40 tariff plan *116*108#.
  • Get a login and password for the Wi-Fi tariff plan “Day Without Borders” *116*107#.
  • Close your Wi-Fi login *116*105#.
  • Service " Open Country»: Service activation *116*331#,
  • Disabling the service *116*332#. “Whole World” service:
  • Connection to service *116*710#,
  • Disabling the service *116*711#.
  • Service " Easy roaming»: Service activation *116*712#,
  • Disabling the service *116*713#. “Internet in roaming” service:
  • Connection to service *116*714#,
  • Disabling the service *116*715#.

View on map

Video instructions on how to check your balance

PJSC Tattelecom is the largest telecom operator in the Republic of Tatarstan, a leader in the segment wired technologies: telephone, cable and digital television, Internet. Not so long ago, the list was supplemented with mobile communications. High quality, a wide range of services provided, round-the-clock customer service and qualified specialists - this is an incomplete list of the advantages that distinguish the work of this company.

Most of the services provided can be connected using a convenient option - Tattelecom’s personal account, available on the company’s official website.

Personal account features

Tattelecom’s personal account, available to registered clients of the operator, is intended for remote access to services and allows you to manage them in the most in a convenient way– from any device with Internet access. The following options are available to subscribers around the clock:

  • Obtaining information about connected services and current tariff new plans.
  • Connecting new services.
  • Change of tariff plans.
  • Informing about personal offers and current promotions.
  • Account status control.
  • Pay for services online and activate the “schedule payment” option.
  • Receipt operational support specialists.

Registration and login to your personal account

To get all the features of your personal account, registration is required. This is done from the main page in one of two suggested ways:

  1. Using the mobile phone of a subscriber who is a member of the “Fly!” system. To do this, dial the combination *100*3# and press the call button. In response to the call, you will receive a message with a password with which you can log in. The login in this case will be the ten-digit subscriber number.
  2. Via email. To register in this way, select the appropriate tab on home page and click “Register”. The system will ask you to enter your email address, password, as well as subscriber data to choose from: phone number, personal account or “Fly!” card number. Then you need to confirm your registration by clicking on the link from the email sent.

You can recover your password for the Tattelecom personal account service by clicking the button on the main page “Forgot your password” and entering the email address specified during registration. A letter with recovery data will be sent to it.

Mobile tariffs

All Tattelecom tariffs are of great interest to users. Every year the provider pleases subscribers with new tariff plans, offering them services at the most favorable prices. conditions. And it doesn’t matter who contacts the company - an individual or a legal entity. The operator will help you choose a package of services for each client. After all, he has an impressive list of tariff offers at his disposal. And it will be very difficult for the subscriber to understand the company’s tariffs on his own. True, you shouldn't worry about it. Competent company specialists will come to the rescue. And the client will easily select the tariff plan that suits him most.

Operator tariffs for home

It is no secret that the most popular tariffs today are service packages issued specifically for individuals. It is difficult to find a person who does not feel an urgent need for a mobile phone. communications and the Internet. And telephony services still remain relevant. Fortunately, there are operators in Russia who are ready to provide everyone with a full range of services. Such providers currently include Tattelecom. This is easy to verify. Enough to study everything Tattelecom tariffs.

Current tariff offers

Among the current tariff offers, a prominent place is occupied by Internet tariffs, tariff plans for the provision of mobile communications and telephony services. And you shouldn’t write off packages under which the provider provides several services to one client at once. They are also quite relevant nowadays.

- “” - Internet tariff with a monthly fee of 490 rubles. According to the terms of the agreement, unlimited use is provided. traffic, but the speed is limited - during the day up to 15 Mbit per second, at night - up to 30 Mbit per second. Wi-Fi access is available upon request. Access speed is limited (max. 512 Kbps). The cost of the service is 49 rubles.

- “” - the monthly fee for this Internet tariff is 680 rubles. All Tattelecom Internet tariffs provide customers with the opportunity to install an antivirus on their computer for free. program. The provider's traffic is unlimited. Access speed during the day is no higher than 50 Mbit per second, at night - 100 Mbit per second. For 1 rub. per month The provider provides access to Wi-Fi.

- “ ” - monthly fee – 980 rub. This Internet tariff is quite popular. According to the terms of the agreement, the operator does not limit traffic and speed. If desired, the client can use Wi-Fi. The service is provided for 1 rub. per month

- “” - as part of the plan, the provider provides for 435 rubles. telephony services. According to the terms of the contract, customers do not pay for local connections. Long distance cost. calls are 3.20-6 rubles, international. calls – 15.07-31.96 rub.

- “” is another tariff within which telephony services are provided. The monthly fee according to the terms of the agreement is 320 rubles. This price includes 310 min. conversations. The cost of local connections above the limit is 40 kopecks. Intercity. connections cost 3.20-6 rubles, and for international. calls will have to be paid from 15.07 rubles. up to 31.96 rub.

- “” - the monthly fee is only 180 rubles. For this money, the provider will provide telephony services. It is worth noting that all Tattelecom tariffs for the provision of this type of service provide subscribers with the opportunity not to pay for entry. challenges. According to the terms of the agreement, you will have to pay 58 kopecks for local connections, and for long-distance connections. calls - from 3.20 rub. up to 6 rubles, and for international. calls – from 15.07 rub. up to 31.96 rub.

- “ ” - the provider provides access to Wi-Fi without traffic restrictions. If the client does not want to pay a monthly fee, then, according to the terms of the contract, the access speed will not exceed 256 Kbps. For 50 rub. per month The provider limits the speed to 512 Kbps. And if the subscriber is ready in a month. pay 100 rubles, then the access speed will be high - about 1 Mbit per second.

- " " - for 200 rubles. per month the client will be given access to Wi-Fi with unlimited traffic and access speed within 1024 Kbps.

- “” - the cost of services under this plan is 320 rubles. For this money the client receives unlimited traffic. He will use Wi-Fi for 30 days. Maksim. According to the terms of the contract, the access speed will be 54 thousand kbit per second.

- “ ” - monthly fee – 420 rubles. The provider will provide services for 30 days. As part of the plan, subscribers are provided with unlimited access to Wi-Fi. traffic and access speeds up to 54 Mbit per second.

- “ ” - the provider will provide access to Wi-Fi for 30 days. The cost of the service is 520 rubles. According to the terms of the tariff, only the access speed will be limited. The indicator will not exceed 54 Mbit per second.

- “” - all Tattelecom tariffs for the provision of this type of service are valid for 30 days. The subscription fee for the provision of services is 150 rubles. Traffic is unlimited, maximum speed access will be 512 Kbps.

- " " - the terms of this tariff do not provide for a monthly fee. The client pays for traffic. One megabyte costs 1.49 rubles. Access speed is limited to 54 Kbps.

- " " - the tariff plan is valid for only 1 day. The subscription fee for the provision of services is 105 rubles. Access speed and traffic are not limited.

- "" - one of the tariffs for the provision of mobile communications. The subscription fee is charged by the provider every day. Customers using the company's wired services pay 3 rubles. per day. For all others, the service fee is 9 rubles. per day. The price of the subscription includes unlimited. Internet traffic, SMS messages and votes. calls within the Republic Tatarstan.

- " " - monthly fee per day is 1 rub. Almost all Tattelecom tariffs for the provision of mobile phones. connections provide the same cost for long-distance travel. calls (10 rub./min.) and international. connections (24-70 r./min.). For calls in Rep. Tatarstan clients pay from 0.30 rub. up to 0.50 rub. The cost of SMS messages is from 0.50 rubles. up to 6 rubles, MMS messages – from 6 rubles. up to 20 rub. As part of the plan, the provider provides Internet traffic of 300 MB.

- "" - monthly subscription fee for the provision of services - 99 rubles. This price includes 100 min. calls, 100 SMS, 100 mms, 1 GB of traffic. Services provided by the provider in excess of the limit are paid separately. Intraset. connections are not charged. Cost of calls in the Republic. Tatarstan – 1 rub., SMS messages – from 1 rub. up to 6 rubles, MMS messages – from 6 rubles. up to 20 rub. 1 MB of traffic costs 20 kopecks.

- “” - the client pays 150 rubles for services. per month He is given 200 minutes. calls, 200 SMS, 200 mms, 3 GB of traffic. If the limit is exceeded: calls within the network are not charged, connections within Rep. Tatarstan cost 1 rub., the cost of SMS is from 1 rub. up to 6 rubles, mms – from 6 rubles. up to 20 rub. The price for Internet traffic is 1 MB/20 kopecks.

- "" -almost all Tattelecom tariffs for the provision of mobile phones. connections involve purchasing a starter kit, in which the provider included a SIM card and an advance payment. payment. The monthly fee for this tariff is 300 rubles. This price includes 600 min. calls, 600 SMS, 600 mms, 6 GB of traffic. Intraset. calls are not charged. Cost of ref. connections in Rep. Tatarstan is 1 rub. Price mms – 6-20 rubles, sms – 1-6 rubles. For 1 MB of traffic provided by the provider in excess of the limit, the client pays 20 kopecks.

- “ ” - monthly fee within the plan – 600 rubles. The client receives 1200 minutes for this money. calls, 1200 SMS, 1200 mms, 10 GB of traffic. Intraset. connections are not subject to tariffs. Having exceeded the limit, the subscriber will pay for all additional services provided to him. Cost of connections in Republic. Tatarstan over the limit is 1 rub., SMS – 1-6 rubles, mms – 6-20 rubles, 1 MB of traffic – 20 kopecks.

- “” - the client pays for services every month. 1 thousand rub. For this money he is given 2.5 thousand minutes. calls, 2.5 thousand SMS, 2.5 thousand mms, 15 GB of traffic. Connections within the network are not charged. If the limit is exceeded: cost of calls within Rep. Tatarstan – 1 rub., SMS – from 1 rub. up to 6 rubles, mms – from 6 rubles. up to 20 rubles, Internet traffic – 1 MB/20 kopecks.

- " " - all Tattelecom tariffs for the provision of mobile phones. connections mean minute by minute. tariffication. The initial payment within the tariff is 50 rubles. Cost of ref. calls are from 50 kopecks. up to 20 rubles, text messages (SMS) - from 1.5 rubles. up to 4.5 rubles, mms – 3 rubles. For 1 MB of traffic, the subscriber pays 7 rubles.

- " " - within the framework of the plan, you can use additional. options: “Basic”, “Tablet”, “Maxi”, “Economy”. The initial payment is 50 rubles. Unlike other tariffs, there is no connection fee. Cost of ref. connections in Rep. Tatarstan is 1.5 rubles, mms – 6-20 rubles, SMS – from 50 kopecks. up to 6 rubles, 1 MB of traffic – 2 rubles.

- “” - all Tattelecom tariffs of this type allow customers to save on communication services, since the provider provides a range of services for a low fee. The monthly fee for this plan is 500 rubles. The client is provided with unlimited. traffic. Speed ​​is limited to 15 Mbit per second. only during the day. It is possible to connect a cable. TV. 63 channels will be available for viewing.

- " " - monthly fee. – 600 rub. For this price, the subscriber is provided with 24-hour Internet access (unlimited traffic + daytime speed limit to 50 Mbit per second) and 63 cable channels. television.

- " " - for 600 rub. per month The provider provides clients with unlimited. traffic (during the day the speed is limited to 15 Mbit per second), 63 cable channels. television and telephone services (time-based tariff plan).

- "" - service fee is 625 rubles. When providing access to the Internet, the provider limits the speed to 15 Mbit per second, and then only during the day. The plan provides telephony services (unlimited tariff plan). The provider included 30 minutes in the monthly fee. conversations.

- “” - for a low monthly fee (625 rubles), the company provides access to the Internet and connects to digital. or cable television. There is no traffic limit. The access speed will not exceed 10 Mbit per second. True, you can, if desired, double this figure. But for every additional megabit you will have to pay 50 rubles.

- "" - almost all Tattelecom tariffs have a subscriber option. payment system. Under this plan, the cost of the provider’s services is 750 rubles. According to the terms of the contract, subscribers are provided with telephony services (unlimited tariff plan) and Internet access. The provider does not limit traffic. The operator will limit the speed during the day (maximum 15 Mbit per second). The subscription fee includes 100 min. conversations.

- " " - monthly. subscription fee – 750 rub. According to the terms of the contract, the client is provided with access to the Internet (unlimited traffic + access speed 50-100 Mbit per second) and telephony services (unlimited tariff plan).

- “” - the provider set a fee of 800 rubles for services. For this money, unlimited Internet access is provided. traffic and without speed limit + 63 cable channels. television.

- " " - for 900 rubles. per month the subscriber gets access to unlimited. high speed internet. In addition, the company provides him with 63 cable channels. television and telephone services (unlimited tariff plan).

- " " - monthly fee 4 months. after the conclusion of the contract it will be 949 rubles, and from 5 months. will increase to 1099 rubles. All Tattelecom tariffs, under the terms of which a range of services are provided, are quite popular among clients. As part of the plan, the provider provides telephony services (unlimited tariff plan), Internet access (without traffic limitation, maximum speed 50 Mbit per second) and television (cable - 63 channels or digital - 73 channels).

- " " - tariff. The plan provides for a monthly fee of 975 rubles. per month The operator provides access to the Internet (unlimited traffic + maximum access speed during the day 20 Mbit per second) and telephony services (unlimited tariff plan, 150 min. calls).

Archived tariff plans

- “” - the monthly fee for this plan is 450 rubles. The provider can for 49 rubles. per month provide Wi-Fi. The access speed depends on the connection technology and can be low (up to 15 Mbit per second) or high (up to 100 Mbit per second). Traffic is not limited by the operator.

- " ." - for 150 rub. per month the operator provided 150 min. calls, 150 SMS, 150 mms, 3 GB of traffic. Almost all Tattelecom tariffs provide customers with the opportunity to use the Internet. Services provided by the company in excess of the limit are paid separately. Calls within the network are not charged. Connections across Rep. Tatarstan costs 1 rub., SMS – 1-6 rubles, mms – 6-20 rubles.

- " ." - monthly fee – 300 rub. This price includes 500 min. calls, 500 SMS, 500 mms, 5 GB of traffic. There is no intranet tariffication. calls. Cost of ref. calls within the Republic Tatarstan – 1 rub., SMS – 1-6 rub., mms – 6-20 rub. Cost international, intercity. connections was the same as currently provided for by the terms of the current tariff. proposals.

- " ." - every month the subscriber paid 600 rubles for the provision of services. The operator provided him with 1 thousand minutes. calls, 1 thousand mms, 1 thousand sms, 6 GB of traffic. If the limit was exceeded, the client paid for the product. connections according to Rep. Tatarstan 1 rub., per SMS – 1-6 rubles, per mms – 6-20 rubles.

- " ." - monthly fee – 1 thousand rubles The provider included 2 thousand minutes in this price. calls, 2 thousand SMS, 2 thousand mms, 8 GB of traffic. Each ref. connection, except intranet, according to Rep. Tatarstan over the limit cost 1 ruble, mms - 6-20 rubles, SMS - 1-6 rubles. Calls within the network were not charged.

- "" - for 175 rubles. per month the subscriber gained access to the mobile. Internet (unlimited traffic, no speed limit). Intraset. calls by the operator were not charged. The provider included 150 minutes in the monthly fee. conversations. All services above the limit were paid additionally. According to Rep. Tatarstan ref. calls cost 1 rub. The subscriber paid 1-6 rubles for SMS, 6-20 rubles for mms.

- “” - almost all Tattelecom tariffs, with the exception of some, including this one, provided for a monthly fee. Cost of ref. calls according to the terms of the agreement in Rep. Tatarstan was 0.30-0.50 rubles. The price of mms was 6-20 rubles, sms – 0.5-6 rubles. For 1 MB of traffic the client paid 7 rubles.

- "" - the tariff provides for the initial payment – ​​50 rub. and there is no monthly fee. Cost of ref. calls were 0.30-70 rubles, SMS – 0.30-6 rubles, mms – 2-6 rubles. The price of Internet traffic is 1 MB/2 rubles. When connecting additional For the “Formula of Freedom” option, the client paid a monthly fee of 1-2 rubles. per day. He was provided with a trail every day. services: 100 min. calls, 200 MB of traffic, 300 mms, 400 SMS.

- " " - tariff. The plan did not provide for a monthly fee. Cost of ref. connections ranged from 0.50 rub. up to 70 rubles, mms – from 2 rubles. up to 6 rubles, SMS – from 0.50 rubles. up to 6 p.m. Internet traffic – 1 MB/2 rubles.

- “” - monthly fee within the plan – 7-8 rubles. per day. Initial provision provided. payment – ​​50 rub. The operator included 350 minutes in the monthly fee. conversations, 1 thousand SMS. Intraset. The provider did not charge for calls. Cost of ref. connections over the limit was 0.50-70 rubles, SMS - 0.50-6 rubles. The price of MMS messages was 6 rubles. (to numbers of foreign companies). MMS messages within Russia were not charged.

- “” - almost all Tattelecom tariffs included pleasant bonuses. As part of this package, the provider provided 150 minutes. calls, 50 SMS, 25 MB of traffic. There was no monthly fee according to the terms of the contract. But clients had to pay the provider 1 ruble every day for room service. Calls within the network were not charged. Cost of ref. calls over the limit were 1-70 rubles, SMS - 0.50-6 rubles, mms - 6 rubles, 1 MB of Internet traffic - 2 rubles.

- " " - monthly fee for the first 4 months. was 549 rubles. From 5 months the service fee increased to 699 rubles. The provider provided access to the network (unlimited traffic + speed up to 50 Mbit per second) and cable. or digital TV. If desired, you could use it for 49 rubles. per month Wi-Fi.

- " " - monthly fee 4 months. after the conclusion of the contract it was 619 rubles. And from 5 months. the operator charged clients 769 rubles for services. The subscriber was provided with three types of services as part of the plan - Internet access (unlimited traffic, speed up to 50 Mbit per second), telephony (unlimited tariff plan) and television (digital - 73 channels or cable - 63 channels).

- " " - from 1 to 4 months. the monthly fee was 719 rubles, and then increased to 869 rubles. For this price, the client was provided with unlimited access. Internet (speed up to 50 Mbit per second) and cable. (63 channels) or digital. (73 channels) television.

Company tariffs for business

All Tattelecom business tariffs are in high demand among corporations. clients. Moreover, the company has something to offer. Currently, among the operator's current tariff plans, the tariffs for the provision of mobile phones stand out. communications, as well as Internet tariffs. In addition, the provider provides legal entities telephony services.

Current service packages

- “ ” - service fee – 200 rubles. per month There is no connection fee, but there is a minimum. prepaid expense. payment – ​​300 rub. Corp. the client is provided with 250 min. calls, 250 SMS, 250 mms, 4 GB of traffic. Intraset. calls are not charged. Price ref. calls according to the terms of the contract range from 1 rub. up to 70 rub. The cost of SMS over the limit is 0.50-4.50 rubles, mms – 3-18 rubles.

- “” - the monthly fee is 400 rubles. There is no connection fee. Minimum prepaid expense. payment – ​​500 rub. The subscription fee includes 600 min. calls, 600 SMS, 600 mms, 6 GB of traffic. All Tattelecom tariffs provide customers with the opportunity to change the tariff. The cost of this service is 10 rubles. Calls within the network are not charged by the provider. Cost of ref. connections are 1-70 rubles, SMS – 0.50-4.50 rubles, mms – 3-18 rubles.

- " " - for 600 rub. per month the provider provides corporate. clients 1100 min. calls, 1100 SMS, 1100 mms, 8 GB of traffic. There is no connection fee. According to the terms of the contract, an advance payment is provided. payment – ​​700 rub. Intranet charging is not provided. calls. Ref. connections within the plan above the limit cost from 1 rub. up to 70 rubles, SMS – from 50 kopecks. up to 4.50 rub., mms – from 3 rub. until 18 p.m.

- “ ” - monthly fee – 1100 rubles. per month For this money corporate. clients are provided with 3 thousand minutes. calls, 3 thousand SMS, 3 thousand mms, 10 GB of traffic. There is no connection fee under the terms of the contract. Minimum prepaid expense. payment – ​​1200 rub. The provider does not charge for calls within the network. For ref. connections over the corporate limit. clients pay 1-70 rubles, for SMS - 0.50-4.50 rubles, for mms - 3-18 rubles.

- “ ” - service fee per month. is 2200 rub. There is no connection fee. There is a minimum. prepaid expense. payment – ​​2300 rub. As part of the corporate plan. The provider provides clients with 6 thousand minutes. calls, 6 thousand SMS, 6 thousand mms, 17 GB of traffic. Cost of ref. connections over the limit, with the exception of intranet ones, is 1-70 rubles, SMS - from 50 kopecks. up to 4.50 rub., mms – 3-18 rub. Intraset. Calls according to the terms of the contract are not charged.

- " " - monthly fee. for the provision of services – 3300 rubles. All Tattelecom business tariffs are provided by corporations. customers have the opportunity to use Internet options. There is no connection fee, but an advance payment is provided. payment – ​​3400 rub. As part of the plan, subscribers are provided with 9 thousand minutes. calls, 9 thousand SMS, 9 thousand mms, 20 GB of traffic. Connections within the network are not charged by the provider. The cost of all ref. calls are from 1 rub. up to 70 rubles, SMS messages - from 50 kopecks. up to 4.50 rubles, mms messages – from 3 rubles. until 18 p.m.

- " " - monthly fee. is 200 rubles. You can connect to all “Turbo” series tariffs for free if you have the equipment. Otherwise, the connection cost will be 9,550 rubles. Minimum size prepaid expense. payment if equipment is available is 250 rubles, if it is not available - 9800 rubles. The subscription fee includes 5 GB of traffic. The volume can be increased if desired by connecting an additional one. options. Ref. calls within the network within the plan cost from 1.5 rubles. up to 70 rubles, SMS – from 50 kopecks. up to 6 rubles, mms – from 6 rubles. up to 20 rub.

- "" - service fee is per month. 300 rub. If equipment is available, advance payment. payment – ​​350 rub. If the equipment is provided by the provider, the amount is an advance payment. payment will be 9900 rubles. The operator included 15 GB of traffic in the monthly fee. With the help of additional options, the traffic volume can be increased to a maximum of 20 GB. Price ref. connections – 1.5-70 rub., SMS – 0.50-6 rub., mms – 6-20 rub.

- " " - subscription fee for the provision of services – 400 rubles. All Tattelecom Turbo series tariffs require the payment of corporate fees. advance payment by the client. payment. If the equipment is available, the subscriber must deposit 450 rubles into the account; if it is not available, the subscriber must deposit 10 thousand rubles. The provider included 25 GB of traffic in the service fee. This volume can be increased, just connect an additional one. option. The cost of calls within the plan is 1.5-70 rubles, SMS messages - 0.50-6 rubles, mms - 6-20 rubles.

- “” - the monthly fee according to the terms of the agreement is 450 rubles. Connection cost – 1200 rub. Advance payment provided. payment – ​​1700 rub. The service fee includes 40 GB of traffic. By connecting additional option, the subscriber will be able to increase the volume by a maximum of another 5 GB. Incoming and outgoing corporate connections clients will not be able to exercise within the plan. The price of SMS connections starts from 50 kopecks. up to 6 rubles, mms – from 6 rubles. up to 20 rub.

- "" - service fee is 800 rubles. For connecting corporate clients pay the provider 1200 rubles. Minimum prepaid expense. payment within the plan - 2050 rubles. The operator included 80 GB of traffic in the monthly fee. The terms of the agreement provide for an increase in volume. Ref. and entrance. corporate calls will not be available to clients. Subscribers pay 0.50-6 rubles for SMS messages, 6-20 rubles for mms messages.

- " " - monthly. subscription fee – 1100 rub. There is a connection fee of 1200 rubles. When connecting corporate clients make an advance payment to the account. payment – ​​2350 rub. The subscription fee includes 120 GB of traffic. If desired, subscribers will be able to increase the volume to 125 GB by connecting additional. option. Entrance. and ref. connections are not provided for by the tariff conditions. The cost of text messages is 0.50-6 rubles, mms – 6-20 rubles.

- “ ” - monthly fee within the plan – 2500 rubles. All Tattelecom tariffs in this series are provided by corporations. clients to use the Internet. According to the terms of the agreement, subscribers are provided with unlimited data. traffic. The provider does not limit the access speed. For connecting corporate the client pays 6,350 rubles, but on the condition that the company provides him with equipment. Minimum prepaid expense. payment - from 2600 rub. up to 8950 rub. Make corporate calls. clients won't be able to. But they will have access to text messages (SMS) and mms. The cost of SMS within the plan is 0.50-6 rubles, mms – 6-20 rubles.

Archived tariffs

- " " - at the disposal of the corporation. there will be clients unlimited internet traffic. According to the terms of the agreement, the monthly fee was from 400 rubles. up to 1200 rub. Depending on the size of the service fee, the company included 500-3000 min. conversations, 500-3000 SMS, 500-3000 mms. Price ref. calls over the limit were from 30 kopecks. up to 70 rubles, SMS – from 50 kopecks. up to 4.50 rub., mms – 3 rub.

- “” - the tariff was famous for its low monthly fee - only 170 rubles. Price ref. connections within the plan ranged from 35 kopecks. up to 10 r. Text messages(SMS) cost from 1 rub. up to 4.5 rub. And for MMS corporate. clients paid 3 rubles. The cost of 1 MB of traffic was 7 rubles.

- “ ” - the monthly fee was not provided for by the terms of the tariff. Cost of ref. connections ranged from 1 rub. up to 30 rub. For SMS messages from corporate. clients paid from 1 rub. up to 4.5 rubles, and mms cost 3 rubles. Subscribers could use Internet traffic. For 1 MB they paid 7 rubles.

It is not surprising that all Tattelecom tariffs are in high demand among customers. The conditions of each tariff offer are interesting in their own way. And finding a suitable option will not be difficult. Tariff plans, issued by the operator, are able to satisfy all customer communication needs. The main thing is that the client determines in advance what services he urgently needs. And then the company’s specialists will easily select a favorable tariff plan for him.