Landing Page in vkontakte. Could this be possible?! We create a VKontakte landing page. Search for communities using SMM Tools Alpha

Hi all. They have already written to me several times asking me to make a landing page on VKontakte. I couldn’t immediately understand what it was all about, since the questions and thoughts were formulated incorrectly.

Something like this: “How to make a landing page for VK” or “Help me make a VK landing page”, in general, after another incident, I asked the woman what she meant, and it turned out that you just need to layout the page using wiki markup VC. As many of you have probably already made menus for your groups.

In general, if anyone is interested, then let's figure out how to create such a landing page on Vkontakte.

Landing page on VKontakte using Wiki markup

I won’t describe here what Wiki markup is. For those who are completely unaware, here is a link to the definition on Wikipedia (tyts). For those who are too lazy to read, I’ll just say that this type of markup is used on the VKontakte social network to create pages. Whether it’s convenient or not is up to you to decide, and there’s no point in arguing here, let’s just use it to create the following page on VK:

In fact, there is nothing complicated in wiki markup. You can figure it out in a few hours. In addition, it is very similar to html, only to build such pages they do not use buttons, do not layout each individual element, but simply (roughly) cut the layout, and design the desired section as a link, if necessary. That is, in places where there is, for example, a button or link to payment, order, etc.

If you describe everything in html, then it will just be a set of pictures, some of which are links. Everything is as simple as possible.

So, let's start with what we need to create new page in a group or public. To do this you need to use a link like this:


Where, XXX is the id of the public or group. And instead of “Page_name” you need to specify any word or phrase that will be used to name the page.

In order to find out the group id, you need to go to the group management and look at the “page address” section:

If you, like me, have a human-readable URL, then you need to click on all posts on the wall or on any post on the wall. It will look something like this:

69093928 is the id of our group. In the end I got this link:


As you can see, the capabilities of the visual editor are quite scarce, therefore, as I already said, all menus, buttons, and links are designed with pictures.

The width of a wiki page in VK is 607 pixels, so the layout must be of appropriate dimensions. Now, you need to cut the layout. I divided my prototype into 5 parts and, accordingly, received 5 pictures. Visually, it looks like this:

Now, in order to build it all the way we need, we need to understand how pictures and links are designed. It looks very simple:

PhotoXXX_XXX is a link to the image. All pictures that you want to show must be stored in an album. The album can be either general or specially created for specific task. I created a separate one, just for such purposes (design of pages, menus and other nonsense). Here it is: _

607 pixels is the width of the image. Nopadding is needed so that there is no space between pictures empty space, since it is present by default, but I have dark background and white stripes would look strange.

Now, let's talk about designing a link that will direct users to the location we specified :) I'm just trying not to confuse you. I hope it works. Users can be directed both to a section or another page, and outside of VK. If, like me, your links should lead to another site, then simply enter the site address, for example, . If there is another page in VK or a section in a group, then the link will look like this: page-123456789_123456789.

Ultimately, this is what I ended up with:

[] [] [] [] []

As you can see, nothing complicated. Here is my result.

April 26, 2018

There are probably no people who use the Internet anymore who don’t know what a landing page is. Well, if there is, then we can briefly explain:

Landing page is a selling page on the Internet created to sell (ideally) one product or one service. How it works.

A page is created with selling web design and content. To this page from advertisements the target audience is sent, which is converted into buyers on the page through selling web design and content.

That's it, in a nutshell. In fact, everything is very complicated. Creating, setting up advertising and promoting a sales page is a whole science. There will be no talk about the fact that this is ignored by 80-90% of landing page owners. This is a separate topic for discussion. We'll talk about the VKontakte landing page.

Why do they make a VKontakte landing page?

Well, this is kind of a ridiculous question. Any landing page is a tool for sales, and therefore for earning something for your existence in our “prosperous” country.

How to create a VKontakte landing page

In order to create a sales page, you need to know how to use wiki markup. This is the code with the help of which more attractive posts are created, which, in fact, can be called attractive only at a primitive level. Judge for yourself what attractive things can be created on the Social Network?

Wiki landing VKontakte

Wiki landing VKontakte has a lot of shortcomings. A main drawback is the absence real button buy or order. If on a professional hosting on a landing page, when you click a button, an order form opens, then on VKontakte, after clicking on the so-called order button, you will be redirected to a page where you will need to send a message to the VKontakte user who owns this so-called landing page.

But the main problem That’s not the point, it’s not like it’s a problem, but a shortcoming, but the problem is attracting target audience. How to attract the target audience to such a page? There is only one way - buy advertising from VK. And advertising is very expensive here. If you don't have enough money, you won't win anything. Promoting a VK landing page for free is much more difficult than using hosting. Therefore, an idea with such a landing page is ineffective, costly and essentially doomed to failure. But if you are an enthusiast, then go for it, maybe you will succeed.

P.S. Don’t forget to probe your VK target audience, otherwise, suddenly, its percentage here is negligible. After all, there are other networks where your target audience can currently flow in search of the best. And why limit yourself only to VK users, when with professional hosting the whole world is at your feet.


VKontakte retargeting is a special type of interaction with the target audience, in which we target our offer to landing page visitors who have an account on the VKontakte social network and have completed specific action: from a simple transition to a resource to completing an order or filling out a lead form.

Based on the information received, the marketer can contact this audience with advertising offers to optimize landing page conversion or average check.

IN in this example We will divide users into two groups - visitors who did not complete the target action and potential buyers who submitted an application. In our example, the users who completed the target action are potential buyers of a smartphone, to whom we can also offer to buy a headset.

First, we need to install retargeting counters: one per home page landing page, the second - on the thank you page.

Installing a counter

6. Visually LPgenerator editor open the thank you page and use the Scripts tool to paste the copied code. Set the position to "Inside tag" ».

9. Similar settings must be set on the main page to capture all users. To do this, we go through the entire chain of actions from points 3 to 6 again.

10. After some time, we receive information on the collected visitors. In our case:

A group of potential buyers who submitted an application on the landing page - code placed on the thank you page
The group of all landing page visitors is a code placed on the main page.

We create targeted ads

Now we see two user audiences. Let's put this information into practice and make our own targeted ad for each group. Below we will look at an example of creating advertisements for the sale of headphones.

2. We will make the first announcement for a group of users who completed an order (filled out an application) on our landing page.

Click on the “External Site” icon. Since the resulting retargeting user base can be used both for the current and for another landing page, you can use a link to both a separate landing page and the one from which you collected the base:

Landing pages are website pages designed to target visitors who click on a link. As a rule, these are users who visit the site:

  • from search engines;
  • from (teasers);
  • via links (recommendations) from other sites;
  • by contextual advertisements.

The simplest and most common example of a landing page is a product card in an online store.

Figuratively, the landing page can be compared to a specific office in a clinic, where the patient ends up by referral without going to the reception desk (the main page of the site).

The term “landing page” comes from the English landing page (literally, “landing page”). There are also names like “landing page”, “landing page”, LP.

Landing pages are the basis of a commercial website

A visitor to a commercial website is a potential client, or better yet, a buyer, to attract whom a lot of time and finances are spent. Therefore, the “correct” landing pages should make the visitor as likely as possible to make a purchase. It is especially important to create high-quality landing pages when using . After all, such a visitor costs money, and a page that does not meet his expectations is a loss. Also, “who came from an ad” almost knows what he wants and is ready to buy something - so you shouldn’t keep him in the hallway or tell him about the history of the company. The only information that needs to be provided is a description of the product, comparison, payment and delivery procedures.

A site visitor should not suspect that he is being forced to purchase the product offered. That's why potential client"freedom of choice" is usually granted. Before making a purchase, he can familiarize himself in more detail with the outstanding characteristics of the product (here you can also place minor disadvantages, for representativeness) or reviews from grateful customers. The main thing is that the visitor can perform all his actions “without leaving the cash register,” i.e. without leaving the landing page.

The main thing is to retain the buyer

In order not to scare off the client, the design and content of the landing page must correspond to the specifics of the resource from which it came.

Development Features landing pages

Each product has its own landing page

Using contextual advertising and promotion in search engines, each landing page is designed and optimized for a specific product (service). Website visitors and search engines really don’t like poking around in long price lists, trying to find the right product on their own. If the client is interested in a wide range, then, most likely, he will be stuck in the state of “Buridan’s donkey”, not daring to make the final choice. Not in the best possible way will react to frequent repetition of a brand or product name and search engines, assessing this phenomenon as spam.

High-quality landing pages are an expensive pleasure

Creating optimized, user-friendly and beautiful landing pages is a very complex and painstaking process. Each such page must correspond to both the specifics of the product presented and the features target audience. To develop a high-quality landing page, the manual labor of a web designer, SEO copywriter, optimizer and webmaster is required. When using manual contextual advertising, you will also need the services of a content manager - after all, you will additionally have to create not only hundreds of ads, but also monitor their compliance with the promoted pages. To objectively assess the “salability” of landing pages, serious companies employ a staff of testers or use the services third party companies and online services (Google Website Optimizer renamed to Content Experiments).

It is much cheaper, faster and more effective to beautifully design and highly promote only the main page of the site - which is what some webmasters sin with. As a result, the web designer shows the owner of the online store the exclusive “face” of the site, and the optimizer shows an off-scale visitor counter. Having received their well-deserved payment, the creatives leave, and the owner of the site for a long time cannot understand what in his products does not satisfy potential buyers. Following dissatisfied visitors, search engines come with analysis behavioral factors and, having fixed a large number of refusals, lower the site in search results, apply all sorts of filters or send it to a ban.

Experienced online store owners, as a rule, do not skimp on the creation and development of their web resource. In order to receive constant profit from the site, they hire real professionals and financially incentivize them, independently checking the effectiveness of the work done. In a highly competitive environment, this is perhaps the only way to ensure the success of your project.

The counter is not the main thing!

To evaluate the effectiveness of landing pages (and the site as a whole), there are special formulas, from which some rather interesting conclusions follow:

C p – Cost of traffic per page (cost per page);
N v – Number of visitors (number of visitors),

Therefore, a characteristic such as “Number of visitors” is a secondary indicator, more suitable for assessing the load on the server.

Ultimately, to determine the quality of a landing page, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the number of not only attracted, but also retained visitors;
  • the “quality” of these visitors, i.e. their willingness to buy something;
  • the effectiveness of the page itself, i.e. the persuasiveness of its content and design;
  • “interest” in the page, i.e. likelihood of repeat visits and response to remarketing;
  • the visitor’s desire to share a link to the page with his friends (elements of viral marketing).
What is it really like?

Unfortunately, in practice, the development of landing pages, if it is not systematic, usually ends at the first or second points. The problem usually lies in the reluctance of the resource owner to pay for “excesses” that he does not understand. After all, in order to change correctly, you need to constantly study - and this, in addition to money, also requires a fair amount of time, therefore, most often, the first investments in the development of landing pages are at the same time the last before the next site redesign. Against the background of this approach, those who monitor the effectiveness of pages have the opportunity to significantly increase the conversion of not only investments in the site, but also in advertising.

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


What is a landing page?

A landing page (aka landing page) often means too many unrelated things. This term is often used to refer to a structure built in such a way as to collect maximum traffic and ensure the greatest conversion within this traffic.

Yes, the expression is absolutely true, but it does not have to be one page, because a site, for example, an online store, can have a lot of landing pages.

From a web analytics perspective, a landing page is the entry page where traffic arrives.

Why are landing pages needed?

They are created, as a rule, in matters of conversion optimization: when it is necessary to motivate the user to take a target action. Conversion involves the process of performing certain target actions (purchase, download, view, etc.), and the conversion rate is the percentage of users who performed this very targeted action. This leads to a slight inaccuracy when we're talking about about naming them as “selling” pages, because selling is not the only target action.

Factors influencing conversion:

  • Traffic quality. TO then it comes to the page where these people are from, what they want to see on the site.
  • Interface. The page design should be done in such a way that all necessary information was before my eyes.

It is worth noting that correct setting landing page increases the number of applications by 5 - 10 times.

To achieve increased conversions, you need to properly optimize your landing pages.
IN the right landing page There should be no distracting links, unclear (non-motivating) texts and overloaded forms.

How to make the right landing page?

  1. Decide on your goals. What actions do you want from the user: submitting an application, purchasing, viewing. These are the supporting points.
  2. Write good text. The title should be attractive and relevant search query user. Tell us about the product or service. How can the buyer like you, describe the advantages. For example, the headline “We sell reliable security systems in Voronezh” is better than “You have come to the right address”, etc. Remember that the text should not contain errors or typos.
  3. The design should attract attention. If you are selling something, it makes sense to show the product “in person” and, even better, to show it in use. Videos and beautiful pictures keep attention.
  4. If the purpose is for the user to submit a form, it should be placed in a visible place. And so that it does not disrupt his general path of movement across the page. The target action should be where the eye falls. Links to other products, beautiful pictures - anything that can motivate a visitor to look further at your site. The application form should only ask for mandatory information. Don't overload the form big amount fields. Leave only the necessary data for further processing. Mandatory: the form must return a response about successful (or unsuccessful, indicate the reasons) submission.

Example of a good application form

And further:

  • Content should work to increase trust.
  • Place logos famous brands, with whom you collaborated, addresses, telephone numbers - everything that can prove that you are real and can be trusted.

Examples of high-converting landing pages

Let's consider landing page speech technique course:

  • Pay attention to the picture: the person is not looking at the title and this is another technique for managing attention. Pictures themselves attract the eye, but if the model is looking not at you, but at the advertised object, you will unconsciously shift your gaze.
  • Benefits and guarantees are immediately presented: getting rid of defects, a guarantee of results after 6 lessons is indicated.
  • The presence of a price and a “Submit Request” button on the main image are also an important factor.

There is a small note: The “Course Program” block in itself is not a target part, but it can draw users’ attention to itself so that users, having become interested in the program, may not scroll to the end of the page.

The contact page is designed taking into account the nearest metro station and time.

Here we see another “Request a call” form. We do not miss a user who does not want to leave a request, we provide an alternative option.

Logos of famous brands increase trust.

And finally:

And finally, we “pick up” users who, having viewed the page to the end, do not want to scroll up.

Examples of far from the best landing pages

Now let's look at a slightly ambiguous landing page.

The site delivers pizza. Which doesn't have a photo...

In addition to the fact that there is no photo of the pizza, the site does not have the name of the restaurant or delivery service... any name at all...

Only by scrolling down can you see the text and at the very bottom is the phone number. But the name is still nowhere to be found. Delivery? And just home delivery of food... Secret, apparently.

I hope the article was useful to you. I'm waiting for questions in the comments.