How to set up Lightroom for the Russian version. Lightroom not working? Tips for treatment program

Like any other program, things sometimes go wrong with Lightroom. It may stop starting, start to slow down terribly, and produce some errors and mysterious messages.

To avoid problems, first of all, don’t do typical mistakes when working with the program, which you can read about in the article ““.

What to do if Lightroom is broken? The main thing is not to panic.

Then - always have a backup copy of the directories. You've probably noticed that Lightroom periodically asks you to back up catalogs. Do you close this window or do what is recommended to you? Maybe it's time to pay attention to the advice before it's too late?

Ideally, in addition to backing up directories, you should make a backup copy of the source files, but with a large number of images, this can become problematic.

But having backup copies of catalogs and sources, you can sleep peacefully. No matter what happens, you won't lose your pictures.

Now let's look at the list of the most typical problems problems arising with Lightroom and what to do about it.

Lightroom won't open

Solution options. Firstly, a banal reboot of the computer. It may be funny, but it helps.

If this does not help, then first of all delete the file with the .lock extension, which is blocking the directory while you are working with it.
In a normal situation, the file is deleted automatically after closing Lightroom. But sometimes, if the work was completed incorrectly, it may remain and interfere with the launch.

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This file is located in the same place as all the files in the current directory. The default is

  • Windows: \Users\[username]\Pictures\Lightroom
  • Mac OS: /Users/[username]/Pictures/Lightroom

If there was no .lock file or deletion did not help, try deleting the Lightroom settings file

You need to look for it here:

  • On Mac OS X: /Library/Preferences
  • On Windows: c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\

On Windows these are files with the extension .agprefs on Mac - .plist

If the directory still does not open and you have backup copy, try opening it instead of the current directory.

At worst, try completely uninstalling Lightroom and installing it again. In this case, it is advisable to install the most latest version.

Lightroom is slow

Optimizing Lightroom performance maximum performance- this is a separate topic. But the main tips are as follows.

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First of all, try optimizing the File -> Optimize Catalog directory.
Increase the cache size for Lightroom. Also, be sure that there is enough free space on the disk where the cache file is located.
You can find out where the cache is located and change its size in the Edit->Preferences menu (Lightroom->Preferences on Mac) on the File Handling tab

Lightroom is quite demanding on computer resources. Therefore, for speed, close everything unnecessary programs, update Lightroom to the latest version, and also be sure that with RAM everything is fine on the computer.

Lightroom shows error when exporting

The easiest thing to do is to try restarting Lightroom first. If you are using any plugins that were applied during processing, make sure that the plugins are working correctly.
Do not use unofficial Russifiers for Lightroom - no one knows who made them and how. Delete the settings file as described above.

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Lightroom doesn't show preview or photo itself

First, try deleting the folder with previews of your photos. It is located in the same place as all the directory files. On Windows this is a folder with the directory name and .lrdata at the end, on Mac it is a file with the same name. Try updating your video card driver and monitor profile.

Lightroom is acting strange

There may be a large number of"oddities", but their treatment is mainly carried out using shamanic methods. Check if there is enough space for the Lightroom cache, update your video card drivers and monitor profile, be sure that everything is in order with the hard drive and RAM.

A universal way to solve problems

Don't forget to update Lightroom. As a rule, updates include not only new cameras, as stated in official press releases, but also many bugs found and corrected in the program itself. Therefore, there is a possibility that next update your problem will already be solved.

Program settings

Description of general and hidden settings of the Adobe program Photoshop Lightroom 6.5. To access standard settings program, execute the command: Edit > Preferences.

Bookmark General.

Language- in this drop-down list, select the interface language; by default it is English. Official Russification on this moment no (there are unofficial ones).

Show splash screen during startup- enable/disable display of the Lightroom logo when the program starts.

Automatically check for updates - automatic check new program updates, disabled by default.

Chapter Default Catalog- here you can select which default directory will be loaded when opening the program. Load most recent catalog - at startup, the catalog with which we last worked is loaded. Prompt me when starting Lightroom - at startup you will be asked which catalog to load. By selecting Other from the drop-down list, you can select any directory from which we would like to always start working.

Show import dialog when a memory card is detected If you enable this option, then Lightroom will launch every time we insert/connect a memory card (flash drive) with photos.

Select the “Current/Previous Import” collection during import— Lightroom for displaying images, imports them and only then displays them. If the checkbox is unchecked before the item, previously viewed images (before import) will be displayed, thus avoiding any interruption when switching folders/collections.

Ignore camera-generated folder names when naming folders- if you select this item, then the names of the folders created digital camera will be ignored (by default this item is not selected).

Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos - this setting should only be used if you shot in: RAW + JPEG mode. If you put a flag in front of it, both types of files will be imported and placed side by side. If not installed, only RAW files will be imported.

In chapter Completion Sounds You can select sounds that will notify you when import and export are complete. By default, the sound is disabled (No Sound) for the items: When finished importing photos play, When tether transfer finishes play and When finished exporting photos play.

When you click on the Go to Catalog Settings button in the Catalog Settings section, the catalog settings window will also open with several tabs: General, File Handling and Metadata.

Bookmarked General ( General settings catalogue)— information about the location, time of creation and size of the directory is indicated. An important element of this tab is the choice of the frequency of reminders about catalog reservations. At the set time, a message will appear indicating that a reservation is required. By pressing the button it will be carried out. As I said, this is extremely important. So take this seriously. You can choose to create a backup monthly, weekly, daily when Lightroom is shut down, and other options. In my opinion, best option- weekly backup. I also recommend that you occasionally manually archive the catalog on a separate medium or in the cloud.

Bookmarked File Handling (file processing) affect the performance of Lightroom, namely the speed and ease of importing, viewing and catalog size. Standard Preview Size – here we select the size of the preview (or rather, the resolution along the long side).

The size of the thumbnail along the long side should slightly exceed the length of the monitor in pixels. For example, if you are working with a FullHD monitor whose resolution is 1920x1080, then standard size thumbnails should be set to 2048 pixels. If you bet more or less, the speed will decrease due to the need to recalculate the picture.

The Preview Quality can be left as medium as the default. This will be enough for viewing. The following Automatically Discard 1:1 Previews setting affects the time after which full-size (same resolution as the source) previews should be deleted. If you shoot a lot, process photos and then never return to processing them, it makes sense to put minimum time(one day or week). This will greatly reduce the size of the database and slightly increase the speed. If you shoot a little and/or return to processing images, then it makes sense to leave full-size previews for a long time or not delete them at all. In this case, to speed up work, it makes sense to leave only valuable images in the catalog and delete junk images. This will reduce the size of the database and improve speed.

Bookmarked Metadata metadata settings are located. The first tick is responsible for the offer keywords based on recently introduced ones. Let's leave it as it is. Include develop settings in metadata inside... – exif records some data about how the photo was processed.

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Automatically write changes into XMP– you should check this box to ensure safe operation.

XMP are files small size, in which information about the applied editing is recorded. They are stored next to the sources. If you enable their creation, then if the catalog file is lost, most of the processing information can be restored.

You can skip geotargeting settings. The checkbox next to Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files is responsible for recording the editing time in exif. This function is useful if, for example, your camera clock is set incorrectly. Then the editing time will be recorded according to the time set on the computer.

Apply auto tone adjustments– when importing, automatic tone correction of the photo is performed. This is an analogue of the Autotone tool in Adobe program Photoshop.

Apply auto mix when first converting to black and white– in Lightroom you can switch a photo to black and white mode by pressing one button. Usually there is a discoloration of the photo, rather than a full and high-quality translation V black and white image. If this option is selected, a proprietary algorithm is used that enhances some colors (red, blue, magenta) and weakens others (green, yellow, orange). The output result of the conversion will look better.

Make defaults specific to camera serial number

Make defaults specific to camera ISO settings

Bookmark External Editing.

Bookmark File Handling.

Chapter Camera raw cache settings raw files) , here you can select the cache location and size. It is better to remove the cache from system disk, and place it on an SSD, for example.

To clear the cache, use the button: Purge Cache.

The Panels control group contains drop-down lists for End Marks and Font Size(font size). The End Marks drop-down list contains options:

In the Font Size drop-down list, you can select Small (small), which is the default, or Large (large).

The change in font size will be noticeable after a reboot Lightroom programs.

Bookmark Performance.

Lightroom 6 and above has started using resources GPU(GPU) to speed up photo processing and viewing. To disable this option, uncheck the box in front of the item: Use Graphics Processor.

Video card requirements: support for OpenGL 3.3 and at least 1GB of video memory.

On Mac OS X platform, unsupported video cards: NVIDIA GeForce 9400/9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120/GT 130, NVIDIA GeForce 210, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT/GS, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT, NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800, NVIDIA GeForce NVS 3100M and Intel HD 3000/4000.

*In AMD drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.1 fixed problem with program crash Adobe versions Lightroom CC 2015.10 with GPU acceleration enabled.

Bookmark Lightroom mobile.

The default location of the Lightroom catalog is:

(Windows) C: Users\\My Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog.lrcat

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Pictures / Lightroom / Lightroom Catalog.lrcat

Preferences, they are not non-cross-platform:

(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom 6 Preferences.agprefs

*Here you can disable the GPU by entering the following instead of useAutoBahn = true: useAutoBahn = false.

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Preferences / com.adobe.Lightroom6.plist

Startup preferences- it includes the last directory path used, etc.:

(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom 6 Startup Preferences.agprefs

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Lightroom /Lightroom 6 Startup Preferences.agprefs

Default Presets saving directory:

(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Lightroom /

Develop Defaults, Lens Defaults and Custom Point Curves:

(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / CameraRaw /

Default directory Camera Raw Cache:

(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\CameraRaw\Cache\

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Caches / Adobe Camera Raw /

Custom Camera & Lens Profiles:

(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\

(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / CameraRaw / CameraProfiles /

Access to hidden settings, go to Start and in the search field select %appdata%\Adobe\Lightroom (Windows 7/10).

On Mac OS X Library folder hidden by default. Go to Finder and select Go menu, hold Option key and Library will appear in the menu.

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Using the Terminal program, you can enable or disable the display of system and hidden files and folders in Mac OS X. Launch the Terminal program (located in Applications/Utilities):

And enter the command into the terminal window (the defaults write command makes changes to the settings files):

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true

Press "enter". This command will change Finder settings. You must restart the Finder process for them to take effect. next command: killall Finder and press “enter”.

Now hidden files will appear in Finder. Which, for example, will allow you to get to the Camera Raw GPU Config.txt document, which is located at: Libraries > Application Support > Adobe > CameraRaw > GPU.

Or to the well known by Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2016 document Debug Database.txt which is located in the following directory: Libraries > Preferences > Adobe > Lightroom > 6.5. There are currently only four items in it: AddUTCTimestampToTraces, CreateLogFilesThatDoNotExist, DvaMarshalRPCLogging and LogTimeInTicks.

If after work we need to hide them, this is done with the same command, but with the false parameter:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false

And restart Finder again: killall Finder

To reset settings, when loading the Lightroom CC/6 program, hold down the key combinations: Alt + Shift (Windows) / Option + Shift (Mac). And click on the button: Reset Preferences.


How to Adjust Color Display in Lightroom for Sony A7 (ILCE-7)

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in the Club: 1089 days

Lightroom 5.7.1 does not display image colors correctly. Makes them warmer

15% and the picture as a whole is denser (picture on the left). Photoshop shows the correct color. The picture on the right is after export from LR where it was yellow. What is especially annoying is that after leveling the white balance, LR shows the white field yellowish, and after export the white field becomes white, but this is visible in other viewers. The same colors remain when uploaded to the Internet. These same colors are displayed in Explorer.

I work for different monitors, both show this color shift. Color shift occurs when working with RAW and LPG files. If someone has overcome this problem through the monitor profile. How?

How to calibrate/adjust/whatever click in LR so that it shows the colors correctly (since it then exports them)?

What I've done. Uploaded to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7.1\Resources\CameraProfilesAnd to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7.1\Resources\CameraProfiles\Camera

ILCE-7 color profiles

Moving the sliders in the Camera Calibration section did not give any tangible results.

I take photos in sRGB and export them to sRGB

I read a bunch of articles about the LR ProPhotoRGB color environment, but I still haven’t solved the problem. Has anyone encountered such a problem? Is there a solution? Is it possible to reliably calibrate the display in LR? Give me a link on how to do this. Please!

PS Dear moderators, I’ve been “using the search and learning to search” for a week now. I found many similar topics, but did not find a solution. Please don't close the topic, but help)

in the Club: 3405 days

in the Club: 2273 days

is there some more interesting point, then in the Lightroom export you may have some kind of sitting and then the picture will change considerably, check this, that’s all more problems no, I figured it out myself by trial and error

in the Club: 1089 days

in the Club: 2595 days

I installed LR on my laptop and everything works well. And now I work on the computer in ACR. His color scheme does not depend (or is less dependent) on incorrect operation of the monitor profile.

- use color profile in the system - “by default”

Instead of AdobeRGB, use sRGB everywhere

try resetting all settings

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Any ChKFR member who has been a member of the club for at least six months can create a community.

Any CHKFR can join any community or several communities at the same time. Community membership allows you to participate in discussions about community topics.

How to create a community?

The application must indicate: the name of the future community, the main topics of discussion, the possible number of participants.

Description of general and hidden settings of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.5. To access the standard program settings, run the command: Edit > Preferences.

Bookmark General.
Language- in this drop-down list, select the interface language, by default it is English. There is no official Russification at the moment (there are unofficial ones).
Show splash screen during startup- enable/disable display of the Lightroom logo when the program starts.
Automatically check for updates- automatic checking for new program updates is disabled by default.
Chapter Default Catalog- here you can select which default directory will be loaded when opening the program. Load most recent catalog - at startup, the catalog with which we last worked is loaded. Prompt me when starting Lightroom - at startup you will be asked which catalog to load. By selecting Other from the drop-down list, we can select any directory from which we would like to always start working.
Chapter Import Options.
Show import dialog when a memory card is detected If you enable this option, then Lightroom will launch every time we insert/connect a memory card (flash drive) with photos.
Select the “Current/Previous Import” collection during import- Lightroom for displaying images, imports them and only then displays them. If the checkbox is unchecked before the item, previously viewed images (before import) will be displayed, thus avoiding any interruption when switching folders/collections.
Ignore camera-generated folder names when naming folders- if you select this item, then the names of folders created by the digital camera will be ignored (by default this item is not selected).
Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos- this setting should only be used if you shot in mode: RAW + JPEG. If you put a flag in front of it, both types of files will be imported and placed side by side. If not installed, only RAW files will be imported.
In chapter Completion Sounds You can select sounds that will notify you when import and export are complete. By default, the sound is disabled (No Sound) for the items: When finished importing photos play, When tether transfer finishes play and When finished exporting photos play.

When you click on the Go to Catalog Settings button in the Catalog Settings section, the catalog settings window will also open with several tabs: General, File Handling and Metadata.
Bookmarked General (general directory settings)- information about the location, time of creation and size of the directory is indicated. An important element of this tab is the choice of the frequency of reminders about catalog reservations. At the set time, a message will appear indicating that a reservation is required. By pressing the button it will be carried out. As I said, this is extremely important. So take this seriously. You can choose to create a backup monthly, weekly, daily when Lightroom is shut down, and other options. In my opinion, the best option is a weekly backup. I also recommend that you occasionally manually archive the catalog on a separate medium or in the cloud.
Bookmarked File Handling (file processing) affect the performance of Lightroom, namely the speed and ease of importing, viewing and catalog size. Standard Preview Size – here we select the size of the preview (or rather, the resolution along the long side).
The size of the thumbnail along the long side should slightly exceed the length of the monitor in pixels. For example, if you are working with a FullHD monitor whose resolution is 1920x1080, then the standard preview size should be set to 2048 pixels. If you bet more or less, the speed will decrease due to the need to recalculate the picture.
The Preview Quality can be left as medium as the default. This will be enough for viewing. The following Automatically Discard 1:1 Previews setting affects the time after which full-size (same resolution as the source) previews should be deleted. If you shoot a lot, process photos and then never return to processing them, it makes sense to set the minimum time (one day or a week). This will greatly reduce the size of the database and slightly increase the speed. If you shoot a little and/or return to processing images, then it makes sense to leave full-size previews for a long time or not delete them at all. In this case, to speed up work, it makes sense to leave only valuable images in the catalog and delete junk images. This will reduce the size of the database and improve speed.
Bookmarked Metadata metadata settings are located. The first checkbox is responsible for suggesting keywords based on recently entered ones. Let's leave it as it is. Include develop settings in metadata inside... – exif records some data about how the photo was processed.
Automatically write changes into XMP– you should check this box to ensure safe operation.
XMP are small files that record information about the editing applied. They are stored next to the sources. If you enable their creation, then if the catalog file is lost, most of the processing information can be restored.
You can skip geotargeting settings. The checkbox next to Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files is responsible for recording the editing time in exif. This function is useful if, for example, your camera clock is set incorrectly. Then the editing time will be recorded according to the time set on the computer.
Bookmark Presets.
Apply auto tone adjustments– when importing, automatic tone correction of the photo is performed. This is an analogue of the Autotone tool in Adobe Photoshop.
Apply auto mix when first converting to black and white– in Lightroom you can switch a photo to black and white mode by pressing one button. Usually, the photo becomes discolored, rather than a full and high-quality conversion to black and white. If this option is selected, a proprietary algorithm is used that enhances some colors (red, blue, magenta) and weakens others (green, yellow, orange). The output result of the conversion will look better.
Make defaults specific to camera serial number -
Make defaults specific to camera ISO settings -

Bookmark External Editing.

Bookmark File Handling.
Chapter Camera raw cache settings, here you can select the cache location and size. It is better to remove the cache from the system disk and place it, for example, on an SSD.
To clear the cache, use the button: Purge Cache.

Bookmark Interface.
The Panels control group contains drop-down lists for End Marks and Font Size. The End Marks drop-down list contains options:
In the Font Size drop-down list, you can select Small (small), which is the default, or Large (large).
The change in font size will be noticeable after restarting Lightroom.

In Lightroom version 6.5.

Bookmark Performance.
Lightroom 6 and above began using graphics processing unit (GPU) resources to speed up photo processing and viewing. To disable this option, uncheck the box in front of the item: Use Graphics Processor.
Video card requirements: support for OpenGL 3.3 and at least 1GB of video memory.

Click on the button: System Info.

On the Mac OS X platform, not supported video cards: NVIDIA GeForce 9400/9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120/GT 130, NVIDIA GeForce 210, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT, IA GeForce 8800 GT/GS, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT, NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800, NVIDIA GeForce NVS 3100M and Intel HD 3000/4000.

*In drivers AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.1 fixed the problem with the version crashing Adobe Lightroom CC 2015.10 with GPU acceleration enabled.
Bookmark Lightroom mobile.

In Lightroom version 6.5.

Bookmark Network(available in Lightroom 6.5).

The default location of the Lightroom catalog is:
(Windows) C: Users\\My Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog.lrcat
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Pictures / Lightroom / Lightroom Catalog.lrcat

Preferences, they are not non-cross-platform:
(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom 6 Preferences.agprefs
*Here you can disable the GPU by entering the following instead of useAutoBahn = true: useAutoBahn = false.
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Preferences / com.adobe.Lightroom6.plist
Startup preferences- it includes the last directory path used, etc.:
(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom 6 Startup Preferences.agprefs
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Lightroom /Lightroom 6 Startup Preferences.agprefs

Default Presets saving directory:
(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Lightroom /
Develop Defaults, Lens Defaults and Custom Point Curves:
(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / CameraRaw /
Camera Raw Cache default directory:
(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\CameraRaw\Cache\
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Caches / Adobe Camera Raw /
Custom Camera & Lens Profiles:
(Windows) C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\
(Mac) Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Application Support / Adobe / CameraRaw / CameraProfiles /
To access hidden settings, go to Start and in the search field select %appdata%\Adobe\Lightroom (Windows 7/10).
On Mac OS X, the Library folder is hidden by default. Go to Finder and select Go menu, hold down the Option key and Library will appear in the menu.
Using the Terminal program, you can enable or disable the display of system and hidden files and folders in Mac OS X. Launch the Terminal program (located in Applications/Utilities):

And enter the command into the terminal window (the defaults write command makes changes to the settings files):
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true

Press "enter". This command will change Finder settings. For them to take effect, you need to restart the Finder process with the following command: killall Finder and press “enter”.

Hidden files will now show up in Finder. Which, for example, will allow you to get to the Camera Raw GPU Config.txt document, which is located at: Libraries > Application Support > Adobe > CameraRaw > GPU.

With the following information:

Or to the document Debug Database.txt, well known from Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2016, which is located in the following directory: Libraries > Preferences > Adobe > Lightroom > 6.5. There are currently only four items in it: AddUTCTimestampToTraces, CreateLogFilesThatDoNotExist, DvaMarshalRPCLogging and LogTimeInTicks.

If after work we need to hide them, this is done with the same command, but with the false parameter:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false
And restart Finder again: killall Finder
To reset settings, when loading the Lightroom CC/6 program, hold down the key combinations: Alt + Shift (Windows) / Option + Shift (Mac). And click on the button: Reset Preferences.

Once your photo is in Lightroom, the default conversion (processing) settings are applied to it. Many people are not satisfied with these settings, and they often ask the question: “Why, after importing, did the photos become gray and ugly?” Today I will tell you how to deal with this!

By default, photos in Lightroom come out with less contrast and saturation than in a camera. This is why many people think that the program has “ruined” the photos, that they have become worse.

Actually this is not true. It is enough to add contrast and saturation, and everything will fall into place. And to get a picture that replicates what you saw on the camera screen, you need to select the appropriate camera profile in the Camera Calibration panel (usually Camera Standard):

How do I set default settings?

One way is to use a preset when importing photos. You can download my version of this preset.

But what to do if you import photos from different cameras, or if you want to use different settings noise reduction depending on ISO when shooting? Default settings need to be changed!

First, let's open the program settings (File -> Prefences...). You can do this using shortcut key Ctrl+, (full list of keyboard shortcuts). Let's go to the Presets tab and set how the defaults will be saved:

The next step is to select photos that will have default settings. If both checkboxes are checked, then you will have to look for frames from each camera and at each possible ISO value; if both checkboxes are unchecked, then one photo will be enough.

Switch to processing mode with a shortcut key D. In order not to accidentally save anything unnecessary, we reset all processing with the Reset button in the lower right corner or using the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+R.

Now all that remains is to set the desired conversion settings and save them as default settings. To do this you need to press Alt key(Opt on Mac) and the Reset button will turn into Set Defaults..:

When you press the button, a window pops up specifying for which camera and ISO the settings will be saved (if the corresponding boxes are checked):

Here you can reset the defaults to factory values.

That's all! That's it new imported photos will have these processing settings without using presets! Please note that this does not apply to cards already in the catalog.

What settings should I set by default?

Everyone must answer this question for themselves. There are no universal recipes; everyone has their own tastes.

If you want to get as close as possible to the vision of the camera manufacturer, select the Camera Standard profile by default, in the Tone Curve area – Strong Contrast, Vibrance+10, Clarity+10. Also don't forget about noise reduction and sharpening in the Details area. The beauty of Lightroom is that we can apply both at once, without thinking about the processing order!

This entry was automatically added from the website

The solution for Lightroom, which is stupid, slow, works slowly, and does not respond.

Fix Lightroom stuttering problem. Speeding up Lightroom.

If you switched from Lightroom 4 to Lightroom 5, you may have noticed that slowdowns and glitches began to appear from time to time. This happens to me all the time and I can't figure out why. I searched a bunch of forums and rummaged through all of Google and Yandex and eventually decided to collect a list of all kinds of solutions related to this problem and its solution. And I’ll tell you what: this has nothing to do with the equipment on which Laitur is installed. This problem was observed on my top computers, including 8-core processor, SSD hard disk and 24 gigabytes of RAM.

Here are some simple solutions I discovered to speed up Laithur.

Make your catalogs smaller.

I usually import about 500-1000 images from one shoot day. After that, I observe 7 second lags and Lightroom brakes after every change I make. I restarted the computer, but it didn't help. I ended up splitting the shooting folder into smaller parts. Each was about 200-300 frirnpafiy. The problem was solved. Laitur's acceleration was immediate, he began to work faster and without lag.

Increase your cache size.

I saw this advice from large number users. This did not help me personally, but perhaps in some situations it will solve the problem. Go to Lightroom settings. In the File Handling tab at the bottom you will see the cache size settings (Camera Raw Cache Settings, Video Cache Settings). Change the value to 5 or 10 gigabytes. You can also take the opportunity to clear the cache (Purge Cache).

It is important to understand that after clearing the Lightroom cache, you will need to re-create previews for all photos. To do this, go to the mode Library, menu Library -> Previews -> Build Standard-Sized | 1:1 | Smart Previews.

Change compatibility settingsRAW (RAWcompatibility).

In the Lightroom settings of the File Handling tab, you can also change the compatibility mode. Change the setting to the latest version. Or, if it’s already the last one, on the contrary, try returning to previous version. I'm not sure if this will work, but there were some recommendations for speeding up Lightroom.

Delete Lightroom settings.

An option for those who, like me, have been updating versions of Lightroom since ancient times (Lightroom 2, Lightroom 3, etc.), reinstalling along the way operating system. There is a high probability that everything in the Lightroom settings is mixed up. And, as for me, this makes sense. IN different versions The settings, parameters and capabilities of Lightroom itself changed, which over time created a whole coherent mess. Therefore, try deleting the old Lightroom settings so that it can overwrite the new ones instead of the old ones. But first of all, be sure to make a backup copy.

For poppy growers MacOS The file locations are as follows:


Your library is likely hidden by default, so there are a few steps you need to complete first (

For users Windows everything is simpler. The path where the Lightroom settings are located is here:

%appdata%\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom 4 Preferences.agprefs (generic path)

or, if the previous path is not found, here:

C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom 4 Preferences.agprefs

After this, all Lightroom settings will be set to default. You will have to configure them again. But this is a small price to pay for your Lightroom to speed up and work at its former speed.

Set disk permissions (Mac OS).

If you are an Apple user on Mac OS X, your disk access settings may also have been set incorrectly. I use the Onyx program (

Run it, check and clean it. Or install Automator and let it do everything itself. Sometimes this works if you notice that the computer sometimes makes terrible glitches.

A few additional points to speed up Lightroom.

Catalog optimization.

This procedure must be performed from time to time. Menu File -> Optimize Catalog. It only takes a few minutes, but can significantly speed up scrolling through photos.

Setting the size of generated previews or quality of thumbnails.

Go to the catalog settings Edit -> Catalog Settings, File Handling tab. Now you can change the size of the standard preview and its quality to more low values, so that all previews load faster. Of course, you will lose viewing quality in this case, so change the values ​​to your taste.

Leave sharpening and noise reduction for last (Sharpen andRemoveNoise).

This setting is the most CPU-intensive option in Lightroom. These settings should be at minimum (or default) before the final processing steps. Otherwise, Lightroom will force your computer to do all these calculations every time you move any color slider. So it's best to disable the entire tab until everything else is unchecked.