S Finder - what is it? Nine Simple Tweaks to Improve Finder in OS X

The Finder program is your navigator in the vastness of your computer's hard drive. It allows you to conveniently view the contents of various directories, as well as search for the necessary files and folders. Users of Windows operating systems can identify many similarities between Windows Explorer and Finder.

In general, the average user of the Mac OS X Lion operating system spends a lot of time in the Finder program. To spend less time performing basic actions in the program, we recommend that you become well-versed in working with the Finder.

You can launch the Finder by clicking on the icon Finder in the Dock. The Finder program's interface is quite simple: at the top of the window there is a header with several buttons and an input field for the Spotlight function, and on the left side of the window there is a program sidebar.

Finder's sidebar lets you quickly switch between your operating system's most important folders. The rest of the window contains icons for files and folders, the currently open partition or folder.

There is no need to describe in detail how to work with the Finder program - its interface is intuitive. Therefore, we will indicate only the main techniques and features.

By clicking on a sidebar item, you can quickly go to the folder you are interested in. For example, item Downloads(Downloads)

allows you to quickly navigate to a folder UsersUsernameDownloads(Users ⇒ Username ⇒ Downloads).

The sidebar contains three groups of items. If you hover your mouse over a group name, a button will appear to the right of the name Hide(Hide). This button allows you to collapse all the contents of the group to free up space in the sidebar. You can expand the contents of the group using the button Show(Show), which will appear in place of the button Hide(Hide).

You can completely remove an unused item from the sidebar. To do this, right-click on it, and in the context menu that appears, select Remove from side menu(Remove from Sidebar). A similar result can be achieved by simply dragging the unnecessary item outside the Finder window with the mouse.

You can change the order of items on the sidebar by dragging them to a new location using the mouse.

If you don’t need the sidebar at the moment, you can disable its display (Fig. 3.2). To do this, press the key combination

whish Alt+Command+T or select menu item ViewHide side menu(View ⇒ Hide Toolbar).

You can open multiple Finder windows at the same time, but you can't do this by clicking the Finder icon in the Dock again. Use the keyboard shortcut instead Command+N or select menu item FileNew

Finder window(File ⇒ New Finder Window). You can also open a new program window by selecting New Finder window(New Finder

Window) from the context menu of the Finder icon in the Dock. Each Finder window works independently of the other, so you can view different folders at the same time.

The only way to close the current Finder window is by clicking the red title button. Make it faster using a keyboard shortcut Command+W or menu item FileClose a window

(File ⇒ Close Window).

To select a file or folder, simply click on it.

To select multiple files or folders, click on them successively while holding down the Command. If several objects are currently selected, clicking on the object again will deselect it.

Rice. 3.2. View of the Finder with the sidebar hidden

To select all items in an open folder or section, press the keyboard shortcut Command+A. You can also use

menu item EditChoose all(Edit ⇒ Select All).

To navigate to the contents of a folder in Finder, double-click it. If you don't like double-clicking, you can just press the keyboard shortcut Command+O.

Double-clicking on a file allows you to open it in its associated program. For example, the audio file will be opened in iTunes. Double clicking on the executable file will launch the program.

To rename a file or folder, select it with the mouse and then press Enter. A text cursor will appear. Type the new file name and then press the key Enter again.

Right-clicking a file or folder opens the file's context menu. Select an item Properties(Get Info) context menu to obtain detailed information about the selected object (Fig. 3.3). So

you can also use the menu command FileGet information(File ⇒ Get

Info) or keyboard shortcut Command+I. For each of the selected objects, a separate copy of the dialog box with information will be opened - the name of the dialog box is the same as the name of the file or folder.

To copy selected objects to the operating system clipboard, select the menu command EditCopy(Edit ⇒ Copy).

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Command+C.

To make a copy

objects from the clipboard Rice. 3.3. File2.rtf file properties window

operating system to the current Finder folder, select the menu command EditInsert(Edit ⇒ Paste). You can also

use keyboard shortcut Command+V. Files and folders placed on the clipboard can be copied an infinite number of times - without clearing the clipboard.

To create a copy of the selected objects in the current folder, select the menu command FileDuplicate(File ⇒ Duplicate). Also

you can use a keyboard shortcut Command+D. An exact copy of the selected files and folders will be created in the current Finder folder, but their names will be changed - a "copy" prefix will be added to the end of each name.

There are several ways to create a new folder:

Right-click an area of ​​the Finder window that is free of functional elements. In the context menu that appears, select new folder(New Folder);

Select menu item Filenew folder(File ⇒ New Folder);

Press the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+N.

You can delete selected objects in several ways:

Select menu item Move to Cart(Move to Trash);

Press the keyboard shortcut Command+Delete;

Use your mouse to move the selected objects onto the icon Basket(Trash) in the Dock: Select all the files and folders you want to delete, then hover your mouse over any of the selected files. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the icon Basket(Trash) in the Dock. Release the left mouse button.

You can add a new item to the sidebar to quickly access the files and folders that interest you. To do this, select the required files and folders, and then select the menu command

FileAdd to side menu(File ⇒ Add to Sidebar) or press the keyboard shortcut Command+T. New items will be added to the group Favorites(Favorites).

There are additional ways to easily navigate the Finder window:

To go up one level in the folder hierarchy, that is, to get to the folder in which the one you are viewing is nested

you at the moment, select the menu item TransitionOn

higher level(Go ⇒ Enclosing Folder) or press the combination

keys Command+;

To return to the folder you were viewing before visiting the current one, click the button in the upper right corner of the Finder window. A similar result can also be

reach by selecting menu item TransitionBack(Go ⇒ Back) or

by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command+[;

To do the opposite of what was described earlier, click the button in the upper right corner of the Finder window - you will be returned to the original folder. A similar result can also be achieved by selecting the menu item

TransitionForward(Go ⇒ Forward) or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command+].

If you use multiple Finder windows, you can simply drag selected items with your mouse between windows. To do this, first select all the files and folders that you want to move, then position the mouse pointer on any of the selected files. Hold down the left mouse button, move the mouse pointer to an empty space in the second Finder window, and then release the left mouse button. In this case, the selected files and folders will not be copied, but they will be moved: objects in the original window will be deleted. If, when moving objects in this way, you place the mouse pointer not on an empty space in the destination window, but on any specific folder, the objects will be transferred directly to this folder.

Using your mouse, you can drag any file or folder from the Finder window to the Desktop or Dock. In this case, icons of these objects will be created on the Desktop or, accordingly, on the Dock.

To copy a folder that is currently open in the Finder somewhere, you don't have to go up one level in the directory hierarchy - you can use its representative to copy the folder. A folder representative is a small icon located in the folder's window title bar to the left of its name. You

You can move the folder representative like any other icon using the mouse. This will copy the entire contents of the selected folder.

The Finder application is always loaded into RAM - this is indicated by the glowing blue light under the application icon in the Dock. This allows you to almost instantly open the program window at the right time, without wasting time waiting.

Leonov V., Tutorial for Mac OS X Lion/ Vasily Leonov.-M. : Eksmo, 2012, -384 p.

Many operations in Mac OS X go through Finder, so ease of use is an important factor. Today we're going to share a few ways you can optimize your Finder experience and get the most out of it.

1. Always show file extensions

Honestly, I don’t understand how you can live without the function of displaying extensions for file types. Sometimes you need to separate some files from others, but looking only at their previews, this is not possible. There is only one way out - enable the display of file extensions: open Finder, select Preferences, then Advanced and check the box next to “ Show all filename extensions«.

2. Open new windows in your home directory

The All My Files folder can be both useful and vice versa. If you sort your files into folders yourself, returning to your home directory may involve several extra steps. To avoid this, do the following: open Finder, select Preferences, then in the tab General in the menu under " New Finder windows show:» select your home directory.

3. Show status bar

The status bar in OS X is not meaningless. It shows the amount of free disk space, how many files are in the directory, etc. The trouble is that by default this function is not active. To correct the situation, in any window via Finder open the menu View and select " Show Status Bar«.

4. Show full path

To always know which directory you are in, and also to be able to “jump” a folder forward or backward, you should enable “full path”: in any window through Finder open the menu View and select " Show Path Bar«.

5. Show home directory in sidebar

If you often access your home directory, then it makes sense to put it on the sidebar. It's easy to do: open Finder, select Preferences, then " Sidebar", check the box next to your login and home icon. Now you can move your home directory to a convenient location in the sidebar.

6. Customizing the toolbar

The toolbar can be customized to suit your needs by adding items you use frequently in Finder. To add other actions to this panel, you must: in any window via Finder open menu View and select " Cuztomize Toolbar…", then move the desired actions to the toolbar.

7. Always show the Library folder

The Library folder contains settings, cache, and user data files, but is hidden by default. To open it, you should use the command line. Open Terminal and enter the following command:

chflags nohidden ~/Library/

Close Terminal.

8. Always show hidden and invisible files

Sometimes you need quick access to files that are hidden by default in OS X. It's best to make them visible at all times. To do this, we will again resort to the command line. Open Terminal and enter the following command:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES && killall Finder

Close Terminal. By the way, this command also “opens” the “Library”.

9. Show the number of files in folders

To find out the number of files in it without going into a folder, you don’t need any commands. Open the menu " View Options» by right-clicking in any window in Finder and check the box " Show item info". To apply the setting to all windows in the Finder, click the " Use as Defaults«.

For more fine-tuning Finder, you can read the articles about the commands " defaults write": And .

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We launch the Finder many times a day, it's a key element of OS X. It's hard to imagine working on a Mac without a file manager with a smiling face on its icon. At first glance, Finder is a very simple and little-functional manager, but our selection of tips will help you unlock its potential.

Quick Look in full screen mode

Looking through dozens of files a day, I praise the people who came up with Quick Look. Quickly viewing a picture or document with a simple spacebar saves a huge amount of time and simplifies working with files. All Mac users have run Quick Look, but not everyone knows about its second mode.

Key combination option + space You can expand files to full screen. This mode is perfect for viewing photos due to the ability to run a slide show and a black background that does not distract from the photo.

Home folder at hand

This is the root directory of your profile, which contains the main folders with documents, downloads, programs, etc. It should be placed in the sidebar in the Finder for quick access to files.

In the settings (called by the combination cmd + ,) Finder, check the box with your profile name and house icon, it is located in the “Side Menu” section.

Where does the trail come from?

Finder by default makes working with files as easy as possible. This approach is not suitable for all users, so you can enable the display of path and status in the parameters. The path shows the directory where the open folder is located, and the status informs about the number of files in it and the remaining free space on the disk.

To make these panels appear in the Finder, open the View tab and click on the items "Show path bar" And "Show status menu."

Order in the system tray

Over time, the system tray becomes clogged with application icons and looks sloppy. The third-party utility Bartender, which can hide icons, radically solves the problem, but the situation can be improved using standard means.

Clamping cmd you can change the order of icons and remove unnecessary ones. It is worth noting that this trick will only work with standard applications; icons of third-party programs cannot be moved.

A little retro wouldn't hurt

Flat design, transparency and other elements of modern interfaces are actively used in OS X Yosemite. The system plays with colors and looks very fresh. But if you prefer calmer tones, then we have good news.

While in the Settings app, go to the Accessibility section and check the "Increase contrast" box. With this interface, OS X looks more strict and is a little reminiscent of OS 9.

Smart folders

Smart Folders can be very useful if you frequently search for files based on certain criteria.

The smart folder stores files from across the system that fit the specified parameters.

For example, if you need quick access to recent documents, set Smart Folder to show presentations that have been modified in the last 3 days.

This is the most basic example, because there are countless settings options. From the tempo of the music in beats per minute to the width of the document in pixels.

To create a smart folder, in Finder, open the File tab in the top panel and click on "New Smart Folder". Create your search query, click on the plus sign in the upper right corner of the window to set more precise parameters. In the same location, click save and select a folder location.

Rename multiple files at once

To prepare images for material, I rename a series of files every day. OS X allows for multiple renaming, which makes things a lot easier for me.

Select the files and click "Rename objects" in the context menu. In the window that appears, you can add text, replace it, or designate a series of photographs with a name and index.

Let's do it again

Have you loaded your computer to such an extent that even the robust Finder is not responding? No problem, restart it.

Key combination cmb+option+esc Open the Force Quit Programs window, find Finder at the very end of the list and click “restart”.

Customize Finder to suit you

Standard file manager Finder. While the default settings are relatively convenient, there are several additional options available that you can enable to get the job done. Finder it was much easier and simpler.

In contact with

1. Always display file extensions

Sometimes there is no time for any additional manipulations necessary to find out what extension a particular document has (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.). This information can be displayed continuously. To do this you need:

  • Go to menu Finder and select " Settings».

  • In chapter " Settings» click on the tab « Additionally" and check the box " Show all filename extensions».

2. Select a folder to display in a new Finder window

To change the default folder to display when you open a new Finder window:

  • Open « Settings» Finder, and go to the tab Are common.

  • On the menu " Show in new Finder windows:» select the desired directory to be displayed by default when opening a new window Finder.

3. Activate the status bar

Status bar in window Finder displays important information ranging from how much free space is on your computer to showing files located in a specific directory. In order for all this data to be displayed constantly, it is enough:

  • In any window Finder open menu " View" and select " Show status menu».

4. Activate the path bar

Sometimes users have a need or desire to view the specific location of a certain file and how to get to it. The path string in Finder. In this case, it is possible not only to view the entire path, but also to quickly move between files, selecting the desired parent or child directory. To display the path string:

  • From any open window Finder go to menu " View" and select the item " Show path bar».

It's worth noting that the path bar is interactive, meaning you can click on it to go to specific locations, as well as add and remove items from it.

5. Display the main directory in the sidebar

Given how often information is saved in the main directory, it might be worth displaying it in the sidebar of the window Finder. To set this up, all you need to do is:

  • Open « Settings» Finder, and then select the " Side panel».
  • Mark the item with the user name and a house icon.

Now the main folder can be managed directly from the sidebar. It is worth noting that in Sidebar you can place any frequently used OS X directory. To create a shortcut to the desired folder in Sidebar, just transfer it to this element of the system.

6. Customizing the toolbar

Window toolbar Finder You can change, add, or remove frequently used functions that you use when working with files and folders. The back/forward, organize, etc. buttons are certainly useful, but users have the opportunity to make changes to suit their own needs. To do this you will need:

  • Go to menu " View" and select " Customize the toolbar…»
  • Drag icons of frequently performed actions to the toolbar.

7. Always display the Library folder

The Library folder stores settings files, cached documents, and user data. However, by default, it is hidden/invisible. To make the ~/Library/ directory visible:

  • Go to menu " View" and select the item " Show View Options».
  • In the window that opens, check the box next to “ Show Libraries folder«.

8. Always show hidden and invisible files

Hidden and invisible files are mostly used by more advanced users. To activate the display of hidden files you must:

  • Open Terminal and enter the following lines:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall finder

  • Press Enter (Return)

To disable showing hidden files, enter the following command into the Terminal window:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall finder

  • Press Enter (Return)

Note that this command will also display the folder Library, if it was previously hidden. Icons of previously invisible folders will have a lighter color than those displayed before entering the line into the Terminal.

Greetings, my dear readers!
Recently I wrote about how in devices from Samsung. And today I will tell you what S Finder is to those Samsung owners who don’t yet know what it is :)

A number of smartphones from the Korean manufacturer, such as the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note, come with the S Finder application pre-installed. It is a multifunctional search engine on board your device. Finder allows you to search for information both in the contents of your gadget and on the Internet.
What’s valuable is that the application searches for the information you need everywhere. In SMS, mail, files, gallery, etc. Search conditions can be set using keywords, date, type of information, etc. So, for example, you can set a search only among pictures, videos, music, notes, etc.

To launch Finder, on the top curtain, click on the corresponding field labeled S Finder. On Galaxy Note devices, search can be accessed through the context menu.

I know some people are wondering how to remove or disable S Finder. This means how to make sure that it does not become an eyesore by taking up space in the top curtain.
You won't be able to simply disable/remove it. To do this yourself, you need some technical knowledge and a rooted device. If this is not the case, you can also search on the Internet for ready-made curtains with the S Finder cut out from there. But here I don’t undertake to advise you anything, because... One can only guess about the consequences of inept actions.
Personally, it doesn’t bother me, and it’s much more useful than it takes up precious space :)
Your LifeDroid
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