Computer virtual keyboard. Start and quick search. Start and search for a program

Virtual keyboard is a standard component of operating systems Windows family. The need to use it may arise not only for people with disabilities. A virtual keyboard will help you out in cases where for some reason the regular one fails, and you urgently need to do something on the computer. It is also useful when entering confidential information, which needs to be protected from special programs that intercept characters entered from the keyboard.

On-screen keyboard is displayed on the computer screen with everything standard set keys Only extra is missing digital block. To enable the virtual keyboard, follow these steps.

  1. Click the "Start" button and in the menu that appears, expand the "All Programs" list.
  2. In the list of programs, expand the “Standard” group.
  3. In standard programs, find the folder “ Special abilities" and enter it.
  4. Launch the On-Screen Keyboard component.
By default, the on-screen keyboard is located on top of all other windows and, when launched, does not block input from a regular keyboard. In the settings that are called up when you click on additional button“Options” directly on the keyboard you can set three character input modes:
  1. By clicking the mouse pointer on the corresponding key.
  2. By hovering the mouse cursor over the corresponding key for a certain time. The duration of the pointing can also be set in the settings.
  3. According to the key scanning mode for which control actions via the joystick can be used, gaming tablet, or a specially assigned key on a regular keyboard.
In addition to the application operating system The virtual keyboard can be found on some websites as part of specialized applications. For example, in comprehensive solution to protect computers from threats Kaspersky Internet Security, you can launch the virtual keyboard from the antivirus control panel. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button on the program icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar - the so-called system tray. In the window that opens, go to the “Settings” section and click the button labeled “Virtual Keyboard”.

The most famous site where you can use the built-in virtual keyboard is the search page Google. On text, image and map search pages, you can activate the virtual keyboard by clicking on the corresponding icon in the right corner of the search bar.

Also, the virtual keyboard can be launched by default when entering a password on Internet banking access sites in order to protect users as much as possible from theft of passwords by intercepting them when entering from a regular keyboard.

Thus, the ways to enable the virtual keyboard on modern computer quite enough. You just need to choose the most suitable and convenient for you.

We will not go into details why yours stopped working and why you needed a virtual/on-screen keyboard. I already know this, everyone eats and drinks in front of the computer, and the rest are psychopaths and beat her). If your keyboard is out of order, it’s not a big deal and you can temporarily replace it. Let's see how to do this.

How to enable the virtual keyboard

You know, when I needed it myself, I found it right away, but then, out of curiosity, I looked at what answers there were on the Internet before writing this post. I was surprised by the answers on YouTube and other sites... It’s terrible, the authors write how to call up the keyboard using hot keys... But, if I’m looking for how to find it, it means my keyboard doesn’t work and I can’t press these keys).

Below I wrote how to enable the virtual keyboard with the mouse only:

WindowsXP – 7: Open the Start menu, then All Programs, then Accessories, Accessibility and select On-Screen Keyboard.

Windows 8- Open Control Panel, then "Accessibility" After "Enable on-screen keyboard"

Windows 10– In the notification panel, click on the keyboard icon and select “Show button touchpad" Or “Control Panel”, “Accessibility”, “Keyboard”, turn on the “Enable” lever on-screen keyboard».

Linux - Unfortunately, this is not provided and must be installed. Everything would be fine, but to install you need to write to command line. Therefore, I recommend moving on to the next point.

MacOS- "Programs", " System Settings", "Language and text", "Input sources" check the box next to "Keyboard and symbols" and next to the languages ​​you need. Now to open it, click on the flag (at the top, where you can change the language) and click “Show panel”.

On-screen keyboard online

If for some reason standard program you are not satisfied, you can use it online. Quite a convenient solution, but the standard one is better.

I used the Yandex keyboard, and it is quite comfortable. To open it, go to the “ ” result and click “Keyboard” at the bottom.

It is more convenient because the input field is higher and you can enter a fairly large text, which you cannot do in Yandex, but in any case this is a temporary perversion and no one will write large texts this way.

Download virtual keyboard

I know that there are individuals who are not suitable simple solutions problems and they like to complicate their lives, so I want to recommend the virtual keyboard programs “Hot Virtual Keyboard».

Unlike all previous options, this program allows you to change the design, make flexible settings, and many more interesting things, but in my opinion unnecessary.

What surprises life will give us! There are, of course, pleasant ones, but there are also unpleasant ones. Once again, while carefreely typing on your favorite laptop, the keyboard may stop working.

Of course, you can take it for repairs, but here’s what to do if you wrote important message? To resolve this situation, there are virtual keyboards that are no different in functionality from their physical counterparts.

Today you will get acquainted with the program Free Virtual Keyboard, learn about its functionality, interface and, finally, you can download a virtual keyboard to your computer for free.

Free Virtual Keyboard What are its capabilities?

Attention! Have you heard about telegrams? This new program from Pavel Durov, the creator of VKontakte, I suggest.

Free Virtual Keyboard is free program, simulating a real keyboard. Its functionality is no different from a real keyboard, and it is also customizable. This application works on any device under Windows control.

Changing the scale

You can resize the keyboard in the window as it supports stretch mode.

This is what it looks like if you lower it to the bottom of the screen (convenient for touch devices):

This is the look it takes on if it is “compressed” to the very minimum size:

Change color range and transparency

Among useful options, there are color and transparency settings. True, the transparency is completely adjustable according to your wishes, but color settings limited. Within one minute, I gave the program this look:

Auto repeat function

The auto-repeat function is similar to holding down any key on a real keyboard.


Free Virtual Keyboard is completely portable application, which can be copied to any flash drive and then launched. All program settings are stored either in the FreeVK.ini file or in Windows registry.


This program can be downloaded in eight languages ​​and then worked in them.

Bottom line

The program is convenient because:

  1. Constantly receives updates.
  2. Works for everyone Windows versions (98-8.1).
  3. Supports touch screens(relevant for tablet computers).
  4. Stretching in the window.
  5. Downloading this keyboard to your computer and setting it up is very simple.

In order to have a virtual keyboard always at hand, move this link to your bookmarks bar:

For example, in Firefox browser it looks like this:

(The bookmarks bar must be turned on).


The Virtual Keyboard program allows you to enter characters using the mouse. Yes, it’s not very convenient, but it’s definitely better than writing: “ska4at russkaya klaviatura...”

This program can be useful if you need to type text in a language whose alphabet characters are not available on the keyboard buttons or support for the corresponding layout is not installed in the operating system.

Another possible area of ​​application for a virtual keyboard is the secure entry of confidential data (passwords, bank account numbers, credit cards). If you do not rule out that you are being monitored by some program that records your keystrokes on the keyboard, then a virtual keyboard is the solution to this problem!

On this moment(dated September 14, 2013) version 4.0.1 is available for download.

Version 4.0.1

This version has 75 language layouts and supports 53 languages:

Russian, Azerbaijani, Albanian, English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Dutch, Greek, Georgian, Danish, Hebrew, Icelandic, Spanish, Italian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian , Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Thai, Tamil, Tatar, Turkish, Uzbek, Ukrainian, Urdu, Farsi, Finnish, French, Croatian, Czech, Swedish , Estonian, Japanese,
has an English interface.

Another version of the program - - is an analogue of the "Virtual Keyboard" program. The difference between them is that it is written in the language Java programming, so it works regardless of the hardware, settings and language of the operating system, and is also platform independent. Those. it can run on both Windows and Linux, as well as any other operating systems.

The only condition: to run the program, you must have a Java virtual machine installed on your computer (Java Virtual Machine or JRE), which is not usually included with the operating system. Therefore it must be installed separately. Virtual machine Java can be downloaded from:

Screen Windows keyboard 8 is a special feature of the operating system. It is available for everyone Windows versions, including the G8. Why is it needed? The fact is that there are cases when there is no keyboard on the computer, but you still need to type some text. Of course, doing this with a mouse on the screen is less convenient than on full keyboard, but still in certain situations we have no choice.

The Windows 8 virtual keyboard has the same capabilities as the regular keyboard. That is, you can switch the layout on it, use everything standard features and so on. It can only be used with the mouse.

It is worth noting that this tool was also present in previous versions OS, however, in the G8 approached this issue more carefully. The fact is that Windows 8 was developed not only for computers, but also for tablets, smartphones, and so on. And if on a PC such functions are used very rarely, then on mobile devices they will work constantly.

The on-screen keyboard for Windows 8 was developed by an entire department. the main objective developers' goal was to bring the tool to perfection and make it as convenient and functional as possible. Of course, on mobile devices such tools open automatically at the right moments. But how to open it on a computer with Windows 8?

On-screen keyboard in Windows 8: Video

Where is the virtual keyboard located?

This function is located in the “Special Features” section. You can find this service in the control panel. There are actually two options for how to launch the virtual keyboard:

  • Through search.
  • In the management console.

Launch via search

The first option is to move the mouse cursor to the right top corner on your desktop or Metro menu. In the menu that appears, open the search. In the line, write the name of the tool you want to open. Next, simply select the desired option from the search results.

Launch via management console

The second way to enable the on-screen keyboard in Windows 8 is to find it in the Control Console. You can launch the Control Panel using the Start + X key combination. After clicking them, a menu will open in which select the appropriate item.

Now you have two options further actions. First, you can go to the Accessibility section. Next, go to the “Special Features” item. A window will open showing additional functions, among which you can find the on-screen keyboard.

Secondly, in Control Panel you can use search bar. It is located in the upper right corner. Write the appropriate phrase in it. In the results, you will see the “Accessibility” section and the “Enable on-screen keyboard” sub-item. Click on it.

Hot keys in Windows 8. Hot keys Windows 8: Video

Setting up the virtual keyboard

It's not enough to just run the tool. It's important to know how to use it. In addition, it can be customized to improve ease of use. First of all, you should know how to change the layout. In a normal situation, this is done by simultaneously pressing two keys – Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift. However, we won’t be able to press at the same time on the screen. To change the language, first press Alt. It will light up. After this, click on Shift key, which should also be highlighted. Now again on the Alt button. After these steps, the layout will change.

In order to go to additional settings, you need to press the “Options” key. It is located in the bottom row on the right side of the keyboard. Here you can configure some functions.

For getting detailed information about the functionality of the tool, press the "Help" key.

It is worth noting that if you are not satisfied with the built-in virtual keyboard for Windows 8, then you can download a more advanced version from additional functions for working on the Internet.

The keyboard does not work in Windows 8: Video