Which Linux distribution to choose? Which distribution should a novice Linux user choose?

It's time to take stock as the year comes to an end. There have been many truly great and interesting releases in the Linux world, some distributions have received new versions, others have changed their development vector, and others have even started developing new concept of their products. There are many accomplishments, but keeping track of them all is a difficult task, and perhaps even incomprehensible to some. However, here and now we have collected for you top 5 best Linux distributions for 2017 according to GitJournal. Naturally, our opinion is purely subjective and does not claim to be the ultimate truth, but nevertheless, if you want to add or refute something, write about it in the comments. You can also check out and.

The best Linux distributions of 2017

Manjaro Linux

No matter what anyone says, this distribution confidently takes the first place in Distowatch. In 2017, Manjaro quickly jumped to 3rd place, and perhaps in 2018 it will become the leader of this rating.

The arche-like distribution is famous not only for its completeness and stability, but also for its responsiveness to beginners, as well as improved hardware support. It was thanks to all these nuances together that Manjaro began to enjoy popularity, which ultimately brought it to the leading positions of many of the top best Linux distributions.

Officially, Manjaro Linux comes with three graphical shells. It's fast XFCE, beautiful and feature-rich KDE, and elegant and sophisticated GNOME. But you can also use the community versions, which are on this moment include the following graphical shells: Mate, LXDE, LXQT, Cinnamon, Budgie, DDE. There is also an assembly with a tiled window manager i3, but this is for special connoisseurs.

More detailed information You can find information about this distribution on the official resource. There you can also find links to download Manjaro images, or if you want, you can use the button below, which will take you directly to the download page.

Linux Mint

In the same ranking, Distroarch Linux Mint has been ranked first for many years now. But this is far from the only reason why this distribution is in our top 5.

Mint is an Ubuntu-derived version of GNU/Linux (more precise than just Linux) that specializes in providing users with a user-friendly and efficient operating system. . That is, immediately after installation the computer will be ready for use.

Developers use and support their own graphical shell, Cinnamon, but Linux Mint is also available in other editions. For example, you can use versions with XFCE, KDE and MATE. There may be versions with other shells, but they are already being developed and supported by the community.

The distribution is perfect for work and simple home use; it has proper stability and does not require constant monitoring by users.

For the rest of the information, you can go to the official Linux Mint resource, as well as the developers' blog. There, among other things, you will find release announcements and changelogs. And to go to the download page, click on this button:


What top would be complete without the orange giant. Ubuntu is the ancestor of hundreds of other distributions, and it is deservedly considered one of the best.

2017 was a turning point for Ubuntu. Just two months ago, Ubuntu 17.10 was released. A distribution that uses GNOME as its graphical shell default. Canonical decided to abandon Unity, which was a rather painful act for a huge number of fans. But is it all that bad? Yes, now Unity will not be used as standard shell, But .

Custom GNOME in corporate colors and style looks quite nice. Many users note that this environment is more convenient and practical. And again, there is the possibility of using other versions, as they say, choose as much as you like. The Ubuntu family has distributions with almost all known graphical environments, so you definitely won’t be bored.

We must not forget that, like previous distributions, Ubuntu is a fairly friendly system. Many people fell in love with this system; to say nothing, they even recommend this distribution, positioning it as “the most beloved.”

You can get acquainted with this system in more detail on the official Russian-language website. You can also read the article:. And the beautiful orange button below will take you directly to the download page:

Arch Linux

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that this distribution is definitely not for beginners. Arch Linux is not user-friendly, and many may have difficulty installing and configuring it. However, if you can still do this, as a reward for your efforts you will receive a stable, virtually indestructible system for home and work.

As already mentioned, installing Arch is quite complex. It is worth remembering that it is reproduced using console commands and configs, which you will edit throughout the installation. Naturally, all these commands, their sequence and nuances are available in the official documentation. By the way, it is even in Russian. In the Installation guide you can find answers to all your questions. There, the installation and configuration process is literally described point by point, following which you will certainly come to the result. However, it is worth saying that first you should try installing this system on a virtual machine, and only then on a real one. This way, at least you won’t waste time restoring your PC in case you make a mistake somewhere.

The Arch Linux philosophy implies that the user must independently control the operation of his PC. This means that logically the system should be more difficult to use. But no matter how it is. Using this distribution, you will quickly master the basics Linux administration. You will learn the necessary commands, learn how to work with the terminal and settings, and, in principle, you will be ready for any surprises. And although everything looks complicated and incomprehensible at first, you will soon begin to understand how your system works.

It’s also worth noting here regarding graphical shells: you are free to install absolutely any environment, because installing this distribution is comparable to assembling a constructor. At a certain stage, you only need to select the one you need, and then, based on this, continue installing the system.

More detailed information can be found on the official resource, as well as on the Arch wiki. This button takes you to the download page.

Let's face it, Linux can overwhelm almost any complexity for new users. But then, it is not Linux that brings this complexity, it is most likely the “newness” factor that causes such feelings.

This article is especially for those who have no idea what else you can use on your computer instead of Windows or Mac OS.

The best distributions for new users

Please remember that this is a list in no particular order. The main criteria for compiling this list are ease of installation out of the box, ease of use and availability of software packages.

If you've ever been interested in Linux on the Internet, then it's very likely that you've already come across . Ubuntu is one of the leading Linux distributions. And it's almost the perfect distro to start your Linux journey with.

Ubuntu has been labeled as Linux for the people. This is because Ubuntu has already put a lot of effort into universal usability. Ubuntu doesn't require you to be a prodigy. It breaks the concept of the Linux line - for programmers, and this is one of the main points.

Ubuntu offers a very convenient installation procedure. The installer simply says, “in what language do you want to install me?” You can even try Ubuntu before you start the installation procedure. The installer provides simple options:

  • Erase disk and install Ubuntu
  • Installing Ubuntu next to the existing OS (a choice is given at each startup to select the OS to boot).
  • Setting up sections for users who know what they are doing.

Initial tip: Choose the second option if you are not sure what to do.

The user interface in Ubuntu is called Unity. This is a very simple desktop shell. Launch and favorite applications in the dock on the left side (the so-called “Dash”) and search for applications, which is carried out by clicking on the Super button (Windows) or by clicking on the Ubuntu logo. It couldn't be simpler, could it?

There is no hassle in installing drivers in Ubuntu, which comes with a hardware detector that detects, downloads and installs the optimal drivers for your PC. Besides, installed system comes with all basic software such as music player, video player, office suite and other useful programs.

Ubuntu has great documentation and public support. The Ubuntu and Ask Ubuntu forums provide significant quality support on almost every aspect related to Ubuntu. And it is very likely that any question you want to ask may already be answered by someone.

If you decide to install Ubuntu, then you can download this distribution on the official website.

Linux Mint Cinnamon

Most computer users are Windows users. And when a Windows user gets Linux, there is a fair amount of 'unlearning' that the user must go through. A huge number of operations have been recorded in our muscle memory. For example, the mouse goes to the bottom left corner of the screen (Start), you probably want to launch the application every time. I can only recommend a distribution that alleviates all these problems on Linux, and half the battle is won. Look at .

Zorin OS is a distribution based on Ubuntu based, with well polished Linux distribution, which is well suited for users switching from Windows. Although almost every Linux distribution can be used by everyone, some people are very uncomfortable with seeing someone else's desktop, and Zorin OS will make this transition easier for you.

Package managers seem at first Linux newbies, something supernatural. That's why Zorin OS comes with a huge (and I mean really huge) list of pre-installed software. Everything you need is already installed in Zorin OS.

Zorin OS comes with amazing feature changing the topic. It offers some heavy customization options with presets to make your OS look like Windows 7, XP, 2000 or even Mac.

These features make Zorin OS the best Linux distro for beginners, right?

Go to the official website to download the latest version of Zorin OS.

Since we've looked at distributions for Windows users, let's look at something for MacOS users. very quickly rose in the rankings, and is now always included in the list of the best distributions, all thanks to its aesthetic essence. Inspired by the look of MacOS, Elementary OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distributions.

Elementary OS is another Ubuntu-based distribution, which means that the operating system itself is undoubtedly stable. Elementary OS comes with the Pantheon desktop environment, and you can immediately notice the similarities with MacOS. This is an advantage for MacOS users who are moving to Linux, as they will feel very comfortable with this distribution, and it really makes the process of coping with the change easier.

The menu is very simple and customizable according to user preferences. The operating system is not intrusive, so you can really focus on your work. It comes with very a small amount pre-installed software, so any New user, won't be distracted by huge bells and whistles, but will have everything you need out of the box. For additional software, Elementary OS provides a neat AppCenter that is accessible and easy to use. All in one place. You can get all the software you want and update in just a few clicks.

You should try it. You can download Elementary OS on the official website.

A large number of people who come to Linux are looking to revitalize old computers. In the operating room Windows system 10, many computers that had decent performance just a few years ago have become incompetent. And if you are looking for a distribution that will resurrect your old computer, then look at Linux side Mate.

Linux Mint Mate is a very lightweight, not demanding, but still polished distribution. It can work smoothly on weak computers. The desktop environment won't bring you bells and bells. But it is in no way inferior in functionality to any other desktop environment. The operating system is not intrusive and allows you to work productively without loss of quality.

Again, Linux Mint Mate is based on Ubuntu and has the benefit of Ubuntu's huge solid software repository base. It comes with a minimum number of essentials that are pre-installed. Easy installation of drivers and management of system settings is very accessible even for beginners.

You can run Linux Mint Mate even if you have 512 MB random access memory and 9 GB free space on your hard drive (the more, the better).

If you have already made your choice, then you can download Linux Mint Mate on the official website.

Before you say that you shouldn't guide a newbie to such a complex distribution as ArchLinux, listen to me first.

Arch is considered an expert distribution only because of its very complex installation procedure. Manajro and Arch Linux have common origin. But they're in to a large extent different in everything else.

Has a very beginner friendly installation procedure. Many things are automated, such as driver installation using Hardware Detection. With Manjaro, you will forget about searching for manuals for installing drivers, which plagues many other Linux distributions. And even if you have questions, Manjaro has amazing community support.

Manjaro has its own software repository which maintains the latest software and this is one of the priorities for the users. One of the main differences between Arch and Manjaro is that Manjaro delays package releases to ensure that they are completely stable and will not cause regressions. You can also access the Arch User Repository on Manjaro, which has everything you need available.

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All these Linux distributions have one Linux kernel, choose from the top 20 Linux distributions according to your needs. Whether you are a demanding user or even a gamer, Linux distributions will offer tons of convenient and powerful features for you.


One of the most popular and in demand Linux OS, Ubuntu has been for a long time best choice when it comes to a proprietary operating system that is fast, powerful and customizable. With Ubuntu, you can easily install and run any application or software Linux software on computer. In addition, you also get access to its built-in software repository. Like every year, 2018 will also feature improvements and bug fixes for Ubuntu, making it even more user-friendly.

Why Ubuntu?

  • user friendly;
  • easy for a beginner;
  • very popular.

2. Arch Linux

If you are a person who values ​​simple, intuitive, and well-documented software, Arch Linux is the ideal Linux distribution to use in 2018. With strong community support, you can easily install whatever you want.

Why Arch Linux?

  • well documented;
  • excellent repository;
  • always fresh/new updates.

3.Elementary OS

If you're looking for a fast, open, and reliable Linux distribution in 2018, Elementary OS is the ideal low-maintenance platform that runs well on computers and has good community support. It is based on a modern design that is pleasant to use and you can easily enjoy its AppCenter to install new applications for your needs.

Why Elementary OS?

4. CentOS

For people interested in choosing the right Linux distribution, CentOS is a stable, secure, manageable and responsive open source platform. source code, created by the Red Hat Linux community. You can rely on it for a decent set of applications such as browser, contacts, photo manager, mail client, text editor, audio player, document viewer, clock, etc.

Why CentOS?

  • easy to use for beginners;
  • enterprise-grade security;
  • high level of stability;
  • fast.

5. Linux Mint

Starting out as Ubuntu, Linux Mint has quickly become the distribution of choice for many users in recent years. Thanks to its selection system utilities, such as program manager, update manager, menu, etc. and its simplicity of taste, which is stability.

Why Linux Mint?

  • stability and reliability;
  • speed;
  • easy to use for beginners.

6. Debian

One of the oldest and most popular distributions Linux. Debian is still a decent choice for 2018. Consisting of free software, it has a wide selection of hardware platforms, plus a strong community of developers that you can rely on.

Why Debian?

  • simple installation and ease of use;
  • comes with 37000+ packages;
  • strong community support.

7. openSUSE

One of the most popular Linux distributions among commercial users, openSUSE is based on the RPM package management system and offers Xfce, LXDE, GNOME and Mate for installation. openSUSE is one of the most regularly updated distributions and you can use it for deployment, regular use, games and virtualization in 2018. It is a powerful and versatile Linux distribution.

Why openSUSE?

  • powerful and versatile;
  • excellent multimedia support;
  • excellent repository implementation.

8. Ubuntu MATE

This distribution is perfect if you work on a laptop. A good online Linux distribution that offers an excellent balance between performance and resource usage. It is easy to use, has a user-friendly interface that can be easily used on almost any configuration.

Why Ubuntu MATE?

  • easy;
  • consumes little power;
  • easy to use.


A community-driven derivative of Ubuntu, XUBUNTU is one of the best desktop Linux distributions in 2018. Based on Debian, it used the default Xfce environment to efficiently use resources as an open source platform that combines elegance and lightness.


  • easy;
  • very fast and responsive;
  • customizable.

10. Fedora

Supported by RedHat, the largest contributor to the Linux kernel, Fedora is one of the fastest and most secure Linux distributions to use in 2018. It is a leader in the virtualization market and also offers strong community support for users. In addition, it practically automatically updates to eliminate errors and fix old versions.

Why Fedora?

  • good graphics;
  • fastest loading time;
  • user-friendly;
  • *safe.

11. Gentoo

Free operating system based on Linux or FreeBSD, optimized and configured for efficient work in server, desktop and gaming environments. Gentoo takes its name from the Gentoo penguin, which is the fastest species of penguin.

Why Gentoo?

  • popular distribution among geeks;
  • stable and secure system;
  • you can assemble everything yourself.

12. Slax

Slax is a distribution on Debian based, designed to run from a USB drive. The project has released a new version of the desktop distribution with version. The main change in the new version is the introduction additional firmware for wireless network devices.

Why Slax?

  • fast and lightweight distribution;
  • highly customizable.

13. Endless OS

Endless OS is an operating system based on Linux based, which provides a simplified and streamlined user experience using a customized GNOME 3 desktop environment. The Endless team has announced a new version of Endless OS. The new version makes it easier for multilingual users to switch languages ​​even before logging into their account.

Why Endless OS?

  • easy to use;
  • good graphics.

14. TrueOS

TrueOS is an open source operating system based on the FreeBSD development branch. TrueOS is a deployment platform that includes the Lumina desktop environment and the OpenRC service manager. The latest snapshot of the project, version 17.12, includes LibreSSL in basic system(replacement for OpenSSL), support virtual machine Bhyve and the latest drivers supplied by the FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT division.

Why TrueOS?

  • stable system;
  • safe.

15. Rosa

ROSA - Russian company, which develops many Linux solutions. Flagship product ROSA Desktop is a Linux distribution with a highly customizable KDE desktop and several modifications designed to improve the user experience work environment. The company is also developing an "Enterprise Server" edition of ROSA, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Why Rosa?

  • Russian-language support;
  • multifunctional.

16. Bluestar Linux

Bluestar Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. The Bluestar distribution includes: latest packages, full set desktop and multimedia programs for default installation and DVD for home desktop.

Why Bluestar Linux?

  • regular and fresh updates;
  • stable by default.

17. Manjaro

Manjaro Linux is a fast, easy-to-use desktop operating system based on Arch Linux. Key Features: include an intuitive installation process, automatic detection hardware, stable rolling model, ability to install multiple cores, special Bash scripts for management graphics drivers and extensive desktop customization. Manjaro Linux offers Xfce as its core desktop options, as well as a minimalist version of Net for more advanced users. Community-supported GNOME 3/Cinnamon and KDE variants are available. Users also enjoy the support and vibrant Manjaro community forum.

Why Manjaro?

  • fast system, time-tested;
  • very popular;
  • good community support.


Antergos is a modern, elegant and powerful operating system based on Arch Linux. It began life as Cinnarch, combining the Cinnamon desktop with the Arch Linux distribution, but the project has moved on from its original goals and now offers a choice of several desktops, including GNOME 3 (default), Cinnamon, Razor-qt, and Xfce. Antergos also provides its own graphical installer.

Why Antegros?

  • stable system;
  • Quite frisky.

19. Solus

Solus is a Linux distribution built from the ground up. It uses a forked version of the PiSi package manager, maintained as "eopkg" in Solus, and a custom desktop environment called "Budgie" developed in-house. Desktop computer Budgie, which can be configured to emulate the look and feel of the GNOME 2 desktop, is tightly integrated with the GNOME stack. Available on 64-bit computers only.

Why Solus?

  • historically attractive (“a Linux distribution built from the ground up”);
  • your package manager.

Deepin (formerly Deepin, Linux Deepin, Hiweed GNU/Linux) is a Debian-based distribution (it was based on Ubuntu until version 15 released in late 2015) that aims to provide an elegant, user-friendly and reliable operating system. Not only is it the best the open source world has to offer, but it also created own environment desktop environment called DDE or Deepin Desktop Environment, based on the Qt 5 suite. Deepin places great emphasis on intuitive design. Its home apps like Deepin Software Center, DMusic and DPlayer are tailored to the average user. Being easy to install and use, deepin can be a good alternative to Windows for office and home use.

It's here New Year, which means it’s time to look into the future, find the best, most promising Linux distributions.

Linux distributions are often task-oriented. So you can't just make a list operating systems and say: “they are the best.” Here we highlight several areas of Linux use and select those distributions that have every chance of becoming first in their niche in 2017.

Best distribution for system administrators: Parrot Linux

Parrot Linux is based on Debian and offers almost every imaginable penetration testing tool

Any administrator always has a lot of work to do. Without a good set of tools, his days are a constant test of strength, a constant race. However, there are many Linux distributions ready to help. One of them is Parrot Linux. I am sure it will gain serious popularity in 2017.

This distribution is based on Debian, it offers great amount means for testing the security of systems from unauthorized access. Here, in addition, you can find tools from the field of cryptography and computer forensics, tools for working with cloud services and packages to ensure anonymity. There is also something for developers, and even programs for organizing time. All this (in fact, there is a sea of ​​tools) works on the basis of a stable, time-tested system. The result is a distribution that is perfect for software professionals. information security and network administrators.

Parrot Linux is currently ranked 57th on Distrowatch. I believe that by the end of the year it will be possible to see a significant advance of this distribution to the top of the rankings.

Best Desktop Distro: Elementary OS

Cute appearance is not the only advantage of Elementary OS Loki. This OS is stable, convenient, and its creators are attentive to detail.

Perhaps I am biased towards this distribution, but I am sure that Elementary OS Loki will do the impossible and knock Linux Mint from first place, having received the enviable title of “best” in 2017 desktop distribution" If it does, Elementary OS will have accomplished a pretty impressive feat, considering Linux Mint has consistently topped Distrowatch's rankings.

Now Elementary OS is in sixth place (and Linux Mint continues to reign in first place). Is it possible that Elementary OS could dethrone Mint? It seems so. Loki has not only established itself as one of the most beautiful Linux distributions, the system is also stable, convenient, and understandable.

Some may find the Elementary OS desktop too similar to a Mac. However, such a comparison is a plus of the system, as it indicates the potential user experience. Of course, Loki's appearance customization isn't as limited as OS X's customization, so you can make it exactly what you need.

Gentoo is a Linux distribution based on compiling source packages for specific hardware. After installing the OS, the user is required to self-assembly everything he needs. This not only requires a fairly high level of understanding of Linux, but also patience and time. In the end, however, you can get exactly what you need and nothing extra. Gentoo is not a new project; it has existed for many years. But if, among other things, you want to prove to yourself and others that you are a Linux expert, you cannot do without Gentoo.

Best Distribution for the Internet of Things: Snappy Ubuntu Core

By using snap packages, Snappy Ubuntu Core simplifies software installation and eliminates headaches during updates. The result is an OS that's perfect for IoT.

Now we are talking about small form factor devices. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is an area where embedded Linux has no equal. There are many distributions available that are suitable for IoT. However, I am sure that 2017 will be the year of Snappy Ubuntu Core.

Thanks to the use of snap packages, installing and updating software in Snappy Ubuntu Core is simple and fast. No need to worry about dependencies or interruptions due to updates.

The result is an ideal software platform for IoT. Ubuntu Snappy Core can already be found in boards for computer enthusiasts (like the Rasberry Pi), as well as in Erle-Copter drones and Dell Edge Gateways, Nextcloud Box and LimeSDR.

Best server distro for small and medium-sized organizations: CentOS

CentOS is a reliable server platform

It is not surprising that CentOS remains a welcome guest on the servers of small and medium-sized organizations. There is one very important reason for this state of affairs: CentOS is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) source code. Because of this, when choosing CentOS, you can rest assured that you are looking at a reliable, proven server platform.

The main difference between RHEL and CentOS (besides the different marketing strategies) - support. RHEL users are provided with official Red Hat technical support. However, since 2004, CentOS “tech support” has been a huge community of enthusiasts.

As a result, if you are a small or medium-sized business owner looking to migrate your servers to an open source platform, you should first take a look at CentOS.

Best Enterprise Server Distribution: RHEL

Red Hat is perfectly suited to the needs of enterprise customers

Again, we can say that there is nothing surprising here. For example, SUSE is making significant efforts to capture the corporate OS market; one day these efforts will lead it to the heights of glory, but unfortunately this will not happen this year. In 2017, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) will hold the first position among the most popular corporate distributions.

According to Gartner, RHEL holds 67% of the market for Linux distributions for large organizations, while a subscription to RHEL brings Red company Hat about 75% of income. There are many reasons for this state of affairs. So, Red Hat offers to corporative clients exactly what they need, but in addition, the company puts great effort into developing many open source projects.

Red Hat knows what Linux is and what the enterprise sector is. Red Hat is trusted by many Fortune 500 companies (eg ING, Sprint, Bayer Business Services, Atos, Amadeus, Etrade). The RHEL distribution has brought many developers to a new level in the areas of security, integration, management, and working with cloud systems.

I think, in addition, Red Hat will invest a lot of effort in the IoT area this year. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of 2017 SUSE takes a little more bite out of Red Hat’s market share.

The choice is yours

One of the great things about the Linux platform is that ultimately the choice is up to the user. There are hundreds of systems to choose from, many of which will perfectly suit the most demanding requirements. However, if you use one of the distributions described above, I am sure it will not disappoint you.

What do you use and for what? What can you recommend to our readers from the Linux world?

Yes, 2018 has just begun, and talking about the best distributions now is at least illogical. But why don’t we make a top list of distributions that would do great this year? Many beginners already enter queries into search engines, such as: « The best distributions Linux 2018"; or "Top best Linux distributions 2018". Actually, why not write about it? Why not rank Linux distributions that would be great for users? In general, in order to keep up with trends, I decided to write my own top of the best Linux distributions 2018.

7 Best Linux Distros of 2018

  • Personal experience using the distribution (and I have worked with many of them)
  • User reviews about a particular distribution
  • Distro rating (popularity) on Distrowatch

Also, among other things, this top will be slightly different from the others. I will highlight 7 categories, each of which will have one winning distribution. I’ll say right away that I picked up this idea from a friendly resource - Losst. But I won’t repeat that article exactly (which you can also read), but I’ll try to do something of my own.

Best distro for home use: Manjaro Linux

It's quite funny that this is already the second top Linux distribution, with Manjaro taking first place. But, as I already said, this rating differs in its approach. Here, each category has its own winner, and, based on the factors listed above, we can safely conclude: Manjaro is a great candidate for a home distribution.

Best Linux Gaming Distro 2018: Ubuntu

It might be strange to talk about games and Linux in the same paragraph. But no matter how it is, a wide variety of new gaming products have been available on Linux for a long time. Of course, Linux gaming is not developing as actively as, for example, mobile gaming. But there is something to see here too. The same “flagships” online games, such as Dota 2 or CS:GO, are also available on Linux. That is why I decided to include this category in this article.

When talking about the interaction of a Linux distribution with games, one must always take into account a number of factors. The key one will be the performance (number of frames or FPS) in a particular game. And while all Linux distributions are based on the same kernel (hence, hardware support is also roughly the same), Ubuntu has the necessary components and access to settings that can play key role with the same performance in games. And all kinds of life hacks that are on the Internet are aimed primarily at Ubuntu.

And this Linux distribution is perfect would be better suited for old computers. It can also be used on laptops, because the LXDE shell used in it consumes very little energy. The developers position this distribution this way: a lightweight, energy-efficient Linux distribution for older PCs.

LXLE is based on Lubuntu, but unlike its predecessor, it has a nicer design and pack pre-installed applications. These little things make this distribution a leader. It will be especially relevant in 2018, because with the release of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS a new version of LXLE will appear. Yes, yes, developers prefer to use LTS releases as a basis. I think this is the right decision.

This distribution is really great for use on old and low-power machines. In his arsenal he has not only necessary software. However, LXLE has special utilities to improve performance. With their help, you can truly feel the speed of the operating system.

As before, this Linux distribution is available for download on the official website. Use the button below to go there.

And for the umpteenth time, Linux Mint appears as the best Linux distribution for beginners. I think it's stupid to dispute this. It was possible, of course, to find something similar and push it into the top purely for the sake of “non-standard”. But this is not the best approach, because that other distribution will not be as good as Mint.

In short, not a distribution kit, but a fairy tale. Actually, it is for this reason that this distribution is installed in all kinds of companies and organizations (as Windows replacement, for which you don’t want to pay). Using Linux Mint is easy and simple; you can get used to the design and arrangement of elements in a couple of hours.

The most beautiful Linux distribution of 2018: Deepin

Oddly enough, Deepin is also a frequent guest of various tops and ratings. As you can see from the screenshot above, the developers pay Special attention exactly appearance. For those who don’t know, I’ll explain: Deepin uses its own graphical shell - DDE. The authors of the project independently develop and support it.

It's worth noting that what you see in the screenshot is not the only desktop "style" that is available in the shell. With a few simple manipulations, you can instantly turn a Mac-like interface into a Windows-like one. Tempting? I know that it’s not, and yet, for users who are just switching to Linux, this will even be useful. They won’t have to get used to it for long and look for some system elements. Everything will be available in almost the same places (but there are still minor differences).

However, you will learn the most information about Deepin on the official website. So hurry up and get there. And the button below, by the way, can help you with this very well:

Best Linux distribution to learn: Arch

Do you want to learn Linux? Do you want to understand how everything works there, study what the system consists of, get a feel for how the system works and learn how to customize it completely for yourself? Arch Linux will be a great choice for you. By choosing this distribution, you kill two birds with one stone: you get excellent, stable and functional system; and learn to work with it, slowly understanding all the nuances and aspects of its use.

However, don’t think that everything is so easy. Pain and agony (especially if you are a beginner) will overtake you at the installation stage. You will have to use various checklists and manuals to set the base of the system. Then you will need to install the graphical shell itself, and then the driver. But this still needs to be configured, because after installation a bare shell with a standard set of applications and default design will be waiting for you. In general, the first installation and development will take a lot of time, but as a reward, you will receive the most valuable thing - knowledge. And based on them, you will be able to solve some local problems that will arise less and less often.

Another very important advantage of this system is its stability. I don’t know if this is due to the fact that the user does and installs everything himself, but when I assembled Arch for the first time, this system lasted me quite a long time. This was exactly the case until I took it down myself. It became boring, absolutely no errors or bugs. It worked cleanly and quickly, although I went to Arch to constantly fight him. But apparently it wasn’t fate, because I did everything right from the beginning.

However, despite everything, I really understood how the system works. What packages does it consist of, what to do in a given situation, and how to resolve various errors. This experience was useful to me when using other distributions (especially Arche-like ones), and now I can safely say: it was one of my most best experiences working with Linux.

The most unusual Linux distribution of 2018: Solus

Why the most unusual? Yes, it’s very simple: this is a fairly new distribution that is not based on any other. That is, if the same Deepin is related to Debian, and Manjaro is related to Arch Linux, then Solus is a purely innovative project that is not based on any other distribution.

But not only for this reason, I included Solus in the top best distributions of 2018. Among other things, it is also being developed with its own graphical shell. I believe that this project really deserves attention, especially in 2018. According to the same distribution list, Solus has already reached 6th place, and now its popularity is only growing. It is quite possible that when you read this article, the distribution will already be in 5th or 4th-3rd place.

The distribution itself, in addition to the basis of the graphical shell (whose name is Budgie), can be used with GNOME. Both versions, as well as all necessary information available on the official website.


Well, this is what I think it should look like top best Linux distributions 2018. If you disagree with something, write about it in the comments. If you agree, then write too, perhaps you would like to see some other categories and distributions.

As always, I will only say that like most materials, this top is subjective. I still put a bit of my opinion into it, and if you are faced with choosing a distribution, remember this.

Best Linux distributions 2018

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