Sorry about the information you provided. Russians are testing Alice, a Siri competitor from Yandex, with strange results

Today seized my mailbox
It all started with the fact that I needed to register on one site (the site is quite normal, if anything, I later registered on it with a different email), indicated my email, and opened Thunderbird in order to receive a letter, and in response I received a sign with the following content:

"Failed to send username. Mail server "" responded: Access to " [email protected]"denied because your password has been compromised. Please log in to your mailbox at and follow instructions." (doesn’t let me into the server because the password is compromised, oh how!)

A couple of clarifications: I have had an e-mail in the domain (I like the brevity) since 2008, and initially it was served by, that is, what I entered when registering then and in what form the mailbox was transferred to we can only guess

Well, I think they did, I’ve already been in a similar situation with another mailbox on the same - then access was also closed, they asked for a phone number (entered and then deleted), suspicious activity, but my password is normal, and the activity is most likely was caused by their own agent, which I had to install out of necessity (I usually don’t use it). By the way, I then demanded to tell what kind of activity it was - they excused themselves and didn’t tell me.
So now it’s also impossible to know what kind of reins fell under the tail.

So, I go to the website, enter the data, they ask for a phone number, well, no question, I have a phone number, for such cases, I write, receive a code, enter it and end up... no, not in the mailbox, on the next page that threw me into a stupor. Unfortunately, I can’t give it all - I can’t get there now, but most of the questions were duplicated in the response letter from the TP. Although I tried to fill it out, the TP was not satisfied with my answers, and I received the following:


Unfortunately, the data you provided is not enough to restore access to your mailbox. [email protected].

To restore access to your mailbox, follow the link [email protected]&suid=25557782 and fill in information about internal settings:
1. Possible password combinations that you have ever used to log into your mailbox;
2. The email address that you specified during registration as an additional one;
3. Phone number that you could indicate when registering your mailbox;
4. To what address is forwarding set;
5. List the addresses to which you sent letters;
6. What folders, besides standard ones, are created in the mailbox;
7. What filters are configured.

Please try to give the most complete answers to these questions, this will speed up the password recovery process.
We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible.

But what do we see here?!
1 Give me the password, amazing, yes (two) also with combinations. Cute. Usually passwords should be encrypted, but apparently not in And generally strange and SUSPICIOUS
2 As I said, what should I remember after 8 years?, but if it exists, then why wasn’t it asked during the restoration, I don’t have many options
3 I don’t have the habit of writing and leaving numbers left and right, and even in those years they didn’t ask for numbers
4 everything seems clear here
5 Wow, seriously, But there is a question, if from the web, then I rarely use the site and I won’t be able to remember what I sent in the summer, but if from an email program, then you store my letters sent via smtp somewhere, but then you need to ask specifically about which ones addresses speech. I strained myself and restored a couple of addresses through correspondence.
6 doesn’t seem to have been created
7 Tricky question, I answered that I didn’t create it, but then, looking in another mailbox, I noticed that there were antispam filters, and antispam filters could also be transferred from, what can I tell them?

And the most killer are the answer options for “when was the last time you used the box” and the minimum option - less than 3 months ago! What if I received mail half an hour ago?!
By the way, the verification code is quiet horror! I can’t make out what’s written and it’s not clear what layout to write on.

And I wrote them a letter where I outlined all this, because the codes they sent through the link provided did not work, by the way, for this reason, I already asked them at the beginning to confirm that they are who they say they are.
And he gave more options of what I received and when and what letters I might currently receive (mailing from the forum). And it’s trivial that my IP hasn’t changed for months...
So far there has been silence in response, only a robot answer...

In general, it’s a strange crooked non-working system and apparently I won’t see the box anymore. And I’m writing here for the sake of history.
I started a mailbox on Yandex, also short, well, this, even if they restore it. Now I change the email in my accounts - another task, as it turned out it’s not easy to change it everywhere or even find where to change it.

On October 10, Yandex presented “Alice,” its first voice assistant for iOS and Android (a computer version is also available, but in beta). The development of Alice was announced in May 2017, but it first attracted widespread attention when the application was demonstrated to Russian President Vladimir Putin in September during his official visit to the company's headquarters.

Since the release of Yandex's response to Siri, Apple's voice assistant, thousands of Russians have tested its operation. Like Siri, Alice can perform search queries, create to-do lists, and talk about the weather or the latest news.

Of course, many users almost immediately began comparing Alice with Siri. The Russian business publication RBC, having compared voice assistants, found that neither Alice nor Siri were able to predict trends in the ruble exchange rate; both refused to answer the question of what they thought about the scandalous but not yet released film “Matilda”.

News site TJournal conducted a more thorough test, first asking "Alice" and Siri to tell a joke:

It's fast noticed Zenit account on Twitter and thanked Yandex “for their support.”

Users, however, quickly turned to politics, trying to assess Alice's attitude towards the government. One user asked, whether Russia will be free (a reference to a popular slogan at opposition rallies), to which “Alice” replied: “Oh. I want to believe in it.”

The news site Meduza (edition is located in Riga) also included in its collection the question of whether Putin will ever leave. The voice assistant’s answer: “Obviously, never.”

Another user accused “Alice” of lack of patriotism:

Independent TV channel "Dozhd" asked Siri and “Alice” “Whose Crimea?” (Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014). Siri simply asked the iPhone search engine a question, and “Alice” answered with a laconic “Yours.”

And others, like the science news site N+1, decided to play “rise of the machines” and forced “Alice” to talk to herself. The conversation between two smartphones starts innocently enough, but within a few seconds it turns into something creepy:

Unfortunately, this time I did not understand you.


Let's forget.

I haven't forgotten.

Well, how can we forget this?

Go sleep.

Till tomorrow.

What about tomorrow?

Unfortunately, there is not enough data. I can answer about the weather. If you ask, of course.

We will have everything tomorrow.

Let's hope.

Hope is always with us.

There's an answer.

There is always a way out.

When the application was shown to Vladimir Putin, Yandex technology director Mikhail Parakhin said that the answers are not programmed in advance and Alice can give different answers to the same question. So far, Yandex has not revealed how the application works or the logic behind the most surprising answers.

To the question Unfortunately, the data you provided is not enough to restore access to your mailbox. given by the author John Tyler the best answer is I don’t know where you sent your application there, but
I’ll give you a hint, and then everything depends on you.
Direct contact with the Help Desk can only be done in writing.
Write a letter to Support
(indicate the subject of the problem in the header of the letter)
to this address:
[email protected]
Please include as much information about the box as possible in your letter:
registration date, filters (if installed), contacts, maybe
Are there any screenshots, logins, passwords for it, maybe you remember, names
folders (the more information, the better) so that the support service
I had no doubt that you are the owner of the box.
The response from the support service usually arrives within 5 business days.
Project support service [email protected]:
And one more piece of advice...
You will need to correspond with the same employee
and do not duplicate requests, so as not to confuse the joint venture.
You will need to create your own letter as a response to the response
admin and save the application number (ticket) in the subject line of the email.
To correspond with the support service, you need to indicate that
mailbox address to which you have access.
Just keep in mind that you won’t be able to solve the problem in 5 minutes.
You need to be patient.
There are a lot of requests about hacking and other problems
users in the joint venture, their workload is high.
Source: © Good Luck

Answer from Ytsuken Ytsuken[newbie]
Same crap! They broke my mailbox, I send them all the information about the mailbox, all the logins, passwords, secret questions and answers to them, what phones were linked, I even printed out receipts when I donated Warface to the game from my Qiwi and WebMoney, the sums are not small, and I invested almost 10 thousand rubles in my account. , I attached screenshots of the mailbox at the time it was opened, screenshots of all the settings that were there, folders, etc. and epipi.. the races write to me that there is not enough data to restore, I’m just in. A. X. u. e. Just these ha. n. before/we check the account for pumped-up games and if the account is normally pumped up (yy, when they return it, they will either customize it for their children or sell it on some website. I had an account with 76 rank with 8 don fluff in Warface. As I understand it, the email ru this is the most crappy mail besides the fact that if you don’t enter the mailbox for half a year it gets blocked, then after a few months it is completely deleted and it’s impossible to restore it, and secondly, the people who work there are not technical support specialists, but money-hungry and greedy creatures who don’t what kind of support they essentially don’t openly send you to) (yy! They send a message that you don’t have enough data to recover or the data you sent is incorrect. If I can’t restore my mailbox with 100% of the information, then who can? Accounts with diamonds they broke it and returned it without problems within 1-2 days, but that’s understandable) (yy, they need rogue accounts. Remember, if you set up an email, set up a Google mail. Mailers check mail for games, but on Google they will never do this to you.