How to launch chrome application. Advantages and disadvantages. Portable version of Google Chrome

Hello everyone Dear Visitors. In this lesson I will show you, how to install Google Chrome(Google Chrome). The Google Chrome browser is by far the fastest, most convenient, and simply the most. It is now rapidly switching to a large number of users and this is not just like that. Google Chrome really loads websites very quickly, and this is very important for users. I also recently switched to this browser and am very pleased with it.

And in this lesson I want to tell you in detail how to install Google Chrome, with detailed description and pictures. Although there is nothing complicated here, beginners who have only recently sat down at the computer have questions. And this lesson will help you.

In order to install Google Chrome, you first need to download it. You can do this using the link below.

Download Google Chrome browser

After downloading, we should have a file like this on our computer.

This is the installation file. We double-click on it with the left mouse button and wait until installation in progress. A small window should appear where it will be written "Installing Chrome".

There is no need to take any further actions, just run the installation file and wait. Google Chrome installation is automatic. After it finishes, the browser will start automatically.

We can click on the cross at the top of the browser and open « Visual bookmarks» .

Here we see that we already have several bookmarks, we can also add our own.

This assembly of the Google Chrome browser is provided by Yandex, there is even a search from Yandex. It is more convenient than standard Chrome. You can add any sites to visual bookmarks, but in regular Chrome they are added automatically and only those that we visit frequently, this is most often inconvenient. You always want to add to your bookmarks yourself, and not what you find.

As you can see, installGoogleChrome it was so simple that I had to talk more about the browser itself than about installing it. I also recommend reading the lesson on my website - In this lesson I tell you how you can change standard themes in Google Chrome.

And that’s all for me today, I think you’ve got the answer to the question of how to install Google Chrome! Bye everyone and SEE YOU!

Google Chrome is a browser being developed by Google based free browser Chromium and the Blink engine (until April 2013, WebKit was used). The first public beta for Windows was released on September 2, 2008, and the first stable version was released on December 11, 2008. You can download Google Chrome for free from our website using the official developer link.

According to StatCounter, Chrome is used by approximately 300 million Internet users, making it the most popular browser in the world - its market share as of October 2017 is 54.57%.


The undoubted leader in the range of browsers that allow you to surf the web comfortably is Google Chrome. And every time there are more and more people who want to download Google Chrome on their computer.

Popularity due fast speed page loading, as well as the high degree of security of this web browser.

It is also worth noting clear interface, made in a minimalist style. At the same time, everything necessary functions are always before your eyes.

The main difference between the browser is that each page you open acts as an independent software product. This means that if one page freezes, you will not have to reload the entire browser while closing all other tabs.

Thus, Google Chrome has made things easier for many users through its integration of a task manager, which is much like Windows component. Using this add-on, you can analyze information about all current processes and manage them, defining, for example, memory and system resource limits for each individual open tab.

Official website:


In short, Google Chrome is high speed browser with a concise interface and clear architecture. It features a minimalist design and no various extensions and plugins. However, it is precisely this minimalism that contributes to the fact that the utility does not consume many resources, and yet is distinguished by its speed of operation. Moreover, the latter is achieved due to the DOM of the kernel. This component provides fast loading web pages that users frequently visit. The V8 engine also contributed to the speed of JavaScript, facilitating fast processing scenarios.

Finding the right pages and information has become more convenient due to the integration of the search form into address bar. Moreover, in which search engine the search will be carried out - you can designate all this in the browser settings, choosing a more convenient option for yourself. Such integration and designation of preferences for one search engine allowed us to noticeably free the toolbar from unnecessary icons.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start, perhaps, by identifying those points that users appreciated.

First of all, a high degree of safety. Moreover, the developers placed emphasis precisely on the program’s careful relationship with system resources.

Further - maximum speed work. While competitors are trying to fill the original product with various plugins and extensions, Google developers Chrome, on the contrary, decided to abandon this. Thus, the browser will immediately begin its work, surprising you with its speed. And then you are already at will you can install the necessary add-ons, correlating their need and impact on the operating system.

It is also worth noting that the browser has integration with a Google account and supports different languages, and also has a voice control function.

It’s no wonder why so many people want to download Google Chrome on Windows 10, 8, 7.

Now it's time for the shortcomings.

For example, although there is a function here that allows you to disconnect from your Google account, not everyone generally likes to perform any actions in this regard.

Users also note the presence of data exchange between modules built into the browser and the corporation’s servers. Many believe that this is a form of espionage.

Unfortunately, Google Chrome does not allow you to save and view archives in mht format.

System requirements for installation

You will need:

  • 32 or 64-bit processor with a frequency of 500 megahertz,
  • RAM - 512 MB,
  • video adapter with memory more than 64 MB, supporting DirectX versions above 9.

How to install on Windows 10, 8, 7

First, you need to download the installation file.

Then a request will appear in front of you. You will need to click on “Run” and “Save”.

To launch the installer, you will need to double-click on the file.

How to delete

There are several ways you can perform this action.

Via the toolbar

This is perhaps the most popular option. First of all, you will need to open the Start menu and find “Control Panel” there. Double-click on it. Now you should find “Programs and Features”. Click on them.

You will see a list of those programs that are available in established form on your computer. Find the software you are looking for here and select the “Uninstall” action.

However, before you do this, go to the Google window and press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del. You will see a window where you need to select the “All time” period, and then click on “Clear history”. This will delete all data that the browser saved. Another point that should not be forgotten: for the removal procedure to be successful, do not forget to close the browser before doing so.

However, know that these actions still do not guarantee you complete removal programs. The fact is that “tails” may remain in the system.

The following two options will help you get rid of them.

AppData Catalog

To find it, you need to open “Computer”, the “Users” folder and find there User folder. There should be another folder in it - AppData. Sometimes this folder may be hidden from you. In order for the invisible thing to appear before your eyes, you need to go to the “Toolbar”, select “Folder Options” - “View” - “ Extra options" and confirm there what you want to show hidden files, folders and disks.

Now you can try to find AppData again. In it, like a nesting doll, there is one more folder -Local. And there will be what you need: the Google folder, which you need to delete completely.

System registry

If you once downloaded Google Chrome to your computer, and now want to get rid of the browser, then you need to open “Start” and enter the word “regedit” in the search bar. From the matches found, select regedit.exe. In front of you will be the registry editor and here you will have to catch your tails. For example, look at Chrome folder HTML, which is located in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, or in the Google folder in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section. All this will need to be removed.

After the entire procedure, you will need to restart your computer.

However, there is another way to do more than just clean tailings. remote browser, but complete removal of this utility. But for this you will need third party programs, which all the “tails” search for on their own.

Portable version of Google Chrome

The peculiarity of this version is that it can be run not only on a computer, but also on a laptop. And this is done using removable media. All browser settings are saved in a separate folder.

How to remove ads

If you have downloaded Google Chrome on Windows 10, 8, 7, then you can get rid of pop-ups, banners, images, advertisements in different ways.

For example, if in the banner settings you can enable the function of blocking pop-up windows on all sites. Here you can add exceptions if you need them.

There are also a number of browser extensions that can deal with such problems. For example, such as: Adblock Plus, Ad Muncher, Adguard.

How to add an express panel

This panel does not exist in this browser, so you have to look for other options to get its analogue.

To perform these steps, you will need to go to the control menu and select “Settings”. There you will find the field " Appearance" Here you can specify parameters, for example, “Always show”.

Now you will see a line at the top where you will need to add bookmarks. To do this, just open it in your browser desired page site and click on the star. This will add the page. In this case, you can not only indicate the name of this page, but if you have a lot of them, then group them into folders.

Now you will have all your bookmarks on the panel. However, you can hide them if you don't want them to be visible.

If this option does not suit you, then there is another option for creating an express panel using various extensions. For example, they will help you Speed ​​Dial 2 and Yandex Visual Bookmarks.

It is enough to install these add-ons to create about 48 bookmarks.

How to clear cache

You need to click on the tool to access Settings. This way you will open new tab. At the very bottom of the page you will be prompted to go to additional settings. There we select the item “Personal data” and “Clear history”. Also here you can not only clear the cache, but also delete the entire history of your visits to Internet sites, clean up passwords and other files that you do not need.

CCleaner program

How to recover deleted bookmarks

There are several ways to do this. The simplest one will require you to turn off bookmark syncing first. To do this, click on the browser menu and select “Settings”, and then get access to “Advanced synchronization settings”. Uncheck the box next to the word “Bookmarks” and save the changes.

Now you need to paste C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default into the address bar, and instead of the word NAME, enter the user name.

You will be taken to the Chrome folder where you can find the Bookmarks and Bookmarks.bak files.

Copy the first file to any convenient location on your computer, after which the option located in the Chrome folder must be deleted.

We remove bak from the file name Bookmarks.bak, making it relevant.

Now you can go back to the settings section and enable synchronization.

How to find out the version

You just need to find the “Help” item and select “About the browser”. In the window showing you information about software product, there will also be version information.


Google Chrome is a browser that, despite all its minimalism, amazes with efficient and speedy operation, undemanding system characteristics and wide functionality.

Chrome is a browser developed by Google back in 2008. Today, Chrome is the most popular web browser - it is used by over 30 percent of all Internet users and their number is steadily growing every day.

Installation instructions for Google Chrome

Often, users, out of ignorance, download installation files for browsers and other programs from third party sources, because of which their devices are “infected” with various viruses. It is for this reason that it is worth producing downloading chrome only from the official website!

1. To download Chrome follow this link - ;

2. Click on the “Download Chrome” button;

3. Will appear system window, in which you need to read and agree to Google Chrome's terms of service;

4. In the window that appears, click on the “Save file” button;

5. After that, open the “Downloads” folder (My Computer – Downloads). In it you will see the installation file that needs to be launched by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

6. If you did everything correctly, the following picture will appear on the screen of your device. It may take a while for the browser to load, so just wait a bit;

7. Once the download is complete, the browser will launch automatically.

Possible errors when installing Google Chrome

Although the installation of this browser even possible inexperienced user PCs/laptops, users often experience various problems during this process.

Don't forget to update your browser - this will keep your browser up to date and protect your computer from hacking. Instructions for updating Chrome -

Chrome crashes loading

This type of error most often manifests itself in the appearance of a pop-up window, which reports the occurrence of error “0x80072ee2”, which notifies that the connection has been broken due to which the download process has been stopped.

More often similar problems occur among users who use 3G modems to access the Internet or telephone line(ADSL). Such connection breaks greatly slow down the entire installation process, and sometimes make it simply impossible.

If you encounter a similar error, it is best to use the offline version of the installer to install the browser:

1. To do this, follow this link and click on the “Download Chrome” button;

2. Read the rules and accept them;

3. Wait for the file to download - it will take longer than when downloading the regular Chrome installer;

4. The installation process will begin, after which the browser will launch automatically.

Not enough hard disk space (error 0x80070070)

This error appears on the device screen when you try to install any program on your computer, HDD which is almost completely filled with data.

You can correct the situation by using files, applications, and so on. Most often, it is enough to empty the “Downloads” directory and delete files from the “Trash”.

Your computer does not meet Google Chrome application requirements

Often this error appears when you try to install the browser on a computer/laptop with an outdated processor. To correct the situation, it is necessary to find more old version Chrome and try installing it.

The installer does not start (error 0x80072ee7)

This issue is related to permissions current user, which can be authorized on a PC/laptop as a guest or simply not have administrator rights. To fix it, just click on the installation file right click mouse and click on the line “Run as administrator”.

The errors described above are not a complete list of problems that arise when installing Google Chrome, however, they are the ones that most often bother users.

Once the most fast browser(a program for browsing Internet pages) remains the most popular today, second only to the pre-installed Explorer. How to install and configure Google Chrome? Prepared a special article.

Download Google Chrome to your computer

Before downloading, you can check two boxes. The essence of the first is that Google Chrome will offer to use itself as the default browser, that is, Internet links will open in it. The essence of the second is that the program will send some non-personal statistics to developers for improvement. Actually, there is no guarantee that if you do not check the second box, that the program will not send statistics, but maybe we can actually help you with something convenient Chrome better.

We wait a few minutes.

This is what the first one looks like Google window Chrome.

The diagram below shows what elements the main window consists of.

  • Address/search query input line;
  • Page refresh button;
  • Bookmarks bar;
  • Button to add a site to bookmarks;
  • Settings button;
  • Quick launch panel.

As you can see, installing Chrome is not a difficult task. Let's say a few words about the settings.

Setting up Google Chrome

Let's click the settings button and we can see that there is a button « Additional settings» . There are some straightforward parameters here.

Please note the point "Add to desktop", this can be useful to bookmark a specific site directly on your desktop.

Now let's look at the basic settings with basic explanations.

Entrance- this is synchronization Google settings Chrome. Incredibly convenient thing. Enter your login and password on any computer in installed Chrome and in front of you is your usual browser. Plus after reinstalling the system or Google removal Chrome simply restore all settings. By the way, I wrote about this a little earlier.

Open at startup- it’s more convenient for me to open earlier open tabs. Most often I close them before exiting, so in fact a clean launcher opens. But, for some, it may be convenient to expose the panel itself if you are not used to closing tabs before exiting. Otherwise, all 10 previously opened tabs will try to open, and this will slow down the start of the browser.

Search- when you enter a request into the address bar, in which search engine the request will be processed.

Users- Chrome allows you to have multiple users (configuration profiles). This means that you will have several Google copies Chrome, each of which has its own unique settings. This is useful when several people use the computer. May be useful if you need to open in one social network two accounts at the same time.

Passwords and forms- autofilling forms can be convenient, for example, if you come to a site for the second time where you have already entered something into the form, Google Chrome will tell you what you have already entered in this field and you don’t have to type it again. And here is the parameter “Suggest saving passwords for websites” I always turn it off. The fact is that storing passwords in browsers is, of course, convenient, but unsafe. It is better to use password managers for this, for example, KeePass.

Languages- check mark “Offer translation of pages if their language is different from the one used in the browser”- this setting activates the translator. If you go to, say, an English site. Instead of English text, Russian will be displayed in the same places. Convenient feature built-in

Downloaded files- this parameter configures where files will go after downloading. The default folder is not very convenient, because the space on the C drive quickly fills up.

You probably know that the browser stores a list of sites visited and other information. By going to the desired menu item - "Story" you can see this list.

If you want to delete history, most often people come in for this purpose, there is a special button.

You will see groups of history elements that can be deleted. Cookies deserve special attention. These are site settings files. For example, if you check the “Remember me” box on a website, the browser saves special file, and when you visit the site again, the system no longer requires you to provide a password, but knows which user it is. All thanks Cookie file. Therefore, most often when I delete history, I do not touch these files.

These are all the basic settings. And if you have any questions, I’ll be sure to ask them in the comments. Don't forget to like :). Have a good mood!

In the world. Its functionality is simple and convenient, and works reliably. Page loading speed is instant. Download it now from the official website. The Chrome browser allows you to use tabs, history, and bookmarks on all the devices you use; to do this, you must sign in to your account on all devices.

How to download Chrome browser

It is best to download the browser from the official website Google Chrome, so you will get latest version and the security of your computer.

How to install Chrome on your computer

Download and install Google Chrome to view web pages. If you have problems with Flash, plugins, search, pop up different windows or problems when updating the browser version, we recommend simply reinstalling the browser. Let's take a closer look at how to install Chrome for all operating systems:

You can also if you have this program installed.

Windows instructions:

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. Click Execute or Save.
  3. For start installation file, double click on it. Settings home page and history will be automatically imported from the default browser you use.
  4. Now you can run Chrome browser.
    • Windows 7. When the installation is complete, Chrome window will open automatically.
    • Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. In the dialog box that opens, click Further to select your default browser.
    • Windows 10 When the installation is complete, a Chrome window will open automatically. After this, you can make Chrome your default browser.

Instructions for Mac OS

  1. Download the installation file
  2. Open the downloaded Google file Chrome.dmg.
  3. Drag the icon to your Applications folder. If you do not have administrator rights, you will need to authenticate. If this is not possible, drag the icon to a folder that you have permission to access, such as your desktop.
  4. Launch the Chrome browser. Home page settings and history will be automatically imported from the default browser you use.
  5. Open Finder.
  6. Click the icon in the bar to the right of Google Chrome.

Linux Instructions

The Chrome browser is installed in the same way as other programs. Make sure you have administrator rights and follow these steps:

  1. Download the installation package.
  2. Click OK to open the package.
  3. Click the button Install package.
  4. Google Chrome data will be automatically added to Software Manager. Updates are installed as needed.

Google Chrome browser system requirements

  • OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later.
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) or later, Debian 8 or later, openSUSE 13.1 or later, Fedora Linux 21 or later.
  • Intel Pentium 4 processor or higher with SSE2 support.