Adblock plus ad blocking extension. Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Opera. Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Yandex Browser

Are you tired of advertising in browsers? If you're tired of it, then you've come to exactly the right place. Nowadays advertising occupies big market, and to the development companies themselves search engines It’s beneficial to have a lot of it. More advertising accordingly more money in the pocket. But advertising must be of high quality, and today we will figure out what is needed for ad blocking V modern browsers, such as:

For these purposes we will use a fairly well-known extension (plugin) for browsers Adblock or Adblock Plus, Maybe best blocker advertising .

Adblock (Adblock Plus)- this is what I already said extension () for browsers, which is necessary to block advertising: pop-ups, advertising banners or annoying elements that interfere with the normal use of sites.

We will look at how to install and configure this extension for all of the above browsers. Therefore, I propose to highlight the main questions:

Let's move on to watching the Adblock Plus installation video:

Now let's look at all these questions in order. There is a lot of work, a lot of information, so read carefully.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Google Chrome.

First, let's open this browser, in the right top corner press “ Settings and Google management Chrome”, in the drop-down list click on the item “ Settings”.

Now you will be redirected to the page of the Google extensions online store. Here, in search bar register Adblock and click “ Enter" In the list that appears, select our application and press the “ For free" In the pop-up window, if press “ Add”.

After completing the steps, the extension will be installed in your browser and you will see the application icon at the top right.

Click right click mouse on the icon and select “ Settings" On the “ General“don’t change anything, go to the tab “ Filter lists” and put a tick “ Defence from malware ”, leave the rest unchanged.

You can look at all the tabs and select settings that may suit you, I gave an example standard setting which I use myself.

Now the extension works and when advertising appears on the site pages, it will be blocked. The number of blocked ads can be seen next to the icon, a square with a number.

Installing Adblock Plus is similar. Let's move on to setting up the next browser.

Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Mozilla Firefox.

All steps are almost identical to those we described for Google Chrome. First, open the browser Mozilla Firefox, find in the left corner the button “ Open menu”, looking for the item “ Add-ons” and click on it.

Now on the page to which we were redirected in the search bar on the left, enter “ Adblock Plus" In the list that appears, select the extension we need and click the “ Install”.

After the browser installs the add-on, an icon will appear in the top left. Click on it and go to the item “ Settings» and make sure that all the boxes are ticked. If they are, then everything is fine and the addition works to its fullest.

Now you can work in Firefox without any problems. Adblock add-ons do not exist for this browser.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Opera.

And again we go to the browser, only now in Opera it will install the ad blocker Adblock.

To do this, click on the icon on the right and select “ Extensions”.

In the extension window, select the last item “ Add extensions” and we will be redirected to a page where we can download Adblock.

In the search bar, enter the name of the extension and after finding it, click on it.

On next page click on green buttonAdd to Opera”.

After successful installation, an icon will appear in the left corner, right-click on it and select settings. See all settings as in Google Chrome. Installing the Adblock add-on is similar.

Installing and configuring Adblock Plus to block ads in Internet Explorer.

Here we click on the button “ Install for Internet Explorer” and follow all recommendations. After everything has been successfully installed, the browser will ask you to install the icon on the toolbar, click “ Yes" Now you can see the extension icon at the bottom right.

You can leave all settings as default, it will work fine.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Safari.

And as we have already done, open the browser again, but this time Safari from Apple and follow the link:

Click on the button “ Download” and download the add-on itself.

After downloading the add-on, install it. Installation is simple, click on the downloaded file and follow all the recommendations.

Now the extension is installed and you can see the icon at the top left. In order to configure it, click on it and select “Options”.

You will be transferred to Adblock parameters, tab “ Are common” leave unchanged, and on the “ tab Filter lists“put the last tick” EasyPrivacy (confidentiality)”.

Now everything is ready to block ads 100%.

Let's move on to the last browser for today.

Installing and configuring Adblock to block ads in Yandex Browser.

The browser is quite young, but still not very popular on the RuNet, so I’ll show you how to install this plugin for it.

and repeat all the steps as for installation on Google Chrome.

I don’t want to do the same writing, so go to .

This is how easy it is for us to install add-ons on all browsers. I mainly use Chrome and Firefox, but since I also design websites in parallel with blogging, I use all browsers for testing.

After you install Adblock and Adblock Plus for ad blocking in your browser, it will become more convenient for you to work and you will not waste memory on downloading viral banners and advertising.

Visit today world wide web involves viewing a large number of advertisements various formats. On some sites there is so much of it that users leave the resource in a hurry, simultaneously closing many banner windows and vowing never to visit it again. It is for this reason that a lot of programs and add-ons for browsers have appeared that block intrusive advertising.

What is AdBlock Plus

This is an add-on (or rather an extension or addon/plugin) developed by Henrik Sorensen in 2008 with the aim of introducing the product into modern web browsers in order to protect users from annoying advertising. Also known to users as “ABP”.

The extension can block not only the loading, but also the display of various resource elements, including: background images, banners, pop-ups and so on.

How to install AdBlock in Chrome

There are two ways to install an application in Chrome: directly and through the online store.

1. First, you need to go to the official extension portal using this link:

2. Click on “Install for Chrome”.

3. Now click on the “Install extensions” button that appears in the pop-up window.

4. Wait for the installation process to complete, after which a success message should appear.

Method number 2 - through the Google store.

2. A page will open on which you need to click on the blue “Install” button located in the upper right corner.

3. Now click on “Install extension”.

4. Wait for the process to complete.

Adding filters for AdBlock Plus to Chrome

Currently exists a large number of various lists filters for Adblock. The main and most widely used are: “Fanboy’s List” and “EasyList”, which block the vast majority of advertising on popular resources, but are not able to prohibit the display of advertising materials on less popular sites, especially Russian ones. Therefore, users from the Russian Federation are recommended to subscribe to Russian filters. A complete list of them can be found at official portal extensions:

To add a filter in Google Chrome you need:

1. Right-click on the plugin icon (if you don’t have it in your panel, go to your browser settings and click on “extensions”) and click on “Options”.

2. This page will display all available settings extensions. To add a filter, click on the “Add subscription” button.

3. The pop-up menu displays standard filters, most of which differ only in language. Select the filter you need and click the “Add” button.

4. You can also add a filter from another source. To do this, you need to select the “Add another subscription” line and enter the name of the filter, as well as the address of its location.

How to update the filter list

Usually the lists are updated automatically when you go online, but sometimes the plugin may malfunction and you have to update them manually. To do this, you just need to go to the addon parameters and click on the “Update now” button.

How to disable Adblock Plus in Chrome

1. Right-click on the add-on icon and select “Manage Extensions”.

2. Now simply uncheck the box next to “Enabled”.

How to remove AdBlock from Chrome

1. Open Settings and go to Extensions.

3. Confirm your desire to remove the addon and restart the browser.

Other ad blockers for Chrome

uBlock Origin

A cross-platform extension created to filter the content of web resources, including advertising materials. It has been actively developing since the beginning of 2017 and has already won the favor of more than 7.5 million users.

uBlock Origin, unlike other browser blockers, has virtually no load RAM and a computer processor, thanks to which it can be used even on very “weak” devices.


No matter how strange it may sound, but this extension is in no way connected with AdBlock Plus, but at the same time it is very similar to it in its functionality.

It also supports lists of filters, on which it is based when blocking ads. Allows you to create your own filters, as well as configure “white” lists of web resources.


Unlike the above Adguard extensions is a full-fledged program, which, after installation, can block ads not only in Chrome, but also in the Yandex browser, Opera and other popular browsers.

When installing on a PC, carefully read the text in the pre-installation windows, otherwise you will “get” a Yandex browser.

Possesses large set settings:

  • It is possible to configure a proxy;
  • You can add various filters;
  • Enable parental controls and so on.

It has a beneficial effect on the speed of display of web resources, as it “cuts out” advertising codes even before the page is loaded by the browser, after which it corrects it using CSS appearance elements he removed.

Enjoy your health and take care of your nerves!

Often, everyone who uses the Internet has experienced inconvenience caused by advertising and pop-ups in.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an advanced Internet user or just like to chat with friends on the Internet after work or find a recipe for apple strudel, but advertising windows interfere you can quickly and easily get what you need. Speeding up the Internet by increasing traffic is useless and ineffective.

Adblock browser extension

Adblock – browser extension to protect you from intrusive advertising When working on the network, a bonus of this program is the ability to work with many browsers: , and others.

Chrome app

Firefox app

Advantages and capabilities of Adblock

But in order to protect your data when working online, completely get rid of advertising, including in video format, not see advertising in applications installed on your PC, and also eliminate the possibility of “reading” your search queries and, as a result, protect against viral advertising, you need more advanced protection. Will cope with this task successfully Adblock app.

Blocking video ads

For Adblock apps blocking pop-up ads, even video ads, is not a problem. The browser extension is not capable of distinguishing regular videos from advertising on the Youtube website, and therefore is not capable of making video loading on this site faster.

Adblock app can read and block video ads, which significantly speeds up the loading of the necessary videos.

Benefits of working with Adguard

You can check out detailed information about the application and see its benefits. Like regular browser extensions, Adblock blocks requests for advertising materials and also processes sites with using CSS in order to hide items that the application has blocked.

If you are interested not only in ad blocking, but also in more secure Internet surfing and networking, then you simply need to additionally download the Adguard application.

This application is subject to not only blocking pop-ups in firefox and yandex, but also an advertising filter that starts working even before opening the page. This program from pop-up advertising can remove windows with advertisements in applications on your computer.

You can also remove pop-up windows using browser Adblock extensions Plus 2019, but Adguard can give you more - protection from malicious sites, as well as getting rid of remote tracking at your computer or mobile device which guarantees you reliable protection your personal data.

Parental control

Take care to protect not only your personal data, but also the protection of children while they are on the Internet. Advertising windows pop up – that’s not so bad; the safety of children on the Internet is something worth thinking about. The Adguard application will easily solve this situation - function " Parental control» will hide unwanted information.

In addition to all the accompanying advantages - simple and clear interface applications.

Adblock for other operating systems

We learned how to remove pop-up ads in Opera, Chrome and any other browser. But software Windows is not the only platform it works with this application. How to remove a pop-up window when browsing the Internet and applications on operating systems Mac, iOS And Android?

Advertising filtering when working on the Internet and in mobile applications and games, protection of personal data, acceleration of web pages and applications - and a lot of other excellent functions that Adguard provides to its users.

Many advanced users prefer to hide ads on the sites they visit using special extensions for Google browser Chrome. There are many crafts for this, but we can only recommend two of them to users: AdBlock and Adblock Plus. We will try to tell you how they differ, which one to choose and download.


Adblock- the most popular ad blocking extension on Chrome Web Store. The creators of the extension were once inspired by the Firefox add-on of the same name and created their own blocker for Chrome.

A few words about what this extension can do with advertising. Easily copes with both banal advertising blocks, and cuts out and blocks advertisements in YouTube videos and flash content. And of course it blocks all advertising pop-up messages and windows.

Adblock creates its own button on the extensions panel. And through it you can easily get into the settings or disable ad blocking on specific page or on all pages of a given domain (convenient!).

The settings are quite predictable. If you wish, you can enable the display of advertising in Google (by default, all advertising is hidden). Or connect yourself additional lists filters that update automatically and you can completely forget about them almost immediately after installation.

What are the convenience and advantages of this extension?

Convenient exception settings.

An extension button with access to everything you need.

UPD. There is also a context menu with the ability to create custom filters, but it works extremely poorly. It is difficult to identify any element. The second option implements this much more conveniently.

Adblock Plus

Now let’s look at a slightly less popular analogue from Vladimir Palant - Adblock Plus(but still almost 9 million users!). A little history. Initially, the extension was called AdThwart and belonged to Thomas Joseph, but he gave it to Palant voluntarily and due to the fact that there was no time to develop it.

Let’s say the main thing right away: it blocks approximately the same thing and in approximately the same way as the AdBlock described above. Therefore it makes sense to describe some functional differences. And there are both pros and cons (compared to the first option).

The extension prefers to create its button in address bar. And, unfortunately, the menu called up by clicking the left mouse button is not very pleasing. You can only disable blocking for this site (without fine tuning) or create your own filter (this one is new).

As a result, not all users can guess that, firstly, the settings exist, and secondly, you can get there by right-clicking the mouse.

A few words about creating your own filter. This functionality allows you to specify on which site and which block you would like to hide. And this can be used not only against advertising. Comfortable.

Let's move on to the settings. The most interesting difference here is that simple and unobtrusive advertising is allowed by default. Thus, the author supports sites that do not abuse advertising.

What conclusions can be drawn here? Compared to the first option:

Creating your own filters.

There is no setting up exceptions for the entire domain at once.

Not a very functional button.

Which option to use: AdBlock or Adblock Plus - decide for yourself. Both blockers get the job done. And the difference is only in the details. Feel free to share your opinion!

P.S. By the way, for those who like to argue about the popularity of adblocks in the world, we are posting last year’s report from ClarityRay. You can download the report in PDF form. As you can see there, on average 9% of users use ad blockers in the US and Europe. In Russia it is about 8%.