High speed browser. The best browser for mobile devices. History of the development of Internet technologies in browsers

It is difficult to imagine a person who today would not use the worldwide information network. For computers based operating system Windows has created many browsers. In the article we will tell you about the features of choosing a program to install on your equipment, as well as the most popular among users and the best leaders in 2016-2017. We bring to your attention a comparison of the most famous browsers on the World Wide Web.

Chromed offer

In most cases, users prefer the program Google Chrome. This browser is fast and does not require high power computer and has a number of other advantages:

Among the disadvantages of this program are: low speed work with big amount tabs, significant use of virtual memory and lack of visual bookmarks.

Visiting the fox

Mozilla FireFox is preferred by those who like a simple interface without unnecessary tabs and buttons. At initial installation you will receive a program with minimal functionality. However, it can be expanded using plugins and special extensions. This is the most popular browser abroad.

  • To customize the program for yourself, many additional plugins are offered - about 100 thousand;
  • Safety guaranteed personal information, passwords;
  • Convenient panel with bookmarks;
  • Updating the program without user involvement;
  • Pop-up windows are blocked;
  • RSS support;
  • Multifunctional panel for creating websites;
  • Pop-up windows are blocked.

Seen working with FireFox worthwhile disadvantagelow performance and response to user manipulations. People who are accustomed to Google Chrome will not like using this browser due to its low speed.


Which one is the best best internet browser for newbies? The answer is only Opera. Many people use its mobile version, which the developers created back in 2010.

Advantages of the program:

  • fast request processing speed even on not very powerful computers;
  • “Turbo” mode allows you to maximize the speed of work;
  • the most secure among all other browsers;
  • You can add functionality using more than 1 thousand plugins and extensions;
  • you can control the browser only using a manipulator;
  • You can download torrent files through the interface;
  • synchronization via Opera Link;
  • works great with RSS feeds and integrated email program;
  • blocks windows that pop up from time to time.

Few people now use this oldest Internet browser in Russia. According to users, Opera “eats” a lot random access memory, periodically freezes, displays some sites incorrectly and is inconvenient to use bookmarks through the imperfect “Piggy Bank”.

Opera is the most secure among all other browsers

Attention! The developers suggest using Opera Unite technology to turn your computer into a real server. With its help you can exchange messages, photos and various files.

Domestic leader

In 2016, the domestic Yandex.Browser became the most popular among Russian users. To confirm this fact, we list all the advantages of installing the program and its subsequent use:

  • convenient to use Yandex search engine services, maps, email,online translator, data warehouse;
  • simple interface;
  • blocking ads will help increase page loading speed;
  • defence from virus programs carried out using Kaspersky Lab antivirus;
  • transfer of information and settings from other browsers;
  • synchronization of bookmarks and settings - they will not disappear after reinstalling the operating system;
  • high security of personal information thanks to the SafeBrowsing system;
  • A turbo mode has been created to speed up and save traffic;
  • you can change the appearance and functionality using backgrounds and plugins;
  • programs for viewing images, books, documents;
  • comfortable mobile version.

Not everyone will like the updated interface that the developers offer. It will take some time to understand all the capabilities of the proposed program. Also, without connection to Yandex services, the browser functions to a limited extent.

Web Explorer

In 1995, the “grandfather” of modern browsers appeared - Internet Explorer. The developers offer it bundled with the Windows operating system. Because of this, it was very popular earlier, but today it has significantly lost its position. He was weak point many computers, since it did not guarantee protection against malicious attacks. The page display speed also leaves room for improvement.

The newest (and latest) version is Internet Explorer 11. They tried to level out some of the shortcomings in the work - they used a privacy mode, a rating characteristic and increased caching to speed up work. However, increasingly, ordinary Internet users prefer other browsers. There are a lot of shortcomings.

Advice. This browser is for website development fits better all thanks to the adapted markup.

Thrifty chameleon

The developers of Mozilla Firefox in 2000 decided to create new program to search for information on the Internet. The result was K-Meleon. Its characteristics are in many ways similar to its counterpart, but there are also significant differences.

Main advantages:

  • During operation, it saves your computer’s resources due to low RAM requirements;
  • Using the native Windows interface simplifies work and saves time;
  • Ability to use the program via different profiles users;
  • Various assemblies allow you to choose the version that will be most convenient for you;
  • Easy personalization.

Let's name other programs for Internet surfing. This SRWare Iron(similar to Chrome), Safari (ideal for iOS), SlimJet (fast and efficient), Tor Browser(anonymity+), Amigo (special offer from Mail.ru Group), Comet (commercial purposes), Maxthon (very fast), CocCoc (greetings from Vietnamese developers), Rambler Browser (for fans of the search engine of the same name) and many others.

Which browser is the fastest - video

Today, almost all leading browser manufacturers have improved the efficiency and performance of their products to meet modern web standards. Internet users conduct discussions, form the top "Most fast browser" on forums and blogs, and manufacturers and interested people publish benchmark results using specialized programs- benchmark.

Fastest browser according to benchmarks

Browser performance evaluation includes several criteria:


The faster the JavaScript scripts load, the more more information can be processed by the browser. The fastest browser in the world, according to testing by the KRAKEN benchmark, is definitely Chrome, which processed the largest amount of information in a certain amount of time. Firefox and Opera are not far behind. Internet Explorer and the Safari browser developed by Apple complete the race.

HTML5 test

Test for processing and high-quality display of html programming languages, CSS tables ACID has almost completely failed Internet Explorer. Chrome, Opera and Safari are equal to 100% for CSS processing. Firefox is a little weaker.

Flash - test

The Flash test determines the speed of processing and playback of games, animations, audio and video files, as well as loading banners. According to the results of GUIMARK 2 FLASH, the medal goes to Internet Explorer, which is slightly ahead of such titans as Chrome, Opera and Firefox.

Internet Explorer coped with the task much faster than its competitors in testing gaming opportunities browsers. Safari is sent to the bench.

Correct operation of the browser

Even at the initial stage of the development of Internet technologies, each browser had its own home interface that supported reading HTML language and CSS tables. As a result, this approach has made it much more difficult for Internet users to read and process documents. Experts from an international consortium solved this problem by developing a unified interface standard for all browsers.

According to the DROMAEO DOM and MAZE SOLVER benchmarks, the Safari browser became the most correct and punctual, surpassing Google Chrome and Mozila Firefox by 2.4 sec. Opera is 9 seconds behind. Internet Explorer remains out of the picture with a lead of 36 seconds.

At this point the race is over. Based on the results of benchmark testing of modern browsers, the medal in the “Best and Fastest Browser” category goes to the youngest participant in the race - Google Chrome, which has proven itself positively in all tests.

Second place goes to Safari, which proudly takes its place from Opera thanks to the latest browser test. In principle, it's not so bad to be the second fastest browser when Firefox and Internet Explorer are trailing behind.

Such a phenomenon in human life as the Internet is always in motion. Manufacturers are constantly working and competing with each other to develop new technologies. Therefore, we, users, will once again be able to evaluate the latest innovations in modern technologies and discuss which is the fastest browser for Windows.

Which browser is the fastest, according to users?

When analyzing browser performance using benchmarks, we often lose sight of the importance of the opinions of the users themselves. After all, assessments and calculations using specialized programs are carried out in milliseconds. The human eye is simply incapable of visually distinguishing which browser will load the searched material faster in a few milliseconds, except for factors such as lack of Internet traffic.

Let's look at the pros and cons of each browser. Since Google Chrome became the leader in the previous race, we give it the right to start first.

  • The fastest browser, according to benchmarks.
  • Ergonomic in the use of system resources.
  • It opens quickly when the computer starts, and also does not slow down when there are multiple open tabs.
  • Convenient browser interface. All panels are in place, settings are neatly hidden in the menu.

No significant disadvantages were found.


  • Loads pages quickly and efficiently.
  • Provides the ability to download many extensions and add-ons for the browser.

As of February 2014, Firefox has between 12 and 22% of global usage, making it different sources, the third most popular web browser. According to Mozilla, as of December 2014, Firefox has one and a half billion users worldwide. This browser has managed to achieve significant success in Indonesia, Iran, Germany and Poland, where it is the most popular browser with 55% of users.

The disadvantages include significant consumption of PC resources and interruptions in operation when there are a large number of open tabs.


  • The browser speed is not inferior to that of Opera.
  • Smart interface: convenient panel bookmarks, automatic filling web forms.
  • Ability to download plugins and extensions.

On Mac OS X, Safari is a Cocoa application. It uses Apple's WebKit to render web pages and run JavaScript. WebKit consists of WebCore based on the Konqueror KHTML engine and JavaScriptCore - originally based on KDE's JavaScript engine called KJS. Like KHTML and KJS, WebCore and JavaScriptCore are free software and distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

Some of Apple's improvements to the KHTML code are being merged back into the Konqueror project. Apple also releases additional code open source 2-p BSD-like license. Until Safari 6.0, it did not include a built-in web feed aggregator that supported RSS and Atom standards. Current features include private browsing(a mode in which there is no recording of information about the user's web activity is not retained in the browser).

No significant disadvantages were also found, but in terms of speed it is in many ways inferior to Chrome. Electronic fans Apple products can rightfully be proud of him.

"Yandex browser"

Another contender for the title of “Fastest browser for Windows.” Like Google Chrome, it was once a newcomer among its peers, but in terms of performance since its release it has surpassed its competitors. Developed on the WebKit engine, like Chrome.


  • Integration with the Yandex search engine and its services.
  • Improved virus protection system.
  • Ability to open pages in turbo mode.

Like Google Chrome, "Yandex. Browser" accompanies search query hints, performs transliteration in case of input in the wrong language.

Yandex is great for search engine lovers.

Weighing all the pros and cons, we can say that all of the named browsers are capable of competing for the title of “The fastest browser in the world.” Each of them is worthy of attention and positive assessment users.

However, answering the question of which browser is the fastest of all, the first place is definitely awarded to Google Chrome, which wins the second competition in a row.

Modern technologies are growing and developing. Every day today's users acquire more and more opportunities.


The browser is as fast as Firefox, but consumes fewer PC resources.

It has many built-in useful extensions that are partially present in other browsers, such as: a panel of frequently visited sites; quick import and export of bookmarks; Password saving wizards are provided. Provided turbo mode, thanks to which you can increase download speed and reduce Internet traffic.

The only negative, according to users, is the unreliability of the browser.

The best browser for XP

When choosing the fastest browser for XP, you should first of all take into account the amount of PC resources consumed when processing information. The lower the indicator, the more efficient and faster the browser will work. Based on testing results and technical specifications The fastest browser for XP is Chrome, followed by Opera.

Modern technologies are growing and developing. Every day modern users gain the opportunity to choose. Some people remain loyal to their taste and use one browser or another out of habit, while others prefer to skim the cream of the best electronic products of our time.

What other browsers could compete in the “Fastest Browser” category if they weren’t inferior in popularity?

SeaMonkey is a multifunctional browser for advanced users and IT workers. It is a set of tools for various work with built-in HTML editor, messenger. Very simple and easy to use.

Its information processing speed is twice as fast as Google Chrome and Firefox. And if SeaMonkey were tested on par with Google Chrome, then it would receive the title of the fastest browser in the world.

05/01/2019 17:33

Each person has unique tastes, preferences, and requirements. If one thing gets tested by a hundred people, each will give a different result. Some opinions will be similar, others will differ and this is natural. In area software everything is exactly the same. A browser is a program that a person uses to surf the Internet. We launch it every day, so it’s important to choose convenient browser, which will meet all requirements.
Using the browser, you can search for any information, listen to music, watch movies, and play your favorite games. Any rating will be controversial, but let's try to rank the best browsers. In this article you will look at the criteria for choosing a good browser for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. We will study in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Based on our rating, you will be able to choose a good browser for yourself.

Google Chrome 1st place

This is the most popular browser that exists today. The program can be called the best and fastest on the Windows operating system. Its opening took place in 2008. Chrome was based on the popular Safari browser at that time, made on the WebKit engine. Formally, it was crossed with the V8 javascript engine. Subsequently, this hybrid was renamed Chromium. Such famous companies as Google, Opera Software, as well as Yandex and several other large developers participated in further development. Google was the first to create its own version of the browser on Chromium. A year later, it was installed on 3.6% of computers worldwide. He began to quickly gain popularity, today he is the undisputed leader and occupies 42.21%. It is worth noting that the majority are smartphones that come with a pre-installed browser.


  1. High speed. Chrome is significantly superior to its competitors in terms of browser speed, as well as processing of displayed resources. In addition, there is a convenient function for preloading pages, this further increases the speed of work.
  2. Safety. The company has implemented reliable technologies that ensure the safety of using the browser. They continue to actively develop. The browser has a database of phishing and malicious resources, which is updated regularly. The browser works according to a unique scheme in such a way that not a single process is used, but several at once, but with lower privileges. Uploading files with .bat, .exe or .dll resolution requires additional confirmation, which reduces the chances of downloading a virus.
  3. There is an "Incognito" mode. This is a very convenient feature when you need to view a large number of sites, but not leave traces of their visit on your computer.
  4. Thoughtful interface. It is quite simple and contains everything you need, without unnecessary elements. Chrome is the first browser to offer the ability quick access. On the panel you can see the most visited resources. Another feature is sharing address bar and search engine. Later this feature was implemented in other browsers.
  5. Stable work. IN Lately there were no such cases when Google work Chrome was experiencing crashes or became very slow. This can only happen if there are viruses in the system. In many ways, security and stability are improved by using multiple processes that are separated from each other. If one of them stops working, the others continue to function.
  6. There is a task manager in the "Additional tools" menu. Almost no one knows about this feature. Thanks to convenient tool you can track how many resources an entire tab or a separate plugin takes up. You can find and fix the source of the problem if the application starts to slow down.
  7. Large selection of extensions, many of which can be downloaded for free. There are also many plugins and themes. The browser can be customized depending on personal preferences, which is very convenient.
  8. I have an opportunity automatic translation pages. Google Translator is used for this.
  9. The program is updated in automatic mode without disturbing the user.
  10. Search queries can be specified by voice, for this purpose the service “ OK Google».
  1. Starting with version 42.0, support for NPAPI plugins was stopped, including the fairly popular Flash Player.
  2. For the application to run smoothly, you need at least 2 GB of RAM.
  3. Most of the extensions and plugins are made in a foreign language.
  4. A significant load on the hardware contributes to the short battery life of laptops and smartphones.
I've been using Chrome for quite a long time, and as my main browser. During the entire period of work, he did not cause any serious complaints. Its integration into the system of other Google services is very convenient. One Account can unite your computer and mobile device, there is the possibility of continuous synchronization.
I don’t like the fact that all user data is stored on American servers (most likely now the data is stored on Russian servers). Mail is stored there personal contacts and search information. True, we should not exclude the possibility that other browsers do the same. You need to take precautions whenever possible, then you will have nothing to fear. If you do not want to disclose your own data, but still continue to use Chrome, then use SlimJet or SRWare Iron, we will talk about them below.

Yandex.Browser 2nd place

The browser has the shortest history; it was opened in 2012. It is extremely popular in Russia. The browser supports integration with Yandex services, which are very convenient to use. The default search engine is Yandex. The interface turned out to be quite original, even though it was created on the Chromium engine. The panel immediately catches your eye quick launch. It is made in a tiled style.

The user can place up to 20 tiles. The browser uses "Smart String", which not only transmits the entered phrase to search engine, but also automatically selects the required site if the name matches. Unfortunately, for now this function works only with large resources. Mouse manipulation is supported, with which you can control the viewing of web pages with simple movements.



  1. Not everyone will like the original interface.
  2. Link to various services Yandex. Without them, the program is deprived of many features.
  3. Rarely, but still problems arise with transferring settings and history.
Not everyone will like the new interface, because it is radically different from its competitors. It will take some time to get used to such features.

Mozilla Firefox 3rd place

Now Mozila is the most popular foreign browser, and in Russia it ranks third. Over the past few years, he has begun to lose ground, but only slightly. The first version of the program appeared in 2004, since then there have been many changes. The application engine is Gecko - it is located in free access and continues to be improved by developers. Formally, this is the first browser that had huge database extensions before Chrome even existed. He was among the first to implement the maximum confidentiality regime that Google invented.


  1. Simple and very user-friendly interface, in which there are no unnecessary details.
  2. A convenient settings system that allows you to radically change your browser, customizing it to your liking.
  3. A large number of various plugins. They can be selected to suit any taste, because at the moment there are more than 100,000 of them.
  4. Cross-platform. The browser can be downloaded for any operating system that is used on modern technology.
  5. Reliability. I have found myself in situations where the user caught a banner that blocked all browsers, but Firefox continued to function.
  6. Maximum level of security and privacy of personal data.
  7. Convenient bookmarks bar.
  8. The program may refuse to allow various websites to track information about you. You can set up private browsing. In addition, there is a Master Passwords feature that further protects your entries on certain resources.
  9. Updates occur in background without the need for user intervention.
  1. Compared to Chrome, the interface is a little slower and takes longer to respond to user manipulations.
  2. Performance is average;
  3. Lack of script support on some resources, as a result of which the content may not function properly.
  4. The application requires a large amount of RAM to run.

Opera 4th place

This is the oldest browser, which was opened back in 1994. I started using it about 15 years ago, and I still use it as needed. Until 2013, Opera had its own engine, but now Webkit+V8 is used. The exact same technology is used in Google Chrome. In 2010, the company opened a mobile version of the program. Now it is the fourth most popular browser in Russia, and in the world it ranks sixth.


  1. Excellent speed of operation and page display. Features of the browser include turbo mode, which significantly increases page loading speed through the use of cloud technologies. At the same time, traffic is saved significantly, which is very important when using the mobile version.
  2. There is a convenient express panel with saved bookmarks. This is a modified tool Speed ​​Dial which we saw in previous versions browser.
  3. Opera Link technology, which is needed to synchronize different devices.
  4. Lots of hotkeys for easy control.
  5. Opera Unite Internet browser.
  1. For efficient work A large amount of RAM is required. If you open several tabs at the same time, Opera will start to slow down. Even the reliable Chrome engine does not improve the situation.
  2. On many sites it is observed incorrect work scripts and various forms. There are a large number of complaints when working with WML.
  3. Stability cannot be called the browser's strong point. The company was never able to get rid of periodic crashes and freezes.
    4. Own bookmarking system, nicknamed “Piggy Bank”. It's pretty interesting solution, but it is poorly implemented.
I use Opera only as an additional browser. The "Turbo" function is useful when working with a modem, because in this case it combines high page display speed and savings in traffic consumption. Using Unite technology, you can turn your browser into a real server. On it you can provide access to a variety of files, exchange SMS notifications and photographs. The files are stored on the PC and become accessible only when the program is launched. This excellent replacement Chrome, if for some reason you do not want to use it.

K-Meleon 5th place

This application began to be developed back in 2000. In fact, it is a relative of Mozilla Firefox; they use the same engine. You may ask why he was included in the rating if they are practically the same? The fact is that they have strong differences. For example, today K-Meleon is the easiest browser for Windows systems. Such results were achieved thanks to the features of its development. Initially, the program was only supposed to demonstrate the capabilities of the new engine. As a result, the company was able to achieve economical consumption of PC resources.


  1. Small requirements for PC resources, including a low amount of RAM.
  2. Using native Windows interface, which significantly saves time and resources spent on the interface.
  3. High speed.
  4. Good personalization options, and you don't need to use third-party extensions for this. Everything is arranged using macros. It will be difficult for a beginner to master, but free time we can sort this out.
  5. Eat big choice assemblies. You can choose an extension with the desired set of functions.
  6. You can create multiple profiles for different users.
  1. Quite a clumsy interface. If we compare it with the leaders of the Top 5, then of this browser too simple design.
  2. Rarely, there are problems with displaying the Cyrillic alphabet, but in latest updates the situation has been corrected.
This best option for weak PCs. The browser will function normally on an old laptop running the Windows XP operating system. You will be able to enjoy comfortable Internet surfing. And it will work even better on modern hardware. Many professionals use it, considering it the best browser. This should not be surprising, because according to some K-Meleon parameters outperforms competitors.

Internet Explorer

This is a free browser that comes with the integrated Windows software. The development was carried out by Microsoft from 1995 to the present day. Therefore, the browser was one of the most popular in Russia, but then Chrome appeared. Now he has lost a lot of his position and ranks 5th in popularity. The reason can be considered the completion of its development. Along with Windows 10, the company's development, Spartan, was released.
Throughout the history of the browser, it was never considered the best; everyone knew about a large number of vulnerabilities that were exploited by various viruses. For a very long time it was the weak point of every computer running the Windows operating system. The situation changed for the better with the release of Internet Explorer 10, which is included with Windows 8. All the holes in it were corrected and, subject to certain rules, the browser was considered safe.
Version 11 appeared along with Windows update 8.1, it is the latest in the line. In terms of speed, it can be compared with its competitors, but is still slightly inferior to them. Now there is a privacy mode, a preliminary rating, and caching is also supported, which allows you to increase the speed of the browser. Despite successful innovations, the browser is only losing its position. In my work, I use Internet Explorer only to log into the web interface of my home router and other things. network equipment. There is a simple explanation for this: this is the browser developers use, so the markup is designed for it. It is better to use another browser to view Internet resources.

Now there are many browsers that we did not mention in our review. We've presented our picks for the best browsers, but everyone may have a different opinion. The review includes only those reviewers that I have encountered. They are completely free to download and use without any restrictions. Current version can be found on the official website. If you can suggest decent browsers that should be in the Top 5, then indicate your options in the comments.

Choosing a browser is simple: just download any of the most popular ones and, sooner or later, you will definitely get used to it. But in order for the learning process and further use to be as comfortable as possible, you must know what to look for and count on. Here is a list of the most famous free browsers for Windows 7/8/10. Downloading them and trying them yourself is the best option, but don’t be lazy to read the entire text and save time.

Google Chrome - the forefront of web technologies

Google Chrome is the most popular browser today, installed on almost every computer. At first, Chrome gained popularity for its speed and flexibility in settings, including through the installation of browser extensions. Now this is not the fastest browser, but the most functional with support for all innovations in web technologies. A truly huge library of add-ons allows you to get any functionality.

Chrome has the Chromium engine under its hood, which has become the standard for modern browsers. Most popular browsers are made using the Chromium engine. The engine is responsible for rendering the code of pages and scripts -> into a visible page on the monitor screen.

Browser advantages:

  • All kinds of extensions that can replace standard programs
  • Failure control allows you to keep your browser working even if there is an error in one of the open windows
  • Warning the user about visiting malicious sites
  • Import settings from any browser
  • Multilingual interface
  • Automatic updates
  • There is a developer toolbar
  • with a Google account
  • The built-in task manager allows you to assess which tabs are consuming a lot of processor and memory resources
  • Bookmarks are not very convenient, there are no built-in visual bookmarks, but there are
  • Works poorly with many open tabs, and eats up a lot of memory, but frees it up the fastest after closing them.

As of today Google moment Chrome is considered the best browser for Windows 7 and Windows 8/10. But to each his own. For example, I don’t like the uninformative download manager when opening many tabs. True, there is an extension called The Great Suspender, which, after a specified time, frees memory from unused tabs. But Chrome doesn’t close them, and to see these pages again, you just need to refresh them.

Chrome launches the fastest in Windows 7, but in Windows 7 and 10 things are bad - the loading time increases up to two times!

Opera is the best choice

There is perhaps no browser that is clearer, more understandable and easier to learn for a beginner than Opera. Although Opera now runs on the Chromium engine, it has everything you need for surfing without installing additional extensions.

I used to use Opera because of its convenient visual bookmarks (tiles with the most necessary sites on an empty tab) and the file download manager. Here it is done very conveniently and clearly. Opera is the best browser for working with many open tabs, and in general. You can keep several dozen sites open, and this will not particularly affect the speed of work.

Particularly useful in today's realities, built-in and unlimited traffic. And plus there is a “Turbo” function for compressing transmitted data for . But here you need to experiment. Sometimes, on a slow connection, the opposite effect occurs - the speed decreases even more.

In the age of the Internet, a browser is the most important thing installed on a computer. This is why it is worth paying Special attention to this system component. If the browser is good, then surfing the Internet will be simple and enjoyable. If it is frankly nonexistent, then it will be very difficult to experience all the delights of the Internet. To select the most appropriate option, you should make full comparison browsers. Because we need the best of the best.

Most popular browsers

Today there are several leaders in terms of Internet surfing. They all differ from each other in some respects. In general, almost everyone copes with their tasks, but among them there are the best.

Google Chrome

An extremely fast browser from the Google development team. It features built-in support for Flash content and incredibly high speed. However, it is also famous for its gluttony in terms of consumption of device RAM. It makes no difference which one: mobile or landline.

Mozilla Firefox

A free browser with unrivaled security. At least according to the developers. It has an extensive database of all kinds of add-ons and extensions. It also does not load the computer at all. However, it is not at all friendly with Flash content and the player from Adobe.

Former legend. It was once based on its own web engine, but switched to Blink. After this, Opera's popularity plummeted as it began to resemble all the "Chrome-like" browsers. Now the situation is improving. The only drawback of Opera is its very poor availability of applications.

"Yandex browser"

It can be called popular only if you consider that they are trying to push it onto users by hook or by crook along with installed programs. Google Chrome with Russian adaptation. Naturally, it has all the advantages and disadvantages of Chrome.

A new project designed to revive the classic Opera. Since the final release was released recently, it is too early to talk about any interesting additions. But the speed of the browser is impressive. Perhaps this browser will soon become the best.

Microsoft Edge

The standard browser in the Windows 10 operating system. It replaced the outdated outcast Internet Explorer. Oddly enough, the Redmond company has come up with something similar to an adequate browser. However, there is no optimization, and there are no add-ons. But it works quickly.

Now let’s look at all these “crafts” in more detail, compare browsers and decide who deserves to take pride of place on our computer.

Google Chrome. Give it speed!

Perhaps the best browser ever. If you don't take into account increased consumption random access memory. A comparison of browsers by memory consumption clearly shows that Chrome consumes a lot. Even with one open tab. However, one can forgive him for this sin if one remembers his many merits.

Browser launch time is 1.5 seconds. It’s better not to talk about page loading time at all, because measuring it is unrealistic. The Chroma store has a bunch of add-ons for all occasions. Plus - flexibility of configuration. The built-in Flash plugin is also expensive. In general, if you need a browser with all the working elements out of the box, then there is nothing better than Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox. Security Guru

"Ognelis" is an excellent choice for those who value safe surfing. It is also very easy to use and has a huge database of add-ons for full customization him "for himself". In tests it lags somewhat behind Chrome. But only in minor aspects. For example, it takes a little longer to start. And a fanatical attachment to security forced developers to completely abandon the leaky Adobe Flash.

Otherwise, Ognelis is an excellent browser that supports everything you need for comfortable work in the Internet. Separately, I would like to note that the browser is being developed independent community Mozilla Foundation, which allows it to be used as a standard browser in free operating systems of the Linux family.

Opera. Return of a Legend

After Opera switched to the Blink engine, its popularity fell sharply. "Oldfags" began to scream with one voice that "Opera" was turning into "Chrome". But we can’t do without new technologies. Opera developers realized this and tried to make their browser as modern as possible to the detriment of the classic canons. And they did it great. The performance of the new Opera is on par with Firefox and Chrome. And the browser looks like regular Opera.

The only significant disadvantage of Opera is the paucity of additions. Several utilities for blocking ads - that's the whole arsenal. In terms of ease of use, Opera is clearly inferior to the browsers described above. Yes, and it’s very difficult to customize it for yourself. A comparison of browser performance convincingly proves that Opera is worthy of taking an honorable third place in this competition.

"Yandex browser". Set up quietly

The characteristics of this browser can be copied from the classic Chrome. For this is the same program, but with Russian adaptation and default search from Yandex. Maybe someone might be interested in it, but most often it is installed by mistake, forgetting to uncheck the required item when installing some program completely unrelated to the Internet. The inclusion of this brainchild of Yandex in the comparison of browsers is explained solely by its “chrome-likeness”.

Perhaps the browser would have become at least a little popular if it weren’t for the annoying and aggressive policy"Yandex" to impose its brainchild. Many users are wildly annoyed when they try to push a completely unnecessary program onto them. This is why most people use Chrome. In defiance of Yandex. And Yandex.Browser, by the way, has an excellent adapted search for the Russian segment of the Internet. This is in addition to all the “Khromov” advantages. This is Yandex.Browser. Comparing it with other products makes no sense since it is completely copied.

Vivaldi. Classic in a new wrapper

Against the background of nostalgia for the classic "Opera", the developers tried to create new browser according to the classical canons. What did they do? It's not entirely clear yet. The final release was presented in October 2016. Naturally, numerous patches will be released in updated assemblies. But so far the quality of execution and speed are pleasantly surprising. Comparison Windows browsers convincingly proves that the newcomer is worthy of taking a prominent place among the recognized masters of the genre.

Vivaldi has only one drawback so far - the paucity of additions. Of course, they exist, but even with them the browser is not yet able to work adequately. However, it is not like other internet browsers. Comparison with the full-fledged final releases of other products is somewhat unfair, because this is a completely new and raw product. When everything works fine in it, then it will be possible to compare it with others.

Microsoft Edge. Second time for the same rake

At first, the new browser from Microsoft amazes with its updated appearance and speed of opening pages. But upon closer examination, you will notice that this is still the same Explorer in new wrapper and with some modifications. For example, it uses even more RAM than the notorious “Chrome”. And in terms of functionality it lags even behind Vivaldi. Congratulations to the Redmond corporation on yet another failure. A comparison of browsers clearly shows this.

If you look into the depths of Edge, it becomes clear that it is not able to cope with Flash animation and Java Script. How did he get on this list then? All his popularity is based on the fact that he - standard browser new operating system. Accordingly, all owners of this OS use it to download a more sane browser. And they don't open it anymore. That's all his popularity is. It’s generally funny to look at performance tests, because Edge is trailing behind. What can I say? "Microsoft" in its repertoire.

Browsers for mobile devices on Android

All of the above browsers also have a mobile version. Except, perhaps, Vivaldi. But the developers will eventually eliminate this annoying misunderstanding. A comparison of browsers on Android devices shows that the priorities here change somewhat. The palm goes to Firefox. It is distinguished by adequate display of pages, fast loading and the least amount of RAM consumed.

Chrome has the same problem as on PC. He's too gluttonous. And if this is not very noticeable on a computer, then for mobile gadget his appetite turns out to be critical. It takes an unrealistically long time to load. Especially on devices with very modest technical characteristics.

"Opera" is popular on mobile devices, so to speak, for old times' sake. Once upon a time, there weren’t many browser alternatives for smartphones. Everyone was sitting at the Opera. But it’s not just habit that plays a role here. A balanced combination of speed, appearance and optimization makes Opera the second most popular browser on Android. A comparison of browsers on Android devices would be incomplete without Opera.

Browsers on Windows Phone

Owners of iOS and WP devices also have an alternative. However, for Windows phone owners, everything is much worse. Their system's meager store doesn't offer much choice. The mobile version of Edge is installed by default. Like a full-fledged one, it is not worth using. Among Windows phone owners, the most popular browser is Opera. Selection and comparison mobile browsers in this case it does not work, since the WP platform has a very narrow range. Some people can still install "Ognelis", but its optimization on this mobile platform leaves much to be desired. Why is that? Perhaps it's something to do with Windows itself. Microsoft is known for its glitches in mobile operating systems.

Browsers on iOS

Yabloko owners usually use stock Safari. And this is completely justified, because its balance of speed and performance is exactly what is needed for iOS and the current device. Although some people also install Ognelis, considering it much more convenient for Internet surfing on Apple. Please note, no Chrome or Opera. Yabloko clearly knows a lot about good browsers. A comparison of mobile browsers highlights one that leads by a wide margin - the Most The best decision for a mobile device in terms of performance, appearance and ease of use.


According to everything written above, an almost ideal browser for personal computer- Google Chrome. It is the one that has the best balance of performance, appearance, ergonomics and functionality. It is only let down by its excessive gluttony in terms of RAM. But for modern PCs and laptops this is not a problem.

In the mobile segment, everything is somewhat different. The fast and secure Mozilla Firefox wins the palm here. A comparison of browsers showed that Ognelis confidently outperformed all its competitors. And by an impressive margin. The balance of speed, safety and ergonomics turned out to be ideal. And its low demands on system resources made it possible to launch even on low-power devices.

In general, choosing a browser is a purely individual matter. Use what you like best. However, speed and safety also need to be paid attention to. And may the Internet be with you.