Plugin for chrome vk. Extensions for downloading VKontakte music in Google Chrome

The Chrome browser web store contains a huge number of extensions that complement the functionality of the browser. These include online translators, games, todo lists, and even fb2 readers. TJournal has collected the best extensions that add functionality to the VKontakte social network.


The VK Spoilers extension by former VKontakte developer Denis Olshin allows you to hide from your news feed posts containing “spoilers” - certain words and phrases. After installing the extension, an icon is added to the address bar, which, when clicked, opens a customizable list of rules. In the “templates”, variants of words are entered, separated by commas, entries containing which will be simply hidden or deleted completely, at the user’s choice. You can also display, hide or delete comments on an already hidden post.

Two additional features of this extension are the ability to write templates using regular expressions and a “special” rule that allows you to hide any reposts from the feed, leaving only user content.

Another extension from Denis is VK Webcam. It adds a “Snapshot” item to the drop-down list for attaching media objects that appears when creating a post on a wall or in dialogues. Using this line, you can conveniently take and send photos from your webcam. Among the options is the ability to take a photo instantly or with a delay of 3 seconds.

Olshin also wrote an extension that shows a large and comprehensively informative tooltip instead of the usual one with a meager set of information about the user. VK Notes also has the function of adding your own “notes”. You can mark that such and such a user, for example, is not a good person and a troll, and never fall for his provocations again.

Once installed, the VK.Suggests extension notifies community administrators about the appearance of new “suggested news” via Chrome notifications. Everything is simple here - the user installs the add-on and specifies the communities that the extension will “monitor”. But, unfortunately, you cannot select more than five communities.

VK Spy is a “spy” extension from Ivan Gusev and Evgeny Zinoviev, Happy Santa LLC. This extension, according to the authors, “invisibly monitors the activity of your friends and other VKontakte users.” The application can find out who wrote a message to the user and when, but was too embarrassed to send it.

In the settings you can enable Chrome notifications and exclude conference analysis. Among the nice additions are the ability to see what time a certain user was online, and the ability of the extension to work in the background. The unpleasant thing is that it may not “track” the user who wrote to you if the message was typed in a box on the page, and not in dialogs.

In the description of the VK Spy extension in the Chrome online store, the developers wrote that it was developed in protest of the accepted norm about the sinfulness of curiosity and that “it is a sin to want an answer.” And in the description of their own extension VK Crazy Typing, they already write that they decided to switch to other sins and “turn their attention to vanity and anger.”

We have long noticed that people are extremely annoyed by a bug in the VK application for iPad, when a person constantly looks like he is writing something into the dialogue, but in fact he does not. Well. Meet VK Crazy Typing! The application non-stop pretends that you are writing in hundreds of your dialogues. You write and write and don’t send anything. Congratulations to your friends for ending up in HELL without an answer. Why are we so angry? Because we can. Happy Santa LLC.

The extension is also good because it does not require a running browser to work.

The EmojiPlus extension is sleek and simple. It adds a convenient button, like in dialogs, that allows you to put emoji smiles in all text fields of the site.

From the name of the extension “Publish on VKontakte” you can easily guess what its purpose is. But the extension, in addition to publishing the site you are viewing when you click on a button in the context menu, has a useful bonus: it allows you to see the number of publications of this page on VKontakte in the browser extensions panel without distraction.

Denis Olshin, as an active creator of extensions for VKontakte, told TJournal about his hobby:

I like the feeling of doing something useful - both to myself and to other people. I only spent one or two evenings, but the result was some cool stuff that would be of interest to many. In general, you can say so - I make the world a little better.

Receiving gratitude and earning a good reputation is also nice, what’s there to hide? Well, and finally, it also helps me “keep in shape”: practice development skills, discover some new details in this. Denis Olshin, developer

We asked Denis if any problems arise during the development and support process, for example, due to the appearance of new functions on the site.

They do occur, but not very often. From the very beginning, I try to write extensions in such a way that they can be affected as little as possible by further updates (unless VK developers start deliberately harming extensions, of course). When breakdowns happen, as soon as I get around to it, I roll out new versions.

For example, the VK Silent Typing extension, which allows you to view messages without marking them as read, had to be slightly modified - but what’s worse is that it is now visually more difficult to understand that new messages remained unread for the interlocutor (previously they were highlighted, but now there is a strip above them all the time "New messages"). This is confusing: users think that the extension is broken, although it works fine. Denis Olshin, developer


Here is a small selection of add-ons for the Google Chrome browser that expand the functionality of the website. More than 50 percent of users use this browser. The average young Russian spends 2-3 hours a day there. This article will help reduce this time and make it a little more interesting and fun.

1. VKStater. Find out more about the people who liked the post

After installation, click on the add-on icon in the upper right corner, copy the link to the post that interests us (it is hidden behind the gray timestamp) and paste it into the form. After this, we get statistical information about gender, age, place of residence and favorite public pages of people who liked it.
Chrome Store Page

2. Vkontakte Stats. Who do you text with the most?

This extension counts how many messages you have received and from whom, and how many you have sent and to whom. Including the number of letters. For those who actively use VK, let me remind you that in all volumes of the novel “War and Peace” there are 2,966,547 characters.

3. VKontakte informer. Find out about unread messages without going to the site

Sometimes it happens that you go to the website to see if a message has arrived, and there is an interesting post in the news feed, followed by another one... And half an hour has disappeared. This extension will help you not miss messages and protect you from falling into a time hole.
Chrome Store Page

4. Message templates. We reduce the time spent on correspondence

Templates can be used to store birthday greetings, answers to customer questions, couples' schedules, contact information and other text that you often need to send to VK. The add-on allows you to use the variables (user) and (text). The latter designates the place where the cursor is placed when inserting a template.

5. VKMenu. Adding links to the left menu

And this extension will be useful for those who use as their home page. Links to your favorite sites can be embedded in the program menu. You can also post people and public pages that interest you.

6. Clean News for No trash in the feed!

You can hide posts based on a variety of criteria: reposts containing links to external sites/groups/Instagram, etc. You can even remove all posts from people, leaving space only for thematic communities that are interesting to you (this setting is shown in the picture).

7. VKD. Download music, videos and photos

There are a lot of add-ons for downloading content from VK. This is one of the most highly rated by users.

8. VKFeedKiller. Stop wasting time!

Every minute you scroll the feed, this extension hides it, solemnly notifies you of a wasted minute of personal time and makes you wonder whether it’s worth continuing to do this.
Chrome Store Page

9. VK Comment Blocker. Save time and psyche from shit in the comments

You scroll, scroll, scroll through your feed... And then bang! Vasya writes in a comment to the post that Android is better than iOS, and Kolya agrees with him. How can you pass by? And again half an hour disappeared... If this problem is familiar to you, then it is better to hide the display of comments in the feed.

10. Orbitum Themes. Changing the page design

This extension contains thousands of luxurious page design options. Surely you will find among them something that resonates with your soul more than the standard design.

The add-ons above are just a small part of what the Chrome Store offers for VK users. There are many offers and what not among them! There is even an addon that displays a “Nichoshi!” picture after each like.

The development of applications for browsing the Internet has moved towards speed and convenience. At a time when there was no social media yet. VKontakte network, users were content with primitive web viewers. There was almost the only primitive Internet Explorer - the brainchild of Microsoft Corporation, at that time they had not yet invented a browser in which you could open several windows and navigate through tabs. Today this is a common function, very convenient in Google Chrome.

Quick navigation:

Let's start with Google Chrome.

I personally really like this browser. My Internet, roughly speaking, is not very fast, and this browser really surprised me with its speed. Before that, I tried Opera, Internet Explorer from Microsoft and Fire Fox (Mozilla Firefox). It is convenient to use the VKontakte website.

Speed ​​of work.

I can safely say that this is the fastest browser at the moment. which is certainly a big plus for Google developers. They kept their promises - pages load instantly (or almost instantly), launching the browser from the desktop does not take long, as do VKontakte applications (and not only) - thanks to the WebKit platform on which Chrome runs.

Easy to use.

I was also pleased with the intuitive clarity of the interface and the convenient installation of personal settings. For example: tabs can be placed as you like simply by moving them with the mouse, the same with bookmarks. Also: to find something, you don’t have to open a search engine page - just write what you want to find in the address bar (where the site address is written)

You can create an account with Google and now all your passwords will be securely stored, it is very convenient and helps you remember the password for VKontakte and for other sites. This will help you not to resort to it again.

How convenient it is to download music from VKontakte to a flash drive if you use a plugin for Chrome, we talk about this here (See). On iPhone (See).

Safe web surfing.

And here Google Chrome did not disappoint. I literally froze when I just downloaded the browser and tried to go to my favorite site (I won’t specify) - the browser, instead of the expected page, opened this window:

I think there is no need to explain anything in detail: Google Chrome simply warned me that some kind of “bug” had settled on the site, and visiting the site could cost me the loss of data from my PC (passwords, for example) or “catching” a virus.

Well, what can I say, operational work.

Besides all this, there are many more different ones for convenience and comfort when working on VKontakte.
In general, I recommend Google Chrome to everyone.
You can download it (and best of all) on the official website - you definitely won’t “pick up” anything and it is distributed free of charge.

I decided to make a selection of extensions for Google Chrome that will help the user quickly download music, videos, receive notifications about received messages, chat with friends, and get offline access to some data (contacts, messages). There are 26 extensions in total and I wouldn’t use all of them. Remember safety first. It is best to use extensions that have a green checkmark. This means that this extension has been tested and approved. But you shouldn’t really trust this :) Also, do not forget that VKontakte does not allow you to download music and videos. This is made possible by various add-ons, programs, plugins, extensions and additions. Most hacking of VKontakte accounts occurs precisely because users entrust their data (login and password) to various programs that allow them to download video and audio materials on the site.

Never enter your social network username and password anywhere. Conscientious and decent programs, add-ons, extensions must interact with social network data through the API. If this is not the case, then you yourself increase the possibility of theft of your personal data.

26 extensions for Google Chrome for Contact

3. Downloader- install

This is an extension for downloading music and videos from /
The extension adds buttons for downloading music and links for downloading videos.
You can get the file size and bitrate for an audio recording by clicking on the duration.
For Chrome 15 and higher: To download, simply click on the link or button. Normal file names work immediately and do not require any settings.
For Chrome 14 and below:
Audio recordings can be downloaded by simply clicking a button; To download the video, right-click on the link and select “Save link as...” from the context menu.
For Chrome 14 and below, there are two options for downloading with normal names:
1) By dragging a button/link into a folder or onto the desktop.
2) Download Manager Download Master (when the corresponding checkbox is enabled in the settings).
The first option is often preferable because it allows you to use the cache.

4. Prison VKontakte- install

The current version of the extension displays the following information:
1) Klikukha
2) Amount of Authority
3) In which boss’s house does he sit?
4)Beard length - how many days the player has not shaved (how long ago he logged into the game)
5)Total number of invested talent points
+ detailed information about Talents (available by clicking)
6)Total number of ACHIEVEMENT points scored
+ detailed information about each achievement (available by clicking)
7)Current number of victories over each boss
+ medals
8) Your page also shows the current number of keys,
dropped from each boss and not spent on the next one

Share an interesting site with your friends! Every time you click on this button, an entry is automatically created on your VKontakte page with a link to the currently viewed page.

Vkfox is a plugin for VKontakte (,, which shows and notifies about:
— private messages
- posts on the wall
- marks on the photo
— marks on the video
— comments
- invitations to friends
- opinions
- proposals
- invitations to groups
- invitations to a meeting
— login/logout of friends from the network (selected in the friends tab) *NEW
You will also be able to send messages or comments directly from the plugin, follow the news feed, or, for example, mark new messages as read without visiting the website.

7. VKontakte music player - install

A player for your audio recordings from VKontakte. Convenient when you constantly have many tabs open and it takes a long time to search for the one in which the player is playing. And also in those cases when you want to listen to music without being distracted by the VKontakte tab, which magically attracts attention and reduces work productivity.

NORMAL display of photographs and photo mosaics in the news. As well as creating photo puzzles from any picture on the Internet.
In version 1.53, now all photo puzzles in the news of the website are shown correctly and put together into a mosaic.

Convenient search on the social network VKontakte.
Quick search in two clicks directly from the toolbar or selected text by right click.
In the new version:
— Search results open in a separate window immediately on the VKontakte website itself
— For ease of searching, a context menu has been added
— Hints when searching from the toolbar

10. Download video and music VKontakte - install

11. VKontakte chat- install

Chat allows you to quickly exchange messages on the VKontakte social network.
A simple application that will help you communicate with friends!

Attention: This is just a bookmark application for Instant Messages on the VKontakte social network. It allows you to open a VKontakte chat with one click.

12. VKontakte Tools- install

Allows you to download music, videos, check new messages, chat, scrobble music on LastFm, instantly display incoming messages...
- Allows you to download music
— Scrobbling music on LastFM
— Changing site styles
— Checks new messages
— Sound notification of new messages
— Chat
— Saving text when a tab is accidentally closed
— Removing duplicates when searching for music
— Show last message
— Notifications (display messages in the lower right corner)
- View additional information about hidden profiles
— Adds a song lyrics search button
- Allows you to download videos
— Breakdown of groups line by line

13. Vkontakte Audio Player- install

The extension adds an icon to the toolbar, which allows you to control the VKontakte player, in particular, pause and play the current song.

15. Vkontakte Download- install

This extension adds links to download video and audio to the website. Links to any video and audio. As you scroll the page, audio links are added automatically.

16. Vkontakte Music Downloader - install

Allows you to download music on VKontakte pages.,

To bookmarks

The Chrome browser web store contains a huge number of extensions that complement the functionality of the browser. These include online translators, games, todo lists, and even fb2 readers. TJournal has collected the best extensions that add functionality to the VKontakte social network.

VK Spoilers

The VK Spoilers extension by former VKontakte developer Denis Olshin allows you to hide from your news feed posts containing “spoilers” - certain words and phrases. After installing the extension, an icon is added to the address bar, which, when clicked, opens a customizable list of rules. In the “templates”, variants of words are entered, separated by commas, entries containing which will be simply hidden or deleted completely, at the user’s choice. You can also display, hide or delete comments on an already hidden post.

Two additional features of this extension are the ability to write templates using regular expressions and a “special” rule that allows you to hide any reposts from the feed, leaving only user content.

VK Webcam

Another extension from Denis is VK Webcam. It adds a “Snapshot” item to the drop-down list for attaching media objects that appears when creating a post on a wall or in dialogues. Using this line, you can conveniently take and send photos from your webcam. Among the options is the ability to take a photo instantly or with a delay of 3 seconds.

VK Notes

Olshin also wrote an extension that shows a large and comprehensively informative tooltip instead of the usual one with a meager set of information about the user. VK Notes also has the function of adding your own “notes”. You can mark that such and such a user is, for example, an asshole and a troll, and never fall for his provocations again.


Once installed, the VK.Suggests extension notifies community administrators about the appearance of new “suggested news” via Chrome notifications. Everything is simple here - the user installs the add-on and specifies the communities that the extension will “monitor”. But, unfortunately, you cannot select more than five communities.

VK Spy

VK Spy is a “spy” extension from Ivan Gusev and Evgeny Zinoviev, Happy Santa LLC. This extension, according to the authors, “invisibly monitors the activity of your friends and other VKontakte users.” The application can find out who wrote a message to the user and when, but was too embarrassed to send it.

In the settings you can enable Chrome notifications and exclude conference analysis. Among the nice additions are the ability to see what time a certain user was online, and the ability of the extension to work in the background. The unpleasant thing is that it may not “track” the user who wrote to you if the message was typed in a box on the page, and not in dialogs.

VK Crazy Typing

In the description of the VK Spy extension in the Chrome online store, the developers wrote that it was developed in protest of the accepted norm about the sinfulness of curiosity and that “it is a sin to want an answer.” And in the description of their own extension VK Crazy Typing, they already write that they decided to switch to other sins and “turn their attention to vanity and anger.”

We have long noticed that people are extremely annoyed by a bug in the VK application for iPad, when a person constantly looks like he is writing something into the dialogue, but in fact he does not. Well. Meet VK Crazy Typing! The application non-stop pretends that you are writing in hundreds of your dialogues. You write and write and don’t send anything. Congratulations to your friends for ending up in HELL without an answer. Why are we so angry? Because we can. Happy Santa LLC.

The extension is also good because it does not require a running browser to work.


The EmojiPlus extension is sleek and simple. It adds a convenient button, like in dialogs, that allows you to put emoji smiles in all text fields of the site.

Publish on VKontakte

From the name of the extension “Publish on VKontakte” you can easily guess what its purpose is. But the extension, in addition to publishing the site you are viewing when you click on a button in the context menu, has a useful bonus: it allows you to see the number of publications of this page on VKontakte in the browser extensions panel without distraction.


Denis Olshin, as an active creator of extensions for VKontakte, told TJournal about his hobby:

I like the feeling of doing something useful - both to myself and to other people. I only spent one or two evenings, but the result was some cool stuff that would be of interest to many. In general, you can say so - I make the world a little better.

Receiving gratitude and earning a good reputation is also nice, what’s there to hide? Well, and finally, it also helps me “keep in shape”: practice development skills, discover some new details in this. Denis Olshin, developer