How to copy congratulations. How to send a picture in a message in Odnoklassniki. How to share a photo or send a card. We give useful advice. Smiley pictures in Odnoklassniki: methods of sending

If you have already managed to get your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network, then you won’t be bored anymore. After all, friends, colleagues, classmates and, of course, classmates are waiting for you here! In addition, the site’s creators are constantly working on its functionality and expanding opportunities for communication. But many of us are not even aware of some of the necessary functions of That is why today we will tell you how to send a postcard for free on Odnoklassniki.

What are greeting cards

A postcard is a type of gift that you can send to your friend just like that or to congratulate you on a holiday. Usually they are all divided into thematic categories and are perfect for a particular event.

Most often, such postcards can be purchased using Odnoklassniki (OKi) currency, but there are also free methods. The owners of the site constantly delight us with such gifts and allow us to make pleasant surprises for our loved ones.

Musical cards

So, you want to congratulate a loved one on their holiday, for example, a happy birthday, but you don’t want to pay? Then either read ours or follow the instructions below.

  1. Open your browser and go to your page in OK. Then, in the left side column, click on the menu item.

  1. Now, in the same menu, select an item and find a suitable gift in the right half of the window. Make sure that “0 OK” is written under the picture - only such postcards can be sent for free.

  1. Next, select the person to whom we are sending the gift by clicking on his photo in the friends list.

  1. And click “Submit” - this is the final stage of the whole process.

"Private" "Secret"

As a result, we will receive a notification that the postcard was successfully sent, and the user will see it as soon as he appears online.

You can send a postcard not only to your friend. Any user can make a surprise. This process is described below:

  1. First you need to go to the page of the user who deserves our attention. When this is done, click the menu item under his photo.

  1. Exactly the same as last time, let's go to the category. All that remains is to find a picture to your liking and send it to the person.

What to do if there are no free postcards?

If you haven’t found a free postcard, but still need to make a gift, you can download the picture yourself and send it in a message. We will tell you exactly how this is done below:

  1. First, let's upload a picture that will become our postcard. You can find it in Yandex by entering an advising query.
  1. When the search results appear, switch to the “Pictures” tab. It is best to choose an image with a white or transparent background - this way it will harmoniously fit into the interface of the Odnoklassniki dialog window.

  1. Open the image and right-click on it to save it to your computer.

  1. Select a directory in which we can easily find the object. This will be our desktop. Then click “Save”.

  1. Next, go to the page of the object of your adoration and click on the inscription "To write a message", which we noted in the screenshot.

  1. In the dialog window, click on the paperclip icon and select the item from the drop-down menu "Photo from computer".

  1. Then we choose a bouquet of snowdrops, which we prepared in advance with the help of Yandex.

  1. And click “Send”.

That's all. A beautiful bouquet of flowers as a gift was sent to our opponent. The advantage of this method is that we can choose any picture, and not just what Odnoklassniki sells to us.

How to send for free from your phone

But what should those users do who do not have a computer or laptop, but also want to send a gift in the form of a postcard. It's very simple, follow our instructions:

  1. So, we will work with the Odnoklassniki application, since the functionality is implemented in a similar way in the mobile version of the site. First of all, open the main menu.

  1. Scroll down the list a little and select .

  1. Switch to the “Categories” tab and select the item called .

  1. In this list we will look for free gifts. We remind you that they are not always here. But as they say, trying is not torture. Try it.

Now let's consider the option when we visited the section with postcards and did not find anything free. In the same way as in the PC version described above, we will send the downloaded image via message.

So let's get started:

  1. First, let's open the browser on your smartphone or phone and, using one of the search engines, enter a query.

  1. Switch to the pictures tab and select a beautiful image that matches the theme. Again, if possible, with a white background.

  1. When the image enlarges, hold it with your finger and from the pop-up menu select the option to download the image to your phone.

  1. Next, go to the page of the person who will receive a gift from us, and click on the message icon, which is pointed to by the arrow in the screenshot.

  1. Tap on the paperclip and select the item marked “2” from the pop-up menu.

  1. Once in the gallery of our phone, select the picture that we will send.

  1. We wait for the short-term download to complete and voila! Our bouquet will be delivered to its destination as soon as the user appears online.


Now you know how to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free and you understand that if the site itself does not allow us to do this, ingenuity still comes first. Remember - your attention, no matter in what form, is very valuable for loved ones. So give, give and give again!

Well, if after reading you still have questions, we suggest you watch the video at the very bottom of the page or describe the essence of the problem in the comments. If not us, then one of the users will definitely help with practical advice.

Video instruction

To complete the picture and make it clearer, we invite you to watch a thematic video in which we show all the ways to send postcards for free on Odnoklassniki.

Since 2014, I have become interested in making musical greeting cards. During this time I have already accumulated a decent collection of such postcards. This activity is very creative, exciting, I like it, I make my cards with my soul. Judging by the comments and letters that come to me in the mail, many people like my work. It's nice! And gives inspiration to continue creating! Giving people kindness and a good mood always gives pleasure, and you get positive emotions from it.

I make my musical cards so that you, dear readers of my site “Notes for the Family,” can use them to congratulate your friends and family, or simply give them a little good mood for no reason.

Enjoy it for your health!

In postcards, I always write that you share them by clicking the social network buttons inside the musical postcard itself, or copying the link. It seemed to me that everything was clear here what needed to be done. But several times already I have received comments or letters with questions like: " how can you send a musical postcard to a friend?", or " How can I send this card personally?". And then I realized that not everyone feels like a duck to water on the Internet, and I decided to describe everything more specifically.

How to send a musical card in an email

You can personally send a musical postcard to a friend via email. To do this, you need to send a link to this postcard in a letter. The friend will receive a letter; the link to this postcard in the letter will be active. By clicking on it, your friend will be taken to the page with the postcard. Before this link, you can write some kind of congratulations and an offer to see a musical postcard as a gift.

How to copy and paste a link to a music card into an email

The best way to do it is this way:

  • open the music card for viewing
  • move the cursor to the browser line (it is located at the very top of the screen)
  • left-click anywhere on this line, the link should be highlighted in blue
  • move the cursor to this link, right-click, and in the drop-down window click “Copy” (or press the keyboard shortcut ctrl +c, that is, these two keys must be pressed together)

  • open a letter you are writing to a friend. The cursor should be in the place where you want to insert the link. Right-click and select "Paste" (or press the keyboard shortcut ctrl +v).

You can also try to copy the link from the postcard itself (most often I give it inside the postcard), or from my article on the site. But in this case you need to be very careful! If you do not copy at least one character, or, conversely, copy something extra, then the link will not work and the postcard will not open.

To send my musical card in a personal message to friends on social networks, you need to send them the link to the postcard in the same way, writing to them that this is a musical postcard as a gift to them.

Now, I hope everything has become clear.

Give attention and joy to your friends, share musical cards on social networks, send them in private messages or by email. Choose the method that suits you best.

And if you have a desire to give someone an individual, original gift of congratulations with your photos and wishes, I am ready to help you with this. Contact us!

The author of the blog "u" Ksenia Druzhkova showed you how to send a musical postcard to a friend for free.

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Hello, friends! We cannot always personally congratulate a person on some holiday. In such situations, the telephone and social networks come to the rescue: they called and said a few nice words, or sent a beautiful postcard with wishes.

There is also an opportunity to send a postcard in Odnoklassniki. This can be done either for a fee (for OKi) or for free. If you pay, then a fragment of the picture will be displayed on your friend’s avatar, and many users will be able to see it. Well, if you don’t want to pay, then you can send the picture in a message, or upload it to your profile and add a congratulatory comment to it so that all your friends can see it in discussions, or you can simply tag the person in the image. Let's look in order at several ways to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free or by purchasing it for OKi, and you can decide for yourself which one suits you best.

In the message

Let's start by sending postcards via messages. This function appeared recently (at the time of writing) and to use it, you just need to open a dialogue with the desired user and select a picture. The list includes both paid and free ones. Only the recipient can see it.

So, in the top menu, click on the “Messages” button. Then select the desired user in the list on the left and click on it - a window for correspondence will open. In the text input field, click on the smiling face - “Smileys and stickers.”

Next, select the first tab with the appropriate name. The first picture will be free - 0 OK, all the rest from 1 OK and higher. If you are ready to pay, then use the search bar and find an image on a suitable topic: Birthday, New Year, March 8. Click on the selected one to send a postcard to a friend.

When a friend opens the chat, they will see a postcard as shown in the screenshot below. By clicking on Play, he will be able to watch the animation.

From the Gifts section

Another option you can use is to find a card in the Gifts section and send it. If you pay, then a fragment of it will be shown on the avatar of the person you congratulate. If you need to send free postcards, then find the ones you need in the list, save them to your computer, and then send them as a message to the right person (in this case, only the recipient will see them).

On the main profile page, in the menu under the avatar, click on the “Gifts” item.

Select “Postcards” from the list on the left.

Find one that you like and that makes sense. There are also musical cards on the list; they are not cheap, but they also look beautiful. By hovering over an image in italics, its price will appear below it. When you decide, click on the selected one.

In the window that opens, select the friend to whom you want to send a greeting card.

Then look at its price and how many Shackles you have. If you want, you can send it privately (the recipient will know who it's from) or secretly (no one will know who the postcard is from). Click on the Play icon to watch it. If everything is suitable, click “Submit”.

Now I’ll tell you what to do if you don’t want to pay. Find the postcard you like in the list and click on it. Then right-click on the image and select “Save as...”.

On the left, select the folder on your computer where it will be saved. In the example, I indicated “Desktop”. You can rename the picture. “File type” does not need to be touched. Click "Save".

After saving the postcard, it needs to be sent. To do this, go to messages, select a chat with the desired person on the left, click on the paper clip and click on “Video” in the list.

Then you need to click the “Send video from computer” button.

On the left, open the same folder where you saved the image. Then find it in the area in the middle and select it with a mouse click. Click "Open".

Wait for the attached video to download completely. You can write something in the message field, and then send a postcard - an orange button with a white airplane.

Even though no one other than the recipient will see the postcard you sent, your friend will be pleased. It looks beautiful, you can write some text of congratulations from yourself. You can watch it by clicking on the play button.

Search for postcards in the Group

Beautiful postcards: musical, animated or video clips can also be found in the corresponding groups. Such images can either be sent for a fee so that it appears on the user’s main photo, or for free - by saving it in the “Gifs” album and then sending it in a personal message.

This method is very similar to that described in the previous paragraph, only there we looked for pictures in the corresponding “Gifts” section, and here we will look for a suitable group.

On your page, under the main photo, click the “Groups” menu item.

If it suits you, you can “Join” it so as not to waste time searching in the future. If not, go back to the previous point and choose another one. Since all postcards are sorted by “Photo Albums,” click on this item.

To display them all, click “Show more”. Next, select an album with a suitable theme and click on it.

Find an interesting postcard and click on the button with a gift on it - “Give a picture.”

Click on the person you need.

Place italics over the picture and select the area that will be displayed on your friend's avatar by moving the markers - the top right will show how it will look. Pay attention to the price. You can send the picture privately. At the end, click “Give”.

Once the recipient accepts the card, it will be visible to everyone in their main profile photo.

In order to send postcards for free, hover over the one you like and click on the plus sign in the left corner - “Add to album GIFs”.

Now you need to open this album. In the menu under the avatar on your page, select “Photo”.

Click on the album with the name we need.

Find the added image in it and click on it with the mouse.

When it opens in view mode, you can add a description to it, and then click “Get Link.”

The field you clicked on will turn blue and a link to the image will appear. Right-click on it and select “Copy” from the menu.

Open a dialogue with the person you want to congratulate, put italics in the field for entering a message, then right-click on this field and select “Insert”.

After the picture has loaded and its thumbnail is shown, select the link, right-click on it and click “Delete”.

Your friend will receive it in this form - the wish at the top and the picture itself.

Clicking on the image will open it full screen.

Sending an image saved to a computer

Well, the last method that we will consider is to search for a greeting card on the Internet, save it to your computer, and then add it to your profile. At the same time, you can mark the person you want to congratulate on it and create a note with an image that all your friends will see. This method is free and the user will receive a notification that you tagged him in the photo. You can send any card, congratulating a person on any holiday: Easter, New Year, birthday, angel's day and others.

So, find a suitable image on the Internet. For example, I opened Yandex.Images, wrote the holiday theme (happy birthday) in the search bar and chose the one I liked. Here is the link: (copy it and paste it into the browser address bar).

Wait for it to load. Next we will make a note with it, write a congratulation in it and tag a friend in the image. Type your note text in the top margin. Click on the pencil that is in the picture at the bottom left and select “Tag Friends” from the list.

Click the mouse in the place where the mark should be and select a friend from the block that appears. Then click "Done".

By the way, this method is suitable if you want to congratulate several friends at once. For example, there will be a New Year greeting card. Tag several users on it, and they will receive your congratulations.

The person you indicated on the postcard will receive a notification that you tagged them and will be able to view the photo. If he also comments on it, for example, saying thank you, then the postcard will also appear in discussions.

What happened as a result: you tagged the user in the picture, he learns about it through notifications, and it is automatically added to his page in the “Photos of me” album; all your friends can see it in their feed, and if the recipient comments on it, then when it appears in discussions, all his friends can see it.

Congratulating a user on Odnoklassniki who is on your friends list is quite simple. Choose one of the described methods, and you can send him a postcard for any holiday.

Today I I'll tell you about all the free ways existing on the website, which allow you to send greeting cards to friends and colleagues for birthdays, as well as for other significant dates and events.

1. Sending postcards through special applications.

The simplest existing way to send postcards to classmates. To use it, you need to use one of the applications listed below. Postcards sent in this way will appear in the person’s Notifications.

Application "Greeting Cards".

This application is the most popular on Odnoklassniki. At the time of writing this article, more than 23.5 million people have already used it.

How to use the application?

First, go to the "Greeting Cards" application by following the link: or use the standard search function in Odnoklassniki.

On the left side there is a “Postcard Catalog” window, in which different postcards are sorted by date and category. Click on the desired ruble, select the required postcard, write a congratulatory text, look through what happened, click on the “ send“, choose the necessary friend and that’s it!

Application "Postcards".

The second most popular application, which keeps pace with the first. Its audience is only a couple of million less than the first. The application is available via a permanent link

How to use the Postcards app?

2. Sending postcards from emoticons.

This method differs significantly from the previous one, because Doesn't require you to sign in to any apps. You've probably already seen similar pictures in messages or on your friends' forums (see picture below).

Oddly enough, both pictures are a combination of emoticons and symbols.

To send pictures similar to the one shown on the left, You will need to purchase or receive paid emoticons for free. Then go to one of the groups dedicated to postcards from paid emoticons (or just surf your friends’ pages), copy the picture you like and send it as a postcard to the right person.

To create postcards, similar to the one drawn on the right, you can use special programs, for example ImgToTxt, as well as your own imagination.

How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free and for a fee

Postcards are a great way to congratulate your friends and loved ones on any holiday or event.

The Odnoklassniki website has a function for sending paid gifts (postcards, animated pictures). The cost of such postcards reaches 50 OK. Although you can find many gifts on sale - only 1 OK. But in any case, not everyone has the desire to pay even that amount. Therefore, some social network users use postcards downloaded from other sites and send them through messages on Odnoklassniki.

In this article we will look at:

  1. How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for a fee;
  2. And how to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free.

How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for a fee

To send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for a fee:

How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free

Now let’s figure out how to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free.

I would like to note that this method has a number of disadvantages. One of the main ones is that if you send a card through Messages, then no one will see that you gave someone a gift; it will not be displayed as a gift in the main photo of the person to whom you gave it.

You can, of course, send postcards in the comments to posts on Odnoklassniki. Then they will be seen, but if there are a lot of comments, yours may simply get lost.

How to send such postcards:

That's all, I hope, article " How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free and for a fee (to a friend) "was useful to you.