Tips for bloggers. Tips for beginner bloggers on YouTube. How to start a successful blog

Becoming a blogger and getting not only work from life, but also pleasure is relatively simple. The main thing in this matter is a systematic approach, a lot of desire and very little money. These components always successfully add up to a decent financial result, which will allow you to spend the time of your life with a little more pleasure.

Many people set out to become a professional blogger. What do you need to know and be able to do to make this dream come true? In the recent past, blog promotion was not a particularly difficult task. A lot has changed since then. Time goes by, competition is growing. And in this regard, it is unlikely that anything will change. Now you need to constantly select effective strategies to become a blogger and start earning money.

Do you already feel a strong desire to take this path? Then remember rule #1: Treat it like a real job. Let's get down to specifics:

  • Be hard enough on yourself. You need good organizational skills. Strict self-discipline is one of the main keys to success in the future;
  • Expand your knowledge in areas such as email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, web mastery and more.

What does a future blogger need to work?

Let's look at the basic practical steps to understand how to become a blogger and make money.

Finding your niche

Why do some blogs achieve mind-blowing success? This is because they help people solve their problems. A blogger must decide in advance what he is willing to devote his time to. If you don't do this, your efforts will be in vain. “Pointing your finger at the sky” is a common mistake for beginners that should not be made. On the Internet you can find dozens of articles for every taste that will help you determine the interests of your potential audience. Of course, the topic of the blog should always be relevant. Here are the best options:

  • Health and Medicine;
  • Fashion and beauty;
  • Repair;
  • Finance and work;
  • Cooking;
  • Trips.

Blog creation

It's time to figure out how to create a blog for free yourself to make money. To do this, you can use the popular WordPress tool. The new blog must meet all approved standards. You also need to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Creating interesting and high-quality content for the blog

If you want to do this kind of work professionally, pay as much attention to your content as possible. Make it a habit. There should be no exceptions. Users of the World Wide Web are spoiled by “tasty” information, but it is still valued. You must understand what you are doing and what you are writing about. The main goal is to gain the unshakable trust of your audience. Texts, videos, photos – everything should be at the highest level!

It’s worth immediately dispelling the myth that readers come to the blog on their own. Forget even to think about any accidents or miracles. Any result is a logical result of the efforts made. We need to act, and not sit with our hands folded.

Optimal blog promotion includes:

  • Active dialogue with readers through comments;
  • Conducting and posting interviews with experts in the chosen field;
  • Participation in thematic forums;
  • Establishing contacts and business cooperation with other popular bloggers.

Community creation

To make money as planned, you need to create a strong community around your blog. You must reward visitors periodically (at your own discretion). They should be interested in coming back to you again and again. And the most important thing is the sincere desire of readers to be active. If everything comes together as it should, you can easily monetize your personal blog.

Blog monetization

How to make money on a blog. Popular methods:

  • Affiliate. You will need to promote other users' products/services on your blog. As a reward for the work done, the blog owner receives commissions on products sold, etc.
  • Advertising. Everything is simple here! You make money by publishing commercial information. Money is awarded for visitors’ clicks on advertising banners. The second option is that you sell advertising space on your blog.
  • Advertising articles. Writing and posting selling texts presenting a company or individual products.
  • Sales of products. With the help of a personal blog you can sell your own products. Perhaps this provides the most profitable income when comparing all the options presented.

A small difficulty is that a beginner in this business is unlikely to be able to organize everything correctly. This requires preparation.

You have learned how to become a blogger and where to start. To get a good start, it is enough to take just 6 effective steps. In the near future you will be able to earn money from this. Almost every person dreams of a job that brings a decent profit and does not burden freedom. Professional blogging is a prime example of this. Good luck!

Blogging loves personalities. He does not like a person who is hidden behind seven seals and is reluctant to make contact, as well as an ordinary person leading a measured life. Open up to people, tell us about yourself, your activities, your vision of the world, your ambitious plans for life. You can even talk about your cat.

It's unfashionable to be secretive now, and you won't achieve anything in blogging. Post it with yourself and your loved ones, shoot videos, record interviews, and people will be drawn to you, want to communicate and collaborate. Declare yourself wherever possible: “I am such and such and do this, and I do it well.”

You should not be afraid of your popularity; on the contrary, you must want to get it at all costs. Then become an opinion leader and the main expert on certain issues. Yes, you can write a lot and interestingly on some topic, be competent in a certain area, have a blog with a beautiful design, but if you cannot present yourself correctly, then nothing worthwhile will come of it.

A blog should become a link between you and other people on the Internet. It's your business card, but the business card should have a personality behind it, not a bunch of letters.

Design and usability

Do not forget that you created a blog primarily for readers, and only then for yourself. Let me mention the well-known term “SDL” - a site for people. Everything that is on your site is clicked, read, commented on - for users on the other side of the screen. Make sure that the majority of readers who come to your blog enjoy visiting, navigating, and commenting on your posts.

Come up with your own logo, slogan, stand out among thousands and thousands of other sites. If you have a standard template, make it unique: add your own features, change colors and shapes, diversify it with plugins. It’s best to purchase a paid template or order a design from a freelancer.

Improve the face of your blog. Rework the design until you get closer to the ideal. Look at the websites of top bloggers, notice that everything is stylish and there is nothing superfluous.

Remove a thousand advertising blocks and teasers, remember how you yourself are annoyed by the abundance of advertising. After a while, if you blog seriously, you will learn how to place advertising correctly, without imposing it on the user.

Serge Kij/


Every blogger thinks: if he created a blog, wrote a bunch of articles, optimized everything, then now a bunch of readers will come running and begin to vigorously discuss all this and share posts on social networks. No, that won't happen. You first need to go to the sites of other bloggers yourself, preferably to the most discussed sites, and make yourself known. Discuss hot topics and sometimes express your position, which does not coincide with the position of others.

Communicate, make new friends and social connections. Make yourself known on the World Wide Web.

Register on social networks, preferably all of them, and communicate there too. You should not leave short comments, this will not give you any advantages. Communicate where you are interested, so that you can be found by like-minded people who will be attracted to your personality.

1. Main rule

If you don’t want to comment, don’t, unless it’s your article or your blog topic. You shouldn’t waste your time and strain for traffic (you won’t get anything this way). You should not comment just out of politeness. Better spend this time on.

2. Friendly communication

If you have friendships with other bloggers, communicate with them in their feature articles - this way you create a living blog together, helping each other.

3. Big comments

If you have deep knowledge on a topic or an opinion about an article, then express it in a detailed comment to attract the attention of other bloggers, show off yourself, and most importantly, attract the attention of the author. But you shouldn’t often leave large comments, as over time it gets boring and people stop reading them.

4. Trolling

If you want to attract the attention of another commentator, troll him, argue a little, but not just in the spirit of “I disagree,” but in a very subtle way. The skill requires skill, but it works flawlessly. If you have a good comment, another commentator will be interested in you, come visit you and, most likely, become your regular reader.

5. Discussions

You should not get involved in active discussions of the topic - this is a waste of time and emotions. You can leave hundreds of comments, and the solution to the problem will never appear. Better spend this time developing your own blog.

6. The ability to stop and think in time

Before you leave a comment, consider whether you are looking like a fool by trying to make yourself look like an expert. Believe me, there are people smarter than you.

7. Begging

8. Reply to comments on your blog

Try to answer everyone. Troll sometimes, but never get angry or argue stubbornly. There is no need to impose your opinion on everyone and try to convince them at any cost. Ban aggressors or those who simply start talking nonsense, calmly and without a twinge of conscience. Always greet your readers, especially new ones.

Generating new ideas

You should always write something new to surprise your readers. For example, tell an interesting story from life, raise some topical topic, or start your own marathon to study macrame. If you always write about how you found the 101st way to make money on the Internet or installed the 35th plugin, they won’t read you for a long time: now this is no longer relevant. It’s better to write about how you stumbled or in some endeavor - this will give a much greater return.

Add something fresh to your posts: humor, polls, lists, and finally, just music. Read more, communicate, get acquainted, experiment - this is the key to new great ideas.

But if you still decide to write about SEO, plugins and internet promotion, then get ready for a long, boring, grueling journey.

New ideas don’t come to you - you can break away from the computer and go outdoors or play sports. Helps.


And lastly, as all famous bloggers say: write, write and write again! Write regularly, write a lot, write from the heart. Yes, it may not work out at first, but then you will find your own style, acumen, master typing and acquire other blogging skills.

Try to benefit people, solve their problems, answer questions, draw up instructions for using something, analyze a problem, question established thoughts.

So much has already been written about making money on the Internet, plugins, recipes, programs, sports, and everything is in dry language, without zest, tailored to keywords - mortal boredom. If you write like this, then everyone will get tired of it, since your content will not bring any benefit to people.

Write for people, not for Yandex and Google.

People often make the mistake of writing only one type of article. It is not right. Try to alternate: experiments, traffic-oriented posts, blog news, provocative articles, information reports.

Think about how to attract a new audience without losing your existing readers, how to revive and stir them up, how to rekindle interest when it begins to fade. Remember that the reading audience is a capricious lady: if you don’t like it, it will go to another tab to another blogger.

Criticism and self-criticism

Ask friends or fellow bloggers to rate your creation. And if your readers criticize you, rejoice: this is a free audit of your site. Listen and see if they are right.

  • Blog ideology. Does everything match the original statements?
  • Quality of articles. What is needed to improve it?
  • Usability. Don’t dig too deep, evaluate how convenient it is for you and your readers to navigate your site.
  • The technical part: loading the site, pressing buttons, response in comments.
  • Your audience. Does it correspond to the target audience you were targeting when creating your blog?
  • Feedback. Does she exist? If so, which one?

And one last piece of advice. Don’t chase incomprehensible indicators: technical information, PR, attendance. Better create a blog that is useful to people.

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The time of the printed word, or rather its popularity, is gradually declining, giving way to videos. The number of accounts on YouTube is growing at a tremendous pace. Videos are recorded by everyone - from schoolchildren to pensioners. In the video service you can find a video on any topic, and the database is constantly updated. More and more people are interested in questions about how to become a blogger, where to start.

Who is a video blogger?

This is a person who records videos with his participation. It could be:

  • recording of some daily show;
  • report on an interesting experiment;
  • presentation of current training;
  • revealing a secret feature that no one knew about;
  • review of the new gadget.

There are a lot of blogging topics, you can choose any direction you like. Before becoming a blogger on YouTube, you need to know that 3 topics have held leadership for a long time:

  • games;
  • humor;
  • movie.

The first ones either talk about new or upcoming games, or demonstrate gameplay, create gameplays. The latter entertain the audience by posting funny videos or recording them themselves. Still others share new trailers and new movies with subscribers.

Income from YouTube

When it comes to monetizing a blog, you need to take the process more consciously and seriously. You’ll have to come up with a name that will “catch” all visitors, and design the page beautifully.

The main rule that you need to master before becoming a blogger is originality. You cannot copy or “borrow” information from others. The more unique the name, the greater the chances of success.

Next you need to draw a beautiful header for the page. To do this, you can use special programs, for example, Pant or Adobe Photoshop. The picture should be beautiful, bright, high quality and interesting. If your own knowledge is not enough, then it is better to use the services of professionals.

Video recording

When the page is completed, you can move on to the next step - recording video material. There are two options for how this process will occur. If you need to record what is happening on the screen, then you need a special program, for example:

  • CamtasiaStudio;
  • UVScreenCamera;
  • Bandicam;
  • Fraps.

Before you become a blogger, you need to familiarize yourself with all the options. Some programs are available for free, others will have to be purchased. If you need to shoot something outside the monitor and you will be personally involved, then you need to prepare more thoroughly.

Recording equipment

Anyone who has found the answer to the question of how to become a blogger on YouTube can say that the main things in this matter are lighting, a video camera and a microphone. The light source should not be behind. Its main task is to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the face.

You need to choose a video camera with good resolution so that the image is as clear as possible. Of course, if an extraordinary event happens nearby, then the phone will be suitable as a camera. But if you have the opportunity to prepare, you need to do it, otherwise you will have to forget about how to become a blogger.

Most professionals, successful people who were able to earn a fortune by recording videos, giving recommendations on how to become a successful blogger on YouTube, say unequivocally - a microphone. If you study seriously, you can forget about all the cheap devices. The sound must be of high quality, period.

Do you need to be an actor?

Considering that people on the other side of the screen will be looking at the participant in the video, then yes. How to become a blogger without acting skills? You need to at least adhere to a few fairly simple rules that can literally save you from failure.

  • No papers, only memorized text.
  • Improvisation should take place without delays or pauses.
  • You need to watch your facial expressions, they should be expressive.
  • Confident voice, otherwise no one will believe or take you seriously.

Learning to act requires time, and as always there is none. Therefore, it is better to avoid making primitive mistakes and follow the recommendations of professionals.

Video editing

It is not advisable to post a video immediately after recording is completed. It needs to be mounted and the missing elements added, perhaps inserted advertising or other materials.

The video cannot end without useful information. At the end you can insert an announcement or answers to questions, or something else. Once a viewer came in, turned it on and finished watching it, it means he liked something. This is the mood that needs to be used.

It is better to use high-quality and professional editing programs to achieve the best results. And the best, in most cases, costs money and you have to spend money.

Do you need to communicate with clients?

Many novice bloggers make the mistake of not communicating with their fans and subscribers in any way. If there are a lot of them, then simple answers to comments under the video are no longer enough. It’s better to create a special page on a social network or create your own website.

This will provide viewers with the necessary level of communication, and it will also be possible to hold competitions and promotions. We must not forget about the growth in popularity, because now social networks are an excellent “engine” for the development of young projects.

Another reason to communicate with an audience is new ideas. Fans will always tell you what they want to see next time, what is worth dwelling on in more detail.

Brand growth

Before becoming a thousand-dollar blogger, almost everyone was faced with the need to create and develop their own brand. Any marketer will confirm that the higher the popularity and recognition, the more the name is promoted, the more expensive the product or services.

Worldwide networks provide their users with enormous earning opportunities. Anyone can work on the Internet and earn a stable income, regardless of their age, gender and educational level. To do this, it is enough to share useful information with other users, I publish it on my personal page, which is called a blog. By constantly posting information in the chosen direction on it, you can become popular, successful and financially independent.

Blogging is the path to financial freedom

Who are bloggers and what do they do?

A person who owns his own blog is called a blogger. He can write articles, shoot videos or take photographs. A blogger does not just describe an event, he expresses his opinion about it. It is worth noting that blogs are more popular than websites. This is due to the special mentality of modern Internet users. Not many people are interested in reading bare facts, but they are curious to get acquainted with someone else’s opinion regarding them, agree with it or challenge it.

Today, blogging is a prestigious type of business. Its organizer gets the opportunity to do what he loves and get paid for it. He can independently decide when, how much and what to write to him. A successful blogger has the opportunity to combine work and leisure. He can carry out his activities from any corner of the world, since it does not limit him in location, which is unacceptable for all office workers. To start it, you only need to have a great desire to share information with people.

What is a blog

The more interesting the posts are, the more people will want to read them, leave a comment under the post, or ask a question. A blogger’s income depends directly on the traffic to his page. A novice entrepreneur will be able to receive the first money from his work only after his page begins to be popular.

The traditional way of doing blogging is to post your own articles on the portal.

They should briefly describe a phenomenon, event or fact, after which you need to clearly and colorfully express your personal attitude to the described episode. Forecasts, advice or criticism are popular.
A blogger can shoot his own videos, post them on a YouTube channel and promote them. For some, an account on a video hosting site is enough to earn money, while other Internet entrepreneurs insert videos into their portal, describe them in the text part and publish them. This solution will allow you to increase your earnings, since in fact a person manages two resources.

A popular mistake made by video bloggers, as a result of which their publications become unnecessary, is posting slideshows on video hosting. It is worth noting that the blogger advertises himself, so readers should know him by sight. Faceless publications are most often of no interest to anyone. In any video, at the beginning and at the end of the video, the owner of the resource must be removed, since otherwise, when changing the portal site, promotion will have to start from scratch.

How to become a blogger, where to start

Before starting a blogging business, you should evaluate the degree to which your own worldview is formed. Thoughts and views on states of affairs should not be borrowed. It is better if they are the result of rethinking and inference. If their signs are not present in the publication, then it will become uninteresting to readers. It is worth noting that their point of view does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the blogger. You can enjoy popularity even in the face of criticism.

For the portal to be popular, you should maintain constant communication with your readers.

You need to answer their questions in a timely manner. You need to respond to both praise and criticism. In the eyes of users, you need to be a real person from whom you can get feedback.

Greetings, dear reader, to my blog site. Today I will cover the topic in detail - how to become a blogger and what you need to do for this.

The topic of blogging itself is very popular all over the world, and being a blogger is not only fashionable, but also profitable. Unfortunately, many beginners have the wrong idea about this matter. They think that being a blogger is quite easy, just writing articles or posting videos. In fact, this is far from the case.

You can make a lot of money on a blog, but it may take more than one year. If you want quick results, then you should look for other ways to earn money. Thousands of bloggers abandon their blogs due to lack of patience and diligence, I hope you are not one of those people and are ready to devote your time and energy to this matter!

What you need to do to become a successful blogger

Successful blogger is a relative concept. For some it is popularity, for others it is recognition as a professional, and for others it is business. But to get there, you need to build your brand, have great ideas and become a good writer. As you can see, this is not suitable for most beginners. Is this not about you? Then let's begin!

1. 100% determination

From the above, a very important conclusion should be drawn. If you decide to become a blogger, then you must be decisive. You must love to write a lot. Your articles should help other people. You must have passion for what you do.

  • Read also:

2. Choosing a topic

The second thing you need is to choose a topic (niche) for your blog. Under no circumstances should you start blogging about everything and everything. This approach is not correct. You must have a specific topic. How to choose the right niche is possible.

3. Blog platform

Choose a blogging platform. This could be YouTube, Instagram or a regular text blog. This article is for future bloggers who want to write articles. I recommend leading. Almost all bloggers use this free platform. It is convenient, simple and has many advantages than other analogues.

4. Articles for people

Let's be honest, most articles on the Internet are outright garbage that provide no value to readers. There are a lot of lazy bloggers who copy other people's articles and change them to make them unique to search engines, but not to people.

You must develop your own writing style that will differentiate you from others. If three bloggers write on the same topic, then people will read the one who can express his thoughts more clearly and can talk about complex things in a simple and understandable language.

Write articles for people. Articles should be useful. They should help readers solve their questions or needs. In addition, you should write articles in such a way that they can be easily found on the Internet. How to write such texts is possible.

5. Be consistent

How to become a popular blogger? You need to gather an audience of loyal fans. And to have fans, you need to be consistent and regularly post articles on your blog.

You must have a clear schedule for releasing new articles. For example, once a week on Thursday. You should always stick to this schedule!

I learned this “secret sauce” from several successful Western bloggers. One of these bloggers was a man who moved from Asia to the states. He was very poor. As a rule, such people are already highly motivated and have nowhere to retreat. So, he made a decision for himself to add one article to his blog every day.

10 years have already passed and he has never broken his promise! Now his income from the blog is $100,000 per month. By comparison, the average American earns about the same in just one year. He admits that he can earn even more, but this will require additional time. But he doesn’t have such a task, because he wants to spend more time with his family.

Consistency is a key factor that most bloggers simply don't know or forget about.

6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

At school we were told that making mistakes is bad and we were given two marks for this. In fact, mistakes are good, this is how we learn, see what works and what doesn’t, and move forward. In this matter, don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Only one 5 point can stop many of you. How? How will I write articles every day? After all, I don’t know what to write about and how to write articles that will be read.