How to open the win 10 registry. Using the “Command Line”. Editing the registry on a remote computer

The easiest way to carry out all the required operations is from the command line. In particular, using Runas team in the case when work is carried out under regular recording. But the command line also works. This is what is recommended to be used. Before you open the registry in Windows 10, take the trouble to make a copy of it. In the part in which changes are planned. Although we are sure that most readers will not do this anyway, being thrifty sometimes helps to avoid collapse. Create at least a restore point.

Top ten manual editing usually not required. The Windows 10 registry is configured through snap-ins and applications. It must be admitted that this is the first version where the authors did not have to go to the editor even once. There are many calls to do this in order to disable surveillance, to “return” old center updates, but all this is in vain. Problems need to be solved in a different way.

Login to the editor

Most quick way is:

Here you can perform all the necessary operations.

How to distinguish running as administrator

Many people do not know how to understand that the editor Windows registry 10 running as administrator. It's actually simple. Have you seen the window asking for permission? It means exactly the same thing. Let's try to do the same, but through the command line:

So, we found out not only how to find out how to run as administrator, but also outlined the second way to call the registry. Who might need it due to its complexity is a different question.

Search line

It would be uninteresting to end the review so quickly. Therefore, we present another method that allows you to enter the Windows registry. Click the magnifying glass to the right of the Start button and type Regedit there. Please note that no program will be detected until the last moment. Patiently type the name to the end.

The result “registry editor” will not find anything.

Where is

Many people have noticed that in the System32 folder, where most of the utilities are located, there is no command we need. But still, we would recommend looking better. It would be strange for such an important thing to be located where it could be too easily found by the first hacker to enter.

Look: everything is in place. This application allows you to open the Registry Editor in exactly the same way as the techniques described above (with a permission request). By clicking in Explorer right click and by selecting Properties we can make all the necessary changes to the access rights.

This is a very responsible procedure. If you “try”, everyone will be able to enter the register, which is fraught with various troubles. Good news The problem is that the system blocks access to security settings even for administrators. This is also the easiest way to create a shortcut to your desktop. Launch double click much easier.

It doesn't open for me

From time to time, viruses make jokes. The humor lies in the fact that a ban on editing is written in the database, and the registry does not open. The enabled flag will prohibit normal operation. In this case, you can try using third-party utilities:

Not as administrator

Regedit is launched as any user using the methods described above. But permission is not requested. This is the difference from administrator rights.

Not all novice users know what Registry Editor is on a PC and how it can be launched. Today we’ll look at why this built-in service is needed, as well as how to open it on Windows 10 in all possible ways.

What is Registry Editor and what is it for?

Registry in Windows OS - large base data, in which all current settings, both built-in and third party programs on the PC and the entire operating system as a whole. While the computer is running, the system constantly turns to it for the necessary information.

The registry was created to increase the speed of the OS. It constantly changes while working on the PC, recording errors and failures in the system. Over time, the registry becomes clogged and can slow down your computer.

"Registry Editor" - system application, which allows you to view registry entries and also change them. In the editor you can configure parameters that are not available in user interface. Using this service you can:

  • configure your PC to work at full capacity;
  • make it run slowly;
  • open utilities that have not been launched before;
  • install new OS configuration parameters;
  • clean the registry from unnecessary files that remained from long ago remote programs and much more.

Please note that editing the registry is risky as you may damage or delete keys that are needed to normal functioning OS. Make a copy of the registry so you can restore everything to its original state if something goes wrong after changing the registry entries.

The Registry Editor looks like a window " Windows Explorer" It is divided into two parts: the section branches are located on the left, and the registry entries themselves are displayed on the right.

The Registry Editor window is divided into two parts

On the left side there are five main sections:

  1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU). This section is responsible for the data of the user logged into the system. currently. User folders, screen background, desktop icons, etc. are stored here.
  2. HKEY_USERS (HKU). This contains information about all the profiles on your computer.
  3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM). This section stores the hardware and software configuration. Some data in the HARDWARE subkey is stored in RAM rather than on the hard drive. This is because they are temporary in nature and are only needed when loading hardware, and then deleted.
  4. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) contains information about the extensions of all file types registered in the system and associations (responsible for launching necessary program when opening a file using Windows Explorer) and information about embedded COM servers.
  5. HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG. This section contains hardware parameters necessary to boot the system.

How to open Registry Editor on Windows 10

There are several ways to launch this service on Windows 10. Let's consider all the methods.

Open using the search bar in Start

The first and fastest way to launch Registry Editor on Windows 10 is to enter a query in the universal Start search bar. What exactly needs to be done?

Using the Run window

The Run window serves universal remedy to launch programs, open folders, documents and web pages on the Internet. Using it, you can also open the “Registry Editor”. Let's look at how to do this step by step:

Using the Command Line

"Command Line" - editor for introduction various teams on PC. It can also open programs and services, just like the Run window. What do you need to do to launch Command Prompt and then Registry Editor?

Through the registry file itself on the system disk

The "Registry Editor" has its own file on system disk. Launch the editor by simply opening this file through Windows Explorer.

Video: what to do to open the Registry Editor window

How to create a shortcut to quickly launch the registry on Windows 10

If you often have to open Registry Editor, make a shortcut to this service and place it on your Desktop so that you always have it at your fingertips. You can launch the service in just one click. How to create a shortcut?

  1. On the “Desktop”, right-click on an area free of icons. In the context menu, select “Create”, and then in the new list, select “Shortcut”.

    Select "New" from the context menu, and then click on "Shortcut"

  2. In the window that appears, click on “Browse” to find the file for the future shortcut. The Registry Editor file is located on the system disk in Windows folder. Click OK.

    Specify the path to the regedit file

The registry in Windows 10 is a place where settings for various installed programs and the operating room itself Windows systems 10. Some users don’t know how to get there, so this article answers in detail the question: “How to get into the registry in Windows 10?”


The registry is a group of files. This group is located in the System32\config folder. When the operating system is rebooted, these files collect a database of parameters (they are used when Windows work). This database is made up of 5 branches. It is not recommended to edit files in such a directory, because you can enter the registry using the REGERIT command.

There are several ways to open the Registry Editor in Windiws 10, read carefully.

Help from the REGEDIT command.

Using this, logging in is easiest. To implement such a command, open “Start” and enter it in the search engine. The computer will find the command and make an offer to execute REGEDIT. In addition, the same command can be launched slightly differently. It will open using a window called “Run” (the window itself is launched by pressing Win keys dows+ R). In the search line, enter the command itself and press the “Enter” key, then press “Enter”. The register is open in front of you.

Using a shortcut.

Creating desktop shortcuts is another easy way How to get into the computer registry. To create a shortcut, click on empty space on the desktop, right-click and in the list that opens, select “Create”, and then select “Shortcut”. A window pops up on the screen in which a field is available to indicate the location of the object. Enter the REGERIT command into this line and move on. Then enter a name for the shortcut (in our case, let’s call it “Registry”) and complete the operation with the “Finish” button. As a result, a shortcut has been created on your desktop for quick access to the register.


There is another way to open the registry - it is done directly. It opens thanks to the file regedit.exe. It needs to be in the Windows folder. This way you can also open the registry, as in the previous case.

This list of three methods fully answers the question “How to open the registry editor in Windows 10?”, but what operations can and should be performed (and most importantly how) - read below.

How can I change the settings?

Process of changes in the registry is a search the desired line in a specific directory and specifying a new value for it. Make your search much easier through special team(option) is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F (or you can just press F3). Editing requires caution, since one incorrect value entry can cause the system to generate an error or even crash. Before making any correction, look up information about the parameter you are editing.
Note: Before you start making changes to the registry, create it backup copy this way: “File” - “Export”.

How to clean the registry?

To clean the registry in Windows 10 from unnecessary information flow, you need to install some “cleaning” software, since this operating system does not have the necessary functions for this. And errors usually arise due to failures in the installation of any programs, while empty lines are due to incomplete installation or incompletely removed programs.

The most popular method of cleansing is CCleaner program(you can find and run it on the developer’s official website). We carry out the procedure for finding errors and eliminating them according to the following instructions:

  1. Launch CCleaner
  2. Go to the “Registry” tab
  3. Click on the “Search for problems” function
  4. We are waiting for the search process to complete
  5. Click on “Fix”
  6. We confirm the creation of a copy of the registry and specify the file to save this version values
  7. Click on “Correct marked”
  8. We close the windows.

User of a computer running an operating system Windows systems begins to think about what it consists of, what its components are only in some individual cases:

  • he just became interested and decided to increase his level as a user;
  • Strange things happen to the speed of your computer, so it’s worth studying the full structure of the OS to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it in the end.

Due to the second problem, which is presented above, users often sin on the registry. Well deserved, because its condition can quite objectively affect the performance of the operating system. What is a registry? Let's figure it out.

What is a registry

The registry is a kind of log of the operating system in which all its configurations are recorded. Accordingly, this makes it one of the main components of the system, and as a result, a healthy registry is one of its keys stable operation. We can say that the registry stores all system settings and is accessed every second. Thus, any application creates entries in the Windows registry and stops working correctly if these entries are damaged or deleted.

It’s worth making a note right away: before you try to make any significant changes to the registry manually, understand the theoretical part in detail. If an unknowing person changes something that would not be worth changing, this can lead to a fatal outcome in relation to the OS, especially if the backup registry file was not created before making the changes. The registry backup file is its configuration in its last working state. If a computer user deletes important configurations by mistake or ignorance, backup can easily return everything to its place. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you create a backup copy of the registry before starting any work with the registry.

Is it worth editing the registry yourself?

Despite all of the above, you should not be afraid to edit the registry yourself. So, there are times when it is simply necessary to change some OS parameters to comfortable work with her. Every interested user can learn how to use the registry. To do this, you just need to allocate a little time and desire.

What's changed in Windows 10

There are not many significant changes in the registry itself, or to be more precise, there are practically none. On the other hand, for users who experience some discomfort in using the new operating system, studying the registry and changing its settings is the only way to remove functions that the user does not need.

As an example, we can give the function automatic download updates and drivers, which is built into the system itself. It is simply impossible to disable it by changing parameters in the settings, which is why there is a need to edit registry values. Having studied it, you can easily turn off everything that is not needed, leaving only the necessary and most convenient features in Windows 10.

Where are all the registry files stored?

There is no definite answer to this question, since his halyards are actually scattered throughout most of the system folders operating system. However, you can figure out where the so-called registry “hives” are located.

Registry hive – separate file, created on the hard drive that stores settings information, is a registry file. So, every operating system has specific set bushes, each of which is responsible for a specific function.

  • HKCR – a registry hive with records about all documents known to Windows 10, their further association with the corresponding programs for opening by double-clicking;
  • HKCU – responsible for recording parameters specific user who is logged in;
  • HKLM – contains information about the PC hardware;
  • HKCC is a hive containing two branches: one is responsible for the system configuration, the second is for application settings;
  • HKU – this section contains information about the settings of each user who uses the system.

Some of the files presented above are stored in the System32\Config\ or SysWOW \Config\ folders in accordance with the OS version (32-bit and 64-bit, respectively). Some registry files in Windows 10 are accessible to the user along the path Users/UserName.
However, you still won’t be able to get direct access to the resources stored in the registry: access to them is closed. The only way to make a change is to edit the registry using a special editor or tweaker. Tweaker, by the way, is a very easy-to-use technology that allows you to inexperienced user access necessary settings: most often they are displayed in the form of a scale, the slider of which can be moved, numerical values and icons, next to which you can check and uncheck them.

Registry editors are applications integrated into Windows 10 itself that allow you to knowledgeable user make the desired changes directly to the registry files, delete them, replace them, edit them, or move them, integrate and import them.

Launching Registry Editor

In almost all versions of Widows, it was possible to make adjustments directly to the system by changing registry settings. To be precise, the built-in registry editor appeared back in Windows versions 95. Calling it in Windows 10 is quite simple; you can use one of the following methods:

  • Call the “Run” line and enter the “regedit” command in it, then press the OK key.
  • Take advantage standard means search in Winodws by entering search bar regedit.exe.

Registry structure in Windows 10

Once in the registry editor, the user is presented with 3 columns, each of which is responsible for a specific function. So, the section in which you can see icons in the form of folders is responsible for the hierarchy of sections. The “Name” section is for the names of the keys, and the “Type” section is for their values, respectively. To make it clearer, we can give an example of a directory tree - the structure of the registry is extremely similar to it.

In contact with

Registry is a database that stores Windows settings. Physically, the registry files are located in the Windows\System32\config directory. It is not possible to open them directly from the config folder. There is a built-in utility for this called Registry Editor.

Editing the registry solves many PC problems. In this material we will learn how to enter the Windows 10 registry, how to enable it and solve startup problems.

How to open the Registry Editor in the main ways

The Registry Editor is launched via executable file regedit.exe, which is located in system partition in Windows\System32. It can be called from this location, but this procedure debt compared to the methods below.

Note: When calling regedit, when the User Account Control window appears, click Yes.

1. . Enter regedit command by clicking Enter (OK).

2. Press + S to open the search. Type regedit into the input line. To open the registry in Windows 10, when it appears, press Enter or LMB on it.

3. Use the Win + E key combination to open File Explorer. IN address bar Explorer, type regedit by clicking Enter.

How to launch Registry Editor in additional ways

Call process additional methods less convenient than the main ones. Follow these steps.

1. . Type the regedit command, and click enter.

2. B Windows search 10 type PowerShell and open the element Windows PowerShell. Type the familiar regedit command and click Enter.

3. Hot Ctrl keys+ Shift + Esc go to the task manager. IN top menu select “File”, click on “Run” new task" Place regedit in the input field, check open in admin mode if necessary (it won’t crash UAC Windows 10). Click OK.

4. If you often make changes to the registry, then create a shortcut and leave it, for example, on the desktop. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the workspace. In the context menu, move the cursor to “Create”, then click on “Shortcut”. Place the following structure in the location:


Click "Next". Type “Registry Editor” and then click “Finish”.

The shortcut doesn't even need to change its icon, since by default the shortcut already has a registry icon. To launch the Windows 10 Registry Editor even faster, right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties” from the menu. Place the cursor on the line quick call. Enter any letter, for example, R. Click OK.

Using one of the methods above, you will enter the editor window. It is a window divided into 2 parts. On the right is navigation through the sections that need to be expanded. On the left is a list of parameters of these sections that are being edited.

How to enable Registry Editor

There are times when it is not possible to enter the Windows 10 registry. To solve problems of this kind, try these steps.

1. Solution - run SFC scan. Run cmd as administrator. Enter sfc team/scannow by clicking Enter. Wait until the PC is scanned, then restart it.

2. Solution - enable Registry Editor via inf file. In such a situation, after launching the editor, a notification “ ” pops up. Download the inf file from here by unzipping it. Click on Vkl_regedit.inf RMB, click “Install”.

3. Solution - reset to factory settings. Press Win + I, and go to the update and security section. Next, select the “Recovery” subsection. In the area of ​​returning the computer to the initial state, click “Get Started” and select “Save my files.” Once the procedure is complete, the registry should work as before.

Important! Use method 3 as a last resort!

Now you know how to enter the Windows 10 Registry Editor available methods. In case of problems in the operation of the utility, you can easily restore its functionality using our instructions.