How to choose a sound card based on what parameters. High-End Sound Cards. How to connect a sound card to a computer

Recently we talked about new sound cards for computers, which belonged to the budget segment and were suitable exclusively for those who simply wanted to slightly improve the sound quality on their computer for further watching movies, listening to music and playing games. In this review, we will write about sound cards that are installed in your computer and are intended primarily for those who want to play modern gaming products with clear sound, clear effects and positioning. Naturally, the cost of such sound cards is slightly higher; they are installed inside the computer, in a slot reserved for expansions, and produce better sound in games. However, this does not mean that you won’t be able to listen to music or that movies will sound bad. No, a good sound card for games copes well with other tasks, it’s just that the quality is best felt in shooters, racing, MMOs, and so on. It is worth noting that if your computer is under warranty and its case cannot be disassembled, then you will not need these sound cards. Either void your warranty or wait until it expires. While you wait, you can read a little and figure out what you should pay attention to.


The developer himself positions this sound card as an inexpensive solution for those users who want to get good positioning in games. If you play shooters, then this is an ideal option - the enemy’s steps are clearly audible, you can easily figure out where these steps are coming from, and you can distinguish all the extraneous noises, such as the reloading of a machine gun. In most cases, in shooters, this allows you to have a certain advantage over an enemy who does not have such a positioning. Featuring 7.1 channel audio and low cost This card has been popular among gamers for a long time. There is an AV200 sound chip installed here, 24-bit, there is support for DTS-ES technology and 4 line outputs, plus one connector for connecting a microphone. The sound card is installed in the PCI 2.2 slot. If you're on a budget and everything you want, it's easy good sound with positioning in shooters, then this decision can safely be called ideal. If you want to get good sound in films and music tracks, then you need to look further. The cost of this sound card is 4100 rubles.

Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Rx

Creative sound cards are very rarely positioned as just gaming cards, since the developer primarily looks towards music connoisseurs. However, the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Rx sound card is great for gaming thanks to its 7.1-channel audio and the ability to convey positioning in games no worse than pure gaming audio cards. This card is already installed in PCI Express port, so you will need to take care of a free port on your motherboard. The sound chip here is Creative E-MU, it allows for excellent positioning of objects in games, films and music. The DAC capacity is 24 bits, maximum frequency 192 kHz. Separately, it is worth noting support for EAX Studio technology and the ability to connect two microphones at once. Line outputs here, in general, there is quite a lot, but connecting two microphones is a very good opportunity. Initially, the second connector was added for karaoke in pairs, but you can easily connect two microphones for better audibility in streams or toys. The cost of this card is 5,300 rubles and we really liked it, even if it is not sold as a game card.


The Xonar DX sound card is considered almost a legend on the market. The fact is that quite a few years have passed since its appearance, and professional players continue to use this particular solution and completely reject new products, even if they boast better sound. Thanks to real-time 7.1-channel and 5.1-channel audio conversion, as well as decent highs and lows, the card allows you to enjoy high-quality music and excellent positioning in games. Of course, name the product the best option for music we cannot, because the previous version looks even better in this role, but in ASUS games Xonar DX has no equal. You install the card in the PCI Express slot, connect some more or less normal headphones with a microphone, and you can safely go to conquer the virtual spaces of shooters. The sound chip here is Asus AV100, that is, the difference between Xonar DS and Xonar DX will not be very big. However, we personally consider the DX to be the best sound card on the market for the money. Its cost, by the way, is only 5,600 rubles.

Creative Sound Blaster Z

One of the few Creative sound cards that are positioned primarily as a gaming solution. The card also “plugs” into the PCI Express port, it has a bundled microphone (external) with beam focusing, which allows you to improve the quality of your voice using hardware, and not just software. The sound card is based on the Sound Core3D chip, operating in 5.1-channel mode with support for SBX Pro Studio, CrystalVoice, Dolby Digital Live, DTS Connect technologies. It is worth noting that thanks to proprietary CrystalVoice technology, all noise from your microphone will be removed and your voice will be crystal clear. It really works and even if you have a bad microphone on your headphones, you won’t have any problems with the sound. By the way, the card itself sounds very clean, there is good object positioning (I would even say one of the best on the market), as well as a signal-to-noise ratio of 116 dB. According to the creators of the card, the sound here is 35 times better than when using a standard sound card on the motherboard. Believing such figures, of course, is not the wisest thing to do. The cost of this beast is 6,500 rubles.

ASUS Strix Soar

A product called ASUS Strix Sora is that rare case when the most expensive gadget in the selection can be called the best. Yes, we have already said that the Xonar DX is an ideal product for its price, but the ASUS Strix Soar has many advantages over its competitors. For example, this is one of the few cards that runs on 7.1 channel audio. Most cards either work on 5.1 channels or convert 5.1 software to 7.1. Naturally, native 7.1 support is much better. The card operates on a C-Media USB2.0 6632AX High-Definition Sound Processor sound chip and supports Asus Hyper Grounding, Asus Sonic Radar Pro, ASIO 2.0 and Perfect Voice technologies. There is an 8-channel ESS SABER 9006A Premier Audio DAC, a TI-TPA6120 headphone amplifier with frequencies of 10-48000 Hz. There are outputs for the front channel, headphones, side channel, subwoofer, center and rear channels. By connecting headphones like the Razer Tiamat with 7.1 channel audio to this card, you will get the best sound and positioning on the market. While the sound here is very clean, there is microphone noise elimination and significant amplification. The cost of such a miracle is 6800 rubles.

Sound card(or board) – a device responsible for sound reproduction. This required component any modern computer, because without it, even the simplest actions such as listening to music, watching a movie or video, or playing the sound of any computer game are impossible.

When starting to choose a sound card for your computer, you should know that they come in three forms:

  • internal integrated;
  • internal discrete;
  • external.

Integrated sound cards are the most budget option. This is a separate chip soldered into the motherboard. Typically, more reputable motherboards have higher-quality sound chips soldered on them, while simpler motherboards contain an inexpensive chip (for example, Realtek).

However, saving on the purchase of a sound card is justified only if no high demands are placed on the quality of the reproduced sound. It should be noted that the sound chips themselves can produce fairly high-quality sound, however, after soldering, the result of their work begins to be affected external factors. First of all, these are electrical noises that inevitably arise on system board and affect the characteristics of the analog part of the audio signal.

In addition, the built-in sound adapter does not have its own processor. Accordingly, the load on the central processor increases, which in some cases can lead to a delay in the sound signal or “stuttering” of the sound. Don't forget that integrated cards are not designed to connect powerful high-end external devices. They can only work with inexpensive headphones and microphones, as well as multimedia systems acoustics.

Discrete sound cards

Discrete sound card represents self-pay, which is installed in a free PCI slot. This is the most ancient type of board - it was their use that at one time turned silent computers into multimedia computers. Discrete cards have a sound processor that performs the functions of audio processing, mixing audio streams, and so on. This makes it possible to reduce the load on the central processor, which certainly increases computer performance and improves the quality of audio signal playback.

Such boards provide more decent sound compared to integrated ones. As a rule, when using them, there is no interference or sound delay. You can use more powerful external devices - high-quality speakers or headphones, it is possible to connect a home theater system. Typically, a disk with software is supplied with a discrete sound card, which, among other things, allows you to process sound in automatic mode. Manual setup is usually performed through an audio player installed on the computer.

External sound cards

To obtain high quality professional sound installation required external sound card . Of course, it must be a good expensive device. Cheap USB cards do not provide high-quality sound. External sound cards have appeared quite recently. They look like small plastic or metal boxes equipped with a certain number of inputs and outputs for connecting external devices. Some boards are additionally equipped with various tuning controls. Such sound cards are connected to a computer using USB or WiFi interfaces.

Their clear advantage is their immunity to external interference and noise. This effect is achieved using special insulation. And the use of high-quality elements in the device allows you to achieve excellent sound flow. Besides, external board can be easily and quickly connected to any computer. Of course, to get good sound you need to use powerful Acustic systems, otherwise there is absolutely no point in spending money on an expensive sound card.

External boards are much more functional than internal ones. They allow you to use all widest range possibilities of high-quality audio equipment. In addition to the sound output function, they also implement the function of recording sound signals - the case has inputs for connecting various types microphones.

Every external sound card comes bundled with software. As a rule, this is a package of applications that allow you to configure output devices for the most comfortable sound. In addition, they provide automatic update drivers, which is quite convenient.


To summarize, it should be noted that when choosing the type of sound card, first of all you need to focus on the required sound quality and the level of acoustic equipment that you plan to use.

It has become optional in a computer - built-in audio chips on motherboards ah can more than satisfy the needs of most consumers. But many companies continue to produce separate sound cards - they are positioned as the ultimate solutions for gamers, music and movie lovers.

It is worth noting that in this article we hardly consider sound cards for professional use (for audio recording). This is a completely separate conversation, but today we will talk about sound cards for audiophiles, demanding gamers and lovers of quality cinema. We also note that we will not consider cards that are too cheap - buying them in the vast majority of cases simply does not make sense, since they do nothing better than chips in modern motherboards. However, we will still offer you a couple of not too expensive options.

In the next section we will talk about important characteristics sound cards that you should consider when choosing, and then we’ll tell you about ten models worthy of your attention that can be bought from sellers in our catalog.

Key Features You Should Pay Attention to

All computer sound cards can be divided into three types - internal, external and internal with an additional unit. The former are connected directly to the computer motherboard, and their outputs are located on the rear and/or front panels of the PC case. The second ones are connected with via USB, FireWire or other ports and are located on the table or somewhere near the case. Internal sound cards with additional block allow you to connect to this block additional devices without having to look for inputs and outputs on the back of your computer.

If you want another stylish device to decorate your interior and desktop, then you can take a closer look at external cards. In other cases, internal models are better - they save space and are easier to use.

Connection type

Internal models are connected using PCI slots or PCI-Express (the latter is used in newer and more advanced models). External cards are connected to the PC using USB or FireWire cables (mostly USB; FireWire is rarely used in professional audio cards).

Don't worry about the ability to connect the internal model - if you have a more or less modern PC ( we're talking about about computers built in the last 5-8 years), then PCI-Express and PCI slots required versions it has.

If you choose an external audio card, it is better to connect it using more high-speed version USB - USB 3.0. Make sure your computer has such a port or purchase an additional PCI expansion card with it. However, USB 3.0 is not required for audio speeds - most models provide a connection via USB 2.0, which is enough in almost all cases.

Multichannel audio

The ability to output multi-channel audio is important for games and movies, and sometimes music. If you have an appropriate audio system or multi-channel headphones, then you need to look for an audio card that can handle them.

Sound scheme

Most Popular sound circuits designed for games and movies - 5.1 (5 speakers and 1 subwoofer), 6.1 (6 speakers and 1 subwoofer) and 7.1 (7 speakers and 1 subwoofer). Again, if you have such an audio system or headphones, make sure that the future sound card supports the desired circuit.

Built-in controller panel

Some external audio cards are equipped with such a panel. It houses various controls that are needed to control volume and other audio output or input parameters. Optional, but nice thing.

Phantom power

This function is equipped with professional models designed for recording sound from condenser microphones in studio conditions. Note that phantom power is not needed to record sound from dynamic microphones.

Remote controller remote control

The presence of a remote control allows you to control volume, equalizer settings and other sound parameters remotely. It’s quite a convenient “trick” for a PC media center and fans of movies or games on TV, but you shouldn’t focus on it - there are always enough ways to control these parameters without a remote control.

DAC capacity, bit

From the digital bit depth analog converter The sound quality at the output of the audio card directly depends. Cheap models are usually equipped with a 16-bit DAC, while mid-budget and expensive ones are equipped with a 24-bit one. Needless to say, you should only choose models with a 24-bit DAC.

ADC capacity, bit

Bit depth analog-to-digital converter directly affects the quality of sound the card receives from a microphone or other external devices. The situation is the same as with a DAC - if you are going to record audio or at least communicate with other players in online games, then it is better to choose a 24-bit ADC.

Maximum frequency, kHz

The sampling rate of the DAC in stereo mode also affects the sound quality. Optimal indicator sampling in stereo mode - 48-192 kHz.

Audio cards also differ in the sampling frequency of the DAC in multi-channel mode (recommended value - 48-192 kHz) and the sampling frequency of the ADC (recommended value - 96-192 kHz).

EAX version

EAX is a technology developed by Creative that allows gamers to be completely immersed in a three-dimensional audio panorama game world. Latest version EAX is the fifth, but in games you can be content with older versions - even the second. It is worth noting, however, that not all developers use EAX.

OpenAL is an API open to developers that allows you to process sounds in the 3D space of games. Quite an important, but not critical function for gaming sound cards.

The audio card's support for ASIO technology allows you to use professional software packages for working with sound and music. If you are going to do this, make sure that the card supports ASIO 2.0 or ASIO 2.2.


If you only need a sound card for games, movies and music, then you won’t need many inputs - one input for a 3.5 mm minijack microphone is enough.

If you plan to make music and sound professionally and are looking for a model for a home studio, then make sure that you have all the inputs you need in the present and near future - for microphones, instruments and other devices that you will use in the studio. These can be MIDI, RCA, S/PDIF, XLR inputs and so on.


A computer sound card for home use must have at least two analog outputs - for headphones and an audio system. If you have more audio devices to which you want to output sound, then select the appropriate model. For audiophiles and cinephiles, it is important to have S/PDIF outputs, which can be used to connect high-quality audio systems and home theaters.

As a rule, everything modern models motherboards are already equipped with built-in audio devices, even if we consider not the most top-end options. However, in this case, the resource of the entire system as a whole is used to reproduce sound, which has a very significant effect on the sound quality. Music lovers will not be happy with this prospect, based on the fact that such processing slows down the system and various kinds of noise are heard at the output. Therefore, the optimal solution is to install a discrete (removable) card; for this reason, we compiled our rating of the best sound cards for internal and external types placement.

Which brand of sound card should I buy?

First of all, it is worth deciding on the purpose of use. If your goal is listening to music, watching a movie or watching a YouTube video, then budget cards from manufacturers such as Creative Sound or M-Audio. If you are professionally engaged in audio processing or the financial issue is not important to you, but sound quality plays a fundamental role, choose best cards from ASUS or Steinberg, these manufacturing companies really deserve the attention of music lovers.

ASUS Xonar HDAV1.3

Our rating is headed by ASUS, which boasts a high-quality card with support for ASIO v 2.0, a 24-bit/192 kHz DAC, eight analog audio outputs and excellent quality, confirmed by a large number positive feedback. Thanks to the analogue converter frequency of 192 kHz, the sound is clearer compared to budget segment this periphery. This will play a big role in playing audio through an audio system and formats such as FLAC or AAC. Unlike more expensive analogues from ASUS, this model has support for both OpenAL and EAX standards; not all modern new products have such advantages along with high DAC performance.


  • ability to listen to HD Audio without changing AV (amplifier/receiver)
  • very detailed and balanced sound
  • Built-in card with excellent DAC level
  • build quality and parts
  • stable operation of drivers
  • Full Blu-ray support


  • many incomprehensible settings for transmitting audio via HDMI
  • high price

Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Fx

The rating continues with a fairly inexpensive model of an external sound card, built on the Realtek base without any additional hardware capabilities. In other words, the board exactly repeats the operation of the built-in sound in the motherboard. The Realtek ALC898 chip was used, which is characterized by DAC frequencies of 110 kHz, which gives excellent sound output! Also, the advantage is that it can be inserted into a small-sized case. However, the Blaster Audigy Fx completely lacks SPDIF output and ASIO support, so if your card supports this format, you should pay attention to other models. A plus will be support for the EAX v5.0 standard, as well as compatibility with earlier versions of Windows operating systems such as Vista and XP.


  • availability of debugged drivers
  • ease of setup
  • excellent price-quality ratio
  • low cost
  • small size


  • presence of background in “silence”
  • does not support ASIO

ASUS Strix Soar

Good review continues internal map for professional use. Strix Soar is considered professional and has a 24-bit/192 kHz DAC level. The sound card can be used for LIVE recordings, which will allow you to focus on the quality of work, and connoisseurs of high-quality sound will forever forget about the “noise” on background. I would like to note that Strix Soar has support for ASIO v 2.2, which not every modern product can boast of. It is equipped with a high-level 8-channel DAC and is very easy to install drivers and further configuration. Has a remote control and is equipped with an optical output. It first entered the world market in 2016, and user reviews of the card are mostly positive.


  • high technical characteristics
  • sound card with large supply by volume
  • comfortable software Strix SONIC STUDI
  • presence of built-in amplifier
  • many customization options for games
  • original design


  • You cannot change the backlight settings or turn it off completely.
  • there is no connector for connecting outputs to the front panel of the case
  • high price segment

Creative Sound Blaster

The best sound card according to user reviews in its price segment. First of all, what is attractive is that the price-quality ratio here is not at all overpriced, but most likely the opposite. The maximum stereo frequency is 192 kHz, and the DAC bit depth is 24 bits, while it has support for ASIO v 2.0, EAX v. 5.0 and a connector for connecting to the front panel of the PC, which, by the way, not every model can boast of. The card can rightfully be considered semi-professional, because... The output sound is clear, without interference or noise. The crispness and clarity of the sound is clearly felt. But if you just want to listen to music and watch movies, you will be pleasantly surprised by the price, because... This is the best price-functionality ratio.


  • the best internal sound card in terms of price, quality and functionality
  • Can't compare with built-in cards
  • very easy to set up and balance
  • headphone amplifier included
  • ergonomic appearance


  • needs very fine tuning when working with games, each game has its own parameters

ASUS Xonar U7

The very popular external sound card Xonar U7О from ASUS is very convenient for fans of various video games, easy to configure and further update drivers. On the market this option It lasts no less than 6 years, and there have still been no complaints from users about the quality of the product. The price of the card corresponds to the quality, and the quality is really high. The manufacturer spared no effort and expense to develop such a simple and universal sound card. Fans of LIVE recordings and home musicians will really like it this map, which, except for quality, does not stand out from a number of its own kind. Has support for the ASIO v standard. 2.0, but no longer supported by EAX.


  • convenient control and setting
  • 7.1 channel surround sound
  • good choice among cheap external sound cards
  • the sound corresponds to the price
  • number of outputs
  • compact dimensions
  • Dolby® Home Theater V4 support


  • not found considering cost

M-Audio M-Track 2×2

Detailed sound, excellent bass, gloss and just a computer sound card with best ratio signal-to-noise. These are exactly the qualities that this device has. The audio card turned out to be very successful and there is practically nothing bad to say about it, except, perhaps, for the short wires supplied in the kit. There are separate volume controls for speakers and headphones, it’s easy to adjust the sound even in the dark, the controls are so large that it’s simply impossible to miss. ASIO v standard support 2.0 and equipped with phantom power (if you use the card in professional purposes– very careful settings with this function will be required)


  • no noise in the background
  • perfect for home musicians
  • professional external card
  • great sound


  • very short wires supplied
  • poor quality of connectors

The sound card is practically no different from its third-party counterparts. And everything would be fine, but two factors perfectly replaced each other in their positions. Overpriced and underrated DAC frequency at 96 kHz. But don’t discount the card right away. Are we overpaying for something? And the price is too high because of such positive aspects as quick start, automatic setting, which is almost on the same level with manual setting. Sound the card will do both home musicians and video game lovers. Low level The DAC does not play a role at all in the sense that if you are a novice musician, then this external sound card, which is connected via a USB connector, will teach you how to properly configure the audio system for required frequencies. If you are not satisfied with the automatic configuration, you can easily reconfigure the system for yourself; in this regard, the card is very flexible.


  • separate adjustment of headphones and speakers
  • the amplifier in this model is not just for beauty, but for business
  • reliability in operation
  • quick start
  • ASIO support
  • stylish appearance


  • Some devices may have problems installing drivers
  • Sometimes it may be necessary to reboot the entire system for correct automatic changes in settings

Steinberg UR22

The rating is completed by one of the best sound cards that produces clear, detailed and smoothly adjustable sound. It supports working with iPad and other peripherals from Apple. Does not require any additional purchases in the form of wires or adapters; everything necessary is available. The list of advantages can be continued for a long time, but in short, the external sound card is simply ideal in its price segment. Perfect for budget builds, but it won’t be a weak link in a professional build either. Has a DAC frequency of 24 bit/192 kHz, supports ASIO v. 2.0, as well as 1 MIDI connector. Monitoring the operation of the card is displayed on the screen smoothly and not abruptly when you press a button, which does not suit everyone, because sometimes the process is delayed.


  • An excellent option for high-quality sound processing
  • very compact but at the same time has weight and stands stably in place
  • the most functional in the ranking
  • clear and detailed sound
  • no noise
  • availability of a wide variety of inputs and outputs
  • durability and build quality


  • drivers will have to be selected, because your own assemblies for different purposes
  • has serious weight
  • When working in Cubase on two tracks at once via XLR and MIDI, sound crackling may occur

Which sound card to choose?

Choosing the best sound card for your computer depends entirely on your goals. Do you love making music – creating something new? You definitely need an option with ASIO support, and if you want to connect additional tools, then look for cards with Hi-Z inputs. Fans of multi-channel sound in games will need support from an EAX card (even though the technology is gradually becoming obsolete). Do you need to connect the card to an external receiver or DSP? Then choose a device with S/PDIF outputs. Often, this is not the most critical task when building a PC, but if you are willing to shell out a large sum for the opportunity to enjoy high-quality sound or easy connection additional peripherals, then you should not buy the first card you come across, but take a little time and study the model you have chosen in more detail.

Installed external sound card for laptop usb makes it possible to significantly improve sound quality - especially since manufacturers of laptop computers usually do not supply them with high-quality audio systems.

An integrated card is usually not enough to achieve perfect sound, but in simple models computers, sometimes you can’t even count on normal-sounding audio recordings and legible soundtrack film.

Why do you need an external sound card?

You should decide to purchase an external sound card in the following cases:

  • if necessary, get good sound on laptop computer. The problem can be solved by connecting audio speakers, but this will only increase the sound volume, but not the quality;
  • when the main, built-in card fails.

Features of external models

Typically, an external card for audio playback is small device the size of a flash drive or card reader. The similarity is also enhanced by the way it is connected to a laptop – via a USB input.

More expensive models reach the size of the outer hard drive, and the most productive ones have dimensions comparable to the laptop itself.

Any possibilities external card include:

  • amplification of sound compared to the built-in system of a laptop;
  • connecting one or more microphones, headphones or audio speakers.

The functionality of more expensive models includes volume buttons and indicators. Top models are characterized by the presence of various connectors and interfaces, for example, analog output channels and coaxial output, although their sizes are much larger than those of compact sound cards.

The advantages of external sound cards are as follows:

  • a dramatic improvement in playback quality and, when selecting suitable model, audio recordings;
  • mobility, allowing you to connect an external card to any other computer - both stationary and portable. The device is also often connected to a tablet or phone;
  • a sufficiently large range of models to choose both a functional and affordable device;
  • Easy sound adjustment, including volume, timbre and bass using the buttons on the card body. On a laptop without an external sound device, this can only be done programmatically.

For low-power and older laptops, the card allows you to relieve the load on the processor. After all, due to the fact that sound processing occurs using an external device computing power the computer itself are released. As a result, the equipment heats up less and its performance increases.

Selecting a card

When choosing a sound card, it is worth considering several characteristics depending on the tasks that the device must perform:

  • For home use, one audio input and one audio output is sufficient. For compact home theater- at least two. And when used as professional device to record sound, you should choose a model with 3–4 pairs of connectors, although it will cost more;
  • The depth of the sound card must be at least 24 bits;
  • the ratio of signal and noise parameters is at the level of 100–114 dB;
  • To work with musical instruments, an interface is required that allows the connection of these devices.

It is desirable that the external card supports the Digital Theater System or Dolby Digital sound standard, which allows you to read multi-channel audio and video tracks - this can be important when watching movies.

Support for the ASIO audio protocol is optional, but allows for increased convenience professional work with sound.

EAX technology can provide sound effects environment, which will be a good advantage for a player who uses gaming applications with multi-channel sound.

The most profitable option

A Dynamode C-Media 108 (7.1) sound card can become excellent choice to get high quality sound.

The advantages of the model are compactness, ease of use, durable body and minimal cost (about 300 rubles), and among the disadvantages is relatively little functionality. This sound card is worth buying for a laptop whose built-in card for sound playback is broken. With its help, it is quite possible to connect a 7.1 audio system - the sound will be better than when plugged into a regular connector, but not as high quality as when using more functional models.

Portable Home Theater Card

The advantages of the ASUS Xonar U7 external sound adapter include the following characteristics:

  • the presence, in addition to the usual mini-jack connectors for headphones and microphone, also eight-channel analog output, which improves sound for home theater audio systems;
  • full compliance with all parameters for a good sound card - 24-bit/192 kHz sound and a signal-to-noise ratio of 114 dB, impedance range up to 150 Ohms;
  • ease of connection and setup.

The cost of this card, which can be called a good option for fans of watching movies with good quality, does not exceed 3000 rubles.

Game card

Those who like to play games where sound quality is as important as video parameters will appreciate the capabilities of the Bahamut model.

This external card from Thermaltake works with both Windows and MacOS and features an attractive appearance and the presence on the body of buttons for turning on and off connected devices (headphones, microphone, speakers).

When connecting the card, be sure to install the drivers (included in the kit), and during use, update them promptly. The cost of the model is in the middle range - from 2500 to 3000 rubles.

Universal option

A good option for an external sound card with average cost is a Creative Sound Blaster Play 2 model.

Despite its small size, this device provides surround sound and allows you to record audio virtually without interference. SBX Pro Studio technology provides a noticeable increase in volume compared to the built-in card and creates a 3D sound effect when using any type of audio system - from headphones to 7.1.

Other advantages of the card include convenient management through the corresponding application. At the same time, there are no buttons on the body of the device itself to control sound. Truth, absence external control provides compactness, allowing you to easily carry Sound Blaster Play 2 from place to place. The cost of the gadget in online stores does not exceed 2,500 rubles, but you can find options for 1,600 rubles.

Card for a musician

The FOCUSRITE SCARLETT SOLO STUDIO 2ND GEN model can be an excellent choice for people involved in music and recording. Moreover, its small size provides a high degree of mobility, allowing you to move the device along with the laptop or transport it in transport.

The device is different:

  • high quality playback and recording;
  • compact and durable metal case;
  • stylish appearance;
  • compatibility with laptops running different operating systems;
  • the ability to simultaneously record from a guitar and a microphone;
  • general volume control for all outputs (headphones and speakers);
  • complete with all necessary recording devices – condenser microphone, studio headphones and connecting cables.

In addition to this model, there are many other interesting options for recording and playing sound. However, in terms of the ratio of cost and capabilities, this can be called one of the best and affordable. You can buy it online for about 20–22 thousand rubles.

Launching and disabling the map

It won't take much time to connect an external card. Simply connect the device to your laptop (using a cable or simply insert it into the USB input). Next, you need to wait for the laptop to detect the external card and automatic installation drivers, and only then connect headphones, microphone or speakers to it. If the system does not find the required software in its database or the device requires the use of only its own programs, they are installed from a disk or from the manufacturer’s official website.

Advice: To reproduce high-quality sound, it is desirable that the connector supports USB 3.0 technology. And, if your device has two USB input options (2.0 and 3.0), you should choose the second one to connect the card.

Possible problems

When installing an external sound card on a laptop, the following problems may occur:

  1. The laptop “does not see” the device;
  2. The card is installed, but there is no sound.

The first problem can be solved by reinstalling it in the next USB connector (if the card works, then the cause of the problem is a non-working input) or connecting to another computer. If this does not help return the card to functionality, you should reinstall its drivers (by downloading from the network or the disk included with the equipment). The last method allows you to cope with the second problem. The inability to start an external sound card may indicate a malfunction or a manufacturing defect.