How to restore Windows 7 from a recovery disk. Rescue disk

Many of us have at least once encountered a situation where you turn on the computer, and it displays a black screen or an error - although just yesterday everything was fine. There are many reasons for such a malfunction.

This can happen when incorrect installation drivers, from virus actions, if damaged system registry, damage to Windows “kernel” files and bootloader files, or simply from our erroneous actions while working with the computer.

If you have it on hand installation disk With Windows distribution 7, then you can use it to get to the system recovery utilities and try to restore it. What if there is no such disk? Then we ask a very good friend or call a master and pay for his services, which are not so cheap.

To isolate yourself from similar situation and try to revive the operating system yourself I RECOMMEND you create a recovery disk Windows systems or, as it is also called - boot disk . It is created very simply, but there is one condition - at the time of creating the boot disk, your operating system should be working normally.

1. Create a Windows 7 system recovery disk.

Go to the menu " Start» -> « All programs» -> « Service" and run the program " Create a system repair disk».

Insert a blank CD into the drive or DVD blank and click " Create disk" After a few minutes, the boot disk will be created. Click " OK».

Now sign and store the disk in a safe place.

2. System recovery using a boot disk.

Let's say that you turned on the computer, but the operating system does not want to boot. Then take the boot disk, insert it into the drive and reboot. If your computer is not configured to boot from a CD or DVD, you will first have to go into the BIOS and specify the boot priority from DVD drive. How to do this is written in the article.

So. When a black window appears that says " Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…» press any key, after which the download will begin installation files from the boot disk.

After downloading the files, select the language, and the recovery program will immediately begin scanning the hard drive for operating systems.

Once the scan is complete, you will see all operating systems installed on your computer. In my case it is “Windows 7 Basic”. Select the operating system and click the " Further».

The program window will open in front of you “ System Recovery Options».

Startup recovery.

First of all, we launch the utility “ Startup recovery", which will try to find and fix errors that prevent Windows from loading. While the utility is running, we may be warned that problems have been detected in the boot parameters, and in order to fix them, we need to restart the computer.

In the screenshot below you can see that my operating system is running in normal mode and does not contain errors.

If problems are detected in Windows boot options, a corresponding window will open asking you to fix them. Press the button " Fix and restart».

System Restore.

When trying to restore the startup does not help, then select the next menu item - “ System Restore" After launch, the utility will find all existing restore points or so called rollback points, which Windows automatically creates when installing programs and applications and, thus, will provide us with the opportunity to roll back the system to a stable state.

Select the last stable restore point at which Windows 7 worked perfectly, and click " Further", and in the next window we confirm our actions and click " Ready».

After pressing the button " Ready“A window will open in front of you warning that it will be impossible to interrupt the recovery operation. Click " Yes».

At the end of the recovery utility, the computer will reboot, after which your Windows 7 will load with working parameters.

Now you can easily create a system repair disk and with his help restore Windows 7 functionality.
Good luck!

system recovery

Theme for computers or laptops,
with Windows OS installed.

And after the AutoPlay window appears and formatting
disk – click on the “Create disk” button in the initial tab.

A scale will appear in the same tab.
Which will, as the recovery disk is created,
fill green. Until the disk is created

All you have to do is click “OK” in this tab.
And the tab will close.

The “Autorun” window will also show the final result.

You can open the folder with the created recovery disk,
Pressing active button in "Autorun"

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

We made sure that the folder is not empty and the recovery disk was successfully created. You can close and remove the disc in a safe manner.

By creating a system recovery disk, you can be sure that
that if serious problems occur with Windows OS, the disk will help you.

Or the system will notify you of the need
use the recovery disk.

Or you can initiate a system recovery yourself.
If you have serious problems with your computer.

If, after turning on the computer, Windows does not
not loading - you can paste system recovery disk
into the drive and, since the disc contains system recovery tools, the computer will resume operation.

Of course, before using the recovery disk, you need to make sure that problems really exist. That is, if Windows does not boot at once, then turn off and turn on the computer again.

And further. You should take into account that after you restore your computer using a recovery disk, you may lose some files that are important to you. Whether it's photos, videos, music, text documents. Therefore, to avoid loss, you need to transfer such files to external media.
On a flash drive or disk.


Creating a system repair disc in Windows 7 it’s not a very difficult task, I understand that, but maybe I’m not creating it correctly? The fact is that I accidentally deleted the backup created using Computer Data Archiving, but there is another one, previously copied to a flash drive, I have it 32 GB, but System Image Restoration does not want to accept the flash drive, what should I do?

Creating a system repair disc

In our article we will tell you how to create a Recovery Disk operating system Windows, and then we'll show you how to use it. But first, a short piece of advice for our reader.

  • The simplest solution for you Denis is to use any Live CD, boot from it and copy your archive from Windows image 7, from flash drive to HDD your computer from which you cannot boot. Next, boot your computer from the System Recovery Disk and your backup will definitely be found. I hope you know that the recovery will be complete and all your information from the disks that you included in the backup will be deleted.

Well now creating a system repair disc, which must be used to boot the computer, it will contain the tools Windows recovery 7, using them you can repair operating system boot problems or restore it from archival copy, which is what we will do.

  • Note: You must first have created Windows backup 7, it's very simple. How to do it? You can read here -> How to restore a Windows 7 system, this is an article about how to restore Windows 7 using various means recovery built into the operating system itself if you have a problem starting or Windows operation, read it first, maybe everything will work out without a recovery disk.

You also need to know that the system architecture is important for the recovery disk; you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Create a system recovery disk, let's go to Start->Control Panel->A archiving computer data,

choose Create a system repair disk.

Insert the DVD into the drive and press the button Create disk

There is a short process of creating a system recovery disk. Now let's talk about how to use it.
Let’s say your computer has a serious crash and you can’t load Windows 7 at all. Click F-8 on the keyboard, immediately after starting the computer, with the intention of getting to the menu Troubleshooting your computer, but nothing except a black screen.
Recovery Windows performance 7 s Recovery disk, you need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS, then insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using a backup. How to change the boot priority in the BIOS, read our articles and.
Pasted Recovery disk into the drive, then rebooted, the program started System Recovery Options.
Click Enter or the prompt to boot from the disk will disappear.

The system repair disc contains several tools to help you fix problems on your computer. To use the system repair disc, follow these steps:

Startup Fix Tool in System Recovery

The Startup Error Fixer tool can automatically fix certain problems, such as missing or corrupted system files that might be missing. Windows startup may execute with errors. The Startup Error Fix tool can only fix certain problems, such as missing or damaged system files. This tool does not allow you to correct hardware errors, such as failure hard drive or memory incompatibility, and does not provide protection against virus attacks.

When a startup problem is detected, the Startup Error Fix tool runs automatically and attempts to fix the problem. If the problem is serious enough to prevent automatic start Startup Error Fix Tool, run the tool from your system repair disc.

To run the Startup Error Fixer, click the link Fixing startup errors. If problems are detected, the Windows operating system will correct the errors automatically. This may require you to restart your computer several times. This process may take several minutes.

System Restore tool in System Recovery utility

System Restore tool restores system files to one of previous states without damaging personal files, e.g. Email, documents or photographs.

If you run System Restore from the System Recovery Options menu, changes made during the restore process cannot be undone. However, you will be able to run System Restore again and select a different restore point.

If you are not familiar with how to use Microsoft System Restore, see the HP support document Using Microsoft System Restore in Windows 7.

System Image Recovery tool in System Recovery

The system image is a personalized backup copy partition on which Windows is installed, on which programs and personal data such as documents, photographs and music files. The System Image Restore tool replaces all the data on one disk partition with another image of the disk partition. Before you use this tool, you must create a system image in advance.

For help using the System Image Restore tool, see the HP support document Creating and using a system image to restore your computer's configuration.

Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool in System Recovery

Diagnostic tool Windows memory used to check the computer's memory for errors. You can choose to run the test immediately or at the next booting Windows. If you choose to restart your computer and run the test immediately, be sure to save your work and close all running programs. Checking your computer's memory may take several minutes. When the test is completed, Windows will automatically restart.

If you recently installed memory modules, make sure that the type of new memory modules meets the memory requirements for motherboard. If the memory meets the memory requirements for the system board, or if the memory was previously working properly but the test failed, follow these steps:

    Remove and reinstall the memory module in the slot to see if the problem is caused by a connection defect.

    Remove each memory module, replacing the one previously removed.

    After removal and reinstallation DIMM modules, run the memory diagnostic again.

    If the test still fails, replace the defective memory module.

Command Line Tool in System Recovery

Advanced users can perform diagnostics and troubleshooting through the command line interface in WinRE. Select an item Command line to open a command prompt window. There are many commands you can enter through the command line interface. Before entering a command, you must clearly understand its purpose and possible risks. To view a list of available commands and their descriptions, enter command line help command.

Recovery Manager tool in Recovery Manager

Using the HP software Recovery Manager you can reinstall programs and drivers hardware, originally installed on the computer at the manufacturer's factory.

For help with System Image Restore, see the HP support document

– Igor (Administrator)

One fine day you sit down at the computer. Press the button on system unit or on a laptop. And in the next minutes you realize that the day begins somehow strange. Namely, that Windows 7 does not boot. Or a strange screen loads with a bunch of incomprehensible messages, but for some reason Windows logo. This usually predicts that you will spend some time in the pleasant task of restoring your system.

And the awkward fact is that the cause of such a not very fun event can be anything. Starting from the failure of the system itself, ending with tricks malware. We don't take into account hardware failure, since this option can take from an hour to several days, and will end with the replacement of components. In case of malware, you can always try to restore the system by checking with an anti-virus LiveCD, for example, from Dr.Web CureIt.

But what if the problem is not sinister viruses and problematic pieces of hardware? And it’s trite, in damage to one of system libraries due to a malfunction in the Windows operating system? Let's think about it. The first thing that comes to mind is to open the box of disks and find the treasured Windows installation disk. So you reached into the box, and suddenly you realize that the day continues to make you happy. There is simply no disk. You break into a cold sweat. You start thinking further. “Hmm. But I wasn’t lazy at one time and created a bootable Windows recovery disk according to the instructions on ida-freewares!” And with relief in your soul, you begin to revive your fallen system.

Note: The following instructions apply to Windows 7/Vista. For Windows case XP it is better to use special assemblies from the network, or various LiveCDs, such as "Zver CD", which include enough big set system recovery tools. Plus, in such assemblies everything is brought to a more or less understandable state, so you can always find the treasured items in the “check” style Windows integrity" etc.

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Type "new" (without quotes) in the "Search programs and files" box
  3. Select "Create a system repair disc"
  4. A dialog box will open containing a list of your CD/DVD drives
  5. Paste blank disk and select the required drive
  6. Click the "Create Disk" button

Alternative path: Control Panel -> System and Security -> Backup and Restore. In the left panel, select "Create a system repair disk", and then follow all steps starting from step 4.

After the disc has been burned, put the disc somewhere safe and secure. safe place. We hope you never have to take it out of there. However, it is better to be prepared for problems than to hope for chance.

Note: The created disk will allow you to quickly deal with most of the common problems that can happen with Windows. If you're having problems that your recovery disk can't solve, the problem is probably not as simple as it seems. Therefore, be mentally prepared that you may have to spend a little more time than you planned. However, this is exactly where you need to start in any case.

Note: Of course, you can go the other way. Namely, create disk images for quick recovery your system. Or contain a disk that duplicates the system partition, which will be launched in case of problems with the main one system partition. But, this will require some knowledge on your part (or a desire to learn) and a willingness to spend time and a little patience on the setup.