How to install macos sierra on any system. Clean installation of macOS Sierra from a flash drive

We all know about stability and high performance operating rooms Apple systems, but over time, many notice that their nimble poppies begin to “think” when performing this or that action. It’s not critical, of course, but it’s unpleasant, especially when you realize that when taken out of cellophane it solved any problem with lightning speed.

There may be many reasons for this, but the main one is one. Each time you update the system, you inevitably drag new version all accumulated over the years system garbage and other nasty things. And no matter what the developers say, this is true. Therefore, it will not be superfluous sometimes (it is enough through a release, that is, once every 2 years) to install the system from scratch. Of course, what to click in App Store The “update” button is much easier, but a clean installation will return the mac to its former speed, and you will enjoy using it! This article describes a clean installation of the latest version of Apple operating systems.

Preparatory actions

Clean installation of macOS Sierra from a flash drive - step-by-step instructions

If you still don’t risk putting the system into a clean state, then I strongly recommend that you go through the Mac utility before updating the system.

  1. So, insert the created bootable USB flash drive
  2. Reboot the Mac while holding option (alt)
  3. Next you need to select as bootable media flash drive
  4. We've been waiting for a while
  5. Now you need to open Disk Utility and format HDD poppy
  6. To do this, you need to select the internal drive of your computer in the program (most likely called Macintosh HD), then erase and without changing the disk name and format again erase(at the bottom).
  7. After formatting is complete, close Disk Utility and select Reinstall macOS
  8. Next, we only select that the disk is formatted and after the installation is complete, we enjoy the new, clean operating system.

Note! I do not recommend restoring a previously created backup first. Along with all the programs, you will get back the old errors. Don’t be lazy to install all the software again, and you can grab documents and multimedia from the folder that Time Machine created

That's how easy and simple we got virgin clean system, of course, it’s not so easy if we just updated, but all our torment is more than compensated for by the quick and stable work Mac.

Even more interesting and useful in Telegram channel@proyabloko. Subscribe, it will be interesting!

In this article we will install macOS Sierra to a computer using the BDU program ( Boot Disk Utility) and a special image for this utility. Finding an image for BDU and the utility itself on Google is very easy.

This is the easiest way to install macOS Sierra on a PC computer. True, this method will be simple only for those who have hardware compatible for these purposes. Specifically, you must have a motherboard with the following chipsets: H61, B85, Z77, H77, Z87, H87, Z97, H97, Z170. The processor must be at least Intel Core i3. The video card must be compatible. For example, Intel HD 4000 / 4600, AMD 7850, 7870, Nvidia 640, 650, 660 and so on (Kepler) or Nvidia GT 210.

If you use Fermi video cards (GTX 5XX, 710, 720, 730), then most likely you will not succeed with the installation. These video cards are extremely unstable. I will say the following about Nvidia 730 video cards: this video card can be either Fermi or Kepler. So, if the video card is Kepler, then it will work fine with web drivers. GTX 9XX, 1XXX video cards work only with web drivers.

Attention! If you are using an NVidia graphics card, then masquerade as an iMac 13.1 or 14.2; other devices may have boot problems, since in most cases Apple uses AMD graphics cards.

Remember, the more compatible your hardware is, the easier the installation will be. If you don't have Intel processor Core, but there is, for example, Pentium or Celeron, then you will have to disguise yourself as an Intel Core, and if you have an AMD processor, you will have to use a patched kernel.

Previously, I showed installation using a virtual machine with OS X installed from under Windows. Now we will install using Boot programs Disk Utility(BDU), and also try to use the standard config from Clover. Let the bootloader determine our hardware itself. I'll just add the kext to the network.

You can ask your questions about installing macOS Sierra in the comments, but be sure to describe your computer configuration as fully as possible, for example, I will install it on this configuration:

  • Gigabyte GA-Z87m-HD3
  • Intel Core i3-4330
  • 8 gigabytes of RAM (2 x 4 GB, 1600 MHz. Samsung)
  • Intel HD 4600 + Gainward GTX 660 Ti
  • 2 monitors (DVI + DVI), as well as a TV via HDMI.
  • 120 GB SSD from SanDisk.

I also want to remind you that, just in case, you should have a flash drive with all the kexts and the operating room Windows system, in case something goes wrong and you have to download files or programs. Well, or use another device for this.

Boot Disk Utility runs on Windows. In my case, I will use Windows 10. We will also need an image with macOS Sierra.

Let's launch BDU and format the flash drive:

Immediately after formatting the flash drive, the latest Clover will be installed on it. And all we have to do is deploy our operating image onto a flash drive macOS system Sierra:

After we have written our image with the operating system to the flash card, I will upload the kext to the network. This is only needed for my computer and you may also need a kext, it all depends on your network card. By the way, when using BootDiskUtility, the FakeSMC kext is already in the kexts/other folder, so there is no need to insert it separately.

As soon as the flash card with macOS Sierra is written, we restart the computer and boot from our flash drive (F12). I will load in UEFI mode. I will also specify the -v key to load operating system was in text mode.

If you are using NVidia video card not Kepler, boot with the nv_disable=1 key. If your system freezes at boot, try booting with the -x switch (safe mode).

After selecting the language, we need to format our hard drive or SSD:

We continue installing macOS Sierra as usual:

After installing macOS Sierra, you need to fill out a lot of information:

All basic installation completed. As you can see, it worked for me out of the box on macOS Sierra GTX video card 660 Ti. Yes it best video card of the ones I tried for Hackintosh. Looking ahead, here is a picture for you as a “seed”, though it’s El Capitan OS:

What to do after installing macOS Sierra?

After installing macOS Sierra, let's immediately install Clover on our SSD and configure config.plist, the config for each computer must be different, in particular the configs for Ivy Bridge/ Haswel and laptops are very different, so it is recommended to read the book Khaki Clover and do experiments. If your system suddenly stops booting, you can always boot from a flash drive and fix config.plist.

I installed Clover with the following parameters:

You need to install the config on a hard drive, not a flash drive. Basically, if you have one, then Clover will select it by default. Also remember, the example config above is for UEFI systems, this Clover installation will not work for Bios Legacy.

After installing Clover, setting up config.plist and rebooting, we have a fully working system.

Briefly what I did in config.plist:

  • installed 32MB of memory for Intel graphics in UEFI and registered ig-platform-id 0x04120004
  • enabled P-states
  • dropped extra SSDT tables, because of which SpeedStep did not work for me
  • indicated iMac 14.2 model

Kexts that I used when installing and configuring Hackintosh:

  • FakeSMC.kext
  • RealtekRTL8111.kext - network
  • HDMIAudio.kext - sound on TV

Everything else works out of the box. In addition to the sound motherboard. I didn’t turn it on on purpose, since I use sound on the TV. You can start sound using patched AppleHDA or VoodooHDA.

Remember, the more “correct” your Hackintosh hardware is, the easier the installation will be. Installing a hack on my computer is no more difficult than reinstalling Windows. But if you have specific hardware, for example PCI Wi-Fi adapter, sound card or something else, then in most cases these devices will not work with the hack.

That's all installing macOS Sierra on a regular PC computer.

Greetings to all! Considering the excitement around the newly presented by Apple new operating system, I decided to share how to create a bootable flash drive and install the much-desired new product. The article will consist of two parts. The first one - downloading, creating a flash drive - is also suitable for owners Apple computers and Hackintosh users. The second part, installing the Clover bootloader and a driver to support the file system, is only for hackintosh users, since Apple owners Such questions will not arise in principle. Let's get started...

Without going into the wilds, I would like to remind you that if you are going to install it for review not on top working Mac OS, but on an adjacent disk partition or on top of the main system, then take the time to be able to recover the data. .

Creating a bootable flash drive for macOS High Sierra 10.13

Method one: Create a bootable macOS High Sierra flash drive on Mac OS

Download the image from the App Store or search on the Internet, move it to the Applications folder;

Format the flash drive disk utility in Mac OS Extended (Journaled);

type the following line in the terminal:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ —volume /Volumes/FLASH NAME —nointeraction

That's it for users Apple technology The course is over, but for Hackintosh users we continue...

Download and install the latest version Clover developers site;

We configure Clover config.plist, place the kexts required for the hardware configuration. In most cases, the working config from regular Sierra fits, but may require some adjustments for certain hardware.

Always use the new version of clover!

Second method: creating a bootable High Sierra flash drive using BDU on Windows

We run the program as an administrator in Windows to avoid possible incidents and failures.

Insert a flash drive of at least 8GB and launch the program.

We do the following:

  • 1) Launch BootDisk Utility (BDU)
  • 2) Click “DL Center”
  • 3) In the window that opens
    - click “Update”
    - select the axis version in the top drop-down menu and click “OK”
    - Wait for the download to finish and close the window.
  • 4) [menu] options -> Configuration
  • 5) In the Configuration window:
    - mark “DL”
    - click on the “Check Now” button to update the list of Colver versions
    - opposite “DL” select Clover version (latest)
    - CLOVER must be selected in the “Boot Records” field
    - below in the drop-down menus select “FAT32-LBA”, “Default”, “4096” respectively.
    - in the “Multi Partitioning” field, check the “Boot Partition Size” checkbox - 200
    - press “ok”
  • 6) In the main BDU window, select the flash drive and click the “ Format Disk" and wait for the end (there will be a message window)
  • 7) Expand the flash drive and select the second partition (which has no name), click the “Restore Partition” button
  • 8) In the window that opens, select the .hfs file (this is the image file that you downloaded in steps 3-5).
  • 9) Another confirmation window - click “ok” and wait until it’s finished, drop the necessary kexts into the Clover -> Kexts folder, adjust config.plist if necessary.
  • 10) Press “Eject”, remove the flash drive and press “Exit”
  • You can install the axle on the car.

When opening a window OPTIONS We only have the choice of not installing it on a flash drive. You may need to disable the same Clover when you already have a bootloader installed on your hard drive and you only need installation image OS X systems or just have an original Mac. But for some reason you cannot or from a backup copy.

To get the latest version of Clover, click the button Check Now, opposite the line Check at Startup.

And we already have the latest version of Clover Boot Loader determined and ready for installation on a flash drive. By the way, if you only need a flash drive with a bootloader, then you can finish the setup at this step. Click OK and in the main window click Format Disk and the program will automatically create a partition for Clover and install the bootloader on it. If you also need Mac OS X, we move on.

Click OK in the settings and click in the main window DL Center. In this window we will be presented with already available OS X operating system update images.

HD Recovery for Mac OS X - click Update. We get a list of available recovery images. Select from the list High Sierra, the most recent version available at the time of creation.

If, after selecting a recovery image, you press DL, the image will be wonderfully written to the flash drive. And after the edits, Clover can be installed on a PC.

Additional Packages - possible help and kexts that may be required when installing the system.

Advantage this method is to install the latest version of Clover.

Installing High Sierra

It is recommended not to use CloverConfigurator to edit the config
!!FakeSMC.kext and others to the /EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other folder and enable InjectKexts=Yes
apfs.efi to /EFI/CLOVER/drivers64 and /EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI folders

Video graphics Nvidia

1. Nvidia web driver
If you need to disable the web-driver in the clover menu, uncheck NvidiaWeb.

2. Nvidia 660 and 660ti are artifacting, there is no solution yet.

3. Nvidia Fermi problems.

4. Video cards don't work AMD6xxx and newer requires replacing 10.13 files with files from the previous Sierra 10.12.6.

And their addictions

Otherwise, the installation will run into black or White screen. Verde.kext no longer works on Radeon 7***, can be solved in the same way...

For newer cards, respectively, X4000/ For new cards, there is a solution called Lilu+WhateverGreen, but, unfortunately, it is not OpenSource, so I have no right to recommend it.

5. No ignoring the uninstalled built-in IntelHD video - stop. Enable or disable the installation in the BIOS.

6. IntelHD 4600 (probably many others) periodically suffer from artifacts.

Installation from a production system

Before installation, be sure to check if your Apple computer meets the requirements. The method is very simple, open Launchpad or Programs and run the installer, after which the installation window opens. Select the disk partition where we want to install. By default it is installed on top of the working Mac OS.

I would like to point out right away that at this stage updating the file system in APFS will only be available to users using an SSD as the selected disk for installing the operating system, when installing on HDD given The check mark may be missing. Important! On this moment APFS is not recognized by any other Mac version OS, so this section you will not be able to edit or see from another installed version.

Click install. Extracting the image to hidden installation section the selected disk partition lasts several minutes after which a reboot is required to continue installation.

This method is suitable for both Apple computers and Hackintoshes, but only if you have installed Mac OS. If installing on a Hackintosh, you must first make some changes to the Clover and SMBIOS bootloader files!

Installing on top of or on another drive

Download and run Install macOS High from the "Programs" folder of axis 10.12
The 10.13 axis installer will create 10.12 in the root of the disk hidden folder "./IABootFiles".
After rebooting, select from the Clover menu new section "macOS install"
Unlike installing axis 10.12, there will be more reboots during installation.
Only an SSD drive - the axis installer tries to immediately convert or format it to AFPS, to prevent this from happening there is a solution that is described below...

Possible installation problems

1. The panic at 10.13 looks different: the end of the log and the halt are visible - but the reason for the panic is previous page. To understand what the conflict is, add the patch:


Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Debug kernel





Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Release kernel





2. Many patches (Apple, USB3, etc.) that worked in 10.12 and lower do not work. Turn off patches in the config plist or change the patches to new ones.

3. No ignoring built-in Intel HD video - stop. Enable or disable the installation in the BIOS.

4. Without a network (LAN) kext, the installation may stop.

5. This message most often appears on configurations with an NVRAM emulator.

Solution: remove EmuVariableUefi from the Drivers64UEFI folder and nvram.plist from EFI during installation/update. And physically disconnect all disks except the one on which the system is installed

6. Only SSD drive - the axis installer tries to immediately convert or format to AFPS. Despite Apple's statement, you can still disable the transition to a new file system. To install macOS High Sierra and skip the HFS+ to APFS conversion, you need to follow these steps:

Download the High Sierra installation file from the App Store. You will need to download a full installer in order to have access to certain folders;

Open Terminal and enter the command:

Press “Enter” and start the macOS High Sierra installation process.

In previous beta versions, it was possible to disable file system conversion directly during installation of the operating system. This option has now been removed.

7. Disk Utility doesn't see Sata drive ICH10(chipsets P45, P55, P58 and even Z68X):
install AppleAHCIPort.kext from beta 10.13

8. Disk Utility does not see SSDs on new controllers;
try this:

1. Close the remote control.
2. Continue the installation process to the disk selection menu.
3. Next, click back and exit the installer.
4. In the menu that appears, open the new remote control.
5. On the left top corner select "Show all devices".

Installing and configuring the Clover bootloader

  1. Be sure to download the latest version
  2. Download the patched bootloader files, they will help us avoid problems in the process High settings Sierra;
  3. Download the APFS driver, search on the Internet, or take it from here.

I will not describe the entire process of installing the bootloader - it is standard in most cases (). Your hardware may differ from what is shown in this article, so please make adjustments based on your hardware.

  1. Mount the EFI partition of the flash drive using the EFI utility or Clover Configurator;
  2. Place all required kexts in the kexts folder, including FakeSMC.kext;
  3. We transfer our DSDT and config.plist, in many cases the working config from Sierra works fine, but perhaps under High Sierra you will have to edit it. In any case, check the model specified in SMBIOS for compliance Apple requirement, if necessary, select more new model. Not everyone has a problem-free installation.
  4. We move the files from the downloaded patched files to the same folders as in the archive. That is, we replace Boot into the Boot folder, Clover64 into the Clover folder.
  5. Move the apfs.efi driver to the drivers64UEFI folder if you are testing or installing the system on APFS. Without this driver, the boot partition on APFS will not appear in the CLOVER menu.
  6. Reboot, select the installer from the Clover menu, cross your fingers and follow the installer's instructions.

According to reviews from hackintosh users, there are no problems with installation on relatively new hardware, but there are exceptions. There are problems with programs and applications, but it’s fine for familiarization purposes. Still, it’s worth considering that 10.13 was presented by Apple not long ago and the community simply physically did not have time to finalize the bootloader, which I really hope for in the future.

Personally, I tried to install it and it didn’t make any impression on me. It was not possible to get the graphics working properly, and I didn’t bother too much about it. For now Sierra installed 10.12.6 works no worse, but at the same time it is very stable and fast. And many of High Sierra's innovations are so specific that I'm unlikely to ever use them. But this is purely my point of view at the moment, which may change in the future.

For the first time in several years Apple has stopped supporting Sierra for some computers. This decision of the company was caused by a number of incompatibilities and shortcomings hardware. However, many MacBook users the reason doesn't seem compelling. The counterargument is that some computers, for some unknown reason, were selected while their more powerful contemporaries (e.g. MacBook Pro) mysteriously ended up behind.

According to one version, Apple is thus increasing the requirements in order to stimulate the purchase of new devices. There are no other compelling circumstances that lead to the appearance of unsupported computers. Often this version turns out to be justified - with the help of several tweaks and additions, a tool from dosdude 1 called macOS Sierra Patcher solves the problem of “incompatibility” of many computers with this version of the operating system. In this guide, we will tell you how to install macOS 10.12 Sierra on older versions that, according to the manufacturer, are incompatible with this operating system.

Today's list of devices supporting macOS 10.12 Sierra includes:

  • MacBook (Late 2009);
  • iMac (Late 2009);
  • MacBook Air (2010);
  • MacBook Pro (2010);
  • Mac Mini (2010);
  • Mac Pro (2010).

For comparison, it’s worth taking a look at the table with a list of computers on which it is possible to install Sierra using macOS Sierra Patcher:

It is worth noting that in the case of certain computers, according to the table, problems may occur. The most common one is lack of Wi-Fi due to the presence of an incompatible BCM 4321 card in some devices. The problem is often solved by replacing the card. Other devices (such as the MacBook Pro (2008/9)) work so well that they require no modifications and only make you wonder why Apple considered them incompatible.

Do you use one of the models listed in the table and want to test the Sierra on it? Follow our instructions for creating a modified installer.

Instructions for installing macOS Sierra on unsupported versions of Mac

1) Find a flash drive with a capacity of at least 8 GB or create a partition on an external hard drive.

2) Format with GUID partition table and file system Mac OS Extended via the Disk Utility application.

3) Download copy of macOS Sierra 10.12. To download it through the App Store, you'll need access to a supported machine. However, downloading directly or via virtual machine with macOS allows you to bypass this limitation.

4) Make sure that the Install macOS Sierra application you downloaded is located in the /Applications folder.

On your Windows PC, then in this material we will tell you what is needed to install a foreign OS on a PC, how to prepare it step by step bootable USB flash drive and roll up a hackintosh.

In contact with

The Hackintosh installation process is still far from perfect due to the fact that you need to gain access to the Mac. It is possible that in the near future there will be specialized utilities for Windows that will allow you to avoid this point. In the meantime, as it is, so it is.

What will you need?

  • any Mac to download installation file from Mac App Store and install it correctly on a bootable USB flash drive;
  • USB flash drive With minimum volume in 16 GB. Do not forget to move all important data from the flash drive, because it will undergo a full formatting process;
  • PC with processor on Intel based and a whole bunch of macOS-compatible hardware that won’t conflict with the Apple desktop system. This is perhaps the most important and difficult point that requires a foray into technical forums. If you treat this point irresponsibly, then there is a possibility of getting non-functioning Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, sound and network card or any other system components;
  • do backups important data on the disk, no matter what happened and you didn’t have to hold your head shouting “Everything is lost!”

Preparing a bootable flash drive

You can also download the installer from third-party file hosting services.

2 . Download latest versions utilities MultiBeast And UniBeast with which you can create a bootable USB flash drive. To download you will have to go through a free registration process.

3 . Run Disk Utility (FinderProgramsUtilities or through Spotlight search(keyboard shortcut Control + Space)), connect the USB drive and make sure that it appears in the left side of the window menu.

4 . Select the flash drive on the left side menu and click the button Erase».

5 . Enter the following formatting options:

  • Name: any;
  • format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled);
  • scheme: GUID Partition Scheme.

and click the button Erase».

Attention! All data on the flash drive will be formatted! Make a backup first.

6 . Install and launch the application UniBeast. There is a small nuance here - the application does not have Russian localization, and to launch you will need to set English as system language macOS. For this:

  • open the menu  → System Settings… → Language and region;
  • in the left column with languages, drag English to first place;

  • press the back button to return to the previous menu and apply new language by pressing the button " Reboot now».

7 . After launching the application, click the button Continue"until you go to the " tab Destination Select" Please note that on Mac you must have 7 GB free disk space, A macOS distribution Sierra should already be downloaded and located in the " Programs».

8 . On the " Destination Select» specify the path to the USB drive and click « Continue».

9 . In the section with the choice of operating system (“Installation Type”), specify “m acOS Sierra" and click " Continue».

10 . Once on the screen " Bootloader Configuration» Select a boot mode depending on your computer model. Owners of systems with the old socket (Socket 1156) click on “ Legacy USB Support", the rest to " UEFI Boot Mode».

11 . Settings in the "tab" Graphics Configuration“are of a purely individual nature. If you want, adjust the graphics to improve performance, and if not, leave everything at default.

12 . Finally, all you have to do is enter your password. account Mac Administrator and click " Install" The recording procedure to a USB flash drive takes 10-20 minutes on average.

13 . Move the file MultiBeast downloaded in paragraph 2 of this instruction in root folder drive.

Installing macOS Sierra on PC

After completing the process of creating a bootable USB flash drive, the most main stage- installing macOS on PC.

1 . Insert the bootable USB flash drive.

2 . Start your computer and go to BIOS(to do this you need to press and hold special key. It may differ on different PCs, but basically it is F2, F8, F10, F11, F12 or Delete. Read the messages on the screen carefully).

3 . When you get into the BIOS, set the boot priority from USB, and only then with HDD and so on.

4 . After rebooting to start screen select USB storage and press Enter to continue the installation process.

5 . Go to the menu Utilities → Disk Utility And format disk, for what:

  • select your drive in the left side menu;
  • Click the button at the top Erase» (Erase) and repeat the point 5 previous instructions.

6 . Close Disk Utility, go back to the installer and select new disk to install macOS Sierra.

7 . After completing the first installation step, the system will automatically reboot.

8 . Login again boot menu, select USB and the installation process will complete.

9 . As soon as you get to work desk macOS Sierra, run the utility MultiBeast and install the necessary drivers For normal functioning network, sound, graphics and other peripherals.

10 . After completing all procedures in the BIOS, set priority to HDD.

Hackintosh is ready! But don’t forget that even a properly configured hackintosh still won’t 100% convey the feeling of communicating with a real Mac.