iPhone repair: white screen is on. White screen on iPhone when turned on

What to do, if White screen on iPhone 6 when turned on lights up? Why does it light up? White screen and bar on iPhone 6? DIY instructions and repairs will help correct the situation, but it is better to trust the experienced employees of the Telemama service center.

Instructions: The problem under analysis may have several possible breakdowns, and they will have to be eliminated in different ways.

  1. If you recently reflashed your communicator, then most likely this is what caused the incorrect behavior of the communication device. There may have been a failure with the firmware; to fix it, you will have to re-install the licensed firmware;
  2. Presumably, the screen itself has failed - it will have to be urgently replaced with a new original analogue;
  3. If a shock, fall, or liquid penetration into the gadget caused the first glitches of your iPhone 6, then the circuit board is presumably faulty. Her condition can be assessed after computer diagnostics.

Result: The first and second options can still be done at home yourself, but if you have the 3rd option, then it can only be eliminated at a service center.

You were immediately offered 2 options for solving the problem - choose which one suits you best.

DIY repair

Our advantages

  1. We offer only high-quality and 100% original spare parts.
  2. Price. Since we order parts in huge bulk, we then offer them to you at the lowest price.
  3. Repair time. Replacing displays, speakers, and connectors takes an average of 20 minutes. Diagnostics will take the same amount of time (it is needed in the presence of complex faults).
  4. 1 year warranty.

If your communicator is broken and a white screen appears when you turn it on, then the employees of our Telemama SC will help you troubleshoot problems that you cannot handle on your own.

The courier service will assist with delivery. You can also take the device to the specialists yourself.

After repairing your iPhone 6, come to the service center to pick it up yourself or entrust the courier with transporting the device.

You will certainly receive a 1-year warranty card. After that, both you and your friends will be serviced by us at a discount. To do this, you only need to provide your order number.

We have been repairing and selling spare parts for iPhone 6 gadgets for a long time, and we also provide advice on self-repair of this equipment. Prices for all services and components are indicated in the price list.

You can only do computer diagnostics at a service center, determine why the screen is white when you turn it on, then purchase the same parts from us and connect them yourself at home.

Regular customers do not expect discounts, since they are served daily at minimal rates.

Promotions allow you to save significantly - follow their terms and you will be able to repair your iPhone 6 at cost with a one-year warranty.

Today I will share how I fought this terrible monster - the iPhone white screen of death. In short, it was like this: either karma formed, or it was just time, but my iPhone also received a white screen of death. The iPhone hit the floor, courageously remained silent, but at the same time was offended and showed a fig white screen. No reboots, system recovery could not bring him out of this trance. And since I was at that time in a place where neither an official dealer nor an i-workshop could be found during the day (in Sihanoukville, in short), I had to treat the i-thing. figure it out on your own. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a more or less detailed guide on how to combat this scourge on the Internet, so for those who will ever encounter a similar problem, I offer this detailed instruction.

1. The most commonplace option - a software error - can be treated simply by rebooting the iPhone in the so-called DFU Mode. At the same time, YouTube is full of stupid videos on how to do this reboot (look for "iPhone DFU Mode" and you will find it). The meaning is simple - you just need to press the Home button and the iPhone's on/off button at the same time. Another method, if the first one does not work, is to first press the Home button, then the Volume Up button, then the on-off button. And keep it until you reboot, i.e. until the white screen disappears and the Apple logo appears. After this, if the problem is truly software, the iPhone should return to working condition. Until the next white screen. Because if the problem is software, then there is a high probability that it will make itself felt again - therefore, Apple, in principle, willingly changes such problematic (officially purchased) phones.

2. Things are worse if the white screen is caused by a hardware problem. And here you will have to tinker. Let's say you dropped your iPhone and it gave you a white screen, and rebooting into DFU Mode didn't help. I’ll say right away that no restore via iTunes will help you either, and don’t even try. Three options for what happened to your favorite iPhone:

Option one. One of the contacts connecting the LCD panel to the main unit simply came off.

Option two. The LCD panel is covered with a white basin. I note that this means that you will have to buy a new one.

Option three. The digitizer, which is responsible for the touch functions of the screen, was covered. Or the digitizer was covered along with the LCD. Let me note that this means it will cost even more than Option 2.

You can simply check what problem you are facing - ask someone to call your phone. In the first and second cases, when you call your iPhone, although it shows a white screen, it will be in a working state. Those. firstly, you will hear this call, and secondly, and most importantly, you can receive this call by swiping your finger at the hypothetical location of the call answer slider - any iPhone owner knows where this very slider is located. If you cannot call and you cannot answer the call, which means the touch function does not work, you are dealing with option number three and you will have to change the digitizer.

How to treat. Option one can be treated simply. You open your iPhone (detailed instructions can be found on YouTube or everything is described in detail), reconnect contact No. 1 and that’s it (I’ll describe the procedure in more detail later) - the phone returns to a working state.

Options two and three - alas, more expensive to treat - say goodbye to your LCD display or digitizer - they will have to be changed. As I already said, in Option No. 2 only the LCD will have to be changed, in Option No. 3 - most likely both digitizer and LCD.

Let's go through the treatment in more detail. I’ll immediately note in bold letters that if your phone is under warranty or there is a normal workshop in your visibility area, I do not recommend you perform this procedure. However, I note that the described procedure for opening an iPhone does not deprive it of warranty service, since it does not break any warranty seals. You will break the seal if you ever decide to gain access to the battery. Access to the LCD and digitizer is free from manufacturer seals.

So, to open the iPhone, you will need: a screwdriver for super-small screws - figure out the size yourself - the bolts are on the side of the iPhone where the Home button is. The second tool is a suction cup, like the one some enthusiasts use to sculpt toys onto car windows. There is another opening option - follow the link above, but I like the option with a suction cup better.

A detailed video on why a suction cup is needed and how to use it is on YouTube. Please note that the suction cup should be placed as close to the Home button as possible.

Next, after you open your iPhone, you will notice several contacts numbered 1 to 6 (you won't see number 3 because it is under number 2). Pin number 1 should be in the upper right corner. Now it should be obvious to you whether the cause of the white screen was a loose contact. If this is so - carefully, I emphasize - very neat, return the contact to the desired position by inserting it into the slot intended for it.

If this procedure does not return your iPhone, then alas, you are dealing with Option number 2 or 3 and, accordingly, you will have to change the LCD and/or digitizer. And here again, you can either find a normal repair shop, or act at your own peril and risk and change everything yourself.

You can estimate how much it would cost to replace components yourself, for example, at this address. It is clear that in workshops, if your phone is no longer under warranty, they will charge you twice as much. If you decide to do it yourself, then you only need to carefully disconnect connectors 1, 2 and 3, after which you can replace the LCD and digitizer with one bottle. If you need to replace the LCD or digitizer separately, you will have to unscrew one from the other - this is something like 6 additional bolts. After replacing the components, carefully restore pins 3, 2 and 1 (that is, in reverse order). Now your phone simply must work.

You can again look at details on how exactly to carry out the replacement on YouTube by entering something like iPhone 3G TouchScreen Repair into a search engine. Here's an example.

Despite the fact that Apple produces fairly high-quality electronics, fans of gadgets with the Apple logo are still not immune to problems, and one of them is the white screen on the iPhone. Sooner or later, such a nuisance can happen to every gadget owner, so it’s better to immediately arm yourself with the knowledge of what to do in this situation.

How to understand that your gadget has this particular malfunction

The “White Screen of Death,” as iPhone users often call this problem, can be easily distinguished from any other malfunction. Main signs of failure:

  • The white screen on the iPhone is on, and the smartphone does not perform any further actions
  • The white screen and black apple are on (as when the device is loading), but the desktop does not turn on

In this case, the gadget usually turns off normally, but when turned on it does not load the desktop. Both of these signs indicate that an error has occurred in the program, or the iPhone screen is turning white due to hardware problems. As a rule, it is impossible to get rid of a white monitor using conventional methods - the gadget turns off, but when turned on it never loads the desktop, and the screen continues to simply glow.

In some cases, getting rid of the “white screen of death” is quite simple, without even resorting to the help of specialists. However, if a gadget with an apple logo has fallen from a height, most likely the white monitor lights up due to mechanical damage, and it is not always possible to get rid of it on your own.

Why does my iPhone screen turn white?

The symptoms described above may have different underlying causes. Let's look at the probable causes of the breakdown and ways to “treat” a white screen on an iPhone:

  • software errors - “cured” by connecting to iTunes
  • The LCD panel is broken - it needs to be replaced
  • failure of the digitizer (the device responsible for touch functions) - replacement of the panel and digitizer is required
  • mechanical damage - requires diagnostics and restoration or replacement of parts

Fortunately, in all cases except the last one, the white display can be “cured” without contacting service, which means you can avoid a long wait.

When the iPhone screen turns white due to software errors

The most common reason why a white screen lights up is a software error. If the display turns white for this reason, then you are in luck. Repairing your phone will not be difficult, and you do not need to take it to a service center for this. To get rid of the “glitch” when the iPhone screen turns white due to errors in applications or iOS, just follow the following algorithm:

  • hold down the Home button and the Power button
  • hold the buttons until the device reboots
  • make sure the iPhone is working

If the reboot does not occur, you can try another option - hold down Home, then press the volume up and power off keys. If the problem really was in the software, the iPhone should work fine. True, it is possible that the white display will appear again after some time, because software errors rarely disappear on their own. The options for getting out of the situation are new firmware or returning the gadget under warranty. In Apple branded services, such problematic devices are easily repaired or replaced with new ones.

iPhone screen and LCD panel

A broken LCD panel is a more serious problem. As a rule, this part cannot be repaired. However, a simpler outcome is also possible - if the panel itself is in order, the contact has simply become disconnected. In this case, it is enough to do the following:

  • remove the back cover of your iPhone - equip yourself with small screwdrivers and a suction cup to carefully remove the back cover
  • inspect all the contacts (they are numbered) - you should be interested in contact No. 1
  • if it doesn’t “sit” in the right slot, just carefully insert it into place
  • assemble the device

If the problem was with the LCD panel, then the white screen should stop glowing. After turning on the iPhone, booting should occur as usual.

If the screen turns white due to digitizer failure

The third option why the screen is white when you turn on the iPhone is a failure of the touch panel. It is easy to distinguish it from the previous one: if the LCD is broken, the phone will receive calls even if you see only a white screen in front of you. To answer a call, you just need to swipe the screen where the call acceptance slider should be. If you cannot answer, then the reason is precisely the non-working touch panel (digitizer). What to do next:

  • open the gadget as described above
  • remove the old digitizer
  • install a new one
  • After assembly, a white screen should not appear

It should be noted that you can repair your smartphone yourself even if it is under warranty. Neither the digitizer nor the LCD panel are protected by factory seals, so you will not violate the warranty requirements.

When to contact specialists

The most problematic option is mechanical failure of the device. If the gadget falls and you get a white screen and a black apple, or vice versa - the iPhone apple becomes white and the screen itself becomes black (depending on the color of the case), it is quite difficult to identify the cause of the breakdown without special diagnostics. Most often, if you drop your iPhone, the screen turns white if the cable comes off. However, falling the device can lead to other unpleasant consequences that will require

If your iPhone screen is completely white and doesn't show any icons or apps, there's a clear problem. In fact, you are faced with what is already called the “White Screen of Death”. Yes, it sounds scary, but it doesn’t mean that your favorite phone is at an end. Below are several solutions that will try to help fix this.

Reasons for the white screen on iPhone

  • Software update/jailbreak failed. When you try to update the software on iPhone SE, 5, 5s, 6, etc., especially the operating system, the update fails and you may see a white screen.
  • Hardware problem. Often a white screen may appear due to a faulty cable that connects the motherboard and the iPhone screen. In some cases, this is simply the result of a hardware failure, while in others, the connector may have become disconnected if the phone was dropped.

"Hard Reset"

The first step in any iPhone troubleshooting process is this, but in this case you need a slightly more powerful restart. " Hard Reset or Hard Reset" is almost the same as a regular restart, which does not require your interaction with the screen.

To perform a "hard reset":

  1. Press and hold the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time.
  2. Continue holding the buttons even after the slider appears on the screen. Eventually the display will darken.

Hold the Home + Sound Up + On/Off buttons

If a hard reset doesn't give you the desired result, there is another button combination that may help:

  1. Hold the Home + Sound Up + On/Off buttons simultaneously.
  2. This may take a while, but keep holding until the screen goes dark.
  3. Continue holding until the Apple logo appears.
  4. When the Apple logo appears, release the buttons and let the device start up as usual.

Try DFU mode

If neither of the first two options worked, your next step is to try using DFU mode. This mode is used to update or restore firmware. To begin the process, follow the following instructions:

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer.
  2. Press both the Home and Power buttons for about 10 seconds
  3. Release the On/Off button but continue pressing the Home button for another 5 seconds or so.
  4. If the screen goes from white to black, you are in DFU mode. At this point, you can use iTunes to restore your iPhone from backup.

If you have tried all the steps and did not get the desired result, then you have a problem that you cannot fix on your own. We recommend that you contact an Apple service center to troubleshoot the problem.

Once I published it on my site, then I joined this community. So I decided to duplicate it, just in case. You never know, maybe someone will find it useful.

I’ll share how I fought this terrible monster - the iPhone’s white screen of death. In short, it was like this: either karma formed, or it was just time, but my iPhone also received a white screen of death. The iPhone hit the floor, courageously remained silent, but at the same time was offended and showed a fig white screen. No reboots, system recovery could not bring him out of this trance. And since I was at that time in a place where neither an official dealer nor an i-workshop could be found during the day (in Sihanoukville, in short), I had to treat the i-thing. figure it out on your own. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a more or less detailed guide on how to combat this scourge on the Internet, so for those who will ever encounter a similar problem, I offer this detailed instruction.

Today I will share how I fought this terrible monster - the iPhone white screen of death. In short, it was like this: either karma formed, or it was just time, but my iPhone also received a white screen of death. The iPhone hit the floor, courageously remained silent, but at the same time was offended and showed a fig white screen. No reboots, system recovery could not bring him out of this trance. And since I was at that time in a place where neither an official dealer nor an i-workshop could be found during the day (in Sihanoukville, in short), I had to treat the i-thing. figure it out on your own. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a more or less detailed guide on how to combat this scourge on the Internet, so for those who will ever encounter a similar problem, I offer this detailed instruction.

1. The most commonplace option - a software error - can be treated simply by rebooting the iPhone in the so-called DFU Mode. At the same time, YouTube is full of stupid videos on how to do this reboot (look for "iPhone DFU Mode" and you will find it). The meaning is simple - you just need to press the Home button and the iPhone's on/off button at the same time. Another method, if the first one does not work, is to first press the Home button, then the Volume Up button, then the on-off button. And keep it until you reboot, i.e. until the white screen disappears and the Apple logo appears. After this, if the problem is truly software, the iPhone should return to working condition. Until the next white screen. Because if the problem is software, then there is a high probability that it will make itself felt again - therefore, Apple, in principle, willingly changes such problematic (officially purchased) phones.

2. Things are worse if the white screen is caused by a hardware problem. And here you will have to tinker. Let's say you dropped your iPhone and it gave you a white screen, and rebooting into DFU Mode didn't help. I’ll say right away that no restore via iTunes will help you either, and don’t even try. Three options for what happened to your favorite iPhone:

Option one. One of the contacts connecting the LCD panel to the main unit simply came off.

Option two. The LCD panel is covered with a white basin. I note that this means that you will have to buy a new one.

Option three. The digitizer, which is responsible for the touch functions of the screen, was covered. Or the digitizer was covered along with the LCD. Let me note that this means it will cost even more than Option 2.

You can simply check what problem you are facing - ask someone to call your phone. In the first and second cases, when you call your iPhone, although it shows a white screen, it will be in a working state. Those. firstly, you will hear this call, and secondly, and most importantly, you can receive this call by swiping your finger at the hypothetical location of the call answer slider - any iPhone owner knows where this very slider is located. If you cannot call and you cannot answer the call, which means the touch function does not work, you are dealing with option number three and you will have to change the digitizer.

How to treat. Option one can be treated simply. You open your iPhone (detailed instructions can be found on YouTube or everything is described in detail), reconnect contact No. 1 and that’s it (I’ll describe the procedure in more detail later) - the phone returns to a working state.

Options two and three - alas, more expensive to treat - say goodbye to your LCD display or digitizer - they will have to be changed. As I already said, in Option No. 2 only the LCD will have to be changed, in Option No. 3 - most likely both digitizer and LCD.

Let's go through the treatment in more detail. I’ll immediately note in bold letters that if your phone is under warranty or there is a normal workshop in your visibility area, I do not recommend you perform this procedure. However, I note that the described procedure for opening an iPhone does not deprive it of warranty service, since it does not break any warranty seals. You will break the seal if you ever decide to gain access to the battery. Access to the LCD and digitizer is free from manufacturer seals.

So, to open the iPhone, you will need: a screwdriver for super-small screws - figure out the size yourself - the bolts are on the side of the iPhone where the Home button is. The second tool is a suction cup, like the one some enthusiasts use to sculpt toys onto car windows. There is another opening option - follow the link above, but I like the option with a suction cup better.

A detailed video on why a suction cup is needed and how to use it is on YouTube. Please note that the suction cup should be placed as close to the Home button as possible.

Next, after you open your iPhone, you will notice several contacts numbered 1 to 6 (you won't see number 3 because it is under number 2). Pin number 1 should be in the upper right corner. Now it should be obvious to you whether the cause of the white screen was a loose contact. If this is so - carefully, I emphasize - very neat, return the contact to the desired position by inserting it into the slot intended for it.

If this procedure does not return your iPhone, then alas, you are dealing with Option number 2 or 3 and, accordingly, you will have to change the LCD and/or digitizer. And here again, you can either find a normal repair shop, or act at your own peril and risk and change everything yourself.

You can estimate how much it would cost to replace components yourself, for example, at this address. It is clear that in workshops, if your phone is no longer under warranty, they will charge you twice as much. If you decide to do it yourself, then you only need to carefully disconnect connectors 1, 2 and 3, after which you can replace the LCD and digitizer with one bottle. If you need to replace the LCD or digitizer separately, you will have to unscrew one from the other - this is something like 6 additional bolts. After replacing the components, carefully restore pins 3, 2 and 1 (that is, in reverse order). Now your phone simply must work.

You can again look at details on how to specifically carry out the replacement on YouTube by entering something like iPhone 3G TouchScreen Repair into a search engine. Here's an example:

Or here:

Good luck with your iPhone. Take care of him.