The laptop does not see the wifi access point. Why is Wi-Fi not visible? Solutions to the problem when the driver program is not installed

I often come across questions about how after connecting the router to a computer via a network cable, nothing happens. The computer does not react to the connection at all and does not see the router. There really is such a problem, and I want to tell you about it possible reasons and decisions.

As a rule, connecting a computer to a router via a network cable is as easy as shelling pears. We have a guide that will help you do everything right. Usually, about connecting via wireless network many more problems arise. But today we will talk specifically about problems with connecting via a network cable.

This means that if you connect network cable to the router and the computer, and the computer refuses to somehow respond to this connection, then first we need to find the reason. By the way, Wi-Fi network This router can work well and distribute the Internet. In our case, it is not the table that is important. Although, if the wireless network is not working and the indicators on the router are not lit as usual (especially if only the power light is on), then most likely your router is simply broken. If it works as usual, then the reason must be sought elsewhere.

Why is there no connection between the computer and the router via LAN?

First of all, I advise you to check whether you have connected your computer to the router correctly. When connecting a network cable to a computer (or laptop), you can hardly make a mistake, but when connecting to a router, you can (although it’s difficult). On the router, the network cable from the computer needs to be connected into the yellow LAN connector. And only into him. There are usually 4 of them.

I don't think there should be any problems with this.

Very often, in this situation it is the computer or laptop that is to blame. And not a router, as for some reason everyone immediately thinks. The fact is that network cards on computers can fail very easily and inexplicably. They burn very well. To check this, simply connect a network cable to your computer from another router, modem, or directly from your provider. If, for example, when you connect the Internet directly to the computer, everything works, then you need to look for the reason in the cable, or most likely in the router.

Also, I advise you to go to the device manager and see how it works LAN card. There may be errors in its work. In this case, update the driver. Also, check if it is enabled network connection. How to do this, I wrote in this.

Also pay attention to the LAN connection indicators that should be on your router.

Also look at the article in which I wrote about

A wireless Internet connection has many advantages, but there is often a situation when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. To begin troubleshooting the problem, you first need to understand what exactly is going on. Sometimes the laptop “refuses” to see a specific connection point, in other cases the device cannot connect to any wireless network at all.

Why doesn't my laptop see the network?

The most common situation is when the laptop does not find any point at all Wi-Fi access. In this case, the following conditions are met:

  • The home Wi-Fi router is working fine and connection to the access point is allowed
  • have you tested the laptop in other places where there is wireless Internet, for example, in a cafe
  • phone, tablet or other devices connect to Wi-Fi normally

To understand why this is happening and to deal with the problem, you must first try to manually turn on the network adapter. Depending on the operating system, this is done in the following ways.

For Windows 7 the sequence looks like this:

  1. You need to go to the Control Panel and select Network and Sharing Center, and in it - Change adapter settings.
  2. If the wireless network icon is inactive, you need to click on it right key mouse and turn it on.

If you have windows computer 8, then the activity check is done through the PC Settings section, which is located in the Control Panel. You need to select the item Wireless connection and move the slider to the “Enabled” position.

In Windows XP, the adapter usually does not need to be enabled manually. If this is still necessary, then this is done in the same way as in Windows 7 or through the icon on the taskbar.

The same can be done through Device Manager - Network adapters.

Whatever the operating system, if next to the adapter icon there is a yellow triangle with exclamation point, this means that either the adapter is not active, or the driver of the wrong version is installed for it. If the device does not show connection due to the driver, then you should download the required version, suitable for your laptop.

The network is disabled by hardware

Network access can be disabled on the laptop itself using a keyboard shortcut or a special switch on the case. How to make the device connect to the Internet? You must press the same combination again.

For different models laptops this action is performed using various combinations keys: “FN+F2”, “FN+F12”, “FN+F3”, “FN+F9”. These combinations help to turn off the network, for example, before an air flight - this option is called “On the plane” and is available on all modern mobile devices.

No network after cleaning

Also, sometimes you may find that the laptop has stopped seeing the Internet after cleaning the dust from inside. If this happens, then you probably accidentally turned off the wireless module or the wires were disconnected somewhere. In this case, the laptop does not even search for the network. To fix the problem, you will need to reconnect the adapter, and if this does not help, replace it with a new one.

All devices except the laptop see Wi-Fi

Now let's consider another case, namely, when there is one point wifi access, which is seen by the phone, netbook and other devices, but the laptop does not catch it. In such a situation, the sequence of actions looks like this:

  • First try changing the encryption method by going to your wifi security settings
  • Try installing different meanings in the “Channel” item, perhaps after this the computer will connect to the network
  • You can also give the network a new name, avoiding too complex combinations characters.

Another common reason for a device to ignore specific network or does not see access points at all, including on Windows 10, there may be virus software in the system. In this case, you need to scan your PC for viruses and remove them.

Problems with the router

The “culprit” for the fact that the PC does not find the network may be itself wifi router. What to do in this case?

  1. First, you should find out if your router has latest firmware. If it's already out a new version, then, accordingly, it needs to be installed on the device.
  2. A more radical option is to reset your home Wi-Fi router to factory settings and configure the device again
  3. Sometimes you have to act more cunningly. More than one is installed first old version firmware, then all network parameters are configured, after which the firmware is updated.

Whatever problem leads to the laptop not seeing the wireless network, it can be solved by any of the listed methods. First, in any case, it is worth installing the latest drivers and checking whether the wifi module is functioning normally.

Video - what to do in such a situation?

To prevent such problems from recurring in the future, it is worth periodically installing latest versions software on your laptop or netbook. This can be done either manually or using special programs.

Many users sooner or later encounter this problem. There may be various reasons why Wi-Fi on a laptop does not work. Perhaps you recently installed a new operating system, bought a new router or flashed an old one, etc.

In general, if you also find yourself in such a situation, and you I can’t connect my laptop to the Wi-Fi network, then in this article we will look at several methods that should help you connect your laptop to Wi-Fi.

Let's start with the simplest - reboot the router. To do this, you need to unplug the power supply, wait 10 seconds and plug it back in. Then restart your operating system.

Do network diagnostics. Although many are quite skeptical about this advice, but sometimes it can help too. Click right click mouse over the wireless network icon in the tray and select "Diagnosing problems". Windows will scan and if it finds a problem, it will suggest ways to solve it.

If after this, the laptop still does not see Wi-Fi, check Is the Wi-Fi adapter turned on on the laptop?.

Find the wireless network icon on one of the F1-F12 buttons, for me it’s F2. Also, on the button itself, near the power button or touchpad, there should be a light indicator that indicates that Wi-Fi is on. Specifically in my case, if Wi-Fi is turned off, the indicator light is on. To turn it on, press the combination Fn+F2.

You also need to check that the network card is enabled. To do this, right-click on the wireless network icon in the tray and select "Network and Sharing Center".

In the next window click "Change adapter settings".

If you have "Wireless network connection" highlighted in grey, right-click on it and select “Enable”.

After this, the icon should become colored. This indicates that the network adapter is enabled and the laptop can connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Check your network adapter drivers. Click “Start” and write in the search bar "Device Manager" and follow the found link.

There are several main reasons why computer can be isolated from the rest of the network. Usually the problem lies in incorrect settings in firewall and similar programs.


Open the Start menu and go to Run. Enter in the field that opens cmd command and press Enter key. Type the command ipconfig /all in the menu that appears and write down the MAC address of the desired network card. Enter its value in the above table.

Clear the Routing Table or Route Table menu items that are associated with this computer ohm Make sure that NAT is enabled for this PC. Save your router settings.

Now check the settings yourself computer A. First, be sure to turn off third party programs, which control network traffic. This could be the Outpost Firewall utility or its analogues. Now turn off the Windows Firewall service. As practice shows, it is very difficult to configure it yourself, and the effect of its work is too little.

Open the Start menu and go to Control Panel. Find and open the “Administration” item, which is located in the “System and Security” menu. Open Services. Find the service " Windows Firewall", right-click on it and select "Stop". Now open its properties and set the “Startup type” field to “Disabled”.

Check the network adapter settings. Make sure that the specified IP address is within a valid zone. Try changing its value to the address of one of the network computer ov, after turning off the second PC. Reboot computer and try again to access network resources.

The list of reasons why a computer/laptop freezes is quite long: failure of operating system system files, overload system resources, bad sector on the hard drive, overheating of internal parts, exposure to viruses and others. If your laptop freezes, you need to restart it.

You will need

  • - administrator rights.


Laptops, unlike desktop computers, do not have Reset buttons. Therefore, when the system freezes, the user has only one option: turn off the device completely. To do this, you need to press the power button and hold it down until the laptop turns off (usually no more than 30 seconds). As a rule, the button is kept pressed all this time. Users often do not wait for the shutdown time and think that their laptop is not turning off.

If the shutdown occurred due to severe overheating(this can be felt by the abnormally hot air next to ventilation holes laptop yourself. Such actions will void your device warranty if guarantee period It's not over yet. Contact specialists at service center, and they will definitely help you solve this problem, but you will have to pay.

What to do if WiFi does not work on your laptop: Video

An article about the reasons for this. that the computer or laptop does not see the Internet entry point through the router. Ways to fix the problem.


There are times when when connecting a computer or laptop via router, to the Internet access point, the entrance remains unavailable. In this case, you should find out the reasons why router does not see the entrance to the World Wide Web.

Lack of internet can lead to big problems At work

The reasons may be different. For example, the router is working, but there is no Internet access point on the computer device.
Reasons for the above situation:

  • working programs are not installed.
  • error of technical equipment (hardware).
  • lack of Internet connection.
  • breaking WiFi module and many other problems.

We will look at the most common Internet access problems and their elimination. Let us give an example of solving problems for router companies Tp-Link.

Solutions to the problem when the driver program is not installed

So yours PC, laptop does not see points WiFi input . Explore software, which controls the computer. If the program does not work correctly, the access input module does not work correctly.
Checking the WiFi input module:

  • enter the panel "Device Manager".

Device Manager panel

  • activate the tab "My computer".
  • select the option "Properties".
  • open the section “Device Manager” (see arrow), find the point « network hardware» , let's look through it.

Open the “Device Manager” section (see arrow), find the “Network equipment” item

  • We find the line of network connecting devices. If the line is missing, this means the Internet connection software is not configured.
  • If there is a line of connecting devices, but there is no connection to the Internet, you should check to see if any of the devices has an exclamation icon indicating the absence of software.

Open the network adapters option. Check which networks have an exclamation mark indicating that the network is not connected

  • The solution to the above problem lies in reinstalling the software. The working program can be downloaded from the official website - the developer for computer. For laptop, included special disk with a working program, which should also be downloaded to the laptop.

Note: entry point to Net on the panel Device Manager called "Wireless Network Adapter"(Wireless Network Adapter).

Solving the problem when there is no Internet connection turned on

Let's check if there is wireless connection. How to do this, see below:
Option #1

  • Right-click on the Internet icon.
  • find the option "Network Control Center".

To check the wireless connection, go to the “Network Control Center” option

Option No. 2

  • press a combination of computer buttons, Win+R.
    on the panel that appears, write the phrase « control panel"(control panel).

Enter the phrase “control panel”

  • press the key "OK".
  • We launch the control panel.
  • select the option "Net".
  • activate the option “Network and Shared Login Center.”

Activate the option “Network and Shared Login Center”

  • open the section

Open the section “Change adapter settings”

  • look at the list of connections to the computer
  • check the option "Wireless network or connection."

Check the “Wireless network or connection” option

  • in the presence of gray shortcut, there is no wireless connection.
  • press the key "Turn on", Internet connection is turned on.

Check the “Wireless network or connection” option, press the “Enable” button, the Internet connection is connected

Solving problems with connecting to the Internet using diagnostics

  • activate the option "Network Control Center"
  • find and open the section "Change adapter settings."

In the panel that opens, activate the “Change adapter settings” section.

  • find the line "Wireless connection", let's activate.
  • select the mode "Diagnostics".

Activate the “Wireless connection” option (see arrow), select the “Diagnostics” mode

  • We are waiting for the computer device to correct the breakdown itself.
  • We accept a message about fixing problems or a hint about further actions.

Solving the problem of hardware error

Hardware error or error, this is a problem with the components for assembly computer device(video card, processor device, etc.).

Errors occur when the device is under heavy load, operating at elevated air temperatures, incorrect setting, failure of the radiator fan, and so on. As a result, the computer simply breaks down, it follows that WiFi hotspot absent.

The solution of the problem:

  • If the computer does not work due to system overheating, the broken part should be replaced. Repairs can be made at a service center.
  • If a computer or laptop does not work due to a disconnected antenna, check whether the antenna is connected to the adapter and whether the connection terminals are clogged with dust or dirt.
  • If the above actions do not lead to the desired result, the devices do not see the Network access point, contact a technical support center and a specialist.

After consideration general issues by access point WiFi, we'll tell you why the wireless network may not work on routers companies Tp-Link.
Example, Tp-Link router connected, in working mode, the Internet does not pass through.
The problem is solved in the following way:

  • check switching on WiFi on a computer device
    check if you see other networks.
  • when purchasing a new router, the network will have a standard name. Turn off the router, noting which network will disappear.
  • reboot your router.
  • access to Net will recover.
  • if the problem persists, check the router's connection to the network electric current and turn on the key ON/OFF on the device (option No. 1).

Check the connection of the router to the electrical network and turn on the ON/OFF key on the device

  • check that the wireless network is turned on router, a key built into the body (see figure, option No. 2).

Check that the wireless network is turned on on the router using the key built into the case

  • access to Net will recover.

If the above actions do not lead to a positive result, you will need to check the settings.

  • go to settings router.
  • enter the login address in the browser line (0.1).

Walk through specified address input (0.1)

  • specify the username and password (standard username - admin or a new name).
  • on the settings panel, enter the mode Wireless ("Wireless mode").
  • set icons on lines “Enable wireless broadcasting of the router” (Wireless Router Radio) And "Enable SSID Broadcast."

Set the icons on the lines “Enable Wireless Router Radio” and “Enable SSID Broadcasting”

  • reboot your device.
  • activate the key "Save".
  • signal transmission WiFi network using Tp-Link router, will be in action.

We have looked at the main problems and their solutions that make it impossible to access Net through router on a computer, laptop.

We hope you find the information useful! Good luck on the Internet!

We have already considered solutions to many problems that may arise when connecting a laptop to a Wi-Fi network, or during use. But, there is one popular problem that I have not written about yet. This is when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. In principle, the problem applies not only to laptops, but also to desktop computer that are connected to Wi-Fi via an adapter (external or internal). The problem when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi can be encountered in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and even in Windows 10. If you have Windows 10 installed and the computer does not see your router, then see separate instructions:. Since the solutions there are practically the same, it doesn’t matter what system your laptop is running on. Now we will try to figure out why the laptop does not see wireless networks, using Windows 7 as an example.

Before moving on to any settings, let's try to figure out what problem you specifically have. There are two options:

  • When no Wi-Fi network is displayed in the list of networks available for connection. That is, the computer does not find Wi-Fi at all. But, are you sure that there are wireless networks within the radius? Other devices see them.
  • And when the laptop does not see only your Wi-Fi network, but others, neighboring networks sees.

I will divide this article into these two parts. You can immediately go to the required section with the solution to your problem.

Another important point. If you have an error on your computer "No available connections" , and a red cross next to the Wi-Fi connection icon, then there is a separate solution to solve this error.

Why doesn't my laptop see wireless networks (not a single one)?

The most popular reasons:

  • No within radius available networks (we have already ruled this out)
  • Driver not installed wireless adapter, and therefore it cannot find wireless networks. Or the driver is installed, but does not work correctly.
  • Wi-Fi on the laptop is simply turned off.
  • It happens that Wi-Fi receiver simply faulty or disabled (for example, while cleaning a laptop from dust).

But, most often, of course, the problem is a disabled wireless adapter, or the absence of the necessary driver. This is what we will consider now.

Checking the wireless adapter driver

If you see a connection icon in the form of a computer with a red cross on your notification panel, then the driver is most likely not installed.

To check, we need to go to the device manager. Open menu Start, right click on Computer, and select Control. In the new window, go to the tab device Manager. Open section Network adapters, and see if there is an adapter whose name contains the words “Wi-Fi” or “Wireless”. It looks something like this:

If such an adapter is not there, as a rule, in this case only one adapter (network card) is displayed there, then it needs to be installed. If it is there, then it should be without any icons, like in my screenshot above. If there is an icon near the Wi-Fi adapter, then right-click on it and select Engage. Most likely you will have to install required driver. We have separate instructions for installation: .

If everything is fine with the driver, then let's Let's check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your computer.

Right-click on the network connection icon, and select Network Control Center and shared access . Then, select Change adapter settings.

After this, the computer should see wireless networks, and you can easily connect to your Wi-Fi network.

You may have wireless networks turned off by a keyboard shortcut on your laptop. You need to check, I wrote about this in more detail in the article:. And if you have a “ten”: .

After these steps, everything should work for you. The main thing is that the Wi-Fi network icon with a yellow asterisk appears, this means that there are networks available for connection.

The laptop does not see my Wi-Fi, but does see others. Solution to the problem.

If above we considered the situation when wireless networks are not displayed on the laptop at all, now we will figure out why the laptop does not see only one Wi-Fi network that we need. And other networks, neighboring ones, are displayed in the list of available ones. This problem most often appears on mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. But computers are no exception.

In this case, the problem must be looked for on the side of the Wi-Fi router. Almost always, the solution is the same: change Wi-Fi network channel. If the router itself, or you are in manual mode If you set the settings to static channel 13, then the computer most likely will not see the network. Therefore, you need to check and change the channel in the router settings. I wrote in the article how to change the channel on different routers:

For example, change the channel on Tp-Link. You can change it in the settings, on the Wireless tab (Wireless mode) . Try to put static channel (just don't put 12 and 13), or set to Auto.

If it doesn’t help, you can also change the name of the Wi-Fi network. You can also do this in the settings, on the wireless network settings tab.

Another tip: try moving your laptop closer to the router, or vice versa. Perhaps this is the problem. There are often cases when Wi-Fi catches even close to the router, but on a short distance does not work. This is of course not normal, but I don’t know of any specific solution. Again, you need to try experimenting with channels.

We have already looked at solutions to many problems that may arise when connecting a laptop to a Wi-Fi network, or during use. But, there is one popular problem that I have not written about yet. This is when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. In principle, the problem applies not only to laptops, but also to desktop computers that are connected to Wi-Fi via an adapter (external or internal). The problem when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi can be encountered in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and even in Windows 10. If you have Windows 10 installed and the computer does not see your router, then see separate instructions: Windows 10 does not see Wi-Fi networks. Since the solutions there are practically the same, it doesn’t matter what system your laptop is running on. Now we will try to figure out why the laptop does not see wireless networks, on Windows example 7.

Before moving on to any settings, let's try to figure out what problem you specifically have. There are two options:

  • When no Wi-Fi network is displayed in the list of networks available for connection. That is, the computer does not find Wi-Fi at all. But, are you sure that there are wireless networks within the radius? Other devices see them.
  • And when the laptop does not see only your Wi-Fi network, but sees other neighboring networks.

I will divide this article into these two parts. You can immediately go to the required section with the solution to your problem.

Important point! You need to check if your router distributes Wi-Fi network. You need to make sure that the laptop is within range Wi-Fi actions networks. If other devices that are located near the computer see wireless networks, but the computer does not, then see this article further. If you suspect that the problem is with the router, then read this article: The router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. What to do?

Another important point. If you have an error on your computer "No connections available", and a red cross next to the Wi-Fi connection icon, then there are separate instructions for solving this error for Windows 7.

Why doesn't my laptop see wireless networks (not a single one)?

The most popular reasons:

  • There are no available networks within the radius (we have already ruled this out)
  • The wireless adapter driver is not installed and therefore cannot find wireless networks. Or the driver is installed, but does not work correctly.
  • Wi-Fi on the laptop is simply turned off.
  • It happens that the Wi-Fi receiver is simply faulty or disabled (for example, while cleaning a laptop from dust).

But, most often, of course, the problem is that the wireless adapter is turned off, or the absence the required driver. This is what we will consider now.

To begin with, I would advise you to simply try connecting your laptop to a wireless network using these instructions. And separate instructions for connecting in Windows 10. Perhaps everything will work out for you, and you won’t need to delve into the settings.

Checking the wireless adapter driver

If you see a connection icon in the form of a computer with a red cross on your notification panel, then the driver is most likely not installed.

To check, we need to go to the device manager. Open menu Start, right click on Computer, and select Control. In the new window, go to the tab device Manager. Open section Network adapters, and see if there is an adapter whose name contains the words “Wi-Fi” or “Wireless”. It looks something like this:

If such an adapter is not there, as a rule, in this case only one adapter (network card) is displayed there, then it needs to be installed. If it is there, then it should be without any icons, like in my screenshot above. If there is an icon near the Wi-Fi adapter, then right-click on it and select Engage. Most likely, you will have to install the necessary driver.

If everything is fine with the driver, then let's Let's check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your computer.

Right-click on the network connection icon, and select Network and Sharing Center. Then, select Change adapter settings.

After this, the computer should see wireless networks, and you can easily connect to your Wi-Fi network.

You may have wireless networks turned off by a keyboard shortcut on your laptop. You need to check, I wrote about this in more detail in the article: how to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop with Windows 7? And if you have a “ten”: how to enable Wi-Fi in Windows 10.

After these steps, everything should work for you. The main thing is that he appears wifi icon networks with a yellow asterisk, this means that there are networks available for connection.

The laptop does not see my Wi-Fi, but does see others. Solution to the problem.

If above we considered the situation when wireless networks are not displayed on the laptop at all, now we will figure out why the laptop does not see only one Wi-Fi network that we need. And other networks, neighboring ones, are displayed in the list of available ones. This problem most often appears on mobile devices: smartphones and tablets. But computers are no exception.

In this case, the problem needs to be looked for on the side Wi-Fi router. Almost always, the solution is the same: change Wi-Fi network channel. If the router itself, or you manually set static channel 13 in the settings, then the computer most likely will not see the network. Therefore, you need to check and change the channel in the router settings. How to change the channel on different routers, I wrote in the article: How to find a free one Wi-Fi channel, and change the channel on the router?

For example, change the channel on Tp-Link. You can change it in the settings, on the Wireless tab (Wireless mode). Try setting a static channel (just don't put 12 and 13), or set to Auto.

If it doesn’t help, you can still change it Wi-Fi name networks. You can also do this in the settings, on the wireless network settings tab.

Another tip: try moving your laptop closer to the router, or vice versa. Perhaps this is the problem. There are often cases when Wi-Fi is received generally close to the router, but does not work at a short distance. This is of course not normal, but I don’t know of any specific solution. Again, you need to try experimenting with channels.

Currently, the expression “a computer is a network, a network is a computer,” which was controversial 10-15 years ago, is perceived as an axiom. Computers and other devices at home and at work are connected to the network, and many people can no longer imagine their lives without the Internet. And if suddenly some kind of failure occurs and access to World Wide Web stops, it is perceived extremely negatively. It also happens that everything is fine with the equipment, but a laptop or computer running Windows, for the life of us, does not see the Wi-Fi network. What could be the reasons for this problem and how to solve it, we will discuss in this article.

Causes and solutions

So, suppose we are on a business trip, upon arrival we receive new laptop With installed Windows 8 and trying to connect to Wi-Fi, but the OS cannot find the network. The list of available connections is empty. There may be several reasons for this, and they are divided into hardware and software. With hardware everything is quite simple - it is very likely broken WIFI adapter on a laptop. It is impossible to replace it yourself, so if you don’t have time to go to a service center, you will have to connect to the network with a cable the old fashioned way or use another computer. Of course, problems with the router are also possible, but if for other users the wireless network works flawlessly, and even your smartphone sees it perfectly, then it has nothing to do with the laptop.

Among program reasons that the computer does not find the network, there are several most likely ones:

  • You must use the wireless adapter on your laptop.
  • Wi-Fi controller is disabled in Windows.
  • Drivers are not installed or are not suitable.


In the first case, there is a chance that wireless device disabled via BIOS. You can get there by pressing the F2, F10, Del key - the specific value also depends on the brand laptop computer. Next we find a section whose name contains the word Configuration, Advanced, System devices or something like that, the main thing is that it contains information about the built-in devices. We check whether the value Off or Disabled is next to the wireless adapter, designated as Wlan device, Wireless, Wi-Fi controller, and so on.
2. Power button on a laptop.

If everything is fine in the BIOS, but the problem has not disappeared, pay attention to the laptop case; most often the wireless network enable button looks like a switch and is combined with an indicator:
3. Keyboard power buttons.

It may happen that there is no hardware button, but this does not create a problem - you should study the keyboard, among function keys There is one that, when pressed together with the Fn key, turns on Wi-Fi. It is designated with a special icon. Let's illustrate what it might look like different manufacturers laptops:
In the second case, if the Wi-Fi controller is disabled, you should check two different settings Windows 8.

4. Turn on the Wi-Fi adapter.

The adapter itself may be turned off, to check, go to “Control Panel” - “Network and Sharing Center” - “Change adapter settings” and if we see that the wireless connection is gray and its status is “Disabled”, it remains simple turn it on.
5. Checking whether Wi-Fi is enabled in Windows 8 software.

You need to make sure that Wi-Fi is not disabled in the right pop-up Windows panels. Move the mouse cursor to the upper or lower right corner of the monitor and go to the “Wireless Mode” section. We turn on the adapter, but if it is disabled only for the “Airplane” mode, we check whether it is currently in use. 6. Check Wi-Fi drivers . Finally, if the previous options did not have an effect, you will have to tinker with the driver. If the one included with Windows 8 is installed, this may be the cause of the problem; it is always better to use the program from the manufacturer. Open the device manager by going to “Control Panel” - “System” or by pressing Win + R on the keyboard and entering command line text devmgmt.msc. Find the Wi-Fi controller (the name will contain the word “Wireless” or “Wi-Fi”). When the device icon looks like a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark, there is a problem with the driver and it needs to be reinstalled.

If, at first glance, everything is fine, you should make sure that the appropriate software is installed for the adapter. By right-clicking on its name, we will open the properties window, then go to the Driver tab and see information about the supplier and release date of the program. If Microsoft is listed there and two or three years have passed since the driver was released, you should definitely go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer, download and install latest version. It is possible that a different one was installed on the computer. Windows versions and the driver supplied with it does not fit this hardware.